Dollar General Tuition Scholarship Program Dollar General is proud to offer a Tuition Scholarship Program to its employees to further their education and help to achieve their career goals. This document provides an overview of the program’s eligibility requirements and guidelines, in addition to the tuition scholarship application. Program Overview Tuition scholarships up to $4,000 are available to qualifying employees per calendar year Scholarships can be applied towards either an Associate’s or Bachelor’s degree program from colleges and universities accredited from a nationally recognized institutional accrediting agency (Master’s, Doctoral, and/or other technical/vocational programs not eligible) Scholarship Funding Requirements Courses must be part of an approved degree program related to the business of Dollar General and/or the applicant’s current career path with the company Scholarship dollars cannot be applied towards non-tuition related expenses such as books or other school fees If a tuition scholarship application is approved, the employee must earn a final grade of “C” or better to be eligible for scholarship funding; if the course is designated as “Pass/Fail,” the employee must earn a “Pass” grade The employee must be an active employee at the conclusion of the course(s) to receive scholarship funding Application Eligibility Requirements To be eligible to apply and participate in the Tuition Scholarship Program employees: Must be with Dollar General for one year of continuous service in active, full-time status Must remain in good performance standing throughout the application and enrollment process Must obtain manager approval of performance as part of the application process Must have clear alignment between the employee’s educational ambitions and the organization’s needs Must ensure the educational institution is accredited or have recognized professional accreditation for specific courses to which the employee is enrolling Application Review & Notification Process Applications can be submitted at any time and will be reviewed by the Tuition Scholarship Committee each quarter If a tuition scholarship application is approved by the Committee, the employee will be notified of the scholarship award amount to be funded, pending successful completion of the course(s) as defined above Applications can be submitted via email to or via fax at (615) 855-5891, Attn: Tuition Scholarship Program. 1 DOLLAR GENERAL CORPORATION TUITION SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION TUITION SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION APPLICANT INFORMATION First Name: Store # Last Name: Dist.# Reg.# EIN: DC Location: SSC Dept.: Current address: City: State: ZIP Code: Email(optional): Phone: Hire Date: Supervisor Name: EDUCATION INFORMATION Degree Program (Check one) Associates Bachelors School Name: Please check the planned area of study or major: Business Management/Administration Computer Science Human Resources Finance Information Systems/Technology Law Logistics Marketing Merchandising Other(please specify)____________________ Please attach the following documents, if applicable: Copy of previous courses and grades (only required for those who have been granted scholarship dollars in previous cycles). By signing this application, I acknowledge that I have read the Tuition Scholarship Program policy and guidelines. I have reviewed my scholarship application with my supervisor and obtained his/her approval below. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to understand the information contained in the policy. I understand that failing to provide accurate information on the Tuition Scholarship Application is a violation of Company policy and may lead to termination of my employment. If I have questions about the policy, I understand that I should contact my Human Resources Representative. Signature of applicant: Date: SUPERVISOR AUTHORIZATION As this applicant’s supervisor, I certify that I have met with the employee to discuss the tuition scholarship program. I support this employee’s application for the courses listed and their anticipated degree program and planned course of study (based on their current position with the company). As this applicant’s supervisor, I certify that he/she is in good performance standing with the company. NOTE: If you cannot check both of the above, do not sign or send in this application. Supervisor (print name): Supervisor Signature: Date: 2 DOLLAR GENERAL CORPORATION TUITION SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION For Completion by Employee: Dollar General is proud to offer the tuition scholarship program to eligible full-time employees to help in the achievement of future career and professional development goals. Please take the time to share with the scholarship review committee your personal career planning goals and how continuing education fits into those objectives. Please provide thoughtful responses to the items below—your responses play a vital role in the approval process, so please take this into consideration as you reply to each item. You may use as much space as needed for your responses. Name: EID: Why did you choose this course of study for your degree program? How will this degree program benefit you in your current role with Dollar General? What are your long term career goals with Dollar General? How will the pursuit of a degree help you to achieve those goals? 3