Webster University Leiden, The Netherlands Graduate Studies Scholarship Application Form Webster University Leiden (WUL) offers merit scholarships to new, full-time graduate students. Applicants must demonstrate excellent prior academic performance (minimum GPA of 3.5 on the American 4.0 scale), extracurricular activities and leadership potential. The scholarship is renewable at the end of the Academic Year if the awardee maintains continuous full-time enrollment at Webster Leiden and meets or exceeds the required cumulative grade point average of 3.5. The scholarship award is in the amount of 25% of tuition costs and may vary per student. WUL Scholarship committee reviews scholarship applications to determine eligibility and amount of the award. The WUL Graduate Studies Scholarship applies to study at Webster University's Leiden and Amsterdam campuses only and includes online courses. US applicants should note that the amount of scholarship awarded may affect US Financial Aid. To be eligible for the WUL Scholarship you must: Qualify for full admission into the Webster program of choice; Submit this Scholarship application form, completed and signed; Submit a 1-2 page essay giving your motivation for the application (see guidelines on page 2); Submit a scholarship biography (use the template on page 2), with a digital passport photo. The admission office will be asked to supply a recommendation in support of your application. Submit all requests to your Webster Admissions representative. Name ___________________________________________________________ Mr//Ms Address ___________________________________________________________________ Zip & City ___________________ Country ____________________ Webster ID # (if applicable) _________________ Date of birth ____________________ Nationality _______________________________ Email ________________________________________ Please state nationality as valid passport holder. Second nationality if applicable _______________ Visa □ □ not required required Which program are you applying for? applied for □ yes □ no □ MA __________________________________ (Please specify major) □ MBA Webster University - Boommarkt 1 - 2311 EA Leiden - www.webster.nl - +31 71 5168000 1 Are you applying for a scholarship at any other universities? □ No □ Yes, at __________________________________________________________________ PRESS RELEASE: ( ) I do ( ) do not give Webster University the right to release notification of any scholarship that I may be awarded (or) to have my name as an awardee posted on the Webster Leiden website. I understand that I am responsible myself for re-applying after the end of the scholarship period. APPLICANT SIGNATURE: ____________________________ DATE: __________________ THE SCHOLARSHIP ESSAY (Not to exceed two typed pages. Please submit electronically in Word format.) It should be clear from your essay why you want to earn a university degree. Your essay might include topics such as: life and career goals, skills necessary to achieve these goals, etc. Also address why you deserve this scholarship over others. If applying for a scholarship based on need, please explain how this scholarship will help you financially. SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENT BIOGRAPHY TEMPLATE (Not to exceed one type-written page. Please submit electronically in Word format, in English, along with a digital passport photo that fits into the box below.) Please use the following template when writing your scholarship biography: Your Name: Nationality: Profession (if applicable): Prior Education: Webster Program: Your digital photo should fit into this box. Personal Background Write a few sentences about your background. Include specific examples of your volunteer activities, your international experiences, or other similarly interesting information. Objectives Write a few sentences about your short and long term objectives. All applications will be held in strict confidence. Awardees will be notified by email. Webster reserves the right to reassign the award of students who don’t enroll for the agreed start term March 16, 2015 Webster University - Boommarkt 1 - 2311 EA Leiden - www.webster.nl - +31 71 5168000 2