Curriculum Vitae Prof. György Vesztergombi Born: October 13th, 1943 in Mohács, Hungary Nationality: Hungarian Current employment: Dept. Leader in KFKI-RMKI, Budapest Part. time Professor for Experimental Particle Physics at Roland Eötvös University (ELTE), Budapest Academic career 1992 1974 1967 1962-1967 1958-1962 DSc thesis at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest PhD thesis at JINR, Dubna, USSR Diploma in Physics at ELTE, Budapest University studies in Physics at ELTE, Budapest High School in Piarist Gymnasium, Budapest Professional Career Since Sept. 1967 Since Sept. 1993 1970-1979 1974-1976 1978-1979 1981-1982 1984-1990 1995-1996 Staff position in KFKI-RMKI, Budapest, Leader of the Particle Physics Department since 1990 Professor for Experimental Particle Physics at ELTE, Budapest Visitor scientist in JINR, Dubna, USSR CERN-Dubna fellow at ISR, Geneva, Switzerland CERN-Dubna fellow at SPS-NA4 experiment, Geneva, Switzerland Visitor scientist at CEA, Saclay, France Visitor scientist at MPI Werner Heisenberg Institute, Munich, Germany CERN Scientific Associate (EP Division), Geneva, Switzerland Awards 1973 1980 1992 Academy Award for K0 regeneration studies at the Serpukhov accelerator Bródy Award of the Roland Eötvös Physical Society Academy Award for Quark and Gauge-Boson studies at CERN Scientific Activities LHC-CMS: One of the founding member of CMS, starting muon studies in the framework of the RD5 project. Leader of the Hungarian team which participated in the construction of the scintillating fibre Forward Calorimeter for CMS. After the construction period the Budapest team is concentrating on the first analysis publication on multiplicity, spectra and correlations of charged and neutral hadrons. It is worth to mention, as a reference for the planned activity, the works done earlier on direct photons and high-pT pizero spectra at ISR and SPS. See relevant part of the attached publication list. The experience gained in LEP-L3 experiment where the Hungarian team was lead also by me can be valuable for the CMS analysis. Our L3 group was concentrating for the gamma-gamma physics. SPS-SHINE(NA49/NA61): Our institute has strong commitment in the CERN heavy ion program and our scientists were actively participating in NA49 experiment concentrating on the pp, pA part of the research program. As a co-spokesperson in the period 20032008 of NA49future/NA61 experiment I was directing considerable upgrade work which is still in progress. Under the guidance of Budapest team the complete DAQ system was rebuilt using the DDL high-speed data transfer which was developed for LHC ALICE DAQ also in our institute. The aim of the SHINE/NA61 experiment is manifold: search for critical point in AA, measure high-pT spectra in pp, pA interactions, collect reference data for cosmic ray and neutrino experiments. Preparatory work for FAIR CBM at GSI, Darmstadt. Computing GRID: Our institute is the center of Hungarian computing GRID activities for LCG. In the framework EGEE3 we are developing a T2 centre in KFKI-RMKI at present it consists of about 300 CPUs with 100 TeraBytes disk storage. Teaching and Supervising experience Lecturer of introductory as well as advanced experimental particle physics at ELTE Budapest . Lecturer of the CERN special course for Hungarian Teachers of Physics PhD theses Diploma theses : 9 ( 6 finished, 1 is written, 2 on-going) : 19 Committees 1979-1982 1990-1998 1991-1994 Since 1992 1992-1995 1992-1994 1996-2001 Since 1997 Since 2001 2006 Secretary of the Particle Physics subcommittee of the HAS (Hungarian Academy of Sciences) Secretary of the Particle Physics subcommittee of the HAS Member of the Physics Jury of the National Research Fund (OTKA) Member of the Hungarian CERN Committee Hungarian delegate in the CERN Committee of Council Member of the CERN Working Group on Purchasing Policy Hungarian delegate in ACCU (Advisory Committee of CERN Users) Hungarian adviser in CERN FC, CC, C and LHC RRB Hungarian delegate in CERN LHC Grid Deployment Board Hungarian delegate in the CERN Council Strategy Group Presentations at International Conferences and Workshops Not characteristic, we are sending doctoral students and our post. docs. Invited talks at Seminars and Colloquia Talks in regular collaboration and group meetings in CMS, SHINE, CBM-FAIR PUB SPIRES-HEP: FIND A G. VESZTERGOMBI HEP::HEPNAMES::INSTITUTIONS ::CONFERENCES::EXPERIMENTS::JOBS::VIDEOS Browse Author | Format: Standard (incl. cites) Citesummary LaTeX(US) LaTeX(EU) Harvmac BibTeX CV format RSS | Sort: No Sort (fastest) Date (Descending) Date (Ascending) First Author Title First Author then Title Approx. Citation Count 467 Papers Generated on 03/31/09 (mm/dd/yy) Your result was: 467 [eligible papers = 374 (published or arXiv E prints)] Breakdown of search results by citation All papers Renowned papers(500+ cites): 1 Published only 1 Famous papers (250-499 cites) : Very well-known papers (100-249) : Well-known papers (50-99) : Known papers (10-49) : Less known papers (1-9) : Unknown papers (0) : 1 19 34 193 105 21 1 19 34 190 91 16 Total eligible papers analyzed: Total number of citations: Average citations per paper: 374 11260 30 352 11157 32 Publications in peer-reviewed journals with significant contribution as (co-)author Pi0 and Photon Physics 1) A MEASUREMENT OF pi0 PRODUCTION AT LARGE TRANSVERSE MOMENTUM IN pi- p, pi+ p AND p p COLLISIONS AT 300-GeV/c. By NA24 Collaboration Phys.Rev.D36:16,1987,. 2) A MEASUREMENT OF DIRECT PHOTON PRODUCTION AT LARGE TRANSVERSE MOMENTUM IN pi- p, pi+ p AND p p COLLISIONS AT 300-GeV/c. By NA24 Collaboration Phys.Rev.D36:8,1987,. 3) Large Transverse Momentum Photons from High-Energy Proton Proton Collisions. By P. Darriulat, et al., Nucl.Phys.B110:365,1976,. 4) A Study of High Transverse Momentum pi0's at ISR Energies. By K. Eggert, et al., Nucl.Phys.B98:49,1975, . 5) Angular Correlations in Proton Proton Collisions Producing a High Transverse Momentum pi0. By K. Eggert, et al., Nucl.Phys.B98:73,1975,. NA49 6) High Transverse Momentum Hadron Spectra at s(NN)**(1/2) = 17.3-GeV, in Pb+Pb and p+p Collisions, Measured by CERN-NA49. By NA49 Collaboration 7) New results and perspectives on R(AA) measurements below 20-GeV CM-energy at fixed target machines. By Andras Laszlo, Zoltan Fodor, Gyorgy Vesztergombi. Int.J.Mod.Phys.E16:2516,2007,. [nucl-ex/0702044] 8) Inclusive production of charged pions in p+C collisions at 158-GeV/c beam momentum. By NA49 Collaboration Eur.Phys.J.C49:897-917,2007,. [hep-ex/0606028] 9) High p(T) spectra of identified particles produced in Pb+Pb collisions at 158-A-GeV beam energy. By T. Schuster, et al., J.Phys.G32:S479-S482,2006,. [nucl-ex/0606005] 10) High p(T) spectra of identified particles produced in Pb+Pb collisions at 158-GeV/nucleon beam energy. By NA49 Collaboration Nucl.Phys.A774:473-476,2006,. [nucl-ex/0510054] 11) Inclusive production of charged pions in p+p collisions at 158-GeV/c beam momentum. By NA49 Collaboration Eur.Phys.J.C45:343-381,2006,. [hep-ex/0510009] 12) Observation of an exotic S = -2, Q = -2 baryon resonance in proton proton collisions at the CERN SPS. By NA49 Collaboration Phys.Rev.Lett.92:042003,2004,. [hep-ex/0310014] 13) The grid-geometry time-of-flight detector used in the NA49 experiment at the CERN SPS. By G. Palla, et al., Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A451:406-413,2000,. L3 14) Study of resonance formation in the mass region 1400-MeV to 1500-MeV through the reaction gamma gamma ---> K0(S) K+- pi-+. By L3 Collaboration JHEP 0703:018,2007,. 15) Analysis of the pi+ pi- pi+ pi- and pi+ pi0 pi- pi0 final states in quasi-real two-photon collisions at LEP. By L3 Collaboration Phys.Lett.B638:128-139,2006,. [hep-ex/0605021] 16) Measurement of exclusive rho+ rho- production in mid-virtuality two-photon interactions and study of the gamma gamma* ---> rho rho process at LEP. By L3 Collaboration Phys.Lett.B615:19-30,2005,. [hep-ex/0504016] 17) Measurement of exclusive rho0 rho0 production in mid-virtuality two-photon interactions at LEP. By L3 Collaboration Phys.Lett.B604:48-60,2004,. [hep-ex/0410073] 18) Measurement of exclusive rho+ rho- production in high-Q**2 two-photon collisions at LEP. By L3 Collaboration Phys.Lett.B597:26-38,2004,. [hep-ex/0407020] 19) Measurement of exclusive rho0 rho0 production in two photon collisions at high Q**2 at LEP. By L3 Collaboration Phys.Lett.B568:11-22,2003,. [hep-ex/0305082] 20) Total cross-section in gamma gamma collisions at LEP. By L3 Collaboration Phys.Lett.B519:33-45,2001,. [hep-ex/0102025] CMS 21) Beam test results from a fine-sampling quartz fiber calorimeter for electron, photon and hadron detection. By N. Akchurin, et al., Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A399:202-226,1997,. 22) Design, performance and calibration of the CMS forward calorimeter wedges. By G. Bayatian, et al., Eur.Phys.J.C53:139-166,2008,.