Durango School District 9-R Formal Observation For Teacher Librarians Teacher______________________ Topic______________________________ # of Students_________ Observer______________________ Date of Observation______ Time ______ Length of Observation________ The following is a checklist of expected behaviors for a successful teacher librarian. Not all of the items may be observed in any one observation; therefore a check mark in the “N/O” (Not Observed) column simply indicates the behavior was not present in the observed lesson. A check in the “No” column or observation of exemplary behavior must receive a written comment. These behaviors are aligned with the certified evaluation criteria. Instruction Yes No N/O Was there a written lesson plan? ___ ___ ___ Did the teacher librarian demonstrate mastery of ET/IL knowledge and skills? ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Yes No N/O ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Instructional Leadership Yes No N/O Does the teacher librarian support other teachers to plan, deliver, and reflect upon instruction? ___ ___ ___ Comments Did the lesson directly link to the district-approved library curriculum and ends policies? Was the objective stated in behavioral terms? Were expectations at an appropriate level? Were the materials and activities related to the objective? Did the teacher librarian integrate technology into the curriculum? Did the lesson differentiate for appropriate achievement levels of all students while working towards grade level expectations? Did the teacher librarian use a variety of teaching strategies and accommodate various learning styles? Does the teacher librarian demonstrate a commitment to student achievement? Climate Does the teacher librarian provide a user-oriented environment? Does the teacher librarian provide physical space conducive to individual inquiry and relaxation? Does the teacher librarian establish and consistently apply library rules and expectations for appropriate behavior that promote instruction? Does the teacher librarian promote a love of reading and an atmosphere of individual inquiry? Page 1 of 11 Teacher Librarian Evaluation Instrument Comments Comments Revised 5/2/08 Yes No N/O ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Yes No N/O ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Yes No N/O ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Professional Collaboration Yes No N/O Does the teacher librarian collaborate with other librarians and education groups? ___ ___ ___ Does the teacher librarian share information with staff and serve as an information broker? Does the teacher librarian collaborate in curriculum development projects? Does the teacher librarian serve as a learner role model? Does the teacher librarian share responsibility for the total school program? Does the teacher librarian collaboratively develop and communicate missions and goals? Does the teacher librarian inform staff, students and parents of new resources, equipment, and services? Does the teacher librarian demonstrate an openness to new ideas and act as a change agent? Library Management Does the teacher librarian perform the responsibilities of library management according to research-based best practices? Does the teacher librarian evaluate the library information program? Does the teacher librarian coordinate use of facilities and equipment? Does the teacher librarian develop and manage budget while following district financial policies? Does the teacher librarian organize duties of aide(s)? Does the teacher librarian manage time effectively? Collection Development Does teacher librarian follow district approved materials selection policy? Does the collection support curriculum and student interests? Does teacher librarian choose materials using a variety of sources and selection tools? Does the teacher librarian facilitate borrowing and lending of collection materials? Does the teacher librarian maintain an automated library catalog? Does the teacher librarian handle requests for reconsideration of materials according to district policy? Does the teacher librarian acquire and maintain collections in print, non-print, and electronic formats? Does the teacher librarian regularly update collection? Page 2 of 11 Teacher Librarian Evaluation Instrument Comments Comments Comments Comments Revised 5/2/08 Yes Does the teacher librarian demonstrate knowledge about developments in the library information field? ___ No N/O ___ ___ Comments The following are not necessarily observed in the library, but are areas of on-going and/or informal observation by the supervisor or are specific to complying with other requirements Professional Behavior Yes Does the teacher librarian comply with district policies, regulations, and procedures? ___ Does the teacher librarian care for district facilities and resources? ___ Does the teacher librarian comply with building regulations and procedures? ___ No N/O ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Yes No N/O ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Professional Development Yes No N/O Does the teacher librarian participate in professional development? ___ ___ ___ Professional Relationships Does the teacher librarian demonstrate supportive and cooperative relationships with colleagues? Does the teacher librarian participate in school events? Does the teacher librarian participate in school or district projects? Comments Comments Comments General observation – Commendation – Recommendation (additional comments may be attached) Signatures acknowledge review of the observation, not necessarily agreement. Comments may be attached. Teacher Librarian: ________________________________________ Date: ___________________ Observer: _______________________________________________ Date: ___________________ Post-conference date: _____________________________ Page 3 of 11 Teacher Librarian Evaluation Instrument Revised 5/2/08 Summative Evaluation Instrument For Teacher Librarians Teacher:______________________ School:_________________ Date:__________ Teacher Librarian Evaluation Date of Observation:________Length of Observation:________Date of Post Conf:_________ Date of Observation:________Length of Observation:________Date of Post Conf:_________ Date of Observation:________Length of Observation:________Date of Post Conf:_________ Other data sources: i.e. parent input forms, written notices of deficiencies, commendations, informal observations, conferences, etc. A rating of “unsatisfactory” or “exceeds district standards” must receive written comment. EXCEEDS DISTRICT STANDARDS MEETS DISTRICT STANDARDS/SATISFACTORY BELOW DISTRICT STANDARDS /UNSATISFACTORY NOT OBSERVED 1. CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT EVALUATION AREA =E =S =U =N OVERALL = (E) (S) (U) (N) Comments: Criteria: _____ A. Time Management _____ B. Student Behavior _____ C. Substitute Teacher Data Source(s): 2. COMMUNICATION SKILLS EVALUATION AREA Criteria: _____ A. _____ B. _____ C. _____ D. OVERALL = (E) (S) (U) (N) Comments: Problem Solving Student-Teacher Communications Parent-Teacher Communications Student Needs Data Source(s): Page 4 of 11 Teacher Librarian Evaluation Instrument Revised 5/2/08 3. PROFESSIONAL BEHAVIOR EVALUATION AREA OVERALL = (E) (S) (U) (N) Comments: Criteria: _____ A. Complies with District Policies _____ B. Care of Facilities and Resources Data Source(s): 4. POSITIVE CLASSROOM CLIMATE/MOTIVATION EVALUATION AREA Criteria: _____ A. _____ B. _____ C. _____ D. _____ E. OVERALL = (E) (S) (U) (N) Comments: Encourages Students Demonstrates Understanding Positive Classroom Environment Caring Atmosphere Motivation Theory Data Source(s): 5. KNOWLEDGE OF CONTENT AND LEARNING EVALUATION AREA OVERALL = (E) (S) (U) (N) Comments: Criteria: _____ A. Up-to-date Knowledge _____ B. Instructional Methods _____ C. Curriculum Data Source(s): 6. INSTRUCTIONAL SKILLS EVALUATION AREA Criteria: _____ A. _____ B. _____ C. _____ D. _____ E. _____ F. _____ G. _____ H. OVERALL = (E) (S) (U) (N) Comments: Lesson Design Learning Styles Student Learning Student Performance Student Grouping Lesson Plans Instructional Planning Technology Data Source(s): Page 5 of 11 Teacher Librarian Evaluation Instrument Revised 5/2/08 7. ASSESSMENT OF STUDENT LEARNING EVALUATION AREA OVERALL = (E) (S) (U) (N) Comments: Criteria: _____ A. Frequent and Varied _____ B. Criteria and Format Knowledge _____ C. Use of Results Data Source(s): 8. INSTRUCTIONAL METHODS AND RESOURCES EVALUATION AREA OVERALL = (E) (S) (U) (N) Comments: Criteria: _____ A. Variety of Methods _____ B. Current Events _____ C. Collaboration Data Source(s): 9. PROFESSIONAL RELATIONSHIPS EVALUATION AREA OVERALL = (E) (S) (U) (N) Comments: Criteria: _____ A. Relationships with Colleagues _____ B. Service to the School _____ C. Participation in Projects Data Source(s): 10. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT EVALUATION AREA Criteria: _____ A. _____ B. ______C. ______D. OVERALL = (E) (S) (U) (N) Comments: Required Knowledge and Skill Service to Profession Educational Technology Information Literacy Data Source(s): Page 6 of 11 Teacher Librarian Evaluation Instrument Revised 5/2/08 11. LIBRARY MANAGEMENT AND COLLECTIONS OVERALL = (E) (S) (U) (N) EVALUATION AREA Comments: Criteria: _____ A. _____ B. ______C. ______D. Facilities Budget Collections Policies and Administrative Regulations Data Source(s): SUMMARY COMMENTS DENOTING STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES unless specifically included in previous comments: (required by statute) ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ NOTE: FAILURE TO HAVE AN OVERALL “SATISFACTORY” PERFORMANCE IN ANY TWO EVALUATION AREAS MUST RESULT IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF A REMEDIATION PLAN. FAILURE TO CORRECT DEFICIENCIES UNDER A REMEDIATION PLAN MAY RESULT IN A RECOMMENDATION FOR DISMISSAL UNDER C.R.S. 22-63-301 RECOMMENDATION: _____ Professional Growth Plan (required for every evaluation) _____ Plan for Improvement needed to correct unsatisfactory performance in one or more criteria or in several criteria in different evaluation areas Specific criteria to be addressed are: _____ Plan for Improvement required to correct unsatisfactory performance in one evaluation area Specify evaluation area to be addressed: _____ Remediation Plan to correct unsatisfactory performance in two or more evaluation areas Specify areas to be addressed: _____ Continued remediation _____ Dismissal Page 7 of 11 Teacher Librarian Evaluation Instrument Revised 5/2/08 _____ Non-renewal Signature of Employee: ______________________________ Date: ___________ Signature of Evaluator: _____________________________ Date: ___________ Evaluator’s Supervisor (designee): _______________________________________ Date: ___________ cc: Personnel file Evaluator Employee Page 8 of 11 Teacher Librarian Evaluation Instrument Revised 5/2/08 Professional Growth Plan for Teacher Librarians Name: _______________________________________ Note: The Professional Growth Plan must be tied to the Ends, and must utilize the rubrics in the Professional Staff Development Plan. If there is a Remediation Plan orPlan for Improvement in place, the Growth Plan must be tied to that plan. Professional growth objectives: Activities to accomplish the objectives: Revisions or notations made during the evaluation cycle: Signature of Employee: ______________________________ Date: ___________ Signature of Evaluator: _____________________________ Date: ___________ cc: Personnel file Evaluator Employee Page 9 of 11 Teacher Librarian Evaluation Instrument Revised 5/2/08 Plan for Improvement for Teacher Librarians Name: _______________________________________ Area(s) identified for improvement: (suggestion: to be identified in collaboration with employee) Be specific regarding evaluation area and or criteria to be addressed referencing those noted under “Recommendation” Activities to achieve improvement and measure(s) of progress: Revisions and/or notations of achievement of activities for improvement during evaluation cycle: Signature of Employee: ______________________________ Date: ___________ Signature of Evaluator: _____________________________ Date: ___________ cc: Personnel file Evaluator Employee Page 10 of 11 Teacher Librarian Evaluation Instrument Revised 5/2/08 Remediation Plan for Teacher Librarians Name: ______________________________________ Date: ________________ INSTRUCTIONS: Evaluators are to observe the findings presented in the employee’s evaluation report. Specifically, the information must identify strengths and weaknesses; the date(s) when formal observations were made. The Plan for Remediation shall include, but not be limited to: Objective(s) for improvement Process to assist the accomplishment of the objective(s) Reasonable timelines for accomplishment Provisions for monitoring of progress Method(s) for assessing attainment of the objective(s) C.R.S. 22-9-106(2.5) Additional pages may be added Revisions and/or notations of achievement of activities for improvement during evaluation cycle: Signature of Employee: ______________________________ Date: ___________ Signature of Evaluator: _____________________________ Date: ___________ Signature of Supervisor of Evaluator: _______________________________________ Date: ___________ cc: Personnel file Evaluator Employee Page 11 of 11 Teacher Librarian Evaluation Instrument Revised 5/2/08