Laboratory Activity 1: Position Graphs

Group member names:
-chris ray
-andy whitten
-clay ellis
Laboratory Activity 3:
Acceleration Graphs
Explore how motions are related to acceleration-time graphs
Relate acceleration-time graphs to velocity-time graphs and position-time
Learn to use vectors to represent motion
Ultrasonic motion sensor
USB Link
Dynamics cart
Track for cart
Fan attachment
Activity One: Speeding up
Prediction 1: Using the line tool on the drawing toolbar of Word, draw a line on
both the velocity and acceleration graphs below predicting the shape of a curve
for a cart starting at rest and moving away, speeding up at a constant rate.
Set up the equipment: Obtain a USB Link and a motion detector as in the
previous lab. Open the experiment file called SpeedingUp.ds to display
acceleration and velocity graphs. You can find it by going to the networked disk
“PLAB” (usually disk G:), in that opening the folder “Plab”, then finding the folder
for Physics 201, and then looking in the folder for Lab 3. Set the detector up as
in the previous lab, except make sure the switch on top is set to the ‘cart’ instead
of ‘person’ setting. Lay the track on the table and set the motion detector on the
table at the end of the track that does not have the post. Check that the track is
reasonably level by setting the cart in the middle and seeing if it has a tendency
to roll to one end. If so, level the track by adjusting the base screw at one end.
Look under the fan and check that it has two batteries installed along with two
aluminum cylinders that are taking the place of batteries. Attach the fan to the
cart and put a rubber band on to make sure it doesn’t fall off.
Experiment: Place the cart on the track with the fan pointing away from the
motion detector about 30 cm (1 foot) away from the detector and turn it on, with
one person holding it in position. Have another team member start taking data.
Let go of the cart as soon as the clicking sound is heard, careful to not get any
hands between the detector and the cart, and let the cart speed away. Catch it
just before it crashes into the other end of the track. When you have a nice
graph, copy the graph and paste it in the section below.
-paste graph here-
Question 1: How did the result compare to your prediction? What feature of the
velocity graph shows that the cart is speeding up at a constant rate? What
feature of the acceleration graph shows that the cart is speeding up at a constant
rate? What does it mean that both the velocity and acceleration graphs are
positive (above the axis) the whole time?
The velocity was close but we forgot to add the slope of the line in the
prediction.The magnitude of the slope, the constant slope of the distance graph.
Acceleration was correct. The car is moving away from the detector.
Prediction 2: How will the graphs look if you start the cart at the far end of the
track and let it speed up towards the detector?
Experiment: Set the cart on the far end with the fan pointing toward the detector
and let it speed up toward the detector while taking data. Catch the cart when it
gets about 30 cm from the detector, so it doesn’t crash. Past your graph below.
-paste graph here-
Question 2: How did the result compare to your prediction? What feature of the
velocity graph shows that the cart is speeding toward the detector up at a
constant rate? What feature of the acceleration graph shows that the cart is
speeding up towards the detector at a constant rate? What does it mean that
both the velocity and acceleration graphs are negative (below the axis) the whole
Our velocity was wrong, we had a different origin. The acceleration was basically
correct. The line was slanting down shows the velocity was faster at the end.
The acceleration graph is negative showing that it is moving towards the
detector. They were negative because they were moving towards the detector.
Prediction 3: Now imagine that you return the cart to the far end of the track,
only this time with the fan pointing away from the detector. You give it a quick
push toward the detector, with the fan blowing to slow it down, and you then
catch the cart when it comes to a momentary stop. Draw velocity and
acceleration graphs for this motion.
Experiment: Set the cart on the far end with the fan pointing away the detector
and push it toward the detector so that it slows down while taking data. Catch
the cart when it is about stopped. Past your graph below.
-paste graph here-
Question 3a: First identify what part of the velocity and acceleration graphs
corresponds to when you pushed on the cart, and which part correspond to when
the cart was moving freely. Focus on the second part in the following questions.
How did the result compare to your prediction? What feature of the velocity
graph shows that the cart is moving toward the detector? What feature shows
that the cart is slowing down at a constant rate?
It started with a certain velocity and acceleration. It went to zero with it was
moving freely. It is moving towards the detector because it is negative. Our
prediction was off. Because the velocity is moving towards zero shows that it is
slowing down at a constant rate.
Question 3b: Do the acceleration and velocity graphs have the same sign during
the whole time? The acceleration graph has the same sign as what feature of
the velocity graph? What do the relative signs of the velocity and the
acceleration graphs tell you about the motion?
No they don’t. the acceleration matches the velocity once it has come to a stop.
It is constant motion and negative.
Prediction 4: In this final case, you will start with the cart about 30 cm from the
detector, with the fan pointing towards the detector, and give it a push away from
the detector. Let the cart slow down and come back, catching it before it hits the
detector. Draw a prediction of the velocity and acceleration graphs.
Experiment: Set the cart about 30 cm from the detector with the fan blowing the
cart towards the detector. Give the cart a quick push, being careful to not let
your hand get in front of the detector. (You may find it easier to grab the sides of
the cart or the end away from the detector.)
-paste graph here-
Question 4: First identify what part of the velocity and acceleration graphs
corresponds to when you pushed on the cart, and which part correspond to when
the cart was moving freely. Focus on the second part in the following questions.
What does it mean that the velocity graph changes signs? What does the point
that it is zero correspond to in the motion of the cart? Does the acceleration
graph change signs, or is it ever zero?
The push is the middle of the velocity graph and the middle of the straight lone
on the acceleration graph. The change in signs has to deal with the change in
directions. Where it stops and goes back toward the origin. No based on the
fact that the line is straight.
Activity Two: Vector representations
Vectors (arrows) are an alternative way to indicate the motion of an object. A
velocity vector can be drawn at the location of the object at a particular time with
the length of the arrow representing the relative velocity of the object.
Question 6a: On the picture below, use the arrow drawing tool to draw a velocity
vector underneath each carat in the figure below.
(from RealTime Physics (Electronic Version) by David Sokolof, et al., John Wiley and Sons, NY, 1999)
Question 6b: Compare the method of representing velocity with a graph and
that of using vectors. What aspects indicate the relative time? What aspects
indicate the velocity at a given time? What tells us how the velocity is changing?
Fill the chart out below
Change in
Question 6c: How would you draw a vector to represent the acceleration of the
cart at each point? Draw vectors on the above diagram below the velocity
vectors to represent the acceleration.
Question 7: Draw velocity and acceleration vectors for the cart speeding up
toward the detector.
(from RealTime Physics (Electronic Version) by David Sokolof, et al., John Wiley and Sons, NY, 1999)
Question 8: Draw velocity and acceleration vectors for the cart slowing down as
it moves toward the detector.
(from RealTime Physics (Electronic Version) by David Sokolof, et al., John Wiley and Sons, NY, 1999)
The following questions will help you get the main ideas out of this lab. You
should find these straightforward questions, but take the time to talk it over with
your team and write complete answers to these questions. You may find your
answers here to be the most useful part of this lab down the road.
Summary 1: In an acceleration graph, what does the vertical distance from the
axis mean? What does it mean if the line is above the axis, on the axis, or below
the axis?
If above the line it is moving away from the detector, if it is below it is moving
toward the detector.
Summary 2: How are velocity and acceleration graphs related? What aspect of
an acceleration graph and what aspect of a velocity graph tell us how something
is changing its motion?
The acceleration graph shows the slope of the velocity graph at any given point.
On the velocity graph you can tell if something is changing direction by whether it
crosses the zero axis. You can’t tell on the acceleration.
Summary 3: How do you know your above statements are true? What
experimental observations and/or logical reasoning can you give to justify what
you said in summary questions 1&2?
Based on the all of our computations and experiments done in class. The graphs
produced by the carts gave of the info need. When it is on the zero axis, it isn’t
moving and the rest of the line takes place on both sides of the zero axis show
that it is changing direction.
Summary 4: Look over your graphs. How can you tell if an object is speeding up
or slowing down from velocity and acceleration graphs? If both acceleration and
velocity are positive, how is it moving? Both negative? One positive and one
negative? Explain your reasoning.
On the velocity graph you can tell by the magnitude of the slope. If the graph
stays above or below zero. Positive means that the cart is moving away from the
motion detector. Negative means it is moving toward. Moving one direction and
slowing down.
Summary 5: Describe how to use vectors to represent velocity and acceleration
of an object. How can you tell from the directions of the velocity and acceleration
vectors if the object is speeding up or slowing down?