Summer Precollege for New Undergraduates

Inventory of Ohio University Orientation Activities
Summer Precollege for New Undergraduates
Precollege orientation addresses a variety of issues, questions, and concerns that students will confront during
their first year and throughout their career at Ohio University. Working from the primary goal to register students
from classes, student and faculty advisors educate students on the University’s academic policies, code of conduct
concerns, and available resources. While at orientation, students will take placement tests, meet other students,
learn about Ohio University’s general education requirements, and register for their first quarter classes.
Rick Linn, University College
Summer Precollege for Transfers
Students transferring to Ohio University must attend an orientation session before they can register for their first
quarter classes. Transfer Orientation is designed for students to have the opportunity to receive information on
college curricula, university general requirements, and campus resources. During their orientation, transfer
students take placements tests (if no credit transferred) and meet with faculty and student advisors from their
college of enrollment. While registration is the primary goal of orientation, advisors also educate transfer students
on University expectations and the code of conduct. Paralleling the transfer students’ orientation, an orientation
for parents gives them the opportunity to meet with faculty and student advisors and ask questions pertaining to
the Ohio University experience. Transfer Orientation information varies from quarter to quarter.
Rick Linn, University College
Late Summer Precollege for New Undergraduates and Transfers
New undergraduates and transfers who plan to start in a fall term but don’t attend the regular summer Precollege
attend a one-day program on the Friday before the start of the fall term. It is essentially the same as the quarterly
Precollege described below.
Rick Linn, University College
Summer Starts Orientation for New Undergraduates
New undergraduates who are denied regular admission for a fall start but are offered the opportunity to enter the
University early (at the beginning of summer session) are provided with a half-day orientation at the beginning of
the summer.
Greg Oberlin, University College
Summer Orientation for New Commuter Undergraduates
New first year students who start in the fall term and are commuting from their home in the Athens area attend
Precollege in the summer, but are also invited to a special orientation for commuters. Held between Precollege
and the opening of fall term.
Laura Chapman, University College
Quarterly Precollege for New Undergraduates and Transfers
Students starting in the winter, spring, or summer quarter need to attend the one-day orientation, where students
learn about different academic requirements and eventually register for their first quarter of classes. Parents are
encouraged to attend the parallel program that addresses any academic and social concerns they might have. Both
students and parents meet with faculty and student advisors, who talk to them about Ohio University and the
general education requirements.
Rick Linn, University College
Honors Tutorial College Precollege
Administered by HTC, provides orientation to new first year HTC students (in place of regular Precollege).
Jan Hodson, Honors Tutorial College
Opening Week Orientation
Held during the three days prior to fall quarter opening, this is a series of activities designed to advance the
personal, community and academic adjustment of all new first year students. Includes College Orientations,
Common Reading discussion, Residence Hall Welcomes, President’s Convocation, March through the College
Gate, and Student Involvement Fair. Additional optional activities provided on academic and non-academic
Patti McSteen, Student Affairs
Administered by University College, LINKS is a peer mentoring program for first-year African American and
Hispanic students. The goal of the program is to help first-year minority students make a successful academic and
social transition to Ohio University and the surrounding community. Successful upper-level minority students
serve as mentors to LINKS participants. Peer mentors make first-year students aware of the available university
resources including Ohio University faculty and staff. The LINKS program includes a summer and academic year
component. The summer program is an intensive two-and-a-half day program at which students meet in small
groups and discuss a variety of topics related to successful adjustment and persistence in school. Each first-year
student is assigned a peer mentor who is responsible for maintaining contact with participants throughout the
academic year through both individual contact and small group activities.
Dan Barton, University College
Summer International Student Orientation
Week-long series of activities for new graduate and undergraduate international students, coordinated by the
Office of International Student and Faculty Services. Held the week prior to the start of fall quarter.
Kyle McKenzie, International Student Services
Quarterly International Student Orientation
A day-long series of activities for new graduate and undergraduate international students, coordinated by the
Office of International Student and Faculty Services. Held prior to the start of summer, winter and spring
Kyle McKenzie, International Student Services
Post Secondary Enrollment Options Program (PSEOP) Orientation
Students admitted into PSEOP who plan to enroll for the fall, winter, or spring quarter of the upcoming academic
year must attend an orientation session in order to register for courses. The appropriate campus office will notify
the student of session dates and times. Detailed information about registration and fee payment procedures will be
provided at the orientation session.
Greg Oberlin, University College
FYE Precollege/Orientations Review, TJH, Jan 21, 2005