ELECTRON SPIN RESONANCE KEN CHENEY June 6, 2006 PICTURES http://www.paccd.cc.ca.us/instadmn/physcidv/physics/teachers/cheney/lab% 20manuals/Category.htm ABSTRACT Electron spin resonance is observed by observing the adsorption of radio frequency photons by unpaired electrons flipping in an external field. HISTORY The need for electron spin was forced on the world of physics by the need for a fourth quantum number for the Pauli Exclusion Principle to work on, by the Stern Gerlach experiment (1922) and by the splitting of spectral lines in a magnetic field, the anomalous Zeeman Effect. First postulated by the students Goudsmit and Uhlenbeck in 1925. How this could be was very obscure until Dirac in 1928 produced a relativistic quantum theory that automatically gave electrons spin, not to mention producing anti matter electrons. WHY OF INTEREST Electron spin resonance is very sensitive to the magnetic fields due to surrounding atoms. Therefore the resonance can be used to identify atoms or molecules. The necessary unpaired electron occurs in free radicals, which are very active. One would think that this activity would insure that they would not be available long enough to be useful but ingenious experimentations have found uses for ESR in Biological Systems, Chemical Systems, Conduction D:\687321104.doc Ken Cheney 1 Electrons, Free Radicals, Irradiated Substances, naturally Occurring Substances, and Spin Labels. The process is quite analogues to “Magnetic Nuclear Resonance” (or Magnetic Imaging in the medical profession who don’t want to scare patents with the word nuclear). As the name implies nuclear resonance senses the response of nuclei to ambient and driving magnetic fields. THEORY Electrons have charge and spin (or more precisely angular momentum). The combination would lead you to expect that the electrons would also have a magnetic moment produced by the rotating charge. The electrons do indeed have a magnetic moment but it cannot be derived from a rotating charge, in fact the electron’s angular momentum doesn’t follow from any reasonable (classical) rate of rotation. In practice one generally just accepts that electrons have a certain angular momentum and a certain magnetic moment. In an atom electrons may or may not have orbital angular momentum. We will only consider the case of atoms with one electron in a zero orbital angular momentum sub shell (s). Further we will only consider that this electron is outside otherwise closed shells. The point is to avoid worries about how to handle orbital angular momentum! This restriction is not generally necessary but it immensely simplifies our analysis. Torque and Energy Of course a magnetic moment means a torque is produced by an external magnetic field B0 making an angle with the direction of the magnetic moment: B0 sin( ) D:\687321104.doc Ken Cheney 2 (1) If the electron is rotated by 180 degrees (the only choice since the spin is quantized with only two directions!) then we can calculate the work U done by using dU Td , with Eq. (1): U B0 sin( )d B0 sin( )d B0 cos( )0 2 B0 (2) 0 Of course whether you put energy in or get energy out depends on how the electron’s magnetic moment is aligned with the external magnetic field. Two values for energy Beware, some values for the energy are for the electron flip, other values you see are half as much because they are for the energy difference between zero magnetic field and with a magnetic field B0 . Interesting complications we will “ignore” g: g is the “Lande g factor” The effective magnetic moment is not, in general, just the magnetic moment of the electron but also includes contributions from the orbital angular momentum. (3) effective g(eh / 2m) g B Where: B eh / 2m (4) is the “Bohr Magneton” For our special case g is approximately 2, actually 2.002 319 304 376 8(86), perhaps the best known of all constants! g is called the “gyromagnetic ratio, the ratio of the magnetic dipole moment to the angular momentum of the electron. “Parametric Resonance” D:\687321104.doc Ken Cheney 3 Parametric refers to driving an oscillator at some integer multiple or fraction of the resonant frequency. Electron Spin Resonance is also called “Electron Parametric Resonance”. You might ask “What is resonating?”. Consider the mechanics of adding (or subtracting) energy from or to the electron through its magnetic moment: First recall that spinning objects precesses instead of simply rotating when a torque is applied. We are inputting a high frequency magnetic field. It the phase difference between the electron and magnetic field is random than no net energy will be transferred. However if the magnetic field is in phase with the precession of the electron then energy can be added or subtracted. Check whether the resonance frequency matches the frequency given by Plank’s E=hv discussed below. Does the precession frequency for a “gyroscope”: Torque/Angular Momentum Match the frequency from the “Larmor Equation”: gB (5) (6) Energy and photons We are going to put the energy in to flip the electron using another rapidly varying magnetic field. We can consider that this second field will produce photons, which in turn will flip the electron. D:\687321104.doc Ken Cheney 4 To find the frequency needed to flip the electron we can set the energy needed from Eq. (2) equal to the energy of a photon of frequency : (7) 2 B0 h If most of the electrons in a sample are in the lower energy state (expected!) then photons with the frequency given by equation (7) will be adsorbed. MAGNETIC FIELDS There are two magnetic fields involved here: B0 that is produced by external Helmholtz Coils and aligns the electrons, and Brf (rf for the radio frequency driving the coil) which adds or removes energy from the electrons. The only component of Brf that will rotate the electrons are components perpendicular to the magnetic motion, hence perpendicular to B0 . Magnetic Field From Helmholtz Coils B0 Large Cylinder to hold Helmholtz Coils Magnetic Field from Coil Brf Sample and Coil Helmholtz Coils Open End D:\687321104.doc Ken Cheney 5 CONNECTIONS Power Supply and Frequency Meter Oscillator Head Power Frequency Supply Power Frequency Helmholtz Coils: HC Oscilloscope Use Banana Plugs Sense Video Source arm Power HC x channel y channel HC Current Sample coil volts Support and power source for sample and sample coil The Oscillator Head clamps onto a vertical rod in order to reach the correct height to put the source at the center of the Helmholtz Coils. WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN Follow the Setup and Operation instructions on page 8 of the manual. If all goes well you will have set the sample coil circuit to oscillate at around 30Mhz. The Helmholtz coils will automatically sweep from negative to positive current (and hence reverse the direction of B0 ). D:\687321104.doc Ken Cheney 6 For two B0 (same magnitude just plus and minus) here will be a resonance between the rf magnetic field of the sample coil and the frequency or energy to flip the electron’s spin. Since there are more electrons in the lower energy state energy will be adsorbed from the source coil. For reasons I can’t follow instead of seeing a dip in the “sense” voltage this lose of energy shows up as a peak in the voltage!? Perhaps just displayed upside down? To get the current (I) through the Helmholtz coils use the conversion: 1amp I V 1volt (8) Where V is the voltage measured by the x channel of the oscilloscope. You measure the x (Helmholtz current I) difference between the peaks and divide by two to get the I 0 that gives resonance. One peak is for - B0 , the other peak is for B0 so the magnitude of I 0 is half the difference between the peaks. To get B0 from I 0 use the equation (10) on page 5: B0 0.48I 0 millaTesla (9) Finally use Eq. (7) 2 B0 h to calculate the electron’s magnetic moment. SETTINGS AND CONTROLS Oscilloscope Setting: xy Controls: 1. Coil Current: The maximum amplitude of the current to the Helmholtz Coils. 2. Phase: If you get four peaks instead of two play with the phase knob! 3. Tuning: Adjusts the resonant frequency of the circuit including the sample, adjust for maximum size of the peaks. D:\687321104.doc Ken Cheney 7 4. Feedback: Adjusts how sensitive the sensing circuit is to resonance, adjust for best results! WHAT TO DO 1. Check the electron’s magnetic moment as accurately as possible. 2. If you have time try the suggestions on page 12 of Daedalon’s manual. 3. Do Eq.(5) and Eq. (6) give the same frequency? Does this make sense? BIBLIOGRAPHY Instruction Manual for EN-35 Electron Spin Resonance Apparatus, Daedalon Corporation Overview of Electron Spin Resonance and its Applications, Farach and Poole, www.uottawa.ca/publications/interscientia/inter.2/spin.html D:\687321104.doc Ken Cheney 8