Midterm 2 Biometry 333 Spring 2005 Name:____________ Show all work. Ask the instructor if a question is not clear. All problems are worth 5 points unless otherwise stated. The “Alfalfa” output is for the analysis of alfalfa yield produced by 6 different varieties of alfalfa. A randomized block design was used where each variety was measured once in each of four fields (blocks). The word formula for the model is Yield = Variety + Field. (1a) What is the coefficient value for variety 6? Show your work. (1b. 6pts) Calculate the expected yield for variety 2 in field 3. Show your work. (1c) Did the different fields have statistically different yields? Explain how you reached your conclusion. (1d) Which alfalfa variety had the largest yield? (1e) The fitted model was Yield = Variety + Field + N(0, 2 ), where N(0, 2 ) is the normally distributed error term. Estimate the standard deviation and explain how you derived your answer. (1f) Is the analysis orthogonal? Explain how you reached your answer. 1 The “Xs and Y” analysis is performed using 3 continuous explanatory X variables to model the Y variable. The word formula for the model is y = x1 + x2 + x3. Or more specifically, y 0 x1 1 x2 2 x3 3 . Furthermore, in general, recall how residual sum of squares (SS) n is calculated via y i 1 yˆ i . 2 i (2a. 6pts) What is the expected value of y when x1=7, x2=8, and x3=10. (2b. 7pts) Calculate a 95% confidence interval for the x2 coefficient 2 . (2 practice) Using model equations for this analysis, describe how the 643.02 for the x1 sequential SS was calculated. Answer: It is the reduction in the residual sum of squares going from the model y ̂ 0 to the model y ˆ 0 x1 ˆ1 . (2c. 6pts) Using model equations for this analysis, describe how the 3890.16 for Total SS was calculated. (note: this is not a sequential SS) (2d. 6pts) Using model equations for this analysis, describe how the 1143.71 for Error SS was calculated. (note: this is not a sequential SS) (2e) Using model equations for this analysis, describe how the 742.28 for the x2 Sequential SS was calculated. (2f) Using model equations for this analysis, describe how the 425.34 for the x2 Adjusted SS was calculated. (2g) Explain what the R-square describes. Be specific. (2bonus, 3 pts) Calculate the R-square. 2 The “Sparrow, no interaction” analysis is trying to predict sparrow weight (wt) from the birds’ wing spans (continuous, “wing”) and age-class (2-level factor, “age”, coded: adult, juvenile). The word model is wt = wing + age. (3a. 3pts) What are the estimated coefficients for the effect of age? That is, give the coefficient for the effect of being an adult and the coefficient for the effect of being a juvenile. (3b. 4pts) What is the estimated difference in weight between adult and juveniles which have the same wing span? Explain if the difference is statistically significant. (3c. 7pts) Write the two equations for the lines that predict adult and juvenile weights. Another model was fit allowing an interaction between age class and wing span. The word model for this equation is wt = age + wing + age*wing. The output is found in “Sparrow with interaction”. (4a. 7pts) Calculate the two equations for the lines that predict adult and juvenile weights. (4b. 4pts) Explain what is meant by an interaction in terms of sparrow weights, age class, and wing span. (No numbers are required to answer this question.) (4c. 4pts) Fundamentally (with regards to lines, so numbers are not needed) how does this model differ from the model in problem 3? 3 Problem 1: ALFALFA General Linear Model: Yield versus Variety, Field Factor Variety Field Type fixed fixed Levels 6 4 Values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 1, 2, 3, 4 Analysis of Variance for Yield, using Adjusted SS for Tests Source Variety Field Error Total Term Constant Variety 1 2 3 4 5 Field 1 2 3 DF 5 3 15 23 Seq SS 2.43507 0.01878 0.13715 2.59100 Adj SS 2.43507 0.01878 0.13715 Adj MS 0.48701 0.00626 0.00914 F 53.27 0.68 Coef 2.95542 SE Coef 0.01952 T 151.42 P 0.000 0.30458 0.16958 0.10708 -0.30542 0.27708 0.04364 0.04364 0.04364 0.04364 0.04364 6.98 3.89 2.45 -7.00 6.35 0.000 0.001 0.027 0.000 0.000 -0.01542 0.04292 -0.03208 0.03381 0.03381 0.03381 -0.46 1.27 -0.95 0.655 0.224 0.358 P 0.000 0.575 Problem 2: Xs and Y General Linear Model: y versus Factor Type Analysis of Source DF x1 1 x2 1 x3 1 Error 36 Total 39 S = 5.63646 Term Constant x1 x2 x3 Levels Values Variance for y, using Adjusted SS Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F 643.02 3.75 3.75 0.12 742.28 425.34 425.34 13.39 1361.16 1361.16 1361.16 42.84 1143.71 1143.71 31.77 3890.16 R-Sq = ZZ% Coef 40.632 -0.461 3.734 -4.1162 SE Coef 7.969 1.341 1.021 0.6289 for Tests P 0.733 0.001 0.000 R-Sq(adj) = ZAZA% T 5.10 -0.34 3.66 -6.55 P 0.000 0.733 0.001 0.000 4 Problem 3: Sparrows, no interaction General Linear Model: wt versus age Factor age Type fixed Levels 2 Values adult, juvenile Analysis of Variance for wt, using Adjusted SS for Tests Source age wing Error Total DF 1 1 84 86 Term Constant age adult wing Seq SS 0.010 43.420 130.610 174.040 Adj SS 0.085 43.420 130.610 Adj MS 0.085 43.420 1.555 F 0.05 27.92 Coef -13.920 SE Coef 7.519 T -1.85 P 0.068 -0.0334 0.16056 0.1431 0.03038 -0.23 5.28 0.816 0.000 P 0.816 0.000 Problem 4: Sparrow with interaction General Linear Model: wt versus age Factor age Type fixed Levels 2 Values adult, juvenile Analysis of Variance for wt, using Adjusted SS for Tests Source age wing age*wing Error Total Term Constant age adult wing wing*age adult DF 1 1 1 83 86 Seq SS 0.010 43.420 0.032 130.578 174.040 Adj SS 0.034 43.393 0.032 130.578 Adj MS 0.034 43.393 0.032 1.573 F 0.02 27.58 0.02 Coef -13.989 SE Coef 7.579 T -1.85 P 0.068 -1.113 0.16084 7.579 0.03062 -0.15 5.25 0.884 0.000 0.00436 0.03062 0.14 0.887 P 0.884 0.000 0.887 5