AccrediationResponse.. - College of Engineering and Computer

Our Section I (Objectives and Assessments) questions are:
1. Your last accreditation visit was in October of 2002. In the table pages 10-14, the
earliest “When Measured” date is F 2005. Can you provide us a summary of assessment
actions between Fall 2002 and Fall 2005.
The dates in the “When Measured” column of the table on pages 10-14 identify the
most recent direct assessment activities for the outcomes in question. The current
annual process for the direct assessment of learning outcomes was developed in the
fall of 2004 and put into operation in early 2005. Prior to then most assessment
activities were indirect in nature. Between Fall 2002 and Fall 2004 we conducted
two surveys each semester. One asked students (at various stages in the program) to
rate themselves as to their achievement with respect to each of the learning
outcomes, as well as, how important they felt each outcome was. The other survey
asked seniors to evaluate various aspects of the program. Similar surveys were also
given during this period to alumni and employers. These student, alumni, and
employer surveys are still used as part of our assessment program. Additionally, at
the end of each semester, for each “course group” (“course groups” were similar to
the current “program areas”), meetings were held among instructors teaching in
given area to informally assess student learning. A set of questions was developed
that the group would discuss and answer that captured instructor opinions about
issues or problems regarding student learning. This practice has been discontinued
although similar meetings among “program area” instructors might still occur as a
means of assessing specific outcomes by examining examples of student work from a
variety of courses. The table below identifies the specific activities in the period
after Fall 2002 and before Spring 2005.
1. Learning Outcomes survey given to beginning, midway, and
graduating students.
2. Senior Exit survey given to Comp 450 students
3. Conducted “Course Group” assessments
1. Learning Outcomes survey given to beginning, midway, and
graduating students.
2. Senior Exit survey given to Comp 450 students
3. Conducted “Course Group” assessments
1. Learning Outcomes survey given to graduating students.
2. Senior Exit survey given to Comp 450 students
3. Conducted “Course Group” assessments
4. Met with Industrial Advisory Board to review Learning Outcomes and
solicit opinions regarding student achievement
5. Conducted Alumni Survey
6. Conducted Employer Survey
1. Learning Outcomes survey given to graduating students.
2. Senior Exit survey given to Comp 450 students
3. Conducted “Course Group” assessments
2. The table on pages 10-14 indicates that SLO 4-8; 14-18 are still being
analyzed. Can you provide us an update? If it is too early now, please send
us any results before our October visit.
For these outcomes analysis will resume once the fall semester begins. As soon as
updated information becomes available, we will forward it to you.
3. Core course exams, graded assignments, and course evaluations are
mentioned as assessment instruments. Can you provide a more detailed
explanation on how these are used.
Sometimes assessment is conducted by what we call an informal process. This is
often done when it is not clear how best to conduct a formal direct assessment. In
the informal approach a group of instructors teaching courses in the program area
associated with a given learning outcome get together to assess student achievement
with regard to a particular outcome. The instructors identify exam questions,
assignments, or other student work that relate to the particular outcome and
examine samples of that work to assess student learning. Additionally, individual
instructors may look at their course evaluations to gain insight as to where students
are having difficulty with respect to particular outcomes (although instructors do
not have access to the course evaluations for courses taught by others).
4. Industry Advisory Board is scheduled to meet August 2007. Has it met
before? If so, how were its recommendations/actions incorporated into your
Objectives and Assessment process?
The last time the board met was March 12, 2004. At that time they identified the
following items as potentially important to add to our objectives and learning
a. Systems Engineering
b. Embedded Systems
c. Some knowledge of physics and electronics
d. Ability to work in a multidisciplinary environment
e. Ability to negotiate the hardware/software boundaries
f. More in depth software engineering concepts, such as risk analysis,
requirements analysis, verification and validation, CMI standards,
software safety, practical knowledge of what software process are
appropriate in what circumstances
g. Knowledge of budgets, schedules and estimation techniques
h. Simulation and mathematical modeling (one company in particular
wanted this)
Many of these suggestions were consistent with our objectives and learning
outcomes as stated, in particular, those associated with software engineering. We
were already working on a plan to offer a graduate program in software
engineering leading to a master’s degree, and as part of that program we were
planning to offer courses, most of which could also be taken by undergraduates, in
software verification and validation, software requirements analysis, software
architecture, software metrics, and software project management. Additionally, we
now also offer a course in embedded systems.
They also suggested that knowledge of mathematics was not as critical as our
outcomes seemed to indicate. We have since modified our learning outcomes to
reduce the emphasis on mathematics. The previous learning outcomes relating to
mathematics were:
 Demonstrate proficiency in discrete mathematics.
 Demonstrate proficiency in using differential and integral calculus.
 Demonstrate proficiency in probability and/or statistics.
They were replaced with the single outcome:
 Demonstrate an ability to apply mathematical skills appropriate to the computer
science discipline.
Finally, they felt that teamwork and communication skills were extremely
important, and we have verified through our assessment activities that our students
seem to do well with respect to communication.
5. Page 26 mentions a yearly plan for assessments. Can you send us a copy
of the most recent plan.
The high level assessment plan for calendar year 2007 is shown below. The specific
outcomes that were chosen for assessment in 2007 were:
a. SLO4 – Demonstrate proficiency in using a high-level language.
b. SLO5 – Demonstrate an ability to apply mathematical skills appropriate
to the computer science discipline.
c. SLO6 – Demonstrate an awareness of the evolution and dynamic nature
of the foundational core of computer science.
d. SLO7 – Demonstrate proficiency in collecting, analyzing, and
interpreting data.
e. SLO12 – Be able to effectively communicate orally.
f. SLO14 – Be able to work effectively on a team.
g. SLO17 – Demonstrate the knowledge and capabilities necessary for
pursuing a professional career or graduate studies.
h. SLO18 – Recognize the need for, and show an ability for, continuing
professional development.
For each of these a specific assessment plan was developed. Please let us know if
you would like to see the individual plans.
1. Review the results of the assessment activities conducted in the
previous year and implement program improvements as appropriate
Identify which Program Outcomes will assessed in 2007 (Pick among
outcomes that have not been recently assessed and/or those for which
assessment seems most important)
Develop specific assessment plans for each of the outcomes identified
Give Senior Exit survey to Comp 450 students
Give Learning Outcomes survey to Comp 450 students
Conduct Alumni Survey
Conduct the assessment activities as planned for each of the selected
Analyze the results of the assessments conducted and make
recommendations for improvements
Give Senior Exit survey to Comp 450 students
Give Learning Outcomes survey to Comp 450 students
Meet with Industrial Advisory Board to review Learning Outcomes
and solicit opinions regarding student achievement
Conduct Employer Survey
6. Page 331 recommends that the assessment should be done next year. Is
this scheduled? Have the question been updated?
The group responsible for this assessment has recommended that it be redone next
year with an improved instrument, but the final decision will not occur until the
beginning of the spring semester when all recommendations for assessment activities
are considered. We try to make sure that approximately one third of our outcomes
are assessed each year. When we try to do more than that in one year, the faculty
become over burdened and the quality of the assessments suffer (as we found out
this last year).
7. Page 373 recommends that a software engineering project be required for
graduation. What is the status of this recommendation.
This issue has been discussed extensively in department meetings with various
approaches being recommended. A requirement for a software engineering project
has been agreed to in principle, but the implementation issues have not been
resolved. A committee has been formed to develop an implementation approach
and present it at a faculty meeting this fall for discussion and approval.
8. Page 409 recommends additional actions/changes based on Fall 2007
analysis. Please provide this information when available.
The results of this assessment became available at the end of last semester and only
a preliminary analysis has been done so far. As soon as a more complete analysis
has been completed this fall, we will forward the results to you.