CET 150 Digital Systems I Objective: To understand number systems and binary arithmetic. Course Outcome Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanisms Program Outcome(s) Students understand positional number systems. Students can correctly convert a decimal number into its representation in any other base. Homework, Exams 2, 7 Homework, Exams 2, 7 Homework, Exams 2, 7 Students can correctly convert a number in any base to its corresponding decimal representation. Students can correctly convert a number in any base to its corresponding representation in another arbitrary base. Students understand signed and unsigned number representations used by computer systems. Students can determine the representation of numbers in sign-magnitude form. Students can determine the representation of numbers in 1’s complement. Students can determine the representation of numbers in 2’s complement. Students understand and can perform basic arithmetic operations on signed numbers. Students can correctly add numbers written in 2’s complement representation (and corresponding hex representation). Students can correctly subtract numbers written in 2’s complement representation (and corresponding hex representation). 1 of 2 CET 150 Digital Systems I Objective: To understand Boolean algebra and its relationship to combinational networks. Course Outcome Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanisms Program Outcome(s) Student understand basic operations on Boolean values. Students can correctly produce truth tables for the basic Boolean operations AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR. Homework, Labs, Exams 2, 7 Homework, Exams 2, 7 Homework, Exams 2, 7 Homework, Labs, Exams 2, 7 Homework, Labs, Exams 2, 7 Students can correctly determine truth tables for Boolean expressions. Students understand and can apply basic boolean algebra laws to determine logical equivalences. Students can state the following laws: identity laws, domination laws, idempotent laws, commutative laws, associative laws, distributive laws, De Morgan’s laws, tautology law, and contradiction law. Students can apply boolean algebra laws to simplify boolean expressions and to determine logical equivalence between boolean expressions. Students understand the principle of duality. Students can explain the principle of duality. Students can determine the dual of a theorem or algebraic identity. Students understand normal forms for writing boolean expressions: SOP and minterms, and POS and maxterms. Students can correctly transform any logical expression to an equivalent expression in SOP or POS form. Students can correctly write expressions in minterm canonical and maxterm canonical forms. Students can use m-notation and M-notation for writing boolean expressions. Students can correctly convert expressions written in minterm canonical form to equivalent expressions written in maxterm canonical form. Students recognize and can use gates that represent the basic boolean operations. Given a boolean expression, students can draw a gate network for the expression. Given a gate network and logical inputs, students can determine the output of the network. 2 of 2 CET 150 Digital Systems I Objective: To apply techniques for simplifying boolean expressions. Course Outcome Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanisms Program Outcome(s) Students can use Karnaugh maps to simplify expressions. Given a boolean expression, students can construct a K-map for the expression and use the K-map to find a minimal expression. Homework, Labs, Exams 7 Students can identify don’t care conditions and correctly simplify K-maps that contain don’t cares. 3 of 2 CET 150 Digital Systems I Objective: To introduce students to digital hardware design at the gate level. Course Outcome Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanisms Program Outcome(s) Students can analyze and synthesize simple circuits with combinational logic gates Given a combinational logic circuit, students can describe the logic function implemented in both Boolean and truth table form Homework, Labs, Exams 2, 5, 6, 7 Homework, Labs, Exams 2, 5, 6, 7 Homework, Exams 2, 7 Homework, Labs, Exams 2, 6, 7 Students will be able to implement combinational functions using programmable logic devices. Given a verbal description of a problem, students will be able to design and optimize a combinational logic implementation. Students will be able to simulate combinational logic using Logicworks Students will be able to implement simple circuits using TTL parts. Students can design large combinational logic blocks Students can analyze and synthesize simple sequential logic circuits Students can design large sequential logic blocks using discrete components Students understand how to use the common MSI level block (e.g., adders, multiplexers, decoders, buffers, etc.) Students will be able to design large blocks such as ALUs using MSI level parts. Given a sequential logic circuit, students will be able to derive its state diagram and analyze its timing. Given a word description of the problem, students will be able to design the state diagram, implement with flip-flops and do a timing analysis. Student will be able to simulate sequential circuits using Logicworks Student should understand basic sequential components such as counters, registers, and controllers Students can apply a top-down design approach to implementing large sequential functions using counters, registers, etc., 4 of 2 CET 150 Digital Systems I Objective: To introduce students to the basic structure of a simple microprocessor. Course Outcome Performance Indicators Assessment Mechanisms Program Outcome(s) Students can simulate a large digital system such as a microprocessor Students can perform top-down and bottom-up design. Labs, Exams 5, 6, 7 Students understand the anatomy of a simple microprocessor, including instruction decoding. Students will be able to design and evaluate the performance of a simple microprocessor, starting from simple logic gates and implementing using a hierarchy of library components. 5 of 2