2014 CALEDONIA GRADUATION INFORMATION Please note that the activities outlined in this letter are the ONLY school supervised graduation activities. ALL activities are alcohol and drug free. We ask your assistance in ensuring that our graduation week is safe for everyone. A Grad fee of $100 is to be paid at the Office by May 30, 2014. Students may use funds accumulated at the Albert Fair for this Grad fee in addition to the graduation activities listed below. THURSDAY, JUNE 5th – GRAD BREAKFAST @ 8:50 am (following first period attendance) All Grade 12 students are invited to attend. The cost is $6 and must be paid to Mrs. Paige @ the Office by Friday, May 30th. Students will return to class for SSC. The breakfast will be hosted in our cafeteria. The moment they arrive, yearbooks will be on sale from 12:15-1:15 daily in the Student Council Room. Cost: $65 if not pre-ordered / $55 if pre- ordered THURSDAY, JUNE 12 – FRIDAY, JUNE 13: GRAD GOWNS & INVITATIONS 12:30-3:00 pm: Hospitality Room beside the Office Graduates must pay a Grad fee prior to receiving their gown and invitations. Each graduate will receive a total of 14 seat tickets – 6 invitations. Print your name on these tickets. Each graduate will receive 4 Blue Tickets. These are for parents / family and are reserved seats. Blue tickets holders will enter the gym from the doors by the Library. Each graduate will also receive 10 White Tickets. White tickets represent general seating and are selected on a first come / first serve basis. gym from the cafeteria. Guests with white tickets will enter the Graduates not intending to use all of their tickets are encouraged to drop off extras at the Office. Additional white tickets can be requested at the office. BASIC GRADUATION FEE: $100 PHOTO ORDER OF GRAD RECEIVING DIPLOMA: Complimentary. These will be taken in the Library before Graduation. Prom is a separate cost. SUNDAY, JUNE 15: Baccalaureate Service Location: Valley Baptist Church Graduates wear graduation gowns (graduation hats not necessary) and arrive at the church at 10:40 am. This is a unique part of Caledonia’s graduation week. Each year, a different church in our school community hosts our students and a large percentage of our graduates and their families attend the service. Light refreshments will be served following the service. Graduates who would like to participate in the service – either through special music or scripture reading – please see Mrs. Godfrey. MONDAY, JUNE 16 2014 OFFICIAL GRADUATION LIST POSTED The official 2014 Caledonia Graduation list will be posted at noon on the Guidance Room door. Although we will attempt to notify anyone who is not successful, it is the student’s responsibility to check the list when posted. PROM & SAFE GRAD Ticket sales for the 2014 prom, “The Great Gatsby”, begin on Wednesday, June 4th and continue through Wednesday, June 11th . Tickets cost $25 each or two for $40. Donations of sandwiches and sweets would be greatly appreciated. Parents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins and Friends are invited to help in any way preparing for Prom 2014. Please contact Ms. Smalley for more information on how you can Prom set-up will be on June 14th from 10 am – 3 pm. become involved. Volunteers are greatly appreciated! Motorcade will occur from 6-6:30 pm. The Motorcade will enter via School Lane, travel around Hillsborough Elementary School, stop in front of the Caledonia monument and exit via the parking lot and down Academy Street. The designated drop-off for graduates and guests is in front of the Caledonia monument. Graduates and their dates will enter the courtyard area. will enter the school via the office doors. pm in the gym. Guests The Grand March will begin at 7 Graduates will receive 5 Grand March Tickets when they purchase their prom tickets. This is to ensure adequate assigned seating for immediate family members. Additional tickets may be purchased for $1. Tickets will be sold in advance and at the door. ** PLEASE NOTE: An invitation is extended to all community members to watch the arrival of the graduates and their guests during this celebration. If you choose to attend, remember that the school property is a DESIGNATED NON SMOKING AREA for everyone. SAFE GRAD: Will begin immediately following the Prom. Cost is $15-$20 per person. The exact fee will be determined based on student interests. Supervised activities are planned that will last throughout the night. Students participating in Safe Grad ARE NOT PERMITTED TO BRING THEIR VEHICLE TO THE SCHOOL. No student vehicles are permitted in the parking lot. If a student needs to leave the Safe Grad Activity any time before the designated departure time of 6 am, parental pick-up is required. Students are required to arrange for their own transportation home at 6 am. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18th 12:45-3:00 pm : 1ST GRADUATION REHEARSAL ALL potential grads must attend this graduation rehearsal in the gym on June 18th beginning at 12:45 pm. The Marching Order will be decided at this time and graduates will be drawing for their parent seats. The bus will be available for transportation home at 3:15 pm. Ladies – please bring the shoes you intend to wear at graduation. This will assist with your placement in the Marching Order. 6:30-8:00 pm: EXCELSIOR AWARDS This is a celebration of academics for students in Grades 6 through 12. Recipients will be contacted in advance. Light refreshments will be served after the event. THURSDAY, JUNE 19th 12:45-3:00 pm: 2ND GRADUATION REHEARSAL This is the FINAL Graduation Practice and is MANDATORY. Everyone who will be graduating from the stage must attend this practice. No exceptions. Those who choose not to graduate from the stage, let Mrs. Godfrey know prior to today. FRIDAY, JUNE 20th 7:00 pm: 2014 GRADUATION CEREMONY! Graduates assemble in Room 151 by 6:00 pm for preparation and diploma photos. Remember: Guests with Parent Reserve (blue tickets) will enter the gym from the doors in the Library. Graduates are invited to show their parents to their seats. Staff ushers will be available for assistance. Guests with white cards will enter the gym by the cafeteria. White cards are general seating and these seats are allotted on a first come first serve basis. TUESDAY, JUNE 24th PHOTO PICK-UP Diploma photos will be available at the Office in the afternoon of the 24th. Students who have transcript requests, who require final marks sent to universities, scholarship committees etc please complete the attached form and leave with Mrs. Paige in the Office by noon on Thursday, June 26th.