
Name: Martemyanov Maxim Alexandrovich
Title: Candidate of science
Position: Senior scientist
Organization address: Federal State Budget Institution «State Scientific Center of the Russian
Federation – Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics» (FSBI SSC RF ITEP),
Bolshaya Cheremushkinskaya St. 25, 117218, Moscow, Russia
Department: Hadron physics
Phone: +7(499)7896608, +7(499)7896676
FAX: +7(499)1270833
Home address: Kashirskaya st., 92-3-215, 115551, Moscow, Russia
Phone: +7(495)392552
Personal website:
Work experience
 1996 Diploma of engineer–physicist (MEPhI)
 1996 – 1999 Engineer in the Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP),
Moscow, Russia
 1998 – 2006 Member of the ALICE collaboration (CERN, Switzerland)
 Since 1999 Member of the KLOE collaboration (Frascati, Italy)
 1999 – 2002 Post–doctoral fellowship at Laboratory Nazionali di Frascati (INFN), Italy
 2003 – 2002 Senior engineer at ITEP
 2004 Ph.D. the the area of nuclear and particle physics (ITEP)
 Since 2004 Senior scientist at ITEP
 2004 – 2010 Member of the LHCb collaboration (CERN, Switzerland)
 2006 Participation in the ALICE experiment at the Bologna University, Italy
 2007 Assistant professor (maitre de conference) in the Clermont–Ferrand University (LPC),
France; participation in the LHCb experiment (CERN, Switzerland)
 2008 Inviting scientist at LAPP (Anncey, France) and LPC (Clermont–Ferrand, France) as
member of the LHCb experiment.
 Since 2009 Participation in the KLOE experiment (INFN)
Qualifications summary
Presently I am working at the Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP) as a
senior scientist. Collected experience with a lot of the high energy experiments during previous
years has encouraged my wishes to participate in the future projects. I easily adapt to different
working environments and my initiative, analytical skills, creativity and ability to work under
pressure have contributed greatly to my progress.
The actual scientific activity was started at ITEP (Moscow, Russia), when I became an
engineer taking an active part in the nuclear high energy experiments. I was responsible for a
modification of the experimental apparatus, especially large proportional chamber, creation of
track reconstruction procedures, and data acquisition. Later I have joined the ALICE
collaboration at CERN as part of time-of-flight (TOF) system subdetector effort. During this
period I worked on testing, and Monte Carlo simulation of the TOF modules. Starting from 1999
and up to now I had the unique opportunity to participate in the KLOE / KLOE-2 (KLong)
experiment at LNF (Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Italy). As a member of collaboration, I
have palyed a significant role in many aspects of software development, including the Slow
Control System of the KLOE detector and modification track reconstuction algorithm for the
charged low energy kaons. Later I was involved in the analysis of the experimental data
especially focusing on neutral and charged kaons decays.
In 2004 I became a member of the LHCb collaboration working predominantly in the
calorimeter group. The main goal of my activities was test using cosmic rays more than 6000
electromagnetic calorimeter cells. In 2007 and 2008 I continued my professional activities at the
University of Clermont–Ferrand in the calorimeter and trigger groups as a member of the LHCb
experiment. I was concerned on the creation and developing important software for the L0–
trigger, configuring and management of the preshower front–end electronics, temperature control
of the preshower detector, and monitoring of the calorimeter racks using special software
PVSS II of the SCADA group. Last time all these projects were implemented in the main LHCb
frame and began an important part of the detector management.
My professional interests at ITEP are based on the well–known software GEANT4. It is used to
simulate behaviour of the beamlines especially created for the experiment FRAGM operating on
the ion complex TWAC (Terra Watt Accumulator) and investigation of the ion-ion interaction
Computer skills
 Languages: C/C++, Fortran, HTML, JavaScript, PHP, Flash, Python, PE
 Databases: MySQL, Oracle
 Operating systems: Linux, Windows, SunOS, AIX
 Special software: Geant4, Paw, PVSS II, Root
1. D. Babusci et al., Measurement of Γ(η→π+π–γ)/Γ(η→π+π–0) with the KLOE Detector. Phys.
Lett. B718 (2013), 910.
2. B. M. Abramov et al., Nuclear fragmentation study at ITEP heavy ion facility. J.Phys.Conf.Ser.
381 (2012) 012037.
3. D. Babusci et al., Precision measurement of (η→π+π–γ)/(η→+–γ) and determination of the
π+π– contribution to the muon anomaly with the KLOE detector. arXiv:1212.452 (2012).
4. D. Babusci et al., Measurement of η meson production in γγ interactions and Γ(η→γγ) with the
KLOE detector. arXiv:1211.1845 (2012).
5. D. Babusci et al., Limit on the production of a light vector gauge boson in phi meson decays with
the KLOE detector. arXiv:1210.3927 (2012).
6. D. Babusci et al., Search for the Ks30 decay with the KLOE detector. EPJ Web Conf. 37
(2012) 05004.
7. F. Ambrosino et al., KLOE results on hadronic cross section. J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 349 (2012)
8. F. Achilli et al., Search for a vector gauge boson in phi meson decays with the KLOE detector.
Phys.Lett. B706 (2012), 251.
9. F. Ambrosino et al., KLOE results in kaon physics and prospects for KLOE-2. Nucl.Phys.Proc.
Suppl. 225-227 (2012) 249.
10. F. Archilli et al., Physics topics at KLOE-2. arXiv:1111.4149 (2012); Hyperfine Interact. 211
(2012) 33.
11. F. Archilli et al., γγ physics with the KLOE experiment. arXiv:1107.3782 (2011).
12. F. Archilli et al., U boson searches at KLOE. arXiv:1107.2531 (2011).
13. F. Ambrosino et al., Observation of the rare η→e+e–e+e– with the KLOE experiment. Phys.Lett.
B702 (2011), 324.
14. P. Moskal et al., Prospects for KLOE-2. Int. J. Mod. Phys. A26 (2011).
15. F. Archilli et al., Technical Design Report of the Inner Tracker for the KLOE-2 experiment. LNF
Note 10/3(P) (2010).
16. W. Wislicki et al., The KLOE-2 experiment at DAΦNE upgraded in luminosity. ICHEP2010,
17. E. Czerwinski et al., Hadron physics with KLOE-2. Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. (2010), 207.
18. D. Babusci et al., Proposal for taking data with the KLOE-2 detector at the DAFNE collider
upgraded in energy. LNF-10-17(P) (2010).
19. G. Amelino-Camelia et al., Physics with the KLOE-2 experiment at the upgraded DAFNE.
Eur.Phys.J. C68 (2010), 619.
20. F. Archilli et al., Technical Design Report of the Inner Tracker for the KLOE-2 experiment.
LNF-10-3(P) (2010).
21. B. M. Abramov et al., Fragmentation of carbon ions at TWA ITEP. Proc. LX Int. Conf. On
Nuclear Physics, Saint Petersburg (2010), 144.
22. B. M. Abramov et al., Cumulative to evaporation ratio in 12C fragmentation. Proc. XX Int.
Baldin Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems. Dubna (2010), 57.
23. B. M. Abramov et al., Light fragments in C+Be interactions at 300 MeV/nucleon energy. Proc.
Russian Academy of Science 74 (2010), 596.
24. F. Ambrosino et al., Measurement of σ(e+e–→π +π–γ(γ)) and the dipion contribution to the muon
anomaly with the KLOE detector. Phys. Lett. B670 (2009), 285.
25. H. Chanal et al., Setting up the Level 0 Decision Unit algorithm. CERN–EDMS, 976670, 2009.
26. H. Chanal et al., Registers of the Level 0 Decision Unit. CERN–EDMS 976671, 2009.
27. A. Augusto et al., The LHCb Detector at the LHC. JINST 3:S08005, 2009.
28. F. Ambrosino et al., A precise new KLOE measurement of |F(π)|2 with ISR events and
determination of ππ contribution to a(μ) for 0.592 < M(ππ) < 0.975 GeV. Nucl. Phys. Proc.
Suppl. 189 (2009), 233.
29. F. Ambrosino et al., A precise KLOE measurement of σ(e+e–→π+π–) and extraction of a(μ)(ππ)
between 0.35 GeV2 and 0.95 GeV2. Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. (2009), 193.
30. B.M. Abramov et al., Comment of the A dependence of quasielastic deuteron knockout from
nuclei. Phys.Atom.Nucl. 71 (2008), 2138; ; Yad.Fiz. 71 (2008), 2175.
31. F. Ambrosino et al., | V(us)| and lepton universality from kaon decays with the KLOE detector.
JHEP 0804:059, 2008.
32. F. Ambrosino et al., Measurement of the absolute branching ratio of the K++0 (γ) decay with
the KLOE detector. Phys. Lett. B666 (2008), 305.
33. B. M. Abramov et al., Momentum spectra of hydrogen and helium isotopes from C12
fragmentation. Proc. XIX Int. Baldin Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems. Dubna (2008),
34. B. M. Abramov et al., Quasielastic deuteron knock out and its dependence on nuclear atomic
number. Proc. XI Int. Conference on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon.
Julich (2007) eConf C070910, 227.
35. B.M. Abramov et al., Quasielastic knockout of light fragments from C-12 and O-16 nuclei by
intermediate energy pions. Phys.Atom.Nucl. 70 (2007) , 1170; Yad.Fiz. 70 (2007), 1209.
36. A. Arefev et al., Beam test results of the LHCb electromagnetic calorimeter. CERN-LHCB2007-149 (2007).
37. A. Arefev et al., Design, construction, quality control and performance study with cosmic rays of
modules for LHCb electromagnetic calorimeter. CERN-LHCB-2007-148 (2007).
38. F. Ambrosino et al., Measurement of the letonic decay widths on the -meson with the KLOE
detector. Phys. Lett. B608 (2005), 199.
39. F. Ambrosino et al., Upper limit of the + branching ratio with the KLOE detector. Phys.
Lett. B606 (2005), 276.
40. A. Aloisio et al., Measurement of (e+e+) and extraction of (e+e+) below 1-GeV
with the KLOE. Phys. Lett. B606 (2005), 12.
41. B.M. Abramov et al., Quasielastic deuteron and triton knockout from lithium isotopes by
intermediate-energy pions. Phys. Atom. Nucl. 68 (2005), 474; Yad. Fiz. 68 (2005), 503.
42. P. Branchini et al., Meson decay studies with the KLOE detector at DAFNE. Nucl. Phys. A752
(2005), 175.
43. A. Passeri et al., Recent results from the KLOE experiment at DAFNE. Acta Phys. Slov. 55
(2005), 15.
44. A.G. Denig et al., Measurements of the hadronic cross section via radiative return at DAFNE. Int.
J. Mod. Phys., A20 (2005), 1935.
45. G. Lanfranchi et al., Recent results from the KLOE experiment. Int. J. Mod. Phys. A20 (2005),
46. S. Muller et al., KLOE results at the Frascati -factory DAFNE. Int. J. Mod. Phys. A20 (2005),
47. A. Aloisio et al., The hadronic cross section measurement at KLOE. Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl.
144 (2005), 231.
48. F. Ambrosino et al., Data handling, reconstruction, and simulation for the KLOE experiment.
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A534 (2004), 403.
49. A. Aloisio et al., Data acquisition and monitoring for the KLOE detector. Nucl. Instrum. Meth.
A516 (2004), 288.
50. A. Aloisio et al., Upper limit of the  branching ratio with the KLOE detector. Phys. Lett.
B591 (2004), 49.
51. A. Aloisio et al., Measurement of the branching ratio for the decay K++0 with the KLOE
detector. Phys. Lett. B597 (2004), 139.
52. A. Aloisio et al., Determination of (e+e+) from radiative processes at DAFNE. Eur.Phys.
J. C33 (2004), 656.
53. B.M. Abramov et al., Quasielastic triton knockout from Li-6 and Li-7 nucleu by intermediateenergy pions. JETP Lett. 80 (2004), 214; Pisma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 80 (2004), 244.
54. C. Di Donato et al., Measurement of the  - meson radiative decays into scalar and pseudoscalar
mesons with the KLOE detector. Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 126 (2004), 199.
55. C. Di Donato et al., Rare  decays. Eur. Phys. J. C33 (2004), 309.
56. S. Giovanella et al., KLOE results on  radiative decays. Nucl. Phys. A721, (2004), 801.
57. M. Moulson et al., The KLOE computing environment. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 51 (2004), 897.
58. B. Valeriani et al., The hadronic cross section measurements at KLOE. Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl.
131 (2004), 75.
59. A. Adinolfi et al., Measurement of the ratio KL / KL000 with the KLOE detector. Phys.
Lett. B566 (2003), 61.
60. A. Denig et al., Measuring the hadronic cross-section via radiative return. Nucl. Phys. Proc.
Suppl. 116 (2003), 243.
61. A. Aloisio et al., Study of the decay +0 with the KLOE detector. Phys. Lett. B561 (2003),
62. G. Venanzoni et al., Measurement of hadronic cross-section and preliminary results on the pion
form-factor using the radiative return at DAFNE. Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 123 (2003), 177.
63. P. Branchini et al., KLOE results on kaon decays and  radiative decays. Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl.
115 (2003), 145.
64. S. Di Falco et al., Latest results from DAPHNE. Acta Phys. Polon. B34 (2003), 5207.
65. M. Palutan et al., Experiments at the DAFNE  – factory. Phys. Scripta, T104 (2003), 32.
66. A. Aloisio et al., Measurement of (') / () and pseudoscalar mixing angle. Phys.
Lett. B541 (2002), 45.
67. A. Aloisio et al., Measurement of (Ks+()) /  (Ks00). Phys. Lett. B538 (2002), 21.
68. A. Aloisio et al., Study of the decay 00 with the KLOE detector. Phys. Lett. B537 (2002),
69. A. Aloisio et al., Study of the decay 0 with the KLOE detector. Phys. Lett. B536 (2002),
70. A. Aloisio et al., Measurement of the branching ratio for the decay Kse. Phys. Lett. B535
(2002), 37.
71. A. Adinolfi et al., The KLOE electromagnetic calorimeter. Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A494 (2002),
72. A. Adinolfi et al., The trigger system of the KLOE experiment. Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A492
(2002), 134.
73. A. Adinolfi et al., The tracking detector of the KLOE experiment. Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A488
(2002), 51.
74. A. Adinolfi et al., The QCAL tile calorimeter. Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A483 (2002), 649.
75. A. Adinolfi et al., The KLOE electromagnetic calorimeter. Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A482 (2002),
76. A. Adinolfi et al., The KLOE drift chamber VCI 2001. Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A478 (2002), 138.
77. A. Adinolfi et al., The KLOE trigger system. Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A461 (2002), 465.
78. A. Adinolfi et al., Calibration and reconstruction performances of the KLOE electromagnetic
calorimeter. Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A461 (2002), 344.
79. A. Adinolfi et al., , ’ studies with the KLOE detector at DAFNE. Phys. Scripta T99 (2002),
80. P. De Simone et al., KLOE at DAFNE. AIP Conf. Proc. 549 (2002), 852.
81. A. Aloisio et al. Recent results from KLOE at DAFNE. Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 111 (2002), 213.
82. A. Aloisio et al. Recent results from the KLOE experiment at DAFNE. Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl.
109 (2002), 300.
83. F.Bossi, M. et al., Status of the KLOE experiment at DAPHNE. Int. J. Mod. Phys., A17 (2002),
84. M. Martemianov et al., Study of Ks, K - decays at  - resonance with the KLOE detector. World
Scientific Publishing Co. (2001), 114.
85. F. Scuri et al., Results from KLOE and DAFNE. Acta Phys. Polon. B32 (2001), 1983.
86. F Bossi et al., KLOE status. First results and systematics on CP studies. Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl.
99B (2001), 35.
87. I. Sfiligoi et al., Data handling in KLOE. Comput. Phys. Commun. 140 (2001), 189.
88. E. Pasqualucci et al., Process and data flow control in KLOE. Comput. Phys. Commun. 140
(2001), 139.
89. A. Adinolfi et al., The KLOE drift chamber, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A461 (2001), 25; A494 (2002),
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91. M. O. Vlasova et al., Polarization of leading lambda hyperons produced by neutrons on target
nuclei. JETP Lett. 64 (1996), 258.