Congjun Wu - UCSD Department of Physics

Congjun Wu
Contact Information
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics
University of California, Santa Barbara
Room 1230, Kohn Hall
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-4030
(805) 893-6371
(805) 893-2431
Research Interests
Strongly correlated systems, spin-orbit coupling and spintronics, ultra-cold atomic systems, high Tc
superconductivity, disordered systems, numerical algorithms for 2D quantum systems.
 Ph. D. in Physics, Sept. 2005, Stanford University. Advisor: Prof. Shou-Cheng Zhang.
Dissertation Topic: “Applications of the symmetry principle in cold atomic and condensed matter physics”.
 University of Illinois at Urbana & Champaign, May 2000—May 2002. Advisor: Prof. Eduardo H. Fradkin.
 M.S. in Physics, Jun. 2000, Peking University, Beijing, China. Advisor: Prof. Zhao-Bin Su.
 B.S. in Physics, Jul. 1997, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Sept. 2005—present, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of
California, Santa Barbara.
Research Experience
 Research Assistant, Stanford University, Jun. 2002- Jun. 2005. Advisor: Prof. Shou-Cheng Zhang.
Dynamic generation of spin-orbit coupling, hidden symmetry in spin 3/2 fermionic systems, vortices in the strong
coupling bosonic superfluid, sign problem in quantum Monte-Carlo algorithm
 Research Assistant, UIUC, May 2000 -May 2002. Advisor: Prof. Eduardo H. Fradkin.
Competing orders in coupled Luttinger liquids, Landau-Pomeranchuk instability in Fermi liquids.
 Research Assistant, Peking University, Sept. 1997- May 2000. Advisor: Prof. Zhao-Bin Su.
Vortex core tunneling spectra in high Tc cuprates, ferrimagnetic spin chains, electronic and vibrational modes
of C36 molecules.
Honors and Awards
Stanford Graduate Fellowship, Stanford University, Jun. 2002-Jun. 2005
Guanghua Scholarship, Sept. 1998 and Sept. 1999, Peking University.
Excellent Graduate Award (with Bachelor’s degree), Jul. 1997, Tsinghua University.
Department and University scholarships, 1992-1997, Tsinghua University.
Invited talks
1. Department of Physics, Ohio State University, Cold Atom Physics Seminar, “Quantum phases of spin-3/2
fermions”, May 09, 2006.
Department of Physics, University of Michigan, FOCUS (Frontiers in Optical Coherent and Ultrafast Science)
Seminar, “Hidden symmetry and novel phases in spin-3/2 cold atomic systems”, Apr. 06, 2006.
Department of Physics, Princeton University, Condensed Matter Seminar, “Hidden symmetry and novel phases in
spin-3/2 cold atomic systems”, Jan. 23, 2006.
Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana & Champaign, Condensed Matter Seminar, “Hidden
symmetry and novel phases in spin-3/2 cold atomic systems”, Dec. 08, 2005.
Conference activeities
1. APS March Meeting 2006, Baltimore, Maryland. Contributed talks: “Helical Luttinger liquid and quantum spin
Hall edge states”, and “Quantetting and pairing instabilities in one dimensional spin 3/2 fermionic systems”.
2. Aspen workshop on “Ultracold Trapped Atomic Gasses”, May 31-Jun. 18, 2005. Talk: “Vortex configuration in
strong coupling bosonic superfluids in optical lattices.”
3. Ohio State University workshop on “Strongly Interacting Quantum Gases”, Apr. 18-21, 2005.
4. APS March Meeting 2005, Los Angels, California. Contributed talks: “ Sufficient condition for the absence of the
sign problem in quantum Monte-Carlo simulations”, and “Staggered current ground state in a bi-layer model”.
5. Boulder Summer School 2004 on “Coherence and Interactions in Atomic and Condensed Matter Physics”, Jul. 4
– Jul.31, 2004.
6. Santa Barbara KITP Conference on “Exotic order and Criticality in Quantum Matter”, Jun. 7 – Jun. 12, 2004.
7. APS March Meeting 2004, Montreal, Canada. Contributed talk: “Dynamic generation of spin-orbit coupling”.
8. APS DAMOP Meeting 2003, Boulder, Colorado. Contributed talk: “SO(5) symmetry in spin 3/2 fermionic
9. APS March Meeting 2003, Austin, Texas. Contributed talk: “Superfluid vortex with Mott-insulating core”.
10. APS March Meeting 2002, Indianapolis, Indiana. Contributed talk: “Phase diagram of two-coupled Luttinger