Ch 6 – Integer Operations Pre-algebra I HW# DUE: BOOK SECTION/TOPIC ........................................................ Name:__________________ ASSIGNMENT Integer Operations & Number Properties 1 ____ 6.1 Integers & Absolute Values ......................... WS#1: Integers & Absolute Value) 2 ____ 6.1 Integers & Opposites & Comparing ............ p271 (1, 2-18 even, 22, 31-39 odd, 49, 52 3 ____ 6.2 Integer Addition ........................................... WS#3: Adding Integers/Number Sense 4 ____ 6.3 Integer Subtraction ...................................... WS#4: Subtracting Integers/Number Sense 5 ____ 6.2-3 Integer Addition & Subtraction ................... WS#5 Mid-Chapter Review-1 6 ____ Review Integer AbVal/Addtn/Subtn ......................... WS#6 Mid-Chapter Review-2 7 ____ Q &6.4-5 Integer Multiplication & Division ............... WS#7: Multiply /Divide Integers & p293 (1-3 ,23-33odd) 8 -OPT- 6.4-5 Integer Multiplication & Division ............... p.299(21,36-40,55) 9 ____ 6.1-5 Mixed Integer Operations ............................ WS#9A & #9B: Integers 1/Integers2 10 ____ 6.1-5 Mixed Integer Operations ............................ WS#10A/B: Mixed Integer Practice & WS#10C: Order of Ops 11 ____ Q &6.6 Number Properties ....................................... WS#11: Rational #s & Number Properties-1 12 ____ 6.6 Number Properties ....................................... WS#12: Rational #s & Number Properties-2 13 ____ 6.8 The Coordinate Plane .................................. p315 (1,2,4-16even,23-26, 33-34) 14 ____ Review Integer Operations & Number Properties .... Study/Review WS#14: Review-3 15 ____ --- * * * Test 6.1 * * * ................... Big Idea: Understand meanings of operations and how they relate to one another & compute fluently and make reasonable estimates I can compare and order all positive rational numbers and find their location on a number line (N1A) I can describe the effects of all operations on rational numbers including integers. (N2B) I can apply properties of operations (including order of operations) to positive rational numbers and integers (N2C) I can apply all operations on rational numbers including integers (N3C) I can estimate [approximate] and justify the results of all operations on rational numbers. (N3D) I can use coordinate geometry to construct and identify geometric shapes in the coordinate plane using their properties (G2A) I can draw or use visual models to represent and solve problems (G4B) “And the Answer Is...?” A Mathematician, a Biologist, and a Physicist are sitting in a street cafe watching people going into and coming out of the house on the other side of the street. First they see two people going into the house. Time passes. After a while, they notice three people coming out of the house. The Physicist says: “The mesurement wasn’t accurate.” The Biologist concludes: “They have reproduced.” The Mathematician says: “Now, if another person enters the house, it will be empty again!” Chapter 2 Name:_________________ Missing HW#____________________ @-4pt Incomplete HW#_________________ @-2pt Quiz (2): YES / NO @-6pt Work Shown: YES / NO @-6pt In Order/Organized: YES / NO @-6pt Pg/Asmt # : YES / NO @-6pt Graded / Self Help Notes: YES / NO @-6pt Possible= 56pt HW#5 p.287 (20-21, 25-31, 42) & p280 (26-32 even, 42-43,59) Essential Questions: Is ooo � � ��� � SUBTOTAL= - ___pt PERCENT = ______