Sabanci University,19 DEC 2008 Definition of the complex Monge-Ampere Operator for Arbitrary Plurisubharmonic Functions A.Sadullaev Definition of the Monge-Ampere operator dd cu and solution of the corresponding n Dirichlet problem dd cu = , u Psh , u | has a long time history and there were n proved enough many fundamental results. Bremermann (1959) noted that if u C 2 Psh is maximal, i.e. inf u v inf u v v Psh G , v |G u |G ,then G G proved that if the operator dd u =0. Later n c (1977) Kerzman dd u = 0 then u is maximal. Chern, Levine and Nirenberg (1969) proved that dd u is bounded in the mean for the class of uniformly bounded n c n c plurisubharmonic functions of class C 2 .We note that this proposition easily follows also from the next integral formula [1,2]: If G { z 0} is a strictly pseudoconvex domain, C 2 G , min z and u is a G C 2 plurisubharmonic function in G, then for each r and k , r 0,1 k n r dt dd c z t nk dd cu M m k dd c n k 1 z r dd cu , k 1 where M max u z , m min u z . G G After these results it became clear, that if u Psh Lloc and u j u C approximation, then { dd cu j } is a compact family of Borel measures, and one is possible to n define dd cu as a limit of the sequence { dd cu j } . In this way Bedford and Taylor (1976) n n gave first definition of operator Monge-Ampere for u Psh Lloc relation: dd u c k u dd cu But the definition dd u c n k 1 by recurrent dd c , D nk ,nk for arbitrary u Psh is still a strong problem and it prevented to solve the Dirichlet problem dd cu = , u Psh , u | in general. n First in 1975 Shiffman and Taylor show that there is a u Psh C n suсh that dd u c j n ,where u j u . Kiselman noted that the function u z ln z1 1/ n z 2 2 ... zn 1 2 is plurisubharmonic near the origin and it has unbounded mass near z1 0 . Second the example of U.Cegrell: n 1 2 2 2 u z ln z1 ... ln zn ; u j z ln( z1...zn ) u z , dd cu j j n 1 1 2 2 v j z ln( z1 ) ... ln( zn ) u z , dd cu j n !4n 0 , j j 0, where 0 the Dirac measure, shows that it is not possible to well- define the dd cu for n arbitrary plurisubharmonic function. However for some class of unbounded plurisubharmonic function one is possible to well-define dd cu . n 1. Kiselman proposed the following variant to define 1 w : Im w 2 measure dd F c n 1 n 1 dd u : We consider the domain n c and the auxiliary function F z, w u z Re w . Then the supportes on the graph Re w u z and its projection on n z for bounded dd u . This mass we denote as K(u). But for unbounded function the projection is not well-defined: For u z ln z we have dd u =0. Operator dd u in this definition does not take into account the mass supported on singular set S u z . Another method to define dd u is due to Z.Blocki: For bounded plurisubharmonic function u c function is equal n 2 c n c n c n 1 it is clear that e 2u dd c u 2eu dd c eu dd c e 2u .Therefore for unbounded functions we can define 2 p dd cu ,1 p n , outside S as e2 pu B p (u) = (e2u dd cu) p (2eu dd ceu 12 dd ce2u ) p . 2. In the paper [3] author proved that for class L u z Psh n : ln z u z ln z , z r , where r , , cons tan ts , the dd c u and u dd cu , 0 k n, n 2, are well-defined. It follows that if a k k plurisubharmonic function u z is bounded in some sphere S 0, r , then these operators are well-defined inside B 0, r . Similarly results were also proved by Demailly [4]. 3. U .Cegrell considered a few class of plurisubharmonic functions, where dd cu can be n well-defined. Let n be a hyperconvex domain, i.e. there exists v Psh , v | 0 and lim v z 0. Then we put z E0 u Psh L , u | 0, lim u z 0 and z dd u < c n F u Psh : u j u , u j E0 and sup dd cu j n E u Psh : the sequense u j exists locally . For u E F it is possible to well-define dd u c j n dd u c n using compactness of . In this way Z.Blocki introduced class D, where operator Monge-Ampere can be well-defined. Def. We will say that operator dd u c n is well-defined for u Psh if for each open set U there exist a Borel measure such that for each u j Psh U C U , u j u is true dd u c . Then we put dd cu and denote the set of all such u by D. n n j Z.Blocki proves a series of properties of D [5,6]. In partiqular, u D dd cu j is n weakly bounded for each sequence u j u .Moreover, class D is characterized by boundedness of currents: If uj n p2 du j d cu j dd cu j dd c z p 2 n p 1 , p 0,1,..., n 2, is bounded for some sequence u j u , it follows that these currents are bounded for each sequence u j u . For hyperconvex domain C n Cegrells’class E is equal to D and for them well-defined also all dd cu ,1 p n. p 4. Let u z Psh be an arbitrary plurisubharmonic function in a domain n .We put v eu and ua ln v a ln eu a , a 0. Then ua u in a 0 and v Psh L . So the operators dd v c p are correctly defined. We have 1 1 dd cua v a dd cv v a dv d cv , p p 1 p 1 (dd c ua ) p v a dd c v p v a dd c v dv d c v p p 1 p a p 1 dd c v 1,a 2,a v a v dd c v pdv d cv dd cv p (v a ) The 1,a , 2,a are positive currents. In fact it is clear that for 2,a and for 1,a we take the standard approximation u j u and put v j e j .We have u v e j a p 1u j p 1 1,a, j v j (dd c v j ) p pdv j d cv j dd cv j dd u du j d cu j pe p c j It is clear that 1,a , j p 1u j p 1 du j d cu j dd cu j du j d cu j p 1 e p1u j dd u c j p 0. 1,a in j . It follows that 1,a 0 . We put, formally, 1 p lim 1,a , 2 p lim 2,a .The 1p and 2p are well-defined outside of a 0 j S {u z } and here 2p =0. The current 1p 2P fully characterize dd cu : the 1p -n regular part, and the 2p --singular part of dd u ( supp c n p 2 S ). Problems: 1. Is 2p a bounded current, supported on S? 2. Is it true that 2p B p and 2n B n K for arbitrary plurisubharmonic function u z ? 3. Is a Psh function u z maximal 1n 2n =0 ? The part is true. 4. If u j u is arbitrary approximation of u by bounded plurisubharmonic functions u j , such that dd cu j p , Then is the ( 1p 2P ) positive? It means,that 1p 2P minimal current among the other currents, corresponding to the approximations u j u . Note that (4) (3). Examples. 2 2 2 2 2 1. u ln z ln z1 ... zn . Then v z1 ... zn , dd c v dz1 d z1 ... dzn d zn and dv d c v z1 dz1 d z1 ... zn dzn d zn 2 It follows that for p n 1 the p 1 p 1 Moreover, p v dd c v pdv d c v dd cv dd c z 2 p 1 z 2 n p 2 p 1 is borel tipe current and 1p, a 1p . 0 in r 0. We note that 2p, a B o, r But 1n, a 0 and 2n, a const z adV a 2 n 1 , so that n 2, a a dd cv p 0 in a 0 . p v a 1 in a 0 B 0, r 2. u ln z1 z2 , v z1 z2 . 2 2 2 2 Then dd c v dz1 d z1 dz2 d z2 , dv d c v z1 dz1 d z1 z2 dz2 d z2 2 2 z2 dz1 d z1 z1 dz2 d z2 2 We have p 1, a 11 dd c z 0 for p 3 and 1 1, a 2 z 1 1 1 2 n 1 dV z1 z2 2 2 n 1 z 1 2 n2 z adV 2 1 z2 2 2 .Therefore, . 2 It is not difficult to see that 21, a dd c z 22, a dd c z 2 z2 a 2 3 adV 2 z2 2 2 0 in a 0 and z1 0, z 2 0 (Dirac measure supported on the plane z1 0, z2 0 C n ). 3. u ln f z , where f OC n . Then v f f , dv d c v f df d f , dd c v df d f . 2 2 It is clear that for p 2 the 1p.a 2p, a 0 .We have 11, a 0 and 21, a f a 2 a 2 df d f 1f ,10 -- the Dirac (1,1) current supported on the analytic set {f=0}. REFERENCES 1. A.Sadullaev, Оператор (ddcu)n и емкости конденсаторов, ДАН СССР, 1980, т251,№1, С.44-57 (translated :Operator dd u c n and capacity of condencer) 2. A.Sadullaev, Плюрисубгармонические функции (коллективная монография)(Psh function,monography), Современные проблемы математики. Изд-во ВИНИТИ, Springer,1985,т.8, 65-114 3. A.Sadullaev, Об одном классе Psh функций,Известия АНУзССР,1982,N 2, 12-15 4. J.-P. Demailly, Mesures de Monge-Ampere et measures Plurisousharmoniques, Math.Z.,1987,V.194,519-564 5. Z.Blocki, On the definition of the Monge-Ampere operator in 2 , Math.Ann,2004,V.328,415-423 6. Z.Blocki, The domain of definition of the complex Monge-Ampere operator,preprint2004