1 Learning Management plan Subject : Mathematics Course No : M2

Learning Management plan
Subject : Mathematics
Learning area : Basic mathematics
Learning Unit : 2
Learning plan : 1
Topic : Integers
Topic : Integers
Course No : M21101
Mathayomsuksa : 1
Time : 23 periods
Time : 3 periods
1. Learning target
Strand 1: numbers and Operations.
Standard M1.1: Understanding diverse methods of presenting numbers and their
application in real life.
Standard M1.2: Understanding results of operations of numbers, relationships of
operations, and application of operations for problem-solving.
Standard M1.4: Understanding of numerical system and application of numerical
Standard M6.1: Capacity for problem-solving, reasoning, and communication;
communication and presentation of mathematical concepts; linking
various bodies of mathematical knowledge and linking mathematics with
other disciplines; and attaining ability for creative thinking.
Grade level indicators
1) Specify or give examples and compare added integral numbers, subtracted integral
numbers and 0 (M1.1).
2) Add, subtract, multiply and divide integral numbers for the purpose of problem
solving; be aware of validity of the answers; explain the results obtained from the
addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, and explain the relationship
between addition and subtraction, and between multiplication and division of integral
numbers (M1.2).
3) Apply knowledge and properties of integers for problem-solving (M1.4).
Learning objectives : Student can
Knowledge : 1) Specify or give examples of addition of integral numbers, and
subtraction of integral numbers and 0.
2) compare integral numbers
Process,skill : Capacity for problem-solving, reasoning, and communication;
communication and presentation of mathematical concepts.
Attitude/competency : Honesty and integrity, self-discipline, avidity for learning
and public-mindedness. / Communication capacity, thinking
capacity and problem-solving capacity
2. Concept
Integers : …, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, …
Positive integers : 1, 2, 3, …
Negative integers : -1, -2, -3, …
Whole number : 0, 1, 2, 3, …
Number line
3. Content
Whole number with a positive sign and negative sign, integers in figures and words, state
the integers, represent the integers on a number line, comparing integers.
4. Evidence of Learning
Task : 1) Exercise 1-10 in E-Mastery PLUS Mathayom 1.
2) Homework notebook.
3) Interact, work and join in activities organized by their peers and their
4) Test 1
5. Assessment and evaluation
Assessment person : Tiwanon Soobphom (Teacher)
1) Knowledge
2) Skill/Process
3) Attitude/
How to assess
questions, observation,
written tests,
and using written tests
communication and
Honesty and integrity, observation
commitment to work,
communicationthinking – problem
solving capacity,
6. Learning process
1) Divide students in group of 3-4 people.
2) Group activities and exercises.
3) Presentation to the class.
4) Discussion, exchange of ideas.
5) Conclusion.
7. Procedure
Period 1
1. Introduction
1) Review knowledge about counting numbers by asking questions
Teacher : What are counting numbers?
Answer : Counting number are 1, 2, 3, 4, …
2) Playing a game with counting numbers
- student counting the number one by one (counting from 1-100)
2. Lesson Procedure
1) Teacher represent the integers on the white board.
- Whole number : 0, 1, 2, 3, …
- An integer is a whole number that has a positive sign (+) and negative sign (-).
- A positive integer is a whole number with a positive sign or without any sign.
- A negative integer is a whole number with a negative sign.
- Represent the integers on a number line.
2) Practice reading the integer: All students reading the integer in figures and words
Example +10
= positive ten or ten
= positive fifty-five or fifty-five
= positive two hundred and thirty-seven
+3,468 = three thousand four hundred and sixty-eight
= negative nine
= negative twenty-one
3) Game : State the integers
- The teacher write the number on the whiteboard and then randomly assigned student
to state the integers by marking a tick or marking a cross.
3 
 
3. Conclusion
1) Students and teacher share conclusions about integers: that is
- Integers are can be positive integers, zero and negative integers
- We can represent the integers on a number line.
- We can represent the integers in figures and words.
2) Homework: 1. Represent the integers in figures and words from -100 to 100
2. Exercise1. (in E-Mastery PLUS Mathayom 1, page 13)
3. State the integers from the list below
Example 1) 30, -4, 4 , 0, 4.25
Solution 30, -4 and 0
Period 2
1. Introduction
1) Ask students, what we learned at the end of the previous lesson.
Answer: Integers
2) Ask students to state the integers from the list:
Example 7, 3.18, 3 , 0, -2 Answer : 7, 0, -2
2. Lesson Procedure
1) Ask student to represent the integers from 20 to 30 by use a number line
2) Ask a few students to represent the following integers by using a number line.
(a) -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, …
(b) -15, -10, -5, 0, 5, 10, …
(c) -7, -4, -1, 2, 5, 8, …
Other students and teacher share discussion of solution
3) Open the E-Mastery PLUS Mathayom 1 on page 13, all student take an exercise 2-3.
All students and teacher share discussion of solution.
4) Teacher represents a few sequences of integers on the white board then ask
students to complete and share discussion of solution.
Example Sequence : -6, -4, …., 0, 2, …., 6, 8
Answer : -6, -4, …2..., 0, 2, …4..., 6, 8
3. Conclusion
1) Students and teacher share conclusions about integers: that is
- We can represent the integers on a number line.
- We can represent the sequence of integers.
2) Homework: 1. Complete each of the following sequence of integers (exercise 4-5 in
E-Mastery PLUS Mathayom 1, page 13)
Period 3
1. Introduction
Review knowledge about comparing numbers by asking a few questions.
Teacher : Which integers is smaller, 2 or 5 ?
Answer : 2
Teacher : Which integers is greater, 7 or 18 ?
Answer : 18
2. Lesson Procedure
1) Teacher represents a number line of integers on the white board and say that “Any
number on the right is greater than any number on the left”.
Example 3 is greater than 0, 0 is greater than -1, -5 is smaller than -4 and -3 is
smaller than zero.
2) Asking a few questions:
Example Teacher : Which integer is greater, -4 or 3 ?
Answer : 3
3) Student take exercise 6 in E-Mastery PLUS Mathayom 1 at page 14 then all students
and teacher share discussion of solution.
4) Practice reading the mathematical symbols
= is equal to
 is not equal to
> is greater than
< is smaller than
 is smaller than or equal to
 is greater than or equal to
5) Practice reading the mathematical sentence
Example 5 > 4
5 is greater than 4
-12 < -9
-12 is smaller than -9
3. Conclusion
1) Students and teacher share conclusions about comparing the integers: that is
- Any number on the right is greater than any number on the left
- Any number on the left is smaaller than any number on the right
2) Homework: exercise 7-9 in E-Mastery PLUS Mathayom 1, page 13)
8. Media and learning resources
1) E-Mastery PLUS Mathayom 1.
2) Library
3) Internet
9. Suggetion
The director’s comment
The head of department’s comment