Group theory – fundamentals We have a set of operators Gr that form a group. There will be ng operators, r=[1,ng], and the operators group into classes. The number of classes, nC, also determines and is equal to the number of irreducible representations (irreps). Our main job is to accomplish two goals. I. The reduction formula. For a given basis, we wish to determine the number of irreps that are contained in it with that symmetry group. The answer to this questions is contained in the “reduction formula,”, a11 a2 2 a33 ....anC nC . Here Γ is the reducible representation of the basis, and Γj is a irrep subset of that basis. The reduction formula tells us the number (aj) of states that can be constructed from the original basis that transform according to irrep j. The n 1 g j * reduction formula is a j (Gr ) (Gr ). n g r 1 II. The character projector. An irrep Γj has a basis associated with it that can be constructed out of the original basis. This is accomplished by the symmetryadapted coordinate filter theorem. Given any vector contained in the basis, we can construct a symmetry-adapted coordinate q j from it by the following ng formula, q j j (Gr )Gr X . r 1 The coordinate q transforms according to the “j-th” irrep, and χj(Gr) is the character for operator Gr on a vector (or partners of vectors) in an the j-th irrep. III. The row projector. The basis vectors given by II do not transform according to a specific row. To reduce the dynamical or Hamiltonian matrices in physical problems, we need to couple just one row at a time. To do this, we use a row projector, ng j q [ j (Gr )] kk Gr X . The projector projects out from an arbitrary k r 1 vector a vector in the k’th row of the j’th irrep. To apply this projector, we need the k,k element of the Γ matrices for each operator and each irrep. These are not so easy to come by. We now set up the fundamentals of the theory and define notation that will be used in the evaluation of viral normal modes. As a running example, to make things concrete, we use a 2 dimensional example of the group C3, which is that of an equilateral triangle with its center at the origin, with one of its base parallel to the x axis, and one vertex along the y axis (with x=0). There are 6 operators, ng=6, and 3 classes, nC=3. The classes are E (identity), C3 (rotations about z), and σ (reflections about bisector of angle at vertices). There are 2 C3 operations (120o and 240o (or -120o)) and 3 σ operations. Thus the group operators are G1=E, G2=C3, G3=C23 , G4=σ1, G5=σ2, G6=σ3. The character table is E 2C3 σ A1 1 1 1 A2 1 1 -1 E 2 -1 0 There are 3 irreps (=nC), and they j=A1, A2, and E. (Don’t confuse the identity operator G1=E with the irrep E.) The characters of these irreps are χj(Gr). For example ΧA1(C3)=1, ΧE(C3)=-1, and ΧA2(σ)=-1. We next define basis vectors ê1 , ê2 ,.. êk …. eˆk max where k is the dimension of the space. The index k is k=[1,kmax] where (usually) kmax= 3natoms where natoms is the number of atoms in the problem. This refers to the full problem, which means that natoms can be quite large. For our 2D example of an equilateral triangle, kmax is just 2natoms, which is 6 for the simple example of a single atom at each vertex of the triangle. 1 0 0 0 0 0 The simplest basis to choose is ê1 , ….., ê6 . We make this choice, and 0 0 0 0 0 1 its obvious 3D extension for the reducible representation of our natom system. Thus Γe refers to this representation. (It is clear (or is it?) that the trace of Γe is kmax.) Not that this basis is orthonormal, eˆi † eˆi i, j . Or introducing bra-ket notation, <ei|ej>=δi,j. We next determine how an operator Gr acts on one of the basis vectors. Let’s say we act on ê1 . We write Gr eˆ1 eˆ1' , r . This means that e1 is transformed to a new vector e’. For example e’ might be 1 (eˆ3 eˆ4 ) . 2 We define a reducible representation by matrices Γe(Gr); one matrix for each operator in the group. The matrices are defined as, Gr eˆ1 eˆ2 eˆ3 eˆ4 eˆ5 eˆ6 eˆ1 eˆ2 eˆ3 eˆ4 eˆ5 eˆ6 e (Gr ). Eq. X But Gr eˆ1 eˆ2 eˆ3 eˆ4 eˆ5 eˆ6 eˆ '1, r eˆ ' 2, r eˆ '3, r eˆ ' 4, r eˆ '5, r eˆ '6, r ˆ † e1 eˆ † We apply 2 to Eq. X to obtain † eˆ6 ˆ † e1 eˆ † 2 Gr eˆ1 eˆ2 eˆ3 eˆ4 eˆ5 eˆ6 † eˆ6 ˆ † e1 eˆ † 2 eˆ1 eˆ2 ...eˆ6 e (Gr ) † eˆ6 The orthogonality of the basis states on the right hand side yields ˆ † e1 eˆ † e (Gr ) 2 Gr eˆ1 eˆ2 eˆ3 eˆ4 eˆ5 eˆ6 † eˆ6 Or in braket notation, the i,j’th element of the matrix is ie, j (Gr ) ei | Gr | e j >. Generically, the matrix Γe(Gr) is referred to as the reducible representation in the basis of e for the operator Gr. Symmetry-adapted basis. We now wish to change from the êi -basis to a symmetry-adapted basis q̂i . † This new basis is orthonormal, qˆi qˆ j i, j , or <qi|qj>=δi,j. We write the transformation as qˆ i U j , i eˆ j , or j qˆ 1 qˆ 2 qˆ 3 qˆ 4 qˆ 5 qˆ 6 eˆ1 eˆ2 eˆ3 eˆ4 eˆ5 eˆ6 U . This can also be written as qˆi U †i, j eˆ j , or simply q=U†e. j With this change of basis, the matrices Γ(Gr) change from Γe(Gr) in the e-rep. to Γq(Gr) in the q-rep. The matrices transform as U 1 e (Gr )U q (Gr ) . Proof. q (G ) qˆi | Gr | qˆ j See definition from Eq. XXX above. r i, j Transformation properties. qˆi U †i, j eˆ j . j Combine these two, q (G ) U ki eˆk |Gr U lj | eˆl , which is r i, j k l e (G ) U † e (Gr ) U , we arrive at r k , l lj i, j k , l i, k q (Gr ) U † e (Gr )U . QED. Our job is to find at least one set of q’s and one transformation U. There is no unique answer, and finding just one answer is what the symmetry-adapted coordinate filer theorem is designed to do. Our choice of q’s will be one in which we take the reducible representation fo an irreducible representation. In the irreducible representation, the Γq(Gr) matrices are block diagonal, where the dimension of each block is the dimension of the representation. In our equilateral triangle C3 example, the representations A1, A2, and E are 1 dimensional, 1 dimensional, and 2 dimensional respectively. The reduction formula: The matrices Γq(Gr) are now irreducible. We now can apply the reduction formula to Γe, e a11 a2 2 a33 ....anC nC . For our C3 example, the Γ matrices are composed of blocks of A1, A2, and E symmetry. This means that the reducible representation (in the basis e) has be reduced to block diagonal form using a symmetry-adapted q basis. Thus for C3, q U †U a1 A1 a2 A2 a3 E . This means that the matrix representation of the Γ matrices, they can be reduced to a1 blocks of A1 symmetry (each 1×1), a2 of A2 symmetry (each 1×1 ), and a3 blocks of E symmetry (each of 2×2). We can easily find the coefficients aj. Since Γq and Γe are related by a similarity transformation, their traces are the same. That is why only character tables, which only involve traces, are so useful. We choose one operator from each class. For C3, they are E, C3, and Sigma. Thus we arrive at three equations in 3 unknowns ( E ) Tr e ( E ) a1 A1 ( E ) a2 A2 ( E ) a3 E ( E ) (C3 ) Tr e (C3 ) a1 A1 (C3 ) a2 A2 (C3 ) a3 E (C3 ) ( ) Tr e ( ) a1 A1 ( ) a2 A2 ( ) a3 E ( ). The character tables list χj(Gr) (e.g. χA1(E) ). The left side needs to be determined. They are tedious to compute, but it is straightforward. The program 3C-2D.f90 computes them for the equilateral triangle example. Here is how they are computed. We apply the symmetry operator Gr to each basis state. If under Gr atom “i” is transformed to atom “j”, then this atom “i” contributes nothing to the χ(Gr). (Actually we are referring to χe(Gr); since the trace is invariant, the reference to the basis is unnecessary). Only operations in which an atom “i” transforms to itself can there be a contribution. For example atom 1 transforms to atom 1, 2, 3, 1, 3, 2 by E, C3,C32, σ1, σ2, σ3 respectively. So only E and σ1 have atom 1 contributions to the trace. For atom 2 they are E and σ2, and for atom 3 it is 1/ 2 3 / 2 E and σ3. Since σ1 is , we see that it is traceless. Thus 3 / 2 1 / 2 ( E ) Tr e ( E ) 6 , (C3 ) Tr e (C3 ) 0 , thus ( ) Tr e ( ) 0 . The three equations become 6 a1 a 2 2a3 0 a1 a 2 a3 0 a1 a 2 0a3 Which has solution (a1, a2, a3)=(1, 1, 2). The reduction formula performs the same calculation in one shot. The reduction formula is, n 1 g j * aj (Gr ) (Gr ). n g r 1 The quantities χj(Gr) is the character of the operator Gr (or any operator in its class) in the symmetry-adapted basis of symmetry j (e.g. j=A1, A2, or E in C3) The character table gives the characters χj(Gr) of the various irreps. For example in C3, χA1(E)=1, χE(σ)=0 etc. To use the reduction formula, we need to know the trace of the various operators, χ(Gr). The trace is independent of representation, so we can use either the e- or qrepresentations. Since we do not yet know the q-rep, we use the e-rep. An example is offered by C3. The program C3-2D.f90 does this example and obtains (a1, a2, a3)=(1, 1, 2). The character projector. The character projector is used to find the Nj (=aj·nj) basis vectors that span the space of representation “j” which occurs aj times anNd has nj rows. (For example, Hg has 5 rows and occurs 8 times for C60, so NHg is 40.) It must be noted that the basis found is complete and spans the space, but the vectors do not transform as a specific row or the irrep. As such, this is only an intermediate step. ng j The character projector, Pjχ, is P j (Gr )Gr . We apply Pχ to a sequence r 1 of vectors X 1 , X 2 , … X n . The vectors may be (1000..), (0100…) etc., or they may be a sequence of vectors generated by a random number generator. We apply Pχ to these vectors on at a time to generate the sequence v m P X m . At each step m, an overalp matrix is computed with that we have so far in our sequence, Si, j (m) vi | v j . If the overlap maxtrix has a zero eigenvalue, that last vector v m is skipped over. A zero eigenvalue indicates that v m is not linearly independent of precious vectors. This is unlikely to happen with random vectors, but happens often when we use a simple sequence of vectors. The process is repeated until m= aj·nj linearly independent vectors are created. This is the dimension of the space Nj. The final Nj×Nj overlap matrix has all positive non-zero eigenvalues. The basis vectors v1 , v2 , …, v N span the space but arre j not orthonormal. A Gram-Schmidt process is used to find an orthonormal basis q1 , q2 , …, q N from the vi basis. j The row projector. A key quantity we need is a basis for a each row in an irrep. Suppose irrep “j” has nj rows. For example the Hg irrep of Ih has 5 rows. We can apply the row projector onto a random vector to generate a basis for the rows of representation “j.” This requires the Γ matrices. Is there a more automatic method? Eric has derived the “Great Overlap Theorem” which is a method to numerically generate a complete basis. Suppose we are given a vector q j from the character projector starting from a random vector X . It is a vector in the space irrep “j” but it does not transform as any specific row. But from this vector we can generate an ng×ng matrix which we call the “Great Overlap” matrix S. We operate on the vector q (for simplicity, we drop the j superscript, q j ) by all r operators of the group, qr Gr q , or | qr | Gr q . The overlap matrix is, S r, r ' qr | qr ' Gr q | Gr 'q . The matrix is Hermitian, and we solve for the eigenvalue/vector spectrum. We find that the eigenvalue spectrum has nj×nj non-zero eigenvalues, and the remainder (ng-nj2) are all zero. The zero eigenvalues is to be interpreted to mean that the in the space of vectors |qr>, there are only nj2 linearly independent vectors and the remaining ng-nj2 are linearly dependent on the others and hence give zero eigenvalue. The important behavior of the Great Overlap matrix is the existence of nj×nj nonzero eigenvalues. Each eigenvalue is repeated nj times. Thus for a apace of dimension 4, the eigenvalue spectrum of S is (λ1, λ1, λ1, λ1), (λ2, λ2, λ2, λ2), (λ3, λ3, λ3, λ3), and (λ4, λ4, λ4, λ4). The values of the eigenvalues depend on the vector |q> used, however the sum of the eigenvalues is ng, the size of the group (e.g. λ1+ λ2+ λ3+ λ4 = ng/nj=30 for Hg). References Group Theory for Atoms, Molecules and Solids, Brian S. Wherrett (Prentice Hall International, Englewood Cliffs, 1986) Chapter 5, pp 47-63. Chemical Applications of Group Theory, F. Albert Cotton, (John Wiley and Sons, NY, 1990, 3rd edition). Rotation-vibration spectra of icosahedral molecules. II. Icoshedral symmetry, vibrational eigenfrequencies, and normal modes of Buckminsterfullerene, David E. Weeks and William G. Harter, J. Chem. Phys. 90, 4744-4771 (1989). This paper lists the icosahedral j generator irrep matrices, mn (Gr ) . See Fig. 21. Point group theory tables, Simon L. Altmann and Peter Herzig (Oxford Science publications, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1994). Tables list the basis of the irrep in spherical harmonics. From these it is possible to generate the Γ matrices, from which the row projector can be built. (See for example, p652, Table 74.6a for group I.) Additional thoughts Phi_ij=gammadagger(G)ii’ phii’j’ gamma(G)j’j Vvec=sum_i v^e_i e_i sum_i v^q_i q_i. v^q_i = sum_j Udag_i,j v^e_j phi^q = Udag phi^e U = a1*phi^1+a2*phi^2+… phi^a1=a1Xa2 matrix.