[insert organisation name/logo] Student Placement Procedure 1. Overview of the Procedure This procedure is a guide for [insert organisation name] staff supervising a student placement. This procedure should be read accompanying the Student Placement Policy, and the Student Placement Induction and Orientation Checklist. 2. Considerations A primary consideration for managing and supervising students on placement at [insert organisation name] is that staff should have experience in supervising staff or students. If they do not have this experience or expertise, they should approach their supervisor to support their activities. Also, the student and any activities undertaken as part of their placement should be considered in line with the organisation’s occupational health and safety policies and procedures. 3. Procedure Steps 3.1 Identify Placement Opportunity Discuss with CEO/Manager and/or [relevant positions] regarding the possible recruitment of a student on placement. Discuss possible student placement recruitment at next available staff meeting. 3.2 Recruitment of Student on Placement Develop a description of a student placement opportunity and selection criteria if appropriate. Identify appropriate educational institutions and courses to approach for a suitable student placement. Student Placement Procedure – [month/year] Page 1 of 4 Liaise with appropriate educational institutions and provide email and/or phone contacts so that interested applicants can contact the relevant staff member directly. On recognition of a possible appropriate student, the relevant staff member/proposed supervisor and the student must meet to determine if: - The placement tasks and learning opportunities are consistent with the objectives of both the organisation and the student’s course of study. - The organisation has the resources to adequately support and supervise the student for the duration of the placement. To accept a student’s application the relevant [insert organisation name] staff member should report back to the CEO/Manager to endorse the acceptance of the student on placement. 3.1 Prior to the Commencement of Placement The relevant staff member/appointed student supervisor will refer and carry out necessary steps of the Student Placement Induction and Orientation Checklist. 3.2 On Commencement of Placement The appointed [insert organisation name] supervisor will ensure the Student Placement Induction and Orientation Checklist is followed, including the completion of all relevant documentation (Learning Agreement, Workplan and Induction and Orientation Feedback Form). A copy of all documents is given to the student. All human resource responsibilities will be the responsibility of the [relevant positions]. Human resources documentation will be filed in the appropriate student file on the human resources drive and/or filing cabinet. The feedback from the orientation and induction will inform future student induction and orientation processes and the review of the policy, checklist and procedure. 3.3 During the Placement The appointed supervisor will ensure regular supervision and monitor work progress of the student. The appointed supervisor will be the primary contact for the student when working onsite. The student should be encouraged to participate in staff meetings and events. Student Placement Procedure – [month/year] Page 2 of 4 If unable to provide supervision (e.g. external meetings, sick or holiday leave) the supervisor will ensure the student has adequate supervision from other staff. If this is unavailable the student will be informed as soon as possible and alternative arrangements will be made. Other details of placement support should be noted in the Student Placement Learning Agreement. 3.4 Cancelation/Variation of Placement The placement may be altered or cancelled at anytime by the student, training provider or [insert organisation name]. Any variation may be discussed between the student and the supervisor. Details should be noted on the Student Placement Learning Agreement, and the student and [insert organisation name] supervisor will use discretion to ascertain the need to inform the academic liaison. The [insert organisation name] supervisor will inform the student and academic liaison as soon as possible by phone/face to face if cancelation of the placement is to occur. Notification of cancellation by [insert organisation name] should be formalised with details of reasoning behind cancelation in letter form to both the student and academic liaison. The student should inform the academic liaison and/or the [insert organisation name] supervisor if cancellation of placement is to occur. On notification of cancellation by the student or academic liaison, [insert organisation name] will confirm the cancellation of placement in writing with the academic liaison. On notification of cancelation of placement by any party the relevant documentation should be filed in the human resources drive and/or filing cabinet. 3.5 On Completion of the Student Placement A final supervision session should be held between the supervisor and student. The student supervisor will provide a reference at the request of the student to include details of their contribution to the organisation (hours of work, activities and achievements). Student Placement Procedure – [month/year] Page 3 of 4 The student should complete a Student Placement Evaluation Form, which will be stored in the student file on the human resources drive and/or filing cabinet. This completed evaluation form will be provided to the [relevant position] or an alternative appointed staff member at the completion of the placement. Any anecdotal or other feedback supplied from the student or academic liaison should be noted by the supervisor for evaluation. The completed evaluation forms will then be used to review the Student Placement Policy documents and the student placement program. Student Placement Procedure – [month/year] Page 4 of 4