Faculty Senate Minutes Monday, April 18, 2011, 3:10 p.m., Cumberland Room Rosalie Barretta Roland Bergman Jason Best Kathleen Corpus Larry Daily Sonya Evanisko Douglas Horner Erik Jones James Lewin Barbara Maxwell Clarise Ottley Robert Parkinson (HPERS) (SOC/GEOG) (IEPS) (BADM) (PSY) (ART) (SCWK) (MUSIC) (ENG) (LIB) (NURS) (HIST) present present present present present present X present present present present present John Schultz (ECON) X Sylvia Shurbutt (ACF) Stephanie Slocum-Schaffer (PSCI) J. W. Thatcher (ACCT) J. B. Tuttle (EDUC) Eugene Volker (CHEM) Qing Wang (CME) Joyce Webb (COMM) David Wing (BIOL) present present X present present present X present Guests present: Dr. Richard Helldobler, VPAA; Dr. Virginia, Dean of Education & Professional Studies; Dr. Colleen Nolan, Dean of Natural Sciences & Mathematics; Dr. Ann Legreid, Dean of Business & Social Sciences; Dr. Laura Renninger, Dean of the Center for Teaching and Learning; Dr. Scott Beard, Coordinator 2012 HLC Self-Study; Kim Scranage, Vice President for Enrollment Management; Helena Cole, Retention Specialist; Emily Gross, Director of the Academic Center I. II. Approval of April 4, 2011 Senate Minutes: Postponed pending distribution. Announcements: 1. McMurran Convocation, Friday, April 29, 2011 at 3:30 in the Frank Center. Faculty need to assemble at 2:45 p.m. 2. Finals week is May 2nd through May 6th. 3. Final grades are due Monday, May 9th at 9:00 a.m. 4. The 138th Commencement will be May 14, 2011 at 1:50 p.m. in the Butcher Center. Faculty need to assemble at 1:30 p.m. 5. Faculty Senate gave a standing ovation to thank retiring Faculty Senate Secretary Barbara Maxwell. The order of business was shuffled to seat incoming senators and conduct elections. III. Seating of the 2011-2012 Shepherd University Senate Dr. Kurtis Adams will represent the Dept. of Music replacing Dr. Erik Jones, and Ms. Ann Henriksson will represent the Library replacing Barbara Maxwell. IV. Senate Officers/Committee Chairs/External Representatives Elections (Parliamentarian Tuttle) A. 1. 2. Officers Secretary (Senator Tuttle) Parliamentarian – appointed (Senator Shurbutt) B. Interim Chairs for Assembly-created Committees 1. Admissions and Credits (interim term begins August 1, new election at first meeting of fall 2011) Senator Webb 2. General Studies (interim term begins August 1, new election at first meeting of fall 2011) Senator Schultz 3. Curriculum & Instruction (continues until first meeting in the fall) Senator Shurbutt C. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Senate Committee Chairs and Representatives Honors Committee (Senator Parkinson---representative) Institutional Review Board (Dr. Volker – role depends on Assembly ballot now under voting) Library Committee (Senator Guirguis—chair) Professional Development Committee (Senator Horner—chair) Scholarship & Awards Committee (Senator Ottley---chair) Senate Bylaws (2 positions) (Senator Thatcher and Senator Adams) Washington Gateway Committee (Senator Webb---representative) D. External Committee Representatives ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL COMMITTEES (representatives) 1. Calendar Committee (Senator Schultz) 2. Diversity & Equity Committee (Senator Lewin) 3. Enrollment Management Committee (Senator Wang) 4. Graduate Council (Senator Shurbutt) 5. Student Success Committee (Senator Corpus) 6. Technology Oversight Committee (Senator Evanisko) OTHER COMMITTEES (representatives) 1. Assessment Task Force (Senator Corpus) 2. Budget Advisory Committee (Senator Thatcher) 3. Internationalization Committee (Senator Bergman) All votes were by acclamation for chairs and/or representatives except ballot for General Studies. V. A. Guests/Unfinished/New Business: Discussion of Retention Efforts (Kim Scranage, VPEM) Vice President for Enrollment Management Scranage came to the Faculty Senate to listen to feedback about retention. Senator Slocum-Schaffer started the discussion with her department seeking outcomes. Senator Parkinson followed up with the question about why students are leaving. Senator Evanisko complemented the programs designed to improve retention, and she observed that many students leave for personal reasons. Senator Daily suggested focus on academic information. Senator Shurbutt wants to see long term data. Senator Lewin said that retention may be missing point with many students who are unprepared for college. Senator Wang’s department found the data helpful. Senator Tuttle said that professional education is active in working with students. Senators Slocum-Schaffer and Parkinson felt class-attendance was necessary. President Best said that retention program should be cost effective, and he has found some students are not ready for class attendance. Vice President Scranage thanked the senators for their comments, and she said she would return in the fall. B. Discussion of Faculty Handbook Language on Search Committees (VPAA Helldobler) VPAA Helldobler came to discuss the hiring document released on March 30th. Helldobler commented that the listing may be ranked or unranked; some departments prefer unranked. Senators Parkinson and Lewin felt ranking necessary. Senator Slocum-Schaffer thought search committee should be involved in nos. 3 and 4. Senator Daily wanted to add veto power of department chair in no. 2. Senator Evanisko thought that each department should be responsible for choosing candidates. Senator Daily was concerned about the letter of expectations given to candidates, and he felt it should be part of the evaluation process. Senator Jones felt that any disagreements should be public down the chain. VPAA Helldobler concluded that a vote for candidates would be in document that will be forthcoming. C. Follow-up to VPAA Discussion of Academic Affairs Restructuring (Senator Slocum-Schaffer) M/S/P—(Slocum-Schaffer/Parkinson—17yeas; unanimous) Faculty Senate respectfully recommends to the President that the University conduct a proper search for the position of Associate Vice-President of Academic Affairs/Graduate Dean. Senator Slocum-Schaffer thought the presentation of Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs/Graduate Dean in a memo sent out by VPAA Helldobler represented a new administrative position without a job description or national search. Senator Bergman questioned the appointment without search. Senator Tuttle asked for a clear delineation of duties as did Senator Shurbutt. Senator Parkinson called for written ballot. D. Confirmation of C&I Nominations for Academic Appeals Faculty Pool (Senator Shurbutt) Senator Shurbutt moved the Faculty Senate accept of the Academic Appeals Faculty Pool for July 1, 2011 as submitted by the Curriculum & Instruction Committee. Senator Wing seconded the motion. Motion carried. E. Discussion of C & I Academic Integrity Procedures Document (Senator Shurbutt) Senator Shurbutt distributed “VII. Academic Integrity Procedures.” These changes were recommended by the Curriculum & Instruction Committee to keep the policies in the Faculty Handbook and Student Handbook consistent. M/S/P—(Shurbutt/Parkinson—unanimous) Faculty Senate endorses the “VII. Academic Integrity Procedures” as submitted by the C & I Committee. Senator Parkinson congratulated Senator Shurbutt efforts to bring forth this proposal. F. Other Business IV. Committee Reports: A. Admissions & Credits (Senator Wing) Senator Wing reported that the Committee was moving forward with instructor mediated add/drop for the fall agenda. The Senate thanked Senator Wing for his service as Chair of the Admissions & Credits Committee. B. Curriculum & Instruction (Senator Shurbutt) Senator Shurbutt distributed the minutes of the C & I committee for March 28, 2011. Senator Shurbutt reported that p.49 of the Catalog would be updated after the May 2 nd meeting. C & I will vote on: 1. C&I approved the following motion regarding the minors: Motion: That first sentence under “Baccalaureate Degrees” on page 49 be revised to read: “A traditional degree program includes one major and one minor field; however, the Office of the Registrar will evaluate up to two minor fields, as long as the extra minor falls within the 120-hour graduation limitation.” 2. Clarification of Modern Language requirement for BA programs: The catalog currently requires “12 semester hours (required for B.A. programs, except education)” (page 45). … Motion: That C&I endorse the traditional Modern Language requirement for the BA degree, as noted in the current catalogue. (See C& I agenda for May 2, 2011) C. General Studies (Senator Daily) No report. D. Honors Committee (Senator Parkinson) No report E. Institutional Review Board (Senator Volker) Senator Volker reported that the Board was awaiting the outcome of the Assembly vote. F. Library Committee (Senator Schultz) No report. G. Professional Development (Senator Horner) No report. H. Scholarship & Awards (Senator Shurbutt) No report. I. Senate Bylaws (Senator Tuttle) No report. J. Washington Gateway (Senator Webb) No report. K. Calendar Committee (Senator Schultz) No report. L. Diversity & Equity Committee (Senator Lewin) No report M. Enrollment Management Committee (Senator Wang) Senator Wang reported that the committee met and had developed a survey that she distributed to senators. She asked senators to ask fill out the form and return to Tom Segar by May 2nd. She will distribute an electronic version. (See Survey below) N. Graduate Council (Senator Best) No report O. Technology Oversight Committee (Senator Evanisko) Senator Evanisko asked President Best to respond. They discussed the EduTech classroom, the final budget, and thanked the chair Dr. Legreid for her service. P. Assessment Task Force (Senator Corpus) No report. Q. Budget Advisory Committee (Senator Best) Senator Best reported that the Committee has presented its budget recommendations and is waiting for response. R. Internationalization Committee (Senator Ottley) Senator Ottley reminded senators about internationalization survey. S. Student Success Committee (Senator Corpus) No report. T. Advisory Council of Faculty (Senator Shurbutt) No report. V. The next meeting of the meeting of the Faculty Senate will be September 19, 2011. Citing no further business and lack of a quorum, the meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Barbara Maxwell, Secretary Form from the Enrollment Management Committee: The charge of the Enrollment Management committee this year is to address campus-wide processes related to enrollment management that impact satisfaction. One of the processes identified is Communication, the way in which campus related information and processes are shared among students and employees. The “Shepherd Shuffle” is an example of this as it refers to an occurrence when students are sent to multiple offices when attempting to find answers to their questions. With that, the sub-committee chair, Mr. Tom Segar, would like faculty Senate to assist the group by answering two questions. The answers can be sent to Tom at tsegar@shepherd.edu. Question 1: What 5-10 things do you want students to know about the academic process? Question 2: What are the top 5-10 academic process that students most often misunderstand? This will help the subcommittee · Identify the causes and roots of the above challenge and · Propose solutions to the challenges We ask that you have these back to Tom by May 2nd.