Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA) Candidacy Forms

Supreme Education Council
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Candidacy Forms
Evaluation Institute - SEC
QNSA-Expect Excellence
Dear Esteemed School Heads of the Qatar School Community,
The Supreme Education Council (SEC) is proud to initiate the formation of the Qatar
National School Accreditation (QNSA) system, as part of the Evaluation Institute. The goals
of QNSA are to ensure that all private and community schools in Qatar are accredited, and
to develop a system with schools to validate their school programs, and ascertain that each
child in Qatar is attaining an optimal learning experience. QNSA will support schools to
develop learning outcomes, guided action plans, and certify school success by
demonstrated student learning using research-based pedagogy. Through QNSA, a school
will be able to ensure that it meets the standards for school re-licensing and enter the
Ministry of Education’s school voucher system for Qatari students.
In order to initiate the accreditation process, applying for school candidacy through QNSA
is important. Through this process, schools will be in alignment with the Qatar education
reform movement, ensuring that all schools in Qatar match global accreditation standards
and quality, while at the same working towards continuous and consistent school
improvement. The forms in this packet aim to detail the steps involved for receiving initial
candidacy status with QNSA, and the skeletal standards that will be used in assessing
schools for candidacy though completion of candidacy forms, school description reporting
and format, and school visit by QNSA.
As the QNSA process becomes mandatory for all private and community schools in Qatar,
please feel free to contact QNSA for any questions, clarifications or support, as we will
work closely with you to ensure school success through the QNSA process. At QNSA, we
look forward to introducing the standards, goals, and procedures for successful candidacy
and accreditation. We also welcome your valuable input always, in working cohesively in
our collective commitment to achieving school excellence.
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Evaluation Institute
Supreme Education Council
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Candidacy Form
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Evaluation Institute - SEC
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Candidacy Eligibility Conditions
School must have been in operation for at least two years, while at the same time fulfilling the
following conditions:
Have a developed and published a clear statement of purpose.
Clear curriculum that supports statement of purpose.
Have a management system including school officer that provides appropriate
direction and oversight for the overall program.
Have an established and adequate financial base to support school stability.
Have an organization, facilities, course offerings, and staffing acceptable for school’s
development, including qualified instructional staff.
Have a school plan that includes objectives for student achievement and assessment
plans to measure progress toward those objectives.
Have plans to provide access to extracurricular and enrichment activities, if
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Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Candidacy Form
Evaluation Institute - SEC
Steps to Achieving Qatar National School Accreditation
(QNSA) Candidacy
Step 1. Complete and Submit Request for Qatar School Accreditation
Candidacy Form along with Initial Visit School Description Report
Schools must complete the request for Qatar National School Accreditation Candidacy Form and
return it to the Supreme Education Council (SEC) Evaluation Office, along with the School
Description Report to initiate the candidacy process with QNSA.
Those schools wishing to receive candidacy notification by the SEC-QNSA by the end of the
school term, must have forms and reports completed and in the QNSA Office no later than
April to schedule an end of school year visit during the month of May and early June.
Schools may also choose to apply for candidacy the following session by October.
Accordingly a school visit will be scheduled by December or early January. In addition
schools that apply for end of school term candidacy and are denied by the SEC, may wish to
reapply for candidacy by October and April the following year.
Step 2. On-site Initial Visit
A Visiting Committee of two-three members from the SEC School Evaluation Office will be
sent to your facility for a two-three day visit to review the information contained in the
School Description report, and to gather supporting/additional information. A mutually
acceptable date for the visit will be selected by the school and QNSA . Please make sure
that supportive evidence will be made available for visiting committee. These documents
and other evidence should be clear, and support school description report.
Step 3. SEC Evaluation Office Action & Decision
The Visiting Committee from QNSA will provide a report and recommendation to the SEC
Evaluation Office. The SEC will make a final determination whether to grant Candidacy for
Accreditation, or to deny candidacy until items of concern are addressed sufficient to the
SEC. You will be notified in writing of the SEC Evaluation office decision and will receive a
copy of the Visiting Committee Report.
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Candidacy Form
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Evaluation Institute - SEC
Decision Factors for Candidacy will be based on the following:
Candidacy is a status of affiliation indicating that a school has achieved initial recognition
and is progressing toward, but has not yet attained accreditation with the QNSA.
The school must provide evidence of sound planning with sufficient resources to implement
these plans, and must appear to have the potential for attaining its goals within a reasonable
time. Schools are expected to apply for full accreditation by the second year of candidacy.
Schools who receive candidacy will be eligible for school vouchers as determined by the SEC
and may re-apply for school re-licensing.
Denial of accreditation may result if it is determined that the school does not fully meet SEC
criteria for accreditation candidacy. A school may wish to reapply after deficiencies have
been resolved during the next candidacy cycle or hereafter.
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Candidacy Form
Evaluation Institute - SEC
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA) Candidacy Form
School Site Name:
School Site Address:
School Email:
School Owner Name:
Nationality of School Owner:
Head of School:
Contact Person:
1- Type of School (Check all that apply):
 Kindergarten Program
 Secondary School
 Private International School
 Other, please specify:
 Primary School
 Private Arabic School
 Preparatory School
 Community School
2- Curriculum Type (check all that apply):
 British Curriculum
 American Curriculum
 IB
 Other Curriculum, which?
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Candidacy Form
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Evaluation Institute - SEC
3- Enrollment Numbers:
Number of Qatari Students:
Percentage of Qatari Students:
Grade Span:
Number of Teaching Staff:
Number of Support Staff Including Administration:
4- Does the school have more than one campus?
If so, how many?
Year School First Opened:
5- Accrediting Information:
Is school currently accredited by another international accrediting organization?
If so, what accrediting organization(s)?
Term of Accreditation:
Expiry Date:
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Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Candidacy Form
Evaluation Institute - SEC
QNSA School Description Report for Candidacy
School Site Name:
School Site Address:
School Email:
Head of School:
Contact Person:
To help the Supreme Education Council better understand your school, please write
descriptive answers in a report format, to the following prompts:
1. Brief History: Please include information on the school’s initial fundamental purpose,
when and why it was founded, what its founders hoped to accomplish, and what changes in
direction may have occurred in subsequent years since its inception.
2. Mission Statement: The mission statement guides the school and tells us why it exists
today. It should be well-known to all stakeholders, and should be promoted/reflected
throughout the school. This statement should be clear and concise, unique and meaningful to
the school, and should be published widely.
 Please attach the school’s statement of philosophy and objectives, if one exists,
and promotional literature used currently by the school which states the school’s
 Describe the qualifications of the students the school seeks to serve.
3. Curriculum: Please describe the school’s curriculum. Detail teaching strategies used to meet
each student’s educational needs.
 Provide a brief description of the curriculum in a form appropriate to the school.
 Does the school have a comprehensive, written curriculum?
Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Candidacy Form
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Evaluation Institute - SEC
 What language are core courses/subjects taught in? What courses are not taught in
English? Can all students begin and complete their studies in English?
 What support is available to students who have limited comprehension/understanding of
the language that core subjects are taught in, to ensure their academic success?
 If part of the curriculum must be taught in the national language, is there sufficient
support to allow non-speakers of the language to be successful?
 Are differentiated learning methods in place? What technological tools support teaching?
 Describe any special education programs.
 Describe the extracurricular program of the school. (Include athletics, arts, activities,
extended day and vacation programs if not described above as parts of the regular
 Describe how sufficient library resources (books, reference materials, periodicals, non-print
resources, etc.) are made available to students to support the educational program of the
 Describe the learning environment in classrooms, i.e. is class work displayed throughout,
how are students grouped?
 What assessment and other systems are in place to evaluate students on a consistent basis?
 What classroom and school management techniques and policies exist to handle behavioral
infractions and support positive discipline?
4. Governance & Finance: Please provide a description of the governing body responsible for
policy formation and decision-making. How does the authority of the governing board (or
owner) differ from the authority of the Head of School? Are clear short and long term action
plans in place?
 Please describe the financial health of the school. For each of the last three years, did the
school have a budget surplus, deficit, or break even?
Describe the governance of the school. Where does final decision-making rest with regard
to different issues? Are there written bylaws which describe the school’s governance
Please attach to this section the names and occupations of those responsible for governance.
Does the school have a long-range strategic plan? If yes, when was it last updated?
Does the school have a current operating budget?
Do the financial resources meet the needs of the school in terms of its own stated mission?
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Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Candidacy Form
Evaluation Institute - SEC
5. Administrative Organization & School Environment: Describe the administrative
organization of the school. This description should include the administrative support staff.
How are finance, admissions, and development supervised and other administrative functions
handled? Describe the school environment, including staff and parental connectedness and
communication. Describe staff qualifications and what policies are in place to recruit and
retain qualified teachers. Is there a professional development plan in place? Describe the
evaluation systems in place for staff.
 State the school’s policy guidelines for admissions.
 Include in the statement the school’s position with respect to heterogeneity in the student
body; socio-economic mix; ethnic and religious diversity; and range of academic ability and
 Describe briefly the physical facility of the school and include a map of the campus
showing the classroom, office, and residential buildings. Include information on IT lab,
language lab, classrooms, resource rooms, nurse’s clinic, canteen, mosque, gm, and school
facilities that support students.
 Describe staff qualifications.
 Describe professional development plans at your school site including the staff evaluation
 How does your school promote effective communication between stakeholders with an
emphasis on parents?
 Is there a grievance/complaint process in school for staff, students, and parents? How are
matters resolved?
 How does the school promote school culture and community activities and events?
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Candidacy Form
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Evaluation Institute - SEC
Please certify below that you have the authorization to complete these forms as a representative of
the school, and that information as presented in these forms is correct.
Authorized School Official Name:
If you have any questions regarding the candidacy process with QNSA or require clarification, please
forward your questions to
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Qatar National School Accreditation (QNSA)
Candidacy Form