Minor558 - School of Arts and Sciences


Draft: March 26, 2013

Minor in International and Global Studies

Minor in International and Global Studies

Minor Description: The Minor in International and Global Studies is an interdisciplinary minor offered under the auspices of the Geography Department in the School of Arts and Sciences

(SAS), but is open to ALL Rutgers University Students . The Minor promotes an interdisciplinary understanding of global processes and relationships between places, while fostering specialization in a particular world region and its language(s). The purpose of the

Minor is to prepare our students to meet the challenges of the 21 st

Century, including appreciating human difference from multiple disciplinary perspectives and grappling with questions of social justice. Specifically, students in the program will: 1) gain an understanding of the degree to which forms of human difference shape a person’s experiences of and perspectives on the world; 2) apply this understanding to a specific world region and situate this region in broader human and societal processes across time and space; and 3) achieve an intermediate level of language proficiency as both a mode of communication and vehicle for cultural understanding.

The Minor consists of eighteen (18) credits, which must be earned with a C or higher. Nine (9) of these must be at the 300-level or above. Course selections for the Minor not listed in the attached appendix must be approved by the Director.

Minor Requirements (see attached course listings)


General Core (6 credits)


Track Core (6 credits)


Regional Specialization (6 credits)


Language Proficiency Requirement (intermediate college-level proficiency in a language relevant to the chosen country or world region is required.)

Track Descriptions:

Three specified tracks offer students an opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to compete in the global age.

1. A focus on International Politics, Economics and Business will enable students to address issues relating to the management of global political and economic relationships and systems.

2. A focus on Global Cultures and Social Systems will enable students to better understand forms of human difference and their relation to social justice in diverse cultural settings.

3. A focus on Environment and Development will enable students to address pressing global issues of the 21 st

century, including environmental change, human health and well being.

Each student will receive personal advising as they move through this interdisciplinary program.

Draft: March 26, 2013

Minor in International and Global Studies

A. General Core . Two courses from the following:

Global and International Perspectives (6 credits)

01:070:101 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

01:070:216 Anthropology and Modern Problems

01:070:302 Environment and Cultural Behavior

01:070:303 Wealth and Culture

01:070:305 Anthropology of Development

01:450:103 Human Geography: Space, Place, and Location

01:450:205 World Cultural Regions

01:450:222 Cultural Geography

01:450:262 Geographic Background to Current World Affairs

01:506:364 Colonialism to Globalization

01:790:102 Introduction to International Relations

01:790:210 Comparative Politics

01:920:270 Sociology of the Third World

01:988:101 Women, Culture, and Society

01:988:160 Women/Global Economy

01:988:480 Ethics and Leadership: Global Human Rights

B. Track Core . Two courses from one of the three tracks:

1. International Politics, Economics and Business (6 credits)

01:070:304 Political Anthropology

01:220:300 International Economics

01:220:335 International Trade

01:220:336 International Balance of Payments

01:220:339 Economic Development

01:220:349 Economics of Transition

01:220:362 Comparative Economic Systems

01:220:377 Economics of Population

01:360:290 Politics and Social Policy: Lessons From Europe

01:450:309 Economic Geography

01:450:405 Political Geography

01:790:290 Sane as 360:290 [SAS Signature Course]

01:790:311 European Politics

01:790:321 Theories of World Politics

01:790:322 Strategies of International Relations

01:790:327 International Political Economy

01:790:350 Environmental Politics – U.S. and International

01:790:357 Comparative Political Economy

01:790:361 International Organization

01:790:362 International Law

01:790:363 Conflict Resolution in World Politics

01:790:369 Topics in World Politics

01:920:375 Economic Sociology

01:988:270 War: Critical Perspectives [SAS Signature Course]

33:011:220 International Aspects of Business

37:575:309 Comparative Labor Movements

Open to Business Majors Only:

33:390:320 Global Capital Markets

33:390:375 Global Money Markets and Instruments

33:620:369 International Business

33:630:371 International Marketing

2. Global Cultures and Social Systems (6 credits)

01:070:323 Women Writing Culture

01:070:324 Global, Sex & Family

01:070:378 Anthropology of Gender (same as 01:988:378)

01:450:361 Gender Geographies

01:508:369 Gender in Latin America

01:590:150 Latin American Women

01:685:396 Gender and Sexuality in Islam

01:790:365 Gender and Political Theory

01:790:423 Feminist Political Theory

01:790:424 Women and Political Development

01:920:216 Sociology of Women

01:920:324 Sociology of Gender (same as 01:988:324)

01:920:354 Third-World Women

01:988:235 Dynamics of Class, Race and Sex

01:988:301 Feminist Theories: Historical Perspectives

01:988:302 Feminist Theories: Contemporary Engagement

01:988:303 Comparative Feminisms

01:988:312 African Feminisms

01:988:329 Race, Gender, Nation

01:988:337 Globalization: Sex and Family

01:988:396 Gender and Development

01:988:405 Gender and Human Rights

01:988:429 Engendering Development

01:988:491 Women’s Studies Seminar


* This course should receive prior approval by the Certificate in

International Studies advisor to ensure that this course will be applicable.

3. Environment and Development (6 credits)

01:070:302 Environment and Cultural Behavior

01:220:339 Economic Development

01:220:377 Economics of Population

11:374:102 Global Environmental Processes and Institutions

11:374:315 International Environmental Policy

11:374:331 Culture and Environment

01:450:102 Transforming the Global Environment

01:450:360 Cultural and Political Ecology

01:450:363 Geography of Development

10:762:101 Intro to Policy, Planning and Health

10:762:233 Urban World

10:762:303 Poverty in Developing Nations

10:762:417 Population Tools and Policies

10:762:420 Global Health and Planning

10:762:462 Human Rights and Health

10:762:471 Globalization and Sustainability

10:762:474 Tourism Planning

10:762:476 Immigration Policy and Health

10:762:482 Gender and Development Planning

10:762:485 Gender and Development Planning

01:790:355 Women and Public Policy

01:790:424 Women and Political Development

10:832:414 Culture and Health

10:832:440 International Public Health

11:790:350 Environmental Politics-U.S. and International

C. Regional Specialization.

6 credits

01:070:244 Anthropology of South Asia

01:070:246 Anthropology of Southeast Asia

01:070:318 Anthropology of China

01:098:245 Global East Asia

01:420:405 Modern France

01:450:332 Newly Independent States and Eastern Europe

01:450:334 Western Europe

01:450:335 Caribbean Borderlands

01:450:336 Latin America

01:450:338 Africa

01:450:341 South Asia

01:450:342 East Asia

01:470:299 Contemporary German Media &Society

01:508:205 Modern Middle East

01:508:222 Modern Africa

01:560:232 Italian Culture

01:508:242 Modern East Asia

01:595:297 Caribbean Societies

01:590:330 Religion in Latin America

01:685:330 Contemporary Iranian Cinema

01:810:330 Literature and Culture of Brazil

01:098:444 Seminar in Asian Societies

Draft: March 26, 2013

Minor in International and Global Studies

D. Language Proficiency.

Intermediate college-level proficiency in a language relevant to the chosen country or world region is required.


Trevor Birkenholtz

Director, International Studies Certificate Program

Assistant Professor of Geography

B-255 Lucy Stone Hall trevbirk@rci.rutgers.edu

Ph: 848-445-2445
