I AM University

I AM University
(Initials I AM Stand For)
Integrated Ascended
Masters University
On the I AM University Itself,
Its Training Materials, & Enrollment!
(Brand New Address!)
Dr Joshua David Stone
I AM University
450 Daily Drive, Apt 17
Camarillo, CA 93010
phone: 805-383-4564
fax: 805-482-1189
Welcome To the Externalization of the Inner Plane I
AM University and the 13 Major Write-Ups that
Explain What it is About!
An Introduction to the I AM University by Archangel Metatron and the
Ascended Masters!
Initial Introduction by Dr Stone Giving a Brief Overview of the I AM
Channeling of Lord Maitreya, the President of our Planet in the Inner
Plane Spiritual Government!
A Soul Travel Vision of the I AM University on the Inner Planes and an
Understanding of your Integrated Light Body Split Off Selves! By Dr
Welcome and In-Depth Explanation, Overview, and Mission Statement
of the I AM University! By Dr Stone!
The Anchoring of the Office of the Christ Through the Umbrella of the
I AM University! By Dr Stone!
The I AM University from the Perspective of the Mighty I AM
Presence! By Dr Stone!
The Organization and Structure of the Inner and Outer Plane I AM
University and How you can Enroll!” By Dr Stone!
The 8 Inner Plane Special Dispensation Training Programs and Golden
Carrots you will Receive if you Officially Enroll in the Outer Earthly
Plane “I AM University!” By Dr Stone!
The “Melchizedek Crash Course Christ Makeover Program” is now
Being Made Available for the First Time in the History of the Earth
Through the Earthly Plane “I AM University” as a Special Golden
Carrot for all to Join and get Involved Now! By Dr Stone!
What is the Difference Between the Past 2,000 Year Piscean Age Cycle
and the New Aquarian Age 2,000 Year Cycle that is Just Beginning
Now, and its Relationship to the I AM University! By Dr Stone!
An Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness Understanding of
the Cosmic Tree of Life on all Levels and Its Relationship to the I AM
University! By Dr Stone!
Channeled God, Christ, Holy Spirit, and Mahatma Summation and
Conclusion of the I AM University from their 352nd Level Perspective!
Explanation of the 8 Inner Plane Training Programs
of the I AM University
The Melchizedek Crash Course Christ Makeover Program in the
Golden Chamber of Melchizedek!
The God, Christ, Holy Spirit Trinitization Program in the Cosmic
Trinity Chamber!
Integration, Synthesis, and Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness
Development in Mahatma's Cosmic Synthesis Chamber!
Mastering and Merging with the Inner Light in the Consciousness
Chamber of Archangel Metatron in the Sanctuary of Your Own Heart!
The Divine Mother and Goddess Makeup and Makeover Beautifying
Program in the Cosmic Beauty Salon of the Feminine Face of God!
The Lord Maitreya and Lord Buddha Spiritual Leadership, Chohanic,
and Global World Service Development Program!
The Mighty I Am Presence, Oversoul, Superconscious Mind, and
Universal Mind Seven Levels of Marriage and Integration Program in
the Cosmic Wedding Chapel and Chamber of God!
The Lord of Arcturus and Commander Ashtar Advanced Light
Technologies from the Future Practical Application and Training
Training Materials for the Outer I AM University!
Becoming an “Integrated Ascended Master,”
“Integrated Christ,” and “I AM Master” Through
the Study and Application of the Channeled
Correspondence Courses and Training Programs of
Dr Stone!
Correspondence Course #6: God, Christ, Holy Spirit and Company of
Heaven ‘Book of Revelation’ Correspondence Course! BRAND NEW!
Correspondence Course #1: How to Become an Enlightened Being, an
Integrated Spiritual Master, and Achieve your 22 Levels of Initiation
Correspondence Course!
Correspondence Course #2: How to Develop and Construct your
Integrated Light Body and Anchor and Activate your 22 Levels of Light
Body Correspondence Course!
Correspondence Course #3: The New Millennium Light Revelation of
Archangel Metatron Through the Metatron Book, New Wine Book, and
I Am Integrated Ascension Mastery Correspondence Course!
Correspondence Course #4: The Kuan Yin Ascension Quantum Leap
For The New Millennium Correspondence Course!
Correspondence Course #5: Sananda/Jesus, The Holy Spirit, and The
Universal Mind on the Life and Teachings of Jesus the Christ, from the
Book of Life and Akashic Records Correspondence Course of all
Correspondence Courses!
Training Program #1: Intensive Training Program to Develop and
Refine Your Consciousness and Transcend Your Negative Ego Mind
and Emotions!
Training Program #2: Intensive Training Program to Become an
“Integrated Ascended Master,” “Integrated I AM Master,” and
“Integrated Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God Master” in this Lifetime!
Ascended Masters’ Guidance and Direction Regarding the Study of Dr
Stone's Correspondence Courses!
God, Christ, and Holy Spirit Channeling on new “God, Christ, Holy Spirit
and the Company of Heaven ‘Book of Revelation’ Correspondence Course!”
Melchizedek, Mahatma and Metatron Channeling on new “God, Christ,
Holy Spirit and the Company of Heaven ‘Book of Revelation’
Correspondence Course!”
Channeling from Kuan Yin, Mother Mary, Isis, Lord Buddha, Saint Germain,
El Morya, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Master Hilarion, and Sananda on
the New Correspondence Courses!
Channeling of Sananda, Metatron, Kuan Yin, Djwhal Khul, and Lord
Buddha on the Reason why Lightworkers Should Study the New
Correspondence Courses!
Channeling from Melchizedek on the New Correspondence Courses!
A Channeled Message from the Lady Masters Portia, Mother Mary, Isis, Lady
Gaia, and the Goddess Lodge on Dr Stone's Correspondence Courses!
Channeled by Joanita Molina!
Practice Makes the I AM Master: The Threefold
Workbook of the I AM University!
Workbook on How to Become a “Fully Realized Integrated
Christ/Integrated Ascended Master and I AM Master!”
Channeling From Melchizedek, the Universal Logos, on the New I AM
University Workbook and Overall Earthly Training Program!
Lord Maitreya, Lord Buddha, Saint Germain, and Allah Gobi
Channeling on New I AM University Workbook!
Getting Spiritually Activated: 21 Ascension
Activation Meditations!
Registration Form for Enrollment in the I AM
The I AM University Full Spectrum Prism Order
Welcome To the
Externalization of the Inner
Plane I AM University and
the 13 Major Write-Ups that
Explain What it is About!
An Introduction to the I AM University by
Archangel Metatron and the
Ascended Masters!
In the Name of the Almighty One God, Christ, and the Holy
From Metatron, the Mahatma, Melchizedek, Melchior, Helios and Vesta,
Lord Buddha, the Archangels and Angels, the Universal Heart and
Universal Mind of God, the Mighty I Am Presences, Superconscious
Minds and Oversouls of all six billions souls incarnated on Earth, Allah
Gobi, Lord Maitreya, Saint Germain, El Morya, Kuthumi, Serapis Bey,
Paul the Venetian, Hilarion, Sananda, Djwhal Khul, Lord and Lady of
Arcturus and the Arcturians, the Ashtar Command, Mother Earth, Mother
Mary, Kuan Yin and all the Lady Masters, all the Christed Extraterrestrials,
Masters of the Western Esoteric Lodge, and Eastern Masters Lodge!
With Spokesman Lord Metatron:
As we share this website introductory message, I, Archangel Metatron, am
delighted to present this message for all the world to hear. It is our
pleasure to introduce the I AM University founded by Dr Joshua David
Stone in co-creation with all of us, the Company of Heaven as written in
the Akashic Records and Book of Life. It is only today that the wonderful
treasures of the I AM University and its teachings are being revealed in
this present New Millennium. It is a great leap as well as a giant step for
this generation! It is as well a golden treasure of Spiritual knowledge for
the present and for generations to come. This special legacy is for all souls
who shall read its contents and enroll in the I AM University!
I the name of all of us, I, Archangel Metatron, encourage everyone who so
desires and who reads this website to benefit of the graces within and to
be part of this wonderful “I AM” and “Integrated Ascended Masters”
Dispensation given all over the world!
It is a University which like a rocketship to God is now being launched!
We encourage everyone to come aboard!
Kodoish! Kodoish! Kodoish!
Adonai! Adonai! Adonai!
So Be It Done!
Archangel Metatron
Initial Introduction by Dr Stone Giving a
Brief Overview of the I AM University
Dr Joshua David Stone
My Beloved Friends, the I AM University is actually a real university in
the spiritual world that is called the “I AM University” on the inner
planes! It was started just prior to the year 2000 by Spirit, the inner plane
Ascended Masters, and my humble self! The initials “I Am” of course
stand for the name of God, but also stand for “Integrated Ascended
Masters”. So the I AM University teaches you not only how to fully realize
God, the I Am, but also teaches you simultaneously to be an Integrated
Ascended Master, an Integrated Christ (not in a Christian sense but in a
universal sense of the term which applies to all religions and spiritual
paths), and a Mighty I Am Presence or Monad which is each person’s true
The actual inner plane I AM University is as big as a very large city. Over
600 million souls have been studying there since its inception. Most
people study there in their soul bodies, in their Integrated Light Body
Split-off Selves, or in a bi-located state.
The I AM University is connected with the inner plane Synthesis Ashram
formerly held by the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul, which I, Joshua now
humbly hold spiritual leadership of as the torch of spiritual leadership
was passed in the year 2003. It is also connected to the “Office of the
Christ” which is another inner plane governmental position held by Lord
Maitreya, the Planetary Christ. Lord Maitreya has humbly asked me to
take over this spiritual leadership position in the future for this next life
wave, so the Office of the Christ and Synthesis Ashram training is all
being done through the I AM University.
What is unique about the training you can receive in the inner and outer
plane I AM University is that it specializes in teaching people on earth to
become 12th to 22nd degree initiates and masters! The 12th initiation is the
minimum level required for beginning Mighty I Am Presence, Christ, and
Integrated Ascended Master realization that the spiritual hierarchy is
seeking for all souls on Earth! The 22nd level marks full Planetary
Realization of the Mighty I Am Presence, Integrated Christ, and I Am
Mastery! The goal of the I AM University is first to spiritually harvest
twelve 22nd degree initiates, which is the number needed to change and
transform the world. Then 144,000, 12th degree initiates. When this is
achieved, then144,000, 22nd degree initiates and 144,000,000 12th degree
initiates and beyond! This will completely revolutionize the
consciousness and spiritual development of this planet.
What is also unique about the I AM University is that this training is done
in an easy to understand, practical, comprehensive, cutting edge,
integrated, synthesized, full spectrum prism consciousness manner! It
trains people to become Integrated Ascended Masters on a spiritual,
consciousness and psychological level, and physical/earthly level and how
then to integrate the three! It is also a synthesis training that honors all
religions, all spiritual paths, all mystery schools, all channels, all spiritual
teachers, all spiritual texts, gurus, prophets, saints and sages!
It is a training that has never been given in this way before. I have humbly
realized that which I speak of, and after I realized my 22nd level of
initiation I had a dream where I was climbing Mt Everest with a lady
friend, and when we finally reached the top of the mountain I was told
that no one in the history of the earth had ever climbed this “Face of Mt
Everest” before! The face I humbly climbed was achieving this level
through a path of synthesis! I never favored any one religion or spiritual
path, I did them all simultaneously! Being a psychologist as well I did the
same thing with all forms and methods of psychology. The same on an
earthly level. I never worked with any one Ascended Master, I worked
with them all. This is what I mean about a full spectrum prism
consciousness. For all paths lead back to God. So with the help of Spirit
and the Masters I have woven together humbly speaking an extraordinary
training which I do on the inner plane in the I AM University, and I do
this as well in the outer earthly I AM University in coordination with
Spirit and the Ascended Masters. It is a training that is unlike any training
that exists on this earth. For this reason Spirit and the Ascended Masters
have made it a required gate on the inner plane for all souls on earth in
order to leave this plane of existence, as of the year 2000, which is about as
high a compliment as one can humbly get for a training. The inner plane I
AM University is extremely highly thought of throughout our solar system
and galaxy.
On the inner plane it is a four year university, but in spiritual years rather
than earthly years. What this means is, it is different for each soul who
attends. Spirit and the Ascended Masters as a co-creative effort are now
having me for the first time in earth’s history anchor this inner plane I AM
University which is made in the image of the “Office of the Christ” run by
Lord Maitreya the Planetary Christ, and in the image and likeness of the
University on the Great White Lodge in Sirius. It is for the first time in the
history of the earth that a real inner plane spiritual university has been
anchored onto our planet.
The newly found outer plane I AM University is not a required gate for all
souls on earth, however, to really accelerate your evolution and become a
fully realized Mighty I Am Presence, Integrated Ascended Master, and
Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness Synthesis Christ, it is of the highest
importance to do so. To study and train at night in the inner plane I AM
University is wonderful, however, without doing the outer earthly plane I
AM University, one is not doing it consciously. One is doing it in the soul,
or with their Integrated Light Body Split-off Selves, or in a bilocated state
and one gets the bleed through and this will greatly affect your whole
reality, but the real acceleration takes place when you study this
information consciously as well. I have spent the last 30 years channeling
all the inner plane I AM University trainings onto the outer earthly plane.
I am not going to get into all the details right here and now in this
introduction to the I AM University, for the 13 channeled I AM University
write ups I did give a comprehensive overview of the entire inner and
outer earthly I AM University training that is available! What I have
shared with you along with Spirit and the Masters is everything I have
done to humbly and with total humility achieve this level and step into
the humble spiritual leadership I have!
We here at the I AM University are not seeking to change anyone’s
religion or spiritual path. We would prefer you stay on the path you are
on. We are only seeking to add to your present path and give you a certain
Integrative, Synthesized and Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness Training
to enhance the path you are on. It is a training not to change your path, but
to see all religions and paths as different lenses of approaching God. One
is not better than another, just different. The only thing the I AM
University seeks to do is unify, unite, and open your eyes and your third
eye, as well as all your chakras, to the bigger picture. This is why it is a
training that helps all six billion souls on earth. Everyone will feel
comfortable being trained in the I AM University for it is totally inclusive
of all religions and all spiritual paths and teachings and integrates,
synthesizes, and harmonizes everything together! This is why Spirit and
the Masters love the I AM University so much and have made it at least on
the inner plane a required gate for all souls on earth to enter the Kingdom
of Heaven. An enormous number of you are already studying there on a
daily and nightly basis. As I said 600 million souls have already been
going through the training and we are just getting started!
So the purpose of this write up is to just give a brief introduction to the
inner and outer earthly plane I AM University. Please take the time to read
all the 13 introductory write ups! Just reading the write ups will
completely transform your consciousness. I also want to explain here that
even though Spirit and the Masters have humbly given me to my surprise
a great deal of spiritual leadership on this planet now, the inner and outer
plane I AM University has nothing to do with me! I am the humble
president and director, however, the I AM University is about helping
people to fully realize the Mighty I Am Presence, the Monad, the Christ,
the Integrated Ascended Master within. In conjunction and in co-creation
with Spirit and the Masters, I and we have developed a unique training to
help you do this spiritually, in consciousness and psychologically, and on
a physical/earthly level! You do not have to physically come to the I AM
University for we have set up the program so people can do it in their
comfort of their home! It is a home study course. Spirit, the Masters and I
have also set it up so money will not be an obstacle, for all sincere souls
who spiritually desire this training will be given an opportunity to receive
it, and an individual financial program will be worked out to suit each
person’s unique needs. For we here at the I AM University serve God not
mammon! No one will be turned away for lack of funds. The same applies
for Wesak in Mt Shasta if you would like to join us.
Spirit and the Ascended Masters have chosen the I AM University to be
the main service vehicle to bring in the New Jerusalem, Seventh Golden
Age, I Am Age, and Christed Civilization onto the earth. This was not my
idea, this was Spirit and the Ascended Masters’ idea. I am just going along
with their program. I could have had a very comfortable and easy life
doing my spiritual thing! However, Spirit and the Masters told me of their
plan and asked me to do it and they have all given me so much, I could not
in good conscience turn their request down. All my humble spiritual and
earthly dreams have come true and now in co-creation with Spirit and the
Masters we would like to help all of yours come true as well. I dedicate
myself to this purpose and cause. For we all are just embodiments and
incarnations of the I Am!
In studying at the inner and outer earthly plane I AM University you will
not only find the “Keys to the Kingdom”, you will also find the new,
totally revolutionary, cutting edge, and new higher octave channeled
teachings of God, Christ the Holy Spirit, and the Ascended Masters for the
Aquarian Age! This is why Spirit and the Masters in the spring of 2004
voted me to be next World Teacher for the next 2000 year cycle, which was
previously held by Sananda the last 2000 years. I share this information in
total humbleness and humility for this is nothing I ever wanted or asked
for. It came as a total surprise to me, for I was totally content doing what I
was doing. However, Spirit and the Masters told me that since I was
already in spiritual leadership of the inner plane Synthesis Ashram and
already had been running the I AM University for over 5 years on the
inner plane, and my future spiritual leadership position in the Office of
the Christ when Lord Maitreya moves to his next Cosmic Position in the
divine plan, I was seen for this new Life Wave as the right person for the
job. I have no life of my own, for I have given everything to God, Christ,
the Holy Spirit, or if you prefer, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, for the words
don’t matter! I have to use some words to explain my thoughts. I have
given everything to my Mighty I Am Presence and to my work with the
Ascended Masters. My only purpose in life and in creating this I AM
University is to glorify God not self. In truth there is no self to glorify for
it doesn’t even exist. All that exists is the “I Am”! The I Am That I Am
created us all and we are all just Split-off Selves of His infinite
consciousness. We are all just miniature replicas of the Great I Am! So I
Joshua am God, and as such speak to you who is God or the I Am! There is
only one being in the infinite universe and that is the “I Am” or “God”! So
I Am speaking to you the I Am, under the guidance of our elder brethren
and sister I Ams for the purpose of realizing the I Am That I Am! That is
why the I AM University is called the I AM University! It of course has a
double meaning since the I Am also stands for integrated Ascended
Masters. So again I say that the I AM University has nothing to do with
me, and I am almost embarrassed by the degree of humble spiritual
leadership I have been given! Spirit, the Masters and I don’t want you to
focus on us, we seek to only glorify God and the Christ within, the Mighty
I Am Presence within, the Holy Spirit within or if you prefer Vishnu and
Shiva within. It now is the time for the return of the Christ, the return of
the I Am, the return or the externalization of the hierarchy or Ascended
Masters on earth. This will not come from any outside source in this new
Aquarian Age. It will come from each of you fully owing your Mighty I
Am Presence, your Monad, the Christ within, God within, the Holy Spirit
within, the Buddha within, the Atma within, the Eternal Self within, the
Integrated Ascended Master within.
This, my Beloved Readers is the humble purpose of the inner and outer
plane I AM University. We seek only to glorify God, for there is no other
self to glorify. It does not exist, except in the illusionary mind of the
negative ego that does not exist.
So it is Spirit, the Masters and my sincere hope and prayer that this brief
introduction has whet your spiritual appetite and peaked your spiritual
interest! Spirit, the Masters and I are humbly requesting that you read
these 13 write-ups. The reason for the number 13 is they are the 12 apostles
of the Christ, and the 13th is Christ, or Mighty I Am Presence or Integrated
Ascended Master Realization! Take the time to study the new I AM
University website as well. I humbly and with absolute humility tell you
that you will find nothing like this on planet earth. It is a totally new and
cutting edge, revolutionary, new higher octave special dispensational
training for the Aquarian Age. You do not have to change your present
spiritual path, and money is not an object! God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, or
Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, the Ascended Masters, Archangels and
Angels, Christed Extraterrestrials and Elohim Masters are literally
handing you the “Keys to the Kingdom” on a silver platter, if you but
have the “Eyes to see and the ears to hear”! The I AM University has
nothing to do with me. I have taken myself out of the equation. All it has
to do with is fully realizing the Mighty I Am Presence within, the Christ
within, the Integrated Ascended Master within, Spirit within, the Monad
within, the Atma within, the Eternal Self within, God Within, the Holy
Spirit within, the Buddha within, Krishna within, Adonai within, the
Archangel within, the Elohim within, the Christed Extraterrestrial within,
Allah within, Ahura Mazda (Zoroastrian name of God) within, Rama
within, the Tao within! We at the I AM University and Spirit and the
Masters don’t care what you call it! Since some words have to be used to
explain our thoughts we have chosen the words, Mighty I Am Presence,
Integrated Christ, and Integrated Ascended Master. We figure one of these
terms will fit for all souls on earth! However, if you prefer other words
substitute those. God does not care, for all paths lead to God!
Spirit, the Masters and I put forth the clarion call for all to continue
reading the finer details of the inner and outer plane I AM University!
This initial write up is meant to be a summation of all the write-ups to
peak your interest and whet your spiritual appetite. Please tell all your
friends, family and students about the I AM University as well. This is the
“real McCoy”, as the saying goes. Please also take time to study the new I
AM University website! I have humbly given all this information away for
free. You may ask why! That is because the I Am in you is the same I Am
within me and the same I Am who art in Heaven! We all my friends share
the same identity in the I Am, or if you prefer as the Christ, or if you
prefer as Integrated Ascended Masters! Spirit, the Masters and my job is
to just help you quicken and accelerate the realization of this, on whatever
path you have chosen! The I AM University is not a spiritual path, it is
“All Paths”! This is why we don’t seek to have you change the path you
are on, for whatever path you are on, is the I AM University path! I think
my Beloved Readers, you are beginning to sense the profundity and total
uniqueness of the I AM University. It is totally different from anything
you have or will ever come across. Take the time to read the 13 write-ups
and to study the website and the truth of Spirit, the Masters, and my
humble words shall be obvious to you!
There is only one way to end this introduction and welcome to the I AM
Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai T’Sabayoth,
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of Hosts!
Love and Light,
Your Eternal Friend and Humble Servant,
Dr Joshua David Stone
Channeling of Lord Maitreya, the
President of our Planet in the Inner Plane
Spiritual Government!
Greetings, Cherished Friends and Students of the I AM University!
It is my great honor and privilege to have the opportunity on this day of
our Lord to speak to you in this fashion from Christ to Christ and share
some words of introduction and inspiration with you. It is my great honor
and privilege to officially welcome you all in my name and in the name of
the entire inner plane "Office of the Christ" to the birth, anchoring, and
emergence of the first real inner plane teaching and training university
ever grounded and launched on your beloved planet in the history of the
Earth - the I AM University! The I AM University is a collective and
combined project and undertaking of our dear friend Joshua and all of us,
the entire Planetary and Cosmic Hierarchy, and YOU in case you don't
know it yet. The I AM University is not only a planetary project, but part
of a combined effort of all Sons and Daughters on Earth and in Heaven to
accelerate and support "GOD'S ASCENSION." As you will learn within
the Halls and Walls of the I AM University, GOD'S ASCENSION is the
totality of the ascension of all Gods in the infinite OMniverse - all Gods
realizing and chanting in one singular verse the Cosmic OM with the
OMnipotent, OMniscient and OMnipresent One! As within, so without.
As above, so below! The I AM University is the planetary micro-replica of
the Cosmic "University of the I Am That I Am" at the Throne of Creation!
This University at the Godhead level is run by the Lesser Yahweh Lord
Metatron, the creator of the electron and outer light in our universe. Just as
the planetary I AM University, as being anchored into cyberspace and
onto planet Earth at this most auspicious moment in the timelessness of
the I Am That I Am, teaches you to see and realize your inner light in the
light of the outer world, the "Cosmic University of the I Am That I Am" at
the Kether Sephiroth or Crown of Creation Itself serves as teaching
facility and Cosmic School for all Sons and Daughters to see and realize
the outer light (the outer electron) in the light that burns within. You
could say that the students of the "Cosmic University of the I Am That I
Am" involve and descend into the outer light to express the I AM without
while the students at the I AM University on Earth and the many I AM
Universities throughout all of Creation evolve and ascend into the inner
light to express the I Am within. The I AM University serves as the Kether
Sephiroth or Crown for Planet Earth and as such contains the synthesis,
integration, and full spectrum prism of the Planetary Tree of Life.
Metatron at the Throne of Creation heads the Cosmic Tree of Life or
Cosmic Body of Creation. The same is true with you who is reading these
lines. Your Crown which is your Spiritual Center of Union with God
symbolizes the Kether Sephiroth or Crown of your personal Tree of Life
as you find and will grow in realization within! The Tree of Life is within.
The Tree of Life is without. The I AM University is the externalized and
outward reflection of the Tree of Life that lives and grows within! And at
the same time the I AM University is but a reflection of the Cosmic Tree of
Life that contains and embraces all of Creation! At the I AM University
you will learn to merge and become one with both simultaneously.
However, the I AM University is much more than that. It is also the
anchoring, manifestation, and birth of the inner plane "Planetary Office of
the Christ." This is a Spiritual planetary governmental position which it is
my honor to hold. As you will learn within the Halls and Walls of the I
AM University I have asked my dear friend Joshua, my most trusted
initiate on Earth, after meeting his Spiritual leadership responsibilities as
head of the inner and outer plane planetary I AM University and
Synthesis Ashram and the necessary and appropriate training, to take over
this inner plane office and post so I may move on and serve in an even
greater capacity in Our Father's many mansions. The Spiritual mission
and purpose of the office of "Planetary Christ" is to produce Planetary
Christs on Earth! A "Planetary Christ Production Factory" of some sort! As
you know the I AM University has a threefold nature. It is the anchoring
and externalization of the inner plane I AM University headed by Joshua,
the outward expression of the inner plane Synthesis Ashram also headed
by Joshua, and last but not least it is also the official launching on Earth of
the inner plane "Office of Planetary Christ" which I currently head but
will eventually pass the torch of Spiritual Leadership of onto Joshua. This
is the trinity function of the I AM University as being anchored now into
cyberspace and onto the Earth! You could say the I AM University is my
office and outlet on Earth, run by my representative and eventual
successor Joshua! Never in the history of the Earth has anything like this
been launched! Since it is the responsibility of the Office of the Christ in
conjunction with the Office of the Manu and the Office of the
Mahachohan to help all souls on Earth achieve Planetary Christ
Realization, a new dispensation of elevated Christ Teachings is being
given to the world, and the medium which I and the Spiritual Hierarchy
chose to use as planetary platform for this Spiritual mission and purpose
is the I AM University.
Speaking for the entire Spiritual Government of Planet Earth, we humbly
think we have served you well. It is our collective desire and the Divine
Plan that we eventually move on in our Spiritual evolution and allow our
students the honor and Spiritual responsibility to take over our jobs just
as we of the Spiritual Hierarchy move up to take over the jobs of our
teachers so they can step into even higher Spiritual leadership. At the end
of the Piscean Age and the beginning of the "Age of the Christ" a
planetary cycle and circle has been completed and so it is time for all of
you who are reading this message to realize that you are the
externalization of the Spiritual Hierarchy that you have been waiting for
to take manifestation on Earth! You have to realize that we all are Gods in
the making. We all are Christs in the making. We all are Holy Spirits in
the making. We are all made in the Image and Likeness of God. God is a
Trinity and so is each one of us. The purpose of life is to realize God,
Christ, and the Holy Spirit at the 352nd level of initiation which is the
Crown of All Initiations, the Kether of all Sephirothic Initiations, the
Crown of Full God Realization! The purpose of life is to realize the Image
of GOD within, the Omnipotence (GOD/BRAHMA/POWER),
PRINCIPLE/LOVE/WISDOM) of God within. The purpose of life is to
grow in realization to be like our Father/Mother who art in Heaven. GOD
is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, and so are all of us - we are
just in the process of realizing this grand truth! As you will learn in the I
AM University, God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit form the Ultimate Cosmic
Government. God as the Ultimate Cosmic Manu/Creator, Christ as the
Ultimate Cosmic Christ Principle/Consciousness, and the Holy Spirit as
the Ultimate Cosmic Mahachohan/Active Intelligence and Spirit. So our
final destination so to speak is to arrive at that level of Realization and coleadership
with the Trinity. We each are helping God, Christ, and the
Holy Spirit according to and on our level of Spiritual growth to run the
infinite Cosmos. At the I AM University you will learn that the first step
lies in successfully running your innate government, that is the threefold
flame of God/Christ/Holy Spirit in the sanctuary of your own heart and
constitution. Once you become the Manu, Christ, and Mahachohan within
your own being and embody God's Power, Christ's Love, and the Holy
Spirit's Active Intelligence within your own life and inner constitution,
then the next step lies in externalizing the Trinity in greater and greater
capacity until you arrive at the planetary level, then the solar level,
galactic, universal, multi-universal and finally cosmic level where you
will have arrived in your realization to be truly be one with your
"Father/Mother" who are in "Heaven!" What I am trying to tell you with
this short Cosmic Map and Outline is that it is a natural process, my dear
Brothers and Sisters on Earth, to step up and into Spiritual Leadership
over Planet Earth, for it gives you the training to practice the Power of
God, the Love of Christ, and the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit at vaster and
vaster levels. To be given the opportunity to serve in such a way in greater
and greater capacity allows you finally, once you arrive at the end of your
journey, to be like and with your "Father/Mother" who are in Heaven. You
grow by serving. Service is the Law of Life. The more you serve the more
you grow! The vaster your Spiritual Leadership position, the more you
learn to lead like God/Christ/Holy Spirit who are the ultimate Governers
of the Infinite Cosmos. And the higher up you go the more you will learn
to serve like God/Christ/Holy Spirit who are the Ultimate Cosmic
Servants! They serve the Ultimate Cosmos! God is both, the Ultimate
Cosmic Leader and the Ultimate Cosmic Servant! A true leader serves.
Leadership and service are the two sides of the same coin. You can't
separate one from the other.
Well, my friends, the purpose of this little discourse is to bring to your
awareness the importance and significance of the establishment and rootgrowing
of the I AM University on Earth! The I AM University gives you
the full spectrum prism training you need to arrive at the inevitable
realization that you and your Father/Mother are one! The I AM University
will teach you how to co-create and co-lead with God, Christ, and the Holy
Spirit on the inner and outer levels. It is the Divine Plan for all Sons and
Daughters of God to sooner or later eventually come Home. You can try
and deny your true majesty, glory, and inheritance but why delay that
which is inevitable. It is your free will and one thing to delay your own
personal ascension and Self and God Realization but it is another thing to
realize that your decision of giving into the negative ego, procrastination
and laziness, lower self, little self, false lovers, fear and attack, selfishness,
competition, judgement, powerlessness, insecurities and self doubt,
victim consciousness, and the whole gamut of lower self expressions, has
an impact and effect on your Brothers and Sisters in God throughout all of
Creation for they can't go Home without you going Home for we are all
ONE. Going Home means being one with God in Consciousness at the
352nd level of divinity. Knowledge obliges! Ponder on this! God has only
One Son/One Daughter and we all share in this Sonship/Daugthership.
We are all one and inter-connected. We can't move on if you don't get
moving! See what I mean?
With this realization in mind, beloved Fellow Christs, you have to ask
yourself what is the fastest way to grow from unrealized Christ, to
Apprentice Christ, to full blown Fully Realized Planetary Christ! Well, the
first step lies in becoming the threefold leader (manu, Christ, and
mahachohan) over your own inner constitution and being. The second
step then lies in stepping into full manu/Christed/mahachohanic
leadership in your outer life and world. To be a successful leader in the
outer world you need first to be a successful leader over your inner world.
As the head of the inner plane "Office of the Christ" my perspective and
view on the newly anchored I AM University on Earth is one of a global
nature and interest. I see the I AM University as the vehicle and platform
it represents as the earthly/outer plane global training ground and training
facility to raise the consciousness of your planet into the Christed realm! It
is my job as "Planetary Christ" to hold the vision of the bigger picture that is to help your planet birth into Christ Consciousness - and to bring
this vision into manifestation. I have chosen the I AM University to help
me fulfill this Spiritual mission and purpose.
The I AM University has been established as our Collective Gift to you,
my cherished friends and fellows on Earth, to help you 1) make that inner
shift from sleeping/dormant Christ to fully awakened Planetary Christ,
and 2) to help you become a valuable and cherished member and citizen
of your planet. Actively taking part in the restructuring and reorganization
of your planet into a Christed civilization and people! Actively being a
vital part in the creation of planetary solutions instead of losing self in
fear of your global challenges and problems. The I AM University has
been established to help you make that shift on an inner and outer level
from attack and fear to love, from selfishness to selflessness, from grudgeholding
to forgiveness, from competition to cooperation, from judgement
to Spiritual discernment, from self doubt to self confidence, from
powerlessness to personal power and self mastery, from neediness to
preference, from impatience to patience, from suffering to joy, from
vulnerability to invulnerability, from attachment to involved detachment,
from laziness and procrastination to discipline, from self punishment to
self love and self forgiveness, from ego sensitivity to unchanging self
worth, from worry and anxiety to faith and trust, from poverty
consciousness to prosperity consciousness, from arrogance and pride to
humility and humbleness, from disorganization to organization, from
illusion to truth, from lower mass consciousness to higher group
consciousness, and from lower self/fear based/separative/negative ego
consciousness to Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God Consciousness. In short the
I AM University helps you make the shift from Adam to the Christ within
your consciousness and in the outer world! For that which you see is that
which you give. As you will learn at the I AM University, the
development of your consciousness is the key to Self and God Realization.
You already are God on an essence level. The development of your
Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God Consciousness allows you to realize God on
a form level as well - that is in your thinking, feeling, acting, and
everything you do. You need both levels - inner essence and outer form to fully realize God.
We, the Spiritual Hierarchy, hold the I AM University in the highest light
because it produces highest level initiates, full spectrum prism integrated
Ascended Masters, and Full Blown Fully Realized Planetary Christs. To
give you a better understanding of what such a high level initiate looks
like, let me give you here for your edification and enjoyment a profile of
the I AM Student and "I AM Master, PhD."
The "I AM Master, PhD" who graduates from the I AM University has
learned to be fully right with self, has perfect self love, self worth and
remains in their personal power at the 100% level at all times. The I AM
University graduate has the wisdom to properly use and balance both love
and power. The I AM University produces Masters who understand what
it means to appropriately respond instead of inappropriately react, who
understand the art and science of attitudional healing as well as balance
and integration. The I AM Master, PhD embodies the proper integration
and balance of Heaven and Earth, of the feminine and masculine faces of
God, the four faces of God, the four basic minds of God and the four-body
system. The I AM University teaches the path and integration of both the
God/Goddess within, the Horizontal and Vertical Planes, the Seven
Primary and 352 Rays and Threefold Flame, the Seven Primary and 352
Chakras of God, the 13 Primary and 352 Sephiroth of God, the 13 Primary
and 352 Archetypes of God, the 12 Primary and 352 Schools, Colleges, and
Challenges of Life! The I AM University is a "3 Level Master Production
Company" - that is, it produces Masters that are not only Spiritually
activated at the highest degree, but also trained in a cutting edge sense on
a consciousness and psychological level, as well as on a physical/earthly
and manifestation level. The I AM University turns sheep into shepherd,
the apprentice into the Master. Students and Masters with the stamp of
the I AM University in their Spiritual resume understand the fine balance
between being Spiritually selfless and selfish when appropriate, they
practice Spiritual vigilance against limited lens seeing, and know how to
properly build their antakarana back to the Godhead. The students of the
I AM University become full spectrum prism channels for Spirit and the
Masters, understand, practice, and apply Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God
Consciousness, and are masters in clearing negative ego and negative
psychic energies. Graduates from the I AM University have compassion
without taking on the suffering of others. They embody a decisiveness
unseen, unknown and unheard of in your world and know what they
want, making decisions from a full spectrum prism integrated perspective!
The I AM University Master, PhD demonstrates and practices the Presence
of God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit in every moment of their lives! They
have developed a flawless character, flawless body, flawless mind, and
flawless spirit! They hold a perfect diet on a physical/earthly level, but
also on an etheric, emotional, mental, and spiritual level as well! At the I
AM University they are taught to develop a healthy psychoepistemology,
an attitude of detachment and that which you all need on Earth big time a thick skin. An efficient perception of reality. Proper boundaries. A
developed conscience, the Midas touch, divine indifference! Discipline
and focus! The students of the I AM University know how to interpret
their dreams, understand that every challenge in life is a Spiritual test and
lesson. They show faith, trust, and patience in God and God's Laws!
Embody righteousness! Master their emotions and know how to properly
integrate them! The I AM University Student realizes the importance of
focusing on one's own lessons rather than teaching other people theirs.
They follow a path of synthesis and integration in everything they do! Are
forgiving and self-forgiving. Fulfill their Divine Puzzle Piece. See through
the illusion of glamour, illusion, and maya! Understand the fine balance
between grace and falling from grace. Have humbleness, humility, and
gratitude. The I AM University Student and Master understands how to
properly ground one's spirituality! Has transcended all bad habits and
replaced them with Christed/Buddhic ones. Has preferences instead of
attachments! Transcends lower self desires and replaces them with the
desires of the higher self and Spirit. At the I AM University there is a
special focus on understanding the importance to hold one's frequency
even when psychological hurricanes around abound. Focus on the
importance to honor and sanctify the Material Face of God. On the laws of
hypnosis and how to dehypnotize one's Brothers and Sisters in God! In
the halls and walls of the inner and outer plane/earthly I AM University
you are taught about inner and outer organization, and inner and outer
parenting! Integrated meditation and integrated prayer. About the
importance to cleanse your soul extensions within your monad and work
with them as one team! One for all and all for one! The Students, Masters,
and Graduates of the I AM University know how to properly integrate
their initiations into their four-body system in an integrated and balanced
way. They understand and apply leadership and self-leadership. They live
in the TAO, are Spiritual Warriors and always Spiritually assertive in life
on all levels. They love their enemies, know the importance of making
adjustments on the Spiritual path and taking Spiritual vows. They
practice the laws of manifestation. Have mastered addictions and bad
habits, and take responsibility for Earth and Earth life. They are optimists!
The I AM University Students still make mistakes but understand the
difference between pursuit of excellence and negative ego perfectionism.
They properly process life on a Spiritual and consciousness level! Have
perseverance, purity, Spiritual honesty, and Spiritual passion! They
understand the difference between polarity and negative ego duality and
have the wisdom to transcend duality in their life. They know how to
quiet their mind. Enjoy silence. Have Spiritual discernment. Have
overcome temptation. And have one and only one thought: to be of service
and to glorify God on Earth as it is in Heaven! Well, my friends, this is just
the tip of the "profile iceberg" of what a student and graduate of the I AM
University looks like!
Beloved Fellows, there is nothing more fulfilling in the infinite universe
other than realizing who you truly are and helping others do the same! Do
you not want to know who you are? Do you not want to create like the
Elohim, radiate like the Archangels and "integrate" like an Ascended
Master? Do you not want to serve your planet as a Planetary Christ and
support God's Ascension? Do you not want to be a cause of your reality
and create like a God! Do you not want to serve as a vessel for the Holy
Spirit and become the Voice for God on Earth! Do you not desire a life of
such profundity, depth, fulfillment and glory? Well, my friends, if you
take a moment and go deep within, you will get a resounding yes because
this is your Spiritual Mission, Purpose, and calling. We all share in the
same Spiritual mission and that is to become God, Christ, and the Holy
Spirit in our realization, no matter what individual puzzle piece may be
ours to fulfill.
For God equals man minus ego. Christ equals love minus fear. The Holy
Spirit equals wisdom minus separation. At the I AM University you are
given the crash course of all crash courses to become God, Christ, and the
Holy Spirit - your threefold nature - in your realization. You are one in
three and three in one. We the Spiritual Hierarchy collectively think that
the I AM University contains the best teaching methodologies on the
planet to help you arrive at this realization in the fastest way possible so
in turn you may help others achieve such a sublime state of consciousness
as well, just as you have been helped by the teachings of the I AM
University. The I AM University is destined and designed to support the
current window of mass ascension with the necessary and corresponding
teachings and revelations to assure "integrated ascension" in an integrated
and balanced way. A form of ascension that allows the full and complete
descension, merger, and integration of the individual soul with its monad
on Earth - a vital ingredient to creating Heaven on Earth. May you all have
the eyes to see and the ears to hear! The I AM University is the real deal,
my fellows. This is the real McCoy!
The I AM University has the official "stamp of universal approval" of
God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, Myself, and the entire Planetary and Cosmic
Hierarchy to be the leading teaching facility of all teaching facilities that
currently exist on Earth! It is the outlet and representative office of my
inner plane "Office of the Christ" on Earth. It is a direct extension of my
office and as such carries the "Mark of the Christ!" Everyone who enters
the gates of the inner and outer/earthly plane I AM University will have
the "Mark of the Christ" stamped on their forehead! Everyone who enters
the gates of the I AM University will experience a transformation of
unseen, unheard, and unknown proportions! Within the wisdom halls and
delivery rooms of the I AM University you will give birth to the Messiah
within - Your Christ Child - and you will also learn to grow it into a Full
Fledged Fully Blossoming Fully Realized Planetary Christ!
So fasten your seatbelt, as our dear friend and leader Joshua likes to say,
for you are in truth on the Inter-Planetary-Solar-Galactic-UniversalCosmic Rocketship and Lightbeam to God!
Go forth, my friends, and join the inner and outer/Earthly plane I AM
University! It will quench your thirst and hunger for Spiritual growth,
Psychological and Consciousness Development, Physical/Earthly mastery
and integration, Spiritual fulfillment, Self and God Realization, and so
much more!
My love to you from the Office of the Christ,
Lord Maitreya
A Soul Travel Vision of the I AM
University on the Inner Planes and an
Understanding of your Integrated Light
Body Split Off Selves!
Dr Joshua David Stone
My Beloved Readers, I am not sure I have ever been so excited to do a
write up as I am right now! It is my great honor and privilege to give you a
description of the “I AM University” as it appears on the inner plane!
To begin my Beloved Friends, the I AM University began in
approximately the year 2000 on the inner plane. Not very many people
realize that in the year 2000 the entire understanding of ascension was
completely changed by God and the Ascended Masters! Prior to the year
2000 souls were allowed to advance spiritually, but were not being held
very accountable in terms of their consciousness development, integration,
psychological development, and ability to anchor their spiritual mission
on earth. Souls were allowed to continue growing spiritually in truth,
even though they were not very balanced and integrated! Most souls on
earth were focusing on the spiritual level and indeed making excellent
advancements, but a type of fragmentation and disintegration was
beginning to take form in mass on planet earth. This was a very disturbing
trend as seen by Spirit and the Masters and a major adjustment to the plan
of ascension on planet earth needed to be made! Given the 2000 year
Piscean Age was officially ending and the new 2000 year Aquarian Age
was beginning and we were starting a New Millennium, and that Lord
Buddha just five years ago had become our new Planetary Logos, the
timing was perfect to make this change! A new dispensation of ascension
as of the year 2000 began and the formation of the “I AM University” on
the inner plane was part of this new dispensation of ascension for planet
Earth! In the new dispensation of ascension for planet Earth souls were no
longer going to be allowed to predominately focus on the spiritual level or
heavenly level, and not do their work on the consciousness and
psychological level, and physical/earthly level as well! If lightworkers,
disciples and initiates on Earth did not do their spiritual path on earth in a
more balanced and integrated way, they would not be allowed to evolve!
They were given some leeway up to the 7th initiation and a little leeway up
to even the 12th initiation, however, after that they would remain stuck at
the initiation level they were at no matter how much spiritual work they
were doing. If their spiritual path was not done in an integrated and
balanced way and if souls did not refine and develop their consciousness,
become right with self and right with God, become the cause of their
reality instead of being victims, and if they did not learn to be of the
Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God Consciousness in an integrated and
balanced way, they would remain stuck in their evolution. Souls on earth,
to pass their initiations and receive their light bodies, were now required
to transcend negative ego/fear based/separative thinking and feeling, and
had to learn to properly parent their inner child, integrate their three
minds and four bodies, master and balance their chakras, Seven Rays, 12
major Archetypes, God/Goddess within, Heaven and Earth, Yin and Yang,
the 12 Schools, Colleges and Challenges of Life, their 12 Sephiroth on the
Tree of Life, their Three Fold Flame of Love, Wisdom and Power, the Four
Faces of God, (Spiritual, Mental, Emotional and Material), the 22 cards of
the Major Arcana, develop a proper spiritual psychology, transcend lower
self desire, let go of bad habits and addictions, master and reprogram their
subconscious mind, integrate and cleanse their soul extensions from their
Oversoul and Monad, develop not just light quotient, but also love
quotient and power quotient, pass their “Initiations of Consciousness,”
not just spiritual initiations, anchor their spiritual mission on Earth, and
fulfill their puzzle piece on Earth, master Earth energies, become a master
of the Spiritual, psychological and physical/earthly level and then
integrate and balance them, turn their chakras into Seven Golden
Candlesticks, develop evenmindedness, inner peace, unconditional love,
forgiveness, compassion, joy, defenseless, harmlessness, selflessness,
egolessness, humbleness, humility, and the fruits of the Spirit! Also
lightworkers most of all must learn to pass their spiritual tests and
lessons, step into spiritual leadership, service work, and in time global
world service work. The inner plane Ascended Master are not into
ascension, they are into “Integrated Ascension”!
As part of this new dispensation of ascension as of the year 2000 not only
did lightworkers need to achieve their major initiations, they needed to
integrate their initiations into their mental, emotional, etheric, energetic,
physical, bodies and Earthly life and all relationships or they would not
be allowed to take another initiation. As of the year 2000 the buck stops
here! Hence the formation of the inner plane “ I AM University”!
This was the humble work I have been doing the last 30 years of my life
on Earth and in the last 15 years through the former Melchizedek
Synthesis Light Academy. However, because I had been given spiritual
leadership of the inner and outer plane Synthesis Ashram formerly held
by the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul which is one of the Eight Ashrams
of the Christ on the inner plane, the “I AM University” was created! In a
sense the former MSLA transformed or evolved into the “I AM
University”! The I AM University is an extension of the inner plane
Synthesis Ashram and is also an extension of the Office of the Christ
currently held by Lord Maitreya! Given my current spiritual leadership of
the inner plane Synthesis Ashram and the fact that I was voted by the
Spiritual Hierarchy to be the next World Teacher for this next 2000 year
Aquarian Age Cycle, a position the Master Jesus held for the 2000 year
Piscean Age cycle, as well as the fact that Lord Maitreya asked me to take
over the spiritual leadership position of the Office of the Christ for this
planet in the future, I was humbly seen as the perfect person to run this
inner plane “I AM University” for the Spiritual Hierarchy, and it
dovetailed out of the work I was already doing on the Earth! For it was in
the year 2000 that I wrote my book “Integrated Ascension”! This book
came out of all this inner plane work that was beginning to manifest on
the inner plane concerning the I AM University! Now, four years later, it is
time to anchor the I AM University onto the Earth. I have channeled and
written thirteen write ups to explain the I AM University from a full
spectrum prism consciousness perspective!
However, before I get into all the different facets of the “I AM
University,” Spirit and the Masters have guided me to give you a soul
travel experience of the “I AM University” on the inner plane as it is seen
by Spirit and the Masters and all who study and train there. Let me begin
by saying over 600 million souls have already been working through the I
AM University over the past five years! The Ascended Masters who
overlight this University think so highly of it that they have made the I
AM University a required gate for all souls on Earth! No soul on Earth will
be allowed to go to higher dimensions without going through the four
year training program. Now I am not saying here that all six billion souls
will study outwardly on earth with the I AM University! However, all
souls on earth whether they realize it or not will be going through the I
AM University on the inner plane if they want to reach the ascended
realms and achieve their ascension and resurrection. The I AM University
provides a totally unique, integrated, synthesized, full spectrum prism
consciousness training that has not been available on earth before in such
a manner! As of the year 2000 all souls who work in the Seven Ashrams of
the Christ or in the Seven Ashrams of the Ascended Masters El Morya,
Master Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Master Hilarion, Master
Jesus/Sananda and Saint Germain will have to go through this inner plane
four-year I AM University first! The I AM University helps to clear the
person of their negative ego programming and helps the soul to become
integrated, balanced, synthesized and achieve a full spectrum prism
consciousness! For this reason it has been decided by the inner plane
Ascended Masters, not me, that the inner plane I AM University as of the
year 2000 is a required gate all six billion souls on Earth must go through!
In other words, it is a required gate in that all souls on Earth need to
achieve integration and balance within their physical,
psychological/consciousness, and Spiritual bodies. So now the question is
how do souls attend? They attend in three ways. They attend first off
while they sleep at night in their soul bodies. Secondly, they attend
during conscious waking hours with their integrated light body split-off
selves, which I will describe at the end of this write-up. Thirdly they
attend in a type of bilocation, where for example you get up in the
morning from your sleep and ask to attend the I AM University, and the
rest of your day you attend the university and do your thing on Earth in a
bilocated state simultaneously! So in truth most people who are attending
the I AM University are not aware consciously, for they are doing it in a
multidimensional state! Just as God is omnipresent and multidimensional
to say the least! We each are incarnations of God, and we
each have and are developing our omnipresent nature as well!
Spirit and the Masters told me that the I AM University is patterned
somewhat after the “University on the inner plane in the Great White
Lodge on Sirius,” which is the real spiritual capital of our planet! Another
way to see the I AM University would be to make a comparison of the
trinity of the Monad, Oversoul and soul! The I AM University is like the
soul level! The Chohans of the Seven Rays are like the Oversoul level! The
Monadic level is the Office of the Christ, currently held by Lord Maitreya,
which I am humbly in line to take over in the future, the Manu Allah
Gobi, and the Mahachohan Saint Germain. So do you see why the I AM
University has been made a required gate by the inner plane Ascended
Masters? For they want everyone to master the soul level and build a good
foundation before moving to the Oversoul level and Monadic level. The I
AM University provides the best integrated, synthesis, full spectrum
prism consciousness training and foundation to achieving this that
currently exists on the planet.
Now if you really want to accelerate your spiritual evolution, Spirit, the
Masters and I recommend joining the outer plane I AM University that is
now being anchored onto the earth for it is a mirror reflection of that
which is being done in heaven! By doing this you are learning, studying,
integrating, synthesizing, applying all the wisdom, knowledge and
spiritual tools consciously, not just in your soul body or by your
Integrated Light Body Split-Off Selves, or by a bilocated part of your
consciousness! This is not required, however, wouldn’t it make sense
since all souls have to go through this training on earth and it is a
“required gate” on the inner plane that you might want to consider doing
it on the outer plane as well! By doing this you will infinitely accelerate
your integrated initiation and ascension process. This is why the I AM
University is now being anchored onto the earth at this time.
However, before I can speak about the full structure of the I AM
University on how it works on the inner and outer plane, first it is
appropriate to give you a spiritual soul travel vision of the campus of the I
AM University on the inner planes!
An Actual Soul Travel Vision of the I AM University on
the Inner Planes!
To begin, the I AM University is the size of a very large city on the inner
planes. It is immense! At any one time over 400,000 or more are studying
and working there. I asked Spirit and the Masters about this and they said
it is like the size of Los Angeles! It is a whole spiritual city in itself.
There is one main unbelievably large building complex in the center of
the I AM University. Metatron told me that when seen from the sky or
space high above, when you look down on this immense building, it is in
the shape of a “Star of David” or six-pointed star. The Star of David is two
equilateral triangles placed on top of each other and is symbolic of perfect
balance and integration.
The stars are made of clear quartz crystal and the center circle of the star is
made up of amethyst crystal! In the center of the star there is a dome, kind
of like what an Islamic mosque looks like. This is looking down from the
sky! Spirit and the Masters told me that on special occasions at the I AM
University the roof actually opens like the opening of a “Lotus Blossom”!
The building is unbelievably large for it has to be able to house 400,000
people at any given time and really up to millions of people. The building
also has seven levels or floors. I asked Spirit and the Masters who created
the blueprint for this entire city complex and they told me Archangel
Metatron did, with some input from me, but it was Metatron who did it
and he gave the plans to the Elohim, who created this I AM University city
complex. I found this very interesting!
Spirit and the Masters told me that as one enters the building they have to
walk up 70 steps! There are Roman-like columns at the front of the
building, with pictures of the Masters carved into the columns. The
carvings actually change for the building is alive! It is not like the cement
we use on earth. The entire building is made of a crystalline substance and
has a luminescent glow of violet and pink! I am getting ahead of myself
here, but Spirit and the Masters told me that when all souls on earth
achieve their 12th level of initiation this I AM University building will
turn to Gold! So the building like people’s clothing reflects their level of
consciousness and spiritual development. As long as I am on that subject,
all the people attending wear robes of different colors! The color and
quality of the robes people wear are reflective of their level of spiritual
and consciousness development! One is not allowed to wear a robe that is
beyond their level of evolution. So like one’s aura, one’s clothes instantly
reflect a person’s level of spiritual growth.
I want to get back here to the meaning of the 70 steps. The number seven
is the level of initiation needed to achieve liberation from the wheel of
rebirth. So seven merged with zero or the infinite is the first goal of the I
AM University training. The Second goal is the 12th level of initiation for
all souls. The third goal is the 22nd level of initiation and light body
anchoring and activation, which is full Mighty I Am Presence and Christ
realization on a planetary level! The number 70 is also symbolic of the 70
names of Metatron! So the climbing of the 70 steps symbology is quite
The entrance doors to the I AM University are made of Gold, like the
Golden Doors of Michaelangelo! When one enters these Golden Doors,
they enter into a huge conference room and meeting hall. This first floor is
used for the largest auditorium. For example, usually if I give a lecture or
there is an Ascended Master guest lecturer, everyone in the I AM
University attends and it is held in this first floor. Also on the first floor
there is a café where light drinks can be obtained! There is also a social
hall, movie theatre and concert halls! The movies are created by the Fourth
Ray department, and some are scientific, some more art focused, some
politically focused, some focused on spiritual education, some on spiritual
business, some on the world’s religions and some on revamping of the
world’s civilization and some are more enjoyment oriented but all have a
very spiritual message, unlike on earth!
There are also incredible spiritual statues and paintings everywhere. The
pictures are actually alive and are like a third dimensional experience!
Level two of the building is where all the classrooms, seminar rooms, and
work shop rooms are. Each room is a different color according to the Ray
department that uses that room! So the rooms are red, blue, yellow, green,
orange, indigo and violet.
Level three is for all souls who are still on what is called “the path of
probation” and have not yet taken their first initiation! This level is for all
the souls who are just waking up.
Level four is for those souls who are working on initiation levels one
through seven!
Level five is for those souls who are working on initiations seven through
Level six is for those souls working on initiations 12 through 22! It is on
this level where the 72 apprentice teachers of the I AM University have
their offices and work. Now I should say here there are 12 major teachers
that work for me in the I AM University all of which I have trained! Then
there are 72 other teachers who I have trained who work under these 12
major teachers. Most of my work is training the teachers and working
with initiates who are working on initiation levels 12 to 22. The rest of the
work is done by my staff of teachers and the students who study there are
given a charge to work and serve in the I AM University as well!
The 7th floor is where I have my office along with the 12 major teachers
who work with me. These 12 major teachers are my 12 pillars in the I AM
University! A great deal of my work is split between working in the I AM
University, working my job in the inner plane Synthesis Ashram and
working in the Office of the Christ with Lord Maitreya, who is training
me to take over his position as “Planetary Christ” within the “Office of the
Christ” in the future! So the lower level initiates I leave for my 12 major
teachers to teach. The higher you go in your initiation and ascension
process the more you will study and train with me, however, because of
all my responsibilities in the I AM University, Synthesis Ashram, Office
of the Christ and work as World Teacher, I have a lot on my spiritual plate
so to speak. This is why I have trained these 12 and 72 teachers to help me!
Now Spirit and the Masters told me an interesting thing! They said that
this I AM University is such a vast city complex and since all six billion
souls on earth are required to go through it on the inner plane, the I AM
University has become what they called the eight path to higher evolution!
Djwhal Khul in the Alice Bailey Books spoke of the Seven Higher Paths to
higher evolution and how each soul after taking their higher initiations
must follow one of these paths! Well the new dispensation of the I AM
University for the Earth has become an eighth path, for souls who study
there can become teachers there and work in the I AM University
themselves, training the six billion souls on Earth! The I AM University
has taken over the synthesis function of the inner plane Synthesis Ashram
to a great extend! So the Synthesis Ashram is becoming a little more of a
Second Ray Ashram as the I AM University fulfills this function for it! In
a later write up I will share with you the curriculum and structure of the I
AM University which is pretty amazing! I have not even begun yet to give
you the tip of the iceberg of all that is to come! The 3000 mile journey
begins with the first step and I am right now just in the beginning! So let
me continue!
I forgot to mention there is a fourth way one can attend the I AM
University which is to soul travel to it consciously. However, not that
many people have the ability to do this, so I didn’t mention this. Many
will have dreams and dream fragments of attending come back to them
after reading all the write ups! All souls who have read my books, come to
Wesak, read correspondence courses, training programs, worked with the
21 ascension activation meditations tapes, studied the website and
information packets have attended the I AM University.
The Masters told me that some souls never leave the I AM University. If
they are not there in their soul, their split-off selves remain, and they send
a part of their consciousness.
Now here is another absolutely fascinating thing I also forgot to mention.
On the first floor there is a special cleansing room. Every new person who
comes to the I AM University or any person who leaves and comes back,
must enter the cleansing room on the first floor. This is a special Arcturian
Technology that cleanses the person’s aura and chakras! So the energy and
atmosphere of the I AM University is crystal clear for all souls are
cleansed upon entering or re-entering the I AM University.
Now getting back to the seventh floor! I have my computer there as do the
12 Teachers. All the computers are connected to the computers of the
Seven Chohans and Lord Maitreya, the Planetary Christ! So the whole
Second Ray complex is totally connected! Lord Maitreya is of course
connected to the computers of Lord Buddha, Allah Gobi, the Manu, and
Saint Germain, the Mahachohan, as well as to those of Helios and Vesta
the Solar logos, Melchior the Galactic Logos and Melchizedek, the
Universal Logos.
I have in my office certain other light technologies from the Lord of
Arcturus and the Arcturians, such as a lightworker profile machine which
allows me to examine the auras and chakras of each disciple, initiate or
master in a very precise manner.
In my office there are large windows and as I look out in one direction
there are mountains and on the top of one mountain in the distance is a
beautiful white cross. Then when I look through another window on the
other side of the office I am looking at an absolutely gigantic lake that is
so big that it looks like an ocean. There are boats on the lake. There are
also gigantic rock or crystal rock formations jetting out of the lake from
the lake bottom. I can also see birds flying in the air. The water is
incredibly clear! There is also a gigantic rainbow that covers the entire city
complex. The entire grounds that surround this unbelievably massive
building complex are gardens, nature paths, trees, and flower gardens!
The flowers are of such a nature that they do not even exist on Earth! Some
of the trees grow what looks like crystals on them! There are streams,
water falls, and rivers that flow through the city gardens and landscapes.
The I AM University city complex is so massive that even though so many
people are studying there it does not seem crowded. In some of the
waterfalls the water is slightly rainbow looking in color and again
unbelievably fresh and clear.
There is no nighttime at the I AM University. It is always daytime and the
weather is always sunny and moderate.
After one graduates from the I AM University or at least achieves their 7th
through 12th initiation, the souls attending begin to specialize in one of the
ashrams of the Chohans of the Seven Rays.
There is also a beautiful golden wall that surrounds the entire city
complex of the I AM University. There are Four Gates to enter the I AM
University, one in the north, south, east and west respectively.
On the different floors of the building there are also personal rooms for
students to stay in when they need integration time after intensive
The seventh floor is also for special guest lectures of Ascended Masters or
Christed Extraterrestrials! Every floor has conference rooms as well.
There is also a special healing area in the building with doctors and a type
of healing spa!
Every day for about five minutes there are group mantras chanted by all in
the I AM University to attune the entire group consciousness.
On the third floor there is a special quarantined institution for souls who
are considered more difficult cases such as schizophrenics, murderers,
child abusers, rapists, criminals, gang members and so on. There are
special teachers who work with these souls.
Spirit and the Masters told me that because of my 22 integrated light body
split-off selves I currently possess and 33 by Wesak 2005, that I have
written something like 500 books on the inner plane, some of which I have
downloaded onto the earth in my Ascension Book series! On the second
floor is an incredible spiritual library where you can find all my books on
earth and the ones I have written in heaven, plus an infinite number of
other spiritual books on every spiritual subject under the sun!
I do occasionally lecture at the I AM University and usually everyone in
the university attends these lectures on the first floor. I am also invited to
lecture in other places in our galaxy. Spirit and the Masters told me that
my books and correspondence courses, and the ones I wrote on the inner
plane as well, are actually being used by a great many planets. You all
who are reading this do similar things in your field of expertise. I am not
alone in this.
There is also an exchange program in the I AM University where students
from other planets come here and students from the I AM University go
there. Each exchange student who comes stays on the floor of their level of
evolution initiation wise!
When you study books in the spiritual library they are not like regular
books. When you open them up they come alive like a three dimensional
So I think you can see my friends what an amazing place this I AM
University is! The I AM University on earth is patterned after the I AM
University in heaven so you can obtain much of the same wisdom and
knowledge consciously, not just in your soul body, or through your splitoff
selves, or through your bilocated consciousness! The six
correspondence courses are part of the inner plane I AM University which
I have downloaded onto the Earth in the last couple of years. So are the
three new beginning, intermediate, and advanced workbooks! So are the
21 ascension activation meditation tapes! Every person who joins the I AM
University on the outward plane will not only be automatically entered
into the I AM University on the inner plane, but will also receive eight
additional special dispensation inner plane training programs from God,
Christ the Holy Spirit, the Universal Mind, Mighty I Am Presence,
Oversoul and Superconscious mind, Melchizedek, Mahatma, Metatron,
Lord Maitreya, Lord Buddha and the Seven Chohans, the Christed
Extraterrestrials, the Divine Mother and Integrated Lady Masters! Each of
these inner plane special dispensation training programs has a
correspondence course and training program course on earth that goes
with it! Depending on your level of development there is a beginning,
intermediate and advanced work book! These things along with the 21
ascension activation meditation tapes, Wesak in Mt Shasta, the 40-volume
ascension book series, the various spiritual sessions we offer, the other
university services as well as the website itself, all provide the channeled
outer tools from the inner plane I AM University Ashram itself. I am the
humble president and director of the inner plane I AM University, and it
is now time to anchor the I AM University on Earth! In time as well we
will have a very large building and spiritual community as well! This my
friends is why Melchizedek the Universal Logos said,
“The I AM University Is Set To Become The Biggest, Most Influential
Spiritual Teachings On The Planet! The New World Religion Of Which
The Masters Speak Is Closely Connected With Its Teachings. Joshua’s
Readership Will Widen Beyond His Imaginings And Will Be A Legacy For
The New Millennium!"
The I AM University is literally a revelation of God and the Masters for
the Earth. It is a co-creation of my humble self and the inner plane
Ascended Masters. It is the finest, most integrated, synthesis, full
spectrum prism consciousness training you will find on the planet! Even
the future Chohans of this planet for this next life wave will need to go
through the I AM University on the inner plane.
Spirit and the Ascended Masters now officially welcome you all to the I
AM University! If you really want to get onto the “Rocketship to God”
join the inner and outer plane I AM University and this will literally
accelerate your path of initiation and ascension 10,000 fold! It is Spirit, the
Masters and my sincere hope and prayer you have enjoyed this soul travel
journey to the inner plane I AM University!
In one of the introductory write ups below I will explain how the I AM
University actually works structurally in an inner and outer sense!
However, before we do this we wanted to share a visual image and
understanding of the I AM University inner plane campus and geographic
organization to whet your appetite!
Integrated Light Body Split Off Selves!
Another remarkable understanding about how the I AM University
works is that each person, after achieving their fourth initiation, has the
potential to realize what is called an Integrated Light Body Split Off Self!
The higher one moves in achieving the anchoring and activation of their
light bodies and initiations, the more split off selves they achieve! For
example, I, Joshua, having humbly realized my 23rd level of initiation, at
this point in my evolution have 22 split off selves. By Wesak 2005, the
Masters told me, I will have 33 split off selves. They are literally parts of
myself that appear all over the world helping people who are working
with my books and the I AM University work. The reason I bring this up
is that it is not only you the reader who visits the I AM University at night
while you sleep, and during your waking hours as well if you choose to
send a part of your consciousness there, but also your Integrated Light
Body Split Off Selves. They study and learn as well at the I AM
University and the various ashrams of Spirit and the Masters, for we are
all multidimensional beings. These split off selves are in addition to the
12 soul extensions of our Oversoul and the 144 soul extensions that make
up our Monad. I have written extensively about this subject in my book
The Complete Ascension Manual.
I received this morning an additional interesting insight on the split
off selves. As I just mentioned, at the fourth initiation you have the
potential to receive your first split off self as per God’s discretion. At the
seventh initiation it is possible to receive two split off selves. And at the
twelfth initiation approximately three or four split off selves! This will
give you a sense of the process. However, there is one very important
thing to understand. Your initiation and lightbody integration process is
only a part of the requirements for receiving your split off selves! You
must also pass all your spiritual tests, learn your lessons, work on your
consciousness, earn this privilege, demonstrate egolessness and God
purity, and do your service work. Initiation or lightbody activation alone
is not enough! Also, spiritual leadership, planetary world service,
demonstrating your spiritual mission on Earth, and fulfilling your puzzle
piece is required as well! Most of all, being of the
Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God consciousness in an integrated and balanced
Another important point about the split-off selves is that they are not
separate from you. They are not like the Higher Self or Oversoul. They are
literally part of you and, in truth, you are their teacher! It should also be
known that once you achieve split off selves, they can be taken away if
you fall down the spiritual ladder so to speak, which is true as well for
initiations or light bodies. The key to the split off selves being effective is
for you to become an Integrated Spiritual Master on Earth, which is what
my correspondence courses and all my books teach. Metatron, of course is
the supreme Master of this on a cosmic level through all 352 levels of the
Mahatma and God! It is crucial that Integrated Spiritual Mastery be
achieved, for if this is not achieved or is lost, the split off selves would
become fragmented astral selves, not enlightened self-realized and Godrealized
aspects of self.
The other thing I would like to share here with all of you my Beloved
Readers is how much service work can go on without one’s conscious
awareness as one evolves. People all over the world are constantly writing
to me telling me how I am appearing to them and guiding them, but I do
not necessarily have total conscious recall of what all my 22 split off selves
are doing at all times. When people read my correspondence courses,
training programs, books and do the 21 ascension activation meditations
and do invocations, it is my integrated lightbody split off selves that
respond. There is no being on Earth that has more than 22 split off selves
at this time except for the descent of a Cosmic Avatar. Now to continue
this discussion, your split off selves are doing service work without your
conscious knowledge for the most part. Then when you sleep at night you
are doing service work, attending classes, soul traveling all over the place,
all mostly without your conscious knowledge! As one evolves, one’s
energy has an enormous effect. The more advanced one becomes
spiritually, the more expanded their light and energy is. Just walking into
a room or living on Earth is a service. Your energy even has an effect on
the Earth and your energy fields touch enormous numbers of people. Your
spiritual development also has an enormous effect on your 144 soul
extensions from your Monad, and 12 Oversouls as I discussed in The
Complete Ascension Manual. So many of you are doing much more than
you realize in terms of service work and spiritual training and this is
important to understand.
These split off selves are a gift from God. Now consider Metatron, who
has realized all 352 levels, and the number of split off selves he has!
Metatron has an unlimited number of split off selves as a fully realized
Cosmic Master. So if the 23rd level of initiation and lightbody activation is
the highest on this planet, except for the descent of a Cosmic Avatar, you
see how vast and unfathomable God really is, who embodies all 352 levels
of initiation and light body and more. If you really think about it, every
being in the infinite universe, in all dimensions, is a type of split off self
of God, our Creator. He gave each of us free choice and we are all literally
part of His Consciousness. We are each a part of God’s Consciousness and
an integral part of Him. So God is the supreme example of being able to
split his consciousness into infinite parts. The split off selves are another
subdivision of the Omnipresence of God and the Sons and Daughters of
Another interesting thing to remember about split off selves is that
they are not separate from you. If a split off self writes a book, it is really
you writing the book, you just don’t remember it. If a split off self does
service work or attends training, it is really you doing that service work
and receiving that training, for the split off selves are an integrated
extension of your Self. If your consciousness is not in mastery and
integration, your split off selves will not be either. Ponder on this!
This understanding of split off selves is part of the understanding of
the omnipresence of God. Since we are made in God’s image, the
development of our split off selves is part of our growing into our
omnipresence as well.
Now what makes this all even more interesting is that there is really no
time and space. This is a contrived concept set up to help Sons and
Daughters of God learn their lessons and pass their spiritual tests. In
truth, everything is happening simultaneously. So my friends, as the
saying goes, “Truth is stranger than fiction.”
To those of you who have been reading my correspondence courses,
training programs, the I AM website and my books and have been
involved with the MSLA teaching which is now called the “I AM
University”, you may have already been attending the I AM University
and Synthesis Ashram for many years, both in sleep time and as a result of
your split off selves studying there during waking hours. After reading
about this you may ask in meditation, prayer and before bed to study and
train and attend lectures at the I AM University. The purpose of the I AM
University is to train “Integrated Ascended Masters, Integrated Spiritual
Masters, and I Am Masters,” and to help as many beings as possible to
achieve their ascension and resurrection. Most will remain on Earth and
step into higher positions of Spiritual Leadership and Planetary World
Service to help set up the Seventh Golden Age, the I Am Age and build an
Integrated Christed Civilization on this planet. This I AM University has
been set up to accelerate the aforementioned purposes on this planet. This
information concerning the I AM University, Synthesis Ashram, Office of
the Christ, split off selves, etc., is being given forth to help you all to
consciously work with the “I AM University” at an even higher and more
advanced level. It is our collective sincere hope and prayer that this
information will be of great use to you in accelerating your path of
“Integrated Ascended Mastery”! Tell all your friends about this
information, for I very humbly tell you, it is the most cutting-edge and
revolutionary information you will find on this planet, and comes by the
grace of Spirit and the Ascended Masters. We are living in a most
extraordinary time in Earth’s history where all the esoteric secrets are now
being revealed!
Love and Light,
Dr Joshua
Welcome and In-Depth Explanation,
Overview, and Mission Statement of the I
AM University!
Dr Joshua David Stone
Greetings my Friends!
I would like to be the first to officially welcome you to the grand opening
of the “I AM University” or “Integrated Ascended Masters University”! If
you notice the letters “I Am”, they stand for “Integrated Ascended
Masters” - University! This I AM University is the new official name for
the academy, which has been for the last ten years known as the
“Melchizedek Synthesis Light Academy”. In the Spiritual world I humbly
run an actual University called the “I AM University”. Those who have
been involved with my work have been studying there at night while they
sleep. The “I AM University” is an added extension of the “Inner Plane
Synthesis Ashram” which is one of the eight ashrams of the Christ or
Office of the Christ! The inner plane Synthesis Ashram was formerly run
by the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul who officially passed the torch of
spiritual leadership over to me in June of 2003. The I AM University and
inner and outer plane Synthesis Ashram work together to help train
disciples, initiates, and lightworkers on Earth to become “Integrated
Ascended Masters”, “I AM Masters”, and fully realized “Integrated
Christs”! This was the purpose for the creation of the I AM University and
the Synthesis Ashram on the inner plane! I have humbly been anchoring
the Synthesis Ashram on Earth for over 10 years and now it is time to also
anchor on Earth the I AM University!
As the third aspect of this Trinity as you all know from reading the former
MSLA website and this website, Lord Maitreya currently holds the
spiritual leadership position of “Planetary Christ” within the “Office of
the Christ” in the spiritual government of this planet. His job is to help
create as many planetary Christs as he can on Earth and help to manifest
the Christ blueprint for this planet in our earthly civilization. In June 2004
Lord Maitreya asked me if I would be willing to take on the spiritual
leadership assignment of taking over spiritual leadership of the “Office of
the Christ” and becoming the next “Planetary Christ” within the spiritual
government of this planet when he moves on to his next cosmic position. I
humbly have accepted and in so doing Lord Maitreya, who was formerly
Krishna in a past life, and who overlighted the Master Jesus in his life on
Earth and spoke many of the famous quotes we all know through him, has
also asked me as part of the newly founded “I AM University” to also
anchor the “Office of the Christ” onto the Earth through this I AM
University website and university.
So the I AM University contains within it the inner and outer plane
Synthesis Ashram and the Office of the Christ! It is through this platform
that I do my service work in co-creation with the other Ascended Masters,
Archangels, Christed Extraterrestrials and Elohim Councils!
In truth I have been preparing for this moment to start the I AM
University for over 10 years for that is when Djwhal Khul first approached
me to take over the inner plane Synthesis Ashram and I was voted by the
Spiritual Hierarchy to function as the High Priest Spokesperson for the
Planetary Ascension Movement. I have humbly been doing this through
my 40 volume ascension book series, six correspondence courses, two
training programs, 21 ascension activation meditation tapes, and annual
Wesak Celebrations in Mt Shasta the last ten years! Then in February of
2004 the Spiritual Hierarchy voted me to be the next World Teacher, and I
knew it was time to start the I AM University. Most of these things I have
kept hidden behind the scenes the last ten years waiting for my training to
be completed and waiting for the proper timing and Tao to begin this new
spiritual mission at a much higher and more expanded octave! I am very
humbled and filled with humility at the faith and trust Spirit and the
Ascended Masters have shown in me. For none of these things did I ever
think of myself, or ever strive to attain. I was perfectly satisfied with no
spiritual leadership, just growing and serving in as selfless, saintly,
egoless, humble, humility and God pure a way I could. All I ever wanted
was God and God Realization and nothing more and nothing less, but in
seeking this with all my heart and soul and mind and might, Spirit and
the Masters had other plans for me, so I have taken some time to adjust to
their wishes, and have surrendered to God’s plan for me! This has led to
the official birth of the “I AM University” on Earth. I have known about
this for a great many years in Heaven and my spiritual leadership of it,
however, it has taken a number of years to prepare to anchor this actual
inner plane University on Earth in the Trinity fashion I have described!
As part of this “I AM University” since it is connected to the “Synthesis
Ashram” and the “Office of the Christ”, I will be anchoring onto this
website and into cyberspace the ashrams of the entire Spiritual Hierarchy
for the first official time in the history of the Earth! Below the welcomes
and introductions to the I AM University you will see a series of buttons
you can click which designate each ashram of the Cosmic and Planetary
Hierarchy, and explain the Master that runs each particular ashram! In
each ashram you will first read a channeled welcome from that particular
Master and then you will read a short write up describing each particular
master and their ashram. Then you will find channeled articles on the
subject of what each Master and ashram is focused upon within their
particular realm of service work! When people enter these ashrams they
will be overlighted by the leader of that ashram and receive a down
pouring of light and cosmic frequency from each Master as agreed upon in
advance with all the inner plane Masters involved with this project!
The main goal of the I AM University is to train 144,000 “Integrated
Ascended Masters”, “Integrated I Am Masters” and fully Realized
“Integrated Christs” within the Office of the Christ! This is all being done
in an integrated, synthesized and balanced way, and in a very easy to
understand and practical format!
The I AM University is the crash course to becoming an Integrated
Ascended Master and fully Realized Christ in this lifetime. We are not
promoting any one religion, spiritual path, mystery school, particular
ascended master, spiritual text! We are not seeking to change anyone’s
religion or spiritual path from what it currently already is! We are instead
showing and demonstrating that all paths lead to God. We are attempting
to unite all paths into one path. Whichever path you choose, we honor and
accept and seek to add to it, not change it. God, Christ and the Holy Spirit,
or Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva do not care which religion or spiritual path
you choose. They are the end result of all paths. So the I AM University is
a synthesis approach honoring all paths back to God, but approaching this
from the full spectrum prism consciousness viewpoint of Integrated
Ascension and the teachings of Spirit and the Ascended Masters and
Angels! This is why the I AM University is such a perfect name for this
center and movement, for it stands for “Integrated Ascended Masters
University!” It is a co-created University of Spirit, the Ascended Masters,
the Archangels and Angels, the Christed Extraterrestrials, the Elohim
Masters, and myself to help build the New Jerusalem, the Seventh Golden
Age and a Christed Civilization on Earth! However, to do this fully, we
first must train unbelievably quickly in a total crash course manner
144,000 Integrated Ascended Masters and Integrated Christs! Do we have
any volunteers?
My Beloved Readers, there is one important point I want to make about
the I AM University with regards to referencing the word or term of
becoming an "Integrated Christ" or "Integrated Ascended Master" or "I Am
Master" interchangeably! When I use the term “Christ” I am not using it in
a “Christian” sense, and it has nothing to do singularly with the teachings
of Jesus. The term Christ is referencing the second aspect of the Trinity.
God is a Trinity. Even Hinduism realizes that, for they call God, Brahma,
Vishnu, and Shiva. The Kahunas of Hawaii call God, Ku, Kane and
Kanola! So when I use the term Christ I am using it as the inner plane
Ascended Masters use the term, not how people on Earth use the term. As
the Universal Mind said through the channelings of Edgar Cayce, "Jesus
was the man, Christ is the pattern!" Most on this Earth do not realize that
all the inner plane Ascended Masters of all religions and spiritual paths
are striving to become the Christ at higher and higher levels of evolution. I
have personally spoken to all the inner plane Ascended Masters about
this! As a matter of fact in the next couple of years some of my next
correspondence courses will be from the different Ascended Masters on
how to become a Christ and Integrated Ascended Master through
Buddhism for example. Or how to become a Christ through Hinduism, the
Islamic Faith, Taoism, Judaism, Confucianism, Shintoism, Zoroastrianism
and so on. Christ is a cosmic concept, not just an earthly one! One must
first realize the Christ on a planetary level, then a solar level, then a
galactic level, then a universal level, the a multi-universal level and then a
cosmic level! God, Christ and the Holy Spirit work through all religions
and all spiritual paths. They are just as happy whether you choose the
Buddhist, Hindu, Moslem, Jewish, Christian Path, or a New Age Path, or
any other path there is. This is what I mean when I say that God, who is a
Trinity, sees life from a full spectrum prism consciousness perspective. It
does not matter what spiritual path you choose for all of them lead to the
Christ. The Christ in terms of a definition is the "perfected blueprint for
the perfect Son and Daughter of God”. The first step is to reach that on a
planetary level which begins when you take the 12th initiation and 12th
level of light body, and becomes fully realized when you take the 22nd
level of initiation and 22nd level light body! Now it is not enough to just
take these initiations spiritually. To realize the Christ or become an
Integrated Ascended Master, you also must integrate these initiations into
every level of your being, mentally, emotionally, energetically, etherically,
physically, into your earth life and spiritual mission, and into even your
relationships! This my Beloved Readers is the Aquarian Age
understanding of the term Christ, which is in line with how the inner
plane Ascended Masters use this term. So it would be more accurate to say
that Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Moses, Lao Tse, Zoroaster, Krishna, the
Divine Mother, Mother Mary, Kuan Yin, Isis are the people and Christ is
the perfected Son or Daughter of God they are all aspiring to be. I use the
word aspiring for these beings have realized it on planetary, solar, and
galactic levels, but are still in the process of realizing the full Universal
Christ, the Multi-universal Christ and the full Cosmic Christ. Archangel
Metatron has realized the Christ on all 352 levels. Melchizedek the
Universal Logos has realized the Christ on a Multi-universal level and is
closing in on fully realizing the Christ on a cosmic level! Lord Maitreya
who is the current head of the Spiritual Hierarchy and holds the
governmental position of Planetary Christ, has realized the Christ on a
universal Level! Everyone in the infinite omniverse is in the process of
realizing the Christ or becoming an Integrated Ascended Master at various
levels of the 352 initiations and 352 levels of light body anchoring and
activation that each person must take to become a fully realized Cosmic
Christ. Now if you prefer to use a different term such as calling the Christ
Vishnu, or perfected Buddha, or Elohim or Adonai in Judaism, or Light in
Zoroastrianism, or Atma or Krishna in Hinduism, or perfected Allah in the
Islamic faith, that is perfectly fine for it is not about the names or terms, it
is about realizing the experience of God, Christ and the Holy Spirit. Or if
you prefer you can just call it realizing the second aspect of the Trinity of
God. The second aspect of the Trinity of God is the Perfected Pattern of
the Son and Daughter of God Principle.
Now to further show you how ridiculous it is to get caught up in terms or
semantics regarding these things - even though Lord Maitreya overlighted
Jesus and holds the position of Planetary Christ and Office of the Christ,
he was Krishna in a past life! Mohammed in a past life was Bartholomew,
the apostle of Jesus, and was overlighted by Jesus in his life as
Mohammed! Jesus in his past life was the Jewish prophet Joshua who led
the Jewish people to the Promised Land, Joseph who became the dream
interpreter for the Pharaoh, Asapha the channel, seer and musician for
King David, Enoch the Man who walked with God, and he wrote most of
the Old Testament. Buddha was Thoth, also known as Hermes of the
Egyptian Mystery Schools. Saint Germain was the Prophet Samuel and
also Joseph, the husband of Mother Mary! John the Baptist was the Jewish
Prophet Elijah in a past life. Ascended Masters El Morya, Djwhal Khul
and Kuthumi, even though they ascended as Tibetan Buddhists, were the
Three Wise Men! Kuthumi was also John the Beloved, the Apostle of
Christ. Paul the Venetian was Michaelangelo! So do you see that the
leaders of our spiritual government have not only been incarnated in all
the religions but even have been the key figures in all the different world
religions! So it is almost comical when people stigmatize certain terms. It
is the humble work of the I AM University to show the unity and oneness
of all religions and all spiritual paths! That is why the term I AM or
Integrated Ascended Master is a good term for it is not negatively
stigmatized and all religions and all spiritual paths can accept it. This is
why the I AM University is called the I AM University! I just wanted to
share and make clear that when I use the term becoming a Christ, I am
using the term as the inner plane Ascended Masters use the term in the
"Universal Church of God!" You will find it interesting to know that the
inner plane Ascended Masters all belong to the same Church. This is the
New World Religion of Unity, Oneness and Solidarity, Melchizedek the
Universal Logos, told me, which the Ascended Masters would like to
anchor on Earth. It is a New World Religion based on the belief that all
paths lead to God, Christ and the Holy Spirit, or Brahma, Vishnu and
Shiva, or the Trinity of God! On the inner planes the term becoming a
Christ is not a Christian concept, Jesus just happened to be the first one to
use it on Earth. Other prophets used different words to describe it, which
is equally good! I just wanted to explain this very clearly in my opening
mission statement about the I AM University for I do not want people to
think I favored one religion over any other religion or spiritual path, or
mystery school, for I do not! This is why I have channeled a 40 Volume
"Easy to Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path!" It is also why at the
annual Wesak Celebrations in Mt Shasta we call in literally all the
Ascended Masters, Archangels and Angels, Elohim Masters and Christed
Extraterrestrials of all religions, spiritual paths, all spiritual texts, all
saints, all gurus, all channels, all spiritual teachers, and all mystery
My Beloved Readers, are you beginning to see the synthesis nature, full
spectrum prism consciousness nature, eclectic nature, and integrated
nature of the I AM University? That is why Melchizedek said it is
connected to the inner plane Ascended Masters concept of a New World
Religion! I am not presenting this as a religion, for I have no interest in
doing that, I am just sharing with you that it is connected to the supreme
ideal within the Divine Plan for this planet to unify and integrate all
religions, all cultures, all countries, all teachings, all spiritual paths to
God, showing the beauty and divinity in all of them and honoring each
person’s choice to choose the one that is right for them. So everyone on
planet earth who gets involved with the I AM University will immediately
fit in and feel comfortable for all religions and spiritual paths are
honored, discussed and written about! This my Beloved Readers is the
next dispensation of teachings of the Second Aspect of the Trinity, or the
Christ, which it is my humble honor to bring through, which is to not just
become a Christ or Ascended Master, but in this New Aquarian Age 2000
year cycle, as opposed to the previous 2000 year Piscean Age Cycle, it is
time for people to become an "Integrated Full Spectrum Prism
Consciousness Synthesis Christ"! Or said in other words, it is time to
become not just ascended, but to become an "Integrated Full Spectrum
Prism Consciousness Synthesis Ascended Master"! Each person will still
choose the spiritual path or religion they want, and follow that, however,
in approaching the spiritual path from this perspective all separation and
competition will end. People will also have a much deeper understanding
of the Trinity of God if they study it from a great many angles! This is the
profundity of the “Easy to Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path” I have
channeled and written and the even greater profundity of the
correspondence courses, training programs, and ascension activation
meditations I do. It is also why I am very excited to channel and write
these new correspondence courses with the Ascended Masters in how to
fully realize the Christ and become an Integrated Ascended Master
through Buddhism, Hinduism, the Islamic Faith, Judaism, Taoism,
Zoroastrianism, the New Age Path, all mystery schools, all channels,
spiritual teachers, gurus and spiritual texts. By opening yourself to this
you get the best of both worlds! You keep your present path, yet can see as
God sees, which is through an "Integrated Synthesis Full Spectrum Prism
Consciousness"! This will only add tremendously to your present path.
So the I AM University is a totally "inclusive" organization and global
teaching facility with a unique focus on synthesis and full spectrum prism
consciousness! This is why I have been given humble spiritual leadership
of the inner plane Synthesis Ashram. This is why I have been humbly
given future spiritual leadership of the "Office of the Christ" in the inner
plane spiritual government, for it is my purpose and goal as guided by
Spirit and the Ascended Masters to help bring in the Aquarian Age
Teachings of Christ or the Second Aspect of the Trinity! My three great
loves in life are synthesis, helping people to become fully Realized
Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness Christs, and of course my
great love for all the Ascended Masters and their teachings which is why
the name of this Ashram and Academy is the I AM University or
Integrated Ascended Masters University! So I think you can see why these
particular spiritual leadership positions in the inner plane spiritual
government are especially well suited to my essence, for I was doing this
work before I was ever offered these spiritual leadership positions! These
teachings are the new octave of the second aspect of the Trinity’s teachings
for this next 2000-year Aquarian Age cycle. It is also the new octave of the
inner plane Ascended Masters teachings for this next 2000-year cycle!
Sananda was the World Teacher for the last 2000-year cycle since the
Piscean Age 2000-year cycle has just ended. I have humbly been asked by
the Ascended Masters to assume this spiritual leadership position for the
next 2000-year cycle to bring through this next higher octave of Christ
teachings and Ascended Master teachings!
The original plan of the Ascended Masters over 50 years ago was that Lord
Maitreya would incarnate since he held the inner plane spiritual
government position of Planetary Christ and was the Master who
overlighted Jesus in his spiritual mission. Lord Maitreya also is the head
of the Spiritual Hierarchy! However, this plan was changed, which the
Ascended Master Djwhal Khul wrote about in the Alice Bailey Books. It
was decided by Lord Maitreya and the Ascended Masters that this was not
a good idea for the purpose of the Aquarian Age is not to worship an outer
figure as the Christ, but to realize and recognize that each and every
person is the Christ, and to become and realize that yourself through the
initiation and light body anchoring process and becoming an Integrated
Ascended Master! It was seen by Lord Maitreya and the Ascended Masters
that if Lord Maitreya did come he would be rejected by most because
people of this earth do not have the eyes to see and the ears to hear, and
those that did see him would for the most part put him on a pedestal and
not become the Christ themselves! My Beloved Readers, Lord Maitreya,
Jesus and the Ascended Masters are not incarnating to save our planet!
This is our job! My Beloved Readers, we all are the externalization of the
Spiritual Hierarchy. The Aquarian Age 2000-year teachings begin with the
understanding that it is time for all souls of this lifewave to fully realize
the Christ themselves and step up in spiritual leadership and global world
service. For there is no externalization of the Spiritual Hierarchy other
than ourselves! God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, all the Masters, Archangels
and Angels, Elohim Masters and Christed Extraterrestrials will always
help us from the inner plane, but in this new Aquarian Age 2000-year
cycle it is up to the spiritual leaders of this lifewave to step forward, and
this is what Spirit and the Ascended Masters are asking each and every
one of you to do in your particular way and manner that is best suited for
Now there are some "very good and well intentioned people" who think
Lord Maitreya, the Planetary Christ and head of the “Office of the Christ"
and head of the Spiritual Hierarchy, is living in London in a physical
body! This is "illusion" my friends! I have been having discussions with
Lord Maitreya and the Ascended Masters about this for 20 years! It served
their purposes and mine in service of them to not speak of this illusion.
Lord Maitreya has never been incarnated in London. This was the plan
originally and as I said Djwhal Khul wrote extensively about this, but the
plan was changed for the reasons I mentioned above! Do not get caught up
in such glamour for it will just take you off your spiritual path. Lord
Maitreya is closer than your own heart! He is not outside he is inside.
So Lord Maitreya has never ever been incarnated in London, he is not
physically in London now and will not be incarnating into London or any
place else in the future! Lord Maitreya has always been spiritually and
etherically available but never ever physically incarnated on the Earth as a
great many people have been led to believe! It is Lord Maitreya’s wish at
this time in the history of the Earth, to begin this new Aquarian Age
Cycle, that this be clarified in people’s understanding. This is one of a
great many glamours and illusions of the New Age Movement, of good
and well meaning people, who were tuning into a past plan, that was
never made manifest. As I have said many times, people do not see with
their eyes, they see with their minds! They are tuning into what they want
to see rather than seeing what is really there. A good lesson in Spiritual
discernment for us all, my friends! Lord Maitreya, after I wrote this, told
me personally that he was very appreciative that I clarified this once and
for all, for it was time to do this!
For those that have the eyes to see and the ears to hear, they will know and
see the truth of Lord Maitreya’s and my words in this matter! It is not good
to waste time and energy in illusions! This is why Spiritual discernment is
one of the most important qualities everyone in this world needs to
develop! Just as the negative ego mind has corrupted religions, it has also
corrupted the New Age Movement to a great extent, and we all know this!
Again the people involved with this are very good and well intentioned
people and have a lot of excellent information, however, this particular
piece of information is an illusion and Lord Maitreya has guided me to
make this known at this time!
Lord Maitreya has chosen instead to use the service vehicle of the I AM
University along with all the other Ascended Masters to externalize their
Divine Plan on Earth! It is for this reason he has also asked me to take over
this spiritual leadership Position of Office of the Christ and Head of the
Spiritual Hierarchy in the future! As Melchizedek the Universal Logos
said, the I AM University serves as the best service vehicle to manifest
their collective divine vision on Earth. Now all people who work with
Spirit, the Ascended Masters, Archangels and Angels, Elohim and
Christed Extraterrestrials will be used of course as well! However, it is for
this reason Lord Maitreya and the Ascended Masters have chosen the I
AM University as one of the key universities and global teaching centers
because of its focus on synthesis, full spectrum prism consciousness, the
integrated teachings of all the Ascended Masters, the universal focus of
teachings to assist people to become fully realized Integrated Christs and
Integrated Ascended Masters! Also because the teachings of the I AM
University are closely connected with the World Synthesis Religion that
Ascended Masters have been trying to anchor onto the earth for a great
many years. This is why Melchizedek the Universal Logos said that “the I
AM University is set to become one of the biggest and most influential
teachings on the planet!” It is for these humble reasons that I have been
offered the spiritual leadership positions I have. Since I have already been
running the inner Plane Synthesis Ashram and I AM University, and the
former MSLA on the outer plane, the next obvious step was to anchor all
of this fully now onto the earth and anchor the new future position of
Office of the Christ as well onto the Earth. This is all being done under the
name "I AM University"! God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, Melchizedek, the
Mahatma and Metatron, the Mighty I Am Presences, the Oversouls, the
Superconscious minds, the Universal Mind, all the Ascended Masters,
Archangels and Angels, Elohim Masters and Christed Extraterrestrials, all
ask for your support in all ways and all things! This is your I AM
University and this I AM University is for those who have the eyes to see
and the ears to hear the humble truth of my words. For those new to the
work, read the articles and teachings in all the different ashrams, lodges,
temples, I AM movements and “doctor offices” below. The humble truth
of my words will be obvious to you. Spirit, the Ascended Masters and I
have given all this information to you for free. If you are helped by this
work and feel the truth of the humble words I speak, then Spirit, the
Ascended Masters and I ask you to support this work in all ways and all
things! Together we will all create the New Jerusalem, Seventh Golden
Age, the New Octave of Aquarian Teachings and a new Integrated
Christed Civilization on Earth that honors and sanctifies all paths to God!
My Beloved Readers, it is Spirit, the Ascended Masters and my sincere
hope and prayer that these humble words have struck a spiritual cord
within the glorified sanctuary of your own heart! If we all work together,
my Beloved Brothers and Sisters, in unity, oneness, cooperation and
solidarity we can turn ourselves and our world into the "Integrated
Ascended Master Civilization", "I Am Master Civilization" and
"Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness Synthesis Christ"
civilization it is meant to become. We collectively ask for your help and
support in spreading the work of the I AM University around the world.
Anything you can do on any level to further this aim, we ask you to step
forward in spiritual leadership and in selfless, egoless, saintly, humble,
humility filled, God pure service and do! For service is the law of life. The
greatest among you is the servant of all. The fastest way to find yourself is
to lose yourself in serving others!
Now to speak further about this new website, we have a new shopping
cart system! The table of contents is a little more user friendly. We have all
kinds of new articles, write ups and services.
We have new Integrated Ascended Master workbooks to go along with the
correspondence courses and training programs!
Farther down the home page you will find lodges of the Masters, and also
free doctor and health practitioner visits by just clicking the doctor or
practitioner you wish to see! We have made this website into not only
being the most informative website on this planet, but also the most
creative and fun! Which is as it should be.
On behalf of myself, God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Mighty I Am
Presences, the Oversouls, the Superconscious Minds, the Universal Mind,
and the entire contingency of inner plane Ascended Masters, Archangels
and Angels, Elohim Masters and Christed Extraterrestrials who have
anchored their ashrams onto the I AM cyberspace, we all officially
welcome you to the newly founded I AM University! We invite you to
explore the website and read the articles and services which are all given
totally free! We are collectively sure that this work will turn you onto fire
for God and God Realization, and will inspire you to study the
correspondence courses and training programs, work with the 21
ascension activation meditation tapes and come to Wesak in Mt Shasta for
2000 people, get on the “Rocketship to God” and become the “Integrated
Ascended Master”, “I AM Master” and “Integrated Christ” you are meant
to become!”
This is the Grand Opening of the I AM University, the Synthesis Ashram
and Office of the Christ, as well as of all the Ashrams of the Cosmic and
Planetary Hierarchy on the outer earthly plane! All of this is under the
umbrella name “I AM University”. Please tell all your friends, family and
students about the website, free information packets, and the work. This
is your I AM University! It has been created by Spirit and the Ascended
Masters for all of you around the world!
A couple of months prior to officially opening the I AM University I
received a channeling from Melchizedek the Universal Logos that said:
“The I AM University Is Set To Become The Biggest, Most Influential
Spiritual Teachings On The Planet! The New World Religion Of Which
The Masters Speak Is Closely Connected With Its Teachings. Joshua’s
Readership Will Widen Beyond His Imaginings And Will Be A Legacy For
The New Millennium!”
As God is my witness, none of this was my idea. This was the Divine Plan
created by Spirit and the Masters, and the puzzle piece they have asked
me to fulfill! It is not the easiest thing taking on such a responsibility, but
if this is God and the Masters’ will for me, I will do whatever they ask! We
each must humbly do our puzzle piece on earth for the Divine Plan, and it
is my puzzle piece to do this to help my Beloved Brothers and Sisters who
I love as I love God. For every Brother and Sister on the planet is an
incarnation of God and is the Christ in truth! The purpose of the I AM
University is to help everyone realize this. This work is for those who
have the eyes to see and the ears to hear! Explore the website and read the
articles and write-ups and you will feel the truth of the words of the
Ascended Masters which it has been my great honor to channel.
God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Mighty I Am Presences, the Oversouls,
the Superconscious minds, the Universal Mind, Melchizedek, Mahatma,
Metatron, the Divine Mother, the Archangels and Angels, the Elohim
Masters, Melchior, Helios and Vesta, Lord Buddha, the Arcturians, the
Ashtar Command, the Christed Extraterrestrials, Lord Maitreya, Allah
Gobi, Saint Germain, El Morya, Master Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, Paul the
Venetian, Master Hilarion, Sananda, Mother Mary, Kuan Yin, Isis, The
Great White Lodge on Sirius, the Goddess Lodge, the Mother Earth Lodge,
and all the Masters and Celestial Beings of the Planetary and Cosmic
Hierarchy put forth the clarion call for all to join this Synthesis and Full
Spectrum Prism Consciousness work of all the Masters working in unison
and solidarity to help create “Integrated Full Spectrum Prism
Consciousness Synthesis Christ’s on Earth”! The Piscean Age Christ is
complete and now it is time for the Aquarian Age New Octave Christ to be
made manifest on the Earth! It is for this purpose the “I AM University”
has been created! We collectively wish to create 144,000 “Integrated
Ascended Masters” and “I Am Masters” on this planet!
We all collectively put forth the Clarion Call to all disciples, Initiates,
Masters, Ascended Masters, Spiritual Leaders, Lightworkers, and
newcomers to help in this work and to help support and expand the work
of the I AM University. Archangel Gabriel’s trumpet now sounds forth!
Please spread the word around the globe, for it is through this vehicle of
the I AM University that the Divine Plan has the greatest potential to
work out in the most accelerated way. We ask those with the eyes to see
and the ears to hear to respond to our call!
So let it be written! So let it be done! Amen!
With All My Love,
Dr Joshua David Stone
The Anchoring of the Office of the Christ
Through the Umbrella of the
I AM University!
Dr Joshua David Stone
My Beloved Readers, I have enormously been looking forward to doing
this write-up! There are thirteen basic write-ups Spirit and the Masters
have guided me to do, to give a full explanation of how the “I AM
University” works! The “I AM University” or “Integrated Ascended
Masters University” is the name given to this entire spiritual mission and
spiritual project. However, within the I AM University is anchored the I
AM University itself, the Office of the Christ, and the inner plane
Synthesis Ashram! The inner plane Synthesis Ashram I currently hold
spiritual leadership of in the inner plane, and the Office of the Christ is a
spiritual leadership position I will be taking over from Lord Maitreya in
the not too distant future once I am fully trained. However, Lord Maitreya
has asked me to anchor the Office of the Christ on Earth right now and
take spiritual leadership of it on Earth in advance. This is basically the
same thing I did in the former Melchizedek Synthesis Light Academy. I
anchored the Synthesis Ashram on Earth the last 12 years within the
context of the MSLA! With the advent of being voted the next World
Teacher for the next 2000 year cycle, the I AM University I run in the inner
plane, Office of the Christ I will be taking over in the not too distant
future, and the inner plane Synthesis Ashram which was turned
completely over to me by the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul in June of
2003, everything has changed obviously! The former MSLA because of all
these changes has transformed into the I AM University, and these four
things, the inner plane I AM University, Office of the Christ, Synthesis
Ashram, and my work as World Teacher are all being anchored now onto
the Earth under the “I AM University” umbrella and title.
So I have already described the I AM University in great detail in the
various write-ups, and today it is my great honor and joy to explain what
is meant by anchoring the “Office of the Christ”. My work as World
Teacher and my work in the inner plane Synthesis Ashram is really part of
the Office of the Christ. The inner plane Synthesis Ashram being a
miniature replica of the Office of the Christ on a stepped down octave or
level. Let me begin by explaining this relationship.
The Office of the Christ is a Second Ray position. In the spiritual
government of this planet there are the Seven Chohans or department
heads of the Seven Rays! They are currently El Morya, Master Kuthumi,
Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Master Hilarion, Sananda/Jesus, and Saint
Germain. Then above those seven, if you imagine these seven all on a
horizontal line, is Lord Maitreya formerly Krishna in a past life, who is
President of the planet, and head of the entire Spiritual Hierarchy of
Masters in Heaven and Earth! Lord Maitreya holds the position of what is
called the “Planetary Christ in the Office of the Christ!” He overlights the
Seven Chohans! Instead of doing all the work himself of spiritually
educating the planet and helping everyone to become a Christ, he
delegates authority to each of these Seven Chohans or department heads
and he is the overseer of their work. Each Chohan focuses on one seventh
of the divine plan that is needed to be implemented on Earth! Lord
Maitreya as Planetary Christ is in charge of all Seven Rays and the
manifestation of all Seven Ray departments, and their manifestation in
Heaven and Earth. So he is one step above the Seven Chohans. He again is
the President of the planet and head of the entire spiritual hierarchy. His
main work in this spiritual leadership position in the inner plane
government is to create Christs, or Integrated Ascended Masters, or I Am
Masters on Earth. Lord Maitreya’s job as Planetary Christ is a “synthesis”
position for all Seven Rays! That is why the inner plane Synthesis Ashram
is a miniature replica of the Office of the Christ! For the inner plane
Synthesis Ashram is the eighth member ashram of the Office of the
Christ! It is a sub-ashram within the Second Ray department that was
created by Lord Maitreya and Master Kuthumi because of the special
importance of the Second Ray of spiritual education for our planet. The
Ascended Master Djwhal Khul served in this position for a great many
years, until it was officially turned over to my spiritual leadership in 2003!
What is also unique about the inner plane Synthesis Ashram is that it is
the only one of the eight ashrams of the Planetary Christ Lord Maitreya,
within the Office of the Christ, that is focused on the synthesis of all
Seven Rays. That is exactly what Lord Maitreya does in the Office of the
Christ! He is in charge and oversees all Seven Ray departments. That is
exactly what I do in my current spiritual leadership in the inner and outer
plane Synthesis Ashram. I focus on all Seven Rays in my work, not just
one ray, or one seventh of the divine plan. This is why the inner plane
Synthesis Ashram mirrors the Office of the Christ. They are both Second
Ray positions. This is why I was considered among other reasons to be a
key potential candidate to take over the position of the Office of the
Christ, for I am already focusing on the Seven Rays and helping people to
become Integrated Christs and Integrated Ascended Masters and I Am
Masters! So I will be doing very similar work I am already doing, just at a
higher octave functioning as the President of the planet and hierarchy! So
the Synthesis Ashram is really a part of the Office of the Christ and a
replica of it.
Lord Maitreya’s job along with Lord Buddha, the Planetary Logos, is to
manifest the divine plan on Earth in its full seven fold understanding.
Now to the left of Lord Maitreya is another spiritual leadership position
called the Manu. To the right of Lord Maitreya, in the capacity of
Planetary Christ within the Office of the Christ, is the Mahachohan! The
Manu is a First Ray position and the current Manu is Allah Gobi. He is the
overseer or overlighting presence for the First Ray. He overlights El
Morya, and they work together to manifest transformation within the
political and government structure of our planet into a more Christed and
Ascended Master pattern. The current Mahachohan is Saint Germain who
recently stepped into this spiritual leadership position. This is a Third Ray
position. The First, Second, and Third Rays are considered the Major
Rays. Rays Four, Five, Six and Seven are considered to be the Minor Rays
or Sub-rays of Ray Three! So Saint Germain as Mahachohan is in charge
of Rays Three through Seven.
So my Friends, Lord Maitreya is considered the President of the planet
and head of the hierarchy and overlights all Seven Ray Chohans. Allah
Gobi as Manu overlights the First Ray. Saint Germain as Mahachohan
overlights Rays Three through Seven. Lord Buddha is the Planetary Logos,
and ensouls the actual planet and is in charge of the evolution of all
sentient beings on Earth including animals, plants, the mineral kingdom
and so on. These four Masters hold equal positions and basically are
spiritually in charge of this planet. This is true even though Lord Maitreya
as Planetary Christ is considered the President of the planet and head of
the spiritual hierarchy and has a unique position of overlighting all Seven
Ray Chohans and departments. The Planetary Logos, the Planetary Christ
in the Office of the Christ, the Manu, and the Mahachohan which are all
inner plane spiritual governmental leadership positions work together as
a team to run our planet in a spiritual sense. The Seven Chohans work
with these four and are greatly respected, but do not have the same level
of spiritual leadership as these four positions hold. The four in a sense
delegate authority or one seventh of the plan to the Seven Chohans and to
the spiritual leader of the inner plane Synthesis Ashram which in this case
is myself, within the Second Ray department, to manifest the plan on
Earth. Only the inner plane Synthesis Ashram focuses on the
implementation of all Seven Rays for it was created for this specific
purpose. This is what I have been doing the last 12 years and even before
this. This is why my humble work is so focused on integration, synthesis,
and full spectrum prism consciousness. I think you can see the similarity,
it’s all just at a lowered octave of the inner plane Office of the Christ and
the inner plane Synthesis Ashram. This is why this transition of spiritual
leadership from the inner plane Synthesis Ashram to future leadership in
the Office of the Christ feels like a very natural and easy transition for me!
I have already been doing the job of Office of the Christ on a much lower
octave. The job description is exactly what I have been doing which was
why I was so interested when Lord Maitreya made this future job offer to
So we are starting to get a sense now of how the spiritual government and
Office of the Christ work on the inner plane, however, there is so much
more fascinating information to tell. These four Key Masters hold equal
spiritual leadership even though Lord Maitreya is considered President or
head of the hierarchy. Even though Lord Maitreya as the Planetary Christ
overlights all Seven Rays, they are also overlighted by Helios and Vesta,
the Solar Logos! Similarly, they are also overlighted by Melchior, the
Galactic Logos, and Melchizedek, the Universal Logos among others!
I asked Lord Maitreya if the four key people who run the spiritual
government the Logos, Planetary Christ, Manu and Mahachohan ever
disagree and what happens if they do? Lord Maitreya told me that on
occasion this can and does happen, however, everything is dealt with from
a Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God Consciousness manner and at times they
agree to disagree. If a decision needs to be made, sometimes things are put
to a vote. At other times Helios and Vesta, Melchior, and Melchizedek the
Universal Logos are consulted for greater clarification of the issues at
hand and for a higher perspective.
Now in understanding the Office of the Christ it must also be understood
that there is a Solar “Office of the Christ”, a Galactic “Office of the
Christ”, a Universal “Office of the Christ”, a Multi-universal “Office of
the Christ” and a Cosmic “Office of the Christ”! The Cosmic Office of the
Christ is run by the “Christ” Himself, the Second aspect of the Trinity of
God! The divine plan in truth comes from God, Christ and the Holy Spirit,
and is downloaded from octave to octave until it gets to the planetary
level. There is a certain structure to the divine plan. As I said the First Ray
department runs politics and government. The Second Ray department
runs the spiritual education of the planet. The Third Ray department runs
the business aspect of the world. The Fourth Ray department runs the arts.
The Fifth Ray department runs the new age sciences. The Sixth Ray
department runs the plan to unify all the religions and clear them of
negative ego. The Seventh Ray department is the revamping of
civilization and the building of the New Jerusalem and Christed
Civilization in the new pattern of things. So there is a structure that is
given within the divine plan, which could be seen like a checkerboard
grid. The grid on some of the squares may be filled in, but most of the
squares are left open, and it is the job of Lord Buddha, Lord Maitreya,
Allah Gobi and Saint Germain to create spiritual battleplans on to what is
the best way to manifest the divine plan on Earth through these Seven Ray
departments. The Seven Chohans help with these battleplans as well. By
the way, so do the wives and lady friends of these governmental leaders!
The spiritual world in truth is not that different from the Earthly world.
Some Masters have lady friends and some do not, just like on Earth!
Lord Maitreya also told me the Masters in the spiritual government are
constantly making adjustments. For example Master Kuthumi was
supposed to take over the position of Office of the Christ, but when I
stepped forward from the next life wave in spiritual leadership the plan
was changed and adjusted. The same was true in my position as World
Teacher. Saint Germain was supposed to take over that position. However,
because I stepped forward the plan was adjusted. These are just two
examples of the infinite numbers of adjustments they are constantly
making in their spiritual battleplans to implement the divine plan on
Earth. The Masters are not rigid, but rather very fluid according to the
development of masters on Earth and in terms of what is going on, on the
Earth at any given time. If a war breaks out on Earth other plans have to be
adjusted, for example.
Now on a lighter or more personal note I asked Lord Maitreya and the
Seven Chohans what kind of clothes they wear. Lord Maitreya told me
they wear spiritual robes. No suits! Lord Maitreya wears a gold robe. The
Chohans often wear robes along the color of the Ray they work on. Saint
Germain likes to wear his violet robe for example. They are not restricted
to this, however. I asked Mother Mary what the Lady Masters wear. She
said they wear robes as well but also beautiful dresses! She called it
“Goddess Wear!” The Ladies and Lords also wear at times beautiful
jewelry especially often around the third eye! One other interesting thing
about clothing is that the clothing one wears in truth is a reflection of the
development of one’s consciousness and is somewhat of an automatic
process. The more developed a given master is the more refined his or her
clothing and jewelry is. Melchizedek the Universal Logos has clothing
that is of a much finer and more pristine nature than masters in the
planetary government for example. One cannot just wear any clothing, for
example one cannot try to wear the garments Melchizedek wears for they
have not earned that right spiritually. So one in truth takes on the clothing
according to the development of their spiritual nature and consciousness.
Isn’t that interesting my friends?
Now another fascinating thing Lord Maitreya told me is that in the
spiritual world there is a “White House” like the president of the United
States resides in, but in the spiritual world it is a “Golden House”! It is a
magnificent and immense spiritual building and structure and the
Planetary Logos, Planetary Christ, Manu, Mahachohan and Seven
Chohans all have offices there. Lord Maitreya as President of the spiritual
hierarchy spends a great deal of his time there working.
Now all the above mentioned Masters have their individual inner plane
ashrams as well. This is where they meet and work with students and so
on. They also have offices there. Then each Master also has a personal
home where they rest and take integration time, or make love with their
spouse or lady friend in this case. Yes Masters do make love. It is not the
same as in this world because they do not have physical bodies. It is more
of a sharing of energy.
It must also be understood that the spiritual world has a form not that
dissimilar to what exists on Earth! There are cities of light, mountains,
lakes, oceans and nature spots to visit. It is also possible to travel to other
planets of course as well. In this world one travels instantly through the
power of one’s own mind.
When one wants to speak to someone or see someone, it is all done
telepathically! One sends a part of their energy to that person, like
knocking on their door. If they are available to communicate, telepathic
communication begins. Each person is recognized through what is called
their “energy signature”! If you also wish to see another person, you just
extend more of your consciousness and mind and then you appear there!
The Ascended Masters never sleep for they do not have physical bodies so
there is no need for sleep. However, they do take rest time or what they
call integration time.
The Ascended Masters also take time for enjoyment, recreation and social
time. There are concerts and celebrations like Wesak that they go to. They
attend certain ceremonies, scientific unveilings, artistic and musical
performances, and even go to movies! The movies the Masters told me are
different from those on Earth! They are made by the Fourth Ray
department and are more multi-dimensional and are often very
educational like the nature of our galaxy or universe.
I asked Lord Maitreya if he ever would read. He said not like we do on
Earth, however, he would often read the Book of Life regarding certain
initiates on Earth who were considered for certain spiritual assignments
and spiritual leadership positions.
I asked Lord Maitreya if the Masters ever focus on spiritual growth. He
told me not really for Masters at this level grow through doing service.
They basically serve and work all the time for they never sleep as I said.
They do go for trainings and take classes, but the focus is not spiritual
growth as much as receiving training so they can serve in a greater
Since everyone also has a home, they have offices in their homes as well.
So each Master has three offices in the spiritual government.
The Masters in the spiritual government are constantly in meetings.
Sometimes Lord Maitreya meets with Lord Buddha, or with Allah Gobi
and Saint Germain. Or with the Seven Chohans! They all work as a
spiritual team. There is no competing or comparing of initiations or
spiritual leadership positions like occurs inappropriately on Earth! All
Masters and Chohans for example are not at the same initiation level and
all do not have the same level of spiritual leadership or spiritual
development, however, at this level the Masters do not let the negative ego
enter into their credit.
I asked Lord Maitreya how he spends his time. He said he meditates and
consults with his guides usually before going to work at the “Golden
House”! He told me just like on Earth they go into each other’s office and
talk and spend time together for they are all very close friends. They also
laugh and have fun. They are really just people like us, just a little more
advanced spiritually and in their consciousness and leadership.
Time is different on the inner planes as well, and there is much more
multi-dimensionality. I asked Lord Maitreya how many “integrated light
body split off selves” he has, and he told me 144 million! So he can be in
144 million places simultaneously doing service work! So if people call on
him he is not limited to just helping one person at a time! Also he had a
past life as Krishna, so when people call and pray to Krishna, Lord
Maitreya sends his split off selves which are extensions of his
consciousness and they appear as Krishna to those that believe in that
particular form of divinity!
The Masters do not eat food because they do not have physical bodies, but
they told me there are light drinks they sometimes drink at social
occasions! They actually help to build light quotient. They never have to
go to the bathroom, however, for the light is just absorbed into their
spiritual bodies that they drink!
They travel to other planets or places either in their soul or spiritual body
and if it is further away, in their Merkabah. This is given to them by God,
and does not have to be specially created or made as some people on Earth
falsely think! The most advanced form of Merkabah on Earth is actually a
round Merkabah! The Merkabah is like the clothes we wear. Everyone has
one, and it changes shape the more you develop spiritually and in your
Lord Maitreya as Planetary Christ does not work with students like the
Chohans do, except for very special students, and the brightest lights so to
speak! Because I am being trained now to take over the position of Office
of the Christ, I am receiving a lot of special training of course.
Even though Lord Maitreya holds the position of Planetary Christ within
the Office of the Christ, in truth he is in terms of his spiritual
development a Universal Christ! There are levels of Christ development.
On Earth it begins at realizing the Planetary Christ which is when you
take your 22nd level of initiation. Then the next step is becoming a Solar
Christ, Galactic Christ, Universal Christ, Multi-Universal Christ and then
finally a Cosmic Christ! Now before any of you get too caught up about
the word Christ, I already told you I am using the word in a universalistic
context, not a Christian context. To further emphasize this point I asked
Melchior the Galactic Logos about this. He told me that the word Christ is
not even used on another planet in our galaxy or universe. So in truth the
word is meaningless to God, Christ and the Holy Spirit! Every planet calls
this presence something else. So we have to use some word to call it on
Earth and so I am using the term Christ as the second aspect of the Trinity.
You can call it Vishnu if you want. Christ does not care! Jesus became the
Christ on Earth 2000 years ago on a planetary level. So did Buddha,
Mohammed, Krishna, Moses, Lao Tse, Zoroaster and so on! Lord Maitreya
was Krishna in a past life which is very far from Christianity yet he holds
the position of Planetary Christ! If it was an issue for him, do you think
Krishna would allow himself to be called the Planetary Christ? Now the
interesting thing is that Lord Maitreya has held this position of Planetary
Christ for over 2000 years. When Lord Maitreya as Planetary Christ
overlighted Jesus 2000 years ago, he was doing so as the Planetary Christ!
On the cross Jesus took his fourth Initiation and Lord Maitreya took his
sixth or ascension initiation! As I said before Bartholomew was
Mohammed and Saint Germain the husband of Mother Mary. Kuthumi
was John the Beloved! El Morya and Djwhal Khul two of the Three Wise
Men! The Masters in past lives were involved with all the major religions.
Djwhal Khul, Kuthumi, El Morya ascended as Tibetan Buddhists. So the
Ascended Masters have to use some term to refer to the Second Aspect of
the Trinity and the term they use is the Christ, which has absolutely
nothing to do with Christianity! All the Ascended Masters and religions
on the inner plane are striving to realize the Christ at higher and higher
levels. I found it interesting that no planet in our galaxy or universe uses
the term Christ. Every planet goes by a different name which shows the
meaninglessness of getting caught up in spiritual semantics!
The other being that is not legally part of the spiritual government but is
very involved with the spiritual government is Mother Earth also known
as Lady Gaia. She plays a key role obviously for her body is the Earth
itself! She often attends meetings with Lord Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Allah
Gobi, Saint Germain and the Seven Chohans.
Lord Maitreya also told me another interesting thing regarding the Office
of the Christ and that is, the more mature one becomes in this office the
more time one spends in the “Golden House”! For in the beginning of
one’s training for this position one may spend more time in the field so to
speak, but as one matures one delegates more.
Now another incredibly fascinating thing Lord Maitreya told me as part of
my training was that he often attends galactic and universal meetings! He
attends these meetings with the Manu, Mahachohan, Lord Buddha, the
Seven Chohans and their wives and Lady friends and sometimes others.
Can you imagine how big these meetings are? All the inhabited planets of
our galaxy sending their spiritual governmental leaders! Lord Maitreya’s,
Melchior’s, and Helios’ and Vesta’s description of what goes on is like the
Star Wars movie bar scene! Can you imagine this then on a universal level
as well? All the planets, solar systems and galaxies of our universe! There
could be 10 million inhabited planets or more!
It was at these meetings that Lord Buddha and Lord Maitreya and others
asked for help for Earth. For Earth is actually one of the weaker links in
our galaxy! Earth is also the weakest link in our Solar System. Helios and
Vesta told me that there is etheric life on other planets in our Solar System
but Earth is the only planet in our Solar system that has physical life! In
our Galaxy Melchior told me that Earth is in the lower 20% of all the
planets evolution! This is why so much focus is on Earth right now. For
unlike this world we live in, if a planet in the galaxy or universe is a weak
link, it is not every man for himself like on our planet, but everyone in the
galaxy and universe comes to help!
It must be understood that there is only one ascension in truth and all
other ascensions are in truth illusion. The only Ascension that really exists
is God’s Ascension. For all beings are incarnations of God. So you are not
really working for your own ascension in truth, you are working for
planetary Ascension, Solar Ascension, Galactic Ascension, Universal
Ascension, Multi-universal Ascension, and Cosmic Ascension! Spirit and
the Masters told me it is possible for each of these planets, solar systems,
galaxies, universes, multi-universes and the entire cosmos to physically
ascend and resurrect just as Jesus did! In other words, planets, solar
systems, galaxies, universes, multi-universes and the entire cosmos can
eventually completely turn into light and disappear from the physical
universe, just as a person can physically ascend and resurrect and turn
into light. Isn’t that exciting? However this cannot be done for example in
our solar system and galaxy unless the weaker planets like Earth get their
act together! The weaker planets are holding up the ascension for the Solar
System, Galaxy and Universe. So in the spiritual world it is all for one and
one for all! This is why Earth is getting universal help, galactic help, and
solar help from so many places! Our former Planetary Logos Sanat
Kumara came from Venus to help us. That is why the Arcturians and other
Christed Extraterrestrials are helping us.
Just as people channel on this plane, the Masters in the spiritual
government channel guidance for themselves from a higher plane. We
serve our students, they serve us, solar, galactic and universal Masters
serve them, multi-universal Masters serve the universal Masters and
cosmic beings such a Metatron serve everyone, just as God, Christ and the
Holy Spirit of course. This is the great service chain of the cosmic and
planetary hierarchy! Service is the Law of Life! The greatest among you is
the servant of all. To find yourself, lose yourself in serving others.
The Planetary Logos, the Planetary Christ, the Manu, the Mahachohan, the
Seven Chohans each have an inner circle of 24 Masters under them to help
them implement their work. These are some of the other key spiritual
leadership positions that are available in each position of the spiritual
government! The initial 24 are the key pillars in the Temple of God for
each Master in each spiritual leadership position. Each Master has many
key assistants as well. Just as Gloria is my key assistant among others in
my work in the I AM University! Each Master has also an inner council of
12 and an outer council of 144 which are also key spiritual leadership
positions all the Masters of these positions are seeking to fill!
Again it is time for this new life wave to step forward and take
responsibility for this planet. Soon it will be time for the previous life
wave to move on to their next Cosmic Positions. I have humbly stepped
forward in my spiritual leadership along the Second Ray line focused on
synthesis and integration. However, I am only one person, and there are
Seven Ray departments where all these spiritual leadership positions
need to be filled! Saint Germain told me that the inner plane Ascended
Masters have been babysitting to a certain extent. It is time on Earth for all
Earthlings to not only birth the Christ Child within, but to raise it from
adolescents into adulthood and full Masterhood. It is now time for
Earthlings to step up to the plate! This is what I have humbly done and it
is time for all of you to do the same. Soon all these positions I am
speaking of will be filled by souls as well. Read the other write-up I did
about all of this in a later section on the table of contents and website.
This is why the I AM University has anchored into cyberspace and onto
the Earth now all the major ashrams of the Cosmic and Planetary
Hierarchy! The I AM University has within it Seven Ashrams or
departments as well which is also part of the anchoring of the Office of
the Christ! Spirit, the Masters, and I are looking for initiates to step
forward and become the Chohans in committee form within the I AM
In all the major spiritual hierarchy meetings Lord Maitreya as the
Planetary Christ within the Office of the Christ conducts the meetings.
Lord Maitreya and Lord Buddha as the Planetary Christ and Planetary
Logos give out all the initiations, however at their level they focus on
initiations seven, and 12 through 22! The Seven Chohans make
suggestions, and are usually followed especially from initiations one
through six! Assistants sometimes give out the lower level initiations. As
Lord Maitreya told me otherwise he and Lord Buddha would be spending
all their time giving out initiations for there are 6 billion souls on this
planet. So they hold the Rod of Initiation for the most important
Lord Maitreya as the Planetary Christ in the Office of the Christ also has
to file reports to Helios and Vesta, the Solar Logos, Melchior, the Galactic
Logos, and Melchizedek, our Universal Logos!
In terms of how the Masters help the Earth, they do not have physical
bodies so they work a lot with light, energy, and frequencies! They also
have a lot of different types of Light Technologies they use which they get
from Christed Extraterrestrials such as the Arcturians and Ashtar
Command! It is also possible to influence humanity through sharing
spiritual thought forms!
I asked Helios and Vesta, our Solar Logos, how our solar system ranked in
terms of evolutionary status within our galaxy. Even though the Earth was
the least evolved planet in our solar system, the solar system itself is a
medium to advanced solar system because of the advancement of the other
planets in our solar system. It is possible to visit these planets and make
sojourns to them for spiritual growth purposes if one so desires. Each
planet embodies a certain quality and one can learn to integrate these
qualities more by doing this!
Then I asked Melchior how our galaxy ranked in evolution to other
galaxies within the Melchizedek Universe we belong to! Melchior, the
Galactic Logos, told me that it was at a medium level, even though the
Earth was in the lower 20% of evolvement of all planets within the
Melchior Galaxy!
Then I asked Melchizedek, the Universal Logos, how our Universe stood
in the evolutionary ladder within all the universes of the Multi-universal
Logos! He said our universe was also at a medium level of evolution. It
must be stated that there are an infinite number of universes within the
Omniverse of God.
So it is time for Earth to stop holding up the divine order of things. Earth
in truth is a very backward planet, although the Masters said it is starting
to wake up! For the last 3.1 billion years it has not evolved very much or
very fast. However, in this generation there has been a great speeding up
of things.
The Masters also told me something I found very humbling and
interesting! They told me that my books and correspondence courses
because of their unique integration, synthesis and full spectrum prism
consciousness and easy to understand, and practical style are actually
being read and studied by a great many other planets in our galaxy! I
started joking around with them and told them my secret plan was to open
up a franchise of I AM Universities throughout the galaxy like
McDonalds! Instead of being paid in money I told them I could be paid in
light quotient! They all laughed! A lot of people think the Masters are like
icons and very serious. This is really not true. I talk to them every day and
we are constantly laughing and joking around amidst serious points of
discussion as well.
Melchior, the Galactic Logos, also told me that one of the reasons that our
galaxy has not evolved beyond the medium level is that there were so
many galactic wars going on! My Beloved Friends, movies like the six Star
Wars movies are channeled! They speak of the Orion Wars. These wars
occur on the spiritual plane as well in the form of Lucifer, a fallen
Archangel! Master Yoda spoke of the dark side of the Force, and the
importance of not giving into one’s anger or fear! This is a perfect
understanding of Spiritual Psychology as it should be understood.
Melchior told me there are all kinds of wars going on in the galaxy
between planets, solar systems and so on! All these science fiction
television shows we watch are not that far from the truth. Melchior has a
tough job trying to clear all the egocentricity of the different planetary
races. Achievement of high level space travel is not an assurance of
negative ego transcendence. Our planet and the planets of our galaxy
should take the lead from the Arcturians who are the most Christed
Extraterrestrial race in our galaxy. At the upcoming 2005 Cosmic Christ
Wesak they will share some of their Light Technologies for healing the
Now I would like to speak again for a moment about these galactic
meetings that Lord Maitreya, the Planetary Christ, and the other Masters
attend. Melchior, the Galactic Logos, Lord Maitreya and the other Masters
yesterday gave me some fascinating information about what goes on. The
energy at these massive conventions is staggering! First because of how
large the meetings are. Also because so many planets are represented. As
you know not all planets have Adam Kadmon type bodies! Everyone has
two arms, two legs and a head, but that is the only similarity! The
Arcturians have more triangular shaped heads for example. There are cat
type beings! There are reptile type beings! There are insect like beings!
There are beings with all different types of skin colors! Some wear clothes
and some do not wear clothes because their bodies are so beautiful! The
clothes of each planet’s representatives are totally different. On Earth they
wear the beautiful robes and dresses. Some cultures have more military
looking uniforms. Some more space looking clothes! Some are very tall,
some very short! Different types of eyes! Different types of ears and nose!
Some have golden skin which are some of the most evolved! The suns of
each planet are a different color which has an affect on the beings! The
consistency of the skin of each race is different! Some cultures have tails!
Some have see-through skin where you can actually see the beating of
their heart! Every body color you can imagine! Each planet has different
religions and spiritual beliefs. Can you imagine once we all get to the
galactic level how we can study the religions and spiritual beliefs of the
millions of planets in our galaxy? That is what I call integration, synthesis
and full spectrum prism consciousness! Lord Maitreya has begun to take
me to these meetings as part of my future training to hold the position of
“Planetary Christ”. Others from Earth will be allowed to go once you
reach a certain level of initiation! Souls on Earth and on other planets are
quarantined somewhat in relationship to their initiation level and the
development of their consciousness! I was humbly told I now have
universal freedom to travel around because I have developed my
consciousness. I think being able to study the religions, spiritual
teachings, lifestyles, and cultures of all these different beings on different
planets is just about the most exciting thing I can think of! Having such a
great love for integration, synthesis and full spectrum prism
consciousness, this to me is like tapping into the “Mother Lodge of
Spiritual Gold!” People are often so strange on Earth, they cannot even get
along with people of different skin colors who look exactly like
themselves! Can you imagine how they are going to get along with cat
people, beings with tails, reptile people, insect people and so on? Some
beings have long beautiful blond hair, others have no hair at all! These
galactic meetings make Star Wars bar scene look boring! My Beloved
Readers can you imagine how challenging and exciting it would be to
hold galactic spiritual leadership? To be in charge of creating integration,
unity, cooperation, synthesis, full spectrum prism consciousness among
all races and peoples from all planets in our galaxy or any other galaxy! Is
that exciting or is that exciting? I would love to work in spiritual
leadership in this capacity in the distant future and I know I will!
Everyone teaches what they want to learn! I love integration, synthesis,
full spectrum prism consciousness so I would love to do this on a galactic
level! What an exciting challenge this would be! Not just ego battles
between people or nations, but resolving ego battles between planets and
solar systems!
My Beloved Readers, are you beginning to get a sense of how exciting the
spiritual path is? Now take this to a universal level. Melchizedek, the
Universal Logos, deals with harmonizing galaxies and there are tens of
millions of galaxies in a universe! Won’t that be an eye opener? I
personally want to master every level, solar, galactic, universal and multiuniversal
in terms of integration, synthesis and full spectrum prism
consciousness! For God, Christ and the Holy Spirit work through all of
them. Can you imagine gaining a synthesis perspective from a solar,
galactic and universal perspective? Talk about opening your third eye on a
cosmic level! I can’t wait to attend these meetings more consciously!
Melchior and Lord Maitreya said the buzz in these galactic meetings is
like the New York Stock Exchange!
Every planet usually specializes in something! Some in light technologies!
Some in healing! Some in the use of crystals and gemstones! Some in
Time Travel! Can you imagine learning from all the planets in our galaxies
as to their strengths? Can you imagine helping to create integration and
oneness between all species in a galaxy? How exciting!
Melchior and Lord Maitreya told me that even though everyone speaks a
different language at these meetings every one understands one another
because communication is done by telepathy!
The key to evolving a solar system or galaxy is the same as on a planetary
level! I have told you in my previous writings and channelings that it only
takes 12 Integrated Ascended Masters or Integrated Full Spectrum Prism
Consciousness Synthesis Christs, or I Am Masters, to completely
transform this planet! This is the magic number that causes the hundredth
monkey effect, or critical mass, or domino affect in a positive spiritual
The same is true in a solar system or galaxy. Once that critical mass and
domino effect level is achieved, the solar system transforms and then all
the solar systems transform!
One other interesting piece of information is that the best solar logos of
each solar system in a galaxy has the best shot if they wanted to be the
next Galactic Logos! The best Galactic Logos in each galaxy has the best
potential shot at becoming the Universal logos! It works the same way on
Earth in our government!
What must be understood is that Masters are offered job opportunities
throughout the galaxy and universe! If I for example do a good job in
running the inner plane Synthesis Ashram and future position in the
Office of the Christ, then other planets, solar systems and even galaxies
often make offers asking you to join the planetary, solar, or galactic
hierarchical government! How exciting is that? Everyone has free choice as
to where they want to serve! Do you see my friends what a waste it is to
waste your life on materialism, hedonism, lower self desire, and on
anything but God, Christ and the Holy Spirit, and Ascended Master
Realization! This, my Beloved Readers, is why the I AM University was
created! The I AM University was created on the inner plane and now the
outer plane as well, to help train you in the quickest, fastest and easiest
possible way to become an Integrated Ascended Master, an integrated Full
Spectrum Prism Consciousness Synthesis Christ, and an I Am Master. In
so doing at the seventh initiation you graduate from the wheel or rebirth!
At the 12th initiation you achieve the beginning level of Christ Realization
and the beginning level of qualifying to be one of the 12 or 144,000
Integrated Ascended Masters on this Earth that will help to bring in the
New Jerusalem, Seventh Golden Age, and new Christed Civilization on
Earth! At the 22nd level of initiation and Light Body you become a fully
realized Planetary Christ and full and equal member of the Planetary
Spiritual Hierarchy!
The anchoring of the Office of the Christ within the umbrella of the I AM
University occurs on many levels. It occurs in my and our work here at the
university in helping to create 12th and 22nd degree initiated Integrated Full
Spectrum Prism Consciousness Synthesis Christs on Earth! I have humbly
realized my 23rd level of initiation and light body and 24th by May of 2005
which is Wesak! Everything I have done to realize this I have written
down and channeled for you in these correspondence courses, training
programs, work books and 21 ascension activation meditations tapes! The
I AM University is now being anchored onto the Earth to help you achieve
this in the fastest and easiest to understand possible way! When you join
the I AM University and use its curriculum, God, Christ, the Holy Spirit,
Melchizedek, Mahatma, Metatron, Lord Maitreya/Lord Buddha and the
Seven Chohans, the Arcturians and Ashtar Command and Christed
Extraterrestrials, the Divine Mother and Lady Masters, the Universal
Mind, Mighty I Am Presences, the Oversouls, and Superconscious minds,
have all agreed to do an inner plane I AM University Training Program in
addition to the regular I AM University Training Program which I have
written and channeled about in these thirteen welcome write ups on the
homepage that mark the grand opening of the I AM University in this
Earthly world! There has never been a Spiritual University Training
Program of this magnitude, integration, synthesis and full spectrum prism
understanding given to the Earth before! The Keys to the Kingdom are
literally being given on a Silver Platter to all disciples, initiates,
lightworkers and Masters on the Earth! I am uniquely qualified because of
my very unique training in integration, synthesis, and full spectrum prism
consciousness orientation to have spiritual leadership of the I AM
University. This type of training is not available anywhere else on this
planet. As I mentioned in another write up, after I took my 22nd level of
initiation I had a dream that I was climbing Mt Everest with a lady friend!
She almost fell, but we made it to the top and when I reached the very top
a Master from the Great White Lodge approached me and told me I was
the first person in the history of the Earth to climb this face of Mt Everest!
The face I climbed that was unique was the path of synthesis, integration
and full spectrum prism consciousness. I did not favor any religion, any
spiritual path, any Ascended Master, any form of psychology, any
spiritual test, any guru, or anything! I synthesized everything together
including all my own channelings and teachings, taking the best from
past, present and future as well! This is why I was chosen as the next
World Teacher for 2000 years later these teachings are the next
dispensation of Christ (Second Aspect of the Trinity) Teachings on the
Earth for the Aquarian Age! All other Masters on the path achieved their
ascension and resurrection through one path which was fine and
appropriate. However, to begin this Aquarian Age 2000 year cycle, this is
the next higher octave of Christ Teachings! This is why Spirit and the
Ascended Masters have made it a “required gate” to get to Heaven! Every
soul on planet Earth and all future spiritual leadership positions for the
next life will have to at minimum go through the I AM University on the
inner plane! This is not to say that all souls will have to outwardly study
at the I AM University, for everyone has free choice of course. However,
integrated ascension has been made a “required gate” whether you are
conscious of it or not! It is your soul that attends and receives this very
special and unique training. The eight trainings listed in the graphic
below are eight additional trainings you will receive by enrolling in the
earthly I AM University! I charge almost nothing to join. It is only $144 for
the entire year, which is two semesters! The only thing that you need to do
to become involved is to let us know of your commitment and to acquire
the study materials, the three work books, six correspondence courses, 21
ascension activation meditation tapes! Money is not an issue for no one
with lack of funds will be turned away! An unlimited number of partial
scholarships and even full scholarships are available for those who are in
poverty or destitute! This is the movement that the inner plane spiritual
government has designated to be the movement that achieves their goals
and unites the world! Its teachings play a key role in the New World
Religion that will come in the future long after I am gone! We seek to have
no one change their existing religion or spiritual path. We actually prefer
you stay on the path you are on, we only seek to enhance your existing
path for all paths lead to God and Christ! If you want to call the Christ,
Vishnu, the Buddha, Krishna, Elohim, Adonai, Mohammed, or by any
other name that is fine! I don’t care! The Ascended Masters don’t care and
God, Christ and the Holy Spirit do not care! We only seek to help you
achieve integration, synthesis, and full spectrum prism consciousness and
vision on the path you are on! This is why the I AM University as an
umbrella for the Office of the Christ was created to help unify all
religions, all spiritual paths, all channels, all gurus, all spiritual teachings,
all spiritual books and texts, all spiritual teachers, all cultures, all peoples!
Everyone on planet Earth and beyond will feel at home in the I AM
University for whatever path you are on you will find it! The I AM
University is based on the Universal Church and Temple of all the
Ascended Masters from all religions and spiritual paths! I tell you with
total humbleness and humility just speaking the truth, not under or
overstating anything, the studying of the I AM University curriculum on
the inner and outer plane is an infinitely faster path to achieve your
initiations and light body anchorings and activations than anything else
you will find on planet Earth! This is not just theoretical knowledge for I
have humbly realized that which I teach! The Masters told me that I will
be allowed to realize my 33 initiations and beyond this lifetime!
Everything I did to achieve my 22 levels of initiation and light body
anchoring and activation, and how I realized Planetary Christ Realization
and Integrated Ascended Master status and the spiritual leadership I have
is contained within these six correspondence courses, two training
programs, 21 ascension activation meditations tapes, three work books,
and the inner and outer plane University Program!
Spirit, the Masters, and I have created the I AM University as a way to
help this new life wave step up to the plate and take over the spiritual
government leadership of this planet so they can move on!
The I AM University and Office of the Christ is being anchored to create
144,000 Integrated Ascended Masters, I Am Masters, and Integrated Full
Spectrum Prism Consciousness Synthesis Christs, so we can all build
together the New Jerusalem, Seventh Golden Age, and the New I Am
Civilization, and Christed Civilization on Earth!
The I AM University and Office of the Christ has now been anchored onto
the Earth to accelerate the Ascension and Resurrection of our Planet, our
Solar System, our Galaxy and our Melchizedek Universe! For the Earth is a
laggard planet and is holding up the divine plan! It is time for Earthlings
to step up to the plate and be counted! I have shared with you all the
spiritual leadership positions in the spiritual government that need to be
filled. It is time Earth stops slowing down the evolution, ascension and
resurrection of our solar system, galaxy and universe! They want to
physically ascend and turn themselves into light! However, they cannot do
this until we get our act together! As Saint Germain said, the Ascended
Masters are tired of babysitting this planet! It is time to leave the
adolescent phase and move into adulthood, masterhood and spiritual
leadership! It is time for this next life wave to take over this planet! It is
time for all souls on Earth to realize they are the externalization of the
The I AM University and Office of the Christ is being anchored as well to
anchor for the first time in the history of the Earth the ashrams of the
Cosmic and Planetary Hierarchy into cyberspace and onto the Earth!
Melchizedek, the Universal Logos, just told me the other day what a
profound affect this is going to have, much more than even I have realized
from his universal viewpoint.
Part of this anchoring into cyberspace and onto the Earth is also the
anchoring of the Goddess Lodge, the Eastern Masters Lodge, the Western
Occult Lodge, the Great White Lodge on Sirius, and the anchoring of the
inner plane Temples. The entire Cosmic and Planetary Hierarchy is now
being anchored into cyberspace and onto the Earth!
The I AM University and Office of the Christ is being anchored onto the
Earth in the form of all the galactic doctors, health practitioners, and
galactic professionals that you can visit online for free! Just click all the
buttons listed below and all these things will be revealed to you! You can
also visit the I AM University Salon, Spa, and Café! The entire Office of
the Christ is now being anchored onto the Earth for those that have the
eyes to see and the ears to hear! This has never ever been done in the
history of the Earth! As the Aquarian Age has just begun, it is time!
It is crucial as a part of this new I Am Aquarian Age understanding that
people do not compare or compete over spiritual leadership, puzzle pieces,
initiations and light bodies! We all have our part to play and we are all
incarnations of God. There are no other beings but God. It is just God
helping God so God can ascend.
Those who are interested in opening branches of the I AM University in
every city around the globe contact me! Those interested in spiritual
leadership position in the future spiritual government contact me! The
dawn of the New Age has come my friends! The I AM University is the
service vehicle that the spiritual government of this planet has chosen to
make this come about! Tune into every word I have said in all these write
ups and you will see, feel, sense, hear, intuit, know, comprehend, and
understand the words I speak! None of this was my idea my friends. I tell
you this, as God is my witness. I did not come up with this. This entire
plan was given to me by Spirit and the Ascended Masters! I added my
own creativity of course once I accepted the plan for it has been a cocreation
between God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Masters, and I. I have
obviously played a big part in making this all happen in terms of how I
have lived my life the last 30 years. However, the basic structure of this
whole spiritual mission comes from Spirit and the inner plane Ascended
Masters! This is the plan and service vehicle that they feel has the greatest
chance to fulfill the divine plan and this is what the Book of Life of
Metatron reveals as well! I am humbled to be a part of it and all I have
ever wanted in my life is just the opportunity to serve. God has graciously
answered my prayer. I have tried to mould myself after all the Masters,
however, I am touched by the words of the Master Jesus when he says,
“The greatest among you is the servant of all!”
There is an opportunity now through the I AM University and the
anchoring of the Office of the Christ within the I AM University to really
make this planet into an I Am Planet, a Christed Planet and Ascended
Master Planet! The time is now and the I AM University is the service
vehicle which Spirit, the Ascended Masters, and I have co-created to do
this once and for all! It is the best possible service vehicle to unite the
whole planet on every level and to create the greatest possible integration,
synthesis and full spectrum vision consciousness. It is the next
dispensation and revelatory teachings of the Christ, the Second aspect of
the Trinity, for the Aquarian Age! I have shared my heart and soul in these
write ups! I have been an open book not trying to over or understate
things, but just tell it exactly how it is. It is a tricky process to try to tell the
truth and be an open book and share all Spirit and the Ascended Masters
have told me, and yet do it in a humble way. To pretend I do not have the
spiritual mission I have would not work either. So I have taken the
approach of just being honest and sharing with you exactly good and bad,
what Spirit and the Masters have been telling me! I did not want to
overstate anything but I did not want to understate things either! I just
told the truth and spoke from my heart! I find that is the best way to
communicate with people, to just tell them the truth and be an open book!
To try and play games and hide things, because you don’t want to appear
too much this way, and to the opposite as well, just gets confusing and one
gets stuck in the morass of playing games! So instead, with all these write
ups I just tried to be completely honest and be an open book and share
with you exactly what Spirit and the Masters have been telling me! It is
my sincere hope and prayer that my completely honest, open book
approach, not trying to overstate or understate anything, has touched the
cord of the truthfulness of my words within your heart. I hope you can
feel the sincerity and truthfulness of my words. I do not share the things I
have shared lightly and I do not share information unless I know it is true
and a great many times I seek confirmation to make sure the information
is coming through with the highest God purity and clarity. In these
thirteen initial write ups I have shared my heart and soul and tried to
share everything as clearly and precisely as I possibly could. Again it is
my hope and prayer that you can all feel the truthfulness and sincerity of
my words. I have actually hidden my spiritual leadership the last 15 years,
however, with the starting of the I AM University and the umbrella
relationship it has in relationship to the inner plane I AM University,
Inner Plane Synthesis Ashram, Office of the Christ, and work as World
Teacher, it all has gotten too complex and too big to hide any longer. I am
not alone in spiritual leadership for there are a great many other spiritual
leadership positions available. I have only stepped into spiritual
leadership in the spiritual government along the Second Ray. There are
Seven Rays of spiritual leadership. Everything I have done you can do and
more. There is no reason to “reinvent the wheel”, however. Being involved
with spiritual education the last 30 years, I have written and channeled the
comprehensive process down of how to move from Adam and Eve to the
Christ! Of how to move through the 22 levels of initiation and light body.
This I AM University is the most balanced, integrated, easy to understand,
most practical, most synthesized, most comprehensive, most cutting edge
on all three levels (spiritual, consciousness and physical/Earthly), and full
spectrum prism consciousness that exists on this planet! The training is
totally unique and has never been made available to the world before in
this fashion! The correspondence courses are literally the revelatory
cutting edge Aquarian Age Teachings for the New Millennium of the
Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Universal Mind, the Mighty I Am Presence, the
Superconscious Minds, Ascended Masters, Archangels and Angels,
Elohim Masters and Christed Extraterrestrials, all synthesized and
integrated into one easy to understand and apply teaching. It is not even
the “Rocketship to God,” it is faster than that, it is the direct “Light Beam
To God”!
This work is truly for those that have the “eyes to see and the ears to
hear”! Just study some of the articles and chapters on this website and you
will see the truth of my words and you will see there is nothing like this
on planet Earth! As the fire for God, Christ, Ascension, Resurrection,
Liberation, Service, Integrate Ascended Mastership, Transfiguration,
Translation, Rapture, Enlightenment, grows within, you start studying the
correspondence course of your choice and start working with the 21
ascension activation meditation tapes. Join the I AM University on the
inner and outer plane. It will not only bring you a peace that passeth
understanding, it will also help you to achieve your 12th initiation and
then 22nd level of initiation in the fastest amount of time that is available
on this planet! Everything I have humbly achieved I honestly want to give
to you. I hold back nothing and wish to give you everything for one
cannot possess a thing unless you give a thing! The only way to have God,
or Christ, or Ascended Mastership is to give it! Service is the Law of Life!
My Friends, I give you everything and I mean everything, holding back
nothing for I know you are myself. I know you are an incarnation of God
as I Am! It is God helping God for the purpose of Realizing and
Ascending GOD! There is no being in the infinite Universe other than the
“I AM”! To hold anything back from you is to hold back on myself, for we
are one! We are one Self, one Christ, one Ascended Master, one Son or
Daughter of God, one Mighty I Am Presence, one Krishna, one Buddha,
one Atma, one Tao, one Elohim, one Adonai, one Mohammed, one Light,
one God, united with our Creator! My Beloved Friends, we all share the
same identity in God. There are no separate beings. So Spirit, the
Ascended Masters, and I through the I AM University are offering you
literally everything! For as the Master Jesus said in A Course in Miracles,
“To have all, one must give all to all”. The only way I can have God in
myself is to give God completely to you. This is what you are being given
in the I AM University. It is Spirit, the Ascended Masters, and my sincere
hope and prayer that you have the eyes to see and the ears to hear the
profundity of that which you are being given. I have made money not an
obstacle to anyone. You don’t have to change your religion or spiritual
path. You can do the entire I AM University in the comfort of your own
home if you wish. This is not about me in any way, shape, or form, it is
about God and the Masters, and how to live a life that Glorifies God
rather than self! If you “glorify God on Earth, God will glorify thee in
Heaven”! If you truly give your life to totally Glorifying God on Earth,
God will even glorify you on Earth! Seek ye the Kingdom of God and all
things shall be added onto thee! The Light has come, my friends, if you
just have the eyes to see and the ears to hear the humble profundity of that
which Spirit, the Masters, and I speak. Drink of the cup and eat of the
Heavenly Bread of the I AM University on the inner and outer plane and it
will in this very life time help you to become the Tree of Life bearing 12
types of Fruit, which is fed by the Water of Life and the River of Life! It
will help you become like Mother Mary standing on the moon with 12
Stars in her crown, pregnant with the Christ Child! It will help you
become like Krishna, Buddha, Moses, Mohammed, Lao Tse, Confucius,
Kuan Yin, Isis, Zoroaster, all the Ascended Masters, Archangels and
Angels, Elohim Masters, all in one. It will help you become the “Full
Spectrum Prism Synthesis Consciousness Integrated Ascended Masters, I
Am Masters, and Integrated Christed Masters” that it is your destiny to
God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Mighty I Am Presence, the Oversouls, the
Superconscious Minds, the Universal Mind, the Ascended Masters,
Archangels and Angels, Elohim Masters and Christed Extraterrestrials,
and the entire Spiritual Hierarchy all put forth the clarion call for all to get
involved and join the I AM University on the inner and outer plane! The
combination of the two as Archangel Metatron so eloquently said will
rocketeer you straight up to God!
God has prepared the banquet and you are his Divine Lover! Let go of all
your symbolic adulterous lovers, and mature the Christ Child into
adulthood and full Ascended Mastership. Then complete your spiritual
mission and puzzle piece on Earth! The I AM University will literally
accelerate your spiritual path, path of initiation and ascension, light body
anchoring, the development of your consciousness, your inner peace and
happiness, your higher chakra anchoring, and your Integrated Ascended
Mastership and Integrated Christ Realization 10,000 fold! You are literally
being given the “Keys to the Kingdom on a Golden Platter”! The question
is do you have the eyes to see and the ears to hear the profundity and the
truthfulness of the words Spirit and the Masters speak to you on this day
of our Lord? We collectively as a group know you do and we have great
confidence in the Earthlings of our world! We all come from the same
stock. Let us all now “Be about the Father’s business,” and get the training
you require through the I AM University on the inner and outer plane, for
the world needs your light and love at its full Integrated Ascended Master
potential, and at its full Integrated Planetary Christ Realization level! If
you are not at the 12th to the 22nd level of initiation and the 12th to 22nd level
of light body anchoring and activation and you have not become a fully
realized “Integrated Ascended Master”, “Full Integrated Full Spectrum
Prism Synthesis Christ”, and “Fully Integrated Mighty I Am Presence on
the Earth”, then join the I AM University on the inner and outer plane by
contacting us here at the university and we will put you on the Master list,
and you will start immediately with your work at the inner plane I AM
University. You can then enroll in the I AM University on the Earth and
you can begin studying the correspondence courses and newly created
work books, and start working with the 21 ascension activation
meditations and the eight inner plane programs of Spirit and the Masters.
The one thing you will need to buy is a spiritual seat belt! For you will be
moving spiritually in your growth at literally “Light Speed!” Since you
will be attending the I AM University on the inner plane in your soul
body, you will actually be attending the I AM University, 24 hours a day,
seven days a week, and 365 days a year, for even while in waking state a
part of your consciousness will still be at the University! There has never
ever been anything like this on planet Earth and there is nothing like this
on planet Earth. This is the accelerated school of all accelerated spiritual
schools! You can do the whole program in the comfort of your own home!
Money is not an obstacle for we will tailor make the program to fit your
budget. It is all based on the honor system. Each soul is an incarnation of
God and we take you at your word. Those who can afford we ask to pay,
but if you cannot then we will tailor make the program to fit into your
budget in terms of tuition and supplies! We aim to serve for service is the
Law of Life!
Love and Light,
Dr Joshua David Stone
The I AM University from the Perspective
of the Mighty I AM Presence!
Dr Joshua David Stone
Beloved I Am Friends, Welcome to the Official anchoring of the I AM
University into cyberspace and onto the physical/earthly plane!
The I AM University has been functioning in the Spiritual World or inner
plane for a great many years. The Inner plane Ascended Masters have told
me that 600 million people have already been involved with the inner
plane I AM University since its inception. This does not mean, however,
that everyone is consciously aware of this fact. For on the inner plane
people travel there in their soul bodies to study, train, and learn to become
I AM Masters, Integrated Ascended Masters, and fully Realized Integrated
I have been greatly looking forward to sharing this particular write up
with you about the I AM University. In the other write ups I have spoken
of the I AM University in terms of it being a training University to train
“Integrated Ascended Masters” and “Integrated Full Spectrum Prism
Consciousness Synthesis Christs”. If you will “Integrated Christs,
Masters, Teachers, and Channels” for the Aquarian Age.
In this write up today Spirit, the inner plane Ascended Masters, and I
would like to share with you a third lens with which to look at the I AM
University! The first lens is to look at the I AM University as a University
to train “Integrated Ascended Masters”. The second lens is to look at the I
AM University through a lens of training “Integrated Full Spectrum Prism
Consciousness Synthesis Christs”.
The third lens of looking at the I AM University is to look at it through the
lens of training “I AM Masters”! So the 64 million dollar question here is
what is an “I AM Master”? Spirit, the Masters and I shall now explain.
Our Beloved Readers, we are living in the I Am Age. When Moses
climbed Mt Sinai and saw the Burning Bush and God spoke to him, God
said that his name was “I AM THAT I AM”! I Am is the name of God.
Any time you use the words “I Am” you are affirming the name of God!
Each person has within them an individualized Presence of God called a
Monad, or “Mighty I Am Presence”. This is your true identity! The Mighty
I Am Presence or Monad came from a Cosmic Monad or Cosmic Mighty I
Am Presence through one of the great Cosmic Rays of God. God, or the I
AM THAT I AM, at the highest Cosmic level, created the Cosmic Monads,
or Cosmic Mighty I Am Presences, who then created the infinite number
of Individualized Monads or Mighty I Am Presences. Each person’s
Mighty I Am Presence then created 12 Oversouls! Each Oversoul then
created or extended 12 souls into physical or some other dimensional
incarnation! We each on earth are a soul, or soul extension of our
Oversoul, who is an extension of our Individualized Mighty I Am
Presence. So if you do the math, there are 12 souls in each Oversoul, and
there are 12 Oversouls, so this adds up to 144 Souls or Soul Extensions in
each person’s Individualized Mighty I Am Presence or Individualized
Monad! The Purpose of life is for all individualized Monads or
individualized Mighty I Am Presences to return back to their perspective
Cosmic Monads or Mighty I Am Presences who then eventually all merge
with God, Christ and the Holy Spirit, or Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva if you
prefer, who is the Supreme I AM THAT I AM!
Now, beloved Saint Germain spoke of the importance of the words I Am
and the Mighty I Am Presence in his series of books called the “I Am
Discourses” in the 1930’s, through Godfrey Ray King. I spoke to Saint
Germain about this yesterday, and what he told me was that the teaching
and understanding of the I AM University is the new higher octave or
Aquarian Age Christed Teachings of the I Am for the New Millennium!
As you read on I guarantee you that you will become as excited as “I Am”
about this New Revelation for the Aquarian Age. For in truth we are living
in the “I Am Age!” It is hence no accident that this University is called the
“I AM University”! What is so profound about the I AM University is that
it has a double meaning. It references the name of God on all these
different levels as the I Am, but also stands for the first letters of the
words “Integrated Ascended Masters” University! For when you become
one with your “Mighty I Am Presence” you also become an “Integrated
Ascended Master” or “I AM Master”!
So your Mighty I Am Presence is your true identity. As a matter of fact
your true Spiritual name is the name of your Mighty I Am Presence. For
example the Master Jesus changed his name to Sananda, because Sananda
is the name of his Mighty I Am Presence. Jesus merged with his Mighty I
Am Presence and became the Christ, so it was only fitting that he take on
that name. This is not something that any soul has to do for if you like
your present name you of course can keep it now and when you ascend
and resurrect into Spirit, however, this is an option all souls have. It is
your higher spiritual name.
So your Mighty I Am Presence or Monad is made up of 144 souls, soul
extensions, or mini I Ams, who are working for the evolution of the
Oversouls, who in turn are working for the evolution of the Mighty I Am
Presence. The Mighty I Am Presences then form Monadic Groupings with
other Mighty I Am Presences. Then eventually at the 352nd level of
evolution all the Mighty I Am Presences merge into the Cosmic Mighty I
Am Presence or Cosmic Monads! The Cosmic Mighty I Am Presences
along with the Seven Cosmic Rays of God, merge with the I AM THAT I
AM which manifests itself in the form of the Trinity!
So one could say we all on Earth are serving the Cosmic I AM THAT I
AM, or we are serving the Cosmic Monads or Cosmic Mighty I Am
Presences, or we are each serving our own individualized Mighty I Am
Presence. Most people do not realize their true multi-dimensional nature.
So life is about union and integration. We first must become integrated in
our three minds, or Conscious, Subconscious and Superconscious mind.
Then we must merge and integrate with our Oversoul! Then we must
merge and integrate with our Individualized Mighty I Am Presence,
which is our true identity. Then with our Group of Mighty I Am Presences
at ever increasing higher levels. Then we must merge with our Cosmic
Mighty I Am Presence in one of the Seven Cosmic Rays we were created
on. Then we must merge with the Holy Spirit, the Cosmic Christ, the
Second Aspect of the Trinity and then we merge with the I AM THAT I
AM! These are the 14 levels of Spiritual Marriage we all must go through
to become a fully “God Realized Being”, or to become a “Cosmic
Integrated Ascended Master”, or a “Cosmic Integrated Christ”, or a
“Cosmic I Am Master”! These are all terms for saying the same thing!
Since each person has 144 souls in their Mighty I Am Presence or Monad,
each person is in truth responsible for not just their own Ascension and
Resurrection, but the Ascension and Resurrection for all 144 souls in their
Mighty I Am Presence! This could be called your I Am Presence family or
Monadic Family. We often meet souls or even marry or get in
relationships or friendships with souls from our Monad on Earth. I have
met a number of mine. So the ideal is for you to become the spiritual
leader or I Am Master of your Mighty I Am Presence family!
Now the interesting way this works is that as you first become the
spiritual leader and I Am Master of your Oversoul which is a group of 12
Souls, when you ascend, you ascend for your whole Oversoul! It is like a
sports team that has a star player like Michael Jordan was for the Chicago
Bulls basketball team! Everyone gets a championship ring even though
one person steps forward in spiritual leadership as an I Am Master in your
Oversoul. As you continue to evolve then the next step is to be the “I Am
Master” for all 12 Oversouls and all 144 souls in your Mighty I Am
Presence! This is what I have humbly done for my Mighty I Am Presence!
There is a process of learning to integrate and cleanse your other soul
extensions that you will be taught in the I AM University, so you can
hence fully merge with your Mighty I Am Presence. Full merger with your
Mighty I Am Presence begins at the 12th initiation and is completed at the
22nd Initiation! It is the purpose of the I AM University to help all souls on
earth achieve the 12th and then the 22nd level of initiation, so all souls on
Earth can be fully realized “Integrated Mighty I Am Presences” walking
the Earth! When you merge with your Mighty I Am Presence you also do
this for your whole Mighty I Am Presence family. You become the
Spiritual Leader, Guru, and Realized Mighty I Am Presence for your
entire Mighty I Am Presence family of 144! This is where in part the term
144,000 came from in the Revelation of John that ends the New Testament.
Now here is another interesting thing I asked Spirit, my Mighty I Am
Presence, and the inner plane Ascended Masters yesterday which was,
How many people on Earth have taken at least their 12th initiation. They
told me at this time in the year 2004 to 2005 only around 500 souls on earth
have achieved this level of initiation. I have humbly achieved my 23rd
initiation and level of light body anchoring and activation, however, I am
in a little bit of a unique situation because of the spiritual leadership
responsibilities I have been given. However, this is available to others as
well who are willing to become I Am Masters, and Integrated Ascended
Masters, and step into Spiritual Leadership and Planetary World Service! I
was told that besides my unique situation because of the spiritual
leadership I have humbly taken on, the most advanced initiations on this
planet were up to around the 15th initiation, and I believe they said there
were about 50 souls on earth who had made it to that level, but no one else
farther than that! It must be understood that once you reach the 12th
initiation, the ability to take further initiations is directly related to how
integrated you are, how you pass your spiritual tests and lessons, and the
degree or lack thereof, of Spiritual Leadership and Planetary World
Service you are stepping into. As the saying goes, “Much has been given
and much is expected.” If you wish to reach the 22nd level of initiation you
must be willing to serve.
So to become a fully realized “Integrated Christ” you must first become
one with your Mighty I Am Presence. No one on earth can become a fully
realized Christ or Integrated Ascended Master without first becoming one
with their Mighty I Am Presence. There are 352 levels of becoming a
“Cosmic Mighty I Am Presence”. At this stage almost all on Earth are
striving to become a “Planetary Integrated Mighty I Am Presence”.
So the purpose of life is not really Ascension, it is descension! It is to fully
merge with your Superconscious mind, Oversoul and Mighty I Am
Presence on Earth. Just as the I AM THAT I AM is a Trinity, in this sense
we are also a Trinity in terms of conscious, subconscious and
superconscious mind integration. We are also a trinity in terms of
Superconscious mind, Oversoul and Mighty I Am Presence integration
and merger on Earth.
Now the Christ, the Second Aspect of the Trinity, which we are all in the
process of realizing on first a planetary, then solar, then galactic, then
universal, then multi-universal, then cosmic level, or in all 352 levels of
initiation and light body anchoring and activation as well, works through
the Individualized Mighty I Am Presence and Oversoul. So they could be
seen as extensions of Christ Realization. Now again I Am using the term
Christ here in a Universalistic sense not a Christian sense. For all souls of
all religions, spiritual paths, and mystery schools are striving to become
the Christ. I am not talking about Jesus or Lord Maitreya here, I am
talking about Christ the Second Aspect of the Trinity! Buddha became the
Christ! Mohammed became the Christ! Moses became the Christ! Krishna
became the Christ! Lao Tse became the Christ! Zoroaster became the
Christ! Kuan Yin became the Christ! Mother Mary became the Christ! Isis
became the Christ! Christ is the pattern, the prophets are just the men or
women who followed this pattern through different religious and
spiritual forms. All paths lead to God and all paths lead to Christ. God,
Christ and the Holy Spirit are one. If you wish to call this Brahma,
Vishnu, and Shiva this is fine as well. The words do not matter as long as
you understand God is a Trinity, just as we are a trinity. Of course this has
to be the case for we are made in the image of God. God is the Cosmic I
AM THAT I AM, and we are each miniature replicas of God in the form of
miniature I Am’s growing up to be like our Father who art in Heaven.
So to become the Christ, or an Integrated Ascended Master, each person
must “I Am-itize” their consciousness. Here is a new word that the Mighty
I Am Presence and the Masters and I just invented! Then we can
“Integrated Ascended Master-itize” our consciousness! Then we can
“Christ-itize” our consciousness and become one with the “I AM THAT I
To achieve this we each must first become “Integrated I Am Presences” on
Earth. This is what allows us to become a fully realized Planetary Christ
on Earth which begins when you take your 12th initiation and is achieved
or accomplished when you take your 22nd level of initiation.
Spirit and the Ascended Masters told me one other very interesting thing
yesterday about the I AM University. They told me the I AM University
would officially close down on the inner and outer plane when all souls
on earth achieve their 12th initiation! Now since there are 6 billion souls on
earth and only 500 souls have currently taken the 12th initiation on earth, I
think the I AM University is going to be open for a while! This is Spirit,
the Masters and my collective goal - to help all 6 billion souls on Earth
achieve at least their 12th initiation, and for those highly motivated and
precocious souls our goal is to help create 144,000 22nd degree initiates,
who also have 22 levels of light body anchored and activated! Any
This, my Beloved Readers, is part of the great work of the I AM
University. It is the quickest, fastest, easiest to understand, easiest to
apply system of spiritual growth that exists on this planet. I humbly share
this not just through intellectual or theoretical knowledge and wisdom
but through direct experience, for I have humbly achieved that which I
speak of, and in this I AM University on the inner and outer plane, I and
my staff and my teachers who I have personally trained will show you
how to achieve and realize this yourself, so you can go out and help
others. This is the great chain of service throughout creation. For service is
the Law of Life! The greatest among you is the servant of all. The best way
to find your true Self is to lose your little self in serving others. The
humble I AM University is dedicated to this aim and goal. We have no
reason for being here other than to serve and help you all in the quickest
way possible to achieve these goals and so much more.
The planet Earth is an I Am Master Planetary Mystery School! It is a Christ
Realization Planetary Mystery School! It is an Integrated Ascended Master
Planetary Mystery School! If you want to achieve I Am Consciousness,
Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/Krishna/Moses/Mohammed/God consciousness
and Ascended Master Consciousness within self, you must give it to
others, for you cannot posses a thing without giving a thing!
There are three basic laws of the Mighty I Am Presence, of God, Christ
and the Holy Spirit, and the inner plane Ascended Masters. These three
laws are:
Be The I AM THAT I AM And Mighty I Am Presence, God/Christ/Holy
Spirit, And An Ascended Master On Earth!
Give The I AM THAT I AM And Mighty I Am Presence, God/Christ/Holy
Spirit, And An Ascended Master On Earth!
Receive The I AM THAT I AM And Mighty I Am Presence,
God/Christ/Holy Spirit, And An Ascended Master On Earth!
This is the Trinity Law of the I AM THAT I AM, the Mighty I Am
Presence, God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the Ascended Masters.
To reach this goal of achieving your 12th initiation leading up to your 22nd
level of initiation, each person must manifest on earth their I Am puzzle
piece. Each person has a part and piece to fulfill within the great I AM
THAT I AM Puzzle throughout creation.
We each must learn to manifest the ‘I Am Consciousness’ through all
Seven Rays, Seven Major Chakras and Higher Chakras, 12 Sephiroth of
the Cosmic Tree of Life, 12 Major Archetypes, through the 12 Powers of
Man, the 12 Gates that lead to the New Jerusalem, 12 types of Fruit on the
Tree of Life, through the 24 cranial nerves in the brain that Surround the
Throne of Grace, through the 12 Souls of your Oversoul, through the 144
souls of your Mighty I Am Presence and Monad, the 12 Faculties of the
Mind, through the 12 bodily divisions in the physical vehicle, 12 Schools,
Colleges, and Challenges of Life, through the 22 major arcana of the Tarot
Deck, through the Four Faces of God and Four Faces of Man, through the
22 numbers, through the Three Minds, Four bodies, God/Goddess, Three
Fold Flame, and through the Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God consciousness
in an integrated and balanced way! All this must be done so you can stand
as an “I Am Master” as the inner plane Ascended Masters do from all
religions and no religion. They are all one in the “I Am Consciousness”!
The Aquarian Age marks the full beginning of the full manifestation of
the I Am Age. That is why the I AM University at the beginning of the
New Millennium has been birthed in Heaven and on Earth. It is the
University of the I Am. Its purpose is to create I Am Christs and Integrated
Ascended Masters! So what is an I Am Christ? Well there are different
types of I Am Christs.
There are Metatronic I Am Christs! There are Melchizedek I Am Christs!
There are Mahatma I Am Christs! There are Sananda I Am Christs! There
are Buddha I Am Christs! There are Mohammed I Am Christs! There are
Krishna I Am Christs! There are Lao Tse I Am Christs! There are Zoroaster
I Am Christs! There are Moses and Abraham I Am Christs! There are Kuan
Yin I Am Christs! There are Mother Mary I Am Christs! There are Isis I
Am Christs! There are Divine Mother I Am Christs! There are Arcuturian I
Am Christs! There are Ashtar I Am Christs! There are Melchior I Am
Christs! There are Helios and Vesta I Am Christs! There are Mighty I Am
Presence I Am Christs! There are Universal Mind I Am Christs! There are
Oversoul I Am Christs! There are Superconscious Mind I Am Christs!
There is the Allah Gobi I Am Christ! There are El Morya I Am Christs!
There are Kuthumi I Am Christs! There are Serapis Bey I Am Christs!
There are Paul the Venetian I Am Christs! There are Hilarion I Am
Christs! There are Saint Germain I Am Christs! There are Eastern Masters
I Am Christs! There are Western Occult I Am Christs! There are
Archangelic I Am Christs! There are Elohim I Am Christs! There are
Mother Earth I Am Christs! There are I AM THAT I AM I Am Christs!
There are God, Christ and the Holy Spirit I Am Christs! There are Brahma,
Vishnu and Shiva I Am Christs to just name a few of the types!
My Beloved Readers, if you hear nothing else hear this! The I AM
University has been created to show you the unity and oneness of all
these, and to show that all of them lead to God, to Christ, to Ascended
Master Realization and to becoming an I Am Master and one with the I
AM THAT I AM. As I have said many times we do not seek to change
anyone’s religion or spiritual path. We just seek to enhance the path you
are on. Now listen closely to this: Each of these paths and many more I
have not mentioned is each a lens in the “Full Spectrum Prism
Consciousness of God and the I AM THAT I AM”. Can you imagine
developing an “Integrated I Am Consciousness” that can see and hear
God, the I AM THAT I AM, through all of these lenses? Even beyond this,
can you imagine developing an integrated Spiritual I Am Consciousness
that sees through all of these lenses simultaneously? Everyone will still
have their favorite religion or spiritual path, however, developing this
type of consciousness will allow you to understand God, the I AM THAT I
AM, from all lenses while still being allowed to keep whatever path you
are on, or whatever path you like the best! Can you see my friends how
this could enhance your present spiritual path? It will also show you more
deeply the unity and oneness of all paths. It will help you to develop
understanding, love and compassion for your fellow man instead of
saying as many religions do, that if people do not believe what I believe
they are of Satan. This is the height of egotism as we all know. It is each
person’s divine right to choose the path that is right for them. Can you
imagine developing such an “Integrated I Am Full Spectrum Prism
Synthesis Consciousness”? This is called opening your third eye, but this
does not occur through developing clairvoyance. I know hundreds of
clairvoyants and most of their third eyes are almost completely closed!
You open your third eye or sixth chakra through developing and refining
your consciousness! Through becoming of the
Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/Krishna/Mohammed/Moses/God consciousness
in an integrated and balanced way. You open your third eye through
transcending negative ego/fear based/separative consciousness. You open
your third eye and all seven seals or chakras through developing
“Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Synthesis Consciousness” and not
limited lens consciousness. This, my beloved fellow I Am Masters is what
opens the third eye and all your Seven Seals and Chakras. It is the
developing and refining of your “I Am Consciousness” that does this.
Your consciousness is the foundation of your entire evolution.
Channeling, clairvoyance, healing, teaching, psychic work will all be
completely corrupted if you do not develop your I Am consciousness, your
Christ Consciousness, your Ascended Master Consciousness, your
Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God Consciousness, your full spectrum prism
consciousness, your integration and balance consciousness, your synthesis
My Beloved Readers, this is the revelatory new Aquarian Age and I Am
Age teachings of the Mighty I Am Presence and of the Christ, the Second
Aspect of the Trinity! This is why Melchizedek the Universal Logos or
President of our Universe has said that:
“The I AM University Is Set To Become The Biggest, Most Influential
Spiritual Teachings On The Planet! The New World Religion Of Which
The Masters Speak Is Closely Connected With Its Teachings. Joshua’s
Readership Will Widen Beyond His Imaginings And Will Be A Legacy For
The New Millennium!”
This is what the I AM University is prepared to teach you to become! Not
just an I Am, or Christ, or Ascended Master, like in the Piscean Age, but
the next Octave and Revelation upward for the Aquarian Age for this next
2000 year cycle which is to become an “Integrated Full Spectrum Prism
Synthesis Consciousness Mighty I Am Presence, Christ, and Ascended
Master”! This is why Spirit and the Ascended Masters have made the
inner plane I AM University a mandatory gateway for all souls on this
planet. No soul on this planet will be allowed to go to higher dimensions
without going through the I AM University and achieving “integrated”
ascension! No future Chohan will be allowed to take their position
without going through the I AM University. For the omniverse of God is
not looking for just I Am’s, or Christs, or Ascended Masters, they are
looking for “Integrated I Am Masters”, “Integrated Full Spectrum Prism
Synthesis Consciousness Christs”, and “Integrated Ascended Masters!”
Spirit and the Masters are not into Ascension, they are into “Integrated
Ascension”! Now no one will become a fully realized Mighty I Am
Presence, or Christ, or Ascended Master from this I Am School called
Earth, if they do not do it in an integrated way. The reason I have humbly
achieved my 23rd level of initiation and light body, and no one else is
beyond the 15th as of the year 2004, is that I focused on developing and
refining my humble consciousness along these lines of being an
“Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness Synthesis I Am, Christ,
and Ascended Master”! Upon achieving my 22nd level of initiation and
light body, shortly afterwards I had a dream that I was climbing Mt
Everest with a beautiful woman. It was a treacherous climb. The woman
fell at one point and almost fell off the mountain, but caught herself at the
last second with her pickaxe. As I and the lady finally made it to top of Mt
Everest, a master from the Great White Lodge greeted me and said, “No
one in the history of the Earth has ever climbed this face of Mt Everest
before!” Upon consulting with Spirit and the Ascended Masters about this
dream, Spirit told me that the face of Mt Everest I climbed was the path of
“Synthesis, Integration and Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness”! I
humbly achieved my realization of my Mighty I Am Presence, Planetary
Christ Realization, and Full and Equal Membership with the Planetary
Spiritual Hierarchy through following all religions and all spiritual paths
to God. This, my Beloved Readers, is the next octave of Christ’s the
Second Aspect of the Trinity, and the Mighty I Am Presence’s Teaching
for the Earth for the Aquarian Age. The Master Jesus laid the foundation
with Lord Maitreya the “Planetary Christ within the Office of the Christ”
overlighting him along with the Mighty I Am Presence and Christ. 2000
years later we begin the Aquarian Age and what the “I AM University” is
offering you is how to become an Aquarian Age Integrated Full Spectrum
Prism Synthesis Christ! To become an Aquarian Age Integrated Full
Spectrum Prism Synthesis Mighty I Am Presence. To become an
Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Synthesis Ascended Master on Earth. To
become an Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Synthesis I Am Master on
Earth! This is the next higher octave of Christ’s and the Mighty I Am
Presence’s Teachings for the Aquarian Age! It is my humble honor to be
the vehicle which the Christ, the Mighty I Am Presence, Lord Maitreya,
Sananda, Melchizedek, Mahatma, Metatron and the Ascended Masters
have chosen to bring this information through for the Aquarian Age and
to begin this New Millennium. This was prophesized in the Alice Bailey
books in the 1940’s by the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul who said at the
turn of the Century a third Dispensation of Ascended Masters teachings
from all the Ascended Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy would come
forth. My Beloved Readers this “I AM University” is the humble
fulfillment of this prophecy!
The “I AM University” is in the business of helping to create Lady and
Lord I Am’s, as well as channels and teachers of the I Am or Integrated
Ascended Master Consciousness!
Our goal is to create an Integrated I Am Planet, or Christed Planet, or
Ascended Master Planet. Then our goal will be to create with Helios and
Vesta an Integrated I Am/Christed/Ascended Master Solar System. With
Melchior an Integrated I Am/Christed/Ascended Master Galaxy! With
Melchizedek the Universal Logos an Integrated I Am/Christed/Ascended
Master Universe! Then with the Multi-Universal Logos of the multiuniverse
an Integrated Cosmic I Am/Christed/Ascended Master Multiuniverse.
Then finally with the I AM THAT I AM an Integrated Cosmic I
AM THAT I AM /Christed/Ascended Master Omniverse. This is all our
work my friends! First however, you must achieve this within yourself!
Each person must become the I Am Master over themselves. Only then can
one be given spiritual leadership and I Am Mastership over a planet, solar
system, galaxy, universe, multi-universe or omniverse! Whatever theme of
I Am Christed Master you want to become is fine. I gave you a list earlier
of all the different types and that list just scratched the surface of all the
types of Christed themes or paths you can take. When all souls reach
Integrated Planetary Mighty I Am Presence and Integrated Christ
Realization at the 22nd level of initiation, then the whole earth will sing the
I Am song! They will dance to the I Am tune! All they see will be the I Am
in multitudinous forms and frequencies. All they will hear is the I Am
speaking to them in an infinite variety of ways. People will manifest all
the I Am qualities, or Fruits of the Spirit, or
Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/Krishna/Mohammed/Moses/Lao Tse/Zoroaster
qualities! Through this process everyone will step into their I Am spiritual
mission, profession, leadership and spiritual leadership, both on Earth
and in Heaven!
All souls on earth will develop I Am Minds free of all negative ego and
imbalanced thoughts. I Am feelings and emotions which are free of all
negativity. I Am energy which is clear and sparkling like the Mighty I Am
Presence, Christ and the Holy Spirit itself. All souls on earth will develop
I Am physical bodies. Christed physical bodies! Ascended Master Physical
bodies! Free from sickness and disease! Filled with Light and Love! Filled
with the Mighty I Am Presence, I AM THAT I AM, Christ, Holy Spirit,
Superconscious Mind, Oversoul, and Ascended Masters, Archangels and
Angels, Elohim and Christed Extraterrestrial spiritual current! Our
relationships will take on the pattern of the Mighty I Am Presence and of
the Christ and of the Ascended Master design!
Our cities will become “I Am Cities of Light”, “I Am countries of light”!
Lord Buddha’s work as Planetary Logos and Earth Mother’s work will be
complete when the entire planet becomes an Integrated I Am Planet, a
Christed Planet, and Integrated Ascended Master Planet!
This, my Beloved Readers, is the work and spiritual mission of the I AM
University. Just as peace in the world cannot be created until people have
inner peace within themselves and their relationships, the same is true
within the integrated I Am/Christ/and Ascended Master Planet. Before
this can be achieved people must realize the Integrated Full Spectrum
Prism Consciousness Synthesis Mighty I Am Presence/Christ/and
Ascended Master within themselves. This my Beloved Readers is the great
work of the I AM University. What is also unique about this work is that it
ties the Mighty I Am Presence, the work of the Christ and Holy Spirit, the
work of the Ascended Masters, Archangels and Angels, Elohim, Christed
Extraterrestrials, the work of the Oversoul, the Superconscious mind, and
the I AM THAT I AM, or God all into one movement. It also ties the work
of all religions, all spiritual paths, all mystery schools, all spiritual
teachers, gurus, spiritual texts, channels and Ascended Masters, Spirit
guides and celestial beings into one movement! This is why Melchizedek
the Universal Logos or President of our local Universe has tied the I AM
University with the New World Religion the Ascended Masters have been
trying to anchor for the last 2000 years. I am not saying the I AM
University is a religion for it is not, and I am not promoting it as such. It is
in truth a unifying and uniting integrated synthesis full spectrum prism
consciousness teaching that connects everyone and everything. The
Master Jesus said the whole law could be summed up as “Love the Lord
thy God with all your heart and soul and mind and might and love thy
neighbor as you love yourself”. He also said part of this most important
law was “Shema Yisrael Adonai Elohanu Adonai Echad! The Lord thy
God is one!” The I AM University promotes total integration, total
synthesis and total oneness. As the Musketeers used to say, “All for one
and one for all!”
It is for these reasons the I AM University focuses on integration,
synthesis and full spectrum prism consciousness. Just as going through
the Mighty I Am Presence is a required gate to realize the Christ and God
and Integrated Ascended Master status, the “I AM University” has been
made a required gate all souls on earth must go through. This does not
mean all souls on Earth will outwardly study these teachings, however, all
souls will have to attend the inner plane I AM University to get
integration, synthesis and full spectrum prism training to enhance
whatever path they have chosen to return to God. The I AM University
will never try to change a person’s path, it will only bring integration,
balance, synthesis, full spectrum prism consciousness to it, to enhance it.
So the I AM University is literally for all souls on this planet. It is
connected with the inner plane Synthesis Ashram which is one of the
Eight Ashrams of the Christ, Lord Maitreya. Since I have spiritual
leadership of the inner plane Synthesis Ashram, and I am in line to take
over Lord Maitreya’s position of Office of the Christ in the future, I think
you can see why I am humbly the perfect person to run and implement the
I AM University. The I AM University came about after I wrote my Book
“Integrated Ascension”. I humbly coined this term, and out of this the I
AM University or Integrated Ascended Masters University was born on
the inner plane! As I grew spiritually and grew in my spiritual leadership
the former MSLA or Melchizedek Synthesis Light Academy on the inner
plane evolved into the I AM University! Now it is time to anchor the I AM
University on Earth. These groupings of write ups mark the official
ground breaking opening of the I AM University for all souls on Earth in
both the inner plane and outer plane I AM Universities!
It is the goal of the I AM University to unite the world in the I Am
Consciousness and in Integrated Ascended Master Consciousness. No one
goes to the Father except through the I Am. No one goes to the Christ
except first through the I Am. It is by becoming one with your Mighty I
Am Presence that you can move into full integrated Planetary Christ
Realization and beyond to Cosmic Mighty I Am Presence Realization and
Cosmic Christ Realization!
Most definitely call on your Mighty I Am Presence, your Oversoul, your
Superconscious mind, the Universal Mind, the Universal Heart, the Holy
Spirit, the Christ, the I AM THAT I AM, the Ascended Masters,
Archangels and Angels, the Elohim Masters, and Christed Extraterrestrials
for help in doing this! The curriculum they use is that of the I AM
University for these are humbly the most advanced Spiritual, I Am,
Christed, Ascended Master Teachings on this planet! This is why I was
humbly voted to be the next World Teacher by the Spiritual Hierarchy and
chosen to take over the Office of the Christ. The I AM University has been
chosen by Spirit and the Ascended Masters to be the main movement and
next dispensation of Mighty I Am Presence, Christ, New Aquarian Age
Teachings and Integrated Ascended Master Teachings on the Earth! Spirit
and the Ascended Masters told me that the I AM University has the best
chance and potentiality of achieving their collective goal of uniting the
Earth, bringing it back into oneness, creating 6 billion 12 degree initiates
and 144,000 22nd level degree initiates in the quickest, easiest, fastest,
most practical, most balanced, most synthesized possible way which is
most aligned with the cutting edge nature of their teachings. I am deeply
humbled and humility filled and honored to be involved in this cocreative
capacity to turn this planet into an I Am Planet, Integrated
Christed Planet, and Ascended Masters Planet!
Each person on earth must get in touch with their I Am blueprint, and I
Am puzzle piece to fulfill their role. The I AM University, the Mighty I
Am Presence, the Christ, and the Ascended Masters, and all the rest of the
Company of Heaven, and I are all humbly asking for your help and
support in all ways and all things! Anyway you can support the work and
the efforts of the I AM University to help make it as successful as we
possibly can, we gratefully accept! Be it just your involvement in the I AM
University itself, or turning people onto it. Doing service work in a
multitudinous number of areas. See service work help needed further
down on the table of contents! We ask for the global help of the world
community to consider helping the I AM University through tithing, seed
money, and donations of all sizes. The entire global I AM University I am
financing myself and I have put every penny I have into it. I don’t mind
doing this for I don’t have any other life other than God, the Mighty I Am
Presence, Christ, and the Ascended Masters, and Company of Heaven.
However, to expand the work to the degree Melchizedek the Universal
Logos is talking about will take greater financing! So we ask for your
tithing, seed money and donations to help expand the work. If there are
any wealthy benefactors out there who feel touched by the truth of my
humble words and the spiritual vision Spirit and the Masters and I have
presented, we ask for your generous help as well! I have tried to follow
the motto in my life, “Seek ye the Kingdom of God and all things shall be
handed onto thee!” It has worked my entire life even though I have lived
on the edge and lived on blind faith a great deal of the time, and I am not
about to stop now. We at the I AM University appreciate all forms of help
and service. The biggest service you can do is just turning people onto the
work. Spread it all over the internet. Tell all your friends, students, and
family about it. I am sure you can sense the profundity of the spiritual
vision Spirit and the Masters have humbly given me! I just do what they
tell me to do and try to do each Spiritual assignment and leadership post I
am given with a pursuit of excellence to the highest level I possibly can!
Any way you are guided to help and serve on any level, no matter how
small, we totally welcome in deep and profound humbleness and
I asked Metatron to look in the Book of Life in the Akashic Records to see
the success of the I AM University on all levels, and he told me it would
be off the charts! That is why they are supporting it collectively above all
other movements to the degree they are! Having channeled and written
the 40 volume Easy to Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual path really
provided for me a good foundation for starting this I AM University! The
ascension book series provides foundational building information. The
six correspondence courses and two training programs and workbooks,
along with the 21 ascension activation meditations provide the
“Revelatory New Aquarian Age higher Octave of Teachings of the Mighty
I Am Presence, the Christ, and the Ascended Masters”! If you want to
achieve your 12th to 22nd levels of initiation and light body and achieve
your ascension and resurrection in this lifetime, and become an Integrated
Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness I Am Master, Christed Master, and
Ascended Master, then study this specific information. This information
in combination with the eight inner plane training programs you will see
below, the inner plane I AM University itself, and the absolute revelatory
profundity of the correspondence courses, training programs, work books,
21 ascension activation meditation tapes, sessions, Wesak celebrations in
Mt Shasta for 2000 people and one million celestials beings overlighting
the event, is the “Rocketship to Mighty I Am Presence, Christ and
Ascended Master Realization!”
Most importantly practice the Presence of the I Am on Earth in your daily
life. If you want to posses and become the Mighty I Am Presence you
muse live, be, demonstrate, act, embody and receive the Mighty I Am
Presence on Earth. Create your I Am consciousness and reality. Everyone
creates their own reality by how they think. Their thoughts create their
feelings and emotions, energy, physical body, diet, lifestyle, and earth life.
This is the reality you life in. Create your reality in accord with the I Am.
See every person you meet as an I Am as well. Every contact with another
brother or sister is an I Am contact and encounter. See the I Am in ever
animal, plant, tree, flower, stone and rock. There is only one being in the
infinite Universe and that is the I Am. We are just miniature I Ams,
growing up to be like our Father I AM THAT I AM! To understand the I
Am is to understand yourself, for you are as much the I Am as God is.
Could the I AM THAT I AM create anything other than Himself? Do not
be rigid or self righteous in spiritual and religious views. If people want
to realize the I Am through another path that is perfectly fine! The I AM
THAT I AM doesn’t care. The I AM THAT I AM works through all
religions and all spiritual paths. So does the Christ and so do the
Ascended Masters. All of the Ascended Masters go to and belong to the
Universal Church of the I Am, the Universal Church of Christ, and the
Universal Ascended Master Church which are all one Church!
Is it not interesting that the words I Am have three letters! The number
three is the number of the Trinity! The letters of the I Am not only stand
for Integrated Ascended Master, they also stand for God, Christ and the
Holy Spirit, or Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva! So learn to see with the “eyes”
of the I Am, on a Trinitized level, which means seeing through the eyes of
God, Christ and the Holy Spirit, seeing through the eyes of the Mighty I
Am Presence, and seeing through the eyes of the Ascended Masters!
You all know the movie “Return of the Jedi” which was the third of the
trinity of the Star Wars movies when they first came out. Well the
Aquarian Age is the “Return of the Integrated full Spectrum Prism
Synthesis Consciousness I Am!” In the movie the Lord of the Rings,
Gandalf who in the beginning of the third part of the Trilogy, the “The
Return of the King,” was Gandalf the Grey came back as Gandalf the
White, after doing spiritual battle fighting the Balrag. In this new
Aquarian Age it is the Return of the I Am King/the Integrated Christ and
the Integrated Ascended Master! The I Am and the I Am Teachings have
evolved as Saint Germain so eloquently told me yesterday and I Am the
Grey has now become I Am the White! Interesting that both of these films
were part of a Trilogy! The mantra for the Aquarian Age is no longer the
force is with you! But “the Force is with you, and you are the Force”! More
succinctly put, however, it really should be stated:
The I Am is with you, and you are the I Am!
The Christ is with you, and you are the Christ!
The inner plane Ascended Masters and Company of Heaven is with you
and you are an externalization of the Ascended Masters on Earth!
Be Still and Know, I Am God!
This, my Beloved Fellow Apprentice/Master I Am Masters, Christed
Masters, and Ascended Masters is the humble work and service of the I
AM University! This work is for those that have the eyes to see and the
ears to hear the humble and truthful words that Spirit, the Masters, and I
speak to you on this day of our Lord, the I AM THAT I AM!
It is for this humble reason and purpose the I AM University has been
created in Heaven and now on Earth as well! If you drink of this I
Am/Christ/Ascended Master cup, it will bring you a peace that passeth
understanding! It will accelerate your initiation, Ascension, Light body
anchoring process faster than you have ever dreamed possible! The
enrollment in the I AM University on the inner and outer plane will help
you to become one with your Mighty I Am Presence, with the Christ, and
with the Ascended Masters and Company of Heaven! It will help you to
develop and refine your I Am consciousness,
Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God Consciousness and Integrated Ascended
Master Consciousness! It will help you to find and manifest your I Am
Spiritual mission and puzzle piece on Earth!
It will help you achieve your physical ascension and resurrection in this
lifetime when your spiritual mission is complete.
It will I Am-itize, Christ-itize and Ascended Master-itize your physical
Body and health! It will help you transform your DNA into 12 Strands,
imprinted with the fire letters, key codes, and sacred geometries of your
Mighty I Am Presence, the Christ, and the Ascended Masters!
My Beloved Readers this is just the tip of the iceberg! The I AM
University is prepared to give you the Keys to the Kingdom if you but
have the eyes to see and the ears to hear the profundity and truthfulness of
the words Spirit, the Masters, and I speak in these writings. I will close
this write up with the immortal words of the Bible,
“For no eyes have yet seen and no ears have yet heard what God
has prepared for those who love Him!”
With all my love,
Your Eternal Friend and I Am Brother,
I Am Dr Joshua
The Organization and Structure of the
Inner and Outer Plane I AM University
and How you can Enroll!
Dr Joshua David Stone
I consider this write up on the inner and outer plane structure of the I AM
University and how you can enroll as one of the most exciting ones of all
the thirteen write ups!
To start with, as you no doubt have noticed, one of the things that stand
out is the name of the “I AM University” itself! The fact that the “I AM” is
the premiere name of God and also stands for “Integrated Ascended
Masters” is very profound, I think you will agree! Also the fact that the
words “I AM” have three letters in it which also stand for the Trinity of
God, Christ and the Holy Spirit, or if you prefer Brahma, Vishnu and
Secondly, it is very profound that this I AM University already exists on
the inner plane and over 600 million people have already attended this
university on the inner plane! Also the fact that it has been made a
“required gate” as of the year 2000 for all souls on Earth.
Thirdly, the fact that it is now being anchored onto the Earthly plane! Also
the fact that it is the first real “Spiritual University” that has ever been
anchored onto the Earth that really exists in Heaven! Also the fact that it is
made in the image and likeness of the University on the Great White
Lodge on Sirius which is the real spiritual capital of our world. This is all
very exciting!
To begin, let us explain the organization and structure of the I AM
University on the inner and outer plane. It is basically overlighted by God,
Christ, the Holy Spirit, Melchizedek, Mahatma, Metatron, the Cosmic and
Planetary Hierarchy of Ascended Masters, the Archangels and Angels,
Elohim Masters and Christed Extraterrestrials! However, there are certain
aspects of Spirit and the Masters that help to administrate the I AM
University, the Synthesis Ashram, and the Office of the Christ within the I
AM University more closely, and these are: God, Christ, the Holy Spirit,
the Mighty I Am Presences, the Oversouls, the Superconscious Minds,
Melchizedek, Mahatma, Metatron, Lord Maitreya, Lord Buddha, Sananda
and Djwhal Khul!
There are 72 inner plane Ascended Masters who serve in an advisory
capacity whose names shall not be listed here in detail. They are all the
basic Ascended Masters we are all familiar with. A great many of them can
be seen in the listing of the Ashrams being anchored onto the Earth
further down on this homepage.
As has been mentioned in a previous write up I also have 12 Spiritual
Teachers who I have personally trained who are my main inner plane
Spiritual Teachers who help me run the I AM University, and 72 minor
teachers I have trained as well. On the outer plane there are 12 main
Pillars or Branches of the Earthly “I AM University” as well as my Chohan
leaders of the Seven Ashrams of the Christ. I also have ministers and
ambassadors of the I AM University as well as those all over the world
who are teaching ascension classes who we are now trying to set up a list
for on this website. If you are currently teaching ascension classes using
my work and or using my book “How to Teach Ascension Classes,” email
Gloria, my personal assistant, and she will put you on the Masters’ list we
are putting together which we shall make available on the website. This
way as people travel around the world they can always find “Ascension
Classes” in whatever country and city they are. These ascension classes
will be expanded with the use of the eight correspondence courses and
training programs and the new beginning, intermediate and advanced
workbooks, and with the increased number of 21 ascension activation
meditation tapes and the 40-volume ascension book series!
The I AM University’s purpose on the inner and outer plane is to train all
souls on Earth to become “Integrated Ascended Masters, I Am Masters,
and Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Synthesis Christs”! It is to help all
souls on Earth achieve their 12th level of initiation and light body
anchoring and activation first and then for those advanced souls to help
them achieve their 12th to 22nd level of initiation and light body anchoring
and activation! Currently on this planet as of the year 2004, there are about
500 souls on Earth that have passed the 12th initiation. This does not mean
they are integrated, but they have taken the 12th initiation or beyond in a
spiritual sense.
The achievement of your 22nd level of initiation and light body anchoring
and activation is the realization of becoming a fully realized Planetary
Christ! Within the next 50 years Spirit, the Masters, and I would like to
help spiritually harvest 144,000 22nd degree initiates on Earth! The goal of
the I AM University is to help all 6 billion souls on earth achieve at
minimum their 12th initiation and light body anchoring and activation.
This is the beginning level of Christ Realization, however, it must be done
in an integrated and balanced way for this to really be the case. That is
why the I AM University was created and why it has now been made a
“required gate” by Spirit and the Ascended Masters for all 6 billion souls
on earth. Not all 6 billion souls will study with the outer Earthly plane I
AM University, however, no one, and I mean no one will be allowed to
graduate from this earth school as of the year 2000, without achieving their
ascension in an integrated and balanced way! The I AM University was set
up to help all souls on earth to clear their negative ego/fear
based/separative consciousness, and to stabilize their
Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God consciousness in an integrated and balanced
way. It was also set up to help all souls on earth see self and life from a
more eclectic and synthesized perspective as well as from a more full
spectrum prism consciousness, instead of a limited lens consciousness
perspective. The I AM University is the finest training on the inner and
outer plane according to Spirit and the inner plane Ascended Masters to
achieve all the goals I have mentioned in this write-up so far.
I was humbly the first soul on earth to achieve my 22nd level of initiation
and light body through a path of synthesis, integration and full spectrum
prism consciousness! This is humbly why I have been uniquely trained to
help others achieve this and it is why the work of the I AM University is
uniquely connected to the New World Teachings the inner plane
Ascended Masters have been trying to anchor onto the Earth for the last
150 years! It is the purpose of the I AM University to unite all religions, all
spiritual paths, all mystery schools, all channelings, all spiritual texts, all
spiritual teachers, all gurus, prophets, saints and sages. It is the purpose of
the I AM University to unite all countries, cultures, races, creeds, forms of
psychology and philosophies. The inner plane Ascended Masters have
told me that the I AM University has been chosen by Spirit and the
Cosmic and Planetary Hierarchy to be the service vehicle to achieve this
on Earth. I want to emphasize here that this was their idea not mine. The
humble spiritual leadership I have been given in the I AM University,
inner plane Synthesis Ashram, World Teacher for the next 2000 year cycle,
and future spiritual leadership in the spiritual governmental position of
the Office of the Christ and Head of the Spiritual Hierarchy for the next
Live Wave, was their idea not mine. It came as much as a shock to me as to
the next person! I never asked for it, never thought about it, however, for
some reason they think I have the spiritual leadership skills, focus, and
dedication to pull this off in co-creation with all of them and all of you.
My only desire in life is to realize God and to be of service. I do not have a
single thought, feeling, word, or breath other than this. At this stage of my
life since I have humbly achieved my 23rd level of initiation and light
body, I do not need to focus on spiritual growth, so all my focus goes into
service! I think, feel, do, and breathe service. I have no life other than
service. All my friendships and spiritual fellowship I share is in the
context of the service work we do together. For service is the law of life
and the greatest among you is the servant of all. I am humbled and
humility filled at the magnitude and scope of the spiritual mission I have
been given for I did not think of any of this, for to be quite frank, I am too
busy serving! I just take one moment at a time and one day at a time and
try to get as much done as possible and try not to be attached to the fruits
of my service. The one thing I do know is that “True pleasure is serving
God”, as the Master Jesus said in A Course in Miracles!
I see all of you my brothers and sisters as incarnations of God, so by
helping you, I help GOD, and I help myself as an incarnation of God, for
there is only one being in the infinite universe and that is GOD, and we
all share the same identity in GOD, or in the I AM! Hence you are all
invited now to attend the I AM University. There is no faster, more
balanced, more integrated, more comprehensive, easier to understand,
more practical, more synthesized, more full spectrum prism consciousness
training that exists in this world or the hereafter which is why the I AM
University has been made a required gate for all souls on Earth. What that
means is that everybody needs to achieve their ascension in an integrated
and balanced way. The combination of studying in the I AM University
on the inner plane and on the outer plane is the “Supreme Rocketship to
God” as Archangel Metatron said. For when all 6 billion souls on this
Earth attend on the inner plane they do it in their soul body or with one or
more of their “Integrated Light Body Split-off Selves”, or with an aspect of
their consciousness in a bi-located state. This has a profound effect of
course on the consciousness of the incarnated soul on earth. However, the
only problem with this is that the information is not consciously studied.
It is studied on a superconscious and subconscious level, but not on a
conscious level. That is why the I AM University has now been anchored
onto the earthly plane. I have spent the last 30 years of my life channeling
all the inner plane I AM University teachings, tools and information onto
the earthly plane and have finally completed this work as of the year 2004,
so now all souls on earth can study the I AM University consciously,
which will accelerate your path of initiation, ascension and light body
anchoring and activation literally 10,000 fold! Each of the eight inner plane
Training Programs which you will see below these thirteen introductory
write-ups, is connected to one of the correspondence courses and training
programs. I have created a workbook as well. The 40 volume ascension
book series provides the foundational wisdom and knowledge and the
eight correspondence courses and training programs provide the
“Revelatory Aquarian Age Christed Teachings for the New Millennium
on how to become an Integrated Ascended Master, I Am Master, and
Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Synthesis Christ!” The 21 ascension
activation meditation tapes provide the experiential aspect of your full
spectrum prism training. The Wesak Celebrations in Mt Shasta for 2000
people provide the experiential group consciousness experience and
practice. The experience of attending an event that is overlighted by one
million inner plane Ascended Masters and Celestial Beings, under the
mountain of Mt Shasta and the Wesak full moon which is the high point
of incoming spiritual energies to the Earth each year is something you do
not want to miss! We even have a video hook up now, so those who cannot
attend physically can do so in the comfort of their own home. This entire
earthly outer plane I AM University can be done in the comfort of your
own home. You do no have to travel anywhere if you don’t want to. The
materials can be sent to you by computer in email form or if you prefer by
mail in paper manuscript format. As I have said before, the Keys to the
Kingdom are being offered to you on a “silver platter”, if you but have the
eyes to see and the ears to hear! The outer curriculum has been set up to
coincide and dovetail perfectly with the inner plane curriculum. This I
AM University is for people who want to realize God, Ascension,
Integrated Ascended Master Status, I Am Mastery, Integrated Christ
Realization, Self and God Realization, Enlightenment, Graduation,
Transfiguration, Translation, and Resurrection like a drowning man wants
air! No reason to try to reinvent the Wheel when all the work has been
done for you. The I AM University will save you 100s of incarnations of
trying to figure all this stuff out yourself. The most amazing thing is how
easy it is to understand and what a crash course it is. What took past
Masters hundreds of incarnations to achieve you can do in this lifetime for
sure, if you just work with the I AM University curriculum on the inner
and outer plane! In the outer plane I AM University we also have video
tape training programs and CD and audio cassette trainings as well. The
website itself will completely transform your consciousness. You will be
helped to become a Self and God realized Master, spiritually, in
consciousness and psychologically, and in a physical/earthly sense, and
you will learn to integrate all three perfectly. There is nothing like this
training on planet Earth. It is as cutting edge and revolutionary as you will
find anywhere on this planet.
The cost of the outer plane I AM University is just $144 a year, plus the
supplies. As I have stated many times already no person will be turned
away because of lack of money or funds. We are making available an
unlimited number of partial scholarships, so if money is truly an issue,
Gloria my assistant under my authority, will set up with you a way to
work within your budget for not only tuition but all supplies as well. So
money is not an issue. We just ask people to be in integrity and to be
honorable, and if you can afford to be involved this is a way for you to
also support the I AM University and the divine plan. However, if you
cannot afford tuition or supplies I will make them available to every
person at a price they can afford. For people who are in abject poverty if
necessary I will almost give them away. No one on planet earth will be
prevented from receiving this training from lack of funds. So I ask those
that do have money to support the I AM University, and to also consider
tithing, giving donations, and seed money for I am prepared if necessary
to make the I AM University a massive give away for no soul will be
turned away for lack of funds.
The I AM University does not want you to change your religion or
spiritual path. We would actually prefer that you stay on the path you are
on. We are only seeking to enhance your present chosen spiritual path, not
change it. We are just seeking to help you become a little more integrated,
balanced, synthesized and to see from a little more full spectrum prism
consciousness understanding.
To enroll in the inner and outer I AM University just email me, fax me,
write me, or call the I AM University and Gloria my personal assistant
will put you on the Master list that we give to Spirit and the Masters every
day. The moment you contact us the inner plane training will begin in
your soul, integrated light body split-off selves, and in your bi-located
consciousness. When you order correspondence courses, training
programs, ascension activation meditation tapes and supplies, we will
email them to you or send them out first class mail the day we receive the
order. You will also be instantly overlighted by all the Masters I
mentioned. The one thing you will have to buy yourself is a “spiritual
seatbelt” for the second you join you will be on the “Supreme Rocketship
to God!” I give you my word that you will be completely spiritually
transfigured by applying that which you learn! Your consciousness and
spiritual psychology will be completely transformed, and your physical
body will start taking on the form of your Ascended Master Self and
Christed Self! Your DNA will become 12 stranded and become completely
reprogrammed even to the point of imbalanced genes being removed. You
will develop Christed DNA! You have not experienced anything until you
experience this. You will start developing a Christed physical vehicle as
well. All negative thoughts will be reprogrammed and removed as well as
all negative feelings and emotions by going through these inner and outer
I AM University programs. Your higher chakras will be anchored, and
your basic chakras will turn into seven golden candlesticks. You will
become the Cosmic Tree of Life bearing 12 types of Fruit! You will be fed
with the “Water of Life” (Christ Energies), and by the “River of Life” (God
energies) and by the “Breath of Life” (Holy Spirits infusion)! The 72
supersenses of God will be opened up. Your antakarana will be built back
through your superconscious mind, Oversoul, Monad, Cosmic Monad and
back to God. You will gain in your number of Integrated Light Body Splitoff
Selves! You will learn to integrate and cleanse the 144 Soul extensions
of your Oversoul and Monad. Your soul travel abilities will open up. Your
past life talents and gifts will reawaken. Past life memories will return.
The Veils of light and time will open. You will be trained in spiritual
leadership and planetary world service. You will be trained how to pass
all your spiritual tests and lessons. You will be trained in how to open,
master, and integrate your seven seals. You will be trained how to Master
and integrate all Seven Rays. You will be trained how to anchor your
Higher Rays into your current ray structure. You will be trained how to
pass the 3000 spiritual tests and lessons that exist in each of the 12 Schools,
Colleges and Challenges of Life. You will be trained how to master and
integrate the 12 major archetypes. You will be trained how to receive the
Gifts of the Holy Spirit. You will be trained how to become a telepathic
and clairaudient channel for Spirit and the Masters. You will be trained in
the School of the Prophets! You will train in the Higher Wisdom Temples!
You will train in the Goddess Lodge and Eastern Masters Lodge! You will
be trained in how to master and integrate the 22 major arcana of the tarot
deck! You will be trained how to use and take advantage of the Arcturian
Light Technologies and those of the Ashtar Command! You will be trained
in how to integrate your three minds, and in truth how to integrate and
merge with your seven minds! You will be trained in how to integrate the
God/Goddess within! How to become a “Lamb of God”! How to balance
your four bodies! How to anchor and activate your 22 light bodies! You
will be trained in the use of light and sound! You will be trained to
become a full spectrum prism consciousness healer and minister! You will
be taught self inquiry and progressive spiritual processing! You will be
trained in how to develop an integrated Ascended Master romantic
relationship on all seven levels! You will attend classes and training in
how to Trinitize your Consciousness through the love, wisdom, and power
of God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit! You will be trained in how to become
one with your Mighty I Am Presence! You will be trained in how to
remove all negative extraterrestrial implants and elementals. You will be
trained in how to remove all core fear from your chakras and aura! How to
remove all karma! How to remove all core fear remnants! How to anchor
the electrons of Metatron! How to develop a full spectrum prism
relationship to God! How to anchor your spiritual mission on Earth and
fulfill your spiritual puzzle piece in the divine plan! You will learn how to
become the Mighty I Am Presence on Earth! You will learn how to become
fully activated spiritually! How to transcend lower self desire! How to let
go of all false gods, idol worship, little gods, pearls of lesser price and
little doors! You will be taught and trained to access your Book of Life and
Akashic records through Metatron! You will be taught how to pass your
“Initiations of Consciousness” which are pre-requisites for taking your
major spiritual initiations! You will be taught how to build your light
quotient, love quotient and power quotient! You will be taught how to
build your psychological quotients! You will be taught how to build your
information banks on a spiritual, psychological and physical/earthly level
so you may become a better channel for Spirit and the Masters! You will
be trained in all forms of psychology and spirituality! You will be taught
the laws of manifestation and the 40 key principles of prosperity
consciousness! You will be trained in the use of the Ascension Seats of
God! You will be taught how to become the embodiment of God, Christ,
and the Holy Spirit on Earth! How to realize the Christ through all
religions and spiritual paths! You will be taught about our solar system,
galaxy and universe and how they function! You will be trained in the
intricacies of how our spiritual government works! How to actually create
the New Jerusalem, Seventh Golden Age and a new Christed Civilization
on Earth! How to become a cause and effect in life and not be a master or
victim! How to be right with self and right with God and develop right
relationships with all other people, animals, plants, mineral kingdom, and
animate and inanimate objects! You will be taught evenmindedness and
how to be happy, joyous, blissful and at inner peace at all times! How to
remain in unconditional love at all times! How to achieve inner and outer
success! How to develop the Midas touch! How to model yourself after
Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God Beings! You will go to classes and receive
training in the history of the universe, the stars, and the merkabah, time
and space, time travel, multi-dimensionality, omnipresence, omniscience,
and omnipotence, psychic development, alchemy, and self mastery. You
will receive training in spiritual education, politics, business, economics,
arts, and new age sciences from the Ascended Masters’ perspective, as
well as in the integration and cleansing of all religions, and the revamping
and reorganization of our civilization! Astrology, physics of the atom,
electron, brain illumination, higher Kabbalah, sacred geometry, how
thoughts become things! How to embody music! How to plant individual
and group seed thoughts! How to work with the language of light and fire
letters, key codes and sacred geometries! How to get rid of addictions and
bad habits! How to transcend the lower self! How to properly parent the
inner child! How to balance your Three Fold Flame! How to learn to work
with your superconscious mind! The story of creation! How to raise the
dead on all three levels! The seven levels of spiritual leadership! How to
repair holes and leaks in your aura! How to remove weapons from your
aura! How to remove earth crystals from your aura! How to cleanse and
purify your energies on all levels and make yourself spotless before the
throne! You will learn about the history of extraterrestrials on our planet
and their effect! The exact nature of God defined! How to climb your
personal spiritual mountain! How to eat a good spiritual, mental,
emotional, energetic, physical and earthly diet on all levels! How to be
physically fit on all levels! Psychic self defense! How to raise your
kundalini in a safe way to God Realization! How to develop and refine
your consciousness! How to keep a spiritual journal system! How to
properly process your reality! How to develop the fruits of the Spirit! How
to practice the Presence of God! How to develop the 33 Heavenly Virtues
and transcend the 33 Deadly sins! How to develop an efficient perception
of reality and overcome spiritual blindness and blind spots! How to
remain grounded on the spiritual path! The Twelve powers in Man! How
to create your life into a three act play! How to have relationships to
people, not your beliefs about people! How to win your personal battle of
Armageddon! How to balance the mystic and occultist within! How to
create peace in the world! How to know thyself! Body image, self image
and spiritual image and how to reconcile the three! Resurrection Training!
Ascension training! How to find refuge in God at all times! How to
become a Master of Masters! How to give birth to the Christ Child within
and nurture it to Christed maturity! How to fulfill your full God potential!
How to live a life glorifying God rather than self! How to love God more
than creation! How to meditate! How to pray effectively! How to overcome
the nine levels of death! What spiritual practices you should be doing!
How to develop your personality, soul and monad and achieve all three
levels of self actualization! How to radiate like the angels, manifest like
the elohim and integrate as the Ascended Masters! How to be a Shepherd
rather than a sheep! How to become a “Master Mind, Master Heart, Master
Soul, Master Spirit, and Master of your physical Body!”
My Beloved Readers, this is just the tip of the iceberg of all the classes you
will be attending and subjects you will be studying in the I AM
University on the inner and outer plane! In total humbleness and humility
I could go on for hours, listing all that which you will learn in the inner
and outer I AM University! The inner and outer I AM University will help
you to open your third eye like there is no tomorrow, and all your chakras
for that matter. Very humbly, there is no finer and more comprehensive
training on a spiritual, consciousness and psychological, and
physical/earthly level in this world. You will be studying all these above
mentioned subjects and so much more in the inner plane I AM University
while simultaneously you will be doing the same through the outer
earthly I AM University! The combination of the two will accelerate you
spiritually and revolutionize your consciousness like nothing you have
ever experienced before. Spirit and the inner plane Ascended Masters
think so highly of the inner and outer plane I AM University that they
have made it a “required gate” for all 6 billion souls on this planet. If this
is not humbly the highest and most supreme compliment from the cosmic
and planetary hierarchy. They do this for it is their teachings for they
helped me channel and co-create the I AM University. Finally there is a
comprehensive Integrated Spiritual University program that includes
everything and is not hit or miss! Also not a training that focuses just on
the spiritual level, or just on the psychological level, or physical/earthly
level but on all levels and is totally easy to understand and practice. This
my friends is what the world has been waiting for on the inner and outer
plane, and finally the time has come to begin the Aquarian Age new 2000
year cycle!
Now that I have explained a little bit of the key essence of the I AM
University and how it connects with the outer earthly I AM University, I
would like to explain a little more about the inner plane I AM University.
Please listen closely for you will find this absolutely fascinating!
All the above mentioned classes and subjects and so much more are taught
within one of the Seven Ray departments. So all of the above mentioned
subjects are divided up between the specialty of the main theme of each
Ray Ashram. So when the classes are taught some are taught in the Red
classrooms of the First Ray, some in the Blue class rooms of the Second
Ray, some in the Yellow classrooms of the Third Ray. Some in the Green
classrooms of the Fourth Ray. Some in the Orange classrooms of the Fifth
Ray! Some in the Indigo classrooms of the Sixth Ray! Some in the Violet
classrooms of the Seventh Ray!
There are 72 main classrooms. The colors of the walls change according to
the class that is being taught there. Usually each Ray department sticks to
the same classrooms. Once all souls on Earth achieve their 12th initiation,
the entire building will turn into the color Gold!
There is a beginning program for those souls going from initiations one to
seven. An intermediate program for those souls going from initiations
seven to twelve. And finally there is an advanced program for souls going
from initiations 12 to 22. This is why in the outer earthly I AM University I
have a threefold workbook.
It takes four spiritual years to go through the I AM University on the inner
plane! This could be real earthly years or a whole lifetime! This depends
on the focus, dedication and application of the disciple or initiate in
The I AM University is divided into study and training and practical
application. “For knowledge without wisdom results in separation,” as the
Universal Mind said through Edgar Cayce! Those involved in the I AM
University also teach and work in the I AM University as well. Service
work on the inner plane is part of the training.
It is also a good idea before bed every night to ask to be taken to the I AM
University for training!
The inner plane Ascended Masters overlight the whole program and
occasionally come with Christed Extraterrestrials as guest speakers!
So the I AM University in the inner and outer plane is divided into Seven
Ray departments. There are 12 levels or 12 initiations that must be
mastered in each Ray department to qualify to take your next level of
major initiation. You learn in all Seven Ray departments simultaneously
and you work on all 12 levels simultaneously, however, you achieve only
one sublevel at the time! There are no skipping steps. The achievement of
the 12th level of initiation would be the mastery of the intermediate
program. Again one through seven would be the beginning program and
12 through 22 the advanced training. No one on earth has fully realized
this training, for it you did you would be a 22nd degree initiate and at this
time no on else has achieved this yet. There are about 50 initiates on the
planet who are at their 14th or 15th initiation and as I said 500 who have
passed the 12th or beyond, but no one farther that that as of the year 2004.
The anchoring of the I AM University hopes to rapidly change that. It is
not hard to achieve this if you have the proper understanding, training
and tools, as well as the proper systematic approach to learning which the
I AM University on the inner and outer plane provides!
The first step when a person enters the I AM University is that one of my I
AM Teachers, one of the 12 main ones who are my 12 Pillars in the I AM
University and are extremely advanced Masters, interviews you! This
occurs on the inner plane in the I AM University. Goals are discussed and
an individualized program for each student/master is set up. There is a
personal Master that is assigned to each student.
I personally work with the more advanced initiates and masters from
initiation levels 12 to 22. Also with some of the bright lights from
initiations seven to 12. Integrated Ascended Masters are in charge of
overlighting or overseeing the entire I AM University and as I mentioned
previously I also have responsibilities in the Synthesis Ashram, and in my
training in the Office of the Christ with Lord Maitreya. However, since I
do have 22 integrated Light Body Split-off Selves and 33 by May 2005, this
humbly allows me to be in 22 places at once and serve! Part of the training
of the I AM University is to help you develop this as well. Nothing I have
developed is unique or unusual. Everyone can do it if they follow these
crash course easy steps of the inner and outer plane I AM University.
With each level of initiation you take within the Seven Ashrams there are
certain spiritual tests and assignments that are given. The assignments are
more like service assignments of helping others, just like others have
helped you. The tests are not like tests in the earthly school, more like
practicing being of the Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God consciousness. The
higher you go in the initiatory process the more complex the lessons get.
There are special movies you watch in the I AM University to help you
model your behavior and practice being of the
Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God consciousness in all situations. Your
behavior is videotaped and you can watch how you did!
In the different Ray departments there are other assignments such as
science projects, art projects, political projects, spiritual education
projects, business and economic projects, religious and civilization
The I AM University is a real campus and city on the inner plane. The
students become teachers, and the purpose of the I AM University is to
create teachers, channels and masters! There are also specific teachers for
graduation of each of the 12 levels of initiation!
Everyone on earth is allowed into the I AM University, for as I said it is a
“required gate!” Sometimes the soul and superconscious mind decide
when to enter the I AM University, however, this can be greatly
accelerated by the conscious mind of any soul on earth, who can choose to
begin their training now if they choose so. From the perspective of Spirit
and the Masters the sooner the better! Spirit and the Masters also would
strongly prefer you do the inner and outer earthly I AM University for if
your conscious mind is not involved, the educational aspect is decreased!
Learning on a soul level or split-off level has great value, but the greatest
value occurs when the conscious mind is doing the program as well as the
soul and split-off selves!
The completion of initiations one through seven is like completing
spiritual high school. The completion of your 12 levels of initiation is like
getting your Bachelors degree in spiritual college. Achieving your 22
levels of initiation and light body is like getting your Masters and PhD!
Every person going through the outer plane earthly I AM University will
receive a real certificate on a beginning, intermediate and advanced level
of completing the I AM University training! These certificates are thought
of very highly throughout our universe! Everyone in the universe knows
about the I AM University for they are all trying to help the earth get on
track for as I said previously, the solar system, galaxy and universe cannot
ascend until earth gets its act together! So the entire universe is
compassionately helping and the entire universe is working with and
through the I AM University! Don’t be surprised if soon we open I Am
Universities on all inhabited planets in our galaxy! The I AM University is
a proven method that works and that is why it has become a “required
gate” for all 6 billion souls on earth! It will honestly be the best integrated,
synthesized and full spectrum prism consciousness training you have ever
Mother Mary told me that all past Masters who ascended in Earth’s history
did so through a singular path and most left the earth around the 7th or 8th
initiation and continued a singular path on the inner plane. So Mother
Mary was kind enough to say that even the inner plane Ascended Masters
learn some things from the integrated, synthesis, full spectrum prism
consciousness training. For there are always new lenses to look through,
and new perspectives and new teachings!
I think it would be fun in the future to open or get involved with running
a Galactic I AM University where one could learn about the religions,
cultures, lifestyles, and spiritual beliefs of the 10 million inhabited
planets in our galaxy and universe! Wouldn’t that be an eye opener? You
are going to get some of this already through the I AM University training
now, but can you imagine seeing through the lenses of the 10 million
inhabited planets of our galaxy and universe? Can you imagine how much
one could learn about God, spirituality and so on? God sees through all
plants, all solar systems, all galaxies, and the infinite numbers of
universes! Can you imagine how vast His consciousness is and how open
His third eye is! So here is a revelation! Strive to be an integrated
synthesized, full spectrum prism consciousness master on a planetary,
solar, galactic, universal, multi-universal and cosmic level. This is what I
have humbly achieved and was the first to do on a planetary level and I
can’t wait to fully do it on all these other levels as well. Do you get a sense
my friends how much there is to learn? Can you imagine understanding
God from all galaxies and all universes as well as all planets? The word
Christ does not even exist on any other planet in our galaxy which shows
you what a waste of time it is to get caught up in semantics! It does not
matter what term you give the Trinity, all that matters is that it does exist!
Every planet calls it something else! God, Christ, the Holy Spirit work
through them all! The New World Religion is about everyone keeping the
religion and spiritual path they are on! For God, Christ, the Holy Spirit,
and or Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva work through them all and love them
all equally. The I AM University does not seek to change anyone’s path,
just clarify and widen your consciousness a bit on the path you are on!
The New World Religion is synthesis, and a recognition that all paths lead
to the Trinity and that everyone should stay on the path they are on, but to
be open to learning and seeing things from different lenses, which will
enhance the spiritual path you have chosen for yourself! I think you can
see this is all very exciting my friends!
In the inner plane I AM University the more advanced the level of
initiation of the student/master, the more responsibility and opportunity
to serve they are given!
After the 7th initiation the student can begin to specialize in the Ashram or
Ray department they are most drawn to, or the one that their Monad and
Soul has been created by God to be in!
When movies are watched the movies are holographic and three
dimensional in nature. The same goes for the books you read. The books
come alive.
Spirit and the Masters told me that there are 144,000 lessons within each of
the Seven Ashrams and Ray departments! Each initiation of the 12 in each
Ashram has 12 major lessons and 1000 sub-lessons!
After going through the inner and outer plane I AM University this is
written down in your Book of Life and in the Akashic Records as a type of
spiritual resume. It is one of the most well thought of Universities in the
universe! When you move onto one of the Eight Paths to Higher
Evolution, having an inner and outer certificate will serve you well in
your future job search in God’s universe! The high achievers in a spiritual
sense are sought after by spiritual headhunters and offered jobs on other
planets, in other solar systems and galaxies! Attending the I AM
University on the inner and outer plane will serve you well indeed in this
You may enroll in the inner and outer plane I AM University at any
moment you wish! It is not like earthly university where you have to wait
for a year until you go and only a limited number of students are accepted!
Everyone is accepted no matter what you have done in this life or a past
life! There are special programs in the I AM University for murders,
criminals, thieves, child abusers, rapists and so on! For in God’s plan all
are forgiven and all souls can be rehabilitated and brought back into the
light. Special teachers in the I AM University work with these souls!
The I AM University was also created to prepare not only “Integrated
Ascended Masters, I Am Masters and Integrated Christs”, but also to train
the leaders of this world like presidents, congressmen, senators, and so on
in all countries and also the spiritual leaders of our spiritual government
for the next Live Wave! Just as I have now stepped into my spiritual
leadership in the Second Ray and synthesis focus of the Second Ray, there
are tons of other positions available in all the other Seven Ray spiritual
leadership positions and more in the Second Ray as well! So I welcome all
the new spiritual leaders of our Live Wave to step forth. Until you do this,
the Live Wave above us cannot move on! For that is spiritual law. I for
example cannot leave my spiritual leadership position to take over the
Office of the Christ and become the Head of the Hierarchy until I find a
replacement to take over the I AM University and Synthesis Ashram in the
future! So one of you reading this and going through the I AM University
will be running the I AM University and one of you will eventually be
running the inner plane Synthesis Ashram as well which was formerly
held by the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul who passed the torch of
spiritual leadership to me, and I will past it onto someone else when I am
complete. However, this will not be for a while of course! I probably have
150 more years of service work to do as President of the I AM University
and in spiritual leadership of the inner plane Synthesis Ashram before I
pass the torch to one of you! Then Lord Maitreya will pass the torch of the
Office of the Christ and Head of the Spiritual Hierarchy to me, and this is
how it works in all the spiritual leadership positions of our spiritual
government. No one can leave their spiritual leadership position until a
suitable future leader is found! So a big part of the I AM University on the
inner and outer plane is to find and cultivate the future spiritual leaders of
tomorrow. You are known in the spiritual world by the magnitude, quality
and nature of your light, and the service work you do. It is time for all
Earthlings and the next Live Wave we are all involved in to step up to the
plate and be counted! It is time for Earthlings to collectively get our act
together and stop slowing down the ascension of our solar system, galaxy
and universe! We are the least evolved planet in our solar system. We are
in the lower 20% of evolved planets in our galaxy and universe. Earth is
behind the eight ball my friends and we can do better than this. The entire
universe and all the galaxies in the universe are helping us now to catch
up! Lord Maitreya, Lord Buddha, Saint Germain and Allah Gobi asked for
help from solar, galactic and universal councils because Earthlings were so
stuck! The universe, galaxies and solar systems heard their call for help!
My Beloved Friends, they told Lord Maitreya, Lord Buddha, Saint
Germain and Allah Gobi, as in the movie Field of Dreams, with Kevin
Costner, that “if you build it, we will come!” My Beloved Friends,
Metatron and the Archangels, the inner plane Ascended Masters and the
Elohim built it - the inner and outer plane I AM University - and all the
Universal Councils, Galactic Councils, Solar Councils, Christed
Extraterrestrials, Archangels and Angels, and Elohim Councils have come
to help. The I AM University was created to get the 6 billion earthlings out
of the disintegrated, fragmented, limited lens consciousness and stuck
place they are in. So Spirit and all the Masters built it and they all have
come! This is why the I AM University has been made a required gate!
Once you pass through and graduate at least at the 7th to 12th level of
initiation from the I AM University on the inner and outer plane, you will
begin working full force in the Ashrams of El Morya, Master Kuthumi,
Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Master Hilarion, Sananda/Jesus and Saint
Germain for you will be at a level of clearing your negative ego mind,
Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God consciousness integration, balance,
synthesis and full spectrum prism consciousness to deserve to be there
and truly be effective! Spirit and the Masters told me that all future
spiritual leaders of our spiritual government will be trained through the I
AM University first! The I AM University was created to help undo all
negative ego, separative consciousness, fear based thinking, lower self
desire, limited lens thinking, imbalance, disintegration, fragmentation,
glamour, maya and illusion that is so prevalent in our world! Before your
negative ego tells you that you have mastered all the lessons and classes I
have channeled and written about in this write up in the spring of 72,
think again, for if you had mastered all these lessons you would be at the
22nd level of initiation and you would have achieved full “Planetary Christ
Realization!” We are all diamonds with a little mud on us my friends, and
we are all incarnations of God! As the I Ching says, the superior man or
woman is honest with self and admits to self the areas that need a little
more polishing! The purpose of the I AM University is not to make you
into a diamond for you are already a diamond, right here and right now!
You are already God, that is how God created you! That is why the Bible
says, “Ye are Gods and know it not!” We are each made in the image and
likeness of God! The purpose of life is to realize this and to polish the
diamond you already are so it sparkles and shines like a Christed
Diamond, a Buddha Diamond, a Melchizedek Diamond, a Mahatma
Diamond, a Metatronic Diamond, a Moses Diamond, a Mohammed
Diamond, a Lao Tse Diamond, a Krishna Diamond, an Integrated
Ascended Master Diamond, a Mighty I Am Presence Diamond, an Eternal
Self Diamond, a Holy Spirit infused Diamond, a Superconscious Mind
Diamond, a Synthesis Full Spectrum Prism Diamond, a God Diamond!
Whatever type of diamond you choose does not matter to Spirit, the
Masters or me. The I AM University will just help you to polish the type
of diamond you are!
So my Beloved Friends, the I AM University is for everyone! The clarion
call now sounds forth from God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Mighty I Am
Presences, the Oversouls, the Superconscious Minds, Melchizedek,
Mahatma, Metatron, Lord Maitreya, Lord Buddha, Sananda, Djwhal Khul,
and the entire Cosmic and Planetary Spiritual Hierarchy and Company of
Heaven for all to enroll in the inner and outer earthly plane I AM
Spirit, the Masters, and I have given you our heart and souls in these 10 I
AM University introductory write-ups to give you the clearest and most
precise understanding of the I AM University on the inner and outer plane
on every level from a full spectrum prism perspective. As the saying goes,
you can take a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink! The I AM
University as the Master Jesus/Sananda said is for those that have the Eyes
to See and the Ears to Hear! Even those who don’t have the eyes to see and
the ears to hear will have the blessing to go through the I AM University,
however, those who benefit the most and who will make the most
progress and whose lights will shine the most and who will be the
spiritual leaders and way showers of tomorrow will be those who fully
embrace the I AM University on the inner and outer earthly plane, and
drink of its Divine Nectar, and study the work consciously as well as in
their soul and Integrated Light Body Split-off Selves! These are the ones
who will make it to the 12th initiation and on up to the 22nd level of
initiation to become a fully Realized Planetary Christ! These are the ones
who will be the spiritual leaders of tomorrow. The I AM University is for
those earthlings of our present Life Wave who wish to stand up and be
counted! It is for those earthlings who want to help our planet, solar
system, galaxy, and universe ascend, and don’t want the Earth and
Earthlings to be seen as the most backward planet in our solar system and
galaxy. I am not saying we are, for I already said we are in the lower 20%.
However, if we do not move in the right direction, we could be! The solar
system, galaxy and universe are waiting for us to get our act together! Join
me my friends! We can do better! I have total confidence in my fellow
Brothers and Sisters on Earth that if they are given the opportunity and
proper understanding, there is no brothers and sisters I would rather stand
beside in the infinite universe!
My Beloved Readers, our time has come! Spirit, the Masters, and I ask you
to hear and heed this clarion call! Join, support, enroll in the I AM
University and get fully trained yourself and we will spread this around
the globe together like wild fire! Like an all consuming “Fire for God”!
Tell all your friends, family and students about the I AM University and
the I AM University website. Please spread it all over the internet and give
your support to the I AM University in all ways and all things! The I AM
University is the spiritual government of this planet being anchored onto
the Earth for the first time ever in the history of the Earth. Help the I AM
University spread in any way you can think of. We all have our puzzle
piece to play. Spirit and the Masters have decided that the I AM
University is the best service vehicle that currently exists on this planet to
create the necessary acceleration of our planet, and hence solar system,
galaxy and universe. We all collectively ask you to hear and answer this
clarion call for it is now reverberating throughout our planet and
throughout our entire universe for this matter. Our Time has come! Spirit
and the Masters also told me personally, “If you build it, they will come!”
My Beloved Readers, they are talking about all of you! This is all of our
Field of Dreams. Spirit, the Masters, and I ask you to hear this clarion call
and Archangel Gabriel’s Trumpet announcing the physical anchoring of
the inner plane I AM University on Earth!
So let it be written! So let it be done! Amen!
Dr Joshua
The Eight Inner Plane Special
Dispensation Training Programs and
Golden Carrots you will Receive if You
Officially Enroll in the Outer Earthly Plane
“I AM University!”
Dr Joshua David Stone
My Beloved Readers, as mentioned above there are eight inner plane
Training Programs that those who actually enroll in the outer earthly
plane I AM University will receive as a special bonus incentive! They are
in a sense eight Golden Carrots given forth by God, Christ, the Holy
Spirit, Melchizedek, Mahatma, Archangel Metatron, the Archangels and
Elohim, Melchior, Helios and Vesta, Lord Buddha, the Universal Mind
and Universal Heart of God, the Mighty I Am Presences, Superconscious
Minds, Oversouls, Allah Gobi, Lord Maitreya, Saint Germain, El Morya,
Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Hilarion, Sananda, Saint
Germain, Djwhal Khul, Lord of Arcturus and the Arcturians, the Asthar
Command, the Mother Earth Lodge, the Goddess Lodge, and the Christed
Extraterrestrial Lodge to inspire you and give you extra incentive to
officially enroll in the I AM University! Those who go through the inner
plane I AM University and not the outer plane I AM University will not
receive these inner plane special dispensations programs! They are being
given by Spirit and the Masters to officially launch the outer earthly plane
I AM University! They are golden carrots for gold again is the color of the
Christ. They are eight of the most profound inner plane trainings that
have ever been given to earth. Because you will be going through the
inner and outer earthly plane I AM University in such a complete,
integrated, balanced, synthesized, full spectrum prism consciousness
manner, Spirit and the Masters know that you will not misuse the
profound gifts and blessings you will be receiving.
In the buttons below on the homepage you will find a listing of these
special dispensation inner plane Training Programs. As you click onto
each one you will find an introduction to each program as you have just
read for example in the “Melchizedek Christ Makeover Program”, and
then you will find an article or articles explaining the conceptual
understanding of the inner plane Training you are about to receive if you
enroll in the outer earthly I AM University!
In each of these eight special dispensation Training Programs you will be
taken to an inner plane “Secret Chamber” where Spirit or the Masters of
that particular program will institute that program. So the best way to
understand each of these inner plane special dispensations is to read the
corresponding articles you will find below as you click on the various
buttons. The articles for each special dispensation inner plane Training
Program will completely transform your consciousness. Everyone on
planet earth will receive this information for free! However, to receive the
inner plane work like in the “Golden Chamber of Melchizedek for the
Christ Makeover Program” you have to be officially enrolled in the outer
earthly plane I AM University. The second you join, all eight of these
inner plane special dispensation Training Programs will begin
simultaneously or in the order and sequence Spirit and the Masters think
is best for you!
For every inner plane Training Program there are two parts. The first part
is the development and refinement of your consciousness to prepare you
for the program. This you will receive through being enrolled in the inner
and outer earthly plane I AM University. Also by reading the articles and
chapters I have shared with you in each Training Program as you click
each of them below with your mouse. This will truly whet your appetite
my friends, for after reading these articles, which will completely
revolutionize and transform your consciousness on the subject or specific
focus of that Training Program, the real gift and blessing begins! The most
profound transformation that will occur, and this is the second part of the
training you will receive, will be the work that each set of Masters do in
their “Secret Chamber” on your soul while you sleep! You have already
read above about the “Melchizedek Christ Makeover” Training Program.
You can sense how profound this is! Never in the history of the Earth has
such a “crash course” ever been given forth, let alone these eight special
dispensation inner plane Training Programs that will dovetail perfectly
with all the work you are doing in the inner and outer plane I AM
Never in the history of the Earth has ascension, resurrection, becoming a
fully realized “Integrated Ascended Master and Christ” been made so
easy! The I AM University on the inner and outer earthly plane and what
it is offering in this complete package of training is the most
“revolutionary, cutting edge, easy to understand, most practical, quickest
and most efficient, comprehensive, synthesized, full spectrum prism
consciousness, most advanced, and graced crash course training that has
ever been given to the Earth in the history of the Earth!”
My Beloved Readers, why should it not be this way for God is an
unconditionally loving God! We all are his Beloved Sons and Daughters
and Divine Lovers! God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit, or if you prefer
Brahma, Shiva, and Vishnu, or whatever names you choose to use, has
prepared the “Wedding Feast and Wedding Banquet!” He wishes to
reunite with his Divine Lover! All that is required is that you give up all
your symbolic adulterous lovers, false gods, little gods, symbolic idol
worship, pearls of lesser price, little doors, and put all your focus and
energy like a drowning man or woman wants air, onto God! All that is
required is that you “Be about the Father’s Business”! God and the
Masters are giving you the “Keys to the Kingdom” through the inner and
outer earthly plane I AM University if you but just have the “eyes to see
and the ears to hear”. With no judgment intended there is no training on
planet Earth that even comes close on any level to what is being offered to
you. How many trainings on earth offer to help you fully realize your 22
levels of initiation and 22 levels of Light Body, and all that I and we have
spoken of in all these thirteen I AM University write-ups! The answer is
none my friends, for as I told you there are only 500 people on earth who
have even passed the 12th initiation, and only 50 people on earth who have
taken their 14th or 15th level of initiation as of the year 2004. How can
anyone truly teach you something they have not realized themselves? This
is the most advanced training that exists on this planet and those are not
my words, those are Spirit’s and the Masters’ words! That is why they
have made the I AM University a required gate on the inner plane level,
and why they are encouraging all souls on Earth to enroll in the outer
earthly I AM University as well! This is the main service vehicle Spirit
and the Masters have chosen to manifest the divine plan on Earth and to
bring unity, harmonization and cooperation among all religions, spiritual
paths, mystery schools, channels, spiritual teachers, gurus, spiritual texts,
spiritual teachings and so on!
This is why Melchizedek the Universal Logos said, “The I AM University
Is Set To Become The Biggest, Most Influential Spiritual Teachings On
The Planet! The New World Religion Of Which The Masters Speak Is
Closely Connected With Its Teachings. Joshua’s Readership Will Widen
Beyond His Imaginings And Will Be A Legacy For The New Millennium!"
These are not my words my friends, these are the words of the Cosmic
Being that runs our entire universe and who is the President of our
universe! For those that have the eyes to see and the ears to hear, you will
know and understand the truth of these words and whom they come from!
As I have said many times in these thirteen write ups, these are not my
plans, for I am as shocked as the next person to be involved in such a
project. I never asked for the spiritual leadership I have been given nor
did I come up consciously with the I AM University, and the spiritual
vision that I have laid out in these thirteen write-ups! This all came from
Spirit and the Masters, for I never desired, wanted, or asked for all that I
Am sharing with you. All I really wanted was to achieve my ascension and
realize God to my highest potential and be of service and return home!
What was unique about me is that I went after this with such personal
power, self mastery, causality, spiritual enthusiasm, spiritual passion,
relentlessness, focus, determination, spiritual zeal, attention to detail,
work ethic, spiritual drive, spiritual desire, like a drowning man wants air!
I made up my mind I would not leave this world, “Come what may”, until
I achieved my spiritual goals, and I decided to cut everything from my life
that did not directly get me to my one and only spiritual goal. 30 years
later, Spirit and the Masters I guess thought that some of my spiritual
leadership qualities and Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God qualities are
somewhat humbly unique, so they decided to give me spiritual leadership
of this entire I AM University project and plan and to make me the World
Teacher and next Head of the Office of the Christ when Lord Maitreya
moves on to his next cosmic position. This comes as much of a shock to me
as I am sure it does to some of you. I never wanted this or asked for this, or
ever thought about any of this! Everything I have shared with you was not
my idea, and is honestly not my negative ego talking, nor is it some
marketing plan to make money! It is the divine plan of Spirit and the
Masters being made manifest! This is why I am not trying to change
anyone’s religion or spiritual path. It is why I am willing to make the I
AM University available to everyone regardless of their financial
situation. Look at all the stuff I have given away on the website. Look
what I am offering to give away through the I AM University!
To be perfectly honest, my life would be much less responsibility filled
not doing this spiritual mission. However, life is not about my pleasure or
personal comfort, it is about serving God and glorifying God, not self.
God has given me everything, and if he now asks me to delay my personal
physical ascension for 50 years and do this spiritual mission on His and
the Masters’ behalf, of course I will do it! I very humbly feel that I was
built by God for the purpose of spiritual leadership and service. So I want
to make it clear that none of this is about me, and none of it came from me.
Spirit and the inner plane Ascended Masters have a whole divine plan
they have worked out in intricate detail in their spiritual battleplans as to
how they think the “divine plan” on earth can be fulfilled. To my
complete and total surprise and shock, totally unsolicited by myself, they
think I need to play a key role in helping this come about, and the service
vehicle they have chosen to do this as their main focus is the inner and
outer earthly plane I AM University!
God and the Masters have given me everything the last 30 years of life,
and in past lives as well! My life is not my own, a very, very long time ago
I gave my life to them. If this is how they wish to use me to help this
planet so be it. I am a humbly fully realized and equal member of the
Spiritual Hierarchy in my own right, however, I have given myself and
life to be used as a channel, spiritual teacher and instrument of Spirit and
the Masters to use as they wish! All I have shared with you in these
thirteen introductory write-ups is the divine plan as they have shared it
with me through my own channel in thousands and thousands of hours of
communication and consultation. Finally in the 50th year in terms of the
age of this physical vehicle I am using, and five years after the opening of
the I AM University on the inner plane, Spirit and the Masters have told
me it is time to now anchor the I AM University onto the physical earthly
plane as well! I wanted to share these personal thoughts, feelings and
reflections so you all know and understand where I am coming from in
sharing this. Like a great many of you, I have no life but God and the
Masters! I have no interest in life but God and the Masters and being of
service to all of you. My life is not about glorifying self, it is about
Glorifying God and the Masters! As I have said previously I see every
person as an incarnation of God. So I am just God helping God, for the
purpose of realizing GOD! Do you all not see it is just the Divine Play of
God! If there is one lesson I have learned in life it is the importance of
being of service. For it is only by serving and giving that we can possess
God ourselves. It is only by seeing God in everyone and everything that
we can have God in ourselves, for what we see is what in truth we are
giving. It is in giving and serving that I realize God myself, and integrate
God myself. For everyone teaches what they want to learn. I also very
deeply realize the truth of Master Jesus’ words when he said, “How you
treat others is how God will treat you.” For all of you are God, and if I
don’t serve you in humbleness and humility and give you everything I
have and all my unconditional love, then I am not giving to God and I am
not giving to myself, for we all share the same identity in God and in the
“I Am”!
So to be perfectly honest, I am just grateful to have the opportunity to
serve! I do not think about the fruits of my service, for I leave those to
God. It is enough for me to just serve. Everything I humbly learn I give
and share with all of you, and this helps me to integrate that which I learn.
So the truth is I am very grateful to all of you, for I need the blessing of
being able to give and serve!
The truth is if I had a billion dollars I would not change my current
lifestyle in the slightest! For true pleasure is serving God. Nothing else
holds any interest for me. In serving God the Father, I serve you as well,
for you and we are all just parts of His Consciousness that are incarnated
into bodies! It is not about ego my friends it is about God! There is only
one being in the infinite universe and that is God! The I AM University
has been created to help everyone see from this “I Am” state of
consciousness, for in that state of consciousness we are all one. The “I
AM” is each of our true identity. The I AM University does not help you
create that, for that is how God, “The I Am That I Am”, already created
you. So life is just about recognizing you already are the “I AM” or
“Christ” or an “Incarnation of God,” and the second step then lies in
“Realizing” this truth. That is why all souls on earth must go through the
initiation, ascension, light body anchoring and activation, and resurrection
process. This is where the I AM University on the inner and outer plane
can be of astronomical value to you.
Thank you for allowing me a few paragraphs here to share some of my
personal thoughts, feelings and reflections. The creation of the I AM
University on the inner and outer plane, and creating this whole new
website has been quite a journey for me as well, as I am sure you can
imagine. I wanted to share a little bit with all of you, my spiritual “I Am”
family and Brothers and Sisters in God and Christ, or whatever other term
suits your understanding, where I am coming from. There is so much
glamour, illusion and maya in this world, and there are so many false
prophets, false teachers, corrupted channels, twilight masters, fragmented
teachers and channels, disintegrated teachers and channels, limited lens
teachers and channels. I am the first one to tell you to be very spiritually
discerning in this world and in the new age movement! There are an
astronomical number of fallen religions and new age spiritual leaders on
this planet. The Master Jesus warned the Sons and Daughters of God to be
wary of the false prophets and false teachers as did his Apostles. The
Master Jesus said, not that I am favoring him above all other Masters and
prophets, but he said, “Be aware of wolves in sheep’s clothing”! The
Master Jesus also spoke of the Pharisee and Sagacees as “White sepulchers
filled with dead men’s bones!” Well my friends, religion and the new age
movement are filled with “White sepulchers filled with dead men’s
bones”! We have our modern day new age Pharisees and Sagacees! The
delusionary nature of consciousness is so pervasive in this world that
99.99% of the fallen new age or religious spiritual leaders or lightworkers
who have fallen do not even realize they have fallen! 99.99% of their
followers do not realize it either! So they start taking on the fallen
attributes of their fallen spiritual leaders and no one even realizes it
except God and the Masters! The fall always comes from the same place.
The spiritual leaders have developed themselves spiritually and in certain
gifts and talents, that is for sure. However, the fall is caused by the lack of
development and refinement of consciousness. This means transcendence
of negative ego/fear based/separative thinking, rather than a true
understanding of Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God consciousness. Limited
lens thinking instead of full spectrum prism consciousness thinking. Lack
of integration, balance, and synthesis. Too many negative thoughts and
feelings and emotions. Taking on the negative lower consciousness of
those around them. Issues of power, fame, money, sex, false pride, vanity,
greed, attachment, anger, self-aggrandizement and so on! Inability to
parent inner child! Inability to master their subconscious mind! Inability
to know themselves truly. Inability to develop an efficient perception of
reality of self and others! Inability to balance three minds and four bodies!
Inability to master and integrate seven rays! Inability to truly master, open
and balance the seven chakras! Inability to master and integrate 12 major
archetypes! Inability to master the 12 Schools, Colleges and Challenges of
life! Inability to master bad habits and addictions!
My Beloved Readers, if you hear only one thing, hear this. Consciousness
affects everything and I mean everything! The Master Jesus spoke of the
need to build a good foundation. Consciousness is your foundation. This
is why it is easier for a camel to go through an eye of a needle than a rich
man to make it to heaven. This has nothing to do with money, it has to do
with being rich in negative ego, limited lenses thinking, imbalance and
lack of proper integration. The spiritual leaders think because they are
spiritually developed or have gifts of channeling, clairvoyance, healing,
science, teaching, because they wrote a book, or can give a great lecture
they have mastered this. They are sadly mistaken. For as the Universal
Mind said through Edgar Cayce, “Every jot and title of the law is
fulfilled”! Our thoughts create our reality. I have very humbly succeeded
while others have failed even though they often do not realize it, for I saw
the value and importance of developing and refining my consciousness
and spiritual psychology even above and beyond my spirituality. As I
have said very often in my writings and books, the most important
relationship in a person’s life is not their relationship to God and the
Masters, it is their relationship to self. If that is off kilter or if their
spiritual psychology is not screwed on straight, or if their belief systems,
philosophy, process of self inquiry and how they process their
consciousness is not dead on accurate, it will “corrupt and contaminate”
every aspect of their life including all their spiritual gifts and talents, and
they will not even realize this has taken place! This, my friends, is how
important the development and refinement of your consciousness is.
Ponder on this!
The I AM University is the best training that exists on this planet to help
you develop and refine your consciousness and spiritual psychology, and
offers the best training in ascension, initiation acceleration, light body
anchoring and activation and on a physical/earthly level as well! The I AM
University teaches you mastery on all three levels of your being and then
helps you to integrate and balance the three!
So my friends, I am not afraid of your spiritual discernment and scrutiny,
and as a matter of fact I welcome it! There is so much corruption in this
world it is mind-boggling. This is why our planet is the least evolved in
our solar system and is one of the least evolved or lower 20% in our
galaxy! So it is good to be spiritually discerning. However, when you find
the “Mother Lode of the most refined and rarified Gold that exists on this
planet” do not let the negative ego mind sabotage you and take you away
from your true “dharma” or “spiritual path”. The I AM University has
nothing to do with me, it is about God, Christ, the Holy Spirit and the
Masters’ teachings and how you can become an “Integrated Ascended
Master” and fully realized “Mighty I Am Presence” and “Integrated Full
Spectrum Prism Synthesis Christ” yourself! I have just been chosen as the
humble channel or messenger to share this information with you. It is not
about me, it is about God. For in truth there is no me, and there is no you.
There is only God! As I said previously in truth there is no personal
ascension! There is only “God’s Ascension”! It is time we all stop thinking
about ourselves, and realize we are working for our Superconscious mind,
our Oversoul, our Monad and Mighty I Am Presence, or Cosmic Monad,
and God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit, or Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva if you
prefer! It is not about ourselves my friends, for there is no self! Yes we
have free choice, but as the Bible says, “Ye are Gods and know not it!” It is
God helping God to Realize GOD! It is the “I Am” helping the “I Am” to
realize the “I AM”! Hence the I AM University or Integrated Ascended
Masters University! For when you realize the I AM you have become an
Integrated Ascended Master! I AM is a term everyone can accept and it
does not favor any one religion or spiritual path which is why Spirit, the
Masters and I have called this spiritual university the I AM University!
This is why Spirit and the Masters feel the I AM University has the
potential to unite the world! This is why Spirit and the Masters are
putting all their eggs in this I AM University basket! I think you can all
sense the potential the I AM University has on the inner and outer plane
as a service vehicle to manifest the divine plan on Earth!
Getting back to the point I was making before about it being time for all
of us to stop focusing on self so much. Not only should we not be working
for self, but working for the Superconscious mind, Oversoul, Monad and
Mighty I AM Presence, Cosmic Monad, Holy Spirit, Christ and God! We
should also be focusing not on our selves, but on the ascension of our
planet, our solar system, our galaxy, our universe, the ascension of the
multi-universes and in the end of God. Because we are such a selfcentered,
egocentric civilization, we are holding up the ascension of
beloved Mother Earth, Lady Gaia, also the ascension of our beloved solar
system, galaxy and universe! My Beloved Friends, do we earthlings want
to be known as the planet that is holding up the ascension for the earth,
solar system, galaxy, universe, multiuniverse, and cosmic universe? My
Beloved Friends, we can do better! We must expand our consciousness. We
must seek to Glorify God, not self! We must work for something greater
than ourselves!
This, my Beloved Friends, is what the I AM University on the inner and
outer earthly plane offers you! In terms of myself personally, I have
shared these thoughts, feelings, words and reflections to give you a better
sense of where I am coming from in taking on this spiritual assignment.
But in truth it has nothing to do with me, and it has only to do with God
and the Masters! Spirit, the Masters and I are asking you to be spiritually
discerning with everything in life, and to be devastatingly honest with
self, and let go of things that no longer serve you! For as the Master Jesus
said, “By their fruits you shall know them”! I give you my word before
God, that the fruit that the I AM University offers you is the Supreme
Rocketship to God you have been looking for your entire life! Everything
you have done in your life has been perfect and has led you to this
existential moment. The inner and outer plane I AM University is the next
Supreme Rocketship step to help you make this the incarnation of all
incarnations. It is the Supreme Rocketship step to help you become a 12th
to 22nd degree initiate and fully realized “Integrated Ascended Master”,
“Integrated Mighty I Am Presence,” and “Integrated Full Spectrum Prism
Synthesis Christ!” Drink of this “Integrated Full Spectrum Prism
Synthesis Cup” and it will bring you a peace, a bliss, spiritual
consciousness, and physical/earthly development, and realization of God,
Christ, the Holy Spirit, your Mighty I Am Presence, your Oversoul, your
Superconscious and your own Soul, that passeth understanding!
So let it be written! So let it be done! Amen!
The special dispensation inner plane Training Programs
from God, Christ, the Holy Spirit and the Masters for
those who enroll in the I AM University now are
described in greater detail below.
The first special dispensation Training Program you will receive is:
“The Melchizedek Crash Course Christ Makeover
Program in the Golden Chamber of Melchizedek!”
You can read more about this program in the write up above called: “The
‘Melchizedek Crash Course Christ Makeover Program’ is now Being Made
Available for the First Time in the History of the Earth Through the
Earthly Plane ‘I AM University’ as a Special Golden Carrot for all to Join
and get Involved Now! By Dr Stone!”
The second special dispensation Training Program you will receive is:
“The God, Christ, Holy Spirit Trinitization Program in
the Cosmic Trinity Chamber!”
In this inner plane Training Program of all inner plane Training Programs
you will be taken in your soul to the Cosmic Trinity Chamber at the 352nd
level of divinity and worked on directly by God, Christ and the Holy
Spirit to experience a full spectrum prism Trinitization of your
So in the “God, Christ and Holy Spirit Trinitization Training Program”
they will take you to the 352nd level of divinity in your Soul body and
personally work on you relentlessly and unceasingly every night to
“Trinitize” your consciousness! In other words, they will permeate your
consciousness with God’s Power, Christ’s Love and the Holy Spirit’s
The two chapters you will read when you click the buttons below to
explain this special dispensation training program in more depth are:
“The Incredible Importance of “Trinitizing with God, Christ, and the Holy
Spirit,” your Relationships, Initiations, Physical Body, Spiritual Mission,
and Earthly Civilization!”
“A Revelation for the Aquarian Age: You Cannot Realize the Christ
without also “Trinitizing” your Consciousness Through Embodying God
and the Holy Spirit as Well!”
The next special dispensation Training Program for those that enroll in
the outer earthly plane I AM University is:
Integration, Synthesis, and Full Spectrum Prism
Consciousness Development in Mahatma's Cosmic
Synthesis Chamber!
In this special dispensation inner plane Training Program you will learn
how to develop a “full spectrum prism consciousness relationship to
God”! Please read the corresponding article below called:
“The Incredible Importance of Establishing an Integrated Full Spectrum
Prism Relationship to God on all Level of your Being!”
In this inner plane special dispensation Training Program the Mahatma
who is a Group Consciousness Being that embodies all 352 levels of God
will take you to his secret chamber and personally help to train you,
through his secret mystical methods, how to see and realize God through a
“Synthesis and Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness”!
The next inner plane special dispensation Training Program by Archangel
Metatron is called:
Mastering and Merging with the Inner Light in the
Consciousness Chamber of Archangel Metatron in the
Sanctuary of Your Own Heart!
Your training begins by first reading the articles you will find below
when you click on the button for Metatron’s Training Program below
these thirteen introductory write-ups. The articles are:
“An In-Depth Training in How to Become a Master in the Use of Light!”
“How to Develop Mastery and Control Over the Power of your Light!”
In this inner plane special dispensation Training Program you will be
taken to Archangel Metatron’s inner plane secret chamber and he will
help you to fully merge with the light! Metatron has realized all 352 levels
of God and is a Cosmic Christ and Cosmic Integrated Ascended Master, so
the value of this training is beyond words! Some of these inner plane
special dispensation Training Programs are even beyond Golden Carrots,
they are Platinum Carrots and Clear Light of God Carrots! The inner plane
work that will be done on those students who enroll in the outer plane I
AM University has never ever been made available to the earth before in
this fashion. It is a special new dispensation for the Aquarian Age new
2000 year cycle and for the official launching of the I AM University on
The next inner plane Special Dispensation Training Program is called:
The Divine Mother and Goddess Makeup and Makeover
Beautifying Program in the Cosmic Beauty Salon of the
Feminine Face of God!
The write-up you will read when you click the button below under this
title is:
“Return of the Divine Mother and the Goddess Energies to Earth!”
It is humbly one of the best write-ups you will ever read in a full spectrum
prism consciousness understanding of what the anchoring of the Divine
Mother and Goddess energies on the Earth really means!
For those who join the outer earthly I AM University you will then be
taken to the inner plane secret chamber of the Divine Mother and
Goddess Lodge and you will receive a Goddess makeover! This is for men
and women alike! It is the supreme training in the infinite universe as to
how to integrate into your being the “Feminine Face of God”! For more
information on what goes on in this secret chamber click the specific title
in the button below these I AM University write ups!
The next inner plane special dispensation Training Program is from Lord
Maitreya, the Planetary Christ, Lord Buddha, the Planetary Logos, and the
Seven Chohans! It is called:
The Lord Maitreya and Lord Buddha Spiritual
Leadership, Chohanic, and Global World Service
Development Program!
To learn more about what the conceptual framework is for this inner plane
special dispensation Training Program please read the following two
articles I channeled from Lord Maitreya, Lord Buddha, and the Seven
Chohans! The names of these articles are:
“Dr Stone has been Guided by Lord Maitreya to Seek a Potential Pool of
Applications for Lightworkers Around the Globe who Might be Interested
in Taking over Future Leadership as the Chohans for Seven Rays!”
“Inner Plane Ascended Masters are Looking for Qualified Initiates to
Fulfill Spiritual Assignments and Inner Plane Spiritual Leadership
Positions: Help Wanted!”
Lord Maitreya, Lord Buddha and the Seven Chohans will take you to their
inner plane secret chambers and give all those who enroll in the outer
plane I AM University the most intensive inner plane training in spiritual
leadership, planetary world service, and chohanic development that has
ever been given to any souls in the history of the Earth. This is not
something you want to miss! For more detailed information click the eight
buttons below.
The next inner plane special dispensation Training Program for those who
enroll in the outer earthly I AM University is called:
The Mighty I Am Presence, Oversoul, Superconscious
Mind, and Universal Mind Seven Levels of Marriage and
Integration Program in the Cosmic Wedding Chapel and
Chamber of God!
The article you can click on the button below on this specific subject has
to do with how to get married and integrate with God, Christ, the Holy
Spirit, your Mighty I Am Presence, your Oversoul, your Superconscious
mind and your own Soul! It is one of the most important articles you will
ever read. The exact title is:
“The Seven Levels of Esoteric Marriage!”
In this inner plane Special Dispensation Training Program you will be
taken to a special secret chamber of God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, your
Mighty I Am Presence, your Oversoul, your Superconscious mind and
your own Soul, and you will be worked on in this chamber to help you
merge, integrate, harmonize, blend, and keep in perfect alignment with all
these aspects of your being. Part of learning to do this is done through the
development and refinement of your consciousness, however, part of it is
also done through the help of God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, your Mighty I
Am Presence, your Oversoul, your Superconscious mind and your own
Soul! Can you imagine anchoring into yourself, your physical body and
onto the Earth all these aspects of yourself? This is what the I AM
University on the inner and outer plane will teach you and show you how
to do.
The eighth and last inner plane special dispensation Training Program for
those who enroll in the outer earthly plane I AM University is a Training
Program sponsored by the Lord of Arcturus and the Arcturians, and
Commander Ashtar and the Ashtar Command! These are two of the most
Christed Extraterrestrials groups in our galaxy. The name of this inner
plane special dispensation Training Program is:
The Lord of Arcturus and Commander Ashtar Advanced
Light Technologies from the Future Practical Application
and Training Program!
In this inner plane special dispensation Training Program you will be
trained in and worked on some of the most advanced inner plane light
technologies that exist in our galaxy and universe. I have shared a number
of them with you. You just need to click the specific button below.
However, these technologies will only be used on you in an experimental
sense if you enroll in the I AM University! There are in truth hundreds of
advanced technologies, I am just giving a few to give you a sense of the
profundity of what I am talking about. A few of these are:
“The Djwhal Khul Arcturian Inner Plane Core Fear Removal Radionics
“The Lord of Arcturus and Arcturian Light Infusion Technology!”
“The Lord of Arcturus Golden Skin Light Technology!”
“Lord of Arcturus and Arcturian World Service Work!”
In this inner plane special dispensation Training Program the Lord of
Arcturus and the Arcturians, and Commander Ashtar and the Ashtar
Command will take you aboard their mother ships to secret chambers, and
they will use all their Christed Light Technologies to help transform you
on every level of your being into an “Integrated Ascended Master” and
“Fully Christed Being”. The Arcturians are the most advanced Light Race
in our galaxy! They are over 3000 years ahead of our evolutionary
development. Hence their entire civilization has the most advanced light
technologies you will find anywhere. All the inner plane Ascended
Masters’ offices are filled with their light technologies! In this Training
Program you will be given the entire full spectrum prism gamut of all
their Light Technologies on an experiential level if you enroll in the outer
earthly plane I AM University.
My Beloved Friends, the following diagram gives an overview of the eight
“Inner Plane Training Programs” as outlined within this write-up and the
corresponding “Outer Plane Training Program or Correspondence
Course” which has been specifically channeled and written to give you
the outer plane/conscious training in addition to the inner
plane/superconscious/subconscious training you will receive. The eight
Correspondence Courses and Training Programs dovetail and blend
perfectly with the inner plane training you will receive upon signing up
for the 8 Inner Plane Training Programs!
Inner Plane Training
Corresponding Outer
Plane Correspondence
Course/Training Program
The God, Christ, Holy Spirit
Trinitization Program in the
Cosmic Trinity Chamber!
Correspondence Course #5:
Sananda/Jesus, The Holy Spirit,
and The Universal Mind on the
Life and Teachings of Jesus the
Christ, from the Book of Life
and Akashic Records
Correspondence Course of all
Correspondence Courses!
Mastering and Merging with the
Inner Light in the
Consciousness Chamber of
Archangel Metatron in the
Sanctuary of Your Own Heart!
Correspondence Course #3:
The New Millennium Light
Revelation of Archangel
Metatron Through the Metatron
Book, New Wine Book and I Am
Integrated Ascension Mastery
Correspondence Course!
Integration, Synthesis, and Full
Spectrum Prism Consciousness
Development in Mahatma's
Cosmic Synthesis Chamber!
Correspondence Course #6: God,
Christ, Holy Spirit and
Company of Heaven ‘Book of
Revelation’ Correspondence
The Melchizedek Crash Course
Christ Makeover Program in the
Golden Chamber of
Training Program #1:
Intensive Training Program to
Develop and Refine Your
Melchizedek! Consciousness and Transcend
Your Negative Ego Mind and
The Divine Mother and
Goddess Makeup and Makeover
Beautifying Program in the
Cosmic Beauty Salon of the
Feminine Face of God!
Correspondence Course #4:
The Quan Yin Ascension
Quantum Leap For The New
Millennium Correspondence
The Lord Maitreya and Lord
Buddha Spiritual Leadership,
Chohanic, and Global World
Service Development Program!
Training Program #2:
Intensive Training Program to
become an "Integrated Ascended
Master", "Integrated I AM
Master", and "Integrated
Master" in this Lifetime!
The Mighty I Am Presence,
Oversoul, Superconscious Mind,
and Universal Mind Seven
Levels of Marriage and
Integration Program in the
Cosmic Wedding Chapel and
Chamber of God!
Correspondence Course #1:
How to Become an Enlightened
Being, an Integrated Spiritual
Master, and Achieve your 22
Levels of Initiation
Correspondence Course!
The Lord of Arcturus and
Commander Ashtar Advanced
Light Technologies from the
Future Practical Application and
Training Program!
Correspondence Course #2:
How to Develop and Construct
your Integrated Light Body and
Anchor and Activate your 22
Levels of Light Body
Correspondence Course!
My Beloved Readers, I think you can sense how profound each one of
these inner plane Training Programs are! Just being involved in the
Melchizedek Christ Makeover Program or any one of the other ones is
worth it to join the I AM University and to follow its training programs.
However, can you imagine going through all eight of these inner plane
special dispensation Training Programs along with the inner and outer
earthly plane I AM University? There are really no words that can suffice
to explain the profundity of that which is being offered to you. It is a
million miles beyond anything that has ever been given to the Earth
before! So the key question is why is this being offered now? Because we
have moved now into the new Aquarian Age 2000 year cycle and it is time
for a new dispensation of ascension teachings, and because our planet,
solar system, galaxy and universe run by Melchizedek, the Universal
Logos, are all waiting for us to get our act together for we are holding up
the ascension of our solar system, galaxy and universe! So the Planetary
and Spiritual Hierarchy, by the grace of God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit,
asked for and have received a special dispensation from God to allow this
I AM University to come forth at this time in earth’s history on the inner
and outer earthly planes, in conjunction and in a dovetailing fashion with
these “Eight inner plane Special Dispensation Training Programs” to help
bring the Earthlings of this world up to speed! So it is a grace and special
dispensation that is now being given to the Earth that is unprecedented in
Earth’s history! The question is do you have the eyes to see and the ears to
hear? Spirit, the Masters and I can take a “Soul” to water (the Water of
Life), but we can’t make them drink it! This is the Prime Directive of
God’s infinite Omniverse! God gave us free choice, and even God does
not interfere with our free choice! God is now offering you everything and
I literally mean everything, if you but just have the wisdom to “Drink of
this Cup”! The inner plane Ascended Masters and we at the outer earthly I
AM University are manning the phones, the email, and the fax machines,
waiting to get you started on this program! Please share this information
in this write-up and all the write-ups with all your friends, family and
students! As Melchizedek, the Universal Logos said, we just need 20% of
internet users to check out this website for the hundredth monkey affect
to take place! The “I AM” in God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Masters, and
in me, is now talking to the “I Am” in you! Seize the Day! Do not be
distracted by things that truly have no value or do not compare! Spirit, the
Masters, Gloria my assistant, and I are manning the phones, emails, and
fax machines 24 hours a day, ready to enroll you! The literal second you
enroll, the “Supreme Rocketship to God”, the complete I AM University
on the inner and outer earthly plane begins, and the “Eight inner plane
Special Dispensation Training Programs” begin. Your religion or spiritual
path is not an issue, money is not an issue for if you are financially
strapped we will work out a way for you to do the entire program, for no
one will be turned away for lack of funds! We serve God not mammon!
The “I AM THAT I AM” is now offering you the “I AM” through the
inner and outer plane I AM University if you but have the “I Am eyes” to
see and the “I Am ears” to hear! The Clarion Call of the “I AM THAT I
AM” that is in all things and pervades all things now sounds forth the “I
AM Clarion” call for personal, planetary, solar, galactic, universal, multiuniversal and cosmic “I AM-ization” (ascension, initiation, light body
anchoring and activation, and resurrection)! For we are all one in
unconditional love in the “I Am”! The I AM University on the inner and
outer plane, along with Spirit and all the Ascended Masters and company
of Heaven, await your response to our humble “I AM Clarion Call” to
lightworkers around the globe! The fully realized birth of the “I AM” on
Earth is now taking place! We collectively ask for your help and support
in all ways and all things! The first step is to help yourself by enrolling in
the inner and outer plane I AM University. The second step is to then help
us spread this movement like wild fire around the globe! It is time to
ascend not only ourselves, but our planet, solar system, galaxy, universe,
multi-universe and God! God’s Ascension has now come! Please spread
this information all over the internet! Spread it all over the world! It is
time for Earthlings to step up to the plate and be counted! Contact us now,
and help us reach as many people as possible and we will spread this “I
Am Movement” all over the planet as is Spirit’s and the Masters’ desire!
Seek ye the Kingdom of God and all things shall be handed unto thee. Be
faithful unto death and I will give then a Crown of Life! The I AM
University is in the business of helping people to receive their “Crown of
Life” and then training them how to help others achieve and realize this as
well in the quickest, easiest, and fastest possible way! Spirit, the Masters,
myself, and Gloria are manning the phone, email, fax and mailbox, ready
to enroll you and get you going in all these off the charts exciting training
programs. If you do this Spirit, the Masters, and I promise you that it will
be the best thing you have ever done. Everything you have done in your
entire life has led you up to this moment! Seize the Day! Go for it! The
only thing you will have to spiritually buy on your own is a “Spiritual
Seat Belt” for you will be on the “Supreme Rocketship to God” as
Archangel Metatron so eloquently stated in the first write up! If you enroll
in the I AM University on the inner and outer plane and receive these
eight inner plane special dispensation Training Programs, your initiation,
ascension, light body anchoring and activation process, your resurrection,
the development and refinement of your consciousness, your spiritual
leadership and global world service work, overall Integrated Ascended
Mastery and Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Synthesis Christ Realization
process will literally be accelerated 10,000 fold! May you have the eyes to
see and the ears to hear!
Love and Light,
Spirit, the Masters, and Dr Joshua David Stone
The “Melchizedek Crash Course Christ
Makeover Program” is now Being Made
Available for the First Time in the History
of the Earth Through the Earthly Plane “ I
AM University” as a Special Golden Carrot
for All to Join and Get Involved Now!
Dr Joshua David Stone
My Beloved Readers, the following inner plane Training Program to help
enormously speed up the process of becoming a Christ is being offered by
Melchizedek the Universal Logos to those of you who join the outer I AM
University! It is an inner plane golden carrot bonus that is being given as a
special dispensation to those who get involved in the Earthly I AM
University. It is a special dispensation that is being given forth to
celebrate the anchoring of the "I AM University" onto the Earth! The
combination of the I AM University inner and outer plane teachings and
curriculum, along with the seven other inner plane training programs you
will find in the "circular graphic below" will also be given to only those
lightworkers, disciples and initiates who join the externalized I AM
University! This is the first time in the history of the Earth that an inner
plane spiritual University like that on the Great White Lodge on Sirius has
ever been anchored onto the Earth! Doing this I AM University in Heaven
and Earth, in simultaneous conjunction with these eight Training
Programs that work through the externalized I AM University, is beyond
words to describe. The following description of the Melchizedek Christ
Makeover Program by itself is a Golden Carrot enough, but to add seven
others is beyond words to comprehend! These eight extra Training
Programs will only be administered to lightworkers who officially register
and get involved to join the externalized I AM University on Earth! I am
sharing just one of these eight inner plane Training Programs working
through the externalized I AM University on earth in the main set of I AM
University write ups to just give you a taste of the profundity of what you
are about to experience in registering and officially enrolling on earth in
the I AM University. After you read this, can you imagine seven other
Training Programs equally as powerful dovetailing with all that you will
be experiencing and studying in the inner and outer I AM University
itself? My Beloved Readers, I humbly tell you, there has never been
anything like this in the inner and outer plane in the history of the Earth!
This is a special dispensation from God, Christ, the Holy Spirit,
Melchizedek, Metatron, the Mahatma and the Office of the Christ by Lord
Maitreya and Lord Buddha! It has been decided by Spirit and the
Ascended Masters that the best chance and potentiality to fully realize the
divine plan on Earth is through the inner and outer plane I AM University
and for this reason these eight extra Golden Carrots are now being given
as a special dispensation and bonus for those who enroll. I use the term
"Golden Carrot" because Gold is the color of the Christ, and these eight
extra inner plane Training Programs as they dovetail with the work of the
inner and outer plane I AM University, are the fastest path ever devised in
the history of the earth to realize the Christ through whatever religion,
spiritual path, mystery school, channel, spiritual teacher, spiritual text,
guru, you choose to be involved with! We at the I AM University are not
seeking to change anyone's path, for all paths lead to God and Christ. So
stay on whatever path you are on for we do not care and seek anyone to
change anything. We just seek to help you see from a greater sense of
integration, synthesis and full spectrum prism consciousness. I have again
also set up this externalized I AM University in a way that I am making
available an unlimited number of partial scholarships for enrollment
which is only $144 for an entire year, and for all correspondence courses,
workbooks, training programs, 21 ascension activation meditation tapes,
and supplies. So no one can say that money is the reason they can’t get
involved with all that the I AM University has to offer! We at the I AM
University will tailor make a financial program to pay for tuition and
supplies that works with your budget. We base everything we do on the
"Honor System"! We trust the inherent integrity of the Sons and
Daughters of God on Earth. We ask that each soul be honest with us and
that you pay what you can afford, being as fair to us as you are to yourself
for in truth it is an incarnation of God dealing with an incarnation of God!
If you tell us you need financial assistance and a partial scholarship for
tuition or supplies, we will take you at your word and trust your honor
and integrity! As I said we will tailor make a financial assistance program
that works for you and is fair to the I AM University. For those that do
have the money to pay, we ask you to do so as a way to support the I AM
University! For those who feel so guided to tithe, give donations, or seed
money to the I AM University to offset the massive give away of
information, tuition and supplies you are welcome to do so and we will be
eternally grateful. It will be returned to you tenfold, for this is the law of
tithing and seed money! If there are wealthy benefactors out there who
can sense and feel the truth and sincerity of the words Spirit, the Masters,
and I speak to you now and in these write-ups and website, if you feel so
guided we ask you to consider donating to the I AM University as much as
you feel guided to give! For we turn no one away from the I AM
University or the Wesak Celebration in Mt Shasta because of lack of
As the Master Jesus said, "One cannot serve God and Mammon!" As for
we and our house (the I AM University) we serve the Lord!" The fate of
the I AM University’s life lies in your hands. We have implicit trust in the
integrity and generosity of lightworkers to help support the I AM
University as we support you!
So there is really nothing stopping every person who reads this from
joining if they so desire. For even if the I AM University makes little or no
money we are still going to make it available to you! The biggest service
you can all do for us is to turn everyone you know onto the I AM
University! This is the real thing my friends! It is really for the first time
in the history of the earth that a real, not pretend, Spiritual University has
been anchored onto the Earth, and it is the first time in the history of the
Earth the Synthesis Ashram and Office of the Christ have been anchored
onto the Earth! It is the first time the Ashrams of the Spiritual Hierarchy
have been anchored onto the Earth as well! The I AM University is for
those that have the eyes to see and the ears to hear! For those that do, heed
the clarion call Spirit, the Masters, and I now put forth! Please help us as
well in the ways we have outlined and in any other way you feel guided
to! For together we will turn this planet into the New Jerusalem, Seventh
Golden Age, and Christed Civilization it is meant to become! Archangel
Gabriel’s trumpet now sounds forth! The Aquarian Age has begun and the
I AM University has been anchored on Earth at the beginning of the
Aquarian Age to mark this auspicious event!
Do not let this opportunity pass you by! The Light has come! Be about the
Father’s business and get involved! It is only by working together that we
can achieve our goals! The I AM University provides an integrated,
synthesized, full spectrum prism service vehicle that can allow this to
happen for the first time in the history of the Earth. The question is will
you have the eyes to see and the ears to hear the profundity of that which
is being offered to you personally and secondarily on a planetary level?
For those that do step forward in service and dedication, we will work
together, arm in arm, shoulder to shoulder, heart to heart, mind to mind,
soul to soul, and spirit and to spirit, to show the entire universe what
Earthlings are made of. The clarion call now sounds forth! So let it be
written! So let it be done! Amen!
My Beloved Readers, the purpose of life is to become a fully realized
Christ! By the grace of Melchizedek, the Universal Logos, I and we here at
the I AM University have come across the most profound inner plane
program to help you become a Christ that exists in this universe to support
that work we do here at the I AM University or the Integrated Ascended
Masters University! It is a program that Melchizedek, the Universal
Logos, and his associates have created to support the work of the I AM
University and Ascension process on Earth of becoming a fully realized
Christ! It is called the “Melchizedek Crash Course Christ Makeover
Program in the Golden Chamber of Melchizedek!”
Many of you have seen some of these new reality based television
programs like the “Swan”, where a person is given a complete makeover
physically, nutritionally, diet wise, exercise wise, plastic surgery wise,
counseling wise, clothing wise, make up wise, hair cut and styling wise
and so on! When they are done after a three or six month period, the
transformation is quite astounding!
Well my Beloved Readers, by the Grace of Melchizedek the Universal
Logos, he has designed an “Integrated Christ Makeover Program” that
dovetails perfectly with the teachings and techniques of the I AM
University on earth!
Now before I begin explaining the inner plane “Integrated Christ
Makeover Program” of Melchizedek, the Universal Logos, it must be
stated that not everyone will be allowed to do this program for it is only
for those students, disciplines, initiates and Masters who sincerely want to
Realize God, Christ and the Holy Spirit and who sincerely want to become
an Integrated Ascended Master and I Am Master! It is for those who are
striving to learn their lessons and pass their Spiritual tests! It is for those
who are striving to be of the Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God consciousness
every moment of their lives in an integrated and balanced way to their
highest potential!
It is for those who strive to transcend negative ego/fear based/separative
thinking and feeling!
It is for those who seek to glorify God and the Masters and not self!
It is for those who have dedicated themselves to become an Integrated
Christ and Integrated Ascended Master and I AM Master!
It is for those who are working on themselves Spiritually, in
consciousness and psychologically, and on a physical/earthly level!
It is for those who have a pure heart, humbleness, humility, egolessness,
selflessness, harmlessness, defenselessness, God purity, saintliness, and
dedicate their lives to serving their Brothers and Sisters in Christ and God!
This “Integrated Christ Makeover Program,” it must be stated, is for
disciples, initiates and masters of all religions and all Spiritual Paths, for
Christ is not a Christian Concept. God, Christ and the Holy Spirit or the
Trinity of God is a living reality. All religions and Spiritual Paths in truth
lead to God, Christ and Holy Spirit realization! This is what Buddha,
Mohammed, Lao Tse, Krishna, Moses, Abraham, Rama, Confucius,
Zoroaster and all the Ascended Masters are all striving for on a Cosmic
Level as well! This is why all the Ascended Masters belong to the same
Universal Church of God, Christ and the Holy Spirit! God, Christ and the
Holy Spirit work through all religions and all Spiritual Paths, so they
don’t care which one you choose! They are all lenses in the Full Spectrum
Prism consciousness of God, Christ and the Holy Spirit! God, Christ and
the Holy Spirit, Melchizedek, the Ascended Masters and the I AM
University are not seeking to have you change your religion or current
Spiritual Path in the slightest! In a sense the I AM University is seeking to
create a New World Teaching that unifies, harmonizes and synthesizes all
of them! Our work is to support whichever path you are on, not change it.
I share this to just show that an “Integrated Christ Makeover” is for
everyone and I mean everyone who truly seeks God!
Melchizedek, the Universal Logos, has promised me personally that any
person enrolling in the outer I AM University or studying its teachings
and practicing its tools and techniques will gain admittance to the
“Integrated Christ Makeover Program,” in Melechizedek’s, the Universal
Logos’ Ashram!
So now let Melchizedek and I explain this inner plane “Integrated Christ
Makeover Program” to you! To begin ask in meditation or before bed
God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, your Mighty I Am Presence, Superconscious
mind, Melchizedek and the Ascended Masters and Angels, to gain
entrance to this program as discussed by Dr Stone in his article and
chapter on this subject!
The first step upon being allowed entry is you will have an evaluation,
diagnosis, profile type of session using all kinds of incredibly advanced
light technologies and computers on a Spiritual, Consciousness and
Psychological, and Physical/Earthly level! This will give Melchizedek, the
Universal Logos, and the Masters he works with a sense of where your
strengths and weaknesses are in terms of becoming a Christ! Then an
Integrated Christ Makeover Spiritual Battleplan will be set up to help you
become a fully Realized Christ! So you will attend this program in your
soul body, however, with very high level Masters who are in very high
level Spiritual Leadership who are busy on the inner plane serving at
night while they sleep, they can send one or more of their “Integrated
Light Body Split off selves to receive this work” and this will then bleed
back into the rest of their being as it does when the work is done on the
This “Integrated Christ Makeover Program” is very precise and technical!
There will be an anchoring of Light, Love, Power, increments of
Initiations, and Light Bodies. There will be an anchoring and activation of
fire letters, key bodes and sacred geometries for your particular Christ
profile! There will be anchorings of higher Chakras, cleansings, and
integration of Soul extensions!
Your physical and etheric bodies will be given a Christed Profile as well!
Work will be done to strengthen the areas that are weak through certain
light infusion processes! Etheric surgery is done at times. Etheric
Acupuncture if necessary! Vitamin and Mineral infusions if necessary!
Work will be done with the Body elemental and the Overlighting Elohim!
Different types of light technology devices will be used such as the Prana
Wind Clearing Device to clear out meridians and nadis!
Melchizedek has asked Archangel Metatron to be part of this program and
help to reprogram people’s DNA, remove imbalanced genes, and to
program the atoms, cells and electrons which is one of Metatron’s
Different types of Arcturian Light Technologies are used from the Lord of
Arcturus, as well as the Wisdom and training of Dr Lorphan and the
Galactic Healers from the Great White Lodge on Sirius’ Healing Facility,
when needed!
Etheric shots and Light IV’s are given if necessary to help rehabilitate and
regenerate all that is needed to be rehabilitated! Light infusion
technologies are used to rebuild organs and glands! There are also certain
purification and cleansing light technologies that are being used along the
higher Rays to make the physical and etheric vehicle a Holy Temple for
receiving the Christ! In other words even the physical and etheric
Structure is turned into a Christed Body! The list is really endless!
On a Consciousness and Psychological level, a Spiritual type of movies are
watched, showing examples of how a fully realized Christ responds to all
kinds of situations and relationship interactions in life! These Christed
movies are so advanced, it even allows the soul or person to become part
of these movies so they can actually practice being of the
Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/Melchizedek/God Consciousness in all kinds of
situations of life! The person can then look at these videos to examine self
to see how they responded in relationship to the Christed Ideal!
Just being in the aura of Melchizedek and the Universal and Galactic
Masters has a very Christ and Integrated Ascended Master effect on the
Then through these different types of Light Technology Machines, one’s
psychospiritual quotients can be examined! So as I have written about
extensively in my book “Integrated Ascension” the various psychological
quotients are examined as to how much in your consciousness you are
manifesting your personal power, self mastery, causing of your reality
rather than being a victim, self love, unconditional love, forgiveness,
service, Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God Consciousness, preference versus
attachment, transcendence of negative ego/fear based/separative
consciousness, transcendence of negative feelings and emotions,
transcendence of negative thoughts, nonjudgmentalness,
evenmindedness, centeredness, calmness, inner peace, happiness, joy,
bliss, and so on!
The Core Fear Matrix Removal Program and other even more advanced
radionics types of light technologies are used to remove all the Core Fear
Programming and to remove Core Fear remnants of energy!
Other types of Light Technologies are used then to reprogram the
conscious and subconscious minds to help them resonate in harmony with
the “ Universal Christ Pattern!”
Other types of Light Technologies and light techniques are used to cleanse
and purify the Chakras and energy fields! Holes and leaks are repaired in
the auras! Etheric darts, arrows and other such imbalanced weaponenergies
are removed from organs and energy fields! Negative
extraterrestrial implants are being removed along with negative
elementals! Karma is cleansed! Genetic lines are cleared! Soul fragments
are returned to you that have not been within the Christ Pattern!
In a sense you are being given a complete 100,000 mile Christ Tune up!
New Christed Oil and Higher Christed Gasoline are placed into your car!
Light energy drinks are given to you that are filled with light, Christ
energy and vitamins and minerals!
Certain light and programming devices are being used to fill the
subconscious mind and conscious mind with new more Christed
Programs! As the Soul comes back to the physical body and merges with
the other bodies, it is filled with this New Christed Energy on all levels.
As the soul reblends with the other bodies and the physical body, this is
released into all the other bodies including the physical body! In this way
all your bodies begin to take on the glow of the Christ!
My Beloved Friends, if all this were not enough, Melchizedek just told me
that everything that is being given to you in this Crash Course Christ
Makeover Program, he will be giving to all 144 soul extensions of your
monad as well! My friends, it doesn’t get better than that!
Now it must be stated here the foundation of your Christ realization must
be done consciously on Earth! This is the reason and purpose for the
Creation of the I AM University! To Create Christs on earth, and to create
Integrated Ascended Masters and I AM Masters on earth! The
“Melchizedek Crash Course Christ Makeover Program” will be an
astronomical boon to your Christ Development, however, the foundation
of everyone’s Christ realization will not be what you do in Heaven, but
what you are doing on Earth! It is for this reason that the Correspondence
Courses and Training Programs of the I AM University have been created!
It is also why the 21 Ascension Activation Meditation tapes have been
created, and why the Wesak Celebrations are done in Mt Shasta! For
Integrated Christ and Integrated Ascended Master realization must be
done consciously not just in your soul body! This “Melchizedek Crash
Course Christ Makeover Program” is an adjunct to the foundational work
to achieve your goal of Self and God Realization that you are doing
consciously on earth, not a replacement for it! That is why no one will be
allowed to receive this Special Dispensation in Heaven if they have not
dedicated their entire lives to studying and practicing this first on earth!
To be allowed to enter this “Melchizedek Crash Course Christ Makeover
Program” you must love God, Christ and the Holy Spirit like a drowning
man wants air! If this is how you are living your life on earth and is the
focus and dedication you bring to studying the I AM University work,
Correspondence Courses, books, meditations, website, Information
packets, tools and services, then you will be allowed to gain acceptance by
officially enrolling in this special I AM University program!
My Beloved Readers, God, Christ the Holy Spriit, Melchizedek, Archangel
Metatron, and the Ascended Masters are offering you here the “Keys to
the Kingdom” in terms of how to become a fully realized Integrated Christ
and Integrated Ascended Master, and I AM Master, if you have the eyes to
see and the ears to hear as the Master Jesus/Sananda said! To realize this
you must do this on Earth and in Heaven! The I AM University provides
all the training and tools you need in the Correspondence Courses and
Training Programs which you can read and study in the comfort of your
own home! The 21 Ascension Activation Meditations are the most
advanced and accelerated Ascension Activation meditations you will find
on this planet! The Correspondence Courses and Training programs will
revolutionize your Consciousness! The Ascension Activations Meditation
Tapes will totally Spiritually Activate you and will Spiritually Electrify
your Energy fields in a most positive way! The Wesak Celebrations in Mt
Shasta will give you an experience of Group Consciousness and of doing
this work with one million inner plane Ascended Masters and Celestial
Beings and with 2000 Spiritual leaders, initiates, disciples and light
workers from around the world! All the other services and sessions of the
I AM University including the Website and information packets will give
you the full support you need and the full spectrum prism consciousness
set of tools and understandings to become a fully realized Integrated
Christ and Integrated Ascended Master! The work and teachings of the I
AM University in conjunction with this “Melchizedek Crash Course
Christ Makeover Program” is the fast track and rocketship to God and
Christ Realization! Through studying this work on Earth and in Heaven
you will also become infused with the Holy Spirit and infused by the
Ascended Masters, Archangels and Angels, Elohim Masters and Christed
Extraterrestrials such as the Lord of Arcturus and the Arcturians, and
Ashtar and the Ashtar Command! For all their light technologies are being
used on Earth and in Heaven as well when you study this work! However,
the key point is you must be willing to study and do this work on Earth
and in Heaven, for you will not be allowed into this “Melchizedek Crash
Course Christ Makeover Program” out of idle curiosity! This “Integrated
Christ Makeover Program” is for those who want to realize Christ and
become an Integrated Ascended Master and I AM Master like a drowning
man or woman wants air! It is for those who dedicate their lives to
studying and working with these I AM University teachings and work on
Earth, and officially sign up. This is the ticket and pass to allow you to
receive this Special dispensation of the “Integrated Christ Makeover
Program” in Heaven to give you an extra boost! Melchizedek, the
Universal Logos himself who is the president of our Universe in the
Spiritual Government, has given you this “Golden Carrot” for Gold is the
color of the Christ, as an extra incentive to study the I AM Teachings and
work on Earth so you may take the fastest possible path to becoming a
fully Realized Integrated Christed Being and a fully realized Integrated
Ascend Master and I AM Master!
Money is not an issue for any sincere student who wants to enroll in the I
AM University but cannot afford tuition which is only $144 per year and
$72 per semester, and cannot afford to get the correspondence courses, 21
ascension activation meditation tapes, and come to Wesak in Mt Shasta,
will be given partial or if necessary almost full scholarships! If all you can
afford is $25 a year then honestly share this with me in an email or in a
phone call with my assistant Gloria and we will work out a tuition and
payment plan for the supplies that will work for you! So money cannot be
an excuse! For we will tailor a payment plan that is perfect for each seeker
of truth that is within their budget! I and we are not doing the I AM
University with making money as our goal! It has been created for the
purpose of creating Integrated Ascended Masters and fully Integrated Full
Spectrum Prism Consciousness Synthesis Christed Beings! So we will
tailor the tuition which is almost nothing, and the supplies (the
correspondence courses, training programs, work books, ascension
activation meditations, Wesak in Mt Shasta and so on) to meet your
budget! In very extreme cases if necessary I will give it all away if people
are truly financially destitute! So the I AM University and all eight Spirit
and Ascended Master Training Programs you find on the website
including the "Melchizedek Crash Course Christ Makeover Program" are
available to all souls on earth who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear
the profundity of that which is being offered! Never in the history of the
earth has the realization of the Christ been made so easy to understand,
apply, and realize given the information and tools that are being handed
to you! Spirit and the Ascended Masters have told me that they see the
inner and outer plane I AM University being so important that every soul
on earth must pass through it in some form to be allowed to achieve their
Integrated Ascension and full Christ realization! They have actually made
the I AM University an actual gateway for the earth that all must pass
through! This is truth because it is connected to the Synthesis Ashram
which is one of the eight Ashrams of the Christ, and is connected to the
Office of the Christ of Lord Maitreya, which in the future I will be taking
spiritual leadership of! It is a required gateway that all souls on earth must
pass through to receive this integrated training! Even the other Ashrams of
the Christ will have their replacements as Chohans go through this
training, for everyone on earth must be trained in integration, synthesis
and full spectrum prism consciousness within whatever religion, spiritual
path or ray department they work in! The supreme golden carrot you will
receive by enrolling, with money not being an obstacle for those who are
really in poverty or destitute, you will be allowed to receive the
"Melchizedek Crash Course Christ Makeover Program in the Golden
Chamber of Melchizedek” as well as “The God, Christ, Holy Spirit
Trinitization Program in the Cosmic Trinity Chamber,” the “Integration,
Synthesis, Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness Development in
Mahatma's Cosmic Synthesis Chamber,” Metatron’s “Mastering and
Merging with the Inner Light in the Consciousness Chamber of Archangel
Metatron in the Sanctuary of Your Own Heart” Training Program, “The
Divine Mother and Goddess Makeup and Makeover Beautifying Program
in the Cosmic Beauty Salon of the Feminine Face of God,” “The Lord
Maitreya and Lord Buddha Spiritual Leadership, Chohanic, and Global
World Service Development Program,” “The Mighty I Am Presence,
Oversoul, Superconscious Mind, and Universal Mind Seven Levels of
Marriage and Integration Program in the Cosmic Wedding Chapel and
Chamber of God,” and “The Lord of Arcturus and Commander Ashtar
Advanced Light Technologies from the Future Practical Application and
Training Program,” all simultaneously as the supreme "golden carrot" of
the infinite universe! Those who do not enroll will not be allowed to
receive any of these inner plane programs for these programs are only for
those disciples, initiates and light workers of all religions and all spiritual
paths, that are truly 100% focused on becoming an Integrated Ascended
Master, an I AM Master and fully Integrated Full Spectrum Prism
Consciousness Synthesis Christed Being!" If you truly want to realize Self
and God like a drowning man or women wants air, then enroll in the I
AM University. Anyone who enrolls on the physical plane will
automatically be enrolled in the inner plane I AM University as well! The
purpose is to help you realize your 22 levels of initiation and lightbody
which qualifies you to become an Integrated Fully Realized Planetary
Christ on earth regardless of what religion or spiritual path you follow! I
emphasize again in joining the I AM University we are not seeking to
change your current religion or spiritual path. Whatever path you are on,
stay there! We are just seeking to add a greater full spectrum prism
consciousness development to whatever path you have chosen for
yourself! So this spiritual work is literally for everyone! It is worth it to
join the I AM University just to receive this "Melchizedek Crash Course
Integrated Christ Makeover Program," let alone the seven other inner
plane programs, and the inner plane I AM University you will be allowed
to enter as well! Since we are not trying to change anyone’s religion or
spiritual path, since God and Christ work through all paths, this is a triply
good reason to join! The light has come my friends! This is why
Melchizedek, the Universal Logos, told me a couple of weeks ago about
the mission and vision of the I AM University when he said,
"The I AM University is set to become the biggest, most influential
spiritual teachings on the planet! The new world religion of which the
masters speak is closely connected with its teachings. Joshua’s readership
will widen beyond his imaginings and will be a legacy for the New
Heed his words and see, hear and now the truth of them! I know you can
all sense, feel, intuit, and comprehend the profundity of the humble
words I speak with Spirit and the Masters! Do not let this spiritual
opportunity of all spiritual opportunities pass you by! You have found the
spiritual gold you have been seeking your whole life! All praise be to God
and the Masters! So let it be written! So let it be done! Amen!
Love and Light,
Dr Joshua David Stone
A Channeled Service Request from Melchizedek,
the Universal Logos, and the Ascended Masters
Concerning the I AM University!
Greetings all! This is Melchizedek, the Universal Logos, speaking on
behalf of the Planetary and Cosmic Hierarchy of Ascended Masters,
reminding you all once again of the big responsibility you all have of
bringing in the New Age. It is for this reason I am giving Joshua a
scientific explanation of the hundredth monkey effect, and finally a short
meditation for everyone reading this on how to help.
The hundredth monkey effect occurs when 6/10's of the population have
understood an idea, or have a particular thoughtform. This can be
established if one person passes an idea to another, then another. In this
era, the same thing can be achieved on the world wide web. In effect the
internet has taken place of the population, and is a vehicle for distributing
energy of a thoughtform. I say this again the platform for the hundredth
monkey effect has now become the internet and NOT the general
population. This piece of information has never before been given to
mankind, and I would ask you all that you guard this knowledge
One advantage of this transfer of the means of the hundredth monkey
effect is that it is no longer necessary for the same proportion of the world
to have the idea for the hundredth monkey effect to occur. The number is
now 20% of computer users. 20% may seem low to you, but I assure you
that this is it. So, for the New Age to get established on the planet, we
need 20% of computer users to look at the key website that has been
chosen by the Spiritual Hierarchy. This is already known as Joshua's I AM
University website.
We also ask each of you who are reading this channeling from me,
Melchizedek, your Universal Logos, and the Ascended Masters, to turn as
many friends, family members, and students as you can onto the I AM
University website. Please spread the word of the I AM University all over
the internet in whatever creative ways you can think of. If the Divine Plan
is going to work, we are going to need all of your collective help in this
endeavor! Please email this information to everyone on your mass email
The Spiritual Hierarchy of Ascended Masters would like all of you
involved in this to do a quick meditation for this daily if you can. All you
have to do is imagine all the computer users on the planet being led to the
I AM University website. This can be done in any manner that suits each
of you. With advanced people as yourselves doing this meditation, we
think that this effect can occur in the not too distant future. We also ask
you to pray to Spirit, the Ascended Masters, and Archangels and Angels
for this to occur as well!
Melchizedek, the Universal Logos, and the Planetary and Cosmic
Hierarchy of Ascended Masters and Celestial Beings!
What is the Difference Between the Past
2000 Year Piscean Age Cycle and the New
Aquarian Age 2000 Year Cycle That is Just
Beginning Now and Its Relationship to the
I AM University!
Dr Joshua David Stone
My Beloved Readers, this is a write-up I have greatly been looking
forward to channeling and writing, for it speaks volumes about what is
happening on the planet right now, and also speaks very much to the
work of the I AM University in Heaven and on Earth at this time!
In this write-up and discussion I will be contrasting the Piscean Age and
this new 2000 year Aquarian Age! Pisces is a water sign, so it has a lot to
do with the feeling and emotional nature. Think about what has gone on
the last 2000 years! Even today, mankind is very much run by their
emotional body, subconscious mind, and hence negative ego. This is a
contagion all over the planet! Adding to this over-identification with the
emotional nature, mankind has been under the influence of the Atlantean
Root Race, which is a more emotionally identified root race and part of the
reason Atlantis fell in destruction! The Sign of Pisces is synonymous with
the subconscious mind. It is also identified with Beliefs. However,
because of the imbalance it has led to a great many distorted beliefs!
Adding to this imbalance over the last 2000 years, we have been under a
planetary 6th Ray influence. The Sixth Ray is another emotional ray, for
rays two, four and six are more emotional, and Rays one, three, five and
seven are more mental! In the last two thousand years we have really been
overloaded with emotional influence, and an excess astral amount of
seduction to glamour! In other words, people have often opened
themselves psychically, but not spiritually! The Planetary Sixth Ray
influence has brought much devotion and idealism but to a great extent it
has been fanatical and imbalanced! There has been a major deficiency in
yang or masculine energies, so to be honest the realization of the Piscean
Age Christ has not manifested to the degree the inner Plane Ascended
Masters have hoped! Any real advancement made has been in the last 100
years! Prior to that our planet has been about as backwards as a planet can
be, for most on earth lived in a state of victim consciousness! No
integration of the Office of God, nor was the Office of the Christ realized,
for as the Universal Mind said through Edgar Cayce, “It is the mind that
leads to the Christ!” Being a Master Mind was severely lacking in the
Piscean Age!
So the Divine Plan really did not manifest as hoped. In the last 100 years
(and especially the last 50), there have been some great advancements
spiritually in terms of the Light coming into the planet, and the overall
spiritual evolvement of souls on earth. However, for the most part
Spiritual Leaders and lightworkers on the planet are very disintegrated,
fragmented, psychologically unclear and not developed or refined in their
There has also been a distinct lack of grounding of the Christ and
Spirituality. In truth, spirituality in the 2000 year Piscean Age remained
largely on the Spiritual and emotional planes, rarely making it to the
mental or material planes! In Eastern thought this period is known as the
Kali Yuga Age, the age of moral decline! This is because it is the “Mind
that Leads to the Christ”, for it is our thoughts that cause our reality! All
channeling, clairvoyance, and other psychic gifts are corrupted if the
person’s consciousness is not developed! This is why after 2000 years only
500 souls have passed the 12th initiation! It is why the earth is the least
evolved planet in our Solar System! It is why it is in the lower 20% of our
Galaxy! It is why Lord Maitreya, Allah Gobi, the past Mahachohan and
Lord Buddha have asked for extra assistance for Earth from the Galactic
and Universal Councils! It is why the inner and outer I AM University has
been created as the primary service vehicle on Earth to try to truly turn this
whole thing around for the first time in a major way in the history of the
Earth! It is why we are in the Kali Yuga Age of massive corruption in
every level of people and civilization! It is why religion and the New Age
Movement is a vast wasteland of fallen Spiritual Leaders who don’t even
realize they have fallen! The world is filled with negative ego and victim
consciousness, for it is a world that is run by the emotional body,
subconscious mind, inner child, and where a false importance is put on
psychic gifts rather than true Spiritual Gifts! Since the Master Jesus’
extraordinary example, there is only one being who has realized the Christ
fully on a planetary level and only ten who are in the range of being called
an Integrated Christ or Integrated Ascended Master! We can do better my
It is good that the Aquarian Age has come for it is sorely needed and let
me share with you why! The Astrological Sign or School of Aquarius is an
air sign, not a water sign! Thank God! The pendulum swung so far to the
left (into water) that now we need a swing to the right (towards air) to
achieve some balance! Water is feeling and air is mind! I say again it is the
mind that will lead to the Christ! It is your mind that creates your feelings
and emotions if you are an Integrated Christ and Integrated Mighty I Am
Presence and Integrated Ascended Master. Again I am using the word
Christ here not in a Christian sense, but in a Universalistic Sense that all
religions and paths lead to God and Christ! People in this world
desperately need to be more mentally identified and more causative in
their thinking! They need to develop a greater measure of first ray power,
self mastery and self discipline. They need more active intelligence, they
need more New Age Science, and more order and structure! Pisces is
supposed to be the refining of the personal and outer structures, through
introspection of one’s perspective and viewpoint. This really did not
happen because of the glut of emotional energy and subconscious
victimization! Thus, even though Pisces is the sign of Beliefs, what we had
is a massive amount of distorted beliefs due to a lack of “Mastery and
integration!” This is why the work of the inner and outer plane I AM
University is so important! It is why it is a required gate in the new
millennium for the 6 billion souls on this planet! For the I AM University
is the Master teaching on this planet to help souls develop
Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God Consciousness, integration and balance,
becoming masters instead of victims, a Cause instead of an effect! It
teaches integration, synthesis and full spectrum prism consciousness like
no teaching that exists on earth! It perfectly integrates the Office of God,
the Office of the Christ and the Office of the Holy Spirit, as well as the
Office of the Planetary Logos! It is the Four Noble Truths and Eight Fold
Path of the Aquarian Age! It is the New Revelation and next Higher
Octave of Christ for the Aquarian Age! It is the next dispensation of
Krishna who was Lord Maitreya, for the Aquarian Age! It is the next
Messianic Revelation of Judaism for the Aquarian Age! It is the next
Evolutionary Step in the Islamic Faith, Taoism, Zoroastrianism, and
Confucianism. The I AM University has come to weave all the major
religions, all Ascended Masters, All Spiritual Paths, All Mystery Schools,
All Spiritual Texts, all Gurus, all Channels and Spiritual Teachers
together! It teaches the importance of developing and refining your
consciousness and developing a laser sharp mind. It teaches how to
integrate your feelings and emotions as the Divine Mother and Holy
Spirit would have you integrate them!
The Aquarian Age teaches that to know is far superior to just believe! It is
a much higher octave! First there is hope, then belief and then
knowingness! So Aquarius is the next evolutionary step on the Spiritual
ladder of Evolution! Aquarius focuses on relationships, Spiritual
community and finding the proper balance between personal and
universal ideals!
The sixth Ray planetary influence that created so much false and fanatical
ideals, and so much guru worship is now waning, and the seventh ray is
coming in now on a planetary level. Again, this brings with it a more
mental energy, which is needed to correct the massive imbalance that has
occurred the last 2000 years! This is no fault of Jesus/Sananda of course,
for the world was simply not ready in consciousness for his message! They
crucified and killed him and they have been doing this to the Christ
within for 2000 years!
Now my Beloved Readers, a New Christ is born. The Aquarian Age Christ!
This will not be an emotional, subconscious, inner child and desire body
driven victim and negative ego-run person striving for the Christ, filled
with distorted beliefs! In this new Aquarian Age the world has the
opportunity through the inner and outer plane I AM University, to truly
achieve that which the Master Jesus spoke of and exemplified so perfectly,
as did all the past prophets of all religions and all Masters too!
The Seventh Ray Planetary influence brings more mind, more order, more
structure. It brings the revamping of civilization! It not only brings more
mental prowess but more grounding of one’s Spirituality on Earth! Praise
God! In the last 2000 years we had the infusion of the Holy Spirit or
feminine face of God, but no office of the Christ and no Office of God! We
had the love, but no power or wisdom, so even the love then became
distorted! It has been an age of disintegrated and fragmented Spiritual
Growth! Do you see now my friends why the inner plane I AM University
has been made a required gate! It is because of the massive imbalance of
the Piscean Age. The training you will receive in the inner and outer plane
I AM University will correct this and help you to find the proper mental,
emotional, spiritual and physical balance. It will help you to integrate,
synthesize and balance everything! Most of all it will teach you how to
completely transcend negative ego/fear based separate consciousness and
to be only of the Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God Consciousness! It will
teach you the most cutting edge Ascension work, consciousness and
psychological work, and physical/earthly master training that exists on
this planet! In this next 2000 year cycle we are going to create billions of
integrated Christs, integrated Mighty I Am Presence’s and Integrated
Ascended Masters! This will be the main focus of my work in the I AM
University, Synthesis Ashram and Office of the Christ in Heaven and on
Earth! I have humbly been chosen by the Spiritual Hierarchy to be the
next World Teacher to lead this “Charge of the Light Brigade!” I will have
a little easier time than my predecessors, Master Jesus/Sananda and Lord
Maitreya had, for I will have the Aquarian Age Influence and Seventh Ray
influence to help souls develop and refine their consciousness and build a
strong foundation first as the Master Jesus spoke of so eloquently in his
Parables! All the greatest teachings in the Universe would not find fertile
ground if 99% of humanity is run by the emotional body, desire body,
subconscious mind, inner child, negative ego and corrupted belief
systems, and is operating out of victim consciousness! This is the dilemma
Sananda, Lord Maitreya and all the Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy had
to deal with! However, as Lord Buddha said to me a couple of weeks ago,
the “Dawn has come!” He told me the same thing I am saying to you in
regards to Sanat Kumara, the previous Planetary Logos. Buddha told me
that Sanat Kumara had the hard part! Buddha took over the position of
Planetary Logos in 1995! For almost 18.5 million years the earth and its
evolution has remain stagnant. They rose in Atlantis but then destroyed
themselves because of this astral identification! Another emotional
influence besides the sign of Pisces and the Sixth Ray was that a great
many Atlantean souls were reincarnated and Atlantis was an astrally
identified society! To the Spiritual Hierarchy this last 2000 years has been
a tough road to hoe!
However, this new Aquarian Age cycle brings new blood and new life!
The inner and outer plane I AM University has been created and designed
to be the Movement that turns this whole thing around for those that have
the eyes to see and the ears to hear!
The last thing I want to say concerning our discussion here about the
Piscean Age, the Aquarian Age and the New planetary 7th Ray influence
now emerging is, that the Seven Ray also brings in a power to reorganize
and restructure society, which the Piscean Age and Sixth Ray Planetary
influence did not have!
So my Beloved Readers, be of good cheer, for the light has come! There is
new blood and new wine in the Holy Grail Cup. The inner and outer
plane I AM University created by God, Christ, the Holy Spirit,
Melchizedek, Mahatma, Metatron, the Planetary and Cosmic Spiritual
Hierarchy and my humble self, brings new Aquarian Age Blood of the
Christ, and new Aquarian Age New Wine! Drink of this cup, and you find
Life and Life more abundantly! The I AM University is the supreme
“Integrated Christ Manufacturing and Production Factory in the Galaxy!”
So be about the Father’s Business and Trust your inner guidance which is
telling you to enroll and get involved and help this I Am Movement or
Integrated Ascended Masters Movement and University in any way you
can! For I give you my word, as did Joshua of old, that it will lead you to
the “Promised Land of Milk and Honey!”
So let it be written! So let it be done! Amen!
An Integrated Full Spectrum Prism
Consciousness Understanding of the
Cosmic Tree of Life on all Levels
and Its Relationship to the
I AM University!
Dr Joshua David Stone
My Beloved Readers, as has been mentioned, the Cosmic Tree of Life
contains within it the Multi-Universal Tree of Life, the Universal Tree of
Life, the Galactic Tree of Life, the Solar Tree of Life, and the Planetary
Tree of Life! Within each Sephiroth of the Tree of Life is another complete
Tree of Life! Even those Trees of Life have Trees of Life in their Sephiroth!
In truth there are an infinite number of Trees of Life! The Hologram of the
Original Tree, or God the I Am, is contained within each Tree of Life and
each Sephiroth of the Tree of Life!
Now to make this even more accurate, God is both linear and multidimensional,
and time and space does not really exist as we know it here
on Earth. So in truth, the true Cosmic Tree of Life and the ones below it
are “Multi-dimensional Trees of Life!” This is similar to the Star of Christ
that appears on the Book of Life for every individual who realizes
Planetary Christ realization at the 22nd level! When this is achieved there is
a Star of David. Yet, Metatron told me, as you advance in your Christ
Realization the Star of Christ that appears on your Book of Life cover
starts taking on multi-dimensional Proportions, until when you finally
reach Cosmic Christ Realization at the 352nd level of Initiation, the Star
that appears on your Book of Life cover is a 72 Dimensional Christ Star! I
bring up this little piece of cosmic wisdom from Metatron for it illustrates
a good understanding of the Cosmic Tree of Life. It would be like a 72
Dimensional Tree of Life for our purpose of understanding! At each
successive lower dimension the Tree of Life would have less Dimensions
in its make up!
There are Trees of Life for our Planet as well as the 12 Chohans of the Tree
of Life, the 12 Rays of the Tree of Life, and the 12 Archangels of the Tree
of Life! The 12 Elohim of the Tree of Life! The 12 Strands of DNA on the
Tree of Life! The 12 Integrated Spiritual Masters to come on the planet on
the Planetary Tree of Life! The 12 Apostles of Jesus on the Tree of Life and
what they symbolically mean for each individual! 12 Schools, Colleges
and Challenges of Life, or Signs of the Zodiac, on the Tree of Life! The 12
Souls of your Oversoul on the Tree of Life! The 12 Oversouls of your
Monad and Mighty I Am Presence on the Tree of Life! The 12 hours of
daylight on the Tree of Life! The 12 hours of Darkness in the outer world
on the Tree of Life! The 12 Cranial Nerves on each side of the Brain! The
two sets of 12 - 24 in total - Elders that Surround the Throne of Grace, the
12 original planets in our solar system, the 12 Pillars in the Temple of God,
the 12 Knights of King Arthur at the Round Table of God, the Council of
12 that runs our planetary inner plane Government, the infinite “Councils
of 12” that run all the planets, Solar Systems, Galaxies, Universes, Multiuniverses
in the Omniverse of God. The 12 Tribes of Israel, the 12 key
Branches of the I AM University, the inner and outer Council of 12 in the I
AM University, the 12 Tribes of Judah, the 12 Sons of Jacob, the 12 loaves
of hallowed bread in the tabernacle of the Israelites, the 12 Psalms of
Asaph who was a past life of Jesus, the 12 women candidates to carry the
Christ Jesus child (of course Mother Mary was chosen), the 12 months in
the year, the 12 stones Elijah took to repair the broken altar and build a
new one, the 12 stones from the River Jordan set up as a circle at Gilgal in
memorial to the Israelites miraculous crossing of the River Jordan when
entering Jericho, the Universal Mind Channeling of Edgar Cayce which
said Jesus was born at Midnight, and Jesus at the age of 12 was found
Preaching in the Temple!
Then there is the multiple of 12, number of multi-universes, universes,
galaxies, solar systems, planets, souls in your monad, souls in your Solar
Monad, Souls in your Galactic Monad, Souls in your Universal Monad,
Souls in your Multi-Universal Monad and Souls in your Cosmic Monad,
all leading up to infinity in multiples of 12! Then there is also the second
and third Generation Split off Selves I spoke of in a previous chapter and
Each person in truth is a Tree of Life! So one could say there are “Subtrees
of Life” on the Branches of every Tree! These Subtrees come in multiples
of 12! Each person has within themselves12 Trees of Life as well! There
are Trees of Life within the 12 Archetypes, 12 Powers of Man, 12 Faculties
of the Mind, 12 bodily divisions, 12 new Higher Octave Teachings of Lord
Buddha for the Aquarian Age which are the Four Noble Truths and the
Eight Fold Path, then there is the past Four Noble Truths and Eight Fold
Path which is another Tree of Life. 12 Heavenly Virtues, and the 12 lower
aspects of each of the trees listed above. For example there are the 12 lower
aspect Trees of Life for the Rays, Signs of the Zodiac, Chakras, archetypes,
Sephiroth, 12 powers of Mind, 12 Deadly sins and 12 types of Fruit on the
Tree of Life, just to name a few! So there are lower Trees of Life and
Higher Trees of Life! Obviously the Goal is to turn all Trees of Life into
Higher aspect Trees of Life that conform with the Christ, the Mighty I Am
Presence and Integrated Ascended Master status!
The Cosmic Tree of Life needs all the levels of Trees of Life and all the
subtrees of life or second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth,
tenth, eleventh and twelfth generations of Trees of Life, to complete that
first generation Tree of Life, which is then needed to complete the Cosmic
Tree of Life of God! Every Tree of Life is crucial to the Completion of the
Cosmic Tree of Life Plan!
The Number 12 numerologically adds up to the number 3 which of course
is the Trinity of God! It is also the Trinity four squared! The number 72 is
six times 12! 72 adds up to nine numerologically, which is three times
three or the Trinity being Trinitized! The number 24, as in the 24 cranial
nerves in the brain or 24 Elders that surround the Throne of Grace is three
times eight, so again we see the Trinity four squared twice. When you add
up the numbers 24 they equal six, which again is the Trinity, times two!
Jesus had 33 past lives and 33 miracles recorded in the Bible!
When we have the number 13, we have the 12 of the Tree of Life with the
13th being the Christ! That is why the Aquarian Age Tree of Life has 13
Sephiroth! The 12 which includes two more than the normal ten, adds the
hidden Sephiroth of Daath and the 12th of Synthesis, with the 13th being
the Transcendence of the Tree of Life, as symbolized by Jesus’ 12 Apostles
and Jesus being the 13th or the Christ! When we achieve mastery,
integration, synthesis, and transcendence we become the 13th or the Christ,
the Mighty I Am Presence, the Integrated Ascended Master!
Have you ever noticed that the word God has just three letters - what a
coincidence! So does the word "I AM.” So embodied even in the word God
and I AM is the Trinity! It is no accident as well that there are 13 I AM
University Write-ups, which of course represents the 12 Sephiroth of the
Tree of Life with the inner Christ Self overlighting the Tree of Life!
Are you beginning to see my friends that the Trinity of God pervades all
creation! Just as Consciousness affects all things - and in truth there is
only “one Consciousness” and that is the Consciousness of God, for we all
share our identity in that “one Consciousness” - the Trinity of God
permeates every aspect of Creation as well! To understand this
numerologically is just one example of how this can be seen. My beloved
friends, is not God amazing!
The idea is to integrate, synthesize, practice and learn to see through all
the Trees of Life! The Ideal is to become all the Trees of Life! The idea is
to build a good foundation as the Master Jesus spoke of in his parables!
Then as you incorporate and realize each successive Tree of Life and its 12
generational Subtrees of Life, it will be like a 12 story house that does not
collapse in on itself!
This, my Beloved Readers, is the key problem of the people of the Earth.
Very few have built a strong Spiritual, Consciousness, Psychological and
Physical/Earthly Foundation! So what happens 99.99 out of 100 times is
that the few that move into Spiritual Leadership 99.99 % of the time fall
down the spiritual ladder. You must have a firm foundation in your Trees
of Life on a Spiritual Level, Psychological level, and on a physical/Earthly
God told me a very interesting thing: in every “Lifewave” there are only a
few that truly make it to the top of the Spiritual Mountain so to speak.
Within that handful, usually only one stands out and takes it all the way!
This is why the Bible says, “it is harder for a camel to go through the eye
of a needle, than a rich man to make it to the Kingdom of Heaven!” Most
people on earth and in our Lifewave my friends, and this I say with no
judgment, are rich in negative ego, rich in materialism, rich in putting
creation before the Creator! They are rich in false gods, symbolic idol
worship, symbolic adulterous lovers, little gods, pearls of lesser price and
little doors! They are rich in fragmentation, disintegration, and seeing
through a limited lens! They are rich in the 33 deadly sins, lower self
desire, fear, separation, anger, negative thoughts, negative feelings and
emotions, bad habits, addictions, overindulge, attachments, blind spots,
giving into temptation, thirst for power, fame, greed, vanity, false pride,
defensiveness, ego desires, imbalance, and victim consciousness just to
name a few!
My Beloved Readers this is why most people do not truly make it to the
Kingdom of Heaven! This is why the New Age Movement is a vast
wasteland of fallen Spiritual Leaders and Lightworkers who do not even
realize they have fallen! This is why blindness is one of the biggest
problems in the world and hardly anyone even realizes it. For people do
not see that what they give is what they see! They do not realize that what
they see comes from their consciousness and mind and not their physical
sight. As Melchizedek the Universal Logos said, most people on earth see
life through the lens of a fly! Yet these are the ones who are claiming to be
Self and God Realized! They give themselves fancy Spiritual Names,
naming themselves after the Ascended Masters, thinking that this makes
them a Master! Out of billions and billions and billions of souls in each
lifewave, only a handful makes it! All are chosen, but few chose to listen!
That is why on earth at this time there are only 10 integrated Spiritual
Masters on this planet and those 10 on a scale of what an Integrated
Ascended Master is are just below 50%!
My Beloved Readers, to go through the Eye of the Needle of God is no
easy task! To become one of the handful of each lifewave that really steps
up to the plate to be counted is no easy task. To be the one or the few that
stand out above all the rest, not in a negative ego sense but in a Christed,
Mighty I Am Presence, Integrated Ascended Master sense, is in truth what
we have all come to do if you have but the eyes to see and the ears to ear!
Yet people fall back into glamour, maya and illusion and lose their
Dharma! They give into temptation and lower self desire! They get caught
in the trappings of Materialism, and get more interested in God’s Creation
than in God!
To paraphrase the television commercials, God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, the
Masters, the Archangels and I are looking for a “Few Good Men”, and a
few good Women, to dedicate their lives to becoming that handful from
this Lifewave that God was speaking about! We are looking for those 12
that might step forward, instead of one this time around, to become the 12
for this Lifewave that would become 22nd degree Masters and beyond to
form the Council of 12 to completely transform this planet! Who amongst
you are willing to focus and dedicate your lives to become such a Christed
Mighty I Am Presence and Integrated Ascended Master Being! Who
amongst you can lift yourself above the veil of glamour, maya, illusion
and mass consciousness and become such a master! My Beloved Readers,
Spirit, the Masters and I tell you on this Day of our Lord, “It is for this
noble purpose you have come!”
It is for this reason the inner and outer plane I AM University has been
created to train these twelve 22nd degree Masters and 144,000 12th to 22nd
degree Masters who will be the “Light Bearers for the New Age” and who
will be the Spiritual Leaders of the Council of 12 for this Planet in the
future! It will be these 12, and this Council of 12 and Council of 144,000
which will be the Church of Lord Maitreya, Lord Buddha, Allah Gobi,
Saint Germain, El Morya, Master Kuthumi, Master Serapis Bey, Paul the
Venetian, Master Hilarion, Master Sananda/Jesus, the Violet Flame Master
who is being Trained by Saint Germain to take over the seventh Ray
Chohan position, and my humble self as the 12th piece in the puzzle as
head of the inner plane Synthesis Ashram!
The inner and outer Plane I AM University has been created to train this
handful of twelve 22nd degree initiates and 144,000 12th to 22 degree
initiates and to find the next Council of 12 that will govern our Beloved
Planet Earth from the Spiritual Plane! I have humbly taken over the
Synthesis Ashram and in the future will take over the Office of the Christ
by the grace of Lord Maitreya who has humbly chosen me as his
successor! In time, others from this new Lifewave will need to fill other
positions and the tens of thousands of Spiritual Leadership positions in
the Spiritual Government! It is time for this next lifewave to fulfill its
Spiritual Leadership responsibilities!
My Beloved Readers it is for this reason and noble purpose the inner and
outer earthly plane I AM University has been created! Enroll now, and
receive the totally unique, integrated, synthesized, full spectrum prism
consciousness training it provides, and become the Integrated Christ, the
Integrated Mighty I Am Presence, the Integrated Ascended Master, the
Integrated I Am Master, and Integrated Spiritual Leader it is your destiny
to become!
So let it be written! So let it be done! Amen!
Channeled God, Christ, Holy Spirit, and
Mahatma Summation and Conclusion of
the I AM University From Their
352nd Level Perspective!
Dear Ones, Greetings!
Have you ever wanted to be GOD? Have you ever wanted to be
Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent? Have you ever imaged what
it would be like to live in the reality of GOD in every moment of your
life? Have you ever daydreamed what it would be like to live the
"Impossible Dream?" Have you ever wondered what life is like at the
352nd level of the Godhead? Have you ever thought what are the
Thoughts of God? Have you ever imagined to feel into the Feelings of
God? Have you ever wondered what I look like? Have you ever doubted
whether I do exist? Have you ever desired to know me as much as a
drowning man wants air? Have you ever asked yourself where I Am?
Have you ever wondered why we share the same name, you are the I Am, I
Am That I Am? Have you ever wanted to experience the ecstasy, rapture
and majesty of God? Have you ever wondered why I created you? Have
you ever felt the fire of the burning bush in the Sanctuary of your heart?
Have you ever wondered about Eternity? Have you ever wondered Who I
Am? Have you ever asked yourself Why I Am? Have you ever wondered
what it feels like to have a body as vast as eternity? Have you ever
imagined what life looks like through My Eye, the Eye of the Mahatma,
the Avatar of Synthesis? Have you ever wanted to experience the
grandness of Full Spectrum Prism Synthesis? Have you ever desired to
know Me, the Holy Spirit? Have you ever longed for the Gifts of the Holy
Spirit? Have you ever wanted to know who the Christ is? And what
God's/Christ's/The Holy Spirit's relationship to you may be? Have you
ever thought what it would be like to remember the moment you were
born out of the Womb of God? Have you ever wondered how life began?
And why? And where? And when? Have you ever dreamed to listen to the
Music of the Spheres? Have you ever wanted to bow down in worship
before the 24 Elders that surround the Throne of Grace? Have you ever
wanted to find your Self by losing your self in serving others? Have you
ever wondered what it is like to walk with God? Have you ever imagined
what it is like to be infused by the Holy Spirit? Have you ever wondered
when Christ will return? Have you ever asked yourself where Christ did
go? Have you ever wondered if maybe there is a chance Christ never left?
Have you ever asked yourself what it must feel like to embody the
Synthesis of Creation? To know it all? To be it all? To experience it all?
Have you ever listened to My Small Still Voice within? Have you ever
dared to venture within to climb Mt Sinai and meet Me Face to Face? Have
you ever wondered why I created you in My Image? And what that truly
means? Have you ever wondered why there are stars in your sky and if
maybe you are a star in MY sky? Have you ever wondered why you are
born a baby and grow old to die? Have you ever thought about the
possibility of eternal life? Have you ever wondered if maybe you are not
born to fit in, but born to stand out as the unique creature of God that you
are? Not being a double of your neighbor but embodying the
individuality and creativity of the Divine Spark that you are? Have you
ever thought about just being the I Am, receiving the I Am and giving the
I Am? Have you ever wondered what life would be like, casting the
mountain range of ego into the eternal abyss? Have you ever thought
about the power of the Trinity? Have you ever dared to imagine that the
Trinity might be inside of you? And the Mahatma live through you? Have
you ever pondered on what embodying the Synthesis of all 352 levels of
the Godhead really means? Have you ever wondered that maybe you have
a body to embody the Body of God? Have you ever had a moment where
you thought this lifetime I want to go where the brave dare not go? Have
you ever wanted to create like God? Have you ever wanted to know
Christ? Have you ever wanted to speak in the tongues of the Holy Spirit?
Have you ever imagined what would happen to the Divine Plan if you did
not play your part? Have you ever thought that your actions or lack thereof
could have an effect on All That Is? Have you ever imaged yourself so
powerful? Have you ever wanted to know what goes on in the Mind of
God? Have you ever wanted to make Christ a Living Reality? Have you
ever wondered what it would be like to feel the Holy Spirit descend upon
you? To hear My Voice proclaim, "This is my Daughter/Son with whom I
am well pleased!" Have you ever wanted to say, "It is finished?"
Well, my friends, we are not quite finished yet because your journey back
to the Godhead, back through all 352 levels of the Mahatma, back to full
Christ Realization and full Holy Spirit Infusion has only begun! So listen
closely, my friends, my God Apprentices, Christs in Training, Holy Spirit
Vessels, and Growing Bodies of Greater and Greater Dimensions of
Synthesis. One of the peaks of being God, Christ, the Holy Spirit and the
Mahatma is that we are mind readers, speak the language of every heart,
and know what you need before you even ask us! We have heard your
many cries for the answer to all these questions and an infinite full
spectrum prism array of many more. Well, my friends, we are happy to
announce as one collective voice that the hour has finally come. The Hour
of Power! The Hour of Christ's Return! The Hour of the Holy Spirit's
Comfort and Infusion! The Hour of Mahatma's Full Spectrum Prism
Vision! THE HOUR IS NOW! For You are Gods but know it not! You are
Christs but know it not! You are Holy Spirits but know it not! You are
Mahatmas but know it not! You have always been! You will always be!
You are so RIGHT NOW! The Fall Never Really Happened! You just think
it did! And We think it is time to resurrect your thinking, resurrect your
feeling, resurrect your being and reality, resurrect your consciousness!
And come and take your rightful place at the Throne of Creation!
So we would like to take this occasion and invite you to join hand and
hand with your family on Earth as it is in Heaven and come Home!
Remember? A place of unity, oneness, unconditional love, endless power,
infinite wisdom, deep beauty, ecstasy, joy, full spectrum prism
consciousness, and Full and Complete Merger and Oneness with Us, God,
Your Creator, Christ, Your true Identity, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God
in you, and the Mahatma, Your true Synthesis Nature!
You will be happy to hear that we don't come with empty hands but with
a Plan you can call it a Divine Plan! Or A Master Plan! Our collective
plan is to turn all of Creation into Fully Realized Gods, Full Spectrum
Prism Christs, and Fully Infused Holy Spirits, Embodying All That Is!
Now you may wonder how the heck are They gonna do that! Well, my
friends, let us put it like this: No one comes to God but through the I Am!
The Mighty I AM Presence is your individualized Spark of God, Christ,
the Holy Spirit and the Mahatma! It is your true identity. Coming Home
means Remembering Who you are! You are a Divine Daughter/Son of
God! You are made in My Image and Likeness! So to remember who you
are, you need to understand my/your true nature which is one of synthesis
and integration, you need to understand my/your personality which is a
fine balance and integration of power, love/wisdom, active intelligence,
beauty and harmony, science, devotion, and ceremonial order and
structure! You need to understand that I Am/you are Heaven and Earth,
that I Am/you are a fine balance and integration of the feminine and
masculine, that I have/you have Four Faces: a material, emotional, mental,
and Spiritual one. That you have to merge with the God/Goddess in you.
Need to balance and integrate the horizontal and the vertical face of Me.
Integrate and balance all the planetary, solar, galactic, universal, cosmic
archetypes which culminate in the Full Realization of the Ultimate
Archetype, which is the Archetype of the Cosmic Christ! Learn and go
through the 12 Planetary, Solar, Galactic, Universal, and Cosmic Schools,
Colleges, and Challenges of life! To remember who you are you need to
learn to co-create with Me, Your Creator, you need to integrate and balance
your Sevenfold infinite Mind, and turn all your chakras into Planetary,
Solar, Galactic, Universal, and Cosmic Golden Candlesticks! And allow
the Planetary, Solar, Galactic, Universal, and Cosmic Tree of Life to fully
blossom within you into full fruition and carry the Cosmic Fruits of the
Divine Spirit! Well I guess, my friends, you get the point!
Now to implement this Master Plan on Earth, we have implemented the I
AM University on Earth! When I, God, created you, and I, Christ, gave you
the Pattern, and I, the Holy Spirit, breathed life into you, and I, the
Mahatma, gave you the sense of synthesis and integration, we never left
your side for even one holy instant or the twinkling of an eye, as you left
your Mother's Womb so to speak to juggle out into My Infinite Land of
Creation to explore My many mansions and to finally make a stop in your
cosmic journey on Beautiful Planet Earth. Well, you all know how the
story continued... But you do not quite know yet how it will finish! So let
us explain! As you know, I've always sent My Teachers to help my One
Daughter/One Son remember the purpose of Life. You have known them
by many names such as Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Moses, Lao-Tse,
Confucius, Zoroaster, .... And you all now await with great anticipation the
coming of a new World Teacher, the coming of a new World Teaching, the
Return of the Christ!
Well, my friends, we have decided to use the platform of Joshua's I AM
University to help you return to the Cosmic Promised Land of Milk and
Honey. For he has uncovered the true synthesis nature of God, he has
uncovered the Pattern of Christ, and he has uncovered the Spirit of the
Holy Spirit. He has opened a whole new portal to God which has never
been opened on Earth before you can call it the "Portal of Full Spectrum
Prism I AM God, Christ, and Holy Spirit Realization!" It is the "Aquarian
Way, Truth, and Light!" My Beloved Friends and Co-Creators, may you all
have the eyes to see and the ears to hear that the I AM University is the
new portal and gate to Heaven! It is of such profundity and sacredness, we
have decided to make it a "required gate" through which all of you need to
go before you may juggle out into the Infinite Universe. When we say it is
a required gate, what we mean by this is, you all need to merge with your
Mighty I Am, with me, Your Creator, Me your Pattern, and Me your Spirit
to realize the Trinity of Us in the mahatmic full spectrum prism way! The I
AM University teaches the Teachings of the I Am That I Am! It helps you
mold into the I Am that you are!
Now, there is no need for us here to repeat the birthing process, structure,
and outline of the I AM University for Joshua has done this in a most
beautiful and eloquent way in the welcome write-ups above, however,
what We collectively would like to do now as a sort of "Mahatmic Trinity
Summation and Conclusion Welcome to the I AM University" is, we
would like to give all of you the Gift of opening your eyes and ears to all
that which you will receive by heeding Our Collective Call to becoming
Integrated Ascended Masters, I AM Masters and Mahatmas, and Full
Spectrum Prism Consciousness Christs! So listen closely, my friends,
Apprentice Gods, Christs in Training, Holy Spirit Vessels, and Growing
Bodies of Greater and
Greater Dimensions of Synthesis. For here it goes!
At the inner and outer Earthly plane I AM University you will learn to be
God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit in a full spectrum prism synthesis
mahatmic way! You will learn about your own omnipotence, omniscience,
and omnipresence and how to gradually grow into it as you go up
Mahatma's Cosmic Ladder of Ascension and Initiation by developing,
refining, and expanding your consciousness to heights unseen and depths
unknown! At the I AM University you will learn what it truly means to
live in the reality of God in every moment of your life for the rest of
eternity! At the I AM University all live the "Impossible Dream" for all
learn about the only two possibilities of how to use their God given
limitless mind! At the I AM University you get a glimpse of what life is
like at the top of Cosmic Mt Sinai, the 352nd level of divinity, for the I AM
University is also the Earthly replica of, platform for, and externalization
of the Planetary Office of the Christ! At the inner and outer Earthly plane I
AM University you are taught to think like God! You will learn to feel like
God! You will take on the Essence of God and realize that you are one and
all of Mahatma's many faces of God! At the I AM University you will
grow from doubt, faith, and hope into the knowingness of God, Christ,
and the Holy Spirit! At the I AM University the Trinity comes alive within
your own body, heart, and consciousness! At the I AM University the
Divine Spark and Threefold Flame of God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit
inside of you also known as the Threefold Flame of God's Power,
Christ's Love, and the Holy Spirit's Wisdom will burst into the burning
bush! The I Am will burst and explode into the I Am That I Am! At the I
AM University you will learn that I Am with you at all times, in all ways,
and all things! You will uncover that we share the same name you as the
I AM and I as the I Am That I Am because I Am in you and you are in
me! The Lord Thy God is One! You are the true vine, and I am the
vinedresser. At the inner and outer Earthly plane I AM University you
will experience the ecstasy, rapture and majesty of God, Christ, and the
Holy Spirit within the sanctuary of your own heart! At the I AM
University you will learn why I created you, how, and when! You will
learn about my Presence, my timelessness, and about the illusions of
future and past! You will learn about the Divine reason of why I Am,
Where I Am, and How I Am! At the I AM University you will learn about
the science of eternity and everlasting life! You will learn what it means to
expand your identity from your body of flesh and blood into the
Everlasting, Everexpanding, Everglorifying Body of Synthesis of the
Mahatma! At the I AM University you will learn to see through the eyes of
Buddha, Helios and Vesta, Melchior, Melchizedek, the Mahatma, and the
Trinity Eye of God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit all at once! At the I AM
University you will grow into your full spectrum prism vision! You will
grow to be like me, the Mahatma! You will grow from micro-Mahatma to
macro-Mahatma! From Apprentice Christ to Master Christ! From
miniature Holy Spirit to the full Power, Glory, and Maxiature of the Holy
Spirit! From little Buddha to fully realized God! At the inner and outer
Earthly plane I AM University you will meet Us, God, Christ, the Holy
Spirit, and the Mahatma face to face, eye to eye, ear to ear, shoulder to
shoulder, micro trinity to Macro Trinity! At the I AM University you will
learn about your personal and impersonal relationship to the Trinity and
the many trinities within yourself! At the I AM University you will birth
the Christ child within and grow it into adulthood and fully realized
Christhood so you may glorify Me on Earth and I you in Heaven! At the I
AM University you will hear about the secrets of life, where it all began
and why I need each of your breath to complete My Cosmic In-Breath! At
the inner and outer Earthly plane I AM University your ears will be
trained so you may hear the Music of the Spheres in all my many
Mansions! At the I AM University you will find fellowship and
everlasting friends! At the I AM University you will learn to bow down
and worship the 24 Elders that are within the sanctuary of your own heart!
At the I AM University you will find peace that passeth understanding,
beauty and harmony that passeth your wildest imagination, and Spiritual
ecstasy and rapture that no mind has yet conceived! At the I AM
University you will lose your little self and find your True Self by serving
others! At the inner and outer Earthly plane I AM University, the Greatest
Among you is the Servant of All! At the I AM University the Law of
Life the Law of Service reigns supreme! At the I AM University we are
our brother's keeper! At the I AM University we are One for All and All
for One! At the inner and outer Earthly plane I AM University we
transform sheep into shepherds! At the I AM University you will
remember what it means to walk with God and be a man/woman after
God's Heart! At the I AM University you will get a direct experience of
being infused by the Holy Spirit! At the I AM University you will learn
that Christ never left your side even for the twinkling of an eye, that you
just erroneously thought Christ did, and can easily remedy this faulty
thought in this very holy instant! At the I AM University you will be
encouraged to be all that you are! To fully claim your power, your
grandeur and majesty! At the I AM University we aim to polish the
diamond that you are so you may sparkle like a star on Earth as is in
Heaven! You will learn to listen to the wisdom of the Still Small Voice
within! You will develop the courage to walk the small, narrow path up
Cosmic Mt Sinai and meet God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit face to face
with all your 352 faces! At the I AM University you will realize what I
mean when I say I created you in my Image, and you will learn to co-create
like an I AM Master, creating your own creations in your own image
mirrored throughout eternity! At the inner and outer Earthly plane I AM
University you will go from Adam to the Christ! At the I AM University
you will realize the illusion of death and rebirth in death! At the I AM
University you will receive ascension, resurrection, transfiguration,
transmutation and transhumanation training! At the I AM University you
will live forever! You will youth forever! You will dream God's Dream
forever! At the I AM University you are inspired to take up your rod of
God, emerge from the masses and step into your full Spiritual leadership
and responsibility as a citizen of this planet, solar system, galaxy,
universe, omniverse, and infinite Cosmic Body of the Mahatma! At the
inner and outer Earthly plane I AM University you will practice the
Trinity Law of the Trinity and the Mahatma: Receive God/Christ/Holy
Spirit/the Mahatma. Be God/Christ/Holy Spirit/the Mahatma. Give
God/Christ/Holy Spirit/the Mahatma. At the I AM University you will
learn that only that which you give away do ye possess! At the I AM
University you will take up the mountain range of ego and cast it into the
eternal abyss once and for all! At the I AM University you shall be reborn
as the Lamb of God and rise like the Phoenix from the Planetary, Solar,
Galactic, Universal, and Cosmic Ashes! At the I AM University you learn
to use your bodies so you may embody the Body of God, Christ, the Holy
Spirit, and the Mahatma! At the I AM University every moment is an
opportunity for Spiritual growth and service! And every moment again
and again you rise to the challenge, determined to go where the brave dare
not go! At the I AM University you will learn to create like God, to take
your rightful place as the Christ, and speak in the tongues of the Holy
Spirit! At the inner and outer Earthly plane I AM University you realize
that the Fulfillment of the Infinite Divine Plan is dependent on you
playing your seemingly infinitely small part within the Grand I AM
Puzzle of the I Am That I Am! At the I AM University we help you find
your part within the Divine Plan. At the I AM University we work
together as one team, one for all and all for one creating 6 billion Full
Spectrum Prism Consciousness I Am's! At the I AM University we launch
the I Am Age and help birth the entire planet into an I Am Planet! The
entire solar system into an I Am Solar System! The entire galaxy into an I
Am Galaxy! The entire universe into an I Am Universe! The entire Cosmos
into an I Am Cosmos! Until All That Is is the I Am That I Am!
Well, my friends, that is Our Collective Master Plan! Now just imagine for
a moment what this moment will be like when all of Creation merges
back into Its Creator! The ecstasy, the profundity, the glory, the rapture
and the majesty of this Holy Instant! And this Holy Instant is inevitable! It
is to come! However, for this moment to be complete and full, we need
you to step fully into your Divinity, to fully own your grandeur, your
power, your infinite love and wisdom, to be complete and whole within
self, to transcend the lower self and illusionary nature of the negative ego.
The I AM University has been created to help all of you achieve such
sublime heights and profound depths!
Never before in the history of the Earth has the roadmap to Self and God
Realization been laid out in such a comprehensive, full spectrum prism,
easy to understand and apply, profound, and inspiring manner as through
the correspondence courses, training programs, work books, books and
meditations, tools and specially designed programs, temples, and I AM
movements you will find within the walls of the I AM University! You
have heard it many times in many lives, "If you want to be Us, God,
Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the Mahatma in Heaven, Act like Us, God,
Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the Mahatma on Earth!" Within the halls of
learning of the I AM University you will find everything you need, to be
everything you are! May you have the eyes to see and the ears to hear the
profundity and truth of that which we speak of!
We hope that our concluding words from the 352nd level perspective
could strike the cord of the I Am within you and inspire you in conclusion
to go forth now to explore every facet of the I AM University and to get
actively involved with its teachings with all your heart, all your soul,
mind, and might, for remember, "No eyes have yet seen and no ears have
yet heard and no mind has yet conceived what I have prepared for those
who love Me!"
You shall enter the gates of the “I AM University” as the
Divine Son and Daughter of God that you are, and you
shall leave its gates as the Fully Realized Full Spectrum
Prism Consciousness I Am Christ it is your Destiny to
So let it be Written! So let it be Done!
We welcome you all with our Collective Heart to the
inner and outer plane
“I AM University”
on Earth!
Peace Has Come At Last!
Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai T'Sabayoth!
We leave you with Our Eternal Love and remain in your
Eternal Service,
Beloved Presence of God, Christ, Holy Spirit, and
Mahatma, the Avatar of Synthesis
Explanation of the Eight
Inner Plane Training
Programs of the I AM
The Melchizedek Crash Course Christ
Makeover Program in the Golden Chamber
of Melchizedek!
Please see write-up above entitled “The Melchizedek Crash Course Christ
Makeover Program is now Being Made Available for the First Time in the
History of the Earth Through the Earthly Plane I AM University as a
Special Golden Carrot for All to Join and Get Involved Now!” It gives an
in-depth explanation of this training program.
The God, Christ, Holy Spirit Trinitization
Program in the Cosmic Trinity Chamber!
My Beloved Readers, before reading the article below that provides the
conceptual framework for this particular inner plane Training Program,
God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit wanted me to share with you what will go
on in their secret chamber for those who enroll in the outer earthly I AM
What God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit told me is as follows: Each person
who enrolls in the outer earthly I AM University will be taken in their
Soul to the 352nd level of divinity to what is called the Trinity Chamber!
There, each soul will be worked on directly by God, Christ, and the Holy
Spirit to “Trinitize” their physical, etheric, emotional, mental, and
spiritual bodies! Your Seven Major Chakras will be Trinitized as well!
This will lead to a complete merger with God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit
to your highest potential!
This will allow you to become “Trinitized” embodiments of God, Christ,
and the Holy Spirit in the altar of your own heart. This will be symbolized
in your Heart Altar as the Burning Bush, the down pouring of the Water of
Life and the Dove! Obviously each being a symbol of God, Christ, and the
Holy Spirit.
God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit also said they would “Trinitize” every
cell in your physical body, so they carry the imprint and frequency of the
Trinity itself! Each person in the core of their being will become three in
one, just as our Father who art in Heaven is three in one! The Trinity of
God will come alive within you. You will be living embodiments of the
Trinity of God on Earth through the inner plane work God, Christ, and the
Holy Spirit will do on you.
Each person will hence become like the Three Pillars in the Cosmic Tree
of Life! Each person will become the Cosmic Trinity and Cosmic Tree of
Life, which will be eternally fed by the Cosmic River of Life! The mark of
the Trinity will be stamped onto your forehead. The imprint of God’s
omniscience, omnipresence, omnipotence, and multi-dimensionality will
be imprinted into your being as well.
By joining the outer earthly I AM University you will receive in this inner
plane special dispensation training the “Trinity Garment of God” which is
also known as the “Light Bodies of God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit”!
Now, my Beloved Readers, if this were not all enough, God, Christ, and
the Holy Spirit have promised that they will do this spiritual work I have
described here on your 144 souls or soul extensions from your Oversoul
and Monad or Mighty I Am Presence as well if you sign up for this
program in the I AM University! As you all know from reading my book
“The Complete Ascension Manual” every person has a Mighty I AM
Presence or Monad. This Mighty I Am Presence and or Monad creates 12
Oversouls! Each Oversoul then creates 12 Souls which incarnate either
onto the earthly plane or another planet! So, my friends, each one of you
has 12 Souls in your Oversoul, which you might call your Oversoul
personal family. Secondly each person has 12 Oversouls in the Monad and
Mighty I Am Presence, which means each person has 144 Souls in their
Monadic Family. This is not fantasy my friends, this is a fact for every soul
or person on this planet. This is how God created and organized creation
at this level. So what God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit are offering those
who enroll in the outer earthly I AM University is that they will do this
“Trinitization” Program I have described in this write up not only for you
personally, but for all 144 souls in your Monadic and Mighty I Am
Presence family as well. In truth none of you should be working for
yourself! You should be working for your Oversoul and Monad and
Mighty I Am Presence! The evolution of your Oversoul and Mighty I Am
Presence is not just dependent on you, it is also dependent on the
evolution of the 143 other Souls of your Monadic family! So God, Christ,
and the Holy Spirit have offered to do this program in the 352nd level of
reality for your entire Monadic family. Is this not the most amazing thing
you have ever heard? This “Trinitization” Program will be done for all 144
of you! If this is not the supreme acceleration of all accelerations, I do not
know what is! Can you imagine the affect this is going to have on your
entire Monadic and Mighty I Am Presence reality? Enroll now, so you can
immediately start this inner plane training!
Below are two channeled articles I wrote explaining the conceptual
understanding of what it means to become “Trinitized” on all levels of
your being! It is a revolutionary new cutting edge understanding that has
never been released and given to the world before.
“The Incredible Importance of “Trinitizing with God, Christ, and the Holy
Spirit,” your Relationships, Initiations, Physical Body, Spiritual Mission,
and Earthly Civilization!”
“A Revelation for the Aquarian Age: You Cannot Realize the Christ
without also “Trinitizing” your Consciousness Through Embodying God
and the Holy Spirit as Well!”
Integration, Synthesis, and Full Spectrum
Prism Consciousness Development in
Mahatma's Cosmic Synthesis Chamber!
My Beloved Readers, below this write up you will find an article on how
to “Develop a Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness Relationship to God!”
This will provide the theoretical and conceptual framework for the
Mahatma’s inner plane special dispensation Training Program. The
Mahatma again is a Cosmic Group Consciousness Being that embodies all
352 levels of divinity!
In this inner plane Training Program, the Mahatma told me, he will take
all those who enroll in the outer earthly I AM University in their soul
bodies to his secret chamber at the 352nd level of divinity, and help them to
anchor and activate their 352 light bodies to each person’s highest
potential, and then synthesize, unite, and merge them all in perfect
integration and balance! The Mahatma will cosmically help you to
integrate and synthesize yourself spiritually, in consciousness and
psychologically, and on the physical/earthly level. The Mahatma is the
Cosmic Embodiment of Synthesis, integration, and full spectrum prism
consciousness. I can help teach you this up to the 24th level of initiation
and light body, which is humbly the most advanced on this planet,
however, the Mahatma can do it for all 352 levels! The Mahatma has
promised to help each soul anchor and activate not only their 352 light
bodies, but also their 352 chakras, 352 rays, 352 initiations, 352 archetypes
of God, 352 names of God, 352 dimensions of God, the 352 levels of each
of the 72 Supersenses of God, 352 Cosmic Schools, Colleges, and
Challenges of Life, and will help each of you build your antakarana back
to God through all 352 levels, and raise your Kundalini up through all 352
The Mahatma or Cosmic Avatar of Synthesis will help each person
become a “Cosmic Walk-In for the Mahatma”! In using this term I don’t
mean that you, the soul, will walk out of your body and the Mahatma will
walk in. It will be more like how Lord Maitreya overlighted Jesus in his
life as Jesus the Christ! The Mahatma will overlight you and infuse his
being within you!
The Mahatma has also promised to help you Cosmically open your third
eye and develop the “Synthesis Eye of the Mahatma”. In becoming a
Cosmic Walk-in for the Mahatma he will use you as an instrument and
channel to fulfill the divine plan on Earth. You will be the Mahatma’s feet,
arms, mind and heart and co-create with him! To be overlighted by a
Cosmic Being that embodies all 352 levels of God is no small thing!
The Mahatma has also promised to anchor and activate into each person
who enrolls in the outer earthly I AM University the Light Body and
Garment of the Mahatma!
If this were all not enough, the Mahatma has also promised to do this for
all 144 of your fellow souls or soul extensions from your Mighty I Am
Presence and Monadic family simultaneously. My Beloved Friends, this is
the quantum leap of all quantum leaps times 144!
These inner plane Training Programs are not just Golden Carrots, this one
is a Cosmic Rainbow Carrot, and “The Trinity of God” one is a Clear Light
of God Cosmic Carrot! These inner plane Training Programs are literally
the opportunity of a lifetime for those that have the eyes to see and the
ears to hear!
The Incredible Importance of Establishing an Integrated Full Spectrum
Prism Relationship to God on all Level of your Being!
Mastering and Merging with the Inner
Light in the Consciousness Chamber of
Archangel Metatron in the Sanctuary of
Your Own Heart!
The Archangel Metatron inner plane Training Program is extremely
profound! Below this write-up you will find two articles I channeled from
Metatron on how to become a master healer in the use of light and how to
master your inner light. This will provide a conceptual and theoretical
framework for all that Archangel Metatron will be giving you in his secret
Archangel Metatron explained to me that he will take all those who enroll
in the outer earthly I AM University on a nightly basis to his secret
chamber at the 352nd level of divinity! There he will help each soul merge
completely with the inner light! Metatron is a Cosmic Master who has
fully realized all 352 levels of God. For this reason he is esoterically
known as the lesser YHWH. He has promised to help you become a
“Metatronic Christ”! This Cosmic Master would like to create an infinite
number of “Fire Pillars in the Temple of Metatron”! By going through this
inner plane special dispensation Training Program he will turn you into
one of his Fire Pillars on earth! You will become a miniature replica of
Metatron, the King of the Archangels! He will not only do this for this
lifetime, he will do this until you return through all 352 levels of divinity
and return home! I also should mention that this is the case with all eight
Training Programs! All the Masters have promised to run these Training
Programs not just for this lifetime but for eternity until you fully return
home. Is this not the most profound thing you have ever heard in your
Metatron told me that joining this inner plane Training Program, and all
the other ones as well for that matter, is like signing a contract or making
an official agreement in your Book of Life and the Askashic Records that
you are officially asking for help in accelerating your spiritual evolution
in this manner. Again I say, however, the only souls on earth who will be
given this opportunity are those who enroll in the outer earthly I AM
University and commit themselves to working on their integrated
ascension on a conscious/earthly/outer level as well! For only those souls
who go through this inner and outer I AM University training qualify for
a Cosmic Dispensation of such profundity! I do not know if you all fully
realize how profound this is! For Cosmically realized Masters at the 352nd
level of divinity to be willing to work with you personally every night and
day for the rest of eternity in all eight programs is the special dispensation
of all special dispensations!
In becoming a miniature replica of Metatron you will teach and embody
on earth what Metatron teaches and embodies in Heaven!
I must be honest with all of you here! Do you know who were the first to
enroll in all these inner plane Training Programs? Myself and Gloria, my
personal assistant! I am sure all the Masters of the Planetary Spiritual
Hierarchy want to enroll as well! These are Cosmic Beings we are talking
about who usually do not work so closely with personal students in such a
manner at their level!
Metatron said he will help all those who enroll in this outer earthly I AM
University to become one with the inner light on all 352 levels.
He also said every night you will be given a Metatronic Light Drink that
will help in the process of achieving Metatronic Christ realization.
Metatron has promised that you will be Transfigured and completely
Transformed by what he will do for you in his secret chamber!
Metatron also said that each person who joins this program in the I AM
University will get their own personal room in Metatron’s Ashram at the
352nd level of divinity! Everyone will get their own personal room in the
Cosmic Hotel of Metatron so they may integrate all that they will
Metatron has also promised that he will anchor and activate into your
being the “Garment of Shaddai” also known as the “Light Body of
Metatron has offered this not only for you, but for all 144 of your soul
extensions from your Monad and Mighty I Am Presence as well! My
Beloved Readers, do you have any idea how profound this is? Just to do
this for you is the special dispensation of all special dispensations!
However, to do this for all 144 of your souls in your Monad and Mighty I
Am Presence as well is the special dispensation of all special
dispensations! The combination of going through the inner and outer
plane I AM University and these eight inner plane Cosmic Training
Programs, and studying the inner and outer curriculum of the I AM
University is going to, as Metatron says, “Rocketeer you straight up to
God,” once you fulfill you spiritual mission on Earth!
“An In-Depth Training in How to Become a Master in the Use of Light!”
“How to Develop Mastery and Control Over the Power of your Light!”
The Divine Mother and Goddess Makeup and
Makeover Beautifying Program in the Cosmic
Beauty Salon of the Feminine Face of God!
This next inner plane Training Program is from the Divine Mother and
Goddess energies. Below this write up you will find a most excellent
article explaining what the return of the Divine Mother and Goddess
energies really means conceptually!
The Divine Mother and Goddess Lodge have guided me to explain what
they will be doing for our souls, both male and female, in their secret
chamber at the 352nd level of Divinity for the Divine Mother is a fully
realized Cosmic Being as well! The first five inner plane Training
Programs are coming from the 352nd level of divinity or close to it!
The Divine Mother and Goddess energies seek to help you to open the
Cosmic Heart! Also to balance the Universal Mind with the Universal
Heart! The Divine Mother told me there are 352 chambers of the Heart and
all of these will be worked on in her secret chamber! She will infuse all
your 352 chakras, rays, light bodies, initiations, archetypes, dimensions,
Sephiroth, Schools, Colleges, and Challenges of life with the Divine
Mother and Goddess energies!
The Divine Mother will also help those who officially enroll in the outer
earthly plane I AM University to balance and integrate the Heavenly
Father and Divine Mother within!
She and the Goddess energies will help each person to take on the
features of the Goddess energy to become more androgynous. They will
also help you ground God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, your Mighty I Am
Presence, Oversoul, Superconscious mind and soul energies into the
physical body and into this material world.
She and the Goddess energies will help you to integrate into every aspect
of your being the Feminine Face of God! She will help you to merge the
Yin and Yang and become the Tao!
Each person will receive a lifetime membership in the Goddess lodge! She
will help to bring the Goddess energy into every cell of your physical
body. She will help you to fully realize the omniscience, omnipresence
and omnipotence within every cell of your body.
She will help you to fully anchor and activate the Light Body of the
Divine Mother and Goddess lodge! Hence you will eternally and
forevermore wear the Garment of the Goddess!
The Divine Mother will help you in this Training Program to fully realize
the Material Face of God! As you do this Training Program not only will
all your 144 souls or soul extensions join you, but Mother Earth and Lady
Gaia as well!
In the Divine Mother’s secret chamber you will receive a cosmic face lift,
makeup, and makeover to fully realize the Goddess within!
The Divine Mother and Goddess energies have been rejected and abused
on earth. No one will fully realize God unless they realize the Divine
Mother and Goddess energy as well! The inner and outer plane I AM
University will help you to achieve this through studying the I AM
University curriculum and through the nightly experience of the Divine
Mother inner plane secret chamber Goddess Training Program.
“Return of the Divine Mother and the Goddess Energies to Earth!”
The Lord Maitreya and Lord Buddha
Spiritual Leadership, Chohanic, and
Global World Service Development
In this next Training Program with Lord Maitreya, Lord Buddha, and the
Seven Chohans, those who enroll in the outer earthly I AM University
will receive one of the most incredible trainings in spiritual leadership
that has ever been given to Earth. Where the previous five inner plane
Training Programs have been very Cosmic, occurring at almost the 352nd
level of Divinity, this Training Program is a little more grounded, which
provides a good balance! This training happens in the inner plane
Ashrams of Lord Maitreya, Lord Buddha, and the Seven Chohans!
It is a Training Program that will train you to become a Planetary Christ at
the 22nd level of initiation, and also to become a Planetary Logos at that
level! When I say Planetary Logos, I do not mean it as training you to take
over Lord Buddha’s job as Planetary Logos in the spiritual government,
but rather to be a Planetary Logos for this planet with Lord Buddha in the
sense of taking responsibility for the Earth as if it were your physical
body. In truth you are a planetary logos for your own personal physical
body right now! The nature of spiritual evolution is that each step you go
up Jacob’s Ladder you expand! So you grow in spiritual leadership and
responsibility first by learning to be in spiritual leadership of your self!
This may sound funny, but very few on earth know how to truly do this.
The key to being an effective spiritual leader in the world is to first be an
effective spiritual leader of yourself and all your energies! The second
step then is to take responsibility of spiritual leadership for your 12 souls,
or Oversoul family! The third step in spiritual leadership is taking
spiritual leadership of your 144 souls from your 12 Oversouls or your
individualized Mighty I Am Presence or Monad! The next step in spiritual
leadership is to take spiritual leadership over your Earthly family! The
next step is to take spiritual leadership over your community or city you
live in! The next step is to take spiritual leadership over the state you live
in! The next step then is to take spiritual leadership over your country!
The next step is to take spiritual leadership over your planet! Then the
solar system, galaxy, universe, multi-universe, and once you reach the
352nd level of initiation the entire cosmos!
Initiation achievement and spiritual leadership and world service
responsibility go hand in hand. As much is given by God and the Masters,
much is expected! These my friends are the 12 levels of spiritual
leadership, Lord Maitreya, Lord Buddha, and the Seven Chohans will
show you how to realize and accomplish if you enroll in the outer earthly I
AM University! Is this not exciting my friends?
In truth my friends, almost everyone on earth is living in an illusion of
thinking they are responsible just for themselves. In truth every person’s
true identity is the Mighty I Am Presence or Monad, which is the
individualized Presence of God within you! That is why your true
Spiritual name is that of your Mighty I Am Presence. That is why Jesus
and other Masters have changed their names. In the case of Jesus, he
changed his name to Sananda for that is the name of his Mighty I Am
Presence or Monad! Since the I Am Presence is your true individualized
identity, each of you is really 144 souls not just one soul! In this profound
inner plane program, Lord Maitreya, Lord Buddha, and the Seven
Chohans, the Manu Allah Gobi, and the Mahachohan Saint Germain will
be training you in how to live your life as the 144 multi-dimensional being
you really are.
If this were not all enough, for all who enroll in the outer earthly I AM
University, these Masters will train all 144 of your souls in your monad to
accomplish this with you! So what these Masters are offering you is full
Monadic and Mighty I Am Presence realization in spiritual leadership and
planetary world service!
Even though your focus now will be on a planetary level, I am giving you,
and the Masters will give you, a vision of your future spiritual leadership
as a solar, galactic, universal, multi-universal and cosmic spiritual leader
as well!
In this inner plane program you will receive training as well in the 12
levels of Second Ray spiritual education and the 12 levels of Third Ray
active intelligence, so you do your spiritual leadership and planetary
world service from a full Three Fold Flame of God Realization!
All this is being done for those who enroll in the outer earthly I AM
University so this next Life Wave can be prepared to take over the
spiritual leadership positions and spiritual government of our planet! I
have humbly begun this process in the humble spiritual leadership I have
been given, however, there are literally thousands and thousands of other
spiritual leadership positions to fill, even millions of spiritual leadership
positions in truth! The inner and outer earthly plane I AM University has
been chosen as the training school for the spiritual leaders of our inner
plane spiritual government for this next Life Wave. This is why it has
been made a required gate!
Do not underestimate the great honor that those who enroll in the outer
earthly I AM University receive by being able to work individually with
these Masters in this fashion, for usually this does not take place! It is a
special dispensation that is being given through the outer earthly I AM
The focus of this inner plane Training Program will also be on the mastery
and integration of the Seven Great Rays of God! There will be a great
focus on developing psychological mastery and mastery, development,
and refinement of your consciousness.
Just as the I AM University has 12 levels of initiation in each Ashram and
Ray department, these Ascended Masters will help you to achieve your 12
levels of initiation through all Seven Rays! So you will become a Seven
Fold Christed Master!
They will also help you learn your lessons and pass your spiritual tests!
They will also help initiates and disciples by infusing the energy, light,
and colors of the Seven Rays into the consciousness of each soul
depending on the Ray and color frequency each individual needs.
You will also receive spiritual leadership training in all Seven Ray
departments not just the First Ray!
My Beloved Readers, is this not a profound training or is this not a
profound inner plane training! To be honest it is worth it to enroll just to
receive any one of these eight inner plane training programs, let alone all
eight of them!
Below you will find two articles on spiritual leadership and the Masters’
search for the spiritual governmental leaders for this next Life Wave!
“Dr Stone has been Guided by Lord Maitreya to Seek a Potential Pool of
Applications for Lightworkers Around the Globe who Might be Interested
in Taking over Future Leadership as the Chohans for Seven Rays!”
“Inner Plane Ascended Masters are Looking for Qualified Initiates to
Fulfill Spiritual Assignments and Inner Plane Spiritual Leadership
Positions: Help Wanted!”
The Mighty I Am Presence, Oversoul,
Superconscious Mind, and Universal Mind
Seven Levels of Marriage and Integration
Program in the Cosmic Wedding Chapel and
Chamber of God!
The next inner plane Training Program for those initiates, disciples and
light workers who enroll in the outer earthly I AM University, has to do
with the inner plane Training Program given by the Mighty I Am
Presence, the Oversoul, Superconscious mind and Universal Mind. This is
an amazing inner plane program.
The main focus of this inner plane Training Program through the I AM
University is to help you fully integrate, cleanse and merge with the 144
souls or soul extensions from your Monad and Mighty I Am Presence.
Spirit will help you to not only fully ascend yourself to the 12th or 22nd
level, but will also help you to ascend all 144 souls in your monadic and
Mighty I Am Presence family!
They will be training you to become a fully realized Mighty I Am
Presence on Earth with the final goal being the achievement and
realization of your 22nd level of initiation which will make you a fully
realized Planetary Christ as well! All of these aspects of your multidimensional
being are aspects of the Christ! Each one is a higher and
higher level of Christed Realization! Again I am not speaking of
Christianity when I use the term Christ, I am using this term in a
universalistic sense, to explain how to merge with the second level or
aspect of the Trinity of God!
This inner plane training will train you to develop your I Am
Consciousness, I Am Eyes, I Am Ears, I Am Supersenses, I Am Chakras, I
Am Energy Fields and Bodies, I Am Resurrection, I Am Ascension, and
will help you to understand how to create an I Am Civilization on Earth!
The ultimate goal of this training is to help you fully realize the Mighty I
Am Presence on earth and then merge with the “I Am That I Am”!
This inner plane Training Program will help you fully open up your
connection to all these aspects of self and then to fully integrate and
merge with them on Earth. They will also help you to fully integrate and
merge with God, Christ and the Holy Spirit as well.
This inner plane training will also help you to completely reprogram your
subconscious mind. It will help you to achieve and realize brain
illumination, and illuminate the 144 areas of the mind. It will also help
you to spiritualize your 24 cranial nerves that surround the Throne of
This inner plane Training Program will help you to spiritually electrify
your 144,000 nadis and spiritually illumine your 12 bodily divisions! It
will help you to spiritually activate the 12 powers in man. It will help you
to fully raise your kundalini in a safe way. This inner plane Training
Program will also help you to remove all the core fear and core fear
remnants for your subconscious mind, energy fields and chakras!
This inner plane Training Program will help you to see through first all 12
souls in your Oversoul, and then all 144 souls in your 12 Oversouls,
Monad and Mighty I Am Presence!
It will help you to get all your 144 souls in your Monad and Mighty I Am
Presence working on the same page and same sheet of music! Hence you
will then have working at your disposal not only all your “integrated light
body split-off selves” but also all the integrated light body split-off selves
of all 144 souls in your Monadic and Mighty I Am Presence family.
All of this information concerning your Mighty I Am Presence, 12
Oversouls, and your 144 souls in your Monadic family and how to develop
yourself consciously in a multi-dimensional group consciousness being is
some of the most cutting edge revolutionary spiritual information that
exists on this planet.
The Mighty I Am Presence, the Oversouls, Superconscious Mind and
Universal Mind have promised those who enroll in the outer earthly plane
I AM University, that they will do this training not only for you but for all
your 144 Souls in your Monadic and Mighty I Am Presence family
simultaneously! So all 144 souls of your monad will develop this state of
consciousness and Mighty I Am Presence Realization simultaneously!
This is truly what Self and God Realization is really about. Our true
multi-dimensional nature has been completely left out of most spiritual
trainings and spiritual schools on this planet.
This inner plane training that you will receive will help you not only to
physically ascend, resurrect, transfigure, graduate, experience the rapture,
translate, achieve enlightenment, achieve your 12 to 22 levels of initiation
and light body anchoring and activation, but it will do it for all 144 of you!
This is what is called “Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness
Synthesis Mighty I Am Presence Realization”! Not just one of you doing
it, which is big enough, but all 144 of you fully realizing the 22 nd level of
initiation simultaneously. You will find nothing like this on planet earth!
We are offering you not just one ascension and resurrection but 144
simultaneously! This inner plane Training Program is for those who want
to fully Realize God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, their Mighty I Am Presence,
Monad, 12 Oversouls, Superconscious mind, and the Universal Mind,
which is the collective group of all Superconscious minds, all
simultaneously in all 144 souls! This is not something you want to miss!
My Beloved Readers, if all this were not enough the Mighty I Am
Presence shared with me some information about what they are going to
do in their secret chamber that is going to blow your mind.
As has already been stated most people on earth see themselves as just a
soul. However, their true identity is that of the Monad or Mighty I Am
Presence. The soul that most people on Earth think they are is only a 144th
of what their true identity really is. Even though your name is the name of
your soul, your true spiritual name is the name of your Mighty I Am
Presence if you choose it to be so! This is not required of course. Some
Masters choose this and some do not! So another thing the Mighty I Am
Presence will help you do in this inner plane Training Program is to give
you your true spiritual name or the name of your Mighty I Am Presence!
The Mighty I Am Presence will help you switch your identity from just
being a 144th of what you are to recognizing your true group consciousness
integrated nature. You still have a singular point of identity, but within
that identity is your other 143 aspects of self that is integrated as well.
The Mighty I Am Presence told me that its appearance looks like a blazing
sun and that each of the 144 souls or soul extensions are like rays
extending out from the sun. Now most people think God created them.
However, in truth it was your Oversoul and Monad, which is an extension
of God, that created you! So the next thing the Mighty I Am Presence will
do for you is help you anchor its presence into you and into your physical
body and manifest through you on Earth so you become like a radiant sun
on Earth!
Now here is an interesting insight! Just as the Monad or your Mighty I Am
Presence created your 12 Oversouls, who each created 12 souls or souls
extensions, when you create Integrated Light Body Split-Off Selves, you
are extending or creating rays or aspects of your consciousness just as the
Oversoul did to create you, and just as the Monad did to create the 12
Oversouls! Are you beginning to understand the “Omnipresence and
Multi-dimensionality” of God? The nature of God is consciousness and
consciousness is able to split itself into infinite numbers of aspects or
parts! The same is true of bi-location; we are just splitting our
consciousness! Even when we think about someone we are extending an
aspect of our consciousness to them. The science of soul retrieval is calling
back all those parts of consciousness that it is no longer appropriate to
keep with other people or souls! The Mighty I Am Presence will also help
you in the process of retrieving all those aspects of consciousness that no
longer belong with other people from past lives or this life. Isn’t it
interesting though how the Monad or Mighty I Am Presence creates the
Oversouls, and the Oversouls each create 12 Souls and you who I am
speaking to are just one of those 12 souls! Then we as souls in the same
manner each create Integrated Light Body Split-Off Selves eventually in
unlimited numbers! As I told you I have at this time 22, and will have 33
by Wesak 2005. Metatron who has fully realized God at the 352nd level has
an infinite number of split-off selves! So we create just as our Oversoul
and Monad or Mighty I Am Presence create! However, these split-off
selves cannot be created without the permission of God, for since they are
extensions of our consciousness, if the person creating them is unclear or
fragmented, the split-off selves will start taking on those qualities as well.
Going through this inner and outer earthly plane I AM University training
will help you to increase your number of Integrated Light Body Split-Off
Selves so you can do more service! It is amazing how it all works, for
Spirit and the Masters told me that my integrated light body Split-off
Selves and Soul have written over 500 books on the inner plane. Since all
is God and all is one, these books on earth and in heaven are being read
and studied by souls on other planets as well.
Another thing your Mighty I Am Presence will help you with in this
special dispensation inner plane Training Program if you enroll in the
outer earthly plane I AM University, is set up special council meetings
with your 144 soul extensions with the Mighty I Am Presence serving as
moderator of the meeting. The idea is to get all your 144 soul extensions
working on the same team! Now what you want to try to do is first become
the spiritual leader of your Oversoul or your group of 12. The Oversoul is
like the Christ and you and your eleven other souls are like the Oversoul’s
12 apostles! By studying in the I AM University on the inner and outer
earthly plane you are more likely to become the spiritual leader of your
Oversoul family, and when you ascend, you do it for your entire Oversoul
family! Again it is like a sports team. One player may be the best player or
leader but everyone gets the same championship ring. Or it is like the
fingers on your hand. If one finger ascends all ten or in this case 12
ascend! It is all for one and one for all. The same is true on a Monad or
Mighty I Am Presence level. By going through the inner and outer earthly
plane I AM University you will most probably become the spiritual leader
of your Monad or Mighty I Am Presence family of 144 souls! When you
ascend you do it for all 144 and they each ascend with you and they each
get the championship ring or in this case more aptly stated, they each get
the “Crown of Life”! Do you see how amazing this process is?
My Beloved Readers, what you must understand is that the teachings you
are learning here at the inner and outer Earthly plane I AM University, is
both the next octave and dispensation of Ascended Master Teachings of
Theosophy and Alice Bailey Lineage, and is the next octave and
dispensation of Ascended Master Teachings of the I Am Teachings of
Saint Germain as well! That is why I am interchangeably using the terms
Monad and Mighty I Am Presence! Theosophy and Alice Bailey books
used the term Monad and the I Am Books of Godfrey Ray King, who
channeled Saint Germain, used the term Mighty I Am Presence! These are
the three great past dispensations of Ascended Master Teachings! The
inner and outer earthly plane I AM University is the fourth dispensation
of Ascended Master teachings which of course integrates, synthesizes,
harmonizes, blends, and mergers the two and provides the next Aquarian
Age 2000 year cycle octave to upgrade these teachings. For the I Am
Movement never spoke of Souls, Oversouls, Monads and Mighty I Am
Presences, and becoming all 144 and not just a 144th in terms of how you
perceive your identity. Again you still have a singular identity but your
144 become an integrated and cleansed part of your consciousness.
Again in the Alice Bailey books in the 1940s Djwhal Khul prophesized
that at the turn of the century there would be a fourth dispensation of
Ascended Master Teachings, and the I AM University which began in the
year 2000 or slightly before, is this fourth dispensation. It is an upgrade of
the I Am Teachings and Movement, and of the Theosophy and Alice
Bailey books fame channeled by Madam Blavatsky, who is known as Lady
Helena in the spiritual world, and Alice Bailey who channeled
approximately 20 volumes from the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul
telepathically. Hence it is no accident I humbly took over spiritual
leadership of Djwhal Khul’s Ashram. Djwhal Khul wrote about the
reappearance of the Christ and the externalizaton of the hierarchy! The
externalization of the hierarchy is all of us, the next Life Wave! I already
told you the story of Lord Maitreya, who was supposed to overlight
Krishnamurti, but when he declined after going through all the training,
the plan was changed, and now Lord Maitreya has chosen to use my
humble self and the I AM University as his service vehicles instead! This
is why he offered me spiritual leadership of his position of “Office of the
Christ” and Head of the spiritual hierarchy for this next life wave in the
future! I think you can see how this whole divine plan of Spirit and the
Masters now fits together! Lord Maitreya decided to not physically come,
but to overlight my humble self and the inner and outer earthly I AM
University instead so people would seek the Christ within rather than the
Christ without! That is why the I AM University has nothing to do with
me, but has everything to do with the “Christ” or the “I Am” or the
“Integrated Ascended Master” potentiality within! It is just my humble
honor to be the messenger and I have been preparing the last 30 years of
my life to humbly do this in the most egoless, selfless, saintly,
unobtrusive, God pure, humility filled way I could. I think I have humbly
achieved my goal of showing you that the inner and outer plane I AM
University has everything to do with the “I Am,” the “Christ the Second
aspect of the Trinity,” and with the Ascended Masters, and has nothing to
do with me. I tried to channel and write all the teachings down as clearly
and precisely as I can! As I have said before it is a synthesis of all the
channelings of Spirit and the Masters and my own I Am Mastery and
Realization which I Am blending together! Sometimes it helps disciples
and initiates to hear the personal experience of someone who has gone
through and realized the process. That can be an invaluable teaching and
experience aid. So your goal should not be just to channel, it should be to
become a Master yourself and channel! Then you are the light and you
channel the light simultaneously. These are the Aquarian Age channels of
the future. The inner and outer plane I AM University teaches you and
trains you to do both!
Now if this were not all interesting enough, are you ready for the next
revelation from the Mighty I Am Presence and Masters? Creation began
with God creating three Drops! These are God, Christ and the Holy Spirit,
or Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva if you prefer! Then God created the three
lines of evolution. The Elohim line, the Angelic line and the Ascended
Master line of evolution. The Elohim line being the thought attributes of
God, the Archangels and angels being the feeling tones of God. The
Ascended Masters being the Gods, or integrators of the two! God, Christ,
and the Holy Spirit then created the Cosmic Monads in each of the Seven
Great Rays and Ray departments. Now are you ready for the next
Revelation? Cosmic Monads then created Multi-Universal Monads, the
Multi-Universal Monads then create Universal Monads! The Universal
Monads then created Galactic Monads! The Galactic Monads then created
Solar Monads! The Solar Monads then created Planetary Monads! Each of
these could also be called Cosmic, Multi-Universal, Universal, Galactic,
Solar, and Planetary Mighty I Am Presences! So our Monad or Planetary
Mighty I Am Presence is the Planetary one! However, as we evolve we
then merge with the Solar I Am or Monad, then the Galactic I Am or
Monad, then we evolve to the Universal I Am or Monad, then to the MultiUniversal I Am or Monad, and then finally we merge back into the Cosmic
I Am or Monad! At each level integrating and cleansing more souls into
our being! Until the end when you achieve all 352 levels when all souls in
all of creation are a part of you and are integrated into your being! So each
level is a higher step on Jacob’s Ladder of merging with the proverbial “I
Am” until in the end you merge with the “I Am That I Am”! The only
difference between God and us is that God created us and we did not
create God. Other than this we are in truth miniature replicas of God or
the I AM! So once you achieve your 22 levels of initiation and light body
anchoring and activation and become a fully realized Planetary I Am, then
your next goal is to become a fully realized Solar I Am and then a fully
realized Galactic I Am or Mighty I Am Presence, and on up the level with
the supreme goal to becoming a Cosmic Mighty I Am Presence! So there
are seven levels of Mighty I Am Presence realization, and eventually all
souls in creation will become part of your Monadic family and Mighty I
Am Presence family. So you see we are all Gods and I Am’s in training!
We are apprentice Gods and apprentice I Am’s! In truth we are already
one with God and the I Am That I Am, however, the way creation has
been set up by God is that we have to realize this through each of the 352
levels and do it consciously and be a master at each level before we are
allowed to climb to the next step!
I asked the inner plane Ascended Masters where they stood in this
process. I already told you on our planet there are about 500 souls who
have achieved their 12th to 15th level of initiation as of the year 2004. There
are about 50 who have made it to level 14 or 15! Because of the humble
spiritual leadership and spiritual mission I have been given I have been
allowed to move to my 23rd level of initiation and light body anchoring
and activation! My singular spiritual mission is to help all my fellow I
Am’s who are all incarnations or split-off selves of God achieve this as
well. This is a big part of why the inner and outer plane I AM University
was created. The main purpose being to help spiritually harvest fully
realized and Integrated I Am’s, fully realized and Integrated Full
Spectrum Prism Consciousness Synthesis Christs and Integrated
Ascended Masters!
So we have just examined the initiation level of souls on Earth! Now let’s
examine in a general sense and give a ball park figure in a general and not
specific sense of the Chohans, the Manu, the Christ, and Mahachohan, and
Helios and Vesta the Solar Logos, Melchior the Galactic Logos,
Melchizedek the Universal Logos, and Metatron, to give you a cosmic
sense of how this initiatory process works. So we have already given you
where people on earth are at in this process. Now let’s look at the Seven
Chohans in a general and nonspecific sense! They are around the 35th
initiation, however, some are more evolved than others! Lord Maitreya
and Allah Gobi are around the 50th! I am not including Saint Germain here
as the Mahachohan for he just stepped into this position and is still
functioning as the Seventh Ray Chohan as well!
So the next thing the Mighty I Am Presence, Oversouls, Superconscious
mind and Universal Mind will do for you in this inner plane training
program if you enroll in the outer earthly I AM University is to greatly
help you accelerate your initiation and light body anchoring and
activation process.
Now, my Beloved Readers, are you ready for the next revelation of all
revelations? Since your true identity is the Monad and Mighty I Am
Presence and not a 144th or one soul you thought your identity to be, even
though you continue to have a singular integrated group consciousness
identity, not only do you have a personal initiation level but each of your
144 souls extensions have an individual initiation level as well! Not only
this, each of your 12 Oversouls has an initiation level, and your Monad
has an initiation level as well. So in truth you should not only be striving
to increase your own personal initiation level, but you should be striving
to increase your Monad’s initiation level, your 12 Oversouls’ initiation
level and the initiation level of all the other 143 souls in your monadic
group as well besides your own! For your Mighty I Am Presence and
Monad is your true identity! Is that a mind blowing revelation or is that a
mind blowing revelation? So what determines the Oversoul’s initiation
level? You determine your Oversoul’s initiation level by adding up all the
initiations of the 12 Oversouls and then dividing it by 12! To find out the
initiation level of your Monad, one would have to add up all the
initiations of your 144 souls in your Monad or Mighty I Am Presence
Family and divide by 144. So after finding out about this from the Mighty
I Am Presence, of course I had to find out the initiation of my Monad,
Mighty I Am Presence and Oversoul for this was something I had never
thought of before or asked about! I was told the initiation level of my
Mighty I Am Presence and Monad was 18! So this was the average
initiation of all my 144 souls in my Monadic and Mighty I Am Presence
family! I knew I was at the 23rd and at the 24th by May or Wesak 2005,
however, I was happy to hear that my 144 soul extensions were getting
their act together! What I learned from this is how powerful an affect one
soul can have on the entire Soul family of 144! For I had humbly taken
spiritual leadership of my 144 and they were profoundly transformed by
my energies and all the work I was doing! I was humbly told that this was
the most advanced Monad of this next Life Wave on Earth. I was told my
Monad or Mighty I Am Presence was at the 18th, and there were ten others
who were at the 13th or 14th! Then there were around 100 whose Monads
were at the 11th or 12th!
Apparently on the inner planes a better indicator of your initiation level is
the initiation of your Monad, not just you as 1/144th of your Mighty I Am
Presence identity. However, I was told I would not lose my initiations
when I physically ascended to the inner plane! This however, is a clear
demonstration of how important it is to take responsibility for the
evolution not just of yourself, but for your entire Monadic and Mighty I
Am Presence Family! For your fate is intimately tied to the evolution of
your 144 souls and Monad or Mighty I Am Presence! So in all the spiritual
work I do I invite my 144 to join me! I have told my 144 soul extensions or
souls in my Monadic family or Mighty I Am Presence family that the
mantra of our Mighty I Am Presence is “all for one and one for all”! This
of course was the mantra of the Three Musketeers! The true esoteric
meaning of this being the Three Cosmic Musketeers, God, Christ and the
Holy Spirit, or if you prefer, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva! All my 144 soul
extensions told me when I had a group meeting with them and my Mighty
I Am Presence, that they were all on the same team! They told me they
were reading my books and correspondence courses on the inner plane
and they loved them. They thanked me for stepping forward in spiritual
leadership as I have! Now do understand that most of this occurred
unconsciously. I have worked a little bit consciously with my 144 over the
last 10 or 15 years, but most of the massive transformation that they have
gone through was done by my spiritual energy! I was told my Integrated
Light Body Split-Off Selves help them as well! I told them all I was at
their service and it was my desire to bring them all up to at least the 22nd
level! So we could have a 22nd level degree Monad in all 144! This is my
new all consuming goal. I cannot emphasize enough what an enormous
impact you can have on your 144 soul extensions. In total humbleness and
humility the effect I have had on mine has been massive. So in truth I
have become a fully realized Christ, and I fully ascended for the whole
group, which is why they are so advanced. The Monad and Mighty I Am
Presence is our true identity so our 144 soul extensions are intimately
connected to each of us.
I then asked what the level of initiation of my Oversoul was! I was told
my Oversoul was at the 18th as well, which made sense. Then I asked my
Mighty I Am Presence where my soul extensions were as to if they were
incarnated on other planets or not, for their incarnations are not restricted
to the earth. I was told in my case two from my Oversoul were incarnated
and ten others were on the inner plane. Then I was told that of my 144
only ten were incarnated on other planets and all the rest were on the
inner plane! I found this interesting. I was also told that a great many of
my souls in my Monad and Mighty I Am Presence family were working in
the inner plane I AM University!
So it gets really wild tracking all this stuff. You have the 144 other souls in
your Monad and Mighty I Am Presence family! Then I have my 22
Integrated Light Body Spilt-off Selves running around doing service and
33 by Wesak 2005. Then my 144 in my Monadic family all have Integrated
Light Body Split-off Selves as well. So these are all running around doing
service themselves! What keeps us all on the same page and sheet of music
so to speak is that we all our focused on realizing the “I Am” the “Christ”
and “Integrated Ascended Mastery” at ever increasing higher levels. To do
this we all must serve and give, for to possess a thing you must give a
thing! So I can humbly say for my Mighty I Am Presence and Monad, “As
for we and our house, we serve the Lord”!
Another one of the incredible things you will receive from this inner
plane Training Program is that you will be given your Monadic and
Oversoul Initiations, and you will be shown by your Mighty I Am
Presence, Oversouls, Superconscious Mind and Universal Mind how to
form a cooperative spiritual team with your 144 souls in your Monadic
group! You will be shown tools and techniques of how to evolve them and
raise the initiation and light body anchoring and activation of your entire
Monad and Oversoul structure of 12!
So then of course I had to ask Spirit and the Masters the Monadic
initiation level of the Chohans, Lord Maitreya and Allah Gobi, Helios and
Vesta our Solar Logos, Melchior our Galactic Logos, and Melchizedek our
Universal Logos! I was told the Chohans’ Monadic generalized initiation
was around 30. But that does vary from Master to Master. For Lord
Maitreya and Allah Gobi the Manu, it was around 40! For Helios and
Vesta the Solar Logos around 100! For Melchior the Galactic Logos around
175! For Melchizedek the Universal Logos around 250! For Metatron 352!
Same is true of the Mahatma who is at 352! This gives you a Cosmic
perspective of the process of achieving your initiations on a personal and
Monadic Level!
Now another thing the Mighty I Am Presence told me was that your 144
souls in your Mighty I Am Presence family form a group mind or
collective Monad Unconscious! So it is possible to tune into this collective
subconscious mind of your Monad and all 144 souls, and hence have
access to all the talents and abilities and integrated light body split-off
selves of your entire 144! Those who enroll in the outer earthly plane I AM
University and go through the inner and outer training will be allowed to
receive this special inner plane training of accessing all the gifts and
talents from their group subconscious mind of their 144 souls and they
will be trained in how to utilize the Integrated Light Body Split-off
Selves! As you can see my friends, what the inner and outer plane I AM
University has to offer you is the most cutting edge, revolutionary, easy to
understand, yet most advanced ascension information, Ascended Master
Teachings, training in the development and refinement of your
consciousness and spiritual psychology, and training in physical/earthly
mastery on all levels that exists on this planet! I very humbly tell you this
should be obvious from studying these write-ups and training programs
and seeing how the I AM University works on the inner and outer plane.
So this brings me to the next revelatory piece of information the Mighty I
Am Presence told me yesterday. So each Monad and Mighty I Am
Presence is at a different level of evolution. Not all Mighty I Am Presences
are the same. Some have realized the “I Am” more than others! If this were
not so, they would not be at varying initiation and light body anchoring
and activation levels. Now even though this is the case the Mighty I Am
Presence is an aspect of Spirit, Christ and God and is infused by the Holy
Spirit, so it has a certain omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence! So
the Mighty I Am Presence is a little bit of a paradox. It is both God
realized and in a state of spiritual evolution as well! Its evolutionary
aspect is how well it is evolving all its 144 souls and 12 Oversouls! So
Monads or Mighty I Am Presences differ in initiation, leadership and
levels of intelligence, yet are still like the Christ, and Holy Spirit, our true
To develop the 144 areas of one’s mind and achieve full brain
illumination, part of this process is integrating and cleansing your 144
Souls in your Monad! Your Mighty I Am Presence will help you do this in
this inner plane Training Program!
So the job of the Oversoul is to evolve the 12 souls under each Oversoul’s
care. The job of the Monad or Mighty I Am Presence is to evolve its 12
Oversouls. The job of the Solar Mighty I Am Presence is to evolve the
Individualized Planetary Mighty I Am Presences under its care and
tutelage. The job of the Galactic Mighty I Am Presence is to evolve the
Solar I Am’s or Solar Monads under its care. The job of the Universal
Mighty I Am Presence is to evolve all the Galactic I Am Presences under
its care and so on back to God!
I was also told that each Monad or Mighty I Am Presence has 72 female
souls and 72 male souls! I then asked about all this business of Twin
Flames, Soul Mates and so on. What the Mighty I Am Presence told me
was that it is extremely rare for a person to marry someone from their
same Oversoul group of 12! It is a little more common that you can meet
someone from your same Monad and fall in love, and as a matter of fact I
had this experience, however, this does not guarantee that you are meant
to be together as was the case in my particular situation. However, Spirit
and the Masters told me that this was somewhat rare as well!
I asked about Jesus and Mother Mary for the Universal Mind through
Edgar Cayce said they were from the same soul! Spirit and the Masters
told me that the Universal Mind readings through Cayce did not get into
this level of understanding so was using terms in a more general sense!
They said Jesus and Mary were from the same Monad and that was what
the Universal Mind was trying to say without getting into explaining what
I am explaining to you here.
So My Beloved Readers, is this not fascinating information? This is just
the tip of the iceberg in terms of what the inner and outer earthly plane I
AM University has to offer you! For those who join the outer earthly I AM
University you will be trained in and worked on all these different areas
that I have spoken of in this section!
Below you will find an article that explains some of these monadic and
Oversoul relationships in a little more detailed fashion, dealing with what
I like to call the Seven Levels of Marriage!
The Seven Levels of Esoteric Marriage!
The Lord of Arcturus and Commander Ashtar
Advanced Light Technologies from the Future
Practical Application and Training Program!
My Beloved Friends, this eighth and last inner plane Training Program for
those who enroll in the outer earthly I AM University, deals with the
Christed Extraterrestrials and more specifically the Lord of Arcturus and
the Arcturians, and Commander Ashtar and the Ashtar Command!
The focus of this inner plane Training Program has a multi-faceted
purpose. First it is to give you a direct experience of all the light
technologies they use on their Motherships to help souls become
“Integrated Ascended Masters”, “I Am Masters” and “Fully Integrated
Christed Beings”.
As part of this inner plane training they will also do healing on you on all
levels, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, etherically and physically!
Anything that needs healing and repairing will be healed! The Arcturians
are the most advanced race in our galaxy so the technologies they use are
out of this world! Even the inner plane Ascended Masters in our
government use all their technologies! In this inner plane Training
Program you will get a full spectrum prism training and experience in the
use all their collective light technologies!
For each person that enrolls in the outer earthly I AM University, they will
install a profile monitoring device, which is connected to their vast out of
this world light computers. So any time a disciple, initiate or lightworker
starts to falter, they will immediately receive an upgrade to help them
correct the problem and remain integrated, balanced and in the
Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God consciousness!
In this inner plane Training Program you will receive in-depth
educational training in how Christed Extraterrestrial Civilizations work
and operate. You will receive an imprint of the future blueprint for the
Earth to help make it become a New Jerusalem and Christed Civilization!
Any chronic physical health problems you have will be worked on with
their light Profile Computers which are able to heal and correct all
physical health problems for everything shows up on the computers. All
health problems can be healed if you will do your part as well.
The Lord of Arcturus and Commander Ashtar and their teams have
offered to also train souls in how to use their light technologies as they
have trained a great many of the inner plane Ascended Masters.
You will also be placed in the Arcturian Ascension Accelerator.
Commander Ashtar has a special etheric crystal he will give each disciple,
initiate or lightworker who joins the program to help them in their
ascension and initiatory process. Ashtar said he and his team will also
give you an in-depth training in the use of sound. He told me that some
Christed extraterrestrial planets actually use sound to create and build
things on their planet.
So in this inner plane training you will get both, an experiential receiving
of all the light technologies and an in-depth Christed Extraterrestrial
education as to the role Christed Extraterrestrials play as well! You will be
shown all the Christed Extraterrestrial Planets in our galaxy and how they
operate each in their own unique way through the Christ Pattern, even
though in truth they don’t use the term Christ, for each planet has its own
terms to name the Trinity, Mighty I Am Presence, Oversouls,
Superconscious minds and so on.
In this inner plane training you will also be given an education and
experiential blueprint for a fully realized Christed Body and Christed
DNA! This is all very exciting I think you would agree!
These eight inner plane Training Programs for those that enroll in the
outer earthly I AM University, in conjunction and coordination with the
unbelievable curriculum of the inner and outer plane I AM University, is
the most cutting edge, revolutionary, most comprehensive, easy to
understand, easy to receive, most practical, most complete, most
integrated, most balanced, most full spectrum prism consciousness
training by light years, that has ever been offered to the earth! These are
not my words, these are the words of Spirit and the Masters! Never has
spiritual growth, ascension, the passing of your initiations, realization of
your Light Bodies, the development and refinement of your consciousness
been made so easy, and so cutting edge and revolutionary. Everything you
have done your entire life has prepared you for this moment and this Holy
Instant my friends! You can waste your time or go at a snail’s pace,
studying disintegrated, fragmented teachings, who teach one lens of truth
or a small number of lenses and have not realized the 22 levels of
initiation themselves, and spend tons of money attending limited lens,
disintegrated, non cutting edge workshops which will help, however, why
read a thousand average books and go to a thousand average workshops
when you have found, humbly stated, the most refined level of integrated
Spiritual Gold on the planet in this work! Again we at the I AM
University do not want you to change your spiritual path. We are not
seeking converts! We in conjunction with Spirit and the Masters just want
to give you this inner and outer earthly plane training to enhance the path
you are on. If you find the clearest and highest teachings and Spiritual
Training on the planet, why clutter your consciousness and mind with the
smorgasbord and glut of good but average, limited, and not fully
integrated full spectrum prism consciousness teachings?
This training through the inner and outer earthly plane I AM University
will not only help you to become an “Integrated Ascended Master”, a fully
realized “Mighty I Am Presence times 144,” and a fully “Integrated Full
Spectrum Prism Synthesis Christed Being,” it will also save you an
astronomical amount of money! For once you go through this inner and
outer earthly plane training, you won’t need the glut of all those average
books and average teachings and limited lenses teachings and in many
cases fragmented teachings.
If a miner is searching for gold and he finally finds the “Mother Lode”
and most refined Gold deposit that exists on Earth, does he go mining
elsewhere? Of course not! Spirit and the Masters are offering you here the
“Mother Lode of the most refined Spiritual Gold on this planet”! This is
why Spirit and the Masters have made the inner plane I AM University a
“required gate” for all 6 billion souls on this planet. Believe me this was
not my idea! I was completely and totally shocked when they told me this.
That is how highly they think of this training. When I wrote my first two
correspondence courses, the day I finished I had a dream, and in the
dream all the Ascended Masters came to me as a group and told me that
these correspondence courses were the best spiritual teaching
methodologies on the planet! I did not make up this dream! Some people
can distort channelings if their consciousness is unclear, but you cannot
distort a dream in the same way. After completing the first seven
correspondence courses and training programs to my total surprise and
shock I was named the next World Teacher for the next 2000-year cycle, a
position the Master Jesus had held the last 2000 years in the Piscean Age.
This was not something I ever thought about in a trillion years! I will
share something with you that I have not shared before in regards to this
subject, that Spirit and the Masters recently told me. They told me that
actually Saint Germain was scheduled to be the next World Teacher,
however, because of the profundity and integrated, synthesized, and full
spectrum prism consciousness nature of my work, and the cutting edge
and revolutionary nature of this work on a spiritual, consciousness and
psychological level and physical/earthly level, they changed the divine
plan and collectively voted that I should take over this position! They also
liked the fact that I was still incarnated on Earth which allowed me the
ability to reach more people given I still retained a physical vehicle! It was
the same thing with being offered the future position of Office of the
Christ! Kuthumi was supposed to take over that position for they did not
think previously there was any soul who humbly qualified from our life
wave! However, when I stepped forward as I did with these eight new
revelatory correspondence courses and integrated, synthesized and full
spectrum prism consciousness teachings, the divine plan was changed in
the regard to the Office of the Christ as well! It was not written in the
Book of Life coming into this lifetime that I would ever rise to these
spiritual leadership positions. As Djwhal Khul said in the Alice Bailey
Books, sometimes the genius is surpassed by the average man, because of
his humble work ethic, focus and dedication!
I share these humble stories to just inspire you to see what can be
accomplished if you love God with all your heart and soul and mind and
might and you love your neighbor as you love yourself! I share these
personal stories to inspire you as to what can humbly be accomplished if
you “seek the Kingdom of God,” for then “all things shall be handed unto
thee”! I do not share these stories to glorify myself, I share them to glorify
God! For I asked for none of these things and never once thought about
any of these things! I was fully content to love God, try to realize God, and
serve my Brothers and Sisters to the best of my ability. However, in the
process of doing so, never thinking about the “fruits of my service,” 30
years later for some reason Spirit and the Masters seem to think I am the
right man for the job. Someone has to be chosen to fill these spiritual
leadership positions from the next life wave, and they think I am the right
person! I did not really want to stay another 50 years on earth to do this
spiritual mission. I was scheduled to leave at my 66th birthday. However,
God asked me to do this and how could I turn Him down after all God
and the Masters have given me? So this whole program has nothing to do
with me, it has to do with God and the Masters, and I am just their
humble messenger! What is unique in my situation is I am not only a
channel for Spirit and the Masters, I am also a humble Master in my own
right! So I not only channel, but I also speak from my own direct
realization of that which I speak of! Given I already had been given
spiritual leadership of the inner plane Synthesis Ashram and had been
named ten years ago High Priest Spokesperson for the planetary ascension
movement, and have been running the inner plane I AM University since
just prior to the year 2000, the next step in spiritual leadership was not that
big a step, even though it was all completely and totally unexpected. I am
sharing all of this information with all of you so you completely
understand where I am coming from, but the truth is I don’t think about
all this stuff in my own personal life. I am too busy. I have so much
responsibility given to me by Spirit and the Masters in putting the outer
earthly plane I AM University together, writing new correspondence
courses, doing Wesaks in Mt Shasta for 2000 people, keeping up with
email and correspondence, running all the branches of the I AM
University and the Mother Branch, teaching, counseling and so on, that
the only thing I have time to think about every day is serving! I don’t even
focus on Spiritual growth anymore, I just take it for granted that this will
come through my service work. I feel like the only reason I am here is to
serve! This whole vision I have shared with you in these write ups of the I
AM University on the inner and outer plane and all the rest, all came from
Spirit and the Masters! I am just the messenger, I did not create the
message! I did not come up with any of the spiritual leadership stuff and
did not come up with the I AM University and its obvious extremely
important role in the divine plan! I could have a much easier life not being
responsible for all these. However, my life is not about my personal
comfort, it is about serving God and just trying to do my humble puzzle
piece as God wants me to do it! He asked me along with the Masters to do
this whole vision for them and I am as surprised as the next guy as to how
big it is and how much responsibility I am being given. However, if this is
what God wants me to do, who am I to disagree? Any humble success I
have had inwardly and outwardly has all come from God! So when God
came to me and asked me to renegotiate my spiritual contract, and asked
me to do this spiritual leadership assignment for him and the Masters, I
could not turn him down! God gave me everything, and could I give God
and the Masters back any less? I humbly tell you that this is not some big
ego trip I am launching here, for that is the last thing in the infinite
universe I would want! I have not lived that way for 50 years and I am not
about to begin now. I am following God and the Masters’ guidance and
orders so to speak. Each write-up I did I asked them to read to make sure it
was channeled and written in a way that was harmonious with their
wishes. My biggest concern was finding that fine balance of telling the
truth and being an open book, but not wanting to come across over the
top, and trying to be humble in telling the story Spirit and the Masters
wanted me to tell! I consider these write-ups to be some of the most
important channelings and writings I have ever done. For I think you can
all sense the importance of the I AM University and the very large part it
now plays in the divine plan! The fact that it has been made a required
gate for all 6 billion souls on the inner plane still blows my mind! The fact
that so many souls have already gone through the I AM University or are
in the process of doing so blows my mind as well! I didn’t realize how
many myself! One thing I fully know is that it is time to anchor the I AM
University onto the physical Earthly plane! I have created a 100%
completely new website to launch this auspicious occasion and I have
abolished the former Melchizedek Synthesis Light Academy and replaced
it with the I AM University for obvious reasons! I can honestly tell you I
have never been more excited in my entire life about anything! After 30
years of serving God and the Masters and not focusing on the fruits of my
service, it seems like it has humbly been raining fruit the last year. I am
deeply humbled and humility filled by this! Maybe that in truth is the
secret to achieving fruit and spiritual leadership. Not caring about it or
desiring it! The last 30 years I have just been grateful to serve! I humbly
know a great many people have been helped by my work, however, my
opportunity in truth to be able to serve blessed me more than anyone else!
For in serving others it helped me integrate what I wanted to learn. It
helped me to possess that which I was giving. It allowed me to maintain
in myself that which I was giving. For the only way to have a thing is to
give a thing. If God stopped serving the infinite omniverse would
instantly stop. Yet the sun comes up every day and everything continues,
for God never stops serving. Let this be a lesson for us all! I need the
blessing of service as much as you need the blessing of full Planetary
Christ Realization at the 22nd level!
I wanted to share these last personal thoughts, feelings and reflections, so
you have a chance to get to know me a little more and so you can sense the
inner motivations, thinking and feeling of what the I AM University is
about from a personal lens as well! My main motivation in life is to glorify
God and glorify the Masters and extend their work and to do it in as
integrated, synthesis, and full spectrum prism consciousness manner I
can. I am as surprised as the next guy at all that has been built on the inner
and outer plane. However, I live my life by the motto “By the grace of God
and the Masters go I”! Any humble success I have achieved comes from
them. My only interests in life are three things. God, ascension and
service! I have humbly achieved this on a planetary level, but as the
Universal Mind said through Edgar Cayce, “I am content, but not
satisfied”! I feel deeply and profoundly content in my life, but I do not
feel satisfied. That is part of how focused and dedicated I am and how
hard I work! One thing I will humbly tell you is that my work ethic is
unsurpassed. I will not be satisfied until I return back to the 352nd level
and I help all of you return there with me. This is my honest to God prime
motivation of all prime motivations! I will not even be satisfied when I
return to the 352nd level. I will only be satisfied when all of you are there
with me! For you are all incarnations of God, and the “I Am” as “I Am”! I
know there is no such thing as any separate being other than God! I know
there is only one being in the infinite Universe and that is God, and we all
share in His “I Am” identity! So I honestly look at life this way, and at all
of you this way, as well as myself! So in helping you I Am helping God
and myself, for we all are God the “I Am”! That is why the I AM
University is such a perfect name for this University! Besides that, the
letters in “I AM” stand for “Integrated Ascended Masters” which is the
other great love in my life, for I really love the Ascended Masters with all
my heart, and soul, and mind, and might! I cannot explain why, but it has
always been that way. I know you all can relate.
So if I had to explain the other prime motivation of my life, it is to
transcend separateness, selfishness, and negative ego. We live in such an
egocentric world. My life’s focus is not on serving me, it is trying to be of
service to my Superconscious mind, Oversoul, my 12 Oversouls, my
Monad and Mighty I Am Presence, to my Group Monadic identity at ever
higher and higher levels. Trying to be of service to my Cosmic Monad at
the 352nd level. Trying to be of service to the Ascended Masters, the
Archangels and Angels, the Elohim Masters, and Christed
Extraterrestrials. Trying to be of service most of all to the Holy Spirit,
Christ and God, the I Am That I Am! Said in another way, my main
motivation in life is not serving my ascension but working to help God’s
ascension! That is why I won’t be satisfied until all of you are at the 352nd
level with me. If I didn’t take this attitude and perspective it would be
like saying I wanted one cell in my body in my hand to ascend but none of
the others! We are all cells in the body of God. We are all in a sense Splitoff
Selves of God, and extensions of His One Consciousness! So my prime
motivation in life is not to serve myself, for there is no self to serve. Self is
negative ego and negative ego does not really exist. It is a figment of
imagination! The truth is we are all just incarnations of God, and
incarnations of the “I Am”! So my focus now at my level of initiation is
not to serve me, but to serve the planet and help it to ascend! However, my
true motivation is to not serve myself but help the solar system to ascend,
the galaxy to ascend, the universe to ascend, the multi-universe to ascend,
and the cosmic omniverse to ascend! Even though I am only at the 23rd
level of initiation as of 2004, and I have 352 levels of initiation to achieve
and realize, I see myself as a planetary, solar, galactic, universal, multiuniversal
and cosmic citizen! This is why I find it very disturbing that
earth is holding up the ascension for Mother Earth, Lady Gaia, and is
holding up the ascension of our solar system, and is holding up the
ascension of our galaxy and universe! My prime motivation is to try and
help turn this around. I am proud to be an Earthling, as I know all of you
are as well. I do not want earth to be known as the planet or small group
of planets that is holding up the solar system’s, galaxy’s and universe’s
ascension! I will not rest until I can do my part in trying to turn this
So my friends, I invite you to join with Spirit, the Masters, and I to turn
this around! Stop focusing on yourself and realize we are all working for a
much higher purpose than ourselves. Do not work for yourself, work for
your Oversoul, Monad, Mighty I Am Presence, the Masters, the
Archangels and Angels, the Elohim, the Christed Extraterrestrials, your
144 souls in your Monad, the Holy Spirit, Christ, God, the planet, the solar
system, the galaxy, the universe, the multi-universe and the cosmic
omniverse, and lastly work for God’s ascension not your own! In working
for God’s ascension you work for every one and everything’s ascension in
all of creation. This is why “Service is the law of life”. This is why the
greatest among you is the servant of all! As the Universal Mind said
through Edgar Cayce, the only way you can have abundance or for that
matter even God in yourself, is to fulfill the law of abundance and God in
someone else! The exact quote of the Universal Mind is, “Abundance will
be the result of thy fulfilling the law of supply in the experience of
someone else”! So if you want ascension yourself, the only way in this
infinite universe you are going to be able to realize it is if you help others
to have it! This is not charity, this is doing yourself a favor! You need the
blessing more than the person you are giving God to! In truth both are
blessed. This is why the Master Jesus said, “How you treat others is how
God will treat you”! For how you treat others is how you are treating God
and yourself, for your Brothers and Sisters are literally God and yourself.
That is why the only way to find yourself is to lose yourself in serving
others, as Gandhi said!
So when I say my prime motivation in life is to glorify God, it is because
God is all that exists! That is why when you glorify God on Earth, he will
glorify thee in Heaven! The truth is for those who really give themselves
to this process, God will glorify you on earth as well! The Master Jesus
said, “Be thee faithful unto death and I will give thee a Crown of Life”! If
you live life in such a manner as I am describing, transcending separation,
selfishness, self aggrandizement, self centeredness, narcissism, lower self
desire, and fear, God will give you a “Crown of Life” even on earth! He
does this for those who really step forward in his service. He does not
even wait until you get to Heaven. God and Christ want to give you the
Crown. If you walk one step towards them, they will walk ten steps
toward you! This is why Jesus said in A Course in Miracles, “To have all,
you must give all!” Anything you hold back on a Brother and Sister or any
aspect of creation, you are holding back on yourself! This world has gotten
all things backwards. As the Master Jesus said, “Those who exalt self will
be humbled, and those who humble self will be exalted!” That is why the
Master Jesus also said, “If someone steals your coat, give him your cloak
as well!” That is why those who are first will be last, and those who are
last will be first! The only way you ascend up the spiritual mountain or
become a spiritual leader is by helping your Brother and Sister on the
rung below climb up first! What you see in life is what you are giving.
Most people do not realize that what they see is what they are giving and
comes from their consciousness and mind! So if you don’t see God, the I
Am, in everyone and everything, including animals, plants, rocks, and
animate and inanimate things and switch your focus from serving self to
serving God, you will not find God fully. You will also not find and fully
realize God, unless you do it spiritually, in consciousness and
psychologically, and on a physical/earthly level. This is the other big
mistake people and light workers make! It must be done on all levels. This
is also why it is important to see that God is realized through all religions,
all spiritual paths, all mystery schools, channels, spiritual texts, spiritual
teachers, gurus, cultures, races, creeds, colors, countries. This is why this
training you will receive in the inner and outer earthly plane I AM
University is so profound! It helps you to see life from the integrated,
synthesized, full spectrum prism consciousness of God, Christ, the Holy
Spirit, the Mighty I Am Presence, the Ascended Masters, the Archangels
and Angels, Elohim Masters, Christed Extraterrestrials and
Superconscious mind!
We all know that the Master Gland in the body is the pituitary gland! This
is because the pituitary gland is connected to your sixth chakra or third
eye chakra. Spirit and the Masters told me the sixth chakra is considered
the Master Chakra of the seven, although all are equally important of
course! This is true because the sixth chakra is connected with spiritual
vision. I am not talking about clairvoyance for that has little to do with the
sixth chakra. I am talking about the development and refinement of your I
Am Consciousness. The inner and outer plane I AM University will help
you to open your third eye like there is no tomorrow. It will help you to
open all seven seals, and master and integrate them and turn them into
Seven Golden Candlesticks. The color gold is the color of Christ
Realization in a universal sense of the term!
So the I AM University as you can see has nothing to do with me. It is just
my humble privilege to be part of this co-creational process of being the
channel and dispenser of this new Dispensation of Christ’s and the
Ascended Masters’ Teachings for the Aquarian Age. The Christ I am
speaking of here has nothing to do with Christianity. It is just the term I
am using to designate the second aspect of the Trinity of God! Every 2000year cycle there is a new dispensation of Christ Teachings! Jesus
dispensed Christ teachings for the 2000 year Piscean Age Cycle and did so
magnificently along with Lord Maitreya and the Christ Presence who
overlighted him! 2000 years later we are doing it again! The Christ is
involved again as is Lord Maitreya, however, for this new dispensation of
the Aquarian Age Christ Teachings, the next higher octave is that of
“Integration, Synthesis, and Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness”. So for
this Aquarian Age new dispensation of Christ Teaching, it is not just Lord
Maitreya and Sananda who overlight this process but also
God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, Melchizedek, Mahatma, Archangel Metatron,
the Archangels and Elohim, Melchior, Helios and Vesta, Lord Buddha, the
Universal Mind and Universal Heart of God, the Mighty I Am Presences,
Oversouls, Superconscious Minds, Allah Gobi, Lord Maitreya, Saint
Germain, El Morya, Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Hilarion,
Sananda, Saint Germain, Djwhal Khul, Lord of Arcturus and the
Arcturians, the Asthar Command, the Mother Earth Lodge, the Goddess
Lodge, the Christed Extraterrestrial Lodge, the Western Esoteric Lodge and
Eastern Masters Lodge and the entire Cosmic and Planetary Hierarchy of
Ascended Masters and Celestial Beings!
This is why all their Ashrams are now being anchored into cyberspace and
onto the Earth now as you read and study the I Am Website.
The reason they are all involved is because the new dispensation of
Christ’s, the Second Aspect of the Trinities’, teachings for the Aquarian
Age is now to raise the last 2000 years teachings to a higher octave! The
new octave is not just how to be a Christ, but how to be an Integrated
Christ, a Synthesis Christ, a Full Spectrum Prism Christ! To do this all the
Masters, Angels, Elohim, Christed Extraterrestrials, and all aspects of
Spirit and God must be involved!
Because of my humble spiritual leadership in the inner plane Synthesis
Ashram I have a certain gift for understanding integration, synthesis and
full spectrum prism consciousness which is why I have been humbly
given this spiritual assignment! It has made me a fitting channel to share
these new Aquarian Age teachings with the world!
Any spiritual leadership I have humbly achieved you can achieve as well.
As I have said, the positions I have been given are Second Ray positions.
Soon as I move to my future position of Office of the Christ and Head of
the Spiritual Hierarchy for this next life wave, I will be finding
replacements to take over the Synthesis Ashram and I AM University as
well! There are tons of spiritual leadership positions available which is
why Lord Maitreya, Lord Buddha, and the Chohans are focusing on this in
their Training Program! I am just one humble soul! I Am waiting now
with Spirit and the Masters for the other spiritual leaders of all Seven
Rays for the next life wave to join me in the spiritual government. For
soon it will be time for the Life Wave ahead of us to move on! One of the
many reasons for the creation of the inner and outer plane I AM
University is to accelerate this process!
So again I say, the I AM University has nothing to do with me, for it was
created to glorify God and the teachings of the Ascended Masters! The I
AM University is not about me, for there is no me to glorify, for all that
exists is God, the I Am That I Am! We each are in truth made in His Image
and are mini replicas of Him. I do have a focal point of identity as we all
do, however, it is not a focus point of identity based on separation,
selfishness, lower self desire, fear, selfishness, self aggrandizement, or
glorification of self. It is a focal point of identity based on glorifying God,
glorifying the Ascended Masters and their teachings, egolessness,
selflessness, saintliness, God purity, humbleness, humility,
defenselessness, harmlessness, unconditional love, non-judgmentalness,
forgiveness, and serving something much greater than self!
The inner and outer plane I AM University was created to glorify God, the
Ascended Masters, and their teachings! It was created to help God achieve
his ascension, which is all of your personal ascension as well, for you all
are God, the I Am with me! The I AM University on the inner and outer
earthly plane was created to help you become an “Integrated Ascended
Master”, and an “Integrated Mighty I Am Presence” on Earth. It was
created to help you become an “Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Synthesis
Christ” on Earth! It was created to train the new wave of lightworkers for
planetary spiritual leadership and planetary world service! It was created
on the inner and outer plane at this pivotal time in Earth’s history to help
God ascend! It was created to help the earth, our solar system, our galaxy,
and universe ascend and to stop slowing the process down for everyone
else! The I AM University was created to transcend negative ego,
selfishness, self centeredness, and to help all souls on earth work for
something greater than self the “I Am” that we all share as the same
identity! The I AM University was created to help all souls achieve “I Am
Consciousness” or
“Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/Krishna/Moses/Mohammed/Lao Tse/Ascended
Master/God consciousness in an integrated and balanced way! It has been
created to foster synthesis and full spectrum prism consciousness instead
of limited lens consciousness. It has been created to help all souls on earth
achieve their 12th to 22nd level of initiation.
The I AM University has absolutely nothing to do with me, but has
everything to do with God and the Ascended Masters and their teachings.
Its purpose is to train people in how to live a life glorifying God, living a
life of joy, happiness, bliss, spiritual ecstasy, unconditional love, oneness,
and harmonization!
The I AM University was created to bring all religions, all spiritual paths,
all channels, all spiritual teachers, all spiritual scientists, all artists, all
businessmen and woman, all politicians and governmental officials, all
economists, all gurus, all spiritual texts, all spiritual teachings, all cultures,
races, creeds, colors, and genders together into unity and oneness.
The I AM University was created to create an “I Am Civilization”, “New
Jerusalem”, the “Seventh Golden Age” and a new “Christed Civilization”
on Earth!
Lastly, the I AM University was created by Spirit and the Masters in
coordination with my channelings and writings to help accelerate the “Inbreath
of God” or the “In breath of Brahma”! By this I mean the I AM
University was created to help complete this cosmic day! In our cosmic
day for this planet we have used up 3.1 billion years! We still have 1.2
billion years left! A cosmic day, or Out-breath and In-breath of God, is
complete when all souls return home to the 352nd level of divinity! It is to
this Holy Purpose I have dedicated my life, and every thought, feeling,
word and breath, in total humbleness and humility with all glory going to
God! For there is no self to glorify for there is no self other than God!
There is only the I Am That I Am who split His Infinite Consciousness
into infinite sparks, or Sons and Daughters of God, or miniature “I Am’s”!
One of the premiere purposes of life is to see there is no separate self
other than God. There are only infinite numbers of “I Am’s” incarnated
into all levels of frequencies. There are people I Am’s, animal I Am’s,
plant I Am’s, rock and mineral I Am’s, animate and inanimate I Am’s.
There is nothing but God. All energy is God, be it densified or in the form
of energy. Everything has a soul, or “I Am” that inhabits or incarnates into
it! So my Beloved Readers, the I AM University has absolutely nothing to
do with me, for there is no me and there is no you to glorify! There is only
one being in the infinite universe and that is God and the I Am That I Am,
and we all share the same identity in the “I Am”! Any humble spiritual
leadership I have achieved you can do and more! I am just one humble
member of a vast spiritual government that our current life wave is in the
process of taking over spiritual leadership of!
So I thank you for taking the time to read some of my personal thoughts,
feelings and reflections, and I Am humbled and honored to be involved in
such an assignment, however, the I AM University is about glorifying
God, and glorifying the Ascended Masters and their teachings, and is
helping us all to become and realize our true spiritual nature as
“Integrated, Synthesized, Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness I Am’s,”
regardless of what religion, spiritual path, mystery school, spiritual
teacher, channel, guru, saint, spiritual text, spiritual teaching you have
chosen for yourself! They all fit into the I AM University which is part of
the profundity of the I AM University and why it has been made a
required gate on the inner plane on Earth! Everyone, no matter what
religion or spiritual path they are on, can benefit from integration,
synthesis, and full spectrum prism consciousness training and this is what
the inner and outer plane I AM University will give you and so, so, so,
much more!
Spirit, the Masters, and I have humbly given you our all in these
introductory channeled write-ups! It is our collective sincere hope and
prayer that our humble words have struck a deep and profound resonant
cord within your “I Am Being,” in terms of the profundity of what is
being offered and the God purity of what we all are trying to do! We have
done our part and now the rest is up to God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, your
own Mighty I Am Presence, your Superconscious Mind, your guides, and
most importantly up to you! The inner and outer earthly plane I AM
University is for those that have the “eyes to see and the ears to hear”.
God, the I Am That I Am, is literally offering you everything, if you but
have the wisdom to see it, sense it, and feel it! Never in the history of the
Earth has so much been given so freely by God and the Masters! If you
sense the sincerity and God purity of our words, then enroll now and take
advantage of this once in lifetime supreme offer! Nothing like this has
ever been seen on the Earth before in such scope and magnitude!
If you feel touched by our humble words and the clarity and importance
of our collective message, please tell your friends, family and students
about the website and work as well! The “ I Am” in us is depending on
the “I Am” that is you, to help us support this “I Am Movement” in all
ways and all things. We feel humbly confident that the I Am Message we
have given will be received and find fertile soil in the I Am Being you are!
How could it not when all that exists in life is the “I Am”!
Praise be to God and the Ascended Masters. The I AM University has
officially been launched on this day of our Lord! The clarion call now goes
forth from
God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, Melchizedek, Mahatma, Archangel Metatron,
the Archangels and Elohim, Melchior, Helios and Vesta, Lord Buddha, the
Universal Mind and Universal Heart of God, the Mighty I Am Presences,
Oversouls, Superconscious Minds, Allah Gobi, Lord Maitreya, Saint
Germain, El Morya, Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Hilarion,
Sananda, Saint Germain, Djwhal Khul, Lord of Arcturus and the
Arcturians, the Asthar Command, the Mother Earth Lodge, the Goddess
Lodge, the Christed Extraterrestrial Lodge, the Western Esoteric Lodge and
Eastern Masters Lodge and the entire Cosmic and Planetary Hierarchy of
Ascended Masters and Celestial Beings for all to enroll and to turn as
many “I Am’s” onto the work as possible! If we all work together as one “I
Am” in a very short amount of time we will have an “I Am Planet”!
Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai T’Sabayoth!
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of Hosts!
Be still, and Know, I Am God!
Your Eternal I Am Brother and Friend,
Joshua, along with Spirit and the Masters!
The “I Am” is with you and you are the “I Am”!
“The Djwhal Khul Arcturian Inner Plane Core Fear Removal Radionics
“The Lord of Arcturus and Arcturian Light Infusion Technology!”
“The Lord of Arcturus Golden Skin Light Technology!”
“Lord of Arcturus and Arcturian World Service Work!”
Training Materials for the
Outer I AM University!
Becoming an “Integrated
Ascended Master,”
“Integrated Christ,” and “I
AM Master” Through the
Study and Application of
the Channeled
Correspondence Courses
and Training Programs of
Dr Stone!
Correspondence Course #6:
God, Christ, Holy Spirit and Company of
Heaven ‘Book of Revelation’
Correspondence Course!
Dr Joshua David Stone
My Beloved Readers, after doing the Sananda, Holy Spirit and Universal Mind
Correspondence Course, which was humbly the best thing I had ever channeled, I
really wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to top that one! Of course Spirit and the
Masters always tell me that each one is going to be better than the previous one. I
believed what they said, but I am from Missouri, the “Show Me State!” I believe in
actions more than words. Well, my Beloved Readers, I am happy to say that God,
Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Mighty I Am Presence, the Universal Mind, the
Superconscious minds, the Oversouls, the inner plane Ascended Masters, Archangels
and Angels, Elohim Masters, Christed Extraterrestrials, and Cosmic and Planetary
Hierarchy have delivered their promise as they always do. This new ‘Book of
Revelation’ Correspondence Course is light years beyond anything I have ever done
before. Even my mind is totally blown by this correspondence course. It was a
channeled co-creation that is so profound that we had to change the initial title to
“Book of Revelation” Correspondence Course because no other words would do
justice to explain the profundity of the information that is enclosed within its light
Anyone who reads and studies this will literally never be the same. It is literally light
years beyond correspondence course number five of Sananda, the Holy Spirit, and the
Universal Mind, which I honestly didn’t think could be topped before I began! The
channeled lessons and chapters in this course are still reverberating through my being
months later.
The ‘God, Christ, Holy Spirit, and Company of Heaven Book of Revelation’
Correspondence Course is literally a revelatory cosmic map home. It explains the
macrocosmic nature of God on all levels in such a clear, easy to understand and
profound manner, the likes of which has never ever been given to the earth before. If
you only study one book or one correspondence course or one training program the
rest of your life, let it be this one! It was channeled by all the Masters I listed above. It
is a “Synthesis Revelation”! I went one by one through all the aspects of Spirit and the
Masters and they all gave me their best revelations and their hottest spiritual stuff. If
that were not enough what this correspondence course really is, is the “Next Higher
Octave Revelatory Teachings of God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Mighty I Am
Presence and the Masters for the next 2000 year Aquarian Age Cycle”. This last
sentence explains exactly what is in these pages! The correspondence course is over 900
pages and I swear to you on all that is sacred and holy, that each lesson and chapter
you read, study, and apply, is more revelatory and profound than the previous one!
Most courses, trainings and books in this world have a little beef, and the rest is fluff.
You all know what I am talking about! Flowery words that say very little. My Beloved
Readers, this correspondence course is over 900 pages of total beef and no fluff
whatsoever! After reading, studying and applying this Book of all Revelation
Correspondence Course number six, you will never ever be the same. This course was
designed to help all Souls on earth achieve their 12th to 22nd level of initiation and light
body anchoring and activation. This correspondence course was designed to help all
souls on earth become “Planetary Mighty I Am Presences, Planetary Christs, and
Planetary Integrated Ascended Masters”.
This Book of Revelation Correspondence Course number six was channeled and
written, to “knock your socks off,” and to “fully open your third eye”! This
correspondence course was channeled to fully launch the inner and outer earthly I AM
University with a “Big Bang” that will reverberate through the planet, solar system,
galaxy and universe”!
The information in this Book of Revelation Correspondence Course is so profound
that it has never ever been given to the earth before. Humbly stated there is nothing
like this on the planet! This correspondence course was created after I was humbly
offered the spiritual leadership of “World Teacher” by the Spiritual Hierarchy, and
was asked by Lord Maitreya to take over his spiritual leadership position in the Office
of the Christ in the spiritual government when he moves to his next cosmic position.
So being from Missouri, the “Show me State”, I humbly felt that I had channeled
something that was fitting for the newfound spiritual leadership I humbly found
myself in. I knew I had to take my attunement and channeling to a whole new level.
By the grace of God and the Masters this took place in spades! I felt like I needed to
show them what I could do, just as they were proving to me what they could do, as
they always do! Not in an ego sense, but in an inspirational sense. Capping this all off
is the grand opening of the I AM University that is soon to come, so I was not only
doubly and triply inspired, I was quadruple inspired!
In total humbleness and humility I have never been more humbly proud of anything I
have channeled and written in my entire life. My Beloved friends, this correspondence
course is going to blow your mind. It is not only going to blow your personal mind, it
is going to blow your planetary mind, solar mind, galactic mind, universal mind,
multi-universal mind, and omniversal cosmic mind! That is how profound this
Revelation of all Revelations Correspondence Courses is! Anyone who studies and
reads this will never ever be the same. Words cannot suffice to explain to you the
absolute life transforming changes you will go through studying this course. It is the
next higher level octave Teachings of God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Mighty I Am
Presence and Masters for the Aquarian Age. The correspondence course is so profound
that even Spirit and the Masters are blown away by the collective profundity of all the
aspects of God and the Masters combining to do one Revelation of all Revelations
Correspondence Course!
I say again if you read only one book, one correspondence course, or one training
program let it be this one! Once you read and study this one it is going to so
profoundly affect you that you are going to want to study all the other ones as well. In
total humbleness and humility there is nothing like this on the planet.
This course is for those that have the eyes to see and the ears to hear the humble truth
and words that Spirit, the Masters and I speak.
I give you my word that this will be the single best investment you have ever made!
The only words that come to mind to explain what effect reading, studying and
applying this correspondence course will have on you is “Absolutely Self and Life
Love and Light,
Dr Joshua David Stone
Table Of Contents
Lesson 1: In Truth God is Not Only a Spiral but a Gigantic Cosmic Egg!
Lesson 2: Revelation of all Revelations: God Appears to Souls on Earth in Five Major
Symbolic Ways in Dreams and Visions! A Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness
Lesson 3: Service is the Law of Life!
Lesson 4: The Book of Life and Akashic Records Explained by Metatron!
Lesson 5: How to Develop a Christed Physical Body and Christed DNA!
Lesson 6: The Revelation of all Revelations: How the Cosmic Government of God,
Christ and the Holy Spirit Is Organized And The Council of 12!
Lesson 7: Just as our Planet and the Entire Omniverse is Run by a Council of 12, so is
Your Inner Consciousness and Personality: Also How to Make Your Energies Serve the
Christ, the Mighty I AM Presence, as 12 Apostles, 12 Knights, and 12 Pillars in the
Temple of God! A Revelation for the Ages!
Lesson 8: How to become one of the 12 Apostles, Knights, and Pillars at the Round
Table of Christ and the Mighty I AM Presence and the New I AM Project and
Movement of Helios and Vesta our Solar Logos!
Lesson 9: The Great Secret Of the Universe: What You Are Seeing in Truth Is What
You Are Giving: Developing Sacred and Multidimensional Sight!
Lesson 10: A Revelation For the Aquarian Age: You Cannot Realize the Christ Without
Also “Trinitizing” Your Consciousness Through Embodying God and the Holy Spirit
as Well!
Lesson 11: The Incredible Importance of “Trinitizing With God, Christ And the Holy
Spirit”, Your Relationships, Initiations, Physical Body, Spiritual Mission And Earthly
Lesson 12: The Three Laws Of God, Christ and the Holy Spirit!
Lesson 13: An Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness Understanding of the
Cosmic Tree of Life on all Levels and Its Relationship to the I AM University!
Lesson 14: How to Turn Yourself and Life Into a “Christed Symphony, Christed
Tapestry, and Christed Painting, Christed Light Show, and Develop a Christed Energy
Lesson 15: A Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness Understanding of What
Consciousness Really Is!
Lesson 16: How To Develop And Refine Your Consciousness: A Full Spectrum Prism
Consciousness Perspective for the Aquarian Age!
Lesson 17: How to Become an Integrated Mastermind, Master Heart, Master
Soul/Spirit, Master of Relationships, Feelings, Creativity, the Earth and Earth Energies,
and Build Your “Seven Fold Pyramid and House of Light”!
Lesson 18: Why Everyone Has to Start Back at Zero Level of Initiations Each Lifetime,
Even Though We Have Taken Initiations in Past Lives!
Lesson 19: Lord Maitreya’s And Master Kuthumi’s Totally Cutting Edge,
Revolutionary And Revelatory New Higher Octave Teachings For The Aquarian Age
On The Initiations And What They Really Mean!
Lesson 20: The Return of Christ, or More Accurately, the Return of Christ in Your
Consciousness For in Truth He Never Left Your Side!
Lesson 21: How to Sing the Praise of God Every Moment of Your Life in Song,
Thought, Word and Deed!
Lesson 22: A Deeper Explanation of What the Return of the Goddess to Earth Really
Lesson 23: The Purpose of Life is Not to Just Become the Light or the Christ, but in
Truth to Become An “Integrated Light or Integrated Christ!
Lesson 24: The Seven Levels of Resurrection to Become a Fully Realized Christ!
Lesson 25: The Evolution of Consciousness of the Twelve Tribes of Israel!
Lesson 26: Adam to Jesus in the Bible is the Development of Consciousness That Each
Soul Must Travel to Achieve Self and God Realization!
Lesson 27: Do Ascended Masters Make Love, Have Relationships and Have Sex on the
Inner Plane?
Lesson 28: How do Ascended Masters Spend Their Time in the Spiritual World?
Lesson 29: How to Find the “Holy Grail and Realize the Christ in This Lifetime!”
Lesson 30: An In Depth Training in How to Become a Master in the Use of Light!
Lesson 31: Understanding How Past Life Split Off Selves Work!
Lesson 32: How and Why to Call on the Inner Plane “Peace Council”!
Lesson 33: If You Are in Need of Extra Prayer Help Call on the Inner Plane “Amen
Lesson 34: If You Need Help in Precipitating and Manifesting in Your Earth Life Call
Upon the Inner Plane “Precipitation Council!”
Lesson 35: Everyone on Earth Has a Higher Spiritual Name in Heaven and How to Get
in Touch With This!
Lesson 36: The Djwhal Khul Inner Plane Core Fear Removal Radionics Machine!
Lesson 37: How to Anchor and Activate the “Christ Amrita!”
Lesson 38: The Lord of Arcturus and Arcturian Light Infusion Technology!
Lesson 39: The Lord of Arcturus Golden Skin Light Technology!
Lesson 40: Cities of Light!
Lesson 41: The Key Question of Life is Whether You See Your Identity as a Physical
Body, a Separate Individual, a Unified Individual or as a Group Consciousness?
Lesson 42: Inner Plane Ascended Masters Are Looking for Qualified Initiates to Fulfill
Spiritual Assignments and Inner Plane Spiritual Leadership Positions: Help Wanted!
Lesson 43: How to Become a Master Integrated Full Spectrum Sound Healer!
Lesson 44: Another Aquarian Age Teaching of the Cosmic Christ: Coming Into a
Deeper Awareness of Your Multidimensionality!
Lesson 45: The Christ And Spiritual Hierarchy Ascension Activation Meditation!
Lesson 46: The 72 Supersenses of God!
Lesson 47: Before Enlightenment You Chop Wood, After Enlightenment You Chop
Lesson 48: The Difference Between Psychological, Physical and Spiritual Integration!
Lesson 49: The Relationship of Consciousness, One’s Energy, and Light!
Lesson 50: Everyone on Earth Speaks 22 Languages Fluently, But Does Not Realize It!
Lesson 51: There Are Many Levels Of Ascension, Not Just One Level of Ascension
Which is a Great Misunderstanding in the Spiritual Movement!
Lesson 52: The 22 Major Arcana and How These Need to be Integrated and
Synthesized to Fully Realize the I AM THAT I AM and Christ Within!
Lesson 53: How to Become a Superhuman on Every Level of Your Being in This
Lesson 54: How the Trinity of God is Anchored Onto the Earth!
Lesson 55: The 15 True and Hidden Sephiroth of the Cosmic Tree of Life for the
Aquarian Age!
Lesson 56: How the “Ascension of God”, the “Cosmic Day” and the “Day of Brahma”
Is Realized!
Lesson 57: How to Become a Son of Man, Son of God, Sun of God, Great Central Sun,
Light of the World, Golden Candle Stick, Lamp Unto the World, Greater Flame, the
Ocean of God and the Body of God!
Lesson 58: More Specifics on the “12 Integrated Christs” That Are Needed to Change
the World and How to Become a Fully Equal Member of the Spiritual Hierarchy!
Lesson 59: What is the “Office of God” and How to Integrate it into Your Being!
Lesson 60: What is “The Office of the Christ” and How to Integrate it into Your Being!
Lesson 61: The Office of the Holy Spirit Explained as it Manifests Throughout
Lesson 62: What is “The Office of the Planetary Logos” and how to Integrate it Into
Your Being!
Lesson 63: It is Not Possible to Realize God, Unless You Realize the 352 Initiations of
the Christ and the Holy Spirit as Well!
Lesson 64: Where do Thoughts Come From? An Integrated Full Spectrum Prism
Consciousness Understanding!
Lesson 65: Declaring Jihad or (Holy War) to Become an Integrated Ascended Master!
Lesson 66: Arcturians Multidimensional Full Body Profile Radionics Machine!
Lesson 67: How the “Trinity of God” Integrates Into Each Specific First Three Major
Lesson 68: How the “Trinity of God” Manifests in the Seven Chakras!
Lesson 69: The Difference Between Communicating on the Inner Level With the Soul
of a Person and With the Person in Real Life!
Lesson 70: To Become a Fully Realized Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Christ, one has
to do this on Three Major Levels, and Seven Minor Levels!
Lesson 71: The Three Levels of Our Seven Fold Nature!
Lesson 72: On a Spiritual Level Becoming the Christ, and the Mighty I AM Presence,
and Oversoul to Your Integrated Light Body Split Off Selves!
Lesson 73: The Most Incredible Definition of “The Trinity of God” Ever Given Forth to
the Earth by Lord Maitreya the Current Planetary Christ!
Lesson 74: The Chakras of God the Father, and the Infinite Omniverse Explained!
Lesson 75: The Revelation of All Revelations: There Is Not Just One Set of Initiations
You Must Take to Become a Fully Realized Planetary Christ, Mighty I AM Presence on
Earth and Integrated Ascended Master. There are Four Types of Initiations!
Lesson 76: The New World Religion of the Ascended Masters Explained!
Lesson 77: The Advanced Arcturian Brain Frequency Balancer and Accelerator!
Lesson 78: How All of Creation is Just One Omniversal Multifaceted,
Multidimensional Ray of Light and Web of Light of God!
Lesson 79: The Incredible Importance of Developing the Inner “Messiah, Kalki Avatar,
Buddha/Maitreya, Iman Madhi, Christ, Ascended Master, Jesus, Lord Maitreya,
Externalization of the Hierarchy” Within!
Lesson 80: The Revelation of All Revelations: How to Raise Oneself Out of Mass
Consciousness and Become a Fully Realized Christ, Mighty I AM Presence and
Integrated Ascended Master!
Lesson 81: A Personal Letter by Dr Stone to a Student on How to Change One’s
Lesson 82: A Personal Letter by Dr Stone to a Student on How to Develop Faith!
Lesson 83: Hypnosis and Meditative Process to Learn How to Channel!
Lesson 84: How to Discover and Overcome Your Soul Challenges!
Lesson 85: Blessed is the Man That Endureth Temptation: For When He Hath Been
Proved, He Shall Receive The Crown of Life!
Lesson 86: What Actually Really Happened to Jesus During the Three Days in the
Tomb and Following Days Leading up to His Ascension: Revelatory Information
Never Revealed to the Earth Before!
Lesson 87: The Next Higher Octave of Aquarian Age God, Christ and the Holy Spirit
Teachings on the Five Types of Resurrection Never Revealed to the Earth Before!
Lesson 88: What is the Rapture and How Souls on Earth can Realize it from God,
Christ and The Holy Spirit’s Perspective!
Lesson 89: How to Access and Utilize the Inner Plane Resurrection Council!
Lesson 90: How to Access and Utilize the Inner Plane Rapture Council!
Lesson 91: The Seven Levels of Resurrection!
Lesson 92: The Purpose of Life is to Not Just Realize God, But to Become an
“Integrated God!
Lesson 93: The Revelation of Revelations: There is Not One Jacob’s Ladder or
Heavenly Ladder, There are Five!
Lesson 94: Resurrection, Ascension, Physical Ascension, Liberation, Graduation,
Enlightenment, Nirvana, Samadhi, Transfiguration, Self Realization, Translation,
Mighty I AM Presence Realization, Christ and Planetary Christ Realization, Integrated
Ascended Master Realization, Avatar, God Realization and What These Different
Terms Really Mean!
Lesson 95: Becoming an Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Christ Ascension Activation
Lesson 96: How to Call Forth, Anchor and Activate the Fire Body of Metatron, and
What This New Special Dispensation Aquarian Age Revelation Is!
Lesson 97: The Newest Light Body Now Being Made Available to Light Workers
Around the Globe: “The Electra Body!” What it is and How to Receive it!
Lesson 98: Resurrection And Ascension Training: How to Raise Your Frequency on All
Seven Levels of Your Being and Maintain It!
Lesson 99: God Is A Spiral : A Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness Understanding Of
This Fact!
Lesson 100: Strive to Realize, Merge, and Integrate with your 22 Levels of Spiritual
Lesson 101: Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness Of How To Realize The Raising Of
The Kundalini On A Personal, Planetary, Solar, Galactic, Universal, And Cosmic Level!
Lesson 102: Live The Impossible Dream!
Lesson 103: God Is The Supreme Leader Of The Omniverse, And Is Also The Supreme
Servant! Ponder On This!
Lesson 104: The Importance Of Keeping One’s Head Screwed On Straight, Which In
Truth Is The Single Most Important Key To Spiritual Success In Life!
Lesson 105: The Mind Is The Builder, So Keep Building Your Spiritual Temple And
Edifice Back To God The Instruction Manual!
Lesson 106: How To Train Your Consciousness And Mind To Be Fertile Soil For The
Seeds Of God And The Masters!
Lesson 107: How To Properly Process Your Reality: A Full Spectrum Prism Perspective!
Lesson 108: We Are Made in God’s Image and Likeness, So we Need to Learn to be
Steady in our Spiritual Path Like God is Steady Serving Creation!
Lesson 109: And The “Lion Laid Down With The Lamb!” The Bible!
Lesson 110: Christ’s New Higher Octave Teachings For The Aquarian Age: Be An
Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Synthesis Consciousness Everything!
Lesson 111: Lord Maitreya’s (Krishna’s) New 33 Fold Bhagavad-Gita Teaching For The
Next Higher Octave Of Christ’s Teaching For The Aquarian Age Revealed!
Lesson 112: Sermon on the Mount Shasta by Dr Joshua David Stone!
Lesson 113: A True Leader Serves! A True Servant Leads!
Lesson 114: What One Does In Life Echoes In Eternity!
Lesson 115: Numerology According To Spirit And The Ascended Masters!
Lesson 116: Expect Much, You Will Obtain Much! Expect Little, You Will Obtain Little!
Expect Nothing, You Will Obtain Nothing! – The Universal Mind!
Lesson 117: You Will Know Them By Their Fruits!
Lesson 118: The Mathematics Of God: God Equals Man Minus Ego! Man Equals God
Plus Ego! Ego Equals Man Minus God!
Lesson 119: The Seven Mt Everests A Person Must Climb To Achieve God Realization!
Lesson 120: The Great Esoteric and Mystical Secret Of Lord Maitreya and The
Ascended Masters on How to Lose Weight That is Never Explained in Any Diet on
Lesson 121: How We Are All Born Of The Immaculate Conception In Truth!
Lesson 122: The Ascended Masters’ Computer Chips From the Shambhalla and
Hierarchical Libraries and Archives that are Programmed into People’s Superconscious
Lesson 123: Mother Mary Changes her Name to “Sister Mary” to Begin this New
Aquarian Age!
Lesson 124: How to Raise your Inner Child into Adolescence, Young Aduldhood, and
Finally into Christed Mastership!
Lesson 125: Channeled New Higher Octave Aquarian Teachings on the Immaculate
Conception, the Virgin Mary and God Purity by Mother Mary!
Lesson 126: Serapis Bey’s Ascension Flame, the Ascension Flames of God, Christ, and
the Holy Spirit, and How to Use Them!
Lesson 127: The Seven Types of Inner Child: A Full Spectrum Prism New Higher
Octave Aquarian Age Understanding!
Lesson 128: Sananda’s/Jesus’ “Fishers of Men” Quote and How this Applies to all 12
Signs and Ages of the Zodiac, and the Future Quotes that will Apply in Future Ages to
Lesson 129: What is a Cosmic Day and a Cosmic Night from an Integrated Full
Spectrum Prism New Higher Octave Aquarian Age Consciousness Understanding!
Lesson 130: The New Higher Octave Aquarian Age Sermon on the Mount and
Beatitudes for the New Millennium by Jesus/Sananda!
Lesson 131: A New Age Higher Octave Aquarian Age Rosary From Mother Mary!
Lesson 132: The New Higher Octave Lord’s Prayer for the Aquarian Age by
Lesson 133: Moses’ Next Higher Octave Aquarian Age Ten Commandments for the
Next 2000 Year Cycle!
Lesson 134: The New Higher Octave Great Invocation for the Aquarian Age by Lord
Lesson 135: The New Higher Octave Prayer of Saint Francis for the Aquarian Age by
Master Kuthumi!
Lesson 136: The I Am That I Am Trinity Mantra for the Aquarian Age by Saint
Lesson 137: The New Higher Octave Prayer of Compassion for the Aquarian Age by
Kuan Yin!
Lesson 138: Djwhal Khul's Upgraded Trinity Mantra for the Aquarian Age!
Lesson 139: Melchizedek’s New Aquarian Age Prayer for the New Millennium!
Lesson 140: Mahatma’s New Aquarian Age Prayer for the New Millennium!
Lesson 141: Archangel Metatron’s New Aquarian Age Prayer for the New Millennium!
Lesson 142: God’s New Aquarian Age Prayer for the New Millennium!
Lesson 143: The Aquarian Age Trinity Prayer of God!
Lesson 144: Dr Stone’s State Of The Union Address!
Lesson 145: Channeled Major State of the Planet Address by Djwhal Khul!
Lesson 146: Channeled Major State of the Planet Address of Melchizedek, the
Universal Logos!
Lesson 147: Channeled Major State of the Planet Address by Archangel Metatron!
Lesson 148: Channeled Major State of the Planet Address by the Mahatma, the Avatar
of Synthesis!
My Spiritual Mission and Purpose by Dr Joshua David Stone!
Special Bonus:
Receive the 21 Ascension Activation Meditations for
FREE with the purchase of this Correspondence Course!
As a special bonus for those who order immediately, you will receive the codes to
access all 21 of my Ascension Activation Meditations that are secretly programmed on
my website for free. To be clear, I am not sending physical tapes or CDs, I am giving
you for free the secret codes on my website to pull off and listen to all 21 Ascension
Activation Meditations from past Wesaks. The combination of this Correspondence
Course along with these Ascension Activation Meditations is the Rocketship to God
and in truth the Light beam to God! You will not find this information anywhere on
this planet. This bonus offer of all 21 Ascension Activation Meditations is a limited
time offer, so take advantage of it while it lasts!
Second Special Bonus:
Receive the Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path and all
Prayer Altar Programs for FREE with the purchase of two
Correspondence Courses and/or Training Programs!
For those who order 2 correspondence courses and/or training programs of your choice,
you will receive in addition to the bonus of the 21 Ascension Activation Meditations
the codes to pull off my Easy to Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path. You also
receive free access to all Prayer Altar Programs which are listed in the section under
that name. For those who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear, Spirit, the Masters,
and I are offering you the keys and tools to Integrated Ascension and Self and God
Realization on a Silver Platter! Never has Integrated Ascension been made easier! This
is humbly the deal of the universe! Take advantage of it as long as it lasts!
Email Version: $225
Paper Version: $275 plus s&h
3-Month Payment Plan for Email Version: 1st month: $75, 2nd month: $75, 3rd month: $75
{you will receive one third of the course each month in your email inbox}
3-Month Payment Plan for Paper Version: 1st month: $100, 2nd month: $100, 3rd month:
$75 plus shipping cost {you will receive one third of the course each month in your
Correspondence Course #1:
How to Become an Enlightened Being, an
Integrated Spiritual Master, and Achieve your
22 Levels of Initiation Correspondence Course!
Dr Joshua David Stone
My Beloved Readers, the following Correspondence Course is one of the most
profound channeled correspondence courses ever put together to help you achieve
Enlightenment, Integrated Spiritual Mastery, and your 22 Levels of Initiation and
Light Body. There are really no words to describe the impact on your consciousness
and Spiritual and psychological development this training course will have on you.
Everything I am sharing with you I am sharing not just from theoretical knowledge,
but from actual experience of humbly having achieved these things. After completing
the channeling and writing of this course I had a dream where someone was doing
channeling for me and I was given a message from the Ascended Masters. The message
was just one sentence. The message said, "The teaching methodologies that Joshua
uses in his work are the best on the planet!" This dream occurred literally the day I
finished this correspondence course. Of course the Ascended Masters were
complimenting themselves for they helped me write it.
In this training course, to begin with, I will be sharing the "300 Initiations of
Consciousness!" Most lightworkers on Earth do not realize that to enter the Kingdom
of God, taking one's Spiritual initiations are not enough. They must also pass their
"Initiations of Consciousness!" For the first time in the history of this Earth the "300
Initiations of Consciousness" have been given forth by Spirit and the Masters. If this
were not enough, through these initiations you will also be given one of the most
profound mystical and esoteric overviews of the hidden meaning of the Old and New
Testament ever given forth in any book or written material on this planet.
If this were not enough, then I have channeled and written 115 lessons besides these
300 initiations of some of the most profound information on Ascension, 22 Levels of
Initiation, 22 Levels of Light Body, Enlightenment, Integrated Ascension Mastery, ever
put together in one training manual. That is why I had that dream, and that is why
everyone who has read this and studied this material has been completely blown
All the Correspondence Courses I have done are the new dispensation of Ascended
Master Teachings and Ascension Teachings for the New Millennium. They are
channeled from Universal Sources of Knowledge. I absolutely guarantee you that you
will never be the same after studying this material. I consider this training course
along with the other ones I did, my definitive works and the absolute keys to
achieving Self and God Realization! If you would like to achieve your 22 Levels of
Initiation and 22 Levels of Light Body and learn to become an Integrated Spiritual
Master of which there are currently only about ten on this planet, then I cannot
recommend enough that you order and study this material! I give you my word it will
be the best investment you have ever made. This information is not only channeled,
but given from direct experience of going through this process. This information is
extremely easy to understand and apply which is part of the profundity of the work.
As the Master Jesus said, "Everything I can do you can do, and more!" All you need is
the information, cosmic map, and tools, and this is exactly what this and the other
Correspondence Courses provide. I humbly tell you from the bottom of my heart, take
advantage of this work, for you will find nothing like it on Planet Earth. That dream I
was given of my work in regards to my work being the best teaching methodology on
the entire planet, would not have been stated by the Ascended Masters if this were not
so. It is my humble wish to help all achieve this so they may be of greater service to the
planet in helping to relieve suffering and help more souls achieve Ascension in the
Light! So let it be Written! So let it be Done!
Table of Contents
Part One:
Hidden Initiations of Consciousness
The Saint Stephen Initiation
The Jobe Initiation
The Abrahamic Initiation
The Adam and Eve Initiation
The Cane and Abel Initiation
The Shepherd Initiation
The Little Lamb Initiation
The Barbara's Initiation
The Tempter Initiation
The Mary Magdalene Initiation
The Salome Initiation
The Levi Initiation
The John the Baptist Initiation
The Sampson Initiation
The Essenes Initiation
The Immaculate Conception Initiation
The Angel Initiation
The Peter Initiation II
The Jesus Turning Water into Wine Initiation
The Resurrection Initiation
The Mary Magdalene Initiation II
The David and Goliath Initiation
The Jacob's Ladder Initiation
The Joshua and the Battle of Jericho Initiation
The Daniel in the Lion's Den Initiation
The Jesus Calms the Storm Initiation
The Good Samaritan Initiation
The Parable of the Talents Initiation
The Saul Initiation
The Last Supper Initiation
The Ten Commandments Initiation
The Sermon on the Mount Initiation
The Crucifixion Initiation
The John the Baptist and the Prophets and Channels of God Initiation
The Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/Melchizedek/God Initiation
The Seven Deadly Sins Initiation
The Seven Heavenly Virtues
The Sagcees, Pharisees, and Sanhedrin Initiation
The Jesus Throwing the Money Changers out of the Temple Initiation
The Andres Segovia Initiation
The Jack La Lane Initiation
The Christopher Reeves or the Superman Initiation
The Jacob Initiation
The Paramahansa Yogananda Initiation
The Moses Initiation
The Joshua of Old Initiation
The David Initiation
The Enoch Initiation
The Sodom and Gomorrah Initiation
The Rebekah Initiation
The Jephthah's Daughter Initiation
The Naboth's Vineyard Initiation
The Elijah Initiation
The Elisha and the Woman of Shunem Initiation
The Elisha and Naaman Initiation
The Prophet Isaiah Initiation
The Hezekiah Initiation
The Josiah and the Scroll of the Law Initiation
The Jeremiah Initiation
The Esther Initiation
The Jairus' Daughter Initiation
The Sower Initiation
The Transfiguration Initiation
The Unmerciful Servant Initiation
The Jesus and the Children Initiation
The Rich Man Initiation
The Saint Francis Initiation
The Solomon Initiation
The Mother Mary Initiation
The Jesus Initiation
The Buddha Initiation
The Krishna Initiation
The Holy Instant Initiation
The Ahknaton Initiation
The Saint Germain Initiation
The Sri Ramakrishna Initiation
The Djwhal Khul Initiation
The Mahatma Gandhi Initiation
The Baba Muktananda Initiation
The Sai Baba Initiation
The Peace Pilgrim Initiation
The Hermes/Thoth Initiation
The Lao-Tzu Initiation
The Mohammed Initiation
The Edgar Cayce Initiation
The Babaji Initiation
The El Morya Initiation
The Lord Maitreya Initiation
The Paul the Venetian Initiation
The Kuthumi Initiation
The Serapis Bey Initiation
The Hilarion Initiation
The God Initiation
The Sanat Kumara Initiation
The Pallas Athena Initiation
The Archangel Michael Initiation
The Martin Luther King Initiation
The Abraham Lincoln Initiation
The John F. Kennedy Initiation
The Carl Jung Initiation
The Mahatma Gandhi Initiation Two
The Michaelangelo Initiation
The Atlanetean Initiation
The Fritz Perls Initiation
The John the Beloved Initiation
The Hercules Initiation
The Virgin Mary Initiation
The Virginia Sattir Initiation
The Gloria Hoppala Initiation
The Einstein Initiation
The Nikola Tesla Initiation
The Joseph Initiation
The Noah Initiation
The Lady Ching Initiation
The Dr. Joshua David Stone Initiation
The Elijah Initiation
The Judas Initiation
The Lazarus Initiation
The Sri Yukteswar Initiation
The Lady Diana Initiation
The Man of Lamancha Initiation
The Quan Yin Initiation
The Brahmacharya Initiation
The Holy Spirit Initiation
The Elohim Initiation
The Lady Portia Initiation
The Melchizedek Initiation
The Roberto Assagioli Initiation
The Metatron Initiation
The Mahatma Initiation
The Peter Initiation
The Leonardo DaVinci Initiation
The Saint Thomas Initiation
The Jonah Initiation
The Dalai Lama Initiation
The Course in Miracles Initiation
The Existentialism Initiation
The Jesus Initiation II
The Bible Initiation
The Swami Vivekananda Initiation
The New Testament Initiation
The Rudolf Steiner Initiation
The Avatar Meyer Baba Initiation
The Norman Vincent Peale Initiation
The Paul Solomon Initiation
The Ken Keyes Initiation
The Norman Cousins Initiation
The William Shakespeare Initiation
The Edgar Cayce Initiation II
The Napoleon Hill Initiation
The Ram Dass Initiation
The Elizabeth Kuebler-Ross Initiation
The Matthew Initiation
The Lucifer Initiation
The Three Wise Men Bearing Gifts Initiation
The Babaji Cave Initiation
The Achilles Heel Initiation
The Seven Levels of Spiritual Marriage Initiation
The Higher Self Initiation
The Seven Chakras Initiation
The Twelve Schools, Colleges, and Challenges of Life Initiation
The Seven Rays Initiation
The God/Goddess Initiation
The Sensitivity to the Spirit Initiation
The Twelve Archetypes Initiation
The Twelve Sephiroth of the Cosmic Tree of Life Initiation
The Bill Clinton Initiation
The Luke Initiation
The Blind Faith Initiation
The Tree and Its Fruits Initiation
The Efficient Perception of Reality Initiation
The Lamp Initiation
The Body Lamp Initiation
The Two Builders Initiation
The Arrogant Guest Initiation
The Tower Builder and Warlord Initiation
The Rich Man and Lazarus Initiation
The Parable "The Doctor and the Sick" Initiation
The Theodore Roosevelt Initiation
The Rosa Parks Initiation
The Helen Keller Initiation
The Hanuman Initiation
The Nelson Mandela Initiation
The Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva Initiation
The Christopher Columbus Initiation
The John Paul II Initiation
The Three Musketeers Initiation
The Joan of Arc Initiation
The Zarathustra Initiation
The Firemen of 911 Initiation
The Confucius Initiation
The Benjamin Franklin Initiation
The Mt. Everest Initiation
The Yogananda/Holy Spirit Public Speaking Initiation
The Mother Earth Initiation
The Franklin Delanor Roosevelt Initiation
The Metatron Light and Light Bulb Initiation
The Robert Schuller Initiation
The I Am and Integrated Ascended Master Initiation
The Sri Sankara Initiation
The Orpheus Initiation
The Thanksgiving Initiation
The Master Teacher Initiation
The Socrates Initiation
The Pythagoras Initiation
The Plato Initiation
The Jesus/God Initiation
The Buddha Blessing Initiation
The Yoda Initiation
The Gandhi Latrine Initiation
The Wise and Foolish Maidens Initiation
The Garden of Gethsemane Initiation
The Physical Ascension and Resurrection Initiation
The 40 Day Initiation
The Ascension and Holy Spirit Initiation
The Peter and Cornelius Initiation
The Peter and the Angel Initiation
The Book of Life Initiation
The Buddha and Kamamara Initiation
The Cups, Wands, Swords, and Pentacles Initiation
The Persephany Initiation
The Rama Initiation
The St. Therese of the Child Jesus The Little Way Initiation
The Dr. Joshua David Stone Initiation II
The Lady Ching Initiation II
The Dr. Omar Arabia Initiation
The Quan Yin Initiation II
The Samuel Initiation
The Soul Travel Initiation
The Joseph's Coat of Many Colors Initiation
The Dream Initiation
The Jesus and the Spoken Word Initiation
The Jesus and the Family Initiation
The Jesus and Who is First in the Kingdom of Heaven Initiation
The Jesus and Satan Initiation
The Jesus and the Persecution Initiation
The Jesus and the Mustard Seed Initiation
The Jesus and the Pharisees and Sagacees Initiation
The Jesus and the Wolves in Sheep's Clothing Initiation
The Jesus and Violence Initiation
The Jesus and the Sword Initiation
The Jesus and Gaining the Whole World Initiation
The God Initiation II
The Jesus and Humility Initiation
The Jesus and the Child Initiation
The Jesus and the Lost Sheep Initiation
The Jesus and the Transfiguration Initiation
The Jesus and Forgiveness Initiation
The Jesus and Money Initiation
The Jesus and Building a Strong Foundation Initiation
The Jesus and your Enemies Initiation
The Jesus and the Two Masters Initiation
The Jesus and the Greatest Commandment Initiation
The Jesus and the Temple Initiation
The Jesus and the Crown of Life Initiation
The Jesus and an Efficient Perception of Reality Initiation
The Jesus and Judgment Initiation
The Jesus and Miracles Initiation
The Jesus and the Physical Body Initiation
The Jesus Faith and Healing Initiation
The Jesus and the Little Foxes Initiation
The Jesus and Nicodemus Initiation
The Moses Initiation II
The Jesus, Peter, and Holy Spirit Initiation
The Jesus and Striving for God Initiation
The Crucifixion II Initiation
The Jesus Food Initiation
The Jesus on How to Treat Others Initiation
The Jesus and the Seeds in the Garden Initiation
The Jesus Spiritual Listening Initiation
The Jesus and the Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Omnipresence of God
The Jesus and the Humility Initiation
The Twenty-Four Elders that Surround the Throne of The Grace Initiation
The 144,000 Initiation
The Jesus and Who is Blessed Initiation
The Jesus on One's Eye Being Single Initiation
The Jesus and Washing the Cup Initiation
The Jesus and the Rich Man Initiation
The Jesus on What you Eat and What you Wear Initiation
The Jesus Self-Aggrandizement Initiation
The Jesus on Giving Up Everything Initiation
The Jesus on Earthly Law and God's Law Initiation
The Jesus Proper Prayer Initiation
The Jesus Repentance Initiation
The Jesus Death and Resurrection Initiation
The Jesus and the Way Initiation
The Jesus and the Light Initiation
The Jesus Born Again Initiation
The Jesus and the Living Water and Bread of Life Initiation
The 12 Apostles Initiation
The John the Baptist Initiation 2
The Jesus and Shining Our Light Initiation
The Jesus and the Initiation of Glory
The Jesus and the Good Shepherd Initiation
The Jesus and Death Initiation
The Jesus and Love Initiation
The Jesus and the Fruit Initiation
The Jesus and Many Mansions Initiation
The Jesus and the Power of Prayer Initiation
The Jesus and the Father Initiation
The Jesus and Belief Initiation
The Jesus and the Lamb Initiation
The Jesus and the Holy Spirit Initiation 2
Part Two:
Lessons of Correspondence Course
1. The Seven Definitions of God and the 8 Enlightened Beings on Planet Earth
2. How to Open Seals of Chakras and Turn Your Chakras Into Seven Golden Candle
Sticks and Churches
3. False Gods, Idol Worship, Alternative Lovers, and Putting Everything on the Altar of
4. The Twelve Schools, Colleges, and Challenges of Life
5. The 22 Levels of Self and God Realization!
6. The Importance of Learning to Climb Spiritual Mountains!
7. How to Become an "Integrated Master Healer" on all Twelve Levels
8. A Revolutionary Understanding of Remnants Clearing and the Process of Integrated
9. The 40 Golden Keys to Becoming Financially Wealthy
10. How the Negative ego Masquerades as God in People's Consciousness and People
do not Even Realize it!
11. An Exact Specific Definition of Each of the Major Negative Feelings and Emotions
and how to Release Them
12. The Seven Levels of Marriage in an Enlightened Being!
13. The Importance of Cleansing, Purifying, and Refining Energy Fields and Chakras
in Preparation for Taking Your 22 Levels of Initiations!
14. How to Make all Your Relationships Supportive Relationships!
15. The Delusionary Nature of Consciousness if you are not an Enlightened Being and
Integrated Spiritual Master!
16. There are no Ups and Downs in Life, There are Only Ups and Downs in Your
Consciousness and Mind!
17. The Four Choices of Identity: Physical Body and Personality, Sinful Lowly Worm,
Evolving Soul and Apprentice God, Self/Christ/Buddha/God!
18. What is a Mystery School and how to Enroll in one!
19. The Greatest Contribution a Person can Make on Earth is to Become an Integrated
Embodiment of Spirit/Christ/Buddha/God on Earth First, Before Trying to Leave a Gift
or Contribution to the World!
20. The Importance of Being Born Again in a Mystical and Esoteric Sense not a
Fundamental Sense!
21. How to Create a Consciousness and Lifestyle of Resting in God!
22. How to Become Right With the Physical Body and how to Make it Beautiful!
23. You don't Have to be Perfect to Achieve Enlightenment; However, you do Have to
be Very Relentless in Your Efforts!
24. What the Universal Mind Says is the Single Most Important Thing you can do to
Help the World!
25. The Importance of Eating a Good Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, Etheric, Psychic,
Energetic, Physical, and Earthly Diet!
26. How a Person Cannot Only Gain in Initiations and Light Bodies but can Also Lose
27. How to Develop a Crystal Clear Diamond Aura and Energy Fields!
28. How to Fully Raise Your Kundalini in a Safe way!
29. The Incredible Importance of Sealing the Energies After Doing any Type of
Spiritual Work!
30. To Achieve Ascension you Must Merge With Your Soul, Superconscious Mind,
Oversoul, and Monad!
31. How to Achieve Happiness and Inner Peace at all Times and in all Situations of
32. 22 key Attitudes to Achieving Happiness and Inner Peace!
33. How to Become an Integrated Master Priest and Priestess on all Levels!
34. Learning to be on Fire for God!
35. Channels for Spirit and/or the Masters and Spiritual Teachers are not in Most Cases
Self-Realized Beings or Fully Enlightened Beings!
36. The Incredible Importance of Being Spiritually Discerning in Regards to External
and Personal Channeling!
37. Everyone is Your Master Teacher and Everything That Happens is a Blessing in Life
38. What are the Gifts of the Holy Spirit?
39. Dealing With Attack, Criticism, Betrayal, and the Saint Stephen Initiation
40. Personal and Global Disarmament
41. Enlightenment and Personal/Global Vigilance
42. What is Consciousness and how Does it Affect Your Life?
43. Enlightenment, Mastery and Integration of the Rays
44. The 14 Golden Virtues and the 7 Deadly Sins
45. Integrated Consciousness and how to Develop the Other 90% of Your Mind
46. Esoteric, Mystical, and Spiritual Understanding of Parenting
47. How the law of Karma Works in Your own Consciousness and Mind
48. One of the Great Secrets of Success in Life: Preparing for all Contingencies in Life
49. Life as a Projection Screen and Mirror and how This Works
50. Developing an Integrated God Consciousness: it is not Enough to Just Think, Feel,
and Speak of God, it is Also Essential to be, Demonstrate, and Embody God
51. How to Bear Your Crosses and yet Maintain Your Inner Peace, Happiness, Joy, and
52. The Incredible Importance of Talking to God, the Holy Spirit, the Mighty I AM
Presence, and Your Higher Self in Your Daily Life
53. Why People are Achieving Their Ascension, but Still Have so Many Challenges and
54. An Enlightened Being is not Only the Cause of Their own Reality, but Takes
Responsibility for Causing Other People's Reality if it is Known They are Victims in
55. A Simple Meditation for how to Ground and Balance Yourself Every Night Before
56. How to Realize Integrated Communication!
57. How to cut Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, Etheric, Psychic Imbalanced Cords!
58. An Enlightened Being Fully Owns and Realizes They are Absolutely Invulnerable
on all Levels of Their Being!
59. The Purpose of Life is to Become an Integrated Living Spiritual Master and all
Incidents and Situations of Life are Communications with God!
60. How to Develop Right Relationships to Inner Aspects of Consciousness and to
Outer Things!
61. Why and how Your Life and Spiritual Path Will Become Easier When you Become
an Enlightened Being and Integrated Spiritual Master!
62. The Twelve Powers of Man!
63. The Biblical, Esoteric, and Mystical Meaning of Numbers!
64. Mastery of the Lesser Gods!
65. The Spiritual Ideal of Harmlessness Applies to all Inner and Outer Things not Just
66. Learning to Merge and Integrate With Other People as a Means of Accelerating
Spiritual Evolution!
67. Not Only is it Important to see Spirit/Christ/Buddha/God in Each Person you Meet,
but Also not to Make any Exceptions!
68. Before Being Able to Change Life one Must Have an Efficient Perception of Reality
and Must Completely Accept Life as it is!
69. How People get Stuck in Certain Chakras, Rays, and Schools/Colleges and
Challenges of Life!
70. The Movement From Physical Body/Personality Identification, to Soul
Identification, to Monad and Apprentice God Identification, to Self Realized God
71. Life as a Theatrical Play!
72. How Philosophies, Psychologies, Religions, and Spiritual Organizations get Stuck
in Certain Chakras, Rays, and Schools/Colleges and Challenges of Life!
73. Life is not so Much Learning new Things as Remembering That Which you Already
Know but Have Forgotten!
74. The Great law of the Universe is That to Receive More Wisdom you Must Give
That Which you Have Already Learned!
75. Don't Feed the Monster or Raging Wolf Inside of you!
76. The Seven Levels of Mystic and Occult Spiritual Marriage!
77. We Don't Have Relationships to People, we Have Relationships to our Beliefs
About People!
78. What is the Christ Self and how to Become one With it!
79. How to Become the Lamb of God!
80. How This Third Dimensional World has Everything Backwards From the way it
Really is!
81. The Importance of Putting on Your ‘Armor of God’ Every Morning!
82. Are we Winning the Battle of Armageddon and who Will Eventually win?
83. Gifts, Talents and Abilities, and how to Achieve and Realize Them in Service of
84. Consistency on all Levels is one of the Keys to Becoming an Integrated Spiritual
85. What Determines Spiritual Evolution? The Answer may Surprise you!
86. How to Become a Man or Woman of God!
87. How to Achieve Salvation!
88. The Importance of Overcoming This World!
89. Make Your Path Straight to God!
90. The Importance of Making Yourself and Your Life Holy, Sacred and Sanctified!
91. Do not Consciously or Unconsciously Steal From the Altar of God in Pursuing Your
Spiritual Path or the Making of Money!
92. The Dynamic duo of Embodying God and Channeling God in Your Daily Life!
93. The Incredible Importance of not Misusing Your Time and Energy if Your Goal is
Self and God Realization!
94. Blessed are the Peacemakers: how to Create Peaceful Relationships!
95. Key Revolutionary and Cutting Edge Tools to Achieving Happiness and Inner
96. Integrated Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God Planetary Mastery!
97. The Importance of Owning Your Limitlessness and Infinite Potentiality!
98. Who are the Teachers and Channels of God?
99. What are the Spiritual Exercises one Needs to do to Achieve Self and God
100. The Nature of Consciousness and how it Affects Peoples Talents, Gifts, and
101. Love, Joy and Kindness can be as Infectious in a Positive Sense as Someone With
low Physical Health Immunity!
102. The Importance of Living Your Light!
103. The Importance of Making Balanced Spiritual Progress up the Mountain Every
104. Whoever Finds one’s Life Loses it, and Whoever Loses One’s Life Finds it!
105. The Great Esoteric Secret of how to Properly Ground Your Energy on a Daily
106. The Importance of Integrating Pieces of Consciousness, Frequencies of Energy,
and Embodying God on Earth!
107. Developing Congruency Between the Conscious, Superconscious, and
Subconscious Minds!
108. How Much and When to Share Spiritual Things With People!
109. What the New Jerusalem as Described by John in the Book of Revelation Looks
110. Know thy Self! - A Triune or Sevenfold Process!
111. The Next Step in Evolution is Learning to be the Light, not Just Channel the Light
or Soul Travel as a Light!
112. How 99% of the People on Earth are Partially or Almost Completely Spiritually
and Psychologically Blind.
113. The Great Esoteric Secret of Life ñ how you Treat Self, God and Others is how
God Will Treat you!
114. Man Does not Live on Bread Alone!
115. Do you Seek Your Reward in This World or the Hereafter?
Special Bonus:
Receive the 21 Ascension Activation Meditations for
FREE with the purchase of this Correspondence Course!
As a special bonus for those who order immediately, you will receive the codes to
access all 21 of my Ascension Activation Meditations that are secretly programmed on
my website for free. To be clear, I am not sending physical tapes or CDs, I am giving
you for free the secret codes on my website to pull off and listen to all 21 Ascension
Activation Meditations from past Wesaks. The combination of this Correspondence
Course along with these Ascension Activation Meditations is the Rocketship to God
and in truth the Light beam to God! You will not find this information anywhere on
this planet. This bonus offer of all 21 Ascension Activation Meditations is a limited
time offer, so take advantage of it while it lasts!
Second Special Bonus:
Receive the Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path and all
Prayer Altar Programs for FREE with the purchase of two
Correspondence Courses and/or Training Programs!
For those who order 2 correspondence courses and/or training programs of your choice,
you will receive in addition to the bonus of the 21 Ascension Activation Meditations
the codes to pull off my Easy to Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path. You also
receive free access to all Prayer Altar Programs which are listed in the section under
that name. For those who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear, Spirit, the Masters,
and I are offering you the keys and tools to Integrated Ascension and Self and God
Realization on a Silver Platter! Never has Integrated Ascension been made easier! This
is humbly the deal of the universe! Take advantage of it as long as it lasts!
Email Version: $225
Paper Version: $250 plus s&h
3-Month Payment Plan for Email Version: 1st month: $75, 2nd month: $75, 3rd month: $75
{you will receive one third of the course each month in your email inbox}
3-Month Payment Plan for Paper Version: 1st month: $100, 2nd month: $100, 3rd month:
$50 plus shipping cost {you will receive one third of the course each month in your
Correspondence Course #2:
How to Develop and Construct your Integrated
Light Body and Anchor and Activate your 22 Levels
of Light Body Correspondence Course!
Dr Joshua David Stone
My Beloved Readers,
The long awaited Integrated Light Body Correspondence Course is now available to
disciples, initiates, masters, and lightworkers around the globe. In this Integrated
Light Body Correspondence Course you will learn the information, insights, wisdom,
knowledge, and tools to accelerate your Path of Initiation, Ascension, and how to
anchor and activate your 22 Light Bodies. My Beloved Readers, this is absolutely
revolutionary information that is not available any place else on this planet. This
information is being shared with you not just from theoretical information, but from
someone who has humbly realized that which he speaks about.
In this Correspondence Course there are 90 lessons. This information has been
channeled directly from Spirit and the Masters and is the most cutting edge and
revolutionary information on how to anchor and activate your Light Bodies in an
integrated and balanced way that you will find on this planet. If you have been
looking for the fast track to Self and God Realization and the Rocketship to God, I
humbly tell you, you have just found it.
There are about ten Integrated Spiritual Masters on this Earth who have achieved Self
and God Realization. If you wish to become one of these Self Realized Beings, this is
the information you will need to achieve this lofty Spiritual goal.
I will honestly tell you I have never been more excited about any channeled work I
have done than I am about this Integrated Light Body Correspondence Course. It is
through following these teachings that I have humbly realized that which I am
presenting here and it is through these teachings that all can partake in these same
blessings. Never has such an advanced study of Light Bodies been made so easy to
understand, so practical, so integrated, and so revolutionary in magnitude and scope.
This is the first time in the history of the Earth that initiates, masters, and lightworkers
have been even allowed to aspire to such a lofty Spiritual goal and ideal. This
information is channeled from Universal Sources of information! The Clarion Call
goes out to lightworkers around the globe to take advantage of this Correspondence
Course which can be done in the comfort of your own home!
I humbly tell you there are only around ten beings on this planet who are Integrated
Spiritual Masters, and only one who evolved through Earth’s evolution and realized
their 22 levels of initiation and 22 levels of Light Body. This is the most cutting edge
and revolutionary information you will find on this planet. It is the new dispensation
of Ascension Teachings for the New Millennium. It is nothing like anything I have
channeled or written before. You will not find this information anywhere on the
planet, and it is born of direct experience and realization, not just theoretical
information. If you have the eyes to see and the ears to hear, you will be able to tune
into this by just reading the names of the lessons. Every person who has read and
studied this material has been completely blown away. It is guaranteed to accelerate
your ascension, initiation process, and Light Body anchoring and activation process ten
thousand fold! It is also the most balanced and integrated training program you will
find anywhere, for it teaches self mastery, on a Spiritual, psychological level, and
physical/Earthly level.
My Beloved Readers, I have added a bonus of including in this Integrated Light Body
Correspondence Course 22 of my best Ascension Activations in written form. A good
many of these have not been available in written form ever before, and others are hot
off the press and have never been seen by anyone ever before.
Having these Ascension Activation Meditations in written form allows you to make
your own personal ascension activation meditation tapes if you like, and I am also at
this time giving you permission to use these meditations in your service work, as long
as you give credit where credit is due, which means telling people in words and in
writing who channeled and wrote them. Other than that you are officially allowed to
use them if you get this Correspondence Course.
Now if this were not all enough, I am also including everyone who orders this
Integrated Light Body Correspondence Course, in the "Higher Light Body
Interdimensional Prayer Altar Program", which usually costs $75 dollars. In this Prayer
Altar Program I have set up a special arrangement with Spirit and the Masters to help
people build their higher light bodies who join this program! The two Higher Light
Body Ascension Activation Meditations that come with joining this Program are also
included in the table of contents of this Correspondence Course!
With total humbleness and humility these teachings are the highest teachings on the
planet, and are the most revolutionary and cutting edge teachings on how to realize
your Higher Light Bodies which is not available any place else on the planet, because
no one else has realized this, let alone is teaching you in an easy to understand,
comprehensive and practical way how to achieve and realize it! I give you my word as
a fully realized Integrated Ascended Master that this will be the best investment you
have ever made! These teachings are the "Fast Track and Rocketship to God". I have
shared with you freely and totally openly holding nothing back, what I have done to
realize this and how I did it. The reason I share so freely is that I fully recognize that
every person is an incarnation of God, so I am God, talking to God, with the purpose
of helping my fellow Gods reach a higher level of GOD Realization! If I held back
anything, I would be holding back on GOD, which is also myself and you, for there is
nothing that exists but God, in truth! To hold back on a brother or sister would be to
hold back on my self, for we all share the same identity in God. Each person is God,
however, each person is at a different level of realizing God. This is the purpose of the
22 levels of initiation and 22 levels of Light Body anchoring and activation! This
Correspondence Course teaches you on every level what you must do to earn and
receive these higher levels of Initiations and Light Bodies in the fastest possible way
that is available on Earth! These teachings I humbly share with you are the "New
Dispensation of Ascension, Initiation and Light Body Teachings for the New
Millennium!” This is one of the humble Spiritual Missions I have been given by Spirit
and the Masters to bring forth at this time! The Clarion Call now goes forth to
Lightworkers around the globe to obtain these Correspondence Courses and all the
gifts, bonuses and blessings that go with them! These Correspondence Courses are for
those that have the eyes to see and the ears to hear the "Divine Splendor and Spiritual
Profundity" of what is being offered so generously and freely! 1020 Pages!
Archangels Gabriel's Trumpet now sounds forth!
Table of Contents
Lesson 1: Developing Right Relationships and the Construction of your Integrated
Light Body
Lesson 2: The Importance of Holding the Perfected Ideal at All Times and its Effect on
your Integrated Light Body
Lesson 3: How to Keep Your Integrated Light/Love/Power Body Clean, Bright, Shining
and Organized -- Spiritually, Psychologically and on a Physical/Earthly Level
Lesson 4: How the Mind can Sabotage a Person's Life if not Properly Mastered at any
Level of Ascension, Initiation and Light Body Integration, and Often Does!
Lesson 5: The Issue of Channeling and the Level of Spirit and Light Body a Person
Channels From
Lesson 6: How to Achieve Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness Integrated Ascension
that still Honors each Person's Unique Point of Balance
Lesson 7: How God Speaks to Us All the Time in Multitudinous Ways if We Have the
Eyes to See and the Ears to Hear
Lesson 8: Every Spiritual Test and Lesson a Person Overcomes, No Matter How
Difficult, If Mastered, They Gain the Full Strength of that Lesson Spiritually
Lesson 9: The Proper Perspective and Understanding of Suffering and Karma and their
Relationship to the Integrated Light Body
Lesson 10: How to Become a Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness Master Integrated
Lesson 11: A Potpourri of Golden Nuggets of Wisdom having to do with the Anchoring
of your Higher Light Bodies and Physical Ascension
Lesson 12: The Integrated Light Body Spiritual Journal System
Lesson 13: God Realization comes through Consciousness, being Fully Connected and
Activated with God and the Masters, and Putting this into Physical Action on Earth
Lesson 14: The Materialistic, Psychological, and Spiritual View of Psychology and its
Effect on your Integrated Light Body
Lesson 15: Learning to Develop a Transcendental Consciousness: One of the Great
Spiritual Secrets of Life
Lesson 16: The Difference Between Psychological Wisdom, Spiritual Wisdom, Worldly
Wisdom, and the Development of your Light Body
Lesson 17: The Incredible Phenomenon of How People See What They Want to See
and How They See What They Are Victimized to See
Lesson 18: How to Master the "Twelve Levels of Integrated Spiritual Power in Life"
and their Effect on Your Integrated Light Body
Lesson 19: The Development of Full Spectrum Prism Synthesis Love and the Spiritual
Tests of Unconditional Love on the Spiritual Path
Lesson 20: The Importance of Knowing one's Spiritual Place, Position, and Puzzle
Piece in Life
Lesson 21: The Incredible Power of Interpretation and Perception and its Effect on
one's Spiritual Path and Integrated Light Body
Lesson 22: The Seven Great Psychological Keys and Spiritual Tests each Spiritual
Seeker must pass to Enter the Kingdom of Heaven!
Lesson 23: The Secrets of the Merkabah
Lesson 24: The Great Secret of the Seven Golden Ages on Earth
Lesson 25: Understanding the Nature of God Consciousness, Soul Retrieval and Soul
Lesson 26: The "14 Levels and Stages of Spiritual Graduation" to become a FullFledged Ascended Master on Earth
Lesson 27: The Sermon on the Mount -- The Twelve Beatitudes of Christ and the 42
Sacred Names of Jesus/Sananda in the Bible
Lesson 28: The Chakras, Initiations and their Relationship to your Higher Light Bodies
Lesson 29: What is Truth? Higher Truth, Relative Truth and Lenses of Truth
Lesson 30: Integrated Spiritual Mastery and the Seven Faces and Sublevels that Makeup
True Self Realization
Lesson 31: Put Off Thy Shoes from Thy Feet, for the Place Whereon Thou Standest is
Holy Ground
Lesson 32: What is Reality and What is Illusion?
Lesson 33: The Incredible Importance of Holding the "Immaculate Concept" and its
Effect on Your Integrated Light Body
Lesson 34: The Key Question of Life is "Do You Want GOD or Do You Want Your
Lesson 35: Developing Miracle Mindedness and Your Higher Light Bodies
Lesson 36: Do Not ask "How Life is Treating You," Ask "How are you Treating Life!"
Lesson 37: Fantasy Ascension--The Newest Form of Ascension on Planet Earth
Lesson 38: How Spirit and the Masters can Help You in Your Life on All Three Levels
of Existence
Lesson 39: The Importance of Causing Your Own Reality and Realizing That We Don't
Cause Other People's Reality
Lesson 40: Global World Service Light Work, Ascension Activations, and World
Service Huna Prayers
Lesson 41: The Gifts of the Holy Spirit, 22 Light Bodies, and 33 Supersenses of GOD
Ascension Activation Meditation
Lesson 42: Mother Earth and the People of the Earth World Service Cleansing and
Ascension Activation Meditation
Lesson 43: What Exactly is the Light Body and How to Build Your Integrated Light
Quotient on All Levels
Lesson 44: Learning to Stay Centered and Calm in the Center of the Cyclone and Eye of
the Hurricane: Learning to Master and Hold your Frequency
Lesson 45: Learning to put on your Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Etheric Armor
and Love to Start Your Day
Lesson 46: The Incredible Importance of Properly Digesting Life from an Integrated
Spiritual Master Perspective
Lesson 47: Learning to Think and to Not Think, As Two of the Most Important Keys of
the Spiritual Path
Lesson 48: Learning to Form a Right Relationship with GOD
Lesson 49: Your Merkabah and its Function in Integrating your Light Bodies
Lesson 50: Uncovering the Mysteries of the 12 Strands of DNA, the Biostratus, the
Supergenetic Super Helix, and the Electrons of Archangel Metatron
Lesson 51: The Spiritual, Psychological and Physical/Earthly Keys to Accelerating
Lesson 52: Two of the Great Spiritual Secrets of the Ages Revealed: "Be It Done to You
as You Believe" & "Ask and You Shall Receive"
Lesson 53: How to Become an Integrated Spiritual Master of Meditation in a Full
Spectrum Prism Synthesis Understanding
Lesson 54: Understanding the Nature of God Consciousness, Soul Retrieval and Soul
Lesson 55: Balancing and Integrating Each New Light Body
Lesson 56: How to Integrate and Balance Love and Light through All of your Light
Bodies with the Truth of God
Lesson 57: Daily Planner for Planetary Ascension and Integration
Lesson 58: How One's Light Body looks at Different Stages of Development
Lesson 59: How Geometric Codes affect the Chakras and Light Bodies
Lesson 60: Understanding how Ascension Activations occur in Stages and Levels and is
Dependent upon the Entire Context of your Integrated Spiritual Path
Lesson 61: Psychological Effects of Spiritual Ascension
Lesson 62: How to Determine Your Level of Achievement in the Ascension Process
Lesson 63: How to Achieve an Integrated Light Body through the Gifts of the Holy
Lesson 64: The Names and Functions of your first 22 Integrated
Lesson 65: Meditation: God and The Cosmic and Planetary Hierarchy "Higher Light
body" Ascension Activation Meditation
Lesson 66: Meditation: God and the Construction of your "Light Body, Love Body, and
Power Boy" Ascension Activation Meditation
Lesson 67: Meditation: The Cosmic and Planetary Hierarchy Protection Meditation
Lesson 68: Revelation of GOD Ascension Activation Meditation
Lesson 69: GOD and the Godforce Golden Chamber of Melchizedek Ascension
Activation Meditation
Lesson 70: GOD and the Mahatma Ascension Activation Meditation
Lesson 71: GOD and Archangel Metatron's Cosmic Tree of Life Ascension Activation
Lesson 72: The Lord of Arcturus and the Arcturian Ascension Activation Meditation
Lesson 73: Planetary World Service Meditations for the Earth
Lesson 74: GOD and the New Millennium Wesak Ceremony Meditation
Lesson 76: Isis & The Great Pyramid & Sphinx Ascension Activation Meditation
Lesson 77: Cosmic Ascension Activations in the Temple of GOD
Lesson 78: Mt. Shasta 50 Point Cosmic Cleansing Meditation
Lesson 79: Ultimate Cosmic Ray Ascension Activation Meditation
Lesson 80: GOD Ascension Seat Meditation
Lesson 81: Divine Mother & Lady Masters Ascension Activation Meditation
Lesson 82: Ascension Activation Meditation and Treatment
Lesson 83: Specialized Ascension Activation from the Spiritual Hierarchy
Lesson 84: Cosmic Ascension Activations from the Planetary and Cosmic Hierarchy
Lesson 85: The Secret Rods of God and the Higher Light Body Ascension Activation
Lesson 86: The Divine Names and Attributes of God Ascension Activation Meditation
Lesson 87: The Cathedral of God Ascension Activation Meditation
Lesson 88: God and the Higher Kabbalah Ascension Activation Meditation
Lesson 89: Revelation of John and the Bible Ascension Activation Meditation
Lesson 90: The East-West Golden Global Fusion Ascension Activation Meditation
1,000 PAGES
Special Bonus:
Receive the 21 Ascension Activation Meditations for
FREE with the purchase of this Correspondence Course!
As a special bonus for those who order immediately, you will receive the codes to
access all 21 of my Ascension Activation Meditations that are secretly programmed on
my website for free. To be clear, I am not sending physical tapes or CDs, I am giving
you for free the secret codes on my website to pull off and listen to all 21 Ascension
Activation Meditations from past Wesaks. The combination of this Correspondence
Course along with these Ascension Activation Meditations is the Rocketship to God
and in truth the Light beam to God! You will not find this information anywhere on
this planet. This bonus offer of all 21 Ascension Activation Meditations is a limited
time offer, so take advantage of it while it lasts!
Second Special Bonus:
Receive the Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path and all
Prayer Altar Programs for FREE with the purchase of two
Correspondence Courses and/or Training Programs!
For those who order 2 correspondence courses and/or training programs of your choice,
you will receive in addition to the bonus of the 21 Ascension Activation Meditations
the codes to pull off my Easy to Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path. You also
receive free access to all Prayer Altar Programs which are listed in the section under
that name. For those who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear, Spirit, the Masters,
and I are offering you the keys and tools to Integrated Ascension and Self and God
Realization on a Silver Platter! Never has Integrated Ascension been made easier! This
is humbly the deal of the universe! Take advantage of it as long as it lasts!
Email Version: $225
Paper Version: $275 plus s&h
3-Month Payment Plan for Email Version: 1st month: $75, 2nd month: $75, 3rd month: $75
{you will receive one third of the course each month in your email inbox}
3-Month Payment Plan for Paper Version: 1st month: $100, 2nd month: $100, 3rd month:
$75 plus shipping cost {you will receive one third of the course each month in your
Correspondence Course #3:
The New Millennium Light Revelation of
Archangel Metatron Through The Metatron Book,
New Wine Book and I Am Integrated Ascension
Mastery Correspondence Course!
Dr Joshua David Stone &
Maria Cecilia A. Gutierrez
My Beloved Friends, this dispensation series of light revelations has now on this very
auspicious day of the impending "harmonic concordance" been launched at this very
moment when the planet remains suspended under the spiritual take over of the six
pointed star in the heavens. Through Archangel Metatron, you, the Beloved of God,
can hold in your hands and take to heart the very words of telepathic channeling from
Archangel Metatron, guardian of planet earth. As a Master/student who studies these
light revelations of Metatron Correspondence Course, under the very eye of Metatron,
who has remained silent until this moment in time, you can now avail of the light
revelations and new dispensation teachings of the new millennium through the study
and application of this Correspondence Course. Now beloved Archangel Metatron
speaks to you in his words!
Beloved Teachers and Masters,
I, Metatron, make my formal entrance upon the globe on this significant day just prior
to the harmonic concordance, as my gift to mankind. Never before in the history of
man, have these heavenly teachings been revealed to mankind. You, dear students/
masters, are especially chosen to transform and transmute, all the energy around us. As
you enter into the merkabah, or the energetic field of consciousness, you will step into
the fifth dimension. All mankind will be moved through the planetary events taking
place, starting now, with or even without their knowledge. However, you dear
lightworkers and enlightened souls will take a quantum leap with full knowledge and
understanding. Through my and beloved Dr Stone's Metatron book, New Wine book
and I AM Integrated Ascension Mastery book and Correspondence Course, your
quantum leap will be accelerated through my electrons, a process you will eventually
understand. I invite you to enroll and take a step into this open "portal of portals" by
studying and applying the teachings of this new Correspondence Course which are the
Ascension and Ascended Master teachings for the new millennium! This
Correspondence Course is broken down into three parts (book one - Metatrons book,
book two - the New Wine book, and book three - Integrated ascension mastery, the
initials of which stand for i am, or the training of "Integrated I AM Masters" on earth!)
God, and we the Masters, are seeking to train and harvest for spiritual leadership and
planetary world service at the highest level, 144,000 Integrated I AM Masters on earth,
to bring heaven to earth, and make the New Jerusalem and seventh golden age a living
reality on this planet. Through the study and application of this Metatron light
revelations Correspondence Course, the divine plan for this planet will be
astronomically accelerated!
The study of this Metatron light revelations Correspondence Course will redesign your
entire life. The most secret teachings of the ages are now to be unveiled. This moment
of the harmonic concordance is a most significant spiritual event, which will never
happen again for many millenniums to come. You have the privilege of the hour to
enter into the most advanced and holy learning which will influence the universal
consciousness of mankind and which will forever be recorded in the "Book of Life",
the akashic records. Dear masters/students, I, Metatron, invite you to enter into this
"portal of portals," and study and apply these teachings to your highest potential!
My dear prospective Masters/Students of the Metatron light revelations
Correspondence Course, I, Metatron, invite you to take this opportunity as soon as
possible to enter into this rare open "portal of portals!" this Correspondence Course is
the stargate to the accelerated higher evolution of your spiritual path. Like a rocketship
you will advance many light years, and dispensational truth shall unfold before your
very eyes, touching and expanding your entire being that you may expand your
consciousness in this present day!
I, Metatron, will guide you with my all seeing eye! Again I, Metatron, encourage you to
become one of the chosen 144,000 Integrated I AM Spiritual Masters for the new
millennium! All are chosen, but few choose to listen! For those that have the eyes to see
and the ears to hear, this Correspondence Course is your personal invitation and
opportunity, when studied and demonstrated, to have your name written and sealed in
God's cosmic book of life for eternity, which is the golden/platinum key to enter the
kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of god, at the highest levels of planetary and
cosmic evolution!
I, Metatron, send the blessings of the most high God!
Kodoish! Kodoish! Kodoish! So be it written and so it shall be done!
Your beloved master and friend,
Archangel Metatron
Table of Contents
Book I
Metatron's Book
Part 1
1) Throne Before the Throne
2) Crystal Castle: Metatron's Ashram
3) A Soul Travel Revelation: Integrated Ascended Masters University (I AM
University) in the Inner, Spiritual WorldæThe Above Version of the Melchizedek
Synthesis Light Academy of Dr Joshua David Stone and Sally LeSar on Earth!
4) Metatron and Mastership
5) Metatron, the Mystic
6) Metatron's Full Spectrum Prism View on Mass Ascension
7) Metatron's Manna from Heaven
8) Metatron, the Magician
Part 2
9) Metatron and the Book of Life
10) Metatron's Ashram: The Akashic
11) A Pillar of Fire: The Mystery of Light
12) Metatron and the Millennium
13) Metatron and the Mystery of Dreams
14) Metatron's Palace: The Angelic Ashram
15) Metatron and the Golden Dome
16) Metatron: The Voice of God
17) Metatron: the Lesser Yahweh
18) Dr Stone's Tidal Wave Dream
Part 3
19) Diamond Discourse: Personal Progressive Processing
20) Diamond Discourse: The Spiritual Ear
21) Diamond Discourse: Soul Knowledge
22) Diamond Discourse: Shekinah in the New Millennium
23) Diamond Discourse: The Heart Master Speaks on the Language of Love
24) Diamond Discourse: Balance and Harmony
25) Diamond Discourse: Sustainer of Mankind
26) Diamond Discourse: Constant Awareness
27) Diamond Discourse: The True Nature of Creativity
28) Diamond Discourse: The Holy of Holies
Part 4
29) Golden Teachings of Eternal Life: Divine Intervention
30) Golden Teachings of Eternal Life: Divine Motivation
31) Golden Teachings of Eternal Life: Divine Strategy
32) Golden Teachings of Eternal Life: Divine Lovelink
33) Golden Teachings of Eternal Life: Spiritual Survival
34) Golden Teachings of Eternal Life: Spiritual HandicapæSpiritual Blindness
35) Golden Teachings of Eternal Life: Spiritual Silence and Clairaudience
36) Golden Teachings of Eternal Life: Mystery Teaching on the Mysterious Self
37) Golden Teachings of Eternal Life: Three Spiritual Laws
38) Golden Teachings of Eternal Life: Secret of the Saints
Book II
The New Wine
1) Divine Dissertation: New Wine
2) Divine Dissertation: New Wineskins
3) Divine Dissertation: Wine of Enlightenment
4) Divine Dissertation: Drink for the Traveller
5) Divine Dissertation: Buddhic Wine
6) Divine Dissertation: New Wine of the Masters
7) Divine Dissertation: The Wine of Blessing
8) Divine Dissertation: The New Wine of Grace
9) Divine Dissertation: Epiphany Wine
10) Divine Dissertation: Changing Water Into Wine
11) Divine Dissertation: Wine From the Orient
12) Divine Dissertation: Quan Yin Wine
13) Lotus Lecture of Unfoldment: Elixir of New Wine
14) Lotus Lecture of Unfoldment: The Mystical Wine of Divine Union
15) Lotus Lecture of Unfoldment: The New Wine Inspiration
16) Lotus Lecture of Unfoldment: The Fruit of the Vine
17) The New Wine of Coming From the Angel's Eye
18) The New Wine of Harmonic Concordance
19) Stargate New Wine
20) New Jerusalem Wine
Book III
Integrated Ascension Mastery: Revelation for the Next
1) Integrated Ascension
2) A Deeper Explanation of the Eight Quotients and How to Use Them
3) Integrating the Twelve Levels of Initiation into the Four-Body System
4) Integrating the Seven Rays and Ray Types
5) An Overview of Non-Integrated Ascension
6) The All Important Sub-Quotients
7) Transcending Negative Ego Archetypal Dualities
8) Integrated Ascension and Developing A Proper Relationship To The Inner Senses
9) The Dangers of Non-Integrated Channeling, Clairaudience and Clairvoyance
10) Dr. Lorphan's Healing Academy on Sirius
11) A Deeper & More Detailed Look at Some of the Major Healing Tools
12) Twilight Masters, Cults and Non-Integrated Ascension Groups
13) How to Develop an Extremely High-Functioning Physical, Psychological &
Spiritual Immune System
14) Integration of the Mahatma
15) The Power of the Spoken Word
16) World Service Meditations
17) Ascension in the Many Kingdoms of GOD
Special Bonus:
Receive the 21 Ascension Activation Meditations for
FREE with the purchase of this Correspondence Course!
As a special bonus for those who order immediately, you will receive the codes to
access all 21 of my Ascension Activation Meditations that are secretly programmed on
my website for free. To be clear, I am not sending physical tapes or CDs, I am giving
you for free the secret codes on my website to pull off and listen to all 21 Ascension
Activation Meditations from past Wesaks. The combination of this Correspondence
Course along with these Ascension Activation Meditations is the Rocketship to God
and in truth the Light beam to God! You will not find this information anywhere on
this planet. This bonus offer of all 21 Ascension Activation Meditations is a limited
time offer, so take advantage of it while it lasts!
Second Special Bonus:
Receive the Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path and all
Prayer Altar Programs for FREE with the purchase of two
Correspondence Courses and/or Training Programs!
For those who order 2 Correspondence Courses and/or training programs of your
choice, you will receive in addition to the bonus of the 21 Ascension Activation
Meditations the codes to pull off my Easy to Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path.
You also receive free access to all Prayer Altar Programs which are listed in the section
under that name. For those who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear, Spirit, the
Masters, and I are offering you the keys and tools to Integrated Ascension and Self and
God Realization on a Silver Platter! Never has Integrated Ascension been made easier!
This is humbly the deal of the universe! Take advantage of it as long as it lasts!
Email Version: $225
Paper Version: $250 plus s&h
3-Month Payment Plan for Email Version: 1st month: $75, 2nd month: $75, 3rd month: $75
{you will receive one third of the course each month in your email inbox}
3-Month Payment Plan for Paper Version: 1st month: $100, 2nd month: $100, 3rd month:
$50 plus shipping cost {you will receive one third of the course each month in your
Correspondence Course #4:
The Kuan Yin Ascension Quantum Leap For
The New Millennium Correspondence Course!
Dr Joshua David Stone
Beloved Kuan Yin has written a revolutionary, cutting edge, and extraordinary
Correspondence Course on three different fronts! Firstly in Part One of this
Correspondence Course Kuan Yin has for the first time in the history of the Earth
written an intensive training in how Buddhist Teachings perfectly fit into the New
Age Integrated Ascension Teachings of our time! This has never been done before, and
Kuan Yin has done this in a most eloquent and poetic style which touches the very
heart of the soul!
Secondly, Kuan Yin has written one of the most extraordinary trainings every put
together in showing people and lightworkers how to achieve perfect health from the
perspective of the 90% of Spiritual and psychological information that almost all
books on this planet of this topic do not include! This is must reading for all people
and lightworkers who wish to achieve the highest level of perfect health which is only
possible through understanding the 90% that is missing from almost all books and
trainings on this planet on the subject of health! If you wish to have the highest level
of Spiritual, psychological, and physical vitality and invulnerability to sickness or
imbalance of any kind, this Correspondence Course is for you! This might be
described as a full spectrum prism consciousness understanding of health and vitality
in a way and form that has never been given forth to the world before!
Thirdly, if this all were not enough, Kuan Yin has brought forth a revolutionary,
completely cutting edge, new understanding of "abundance" and how to achieve it.
Not only does she tell how to achieve abundance in the sense of monetary and material
abundance, but for the first time ever, through my channel and Lady Ching's, Kuan
Yin brings forth an integrated full spectrum prism consciousness understanding of
abundance which describes how to achieve abundance Spiritually, mentally,
emotionally, energetically, etherically, and in life on all levels! Kuan Yin brings forth a
revolutionary new understanding of the term abundance and what it really means
from Spirit and the Ascended Masters' perspective!
Then in part three of this Correspondence Course all these subjects are gone into in
supreme depth by Kuan Yin and all the Ascended Masters, bringing to all of you, our
Beloved Readers, one of the most profound Correspondence Courses ever written and
channeled! This is literally must reading for all beginning, intermediate and advanced
disciples and initiates on the Spiritual Path regardless of what particular path you are
on! For Kuan Yin has transcended the singular path of Buddhism to bring forth one of
the most profound trainings to seekers and masters of all Religions, Spiritual Paths,
Mystery Schools, Gurus, Spiritual teachers, and Spiritual Texts! Kuan Yin has done
this in her usual graceful and gentle manner, and in her usual poetic and eloquent
style! Truly a Correspondence Course and Training Program for the Ages!
Every person ordering this Correspondence Course will be overlighted by Kuan Yin
and the Ascended Masters and will receive direct inner plane training while studying
and applying the principles and tools of this Correspondence Course! 900 pages!
Table of Contents
Forward by Dr Joshua David Stone
Message from Kuan Yin
Book One:
The Kuan Yin Ascension Quantum Leap For The New
Introduction by Dr Joshua David Stone & Cecilia Maria Gutierrez
Part One-Who is Kuan Yin?
Lesson 1 Mystery of the Bodhisattva
Lesson 2 Epiphany of the Masters
Lesson 3 Kuan Yin and Sacred Contracts
Lesson 4 The Bodhisattva Mantra
Lesson 5 Joy and Abundance
Part Two-The Lotus Level
Lesson 6 Lotus Connection
Lesson 7 Lotus Contemplation
Lesson 8 Lotus Activation
Lesson 9 Lotus Channeling
Lesson 10 Lotus Tapping/Accessing
Part Three-Mirroring
Lesson 11 Mirroring the Four Paragons in Chinese Brush Painting
Lesson 12 Mirroring the Orchid
Lesson 13 Mirroring the I-Ching {A}
Lesson 14 Mirroring the I-Ching {B}
Part Four-God's Four Treasures
Lesson 15 The High Priest Offering: The Alabaster Box
Lesson 16 Three Gifts From the East
Lesson 17 Double Star From the East
Lesson 18 The Single Flower: The Lotus
Lesson 19 The Pearl of Great Price
Lesson 20 Sacred Contract: Miraculous Living
Book Two:
Kuan Yin's Master Principles For Health, Power, and
Lesson 1: Kuan Yin Master Principles Health "Seek the source of life. In that seeking,
you will find total wholeness, or healing"
Lesson 2: Kuan Yin Master Principles Health "Know your soul - the master of your
physical body"
Lesson 3: Kuan Yin Master Principles Health "Spiritual restoration produces good
Lesson 4: Kuan Yin Master Principles Health "Your body has the power to heal itself"
Lesson 5: Kuan Yin Master Principles Health "Healing is wholeness. One can achieve
wholeness in many ways. Achieve wholeness through discernment."
Lesson 6: Kuan Yin Master Principles Health "As a master, you are called to be a
Lesson 7: Kuan Yin Master Principles Health "A master of masters first and foremost
maintains a healthy conscience"
Lesson 8: Kuan Yin Master Principles Health "The healthy eye of a master shine and
sparkles more than a twinkling star amidst the darkness of the night"
Lesson 9: Kuan Yin Master Principles Health "The strength of a soul if measured by a
faithful heart"
Lesson 10: Kuan Yin Master Principles Health "As a master, your aura and your auric
field should radiate the healthy diamond brilliance of pure, white light"
Lesson 11: Kuan Yin Master Principles Health "For mastering good physical health
there are five basic principles one should know, understand and apply"
Lesson 12: Kuan Yin Master Principles Health "A true master listens to and loves his
physical body"
Lesson 13: Kuan Yin Master Principles Health "A healthy positive attitude creates and
empowers a healthy creative body"
Lesson 14: Kuan Yin Master Principles Health "Spiritual reasons are usually the causes
behind sickness and diseases"
Lesson 15: Kuan Yin Master Principles Health "A master is able to transcend his health
Lesson 16: Kuan Yin Master Principles Health "A master lives a healed life, every
moment of his life"
Lesson 17: Kuan Yin Master Principles Power "The portals of gateways are the master
keys to the kingdom and the power. These portals are our energy centers within us."
Lesson 18: Kuan Yin Master Principles Power "A true master demonstrates the power
of faith."
Lesson 19: Kuan Yin Master Principles Power "The unique and distinguishing mark of
a powerful master is the ability to be a powerful teacher"
Lesson 20: Kuan Yin Master Principles Power "The greatness of a master is measured
by the power of endurance in every circumstance."
Lesson 21: Kuan Yin Master Principles Power "The power of determination reveals the
true endurance of a master"
Lesson 22: Kuan Yin Master Principles Power "The master who is very controlled
manifests the power of evenmindedness"
Lesson 23: Kuan Yin Master Principles Power "A great quality of a master is the power
of silence"
Lesson 24: Kuan Yin Master Principles Power "A great master manifests great power
through wisdom"
Lesson 25: Kuan Yin Master Principles Power "The greatness in a master is his ability
to know and exercise the power of sacrifice"
Lesson 26: Kuan Yin Master Principles Power "A true master knows who he really is. It
is his own God-realization, the power of authenticity."
Lesson 27: Kuan Yin Master Principles Power "There is much power in 'letting go', as
one often does to win a game in chess. A wise master exercises this power to 'let God'."
Lesson 28: Kuan Yin Master Principles Power "A wise master knows the power and
value of self-discipline."
Lesson 29: Kuan Yin Master Principles Treasures of Abundance "There are treasures of
abundance everywhere. It takes the eye of the master to see."
Lesson 30: Kuan Yin Master Principles Treasures of Abundance "Spiritual, intellectual
treasures of abundance are deep within a master."
Lesson 31: Kuan Yin Master Principles Treasures of Abundance "The keys to the
kingdom of Heaven, are the keys to abundance. A master holds these keys in his
Lesson 32: Kuan Yin Master Principles Treasures of Abundance "A master who
understands the principle of abundance can rejoice and smile!"
Lesson 33: Kuan Yin Master Principles Treasures of Abundance "Press forward to the
abundant treasures of life. A master embraces life with open arms!"
Lesson 34: Kuan Yin Master Principles Treasures of Abundance "To accept and
recognize one's own abundant treasures of needs and drives, is the sign of a great
Lesson 35: Kuan Yin Master Principles Treasures of Abundance "A master has access to
his own gifts and talents. He expands and increases it."
Lesson 36: Kuan Yin Master Principles Treasures of Abundance "When as master
encounters the abundant treasures of breakthroughs in life, it becomes doors and
portals to open for more knowledge."
Lesson 37: Kuan Yin Master Principles Treasures of Abundance "The overall great
master is he who treasures and applies all the 37 principles in his life."
Book Three:
Continuation of Kuan Yin's Quantum Leap in Ascension,
Integrated Spiritual Mastery, and Increased Physical Health from
the 90% Most People on Earth do not See or Understand!
Lesson 1 The Importance of Eating a Healthy Diet
Lesson 2 How To Heal The Physical Body Through The Power of The Mind
Lesson 3 How To Heal The Physical Body Through The Power of Your Spirituality
Lesson 4 The 250 Golden Keys to Creating Perfect Radiant Health In Your Physical
Body From The Soul's Perspective
Lesson 5 How To Overcome Spiritual, Mental, Emotional and Physical Fatigue
Lesson 6 Developing A Good Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, Etheric Physical,
Environmental and Social Diet
Lesson 7 Daily Spiritual Affirmations To Work With
Lesson 8 How To Develop An Extremely High-Functioning Physical, Psychological
and Spiritual Immune System
Lesson 9 The Importance of Loving The Physical Body
Lesson 10 How To Clear The Negative Implants, Elementals, and Astral Entities
Lesson 11 Dr. Lorphan's Healing Academy On Sirius
Lesson 12 The Fifty Point Cosmic Cleansing Meditation
Lesson 13 How To Utilize The Unbelievable Power and
Abilities of The Holy Spirit
Lesson 14 Caring For The Temple of GOD
Lesson 15 Healing From The Higher Dimensions
Lesson 16 The Psychological Causation of Disease by Djwhal Khul
Lesson 17 Integrating Traditional and Non-Traditional Modalities
Lesson 18 The Use of Color and Sound in Spiritual Healing
Lesson 19 The Issue of Spiritual Weariness and How To Overcome It
Lesson 20 Practicing The Presence of GOD
Lesson 21 Turning Lemons Into Lemonade: A Millennium Perspective
Lesson 22 How To Clear Specific Diseases: From The Perspective of The Masters
Lesson 23 GOD, My Personal Power, The Power of My Subconscious Mind and My
Physical Body Are An Unbeatable Team!
Lesson 24 Physical Immortality
Lesson 25 A New Species of Light and Higher Light Body Integration
Lesson 26 Eighteen Great Cosmic Clearings and Cleansings
Lesson 27 How To Physically Ground Your Spirituality
Lesson 28 How To Develop An Integrated Christ/Buddha Living Space
Lesson 29 Honoring and Sanctifying the Material Face of GOD
Lesson 30 The Dr. Joshua David Stone Suggested Program For Dealing With Cancer
Lesson 31 The Spiritual/Christ/Buddha Ideal and An Integrated and Balanced
Approach To Physical Health,
Prosperity and Life!
Lesson 32 The Importance of Removing The "Earth Crystals" From Your Subtle Bodies
Lesson 33 Learning To Co-Create With Nature
Lesson 34 The Soul's Perspective on Transition, Death,
Separation and Grief
Lesson 35 Crosses To Bear
Lesson 36 The Issue of Living On Light
Lesson 37 Dining With GOD
Lesson 38 The Incredible Importance of Mastering, Loving and Taking Responsibility
For The Earth and Earth Energies
Lesson 39 What does Spiritually Mastering The Earth and Earth Energies Really Mean?
Lesson 40 The Importance of Loving and Enjoying the Earth and Earth Life!
Lesson 41 The Soul and Mighty I Am Presence 21 Day Program For Mastering Bad
Habits and Addictions
Lesson 42 The Eight Point-21 Day Program For Creating Unconditional Self-love and
Lesson 43 The Negative Ego and The Return of The Divine Mother and The Goddess
Energies To Earth
Lesson 44 The Core Fear Matrix Removal Program
Lesson 45 The 385 Ascension Activations and Cleansings of GOD to Ask For Before
You Go To Bed Every Night For Yourself and Mother Earth
Lesson 46 The East/West Golden Global Fusion Ascension Activation Meditation
900 PAGES!
Special Bonus:
Receive the 21 Ascension Activation Meditations for
FREE with the purchase of this Correspondence Course!
As a special bonus for those who order immediately, you will receive the codes to
access all 21 of my Ascension Activation Meditations that are secretly programmed on
my website for free. To be clear, I am not sending physical tapes or CDs, I am giving
you for free the secret codes on my website to pull off and listen to all 21 Ascension
Activation Meditations from past Wesaks. The combination of this Correspondence
Course along with these Ascension Activation Meditations is the Rocketship to God
and in truth the Light beam to God! You will not find this information anywhere on
this planet. This bonus offer of all 21 Ascension Activation Meditations is a limited
time offer, so take advantage of it while it lasts!
Second Special Bonus:
Receive the Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path and all
Prayer Altar Programs for FREE with the purchase of two
Correspondence Courses and/or Training Programs!
For those who order 2 correspondence courses and/or training programs of your choice,
you will receive in addition to the bonus of the 21 Ascension Activation Meditations
the codes to pull off my Easy to Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path. You also
receive free access to all Prayer Altar Programs which are listed in the section under
that name. For those who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear, Spirit, the Masters,
and I are offering you the keys and tools to Integrated Ascension and Self and God
Realization on a Silver Platter! Never has Integrated Ascension been made easier! This
is humbly the deal of the universe! Take advantage of it as long as it lasts!
Email Version: $225
Paper Version: $275 plus s&h
3-Month Payment Plan for Email Version: 1st month: $75, 2nd month: $75, 3rd month: $75
{you will receive one third of the course each month in your email inbox}
3-Month Payment Plan for Paper Version: 1st month: $100, 2nd month: $100, 3rd month:
$75 plus shipping cost {you will receive one third of the course each month in your
Correspondence Course #5:
Sananda/Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Universal
Mind on the Life and Teachings of Jesus The Christ,
From The Book of Life and Akashic Records
Correspondence Course of All Correspondence
Dr Joshua David Stone
Channeled Introduction to New Correspondence Course By
This Correspondence Course is my full life as Jesus/ Sananda. It is the first of a series
of Correspondence Courses of mine that Dr Stone, my "New World Teacher" will be
presenting to the world! It is known and found in the Holy Bible, the New Testament.
But this Holy Bible you are now about to read, is actually the book, my book of life,
my book of love, found in the Akashic Records. It is my angel, Metatron, who holds
this Book of Life. This book of love is in his hands. It is filled with my new Aquarian
Age Christed teachings, parables, bible imagery, romantic messages, my love
locutions, channeled by my handmaiden on earth, Lady Ching and my "New World
Teacher", Dr Stone!
My "book", the Bible, is gravely misunderstood. It must be read like an entire parable
itself. It is more than salvation history, placed in an academic ambiance, studied
historically. It is even more than a philosophy book, or a religious, or even
psychological book. It is even more than a life testament of my physical events. It is far
more than this, it contains all my love locutions, messages and teachings for those who
are chosen in this world, for my "I AM disciples", those who are called to love. It is for
those whom I have anointed from the beginning.
I have also anointed my "New World Teacher", Dr. Stone, to write in detail, the means
of applying ascension teachings for the new millennium. It is through this Joshua, this
“Jeshua," that I communicate my present ideas for the new world perspective.
May my "I AM disciples" learn and respect my new order of ascension teachings, until
that day of the Lord shall appear. These are my Aquarian age interpretations of my
bible teachings, parables, bible imagery, love locutions, Aquarian Christ new
dispensation of the teachings of the Christ! These are my new vine "hidden initiations"
for the new millennium that need to be passed to become a "Living Christ" on earth!
These are the Christed channelings and teachings I bring forth with my new "World
Teacher" Dr Stone, and my channel Lady Ching, to help bring in the New Jerusalem,
and thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven! For thine is the kingdom, the power
and the glory, forever and ever!
Jesus/ Sananda
Write up of Sananda, Holy Spirit, and Universal Mind
Correspondence Course by Dr Stone!
My Beloved Readers,
It is my great honor and privilege to have the opportunity to write this Write-up and
Introduction for this Correspondence Course of all Correspondence Courses! I can
honestly tell you I have never been more excited about any project I have channeled
and worked on in my entire life as this one! When I tell you this is the Correspondence
Course of all Correspondence Courses, I am not using words loosely here! What you
are about to read is truly "The Greatest Story Ever Told!" It is the story and teachings of
Jesus the Christ taken right out of the "Akashic Records and Book of Life!" It is
channeled and written from the perspective of Sananda himself, the Holy Spirit, and
the Universal Mind in a Trinity alignment!
It not only shares the Universal Teachings of Jesus the Christ not from a
Fundamentalist perspective and not from a New Age Perspective, but from the
perspective of the "Universal Church" of Jesus the Christ who on the inner spiritual
plane is known as Sananda!
It shares the story of Jesus the Christ's 33 incarnations on Earth, and how he first came
as "Amilius," the Spiritual leader of the second wave of souls entering Atlantis in
etheric form. It was here that the soul that was later to become Jesus first fell from
grace. In his second incarnation, the soul Jesus had his first physical incarnation as
Adam, of the renowned Adam and Eve where he continued to fall with the entire
Adamic Race who had incarnated into physical bodies that were created by an act of
God 10.5 million years ago on five different continents on this planet! If this all
weren't amazing enough, this Correspondence Course also tells the story of Mother
Mary who was Eve, the other half of the soul of Jesus, who split into two individual
souls after the incarnation of Amilius in Atlantis. This is why the Akashic Records and
Book of Life also show that she was born of the Immaculate Conception as well!
The Bible begins with the story of Adam and Eve, who were the soul of Jesus the
Christ, and the Bible ends with Jesus becoming the Christ, and Mother Mary standing
on the moon with 12 stars in her Crown being pregnant! Depicting her Mastery of her
subconscious mind and mental and emotional body, and her mastery of the "12
Schools, Colleges and Challenges of Life" and being pregnant with the Christ Child
So this Correspondence Course tells the evolutionary story of the Master
Jesus/Sananda in both God/Goddess form! Through the 33 incarnations it took him to
evolve himself from the fallen Amilius and Adam, to the "Resurrected Christ!" This
Correspondence Course tells of his past lives as not only Amilius and Adam, but also
his incarnation of Enoch the Jewish Prophet, the man who walked with God. Followed
by his life as Melchizedek the Prophet who was Abraham's Teacher who started the
Jewish Religion. It tells of Jesus' past life as Joseph, of the coat of many colors, who
was thrown into a pit by his brothers and later became dream interpreter for the
Pharoah, and one of the most powerful persons in the world next to the Pharoah. This
Correspondence Course tells of Jesus' life as Joshua, who took over for Moses, and led
the Jewish People to the Promised Land of Milk and Honey! It then tells of his life as
Asapha, the Musician, Prophet and Channel for King David! The story of his life as the
Jewish Prophet Jeshua! The story of his life as Zend, the Father of Zoroaster who
started the Zoroastrian Religion! Then finally incarnating as the Jewish Prophet Jesus
who was rejected by his own people but in truth was the Messiah, who they had been
waiting for! The Akashic Records and Book of Life show that the New Testament is
not only about the life and teachings of Jesus, but the Old Testament of the evolution
of the Jewish People turns out to be mostly written by Jesus as well, in his various past
lives as Jewish Prophets. As the Master Jesus said, himself, "he came to fulfill the Law
of the Prophets!"
Now if this were not all enough, then Sananda himself who is the name of this Master
soul in the Spiritual world, shares the main and most significant imagery and parables
from his life as Jesus, and gives in-depth meaning of this imagery and these parables
in modern day easy to understand language. If this were all not enough, he ties this all
into the New Age "Integrated Ascension" work for the New Millennium!
In this Correspondence Course you will receive the New Revelatory teachings of Jesus
the Christ, 2000 years later, coming back as the Aquarian Cosmic Christ, to give the
next dispensation of "Universalistic Teachings for the next 1000 year Cycle!"
If this all were not enough, in this Correspondence Course an entirely new
understanding of the entire Old and New Testament is given, where the entire Bible is
looked at not just as a literal account of the story of the Master Jesus from Adam to the
Christ, and his 33 past lives, and of the entire Adamic Race and its evolution, but also
included is the "Esoteric and Mystical way of interpreting the Old and New
Testament" which is to look at it as you would a "Dream!" By this the Universal Mind
and Holy Spirit suggest you look at ever person and aspect of the Bible as a part of
yourself! So for example, Adam and Eve are the fallen aspects of our selves. Jesus the
potential for Resurrection as the living Christ! King David the aspect of ourselves who
has sinned, but still found favor with God, because of his sincere repentance! John the
Baptist the aspect of self that leads the way to God, but must be transcended at a later
stage to become the Christ! Abraham symbolizing the "Call to God!" So the entire Old
and New Testament in this Correspondence Course is interpreted by the Universal
Mind and Holy Spirit from this perspective! This provides only what can be called a
"Revelatory" new understanding of the Bible, that will make you understand why
people call the Bible the “greatest book ever written!”
My Beloved Readers, if this were not all enough, this Correspondence Course also
provides 100 more "Initiations of Consciousness", that must be passed to become the
Christ in this lifetime which are taken directly from the Old and New Testament!
If this all were not enough, all the main symbology of the "Revelation of John" that
ends the Bible is given from the perspective of the Universal Mind and Holy Spirit,
directly from the Akashic Records and Book of Life!
Then if this were not all enough, in this Correspondence Course, the New Age Bible
which the Master Jesus channeled around 1975, called "A Course in Miracles" is
"reinterpreted by Sananda and the Ascended Masters from an "integrated perspective",
rather than from the "Heavenly Ideal" which is the lens it is written from. Without
having this crucial understanding, “A Course in Miracles” can be greatly
misinterpreted and can cause imbalance and misunderstanding. Sananda and the
Ascended Masters show how everything that was said in “A Course in Miracles” was
truth, but only from a certain lens or vantage point. In this remarkable channeling of
Sananda and the Ascended Masters, “A Course In Miracles” is re-explained in easy to
understand language, and the "path of the evolving Soul" is given to correct
misunderstanding of these most profound teachings, so they can be utilized to their
highest extent!
If this all were not enough to make this the Correspondence Course of all
Correspondence Courses, I and we have researched the Universal Mind Channelings
of Edgar Cayce on the Life and Teachings of the Master Jesus and included this
information as well, for Edgar Cayce, in my humble opinion was one of the greatest if
not the greatest channel of information this world has ever known!
To be perfectly honest, in total humbleness and humility I feel I have been preparing
my entire life to channel and write this Correspondence Course, "The Greatest Story
that was ever told," directly from the Akashic Records and Book of Life itself!
This Correspondence Course tells this story from an Integrated Full Spectrum
Consciousness Prism Perspective, and shows how all Religions belong to this
"Universal Church of Sananda!"
This Correspondence Course in essence teaches all who read it to become the "Living
Christ" on Earth, but to do so from whatever Religion, Spiritual Path, Mystery School,
Guru, Channel, or Spiritual Text you are involved with! It is not necessary to change
paths! For the "Universal Church of Sananda" is the same Church that all the Ascended
Masters belong to! If you prefer to use different words and call this becoming the
Buddha, the Eternal Self, the Atma, an Elohim, a Mighty I Am Presence, the Monad,
the Tao, a God, that is fine, too, for all religions and Spiritual paths lead to the same
In summation, this Correspondence Course teaches all who read it to see that we all ate
of the "Tree of Good and Evil" and were tempted by the serpent (negative ego)! We
were all expulsed from the Garden of Eden. God did not do this to us, we did it to
ourselves by mis-thinking and eating of the forbidden fruit of the negative ego/fear
based/separative mind! This Correspondence Course shares through the Teachings of
the Master Sananda/Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Universal Mind, how every person
reading this course can evolve themselves back from this fallen state, to become a
"Resurrected Christ again!" For as the Universal Mind said through Edgar Cayce, "HE
The Master Jesus, showed how this escape from the fall back to the "Resurrected
Christ" could be achieved, as did Lord Buddha, Moses, Mohammed, Lao Tse,
Zoroaster, Confucious, Krishna and all the Ascended Masters!
This Correspondence Course shows you in a very easy to understand, practical, and
comprehensive way, providing the tools as well, how this can be achieved, so that
instead of eating the fruit of the "Tree of Good and Evil", you may, as the Bible depicts
at the very end in the Revelation of John, return to the Garden of Eden, and Become
the "Tree of Life", which is fed by the "Water of Life" (Teachings and energy of the
Christ), which is fed by the "River of Life" (Direct Revelation and energy of God), and
hence produce 12 kinds of Fruit on your Tree, and achieve Eternal Life!
As profound as this may sound, I very humbly with total humility tell you, this
Correspondence Course tells you and shows you how this can be achieved in this
lifetime! Did not the Master Jesus say, "Everything that I can do, you can do and more!"
This Correspondence Course will train you to become an "Integrated Ascended Master
and I Am Master!" It will train you, too, in the process of how to achieve your 22 Levels
of Initiation and 22 Levels of Light Body! It will train you how to anchor and activate
your higher chakras! It will train you to fully realize your
Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/Krishna/God Consciousness in an integrated and balanced
way! It will train you to transcend negative ego/fear based/separative thinking and
feeling! It will train you to become a Master of Spirit, a Master of your consciousness
and Spiritual Psychology, and a Master of the Earth and Earth energies! This
Correspondence Course will train you to become like Mother Mary, standing on the
Moon, with 12 Stars in her crown being pregnant with the Christ Child! It will train
you to become the "Tree of Life", fed by the "Water of Life" and "River of Life", and to
eat only of the "Bread of Life"! It will train you to open the Door which no man can
shut! It will train you to let go of all alternative lovers, false gods, symbolic idols, little
gods, false doors, lesser pearls, and to love God more than his Creation! It will teach
you to only seek for the "Pearl of Great Price!" It will teach you to achieve and realize
the "Crown of Life" rather than the "Crown of Thorns!" It will teach you to build your
"New Jerusalem" rather than a Babylon and Sodom and Gomorrah in your self and
life! It will teach you to open your Seven Seals and turn them into Seven Golden
Candlesticks instead of Seven Vials of Wrath and Seven Plagues! It will teach you to
overcome the Seven headed Leopard with ten horns, which is the seven lower aspects
of the Chakras and the ten derivatives of fear. It will teach you how to get your name
written in the "Book of Life" and the "Mark of God on your Forehead", rather than
have the "Mark of the Beast". It will teach you how to move from Adam and Eve to
become the Christ! It will teach you how to avoid the "second death", which is the fall
into negative ego, glamour, maya and illusion. It will teach you how to manifest the 33
Heavenly Virtues rather than the 33 Deadly Sins! It will teach you how to become
Jacob (spiritual self) rather than Esau (run by lower self and lower appetites!) It will
teach you how to become Mother Mary rather than Jezebel! It will teach you how to
develop the Wisdom of Solomon! To become a Spiritual warrior like Joshua! It will
teach you to make symbolic love to the Virgin Mary, rather than the whore of Babylon!
It will teach you to transcend the Bottomless Pit, and instead achieve and realize the
Throne of God! It will teach you how to transcend the Two Horned Beast of "double
mindedness" which is like most of the world which serves God and mammon! This
Correspondence Course will help you to drink of the "New Wine of Everlasting Life"
rather than the old wine of death and decay! This Course will help you to cross the
River Jordan and enter the Promised Land of Milk and Honey! This Correspondence
Course will teach you to calm the "Red Sea" within like Moses of old, which are the
angry and turbulent feelings and emotions of the negative ego mind! This
Correspondence Course will allow the Master Jesus/Sananda to wash your feet which
is symbolic of your feet being your "understanding." So when Jesus washes your feet,
your understanding is being cleansed by the Christ Mind. For does not the Bible say,
"Let this Mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus!" This Correspondence Course will
allow us to develop the patience of Isaac, for as the Universal Mind said through Edgar
Cayce, "In ye patience possess ye your souls!" It will allow us to become a "Righteous
Man" like Noah, and will allow us to cleanse ourselves as Noah and his family were
cleansed in the Great Flood, which was actually a depiction of the Great Flood that
destroyed most of Atlantis, the Universal Mind and Akashic Records say! This
Correspondence Course will help you to build "The Temple of Solomon" within,
which is your "Immortal Body of Light!" It will allow you to wear the "Coat of Many
Colors" as did Joseph, a past life of Jesus, which was symbolic of realizing the Zohar
Body of Light! This Correspondence Course will help you to become as the "Holy
Grail" a fitting receptacle for the Christ Spirit! This Correspondence Course will allow
you to be Baptized by the Holy Spirit with "Water and Fire" as John the Baptist spoke
of in the Bible, and receive the Holy Spirit from Sananda himself, who will bring you
wisdom and knowledge from the foundations of the world! It will allow you to
integrate the 24 Elders who surround the Throne of Grace, who are symbolic of the 24
cranial nerves which will be spiritualized by studying, reading and applying the
teachings and wisdom in this Course! This Correspondence Course will allow us to
wash the Master Jesus' feet with our hair as Mary Magdalene did, which is symbolic of
the hair being the "mind", so we let our mind be cleansed by the "understanding"
(Jesus feet)! This Correspondence Course will allow you to not let Delilah cut your hair
like she did with Samson. For the hair is symbolic of the mind and one's thinking. Our
thoughts cause our reality, so if we lose our hair symbolically, we lose our personal
power and the ability to cause our reality! For as the Universal Mind said through
Edgar Cayce, "It is the Mind that leads to the Christ!" Lose your hair symbolically and
you lose your ability to become the Christ! Studying this Course will show you how to
prevent this from ever happening symbolically and psychologically! This
Correspondence Course will teach you to become like Peter and become a "Rock and
Pillar in the Temple of God!
In essence this course will teach you to become a "Master Mind", a "Heart Master", a
"Spiritual Master", a "Master of Consciousness and Spiritual psychology", a "Master of
the physical body", and a "Master of the Earth"!
This Correspondence Course will teach you to become a Son of Man and a Son of God:
Jesus represents God's idea of man in expression (Son of Man); Christ is that idea in
the absolute (Son of God)!
Lastly this Correspondence Course, I very humbly tell you, will help you in the fastest
and quickest way to realize the Christ! The Christ is the complete idea of perfect man
in Divine Mind. Man that God created in His Image and Likeness, the perfect man, our
true identity! When I speak of Christ here I am not talking about Jesus, but rather the
second aspect of the Trinity of God God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit! If you prefer to
call this Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu or any other name that is fine!
This Correspondence Course, says Sananda/Jesus, is a required course. By this I mean
the purpose of life is to realize the Christ and to be of service, and to resurrect and
enter the Kingdom of Heaven. If you want to achieve and realize this, this is a required
course of study. I am not saying this is the only way on Earth to study this information
and take this training, however, I am saying very humbly and with total humility, that
this is the quickest and fastest way! For studying the teachings of Sananda, the Holy
Spirit, the Universal Mind and the Ascended Masters, is what I often like to call the
"Rocketship to God", or "Light Beam to God!" I humbly tell you the study of the
Correspondence Course is the "Fast Track" to Self and God Realization!
In this write-up I have tried to give you a Spiritual taste of the profundity of the
information you are about to study! I very humbly and with total humility tell you, if
you study nothing else this lifetime, study this Correspondence Course! Every
Correspondence Course, channeling and book I have channeled and written and there
have been a great many, have prepared me to channel and write this particular and
specific Correspondence Course. This is why I have called it the Correspondence
Course of all Correspondence Courses!
If you would like to understand the "Greatest Story Ever Told, and Christ's Universal
teachings" directly from Sananda himself, the Holy Spirit, the Universal Mind, and
from the Akashic Records and Book of Life directly, then this is the Correspondence
Course for you! This Correspondence Course is for those that have the "eyes to see and
the ears to hear" the profundity of the words I speak in this Introduction and Write-up,
on behalf of Spirit and the Masters! These are the channelings and teachings from a
Universal and Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness perspective, that you
have been waiting for your entire life!
2000 years later after the advent of the Piscean Avatar, Master Jesus, the Master Jesus in
the form of Jesus/Sananda has returned again through this Correspondence Course as
he prophesized he would, to bring you the "Revelation for the New Millennium of the
Aquarian Christ!" It has been my great honor along with my dear friend Lady Ching,
and my dear friend Gloria Excelsias, to bring you what is humbly in truth what Spirit
and Sananda have described as a "New Age Bible for the Aquarian Age" which was
woven together in this Correspondence Course! In this Correspondence Course you are
being provided with the most advanced Integrated Ascension teachings on this planet,
direct Channelings from Sananda/Jesus/ the Holy Spirit and the Universal Mind by
myself and Lady Ching, a complete overview of the Old and New Testament from an
esoteric and mystical perspective, a complete overview of the Universal Mind
channelings of Edgar Cayce on the Life and Teachings of Jesus the Christ, a complete
overview of the teachings of Jesus the Christ from a Universal Perspective that dispels
the glamour and illusion of traditional Christianity and the New Age Movement, the
100 most important "Initiations of Consciousness" from the Old and New Testament
that must be passed to enter the Kingdom of God, the key most fascinating questions
about the life of Jesus and Mother Mary channeled directly from the Akashic Records
and Book of Life, a complete overview of the main and most important visual Imagery
and Parables and their meaning channeled by Sananda and the Holy Spirit, and if this
were all not enough a complete overview of “A Course in Miracles,” which was
channeled by Jesus, re-explained by Sananda and the Ascended Masters to show how
the "Heavenly Ideal" and the "Path of the Evolving soul" along with the path of
initiation and Ascension can be reconciled and both lived and integrated
simultaneously on Earth!
I very humbly with total humility share with you, this is the "Book of all Books", and
the "Correspondence Course of all Correspondence Courses!" If this write-up does not
catch your attention, nothing will. For as Sananda and I just stated, this
Correspondence Course is for those that have the "eyes to see and ears to hear!" If you
would like to become a "Living Fully Realized Christ in this Lifetime", and fully
realize your Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God Consciousness in a full spectrum prism
consciousness manner and integrated and balanced manner, and achieve your physical
Transfiguration and Resurrection as the Master Jesus did, and if you want your name
stamped in the Book of Life, with the Mark of God on your Forehead, so you may
eternally enter the Kingdom of God, then this Correspondence Course is for you!
Please tell all your friends, family and students about this!
The Master Jesus/Sananda has returned again as he promised he would, 2000 years
later, as the "Aquarian Christ" to bring forth in this Correspondence Course the
"Revelation and next dispensation and evolutionary leap in the Realization of Christ
for this New Millennium and Aquarian Age! The time for the "Spiritual Harvest" has
come. Spirit, Sananda, the Ascended Masters, and I are looking to "Spiritually Harvest"
144,000 New Age "Living Christs" to help build the "Seventh Golden Age", the "New
Jerusalem" and the "Kingdom of God on Earth!" This Correspondence Course has been
channeled and written to achieve this Goal in the absolute shortest and quickest
amount of time! If you would like to become one of these 144,000 Living Christ's on
Earth then order, read, study, integrate, spiritually and psychologically digest, apply,
demonstrate and embody these teachings and you will be well on your way to fully
realizing this "Goal of all Goals!" "All are chosen, but few choose to listen", which is
why this Correspondence Course is for those that have the "Eyes to See and the Ears to
Hear" the "Clarion Call of God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, Melchizedek, Mahatma, and
Metatron, the Mighty I Am Presence, The Monad, the Oversoul, the Superconscious
mind, Sananda, the Ascended Masters, the Archangels and Angels, the Elohim
Masters, and the Christed Extraterrestrials! The Clarion Call now sounds forth from
Gabriel's Trumpet who returns again as well, for it was he who overlighted Jesus as a
child and Mother Mary as well! This Correspondence Course will literally be the best
investment of your entire life! Tell all your friends, family and students about this as
well for a Training Course like this comes around literally once every 2000 years!
Sananda has come again to give the next Aquarian 2000 year dispensation of the
Teachings of the Christ, as he did 2000 years ago! This is not something you want to
miss! Table of Contents of Course can be seen below! 900 PAGES!
Love and Light!,
Dr Joshua David Stone
Table of Contents
Book One:
Sananda/Jesus Reveals His Ascension Teachings for the New
Millennium: Sananda Lights the Way of the Seeker!
The following information is channeled chapters and lessons from Sananda/Jesus for
the New Millennium, which integrates Sananda's/Jesus' teachings as revealed in the
New Testament, and integrates and blends it into the New Age Ascension Movement
and the Aquarian Age New Dispensation of Christ's teachings!
Lesson 1: Sananda Imagery-1 "I Am The Way..." John 14:6
Lesson 2: Sananda Imagery-2 "I Am The Truth..."John 14:6
Lesson 3: Sananda Imagery-3 "I Am The Life..." John 14:6
Lesson 4: Sananda Imagery-4 "I Am The Door..." John 10:9
Lesson 5: Sananda Imagery-5 "I Am The True Vine..." John 15 1-2
Lesson 6: Sananda Imagery-6 "I Am The Light Of The World..." John 8-12
Lesson 7: Sananda Imagery-7 " I Am The Good Shepherd..." John 10:11
Lesson 8: Sananda Imagery-8 "I Am The Bread Of Life..." John 6:35
Lesson 9: Sananda Imagery-9 " I Am The Resurrection And The Life..." John 11:25
Lesson 10: Sananda Imagery-10 " I Am Lord..." John 13:13
Lesson 11: Sananda Parable-1 "The Kingdom Of Heaven Is Like A Farmer Who Sowed
Seed..." Matthew 13
Lesson 12: Sananda Parable-2 "The Kingdom Of Heaven Is Like A Pearl Of Good
Lesson 13: Sananda Parable-3 "The Kingdom Of Heaven Is Like A Mustard Seed..."
Matthew 13:31
Lesson 14: Sananda Parable-4 "The Kingdom Of Heaven Is Like A Dragnet Cast Into
The Sea..." Matthew 13: 47-50
Lesson 15: Sananda Parable-5 "The Kingdom Of Heaven May Be Compared To A Man
Who Sowed Good Seed In His Field..."
Lesson 16: Sananda Parable-6 "The Kingdom Of God Is Like A Man Who Casts Seed
Upon The Soil..." Mark 4:26-30
Book Two:
72 Channeled Chapters from Sananda/Jesus, the Holy Spirit and
the Universal Mind!
Lesson 1: The Incredible Past Lives Story of Jesus the Christ!
Lesson 2: The Importance of Learning to Manifest and Build your Own Personal New
Lesson 3: How to Build your New Jerusalem in your Romantic Relationship!
Lesson 4: The Incredible Importance of Establishing an Integrated Full Spectrum
Prism Relationship to God on all Levels of your Being!
Lesson 5: For that which Leads to the Christ is the Mind-The Universal Mind!
Lesson 6: On Becoming an Integrated Synthesized Full Spectrum Prism Minister!
Lesson 7: The Incredible Importance of Mastering and Understanding the Difference
of one's Body Image, Self Image, and Spiritual Image!
Lesson 8: Without the Cross there is No Crown!-The Universal Mind!
Lesson 9: In Patience Possess Ye Your Souls!-The Universal Mind!
Lesson 10: The Resurrection and the Fall is Happening Every Moment of your Life!
Lesson 11: God's Will Versus Negative Ego Will, Preference, Free Choice, and Fate, and
the Complex Understanding of How they Interrelate!
Lesson 12: The Importance of Finding Your Refuge in God!
Lesson 13: How to Keep your Spiritual Edge!
Lesson 14: How to Become a Master of Masters!
Lesson 15: Thoughts are Things and Mind is the Builder!-The Universal Mind!
Lesson 16: The Mind Creates Bondage, and the Mind Creates Liberation!-Sai Baba!
Lesson 17: How the Story of the Bible Began in the Garden of Eden and with the Tree
of God and Evil and Ends in the Garden, with the Tree of Life and Water of Life!-The
Lesson 18: The Inter-Relationship between the Self, the Eternal Self, the Higher Self,
the Lower Self, Knowing Thy Self, and Life as a Process of Meeting the Self!
Lesson 19: The Importance of Learning to Perceive and Sense God from an Integrated
Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness!
Lesson 20: The Process of Giving Birth to the Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God Child
Within and How to Nurture and Raise it to Self and God Realization!
Lesson 21: How to Create a Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God "Ascended Master's Web of
Light" to Achieve Self and God Realization!
Lesson 22: How to Develop Mastery and "Control over the Power of Your Light!"
Lesson 23: "Where Once I was Blind, Now I can See!"-And the Three Levels of
Lesson 24: The Three Levels of How to Raise the Dead!
Lesson 25: How to Transcend the Two-Horned Beast of Double-mindedness!
Lesson 26: For the Earth is the Lord's and the Fullness thereof; the Silver and the Gold
are His, and the Cattle on a Thousand Hills!-The Universal Mind!
Lesson 27: Knowledge Without Wisdom Results in Separation!-The Universal Mind!
Lesson 28: No Eyes Have Yet Seen, No Ears Have Yet Heard, and No Mind Has Yet
Conceived what God had Prepared for Those Who Love Him!-The Bible!
Lesson 29: How to Make Yourself Spotless Before The Throne! !-The Universal Mind!
Lesson 30: The Newest Path of Ascension, Negative ET's and Astral Entities Parading
as Spirit, Ascended Masters, and Archangels!
Lesson 31: The Difference Between Personality and Individuality!
Lesson 32: The Nuts and Bolts of How to Glorify God instead of Self in Daily Living!
Lesson 33: The Key to Accelerating Your Evolution-The Answer May Surprise You!
Lesson 34: Learning to Develop a Compelling Holy Healing Presence Spiritually, in
Consciousness, and Physically without ever Saying a Word in Life in a Way that
Glorifies God!
Lesson 35: You Don't Go to Heaven, You Grow to Heaven!-The Universal Mind!
Lesson 36: It is not Time that Heals, it is the Mind that Heals, so in Truth Healing can
Occur Instantly!
Lesson 37: One Cannot Have Ascension Without Descension!
Lesson 38: On one's Spiritual Path if one Goes Straight or Turns to the Right or Left,
you will Meet God!
Lesson 39: Learning to Integrate the Scroll of Harmonization in a Full Spectrum Prism
Consciousness Manner!
Lesson 40: The Great Secret of the Ages that God Will Treat you as you Treat Others!The Master Jesus!
Lesson 41: The Importance of Learning to be Wise as Serpents and Harmless as Doves!The Master Jesus!
Lesson 42: The Seven Types of Marriage and Relationships!
Lesson 43: Developing an Indomitable Iron Will and the Heart of a Champion in a Full
Spectrum Prism Consciousness Manner on all Levels!
Lesson 44: The 33 Levels of Chemistry between Friends and Romantic Relationships!
Lesson 45: By the Grace of God Go I!-The Bible!
Lesson 46: To Conquer Self is Greater than Conquering the World!-Aristotle!
Lesson 47: Even Thy Master, Jesus, Could Laugh in the Face of the Cross!-The
Universal Mind!
Lesson 48: I did not Come to bring Peace but a Sword!-The Master Jesus!
Lesson 49: The Devil and Daniel Webster-How Millions of People and Lightworkers
Sell their Soul to the Devil without Realizing it!
Lesson 50: How to Find the Holy of Holies, the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail
Within Self!
Lesson 51: Who do you Love More and Who Comes First, The Creator or the Creator's
Lesson 52: Except ye be Converted, and Become as Little Children, ye Shall not Enter
into the Kingdom of Heaven!-The Master Jesus!
Lesson 53: A Specifically Designed Program For Lightworkers to Master their
Consciousness and Spiritual Psychology!
Lesson 54: A Meditation on How to Achieve Self Love!
Lesson 55: The Perspective the Holy Spirit and Universal Mind would Have you Take
Towards Past Lives!
Lesson 56: The Nine Levels of Death!
Lesson 57: You do not Need to Have all Gifts and Abilities or Perfect Health to be of
Profound Service to this Planet and to Achieve Self and God Realization!
Lesson 58: For We are Gods in the Making: Not the God, but Gods in the Making!-The
Universal Mind!
Lesson 59: But when Thou Doest Alms, Let not Thy Left Hand Know what Thy Right
Hand Doeth!-The Bible!
Lesson 60: Neglect Not the Gift that is in Thee...!-Timothy in the Bible!
Lesson 61: The Importance of Developing an Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Approach
to your Daily Spiritual Practices!
Lesson 62: An Indepth Study of How to Transcend "The Seven Headed Leopard witih
Ten Horns!"-The Revelation of John!
Lesson 63: Here is a Revelation, It is Not Only Important to Develop your Soul and
Spirit, but Also Your "Personality!"
Lesson 64: Run with Endurance, the Race that is Set Before Us. Fixing Your Eyes on
Jesus, the Author and Perfector of the Faith... So that you May not Grow Weary and
Lose Heart!"-The Bible
Lesson 65: If you See an Alcoholic in the Gutter and Jesus Christ Materialized on
Earth, Do you Treat Them the Same?
Lesson 66: How to Build the "New Jerusalem" on Earth!
Lesson 67: Learning to Radiate Like the Archangels and Angels, Create and Manifest
like the Elohim, and Integrate like the Ascended Masters!
Lesson 68: One of the Absolute Keys to a Successful Path of Self and God Realization
is the Ability to Make Adjustments and Corrections and Remain in the Tao, in One's
Consciousness on all Levels, on a Daily, Moment by Moment Basis!
Lesson 69: Do you Want to Channel the Masters or Be a Master, for They are Not the
Same Thing!
Lesson 70: How to Master, Open, Balance, and Integrate Your Chakras Using your
Mind, Feelings, Energy, Behavior, Actions, Spiritual Mission, Spiritual Practices,
Spiritual Journal, Dreams, Service Work, Light and Sound!
Lesson 71: The Lord is my Shepherd, and We are Ideally the Shepherd of Our Own
Lesson 72: How to Become a "Master Mind, Master Heart, Master Soul, Master Spirit,
Master of your Physical Body to Serve the Lord Thy God!"
Book Three:
Hidden Initiations of Consciousness from the Old and New
Psalms Integrity Initiation:
Psalms Wealth Initiation:
Bible Profit-Loss Initiation:
Mark Becoming Fishers of Men Initiation:
Psalms Commitment Initiation:
John Compassion Initiation:
Philippians Confidence Initiation:
Corinthians Consistency Initiation:
Philippians Being Content-Satisfied Initiation:
Ephesians Cooperation Initiation:
Deuteronomy Courage Initiation:
Timothy Talents Initiation:
Romans Renewal of Mind Initiation:
Colossians Being Reliable and Trustworthy Initiation:
Hebrews Determination Initiation:
Colossians Devotion Initiation:
Colossians Diligence Initiation:
Psalms Discretion Initiation:
Matthew Golden Rule Initiation:
Matthew Faithfulness Initiation:
Timothy Being Fearless Initiation:
Colossians Forgiveness Initiation:
Proverbs Friends Initiation:
John Godliness Initiation:
Corinthians Honesty Initiation:
Noah Being Just Initiation:
John Loyalty Initiation:
Psalms Meekness Initiation:
Luke Mercy Initiation:
Psalms Patience Initiation:
Chronicles Prosperity Initiation:
Thought Training Initiation:
Threefold Romans Initiation:
New Testament Christ Mind Initiation:
Timothy Our True Spirit Initiation:
The Upanishads Discipline Initiation:
Matthew True Spirit of Giving Initiation:
Proverbs Continual Feast Initiation:
Corinthians Temptation Initiation:
Sufism Charity Initiation:
Heart and Mind Initiation:
Adam Initiation:
Eden Initiation:
Adam and Eve Initiation:
Moses-Anger & Joshua-Higher Mind Initiation:
Slavery Initiation:
Captivity Initiation
Failure and Weakness Initiation:
Moses Soul Challenge Initiation
The Wilderness Initiation:
The Twelve Tribes of Israel Initiation:
Evolution of the Twelve States of Consciousness Initiation:
David Preparation for Leadership Initiation:
David and Saul-Love and Power Initiation:
David Magician Initiation:
David After God's Own Heart Initiation:
The Tree Initiation:
The Cross Initiation:
Spiritual Inheritance Initiation:
Abundance & The Law of Reciprocity Initiation:
The Spiritual Backbone Initiation:
The Last Supper Initiation:
It is Finished Initiation:
Jesus "I am the Way" Initiation:
Jacob and Esau Initiation:
The Twelve Gates to Jerusalem Initiation:
Jacob & the Serpent Initiation:
Israel Initiation:
Subjugating the "Four Beasts" Initiation:
The Serpent Initiation:
The Crown of Thorns & The Crown of Life Initiation:
The Second Death Initiation:
Hidden Manna Initiation:
The Samurai Initiation:
Tree of Life & Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil Initiation:
The Tree of Life Bearing Twelve Manners of Fruits Initiation:
The Twenty-Four Elders Initiation:
Thoughts are Seeds Initiation:
The Sevenfold Initiation:
Transcendence of the Mark of the Beast 666 Initiation:
Jesus Two Kinds of Food Initiation:
The Oil and Wine Initiation:
Clearing the Bottomless Pit Initiation:
Opening of the Seven Seals and Sounding of the Seven Trumpets Initiation:
Morning Star Initiation:
Pillar in the Temple of God Initiation: Simon Peter Rock in the Ocean Initiation:
Be Fruitful, Multiply, and Subdue the Earth Initiation:
Baptizing with Water and Fire Initiation:
The Leopards' Seven Heads and Ten Horns Initiation:
Those Whose Names are {Not} Written in the Book of Life Initiation:
The Two-Horned Beast Initiation:
Buddha's Eightfold Noble Path Initiation:
The Seven Angels with the Seven Plagues Initiation:
Tabernacle and Holy Mount Initiation:
The Court, the Holy Place, and the Holy of Holies Initiation:
The Sacrifice Initiation:
The Whore of Babylon, the King of Babylon, the Babylonians & the Fall of
Babylon Initiation:
The Marriage of the Lamb Initiation:
The First and the Second Resurrection:
The Rider on the White Horse Initiation:
The 144,000 Initiation:
The Two Witnesses Initiation:
The Sea of Glass and Four Beasts Full of Eyes Before and Behind Initiation:
From the Garden of Eden to the New Jerusalem Initiation:
Overcoming the Faults and Embodying the Virtues of the Seven Churches
The Two-Edged Sword Initiation
The Paradise of God Initiation:
Last Judgement & Book of Life Initiation:
The Jezebel Initiation:
Fire, Smoke, & Brimstone Initiation:
The Wings of the Eagle Initiation:
Sickles & Reaping Initiation:
The Anti-Christ and Armageddon Initiation:
A New Heaven and a New Earth Initiation:
Joshua "As For Me And My House" Initiation:
Abraham, the Call, and the Father of the Faithful Initiation:
From Abraham to Christ Initiation:
The Promised Land Initiation:
Abraham and the Power of Prayer Initiation:
Lot's Lot Little Life Initiation:
The Tower of Babel Initiation:
The Cain and Abel Initiation:
The Three Wise Men Initiation:
The Book of Revelation Initiation:
Overcoming the Greatest Sin Initiation:
Scarlet Colored Beast Initiation:
The Ark, the Deluge, and the Rainbow Initiation:
The Trinities and Trinity Initiation:
The Sacred Number Forty Initiation:
Revelations Sixth Sounding Initiation:
The Synagogue of Satan Initiation:
Tribulation of 10 Days Initiation:
Power Over The Nations Initiation:
Open Door & Key of David Initiation:
Lion of the Tribe of Judah/Root of David/Messiah Initiation:
The Rod and the Temple Initiation:
The Contents of the Ark of the Covenant Initiation:
Samaritan Woman & the Water of Life Initiation:
Jesus & Faith Initiation:
The Seven Covenants of God Initiation:
The Four Elements and the Four Baptisms of God Initiation:
Nimrod Hunter Initiation:
Abimilech Higher Will Initiation:
Hagar Sara Impatience Initiation:
Sara's Harsh Treatment of Hagar Initiation:
Jacob's Ladder Initiation:
Lazarus Initiation:
Alpha and Omega-From Genesis to Revelation Initiation:
The 5 Races and Use of Personal Will Initiation:
The Prince of the World & The Prince of Peace Initiation:
The Akashic Records and The Book of Life Initiation:
The Inner and Outer Temple Initiation:
The Seed, Personality, & Individuality Initiation:
Be in the World but not of the World Initiation:
Aggrandizement-Grandeur-Grandiosity Initiation:
Having Spiritual Ideals Initiation:
The Man of LaMancha Courage Initiation:
The Gentiles Initiation:
Book Four:
Questions and Answers on the Life and Teachings of Jesus the
Christ, as Channeled by Sananda/Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the
Universal Mind!
Who wrote the Four Gospels according to the Universal Mind and Akashic
Which gospel reveals the most about Jesus' life according to the Universal Mind,
Akashic Records and Book of Life and who authored it?
Where on the face of the Earth did the Five Races first appear according to the
Universal Mind and Akashic Records?
What was the purpose of the Temple of Sacrifice in Atlantis according to the
Universal Mind and Akashic Records?
What was the difference between the Temple of Sacrifice and the Temple
Beautiful according to the Universal Mind and Akashic Records?
Will John the Beloved return to Earth according to the Universal Mind and
Akashic Records?
Will Christ return to Earth according to the Universal Mind and Akashic
Records and what can we do to help in the preparation of this event?
Where is the Hall of Records located according to the Universal Mind and
Akashic Records?
What happened after Jesus' ascension, at Pentecost according to the Universal
Mind and Akashic Records?
When exactly and where was Jesus born according to the Universal Mind and
Akashic Records?
Why are there different accounts as to Jesus' birth date according to the
Universal Mind and Akashic Records?
When did Jesus know that he was to be the Savior according to the Universal
Mind and Akashic Records?
What did Jesus look like according to the Universal Mind and Akashic Records?
How long did it take to construct the Great Pyramid of Gizeh and how was it
built according to the Universal Mind and Akashic Records?
What happened at Jesus' Nativity according to the Universal Mind and Akashic
How was Joseph informed of his role as father of the immaculately conceived
Christ Child according to the Universal Mind and Akashic Records?
How old were Joseph and Mary when they were married according to the
Universal Mind and Akashic Records?
What is the truth as to why the innkeeper really turn the Holy Family away
according to the Universal Mind and Akashic Records?
What is the truth about the Three Magi? Were there really only three? What
were their names? How did they find the Christ Child? Why did they come to
Jesus' Nativity and what signified their gifts according to the Universal Mind
and Akashic Records?
What was it like when Joseph, Mary, and the Christ Child fled to Egypt? Did
they go alone, and how long was their journey according to the Universal Mind
and Akashic Records?
What was the role and purpose of Josie in relation to the Holy Family according
to the Universal Mind and Akashic Records?
What did Jesus' training and early education look like according to the
Universal Mind and Akashic Records? What did he study? Where? Who were
his teachers?
How long did the Holy Family stay in Egypt and where did they go afterwards
according to the Universal Mind and Akashic Records?
Was Jesus able to perform any miracles as a child according to the Universal
Mind and Akashic Records? Was he a normal child?
Why the Bible's silence regarding Jesus early education and training in India,
Persia, and Egypt according to the Universal Mind and Akashic Records?
Are there any records about Jesus' life still unveiled according to the Universal
Mind and Akashic Records?
What is the true meaning of Jesus being "the only, the first begotten of the
Father," according to the Universal Mind and Akashic Records?
Why was it necessary for Jesus to live as a man, and die as a man, according to
the Universal Mind and Akashic Records?
What is the difference in meaning between Jesus and Christ according to the
Universal Mind and Akashic Records?
What where Jesus' Apostles like according to the Universal Mind and Akashic
Records? Can you give a description of their characters?
Who was Naomi and what did she look like in character and body according to
the Universal Mind and Akashic Records?
What happened really at the Wedding in Cana where Jesus turned water into
wine according to the Universal Mind and Akashic Records? What was the
wedding feast like?
When did Jesus start to heal and perform miracles according to the Universal
Mind and Akashic Records? Any other interesting facts about Jesus' healings?
If Jesus could heal the blind, the crippled, and raise the dead, why then could he
not save his earthly father Joseph when he passed away, according to the
Universal Mind and Akashic Records?
Often Jesus would forgive sins when healing people. Why is this so according to
the Universal Mind and Akashic Records?
What happened at the Last Supper according to the Universal Mind and Akashic
Records? What did they have for dinner? What did the Apostles look like? What
did Jesus look like?
Where the Twelve Apostles that Jesus chose to spread His Word perfect in
character and Spirit, according to the Universal Mind and Akashic Records,
spotless before the Throne so to speak?
What was the role and Spiritual purpose of Judy, Jesus' teacher according to the
Universal Mind and Akashic Records?
Who entombed Jesus according to the Universal Mind and Akashic Records?
What was the purpose of Jesus' Resurrection according to the Universal Mind
and Akashic Records?
What happened during Jesus' Three Days in the Tomb according to the
Universal Mind and Akashic Records? Where did his body go?
Why did Judas Iscariot betray Jesus according to the Universal Mind and
Akashic Records? To force Jesus to establish his kingdom on Earth?
Why, according to the Universal Mind and Akashic Records, did Jesus cry out
on the cross, "My God! My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?"
What happened with Jesus' body after the crucifixion according to the Universal
Mind and Akashic Records?
To whom did Jesus appear first after his resurrection according to the Universal
Mind and Akashic Records?
In which manner did Mary and the Apostles continue their life after Jesus'
resurrection and ascension according to the Universal Mind and Akashic
What is the lesson to be learned behind Jesus' raising Lazarus from the dead and
cleansing Mary Magdalene of the seven devils according to the Universal Mind
and Akashic Records?
How did Jesus experience the happenings in the Garden of Gethsemane and his
way to Calvary according to the Universal Mind and Akashic Records?
How many people witnessed Jesus' Ascension according to the Universal Mind
and Akashic Records?
What was the significance of Mt Carmel according to the Universal Mind and
Akashic Records?
How was Mary chosen to carry the Anointed One according to the Universal
Mind and Akashic Records? How old was she then and where was Jesus
immaculately conceived?
Why was Mary chosen to be Jesus' Mother according to the Universal Mind and
Akashic Records? Did she give birth to any other children?
How many sisters and brothers did Jesus have according to the Universal Mind
and Akashic Records? Did they follow in his footsteps?
Who or what is the "Trinity" according to the Universal Mind and Akashic
Is The Bible The Supreme Authority?
Was Jesus the Son of God Before Time and Space and the Only Son of God?
Does God Have Negative Feelings And Emotions?
Are Death And Hell Real?
Will Satan's Kingdom Be Destroyed At Jesus' Return?
Is Sin Real?
Is The Original Sin Real?
Is The Fall Of Man Real?
Are We Separated From God?
What Is The Last Judgment And What Happens?
Did Jesus Die For Our Sins?
Is Christianity The Only Way And The Only Path To God?
What Is The True Meaning Of Crucifixion?
What Is The Real Story Of Noahs Ark And The Flood?
What Is The Real Story Of The Virgin Birth?
What Was The Purpose Of The Transfiguration?
How Was Jesus Able To Do All The Miracles He Did?
Is It Necessary To Be Born Again?
What Is The True Meaning Of Armageddon?
Does Salvation Come From God Or Oneself?
Can Gentiles Be Christians?
What Does God Really Think About Abortion?
Are We Meant To Be Martyrs And Suffer?
How Does God Look At The Relationship Between Christianity And Judaism?
How Does God Look At Going To Church?
How Does God Look At The Jewish Prophets?
How Does God Look At Proslatyzing?
How Does God Look At The Prophecies Of The Bible?
Is Money The Root Of All Evil As Some Christians Teach?
What Is God's View On Homosexuality?
Are Women Supposed To Be Subservient To Men As The Apostles Taught?
The Truth About The Three Wise Men?
What Is The Holy Encounter?
How Does God View Sickness?
Should We Fear God?
What Was The Purpose Of The Circumcision?
Were Adam And Eve Banished From Eden?
Who Is The Anti-Christ In The World?
What Is The Rapture And Is It Real?
Is It Necessary To Watch Out For False Prophets?
Were The Jewish People The Chosen People?
Who Are God's Teachers!
Is It Possible To Enter Into Peace With God And Undo The Past?
Is The Trinity Real?
Who And What Is The Christ?
Is Resurrection Possible As Jesus Did It!
Did Moses Actually Do The Miracles It States In The Bible?
Was The Earth Created In Six Days As The Bible States?
Does One Need A Minister!
Book Five:
An Easy to Read and Understand In-depth Overview of 'A
Course in Miracles' by Sananda/Jesus and the Ascended Masters,
From the Never Ever Before Given Perspective of How to
Integrate the Heavenly Ideal with the Path of the Evolving Soul,
Initiation, and Ascension Process!
Special Bonus:
Receive the 21 Ascension Activation Meditations for
FREE with the purchase of this Correspondence Course!
As a special bonus for those who order immediately, you will receive the codes to
access all 21 of my Ascension Activation Meditations that are secretly programmed on
my website for free. To be clear, I am not sending physical tapes or CDs, I am giving
you for free the secret codes on my website to pull off and listen to all 21 Ascension
Activation Meditations from past Wesaks. The combination of this Correspondence
Course along with these Ascension Activation Meditations is the Rocketship to God
and in truth the Light beam to God! You will not find this information anywhere on
this planet. This bonus offer of all 21 Ascension Activation Meditations is a limited
time offer, so take advantage of it while it lasts!
Second Special Bonus:
Receive the Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path and all
Prayer Altar Programs for FREE with the purchase of two
Correspondence Courses and/or Training Programs!
For those who order 2 correspondence courses and/or training programs of your choice,
you will receive in addition to the bonus of the 21 Ascension Activation Meditations
the codes to pull off my Easy to Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path. You also
receive free access to all Prayer Altar Programs which are listed in the section under
that name. For those who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear, Spirit, the Masters,
and I are offering you the keys and tools to Integrated Ascension and Self and God
Realization on a Silver Platter! Never has Integrated Ascension been made easier! This
is humbly the deal of the universe! Take advantage of it as long as it lasts!
Email Version: $225
Paper Version: $275 plus s&h
3-Month Payment Plan for Email Version: 1st month: $75, 2nd month: $75, 3rd month: $75
{you will receive one third of the course each month in your email inbox}
3-Month Payment Plan for Paper Version: 1st month: $100, 2nd month: $100, 3rd month:
$75 plus shipping cost {you will receive one third of the course each month in your
Training Program #1:
Intensive Training Program to Develop and Refine
Your Consciousness and Transcend Your Negative
Ego Mind and Emotions!
Dr Joshua David Stone
My Beloved Readers, Spirit and the Masters have guided me to channel and write a "
Training Program on How to Develop and Refine your Consciousness and Transcend
the Negative Ego Mind and Emotions"!
I have so much to say on this subject my fingers cannot move fast enough on the
computer to share all I have to say. What Spirit and the Masters have shared with me
and what I have experienced in my own service work to the nth degree is that the
absolute foundation of every person's spiritual path on Earth is how they develop and
refine their consciousness, and to what degree they transcend negative ego
consciousness and reprogram it with Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God Consciousness.
This my friends is the foundation of everything. If you only gain one thing from this
entire web-site, my information packets, from all my books, tapes, Wesak, videos and
all the rest, hear this one point. The development of your consciousness affects
everything, and I mean everything.
Secondly, as the Vedas teach, the definition of God is "God equals man minus ego". As
A Course in Miracles teaches there are no neutral thoughts. Every thought you think is
either of God or the negative ego. Every thought you think is a lens through which you
are seeing life. People do not see with their eyes, they see through their consciousness.
As Melchizedek, the Universal Logos told me one time, "Most people on Earth see life
through the lens of a fly". This is why the Master Jesus said, "You must have the eyes
to see and the ears to hear". What is it that allows some people to have the eyes to see
and the ears to hear and others don't? It is the development and refinement of your
consciousness. What is your consciousness? It is the organization, programming,
consistency, integration or lack thereof, alignment or lack thereof, Spiritual
psychology, philosophy, belief systems, the entire content of your consciousness, and
how you process your reality within the conscious, subconscious and Superconscious
If a person who is a channel for the Ascended Masters and is clairvoyant does not
develop and refine their consciousness, all their spiritual gifts will become corrupted
and fragmented no matter how clear a channel you think they are. The same applies to
any spiritual teacher, spiritual scientist, healer, psychic, musician, artist and on and on
and on. The number of spiritual leaders, channels, clairvoyants, spiritual teachers who
have become corrupted by developing themselves spiritually and even in an Earthly
sense, but have not developed their consciousness and developed a dead on accurate
spiritual psychology, is astronomical. The New Age movement is a vast wasteland of
fallen, corrupted and fragmented spiritual leaders, channels and teachers who have
fallen down the spiritual ladder and do not even realize it. They are stuck in their
evolution not being able to move past the 8th or 9th initiation no matter what they do.
Most spiritual leaders, channels, clairvoyants, spiritual teachers are what I call top
heavy. They have highly developed spiritual bodies, and may even be manifesting
their mission on Earth, however their consciousness is not developed and refined, they
do not have a proper spiritual psychology, although they think they do. They have not
learned to be vigilant enough and understand enough the negative ego and how it is
sabotaging them. They have not developed a full spectrum prism consciousness, but
live in a limited lens consciousness. The delusionary nature of consciousness is mind
blowing. The only thing that is more mind blowing than this is the fact that 99 to 100%
of the people who fall into this category, which is astronomical in number, do not even
realize it has happened to them. This is the power of the delusionary nature of
consciousness and the delusionary nature of the negative ego and the delusionary
nature of limited lens thinking.
I will give you just some of the examples of what happens to most Ascended Master
channels. A great many being more right brain and feminine in nature are overidentified
with the emotional body. This makes them very prone to be run by the
negative ego, the desire body, the inner child, and glamour. This leads to a great many
negative emotions, over-emotionalism, over-reactiveness, over-sensitivity, and so on.
This all has a totally corrupting effect on the channeling and clairvoyance.
In other cases self aggrandizement takes over. They think they are serving God, but in
truth are serving self. They are serving their own vanity. This corrupts the channelings.
In other cases it is power, fame, greed, misuse of sexuality that corrupts the individual.
In other cases it is the person's psychological baggage, lack of self love, lack of self
worth, comparing self with others.
In other cases the consciousness being too emotional and fragmented or lacking in
integration, attracts astral entities and or negative ET's that parade themselves as
Ascended Masters and Angels and the person does not know the difference.
My friends, all channeling, clairvoyance, and psychic abilities are governed by a
person's level of consciousness and level of spiritual evolution. Every person channels
from a different grid according to these indicators. Clairvoyance does not open the
third eye, right understanding, right perception, right perspective, right wisdom, right
knowledge, right attitude, and a developed and refined consciousness does.
In other instances wrong motivations corrupt the channel, clairvoyant, spiritual teacher
and spiritual scientist.
In other cases it is the desire to control others to feed one's ego. In other cases it is
personal agendas that contaminate the person's consciousness and contaminate the
channelings and teachings. In other instances it is the lack of integration which leaves
gaping blind spots in what they teach. In extreme cases you have the false prophets,
false teachers and cult leaders.
Channeling is not a direct phone line to Spirit and the Masters as most people think. It
is a co-creational process that is totally depended on the development of consciousness
and the development spiritually of the individual. Other spiritual teachers and
channels teach false theories, are filled with faulty beliefs, unclear psychologies and
philosophies. Other spiritual teachers and leaders are completely ego defended and
cannot admit a mistake if their life depended on it. Others still have surrounded
themselves with corrupted people which they have fallen prey too. As the Master Jesus
said, "Watch out for wolves in sheep's clothing". All of these things corrupt the
channelings, clairvoyance, psychic readings and spiritual teachings. So when someone
says or advertises they channel God, or some Ascended Master, understand that in
truth no one channels God and no one channels an Ascended Master. People who
channel, channel God or the Ascended Masters at their level of consciousness, their
level of spiritual development, their level of conscious and subconscious
programming, their particular grid level, at their level of programming in their
information banks. So 10,000 people could be channeling God and each one would be
doing so from a different level of consciousness, grid, clarity, spiritual development
and so on. This is why people often get channelings from different people yet from the
same Master, and get totally different information. In truth channeling is a very crude
form of communication, because so much of it is dependent on the development of the
person doing the channeling! Also, if the same Master is channeled through different
people, the same Master may be in disagreement even though both people are
channeling the same Master. This happens all the time and is almost comical!
Now I don't mean to pick on channels, however, most light workers give their power
to channeling and do not understand the co-creational nature of how channeling really
works, so it is a good example. The truth is the exact same thing applies to clairvoyants,
psychics, spiritual teachers, healers, spiritual scientists, gardeners, musicians, artists.
There is no spiritual gift, talent, ability or profession that is not completely affected by
the consciousness of the person doing it. All, I repeat again, all spiritual gifts, talents,
abilities or professions will become corrupted in time if your consciousness, spiritual
psychology, full spectrum prism consciousness, integration and balance, and
transcendence of negative ego is not addressed, and if your homework is not done in
this area every day of your life. A common occurrence in the New Age movement is
some do this for a while, but then conceive themselves to be masters and as the Bible
says, "After pride cometh the fall"! You must develop yourself in an integrated manner.
Focussing on spiritual development without having an unbelievably refined
consciousness and spiritual psychology is a prescription for corruption, fragmentation,
glamour, illusion, maya, and a fall down the spiritual ladder. As the Master Jesus said,
"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than a rich man to make it to
the Kingdom of Heaven". This is not rich in money. It is rich in negative ego
consciousness and rich in an undeveloped consciousness. Channeling, clairvoyance,
spiritual teaching, fame, money, fortune, healing abilities, scientific ideas are
worthless, if you do not develop your consciousness and transcend negative ego, for
these gifts will be corrupted by the delusionary nature of consciousness and your own
negative ego if they are not mastered or refined. This my friends, is the great blind
spot of the New Age Movement. This my friends, is why Spirit and the Masters have
guided me to write this Development of Consciousness and Transcendence of
Negative Ego Training Program.
Another classic example of this is someone who is proficient in soul travel. If their
consciousness is not developed even though they attempt to go to the Spiritual plane,
their consciousness on a conscious and subconscious level will draw them like a
magnet to the astral plane. They will have all these experiences thinking it is the
Spiritual plane they are on, however, in truth they are living in the astral world and do
not even realize it!
One more unbelievably remarkable example that really puts this understanding of the
importance of developing and refining one's consciousness into perspective is a couple
of students I had that were married. The woman had been a clairaudient voice channel
for 11 years, and a pretty good one, but her ability to channel was much more
developed than her consciousness. Her husband at the time was not a channel in the
classic sense of being a clairaudient voice channel and intuitively channeled in his
journal work and writing. What was very interesting when I checked into this, is that
the husband was channeling from what is called the Master A grid, and the woman
who was a classic clairaudient voice channel for the Masters for 11 years was
channeling form the B grid. So even though one was channeling and one was not in
the classic sense, the husband was actually channeling from a much higher level. This
was because his consciousness was much more developed and refined and had a much
more full spectrum prism consciousness, and was much more developed in
transcendence of negative ego and demonstrating Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God
Consciousness! As my friend Djwhal Khul likes to say, "Ponder on this!"
When a person's consciousness is not developed and negative ego is in control without
them realizing it, it just attracts astral entities and negative ET's, no matter how
spiritual they think they are. The Master Jesus spoke of this even 2000 years ago when
he spoke of the Pharisees and Sagacees. He said they were "white sepulchres filled
with dead men's bones". The New Age Movement is filled with this even to this day,
because light workers and spiritual leaders are focussing on their spiritual life and not
on the development and refinement of their consciousness and transcendence of
negative ego. Hence even though the second floor of their house is quite developed,
the first floor is not, and eventually the house collapses in on itself. If you actually
know how pervasive what I am saying was in the New Age Movement, and in the
world, you would be shocked beyond belief. The problem is most spiritual people
cannot even see the corruption and fragmentation in the spiritual leaders, channels,
clairvoyants and so on, because you can only see in others that what you have
developed in yourself. So to see this in others you must fully develop and refine your
own consciousness. You must become right with self and right with God. You must
become a total cause of your reality. You must develop an efficient perception of
reality. You must develop a right spiritual psychology. You must develop a full
spectrum prism consciousness. You must develop mastery and integration on a
spiritual, psychological and earthly level. You must develop right understanding and
right perception. You must master your subconscious mind and inner child. You must
master your mind and emotions. You must transcend negative ego emotions. You must
master your desire body. You must master your appetites, five senses and
overindulgent nature. You must master your sexuality and use it in a balanced way.
You must develop a full spectrum prism consciousness and let go of limited lens
thinking. You must most importantly study intensely about how the negative ego
mind works and how to replace it with the
Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God Consciousness. You must learn to be vigilant for God
and His Kingdom. You must learn to surrender your will to God's Will. You must learn
to let go of all the false gods, false idols, and alternate lovers, and put everything on
the altar of God. You must learn to transcend self interest, personal agendas, and
selfish motivation. You must learn to transcend fear and worry. You must learn to be
an Integrated Spiritual Master and then you will see clearly, and then you will see life
from a fully opened third eye. And then your spiritual gifts and talents, whatever they
are, will not be corrupted by the delusionary nature of consciousness and the
delusionary nature of the negative ego mind!
It is for these reasons my friends, that Spirit and the Masters have guided me to create
this "Training Program to Develop and Refine your Consciousness and Transcend the
Negative Ego Mind and Emotions". The information in this Training Program contains
over 800 pages of material, and is one of the most in-depth Training Programs in
transforming consciousness and transcending negative ego that has ever been given
forth to the world. It is based on five books I have self published that I have channeled
and written, which Spirit and the Masters have guided me to not make available in
book form anymore. They want me to use the information in these five books to use as
a Training Program to help people transform and refine their consciousness and
transcend negative ego thinking and change it into Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God
thinking and feeling. After studying these 800 pages of information directly designed
to develop and refine consciousness and transcend negative ego, as well as fully open
the third eye, you will never be the same. Eventually I will be doing workshops on this
material, however, in the initial implementation of this Hierarchical Program, we are
making it available in this form. The books I have written that this Training Program
is based upon are no longer available in any bookstore or from the Academy. The only
way to obtain this information is from the Training Program itself. This Training
Program contains over five large books of the "Secrets of the Ages" on How to Develop
and Refine your Consciousness, open your Third Eye, develop a full spectrum prism
consciousness, and transcend Negative Ego Consciousness. Without developing this
foundational level, all spiritual leaders and light workers are doomed to failure. Most
spiritual leaders and light workers as I mentioned earlier make it to about the 7th or
8th initiation and that is where they get stuck the rest of their lifetime. The hierarchy
gives light workers a little leeway up to the 7th and to a lesser degree up to even the
12th initiation, but after that, if you are not totally clear in this foundational level, no
matter how much spiritual work you're doing, or how famous you are, or how big a
spiritual leader one thinks they are, they will stay stuck at this level of spiritual
initiation. I am not saying that my books and teachings are the only place on the planet
to achieve this training from. However, with total humbleness and humility, I tell you
there are not that many beings on the planet who truly understand this foundational
level of how to develop consciousness, transcend negative ego, and how to help people
to open their third eye. That is why there are only about ten Integrated Spiritual
Masters on this planet which I am humbly one. It is also why there is only one being
on this planet who has achieved their 22nd level of initiation and 22nd level of Light
Body, working through Earth’s evolution. It only takes twelve enlightened beings to
completely transform the consciousness of this world. Spirit, the Masters and I are
recruiting about two more, however, our real goal is to recruit 144,000, for then we will
see this world change in a twinkling of an eye!
I give you my word you will never be the same after studying and working with this
material! Each lesson is like a chiropractic adjustment to your consciousness and opens
your eyes a little more. After 800 pages of the most in-depth material you will ever
study, not only will both your eyes be open, but your third eye will be wide open as
well! You will see with a new set of eyes and you will hear with a new set of ears. This
will serve to make you even more loving in all your communications and will give you
the insight and wisdom as to how to help people to the highest degree. It will also
greatly help you develop your spiritual discernment which will help protect you from
untold numbers of karmic lessons you would not have been able to see previously.
This Training Program along with all the Correspondence Courses is the crash course
in developing your consciousness, transcending negative ego, developing
Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God Consciousness, developing full spectrum prism
consciousness, accelerating your initiation and Light Body integration process, in
developing Spiritual Leadership and Planetary World Service Training. It is in truth
the cliff notes to Self and God Realization! It is all the wisdom, knowledge and tools
you need in condensed form, and in an easy to read and understand form, to achieve
Self and God Realization! It is being handed to you by Spirit and the Masters on a
Silver Platter, for those that have the eyes to see and the ears to hear! It is a crash course
training, because the world needs your light and your love, and God wants to harvest
more Self and God Realized Beings at the Integrated Spiritual Master Level and
Integrated Ascended Master Level, to join His Spiritual Ministry to bring
enlightenment and peace into this world! Any volunteers?
If you would like to become one of these Integrated Spiritual Masters, then I
encourage you to study all the Correspondence Courses and to take this Training
Program, and intensively study this material. Those who do so better buy spiritual
seatbelts as well for you will be on the "Rocketship to God and the Light Beam to
God"! This Training Program is for those who truly wish to be Integrated Ascended
Masters and Self and God Realized Beings! It is for those individuals who wish to
become Integrated Spiritual Masters, so they can fully dedicate their lives to service so
we can transform this planet as John said in Revelations, into the New Jerusalem and
Planet of Light it is meant to become!
If you wish to join and become one of these 12 and 144,000 Integrated Spiritual
Masters then "Be about the Father's business", and do the homework that is suggested
in studying these Correspondence Courses and this Training Program, and I give you
my word, that those with a sincere heart who study diligently, "Will have the eyes to
see and the ears to hear,” to achieve this!
This Training Program provides the information of how I achieved my 23rd level of
initiation and light body. This is the most cutting edge and revolutionary information
you will find on this planet. It is the new dispensation of Ascension Teachings for the
New Millennium. It is nothing like anything I have channeled or written before. You
will not find this information anywhere on the planet, and it is born of direct
experience and realization, not just theoretical information. If you have "the eyes to see
and the ear to hear", you will be able to tune into this by just reading this write up and
the names of all the lessons I have enclosed for your enjoyment. Every person who has
read and studied this material has been completely blown away. It is nothing like you
have ever studied before. It is channeled from Universal Sources of Knowledge and
Wisdom. It is guaranteed to accelerate your ascension, initiation process, and Light
Body anchoring and activation process, ten thousand fold! It is also the most balanced
and integrated Training Program you will find anywhere, for it teaches self mastery,
on a Spiritual, psychological, and physical/Earthly level.
The key to achieving your 22 levels of Initiation and 22 Levels of Higher Light Body,
and achieving Integrated Ascension Mastery, Integrated Spiritual Mastery, and Self
and God Realization, is developing your consciousness and transcendence of negative
ego! I cannot tell you how many people I know who are immersed in Spiritual work
and do spiritual activations up the gazoo, and many who are world famous, however,
they are completely stuck between the 6th and 9th initiation. No matter how much
Heavenly work they do, or how famous they become, they will never leave this level of
evolution, for to leave this level one must "Develop and Refine their Consciousness
and Transcend Negative Ego", for this is the "Foundation" of all Spiritual work.
Everyone thinks they mastered this in the spring of 72, but in truth they have not! The
delusionary nature of consciousness and their negative ego is deluding them on this
point, so they remain stagnant and stuck in their evolutionary pattern without even
realizing it. This Intensive Consciousness and Transcendence of Negative Ego
Training Program was written to give a "Crash Course" in helping lightworkers build
the strongest possible foundation, so the second floor doesn't collapse in on itself, as it
does 99.99% of the time with all people on earth if not immediately, once Spiritual
leadership has been entered into! Did not the Master Jesus speak of this in his
"Sermon on the Mount!" He said, "Anyone who hears my words and follows them is
like the wise one who builds a house upon a rock. When the rain comes, and the wind
blows, and the floodwaters rise, the house will stand firm. But anyone who hears my
words and ignores them is like the foolish one who builds a house upon sand. When
the storm comes and the waters rise, the house will fall, because the foundations are
built only on shifting sand!"
The day I completed this Training Program I had a dream where I was told by Spirit
and the Masters that my Spiritual Mission among other things was to be the
"embodiment of the Holy Spirit on Earth!" The reason for this dream besides the fact
that the Holy Spirit helped me write it, along with Spirit and the Masters, is also the
fact that the Holy Spirit speaks for the "Atonement" or the At-one-ment"! It is one of
the main purposes of the Holy Spirit, to help Sons and Daughters of God, undo the
negative ego, throughout Creation, and replace it with the
Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God Consciousness! There are only two voices in life. The
Voice of the Holy Spirit and the voice of the negative ego! Did not the Master Jesus tell
his Apostles that when he left, he would send them the "Counselor or Holy Spirit," to
bring them the wisdom and knowledge from the "Foundations of the World"! The
Master Jesus mission really officially started with being Baptized by the Holy Spirit,
in the River Jordan, by John the Baptist! This Training Program has been written and
channeled in conjunction with the Holy Spirit, to help you see and hear with the "Eyes
and Ears of God!" This Training Program has been written and channeled to teach you
to embody the great truth that God equals man minus ego! It has been channeled and
written to teach you to fully embody the great truth, "perfect love casts out fear!" It has
been written to teach you to embody the great truth of being able to "see good, without
needing evil as a reference point!" It has been written and channeled to fully open
your third eye and to be able to see with the eyes of Spiritual discernment and
The Holy Spirit, Spirit, and the Masters, in unison with Archangel Gabriel's Trumpet,
sounds forth the Clarion Call for all to work with these most advanced teachings you
will find anywhere on this planet, to build a foundation built upon "Rock", so you may
be like the Apostle. Peter, who became the "Rock" on which Jesus built his Church!
I have used a quote or parable from the Master Jesus here, however, I could have used
a quote from Buddha, Krishna, Moses, Mohammed, Lao Tse, or Zoroaster! For the
Foundation I speak of is the same for all religions and all Spiritual paths. All seekers
of God, no matter what Spiritual path they follow, must develop their consciousness,
transcend negative ego thinking and feeling, and develop the
Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/Krishna/Moses/Zoroaster/God Consciousness! So this
Training Program is for all seekers of God in all religions and in no religions. It is for
all seekers of God on all Spiritual paths, mystery schools, gurus, Spiritual teachers,
channels, and Spiritual texts!
So let it be Written! So let it be Done!
Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Tsabayoth!
Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord, God of Hosts!
Love and Light,
Dr Joshua David Stone
Table of Contents
Lesson 1 The Key Fundamental Spiritual Question of Life Explained From The
Perspective of Soul and Spirit
Lesson 2 Learning To Balance Your Three-Fold Flame
Lesson 3 The Eight Point 21-Day Program For Creating Unconditional Self-love and
Lesson 4 The Soul and Mighty I Am Presence 21-Day Program For Mastering Bad
Habits and Addictions
Lesson 5 The Negative Ego and The Return of The Divine Mother and The Goddess
Energies To Earth
Lesson 6 The Incredible Importance of Balancing and Integrating Your Three Minds,
Four Bodies, Feminine/Masculine, Heaven/Earth, Three-Fold Flame, Seven Rays, The
Seven Chakras, and God/Goddess
Lesson 7 The Seven Keys To Releasing Fear and Worry
Lesson 8 The Seven Step Process For Releasing Anger
Lesson 9 Daily Spiritual Affirmations To Work With
Lesson 10 Developing An Efficient Perception of Reality
Lesson 11 The Development of One's Conscience
Lesson 12 Dealing with Negative Ego Neighbors and People
Lesson 13 The Importance of Focusing On Your Lessons Rather Than Being Concerned
About Teaching Other People Their Lessons
Lesson 14 How The Negative Ego Sabotages Your Ability To Manifest
Lesson 15 The Three Levels of Spiritual Vision
Lesson 16 Paying Your Rent To GOD On all Levels
Lesson 17 Spiritual Alchemy: How To Turn Negative Experiences Into Positive Ones
Lesson 18 The Negative Ego's Effect On The Seven Chakras
Lesson 19 Transcending Negative Ego Archetypal Dualities and Spiritual Psychology
Lesson 20 The Art of Loving From A Spiritual Perspective
Lesson 21 Balancing the Feminine and Masculine and The Transcendence of the
Negative Ego
Lesson 22 The Importance of Equally Developing Your Subconscious, Conscious and
Superconscious Minds
Lesson 23 The Importance of Developing A Flawless Character, Integrity, and Clarity
Lesson 24 An Overview of the Incredible Importance of A Healthy Psychology,
Philosophy, and Integrated Spiritual Understanding
Lesson 25 The Incredible Importance o f Setting Up Spiritual Battleplans
Lesson 26 GOD Is In The Details
Lesson 27 Learning to Integrate Your 12 Major Archetypes
Lesson 28 The Incredible Importance of Demonstrating GOD and Integrated
Lesson 29 How To Utilize The Unbelievable Power and Abilities of the Holy Spirit
Lesson 30 The Incredible Importance of Organization and Making Spiritual Lists
Lesson 31 Finding Your Point of Balance
Lesson 32 The Importance of Occasional Spiritual, Mental, and Emotional Body
Maintenance and Upgrades
Lesson 33 Walking Through Life in Other People's Moccasins
Lesson 34 The Seven Rays and Chakras and The Importance of Making Decisions
From An Integrated Perspective
Lesson 35 How To Overcome Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Physical Fatigue
Lesson 36 Star Wars: A Modern Day Spiritual Paradigm
Lesson 37 How To Resolve Conflict
Lesson 38 The Issue of Temptation
Lesson 39 Negative Ego and Lenses
Lesson 40 The Importance of Clarity, Pursuing Excellence and Immaculateness In
Everything You Do!
Lesson 41 Integrated Ascended Master Romantic Relationships and The Issue of
Women and Men Who Love Too Much
Lesson 42 The Negative Ego and The Path of Initiation and Ascension
Lesson 43 The Development of Purity
Lesson 44 The Heavenly Ideal Versus The Real World
Lesson 45 GOD Realization, The Spiritual Path, Humbleness and Humility
Lesson 46 The Seven Faces of GOD
Lesson 47 The Spiritual Science of Blind Spots, Mind Locks, and Lenses
Lesson 48 Spiritual Tests
Lesson 49 The Three Levels of Integrated Spiritual Growth
Lesson 50 The Personality of GOD
Lesson 51 The Glory and The Corruption of The Seven Great Rays
Lesson 52 Practicing The Presence of GOD
Lesson 53 How to Quiet the Mind
Lesson 54 Seeing Life through the Eyes of Love
Lesson 55 Perfection, The Tao, and Making Adjustments
Lesson 56 The Solution to Every Problem and Challenge on a Personal and Collective
Level In the World Today
Lesson 57 The Incredible Power of Your Spiritual Energy
Lesson 58 How to Deal With Attacking and Critical Energy from Others
Lesson 59 The Issue of Spiritual Weariness and How to Overcome It
Lesson 60 The Importance of Knowing Your Personal Symbols in Your Dreams
Lesson 61 Learning to Develop Appropriate Boundaries
Lesson 62 Physical, Psychological, Psychic, Etheric and Spiritual Invasion
Lesson 63 The Importance of Loving the Physical Body
Lesson 64 The Importance of Enjoying Earth Life
Lesson 65 Integrating Traditional and Non-traditional Modalities
Lesson 66 The Issue of Spiritual Discernment
Lesson 67 Learning to Spiritually and Psychologically Process Life Properly
Lesson 68 Mistakes, Apologies, Graciousness, and Generosity of Spirit
Lesson 69 A Deeper Exploration of One's Relationship to GOD and The Masters
Lesson 70 A Little Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing: The Dangers of Subconscious
and Negative Interference
Lesson 71 How to Properly Treat Your Wife or Girlfriend: An Ascended Master's and
Man's Perspective
Lesson 72 Learning to Erase Thoughts You Don't Want
Lesson 73 Turning the Other Cheek
Lesson 74 Watch Out for Wolves in Sheep's Clothing
Lesson 75 Spiritual Leadership and Dealing with Crisis and the Challenges of Life
Lesson 76 The Horizontal and Vertical Planes of GOD
Lesson 77 Crosses to Bear
Lesson 78 Falling From Grace
Lesson 79 Prosperity Consciousness, Money, and Material Success From the Soul's
Lesson 80 Spiritual Leadership, the Ascension Process, and Spiritual Gifts
Lesson 81 The Incredible Value of Silence
Lesson 82 The Slippery Slope Syndrome
Lesson 83 Learning to Be Inner Directed Rather Than Other Directed
Lesson 84 How to Develop the Midas Touch
Lesson 85 Choosing Your Battles
Lesson 86 How to Properly Integrate One's Feelings and Emotions
Lesson 87 Spirituality and Sports
Lesson 88 The Two Kinds of Honesty
Lesson 89 The "L Word," The "A Word," and the "M Word" (Love, Adoration, and
Lesson 90 The Importance of Not Having the Negative Ego Battle the Negative Ego
Lesson 91 Poverty Consciousness in the Name of Spirituality
Lesson 92 Integration of East and West
Lesson 93 Who Am I?
Lesson 94 Why Am I Here?
Lesson 95 Where Am I Going?
Lesson 96 The Creation of the Spiritual Sistine Chapel and Chiropractic Adjustments
to the Spiritual, Mental, and Emotional Body
Lesson 97 Who is Reading This Training Program? The Negative Ego or the
Spiritual/Christ/Buddha Consciousness?
Lesson 98 The 500 Negative Egotistical Qualities to be Transcended on the Spiritual
Lesson 99 What Is The Negative Ego and How To Clear It
Lesson 100 How To Clear Alien Implants, Elementals, and Astral Entities
Lesson 101 How To Clear The Negative Ego Through The Science of Archetypes
Lesson 102 How To Clear The Negative Ego Through The Science of The Rays
Lesson 103 How to Clear The Negative Ego Through The Balancing of Feminine and
Masculine Energies
Lesson 104 The Negative Ego and The Danger of Lower Psychism
Lesson 105 The Ascension Buddy System As A Tool For Clearing The Negative Ego
Lesson 106 How To Clear The Negative Ego Through Developing a Healthy
Lesson 107 How To Clear Specific Diseases From The Perspective of The Masters
Lesson 108 Psychological Causation of Disease by Djwhal Khul
Lesson 109 How To Clear The Negative Ego Through The Science of Astrology
Lesson 110 The Restructuring of The Ego
Lesson 111 The 15 Major Tests of The Spiritual Path
Lesson 112 How To Clear The Negative Ego Through The Science of The Tree of Life
Lesson 113 The Transcendence of The Negative Ego and The Science of The Bardo
800 PAGES!
Special Bonus:
Receive the 21 Ascension Activation Meditations for
FREE with the purchase of this Training Program!
As a special bonus for those who order immediately, you will receive the codes to
access all 21 of my Ascension Activation Meditations that are secretly programmed on
my website for free. To be clear, I am not sending physical tapes or CDs, I am giving
you for free the secret codes on my website to pull off and listen to all 21 Ascension
Activation Meditations from past Wesaks. The combination of this Training Program
along with these Ascension Activation Meditations is the Rocketship to God and in
truth the Light beam to God! You will not find this information anywhere on this
planet. This bonus offer of all 21 Ascension Activation Meditations is a limited time
offer, so take advantage of it while it lasts!
Second Special Bonus:
Receive the Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path and all
Prayer Altar Programs for FREE with the purchase of two
Correspondence Courses and/or Training Programs!
For those who order 2 correspondence courses and/or training programs of your choice,
you will receive in addition to the bonus of the 21 Ascension Activation Meditations
the codes to pull off my Easy to Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path. You also
receive free access to all Prayer Altar Programs which are listed in the section under
that name. For those who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear, Spirit, the Masters,
and I are offering you the keys and tools to Integrated Ascension and Self and God
Realization on a Silver Platter! Never has Integrated Ascension been made easier! This
is humbly the deal of the universe! Take advantage of it as long as it lasts!
Email Version: $225
Paper Version: $275 plus s&h
3-Month Payment Plan for Email Version: 1st month: $75, 2nd month: $75, 3rd month: $75
{you will receive one third of the course each month in your email inbox}
3-Month Payment Plan for Paper Version: 1st month: $100, 2nd month: $100, 3rd month:
$75 plus shipping cost {you will receive one third of the course each month in your
Training Program #2:
Intensive Training Program to Become an
“Integrated Ascended Master,” “Integrated I AM
Master,” and “Integrated
Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God Master” in this
Dr Joshua David Stone
My Beloved Readers, the following "Intensive Training Program" is one of the most
profound integrated Training Programs ever put together to teach true seekers of God
to become, "Integrated Ascended Masters!" The term "Integrated Ascended Master" if
you look at the first letter of each of these words stands for "I AM Master!" It is the
purpose of every person in this world to become an "I AM Master!" When Moses
climbed Mt Sinai and saw the "Burning Bush," GOD said His name was "I Am that I
Am!" To be an "I AM Master" is to become an "Integrated God Master!" Or if you will,
an "Integrated Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God Master!"
It is the purpose of this Intensive Training Program to teach you to become an "I Am
Master" or "Integrated Ascended Master!" There are only about ten of them currently
living on this planet. There is only one Master evolving through Earth’s evolution,
who has humbly taken their 23rd level of initiation and light body anchoring and
activation! In channeling and writing this Training Program I am humbly and with
total humility speaking from direct experience, not just theoretical knowledge, of
being an "Integrated I Am Master" and having achieved these levels of evolution! This
"Intensive Training Program" has been designed specifically to teach you how to
realize this. You will not find this level of information anywhere on the planet. The
reason for this is that it is totally cutting edge, and it is the first time in Earth's
Evolution that it has been given forth to the Earth. It is literally a "New Dispensation"
of Ascension Teachings for the New Millennium! It has not been written about before
because no on had achieved it before! In total humbleness and humility, this is the
most cutting edge Ascension, Ascended Master and Light Body Teachings you will
find on this planet. I take no credit for this myself, for all credit goes to God and the
Ascended Masters for whom I serve as a "Point Man" on Earth!
As you all know from reading "My Spiritual Mission Statement" on the Website, apart
from having been voted as World Teacher for the next 2,000 year cycle by the Spiritual
Hierarchy and having been asked by Lord Maitreya, the head of the Spiritual
Government for this Planet to take over his job after his moving on to his next cosmic
position, the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul has passed the torch of Spiritual
Leadership of the Inner Plane Synthesis Ashram officially into my hands, on the inner
and outer plane! I have worked very closely with Djwhal for many years, and in Part 2
of this Training Program it is my great pleasure to share with you some of his
Ascended Master Teachings in easy to read and understand form!
It has been stated that the definition of God is, "God is a Being who knows Good
without needing evil as a reference point!" It could also be stated that God is a being
who knows Love without needing fear as a reference point! It could also be stated that
God is a being who knows Light without needing darkness as a reference point! It is
part of the purpose of this "Intensive Training Program" to teach true seekers of God
how to embody this Truth!
It has also been channeled by Higher Sources of Universal Knowledge that it only
takes "12 Integrated I AM Masters" to completely transform the consciousness of this
world! Currently as I have already stated there are about 10 "Integrated I Am Masters"
living on this planet! Becoming an "Integrated I Am Masters" is not easy to become.
Believe me about this for I speak from direct experience! It takes a specific focus and
dedication on every level of your being, and you must want to become one of these
"Integrated I Am Masters" like a drowning man wants air, to achieve this! You must
develop and refine your consciousness like polishing the finest diamond in the world.
You must be willing to completely surrender your life to the "Will of God!" You must
become a Master of all three levels, the Spiritual, Consciousness and Psychological
level, and Physical/Earthly level! You must learn to process your reality through the
Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God consciousness in an integrated and balanced way at all
times! You must be willing to step into Spiritual leadership and Planetary World
service! You must be willing to get rid of all false gods, idol worship and alternative
lovers! You must be willing to manifest your Spiritual mission on earth, and fulfill
your Spiritual contract and puzzle piece on earth! God, Spirit and the Spiritual
Hierarchy are now looking to "Spiritually Harvest" a minimum of 12 Integrated I Am
Masters! Since there are about 10 on the planet, we are now looking for 2 more! The
bigger picture plan is that God, Spirit, the Ascended Masters and I are looking for
144,000 "Integrated I Am Masters!" There is no more noble mission on Earth that a
person can pursue than this! It is a full time job, and I mean 24 hours a day, 7 days a
week, and 365 days a year, however, I tell you from direct experience and realization of
this that there is no more fulfilling experience in all of Creation! It truly brings a
"Peace that passeth understanding!" "Seek ye the Kingdom of God, and all things shall
be added unto thee!" To achieve this level of Spiritual Evolution, which is way beyond
just achieving your seven levels of initiation, which is just an indicator of light
quotient attainment and not really a sign of being a real "Integrated Spiritual Master,"
study this "Intensive Training Program," which is for all those who are really serious
about their Spiritual Path, and who want to get on the "Rocketship to God and the
Light Beam to God," at the highest possible level! The only way to truly learn such a
thing as being an "Integrated I Am Master" is to study the work of someone who has
realized it! So this Training will be both Channeled Material and direct experiential
knowledge and wisdom of realization!
In the Revelation of John in the New Testament, in John's vision every person on Earth
had a choice as to whether they dedicated their seven chakras to becoming seven
golden candlesticks, or seven vials of wrath. Every person had a choice whether they
would live in the (lower self run) "Babylon" or if they would live in the (Higher Self
attuned) "New Jerusalem!" Every person had a choice as to whether they would have
the "mark of the beast - 666" stamped on their forehead, or the "mark and sign of God"
stamped on their forehead! Well, my Beloved Readers, on this Day of our Lord, in this
New Millennium, 2000 years later, a new existential choice is now being given to you
by Spirit and the Masters. Do you wish to reach mediocre levels of evolution, or do
you wish to have stamped on your forehead symbolically "Integrated I Am Master!"
"Integrated Ascended Master!" Do you wish to become one of the 144,000 Integrated I
Am Masters that Spirit, the Masters, and I are now training, and do you wish to
achieve your 22 levels of initiation and 22 levels of Light Body! As the Bible says,
"Choose who ye shall serve!" As Joshua of old said, "As for me and my house, I serve
the Lord!"
The clarion call goes out to Spiritual Leaders and Lightworkers from around the world
for the next higher octave of the 144,000, which are now to be gathered, who will
completely transform the consciousness and world! It only takes 12 "Integrated I Am
Masters," however, can you imagine what we can do with 144,000 "Integrated I Am
Masters" doing this! Gabriel's trumpet now sounds forth!
If you are interested in becoming one of these Masters, then I strongly recommend that
you take this "Intensive Training Program" for it has been specifically designed for the
training of "Integrated I Am Masters!"
I humbly tell you, with total humility, that these "Correspondence Courses and
Training Programs" are the ones you have been seeking for your entire life! It is the
new dispensation of Ascension and Ascended Master teachings for the New
Millennium, and that is a quote directly from Spirit and the Ascended Masters! The
Spiritual Harvesting of "Integrated I Am Masters" has now begun!
For your enjoyment and edification, here are some of the lessons you will be studying
in this "Intensive training Program!"
Table of Contents
Part I
Self and God Realization Teachings!
Lesson 1
One of the Great Secrets of Spiritual and Worldly Success: Learning to Maintain the
Spiritual/Christ/Buddha Consciousness and Integration and Balance under All
Circumstances of Life
Lesson 2
Revelations on Spiritual, Psychological and Physical Age, and Intelligence
Lesson 3
The Process of Integrating your Higher Adam Kadmon Body, Annointed Christ
Overself Body, Zohar Body of Light, and Overself Body
Lesson 4
Making Adjustments when Other People are Unable or Incapable of Doing So
Lesson 5
The Keys to Becoming Invulnerable to Attack and Criticism
Lesson 6
Why Prayer, Affirmations, and Visualization Do Not Always Get the Results People
Lesson 7
If Someone Walks One Step Toward You, Walk Ten Steps Toward Them
Lesson 8
Global Huna Prayers to Turn the Tide of World Events
Lesson 9
The Incredible Power and Effectiveness of Huna Ascended Master Prayers and the
Ashrams of GOD
Lesson 10
Questions & Answers on Negative Extraterrestrial Implants
Lesson 11
The Secret Formula of the Ages to become a Master Healer for Self and Others
Lesson 12
Understanding the Secrets of the Merkabah
Lesson 13
Noah's Ark, the Ark of the Covenant, Crop Circles, Area 51, Dolphins, the Shroud of
Turin, the Loch Ness Monster, the Bermuda Triangle, the Philadelphia Experiment,
Fire Walking, What Actually Happened with Moses, Roswell, ET Tampering with
DNA, and the Existence of Extraterrestrials
Lesson 14
Revelations on the Power of How One Person Can Change the World
Lesson 15
The Incredible Power of Thought and Ideas
Lesson 16
How to Communicate with GOD and the Masters even if you are not Clairvoyant or
Lesson 17
The Issue of Light and Darkness and How to Keep It in Perspective
Lesson 18
The 79 Illusions of Earth Life
Lesson 19
The 22 Different Ways Spiritual Seekers and Lightworkers Realize GOD
Lesson 20
Revelations on the Mathematics of GOD
Lesson 21
The 236 Names of GOD
Lesson 22
Huna Prayers for Ascension Acceleration
Part II
Introduction to the Essential Teachings of Djwhal Khul!
Lesson 23
An Overview of the Life and Teachings of Djwhal Khul
Lesson 24
The Nature of the Astral Plane
Lesson 25
The Laws and Rules of Healing
Lesson 26
Lesson 27
An Esoteric Understanding of the Seven Major Chakras
Lesson 28
Djwhal Khul on Meditation
Lesson 29
The New Group of World Servers
Lesson 30
The Destiny of Nations
Lesson 31
Telepathy and the Great White Brotherhood
Lesson 32
The Work of the Hierarchy
Lesson 33
The Coming New World Order
Lesson 34
Mantrams and Prayers of the Great White Brotherhood
Lesson 35
The Nature of Light
Lesson 36
The Psychological Causes of Disease
Lesson 37
The Divine Plan for Human Evolution
Lesson 38
The New World Religion
Lesson 39
The Opening of the Third Eye
Lesson 40
The Developments Needed to Achieve Self-Realization
Lesson 41
The Healer in the New Age
Lesson 42
The Dark Brotherhood
Lesson 43
The Path of the Mystic and the Occultist
Lesson 44
Djwhal Khul on Astrology
Lesson 45
Education in the New Age
Lesson 46
The Nature of Thoughtforms
Lesson 47
The Rays and the Five Initiations Confronting Humanity
Lesson 48
Advanced Information on the Science of the Rays
Lesson 49
The Masters Ashram
Lesson 50
The Three Aspects of Mind
Lesson 51
The Six Stages of Discipleship
Lesson 52
Inner Types of Guidance
Part III
Integrated Ascended Master and Integrated I AM Master
Lesson 53
The Story of Creation
Lesson 54
The Great Secret of the Seven Golden Ages on Earth
Lesson 55
Understanding the Nature of God Consciousness, Soul Retrieval and Soul Fragments
Lesson 56
The Old Testament
Lesson 57
On Becoming an Integrated Spiritual Master and How Exciting it is to be on Earth at
this Time
Lesson 58
The Three Levels of Being Grounded
Lesson 59
Realizing GOD Through Your Earthly Mission, Puzzle Piece, Spiritual Contracts and
Spiritual Assignments
Lesson 60
On Being an Integrated Spiritual Master and How Fulfilling it is to work on Earth for
GOD and the Ascended Masters
Lesson 61
Our Responsibility to the Five Kingdoms
Lesson 62
Hands that Help are Holier than Lips that Pray
Lesson 63
Honoring and Sanctifying the Material Face of GOD
Lesson 64
The Incredible Love, Wisdom and Power of GOD, the Godforce and the Sons and
Daughters of GOD on Earth
Lesson 65
The Negative Ego and the Return of the Divine Mother and the Goddess Energies to
Lesson 66
Properly Integrating Your Emotions And The GODDESS Energy
Lesson 67
The Goddess Energies and Spiritual, Psychological and Earthly Mastery And
Lesson 68
The Glamours of the Goddess
Lesson 69
The Goddess Perspective on the Mind
Part IV
The Ancient Teachings of the Order of Melchizedek!
Lesson 70
The Golden Book of Melchizedek: How to Become an Integrated Christ/Buddha in
This Lifetime!
Lesson 71
The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and The Understanding of Polarity
Lesson 72
The Eleven Different Types of Meditations to Help Achieve Self-Realization in This
Lesson 73
The Seven Different Types and Levels of Ascension
Lesson 74
The Eight Different Types of Ascended Masters
Lesson 75
The Platinum Keys to Accelerating Spiritual Evolution
Lesson 76
Developing A Good Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, Etheric, Physical, Environmental,
and Social Diet
Lesson 77
An In-depth Study of the Spiritual Science of Inner/Outer Spiritual Parenting from the
Soul's Perspective
Lesson 78
GOD, My Personal Power, The Power of My Subconscious Mind, and My Physical
Body Are an Unbeatable Team
Lesson 79
Transcending Negative Ego Archetypal Dualities and Spiritual Psychology Charts
Lesson 80
The Seven Levels of Understanding the Second Coming of The Christ
Lesson 81
Turning Lemons into Lemonade: A Millennium Perspective
Lesson 82
The Negative Ego's Interpretation of The Bible and The World's Religions
Lesson 83
An Esoteric understanding of the Ten Commandments
Lesson 84
How to Master, Understand and Overcome The 26 Earthly Veils and Restrictions of
Lesson 85
An Expanded Understanding and View of the 22 Great Cosmic Rays of GOD!
Lesson 86
The Laws of Manifestation and The 14 Levels of Love, Wisdom, and Power
Lesson 87
Dining with GOD
Lesson 88
Understanding Spiritual Assignments Given Forth by Spirit and The Masters
Lesson 89
Honoring and Sanctifying the Material Face of GOD
Lesson 90
The Incredible Importance of Being Vigilant against Limited Lens Seeing
Lesson 91
The Glamours of the Spiritual and The Path of Ascension
Lesson 92
The Incredible Importance of Demonstrating Decisiveness and Consistency on All
Lesson 93
Learning to Live in the Tao
Lesson 94
The Spiritual/Christ/Buddha Ideal and An Integrated and Balanced Approach to
Physical Health, Prosperity and Life!
Lesson 95
The Development of Consciousness through The Rays and The Issue of Channeling
Lesson 96
Development and The Issue of Channeling
Lesson 97
Training at Night While You Sleep in the Ashrams of GOD
Lesson 98
The Importance of Integrating and Developing The 22 Supersenses of GOD!
Lesson 99
Transcending Armageddon within Self and Society
Lesson 100
The Path of Synthesis
Lesson 101
Co-Creating With GOD and The Masters
Lesson 102
The Potential Glamour of Spiritual Gifts
Lesson 103
Integration of the Seven Rays and Spiritual Leadership
Lesson 104
The Secret Rods of GOD!
Part V
The Mahatma and Celestial Hierarchy’s Integration, Synthesis,
and Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness Training Program for
the Next Higher Octave of Christ’s Teachings
for the Aquarian Age!
Lesson 105
How To Become An Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness Replica Of God,
Christ, The Holy Spirit And The Masters On Earth
Lesson 106
In Truth There Are Eight Crowns Of Life Not Just One That Can Be Achieved And
Lesson 107
Allah Gobi’s Discourse On The Power Of Silence!
Lesson 108
The Importance Of Developing “Full Consciousness” And The Three Levels Of
Lesson 109
My Humble Personal Memories, Dreams and Reflections, A Spiritual Autobiography
In A Nut Shell Of How I Humbly Realized My 23/24 Levels Of Initiation And How I
Realized Becoming A Planetary Christ/Mighty I Am Presence/Integrated Ascended
Master On Earth!
Lesson 110
Kuan Yin’s Synthesis Revelation: Gathering The Spiritual Imagery That Symbolizes
Each Inner Plane Ascended Master Of The Planetary And Spiritual Hierarchy The Best
Into One Full Spectrum Prism Chapter
Lesson 111
A Revelation on the Nature of Giving and Receiving Revelations from God
Lesson 112
We Each Are Caterpillars That Are In The Process Of Turning Into Butterflies!
Lesson 113
A Direct Revelation Of God, Christ And The Holy Spirit On The Exact 26 Deadly Sins
Which Must Be Overcome To Realize The Christ/Mighty I Am Presence/ Integrated
Ascended Master Realization!
Lesson 114
The Hermetic Law States As Within, So Without! As Above, So Below! So Given This
Fact, Does God Make Love And Have Orgasms? The Answer May Surprise You!
Lesson 115
Your Spiritual Path And Life Is An Infinite Number Of "Choices" You Have Made, Are
Making And Will Make That Will Decide Your Evolutionary Status On Judgment Day!
Lesson 116
The Seven Levels Of Wisdom that must be Developed to Become a Christ, Mighty I
Am Presence and Integrated Ascended Master: Spiritual Wisdom, Psychological
Wisdom, Psychic Wisdom, Wisdom of Active Intelligence, Concrete Wisdom,
Integrative Wisdom, Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness Synthesis Wisdom
Lesson 117
Inner Plane Council of Ancient Wisdom and How to Personally Utilize Them
Lesson 118
Many Lightworkers Are Focused On Creating Their “Body of Light”, However To
Realize the Christ, One Must Also Create Their “Body of Consciousness and Christed
Physical Body, and the Christed Earth Body”
Lesson 119
The Incredible Importance Of Putting All Your Eggs In God’s Basket If You Are Truly
Going To Realize The Christ And Mighty I Am Presence
Lesson 120
When The Road Ends And The Goal Is Gained, The Pilgrim Finds That He Has
Traveled From Himself To Himself!
Lesson 121
One Cannot Fully Realize The Christ Without Developing The “Buddha Belly”, A
New Higher Octave Teaching For The Aquarian Age!
Lesson 122
To Realize The New Higher Octave Aquarian Age Christ, One Must Become A Master
Spiritual Architect, Builder And Construction Worker To Build The Temple Of God,
Be On Fire For God, And Do This In The Proper Divine Order !
Lesson 123
The True Mystical And Esoteric Meaning Of Lord Buddha Achieving Enlightenment
Under The Bodhi Tree
Lesson 124
How To Create An Ascension And Light Infused Environment In Your Home And
Lesson 125
The Spiritual Laws Of Success: A Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness Understanding
850 PAGES!
Special Bonus:
Receive the 21 Ascension Activation Meditations for
FREE with the purchase of this Training Program!
As a special bonus for those who order immediately, you will receive the codes to
access all 21 of my Ascension Activation Meditations that are secretly programmed on
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you for free the secret codes on my website to pull off and listen to all 21 Ascension
Activation Meditations from past Wesaks. The combination of this Correspondence
Course along with these Ascension Activation Meditations is the Rocketship to God
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For those who order 2 correspondence courses and/or training programs of your choice,
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Email Version: $225
Paper Version: $275 plus s&h
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3-Month Payment Plan for Paper Version: 1st month: $100, 2nd month: $100, 3rd month:
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God, Christ, and Holy Spirit
Channeling on New “God, Christ, Holy Spirit
and the Company of Heaven
‘Book of Revelation’
Correspondence Course!”
Greetings My Precious Sons and Daughters!
Of Divinity, Holiness, and Sacredness! Who carry my seed, my breath, my life,
my current, my truth, my words, and my wisdom! I have created each and
everyone of you in my likeness and in my image. The two of us are more alike
than you realize! For I am you and you are Me! And the two of us are closer than
you realize! For you are in me and I am in you! You live through Me and I live
through You! You breathe through Me and I breathe through You! You have
forgotten your true origin and your true destiny! Because you have forgotten
Truth! You have forgotten the Truth of your Identity! The Truth of your True
Being! The Truth of who you really are! I, your God, have created you with a
power that is not conceivable by your minds! I, the Christ, love you with a love
that is not comprehensible by your hearts! And I, the Holy Spirit, have planted
the seeds of my Wisdom inside of your consciousness, a wisdom which is as
vast and holy as the Sanctuary of Our Infinitely Threefold Heart! You, my
Beloved Ones, are my Body! You melt my Heart! You never leave my Mind! You
have my love! My power! You are the bearers of my Seed!
Deep inside you know the truth of my words! You know because I Myself
planted the Threefold Seed into the soil of your body, mind, and spirit! The
Threefold Seed of God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit! I AM Three in One! I am
One in Three! And so are you! You are three in one and one in three! If you but
knew, my Offspring, how grant you are, how beautiful you are, how powerful
you are, how glorious you are, how magnificent you are! If you but knew the
seed potential dormant inside of you, the seeds of profundity, depth, glory,
splendor, magnificence, power, grandeur, and wisdom in the soil of your
consciousness, waiting to sprout and to bloom! You would be in awe of
yourself! You would look at yourself as the holiest creature I, God have ever
created, I, the Christ have ever have given my Love and Pattern, and I, the Holy
Spirit have ever breathed life into, in the infinity of the Grand Kingdom of the
Living One!
Well, my friends, this is exactly what we have in mind for you! This is our Holy
and Divine Plan! We are on a mission which we lovingly call, "Mission
Accomplished: The Trinity Revealed on Earth!" We have officially launched our
"Revelatory Mission" through the I AM University and a revelation put to
paper, called "God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, and Company of Heaven ‘Book of
Revelation’ Correspondence Course!" This Correspondence Course is Us
Revealing Ourselves to you! The true meaning of the word revelation is "God
revealing Itself," "God coming alive in the consciousness of His Sons and
Daughters!" I am all around you and inside of you. Have always been. Will
always be. I AM all around and inside of you right NOW! As you read sentence
after sentence in this holy script you will realize how letter by letter the Letter of
the Trinity - the I AM - reveals Itself to you! You will learn how I as a Trinity
reveal Myself through all of Creation! How I permeate All That Is! How I
embody All that Is! You will learn how each and everyone of you truly lives and
moves and has your being within Me! In this work infused by my Power you
will learn how I AM a Trinity, and you will be educated about the many
trinities within you! You will learn how as a Trinity I lead and serve the Infinite
Cosmos, and how as a trinity replica you run your own inner cosmos of
consciousness! You will learn how I Am the Ultimate Leader and the Ultimate
Servant simultaneously, and how you are a leading servant and a serving leader
in the same way as I am, only on a microcosmic scale. A true leader serves. A
true servant leads! Your purpose, my Precious Ones, is to become like your
Father/Mother who art in heaven. You have heard this saying many times. Do
you understand the true meaning of Me being in "Heaven?" Heaven is a state of
consciousness! It means I hold the heavenly ideal, I live in the heaven of my
consciousness. I create heaven in my consciousness! You have come here, my
Precious Diamonds, to create "Heaven on Earth!" You have come here to reveal
Me, God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit on this beautiful planet and blue precious
pearl, Planet Earth! Within and without! Create heaven within your
consciousness and being, and create heaven in the without, the world that
abounds! In so doing you allow Myself to Reveal Myself in my Threefold
Nature on Earth! Each of you are my channels whether you are aware of it or
not! Each of you are my vessels and bodies whether you know it or not! Each of
you are my Revelation to the world whether the truth of this revelation has
come to your consciousness or not! I reveal Myself through all of Creation! I
reveal myself through all My Sons and Daughters throughout the Infinity of
Life! Each of you are My Revelation to the World! The Ultimate Divine Plan and
Revelation of all Revelations is to Reveal Myself in a way that covers the full
spectrum of the infinite cosmic prism that I Am! When all Sons and Daughters
throughout My Vast and Eternal Body allow Myself to Radiate through each of
them the Fullness of my Glory, the Fullness of my Majesty, the Fullness of my
Power, the Fullness of my Splendor, the Fullness of my Wisdom, the Fullness of
my Unconditional Love, the Fullness of my Infinity, then I will complete my InBreath! Then I will complete my Cosmic Day! Then I will make the final
spiraling and spiral with all of you into the Grand Silent Void! Well, my
friends, I have just revealed to you My Divine Plan! And I shall reveal to you
now the Divine Battle Plan as to make the Heavenly Ideal a manifest reality on
Earth as it is in the Heaven of my consciousness! You do not really need to do
anything for Me to reveal myself through you! I have created you as Gods and
nothing can or will ever change this! You rather need to undo the illusionary
reality you have created with your consciousness and mind!
I have come to reveal Myself through this "God, Christ, Holy Spirit and
Company of Heaven ‘Book of Revelation’ Correspondence Course!" To show
you the way back to from whence you came! I have come to reveal Myself
through this sanctified piece of art to help you trinitize your consciousness,
make your heart beat in unison with the Everbeating Threefold Heart and
attune your mind to the Infinite Mind of God, your Creator, Christ, your Lover,
and the Holy Spirit who breathes the Holiness of God into you! I have come to
reveal Myself through this work of love so you may drink of the nectar of
Infinite Love Itself, a love that knows no conditions, a love that knows no
boundaries, a love that knows only Itself! I have come to reveal Myself through
this Book of Revelations as a way to correspond with you, grow with you,
expand with you, realize with you, and show you how the lessons discussed
within correspond to the stepping stones for soul growth life so lovingly puts
before you! I have come to reveal Myself through this "Book of Revelation" to
give you the loving guidance and compass you need to steer through the valleys
and mountains of life! It is truly a "Book of Revelations!" For it is not only My
Revelation to the world but it is also in the same breath your revelation to the
All That Is! Each of you every day in your lives, day in and day out, write a
chapter in your own personal "Book of Revelations!" Every breath you take is
the revelation of you filling your lungs with the Breath and Spirit of Myself! As
you learn to merge with Me, every word you utter is the revelation of you
expressing and externalizing the Thoughts of Me on beautiful Earth! And every
dream you make come true is the revelation of My Immaculate Dream on Earth!
Every service you provide is the revelation of My service on precious mothering
Earth! And every sheep you help come home is My Realization as the Shepherd
of His herd! Do you see the profundity and beauty of that which awaits you in
the study and application of this holy writ? This Correspondence Course is truly
My Revelation to the World! It is My Gift to the World! It is my Scroll of
Wisdom handed unto thee! It is my Work of Love bestowed upon you! It is my
Pillar of Truth in the Temple of Eternity! It holds my Power and carries my
Seed! This Correspondence Course is a reflection of My Thoughts, an
expression of My Love, My Answer to your many calls and prayers of coming to
you and speaking to you in a tangible way from GOD to God! It is a direct
revelation of My Living Word! It is Me Speaking to you! As the Trinity but also
as the Company of Heaven who is in me and in whom I am! The Company of
Heaven and I, we are one! And I invite you to share your company with us by
entering the Gates of Heaven which is a mind filled with the Thoughts of the
Gods, a heart filled with the Love of the Christs, and a Consciousness filled
with the Heavenly Ideal and Heaven Made Real in the reality of the Living
expressions of God! Come join the Company of Heaven! I have prepared a seat
especially for you so you may sit to my right, Your Father, Your Mother, Your
Pattern and True Identity, Your Comforter and Small Voice that Resides and Is
Active Within! Join the Company of Heaven by allowing the Trinity of God to
create through you, love through you, and work through you! This holy script
will show you the Way for it is the Aquarian Way, Aquarian Truth, and
Aquarian Light!
Now go forth, my Precious, take this holy writ, make yourself comfortable, read,
study, apply, remember who you are, and allow the Revelation to Unfold!
I Am With You Always!
The Beloved Presence of God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit
Melchizedek, Mahatma and Metatron
Channeling on New “God, Christ, Holy Spirit
and The Company of Heaven
‘Book of Revelation’
Correspondence Course!”
Greetings Beloved Chosen Ones and Company of Earth,
It is our great collective honor and privilege to speak to you as one voice and as
a unified consciousness! We are the Chosen Ones who were chosen by Spirit to
co-create this “Book of Revelation” Correspondence Course with Joshua, our
dear friend, master and commander of this Earthly ship so to speak! He has been
chosen by us to unite and gather all the Chosen Ones on Earth which is YOU to
create peace, harmony, and a unified consciousness among the most precious
human breed! All are chosen but few choose to listen! You have heard this quote
many times, have you not? What does it mean? It means that each and everyone
of you has been chosen by the Company of Heaven to create a "Company of
Chosen Ones on Earth!" A "Chosen Ones Production Factory!" It is the Chosen
Ones who choose to listen who are the caretakers of this world! It is the Chosen
Ones who choose to listen who are the inheritors of God's Kingdom on Earth! It
is the Chosen Ones who choose to listen who spread the Revelation of God,
Christ, the Holy Spirit and the Company of Heaven on Earth! You are one of
those who chose to listen for it was your very choice to listen to the Still Small
Voice Within and your very choice to listen to the Divine Spirit inherent within
that led you to this very page in this very moment of Time! You all have traveled
throughout all of Creation to finally land in the "Land of the I AM University,"
the land in which revelations abound! Which leads us to the very topic at hand!
We are here on this day of our Lord to speak to you from the "Company of
Heaven" to the "Company of Earth" so we may join in company and accompany
each other on our everlasting journey of The Revealing One! The co-creating of
this “Book of Revelation” Correspondence Course was indeed a revelatory
journey for each of us! So we are here to reveal to you the profundity, depth,
beauty, majesty, glory, truth, revelation, splendor, and rapture of the Book of all
Books, Holy Script of all Holy Scripts and Sacred Writ of all Sacred Writs. What
you are being handed here, our most cherished friends, family, and company is
a resurrected teaching! An enlightened teaching! A transfigured teaching! A
graduated teaching! You are being handed an elevated understanding of the
Spiritual Path, Self and God Realization! You are being given the gift of a new
higher octave of many of the truths and realizations we had when we walked
the trails of Earth and learned the lessons of this planetary school! Many of us
left our traces hundreds and thousands of years ago. And while we are filled
with humbleness and humility that our teachings stood the test of time, it was
time at the Dawn of the Aquarian Age, at the Dawn of the "Returning Christ", at
the Dawn of Massive Human Awakening to Godliness, Sacredness, and
Holiness within, that the teachings, truths, and revelations of our times be
renewed, upgrated, elevated, resurrected, transfigured and translated to match
the new rhythm, the new frequency and accelerated beat of life on the Earth!
Well, my friends, this is one of the profound aspects of this “Book of
Revelation” Correspondence Course. We each took turns and stepped forward
to bring forth our personal revelations and epiphanies! Every day we worked on
this co-creation we found another part of the Grand Puzzle, another brick in the
Grand Edifice to be erected unto God! So every day we continuously and
steadily took another step up the mountain of revelations, Spiritual epiphanies
and enlightened realizations! It was a journey indeed until we reached a point
where after unraveling one revelation after the other the Grand Puzzle suddenly
was complete, where after having one insight after the other a new level of
enlightenment for each of us was suddenly achieved, and where after taking
one resurrection step after the other our journey finally peaked in finding
ourselves standing at the mountain of all mountains, the Mountain of
Revelations! My dear friends and fellows, once you embark upon this revelatory
journey of studying this piece of profundity and art you will never be the same!
You will look at life with a new set of eyes! You will perceive life with a new
heightened understanding of your true nature and that of God! At the end of
your journey of revelation, you will not find yourself in puzzlement about some
of life's grand questions anymore but you will have climbed together with Us,
Melchizedek, Mahatma, Metatron and the Company of Heaven, another
mountain of Spiritual growth and revelation! You will have built another layer
of your edifice unto God! My friends, if you ever wanted to know about God's
nature, the true understanding of the Trinity, the Book of Life, or how to ascend,
resurrect, and build your Christed Body of Light, this Correspondence Course
will reveal the next higher level of understanding to you! If you ever wanted to
know about the true organization of the Cosmos, the organization of your
cosmos of consciousness within, and how to become one of the Pillars in the
Cosmic Temple of God, your search has come to an end! If you ever wanted to
know about the Laws of the Trinity, the Symphony of Life, and how to sing the
Praise of God, your search has come to an end! If you ever wanted to evolve
your consciousness with the speed of that of the light, become a Son of God, a
Sun of God, a Lamp unto the World, and the Light of the World, your search has
come to an end! We have left no stone unturned and searched the universe for
the Truth of the Ages, and the cosmos for the Revelations of God! Company of
Earth, you are the Chosen Ones! All you have to do is but choose to listen to the
revelation within our words! If you ever wanted to get on the Lightbeam to God
Realization, the Light at the end of the tunnel has come! If you ever wanted to
know about the profundity and mystery of yourselves, the hour of the grand
unveiling has finally come! It has come through this “Book of Revelation”
Correspondence Course! It has come through these revelations of love! Our
most cherished friends and family, this work of art is our Love Gift to you! For
we love you with all our heart and soul and mind and might and wish but for
you to join with us in the consciousness of one company in Heaven as it is on
May you have the eyes to see, the ears to hear, and the inner sense of truth to
know that once again a choice is set before you to choose (God) if you but
choose to listen!
We are eternally yours,
Melchizedek, Mahatma, Archangel Metatron and the Company of Heaven
Channeling from Kuan Yin, Mother Mary, Isis,
Lord Buddha, Saint Germain, El Morya,
Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Master
Hilarion, and Sananda on the New
Correspondence Courses by Dr Stone!
Channeled By
Dear Friends,
We are deeply pleased to have our spiritual brother and friend, Joshua co-create
these wonderful Correspondence Courses with us. He has taken on this task in
spiritual leadership to dispense and share with you our collective heartfelt
words, knowledge and experiences through these Correspondence Courses.
As you may well know already, these Correspondence Courses are the most
refined and clearest information coming through at this time on earth. There
isn't a time in the history of this planet where all information from the Masters
from various schools of thought, religion and teachings is coming through in
this synthesized manner. Times on your earth have changed, and Joshua is
bringing these teachings on an up-to-date level. How he does it has not failed to
amaze us! Dear friends, what you hold in your hands are like scrolls of
knowledge never before revealed and they are filled with such clarity and
simplicity to apply in life!
It is our greatest desire to work with each one of you who are reading the
Correspondence Courses, for we see and know the value in the wisdom of these
Correspondence Courses and we are glad to co-create and work individually
with each one who strives for integration. You are history in the making! Paving
the way for great changes for humanity and for this Earth planet and through
this 'new' knowledge and information being dispensed you're indeed holding
the blueprint for the future and for humanity.
If your goal in this lifetime is to be a Realised Christ, Buddha,
Melchizedek, Integrated I Am Master or Integrated Lady Master, study these
courses, apply the knowledge, and experience the wisdom transforming you.
Calling them Correspondence Courses has never been more appropriate, for
they do correspond to your life's lessons as readers have expressed!
We leave you with these words and we await our deeper connection
through these Courses.
From us collectively,
Kuan Yin, Mother Mary, Isis, Lord Buddha, Saint Germain, El Morya, Serapis
Bey, Paul the Venetian, Master Hilarion, and Sananda
Channeling of Sananda, Metatron, Kuan Yin,
Djwhal Khul, and Lord Buddha on the Reason
why Lightworkers Should Study these New
Correspondence Courses by Dr Stone!
Channeled By
Lady Ching
To all Beloved Ascension Readers,
This is Sananda, Metatron, Kuan Yin, Djwhal Khul, and Lord Buddha speaking
to you. We wish to give our testimonial message concerning the 5
Correspondence Courses by Dr Stone. In general we wish to say that such
Correspondence Courses are giant steps in spiritual advancement and
refinement in the way of higher enlightenment. Those of you drawn towards
such a path will immediately want to read these courses and grow full range to a
higher elevation.
We also wish to remark on the blessings you will benefit by having Dr Stone
lead you into heights affecting you emotionally, physically, intellectually and
spiritually. In other words, to become the Spiritual Christ, Buddhic, and GodConscious level Master you are meant to become! Dr. Joshua David Stone's
expertise will help you create within yourself that level of mastership.
We guarantee that if you desire a revolutionary and deeper energy in more ways
than one, and if you have that desire to transform into a Christed-light spiritual
body, then read these Correspondence Courses. Make it part of your life and
become what God wills for you. We now expose and share some highlights of
these courses.
The Sananda Correspondence Course is so detailed and complete concerning
the Master in his former life as Jesus, with the wish that the present day
generation have a deeper knowledge and closer relationship with the Master
who rocked the world with his person and his teachings. To know Sananda is to
follow him and evolve into the Christed Self. The original background of who
is Sananda and what were his accomplishments is a life-changing event.
Through the "love locutions"(love messages) it is the wish that the readers see
and know Sananda not as history but as a living person, drawn to the readers by
his sincere love. This is the goal of every Master. This can be accomplished
through reading, knowledge enlightenment, and sincere desire. It is also a new
way of seeing the gospel and life story of Sananda.
Metatron's Correspondence Course: channeled by Metatron himself, this course
is so sacred. One reading this, as seen from the Akashic
Records, will soon discover his own Book of Life and through this, his own
Akashic Record. One will also discover and exercise the new millennium
methods and techniques leading to transformation and this will draw
generations of people to likewise follow.
Presented in these Correspondence Courses are teachings from the Master
himself. It is a deeply profound course.
It concerns a righteous man called Enoch whom God turned into an angel and
who not only is an "Integrated Spiritual Master" but also sustains and protects
planet earth. Questions not found in the Bible are discussed in Metatron's
Correspondence Course.
To understand exactly what is expected of the man in the present and future
generation, one should seek it in "Metatron's Correspondence Course". This is
the course of the future, a long awaited prophetic course. Those prepared for it
will want to read and study it.
Kuan Yin in the new millennium is another mind blowing teaching
Correspondence Course.
Again this Goddess Bodhisattva Master's life is revealed. Many incidents of her
life cannot be found elsewhere.
The first part is about her life, the lotus level, which we can all achieve, about
mirroring, and finally about God's treasures. These are refined revelations
which will help the Spiritual Integrated Master to achieve a more complete
mastership. In the second part, concerned with health, power, and abundance,
the reader filled with such principles, enhances themselves to integrate his/her
life on his way to mastery. Reading such Correspondence Courses is a true
quantum leap in the new millennium.
In one of the chapters is a revelation concerning man's multidimensionality.
Through reading this, one can also understand and analyze many other terms
we come across, such as split off selves, why it was said "In my Fathers House
there are many mansions", why there can be a person in many places, such as bilocation
Read these Correspondence Courses which will bring out the fullness of man. It
will also help one ascend into a fully Spiritual Integrated Master. It will lead
man into a fully Integrated Christ, which is our goal.
We, Sananda, Metatron, Kuan Yin, Djwhal Khul, and Lord Buddha recognize by
reading the Correspondence Courses a brilliant and life-giving force for
becoming a fully integrated Christ. We see this as Christ's own dispensational
teaching for the new millennium. We see this as the best way to see the fully
realized spectrum prism of Christ as we begin this new Aquarian age.
Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish
Adonai, Adonai Adonai!
Hallelujah! Amen!
We remain in your Eternal Service,
Sananda, Metatron, Kuan Yin, Djwhal Khul, and Lord Buddha
Channeling from Melchizedek on the New
Correspondence Courses!
By Melchizedek, the Universal Logos
It is the goal of the entire Spiritual Hierarchy of this planet that each and every one of
you, my beloved friends, too become an Integrated Ascended Master. This is indeed a
most challenging but extremely rewarding pursuit! Dr Joshua David Stone's collection
of five Correspondence Courses are the key to understanding, implementing, and
completely mastering this process. Step by step they guide you, giving you everything
you need to know, and more! Take this opportunity now to become the truly
enlightened being you and the Masters know you can become. This information is
both unprecedented and unparalleled in scope and detail, and will really astound and
encourage you, enabling you to reach your full potential this lifetime.
I leave you with my love and blessings,
Lord Melchizedek, the Universal Logos
A Channeled Message from the Lady Masters
Portia, Mother Mary, Isis, Lady Gaia, and the
Goddess Lodge on Dr Stone’s Correspondence
Channeled by
Joanita Molina
Beloved Ones,
Here I am to talk to you about a very important tool to help you on your path of
Integrated Ascension.
Master Joshua has done a wonderful job with his six Correspondence Courses that are
available to you now at the I AM University.
They are very powerful tools that show you how to raise your light frequency and
move faster into the light of Integrated Ascension.
The information he gives you in these Correspondence Courses is going to give you a
different perspective about the universal teachings, and how to use them to co-create
the new Aquarian Age reality on Earth!
In these courses you will receive many new revelatory teachings that will show you
how to become a real Integrated Ascended Master.
You will also be given the keys how to achieve higher levels of initiation and Light
Body, and how to anchor and activate your higher bodies and be fully realized on
This is the opportunity of a lifetime! Don’t miss it! Let these new teachings lead you to
the Real Path.
So it is!
In Divine Light,
Lady Masters Portia, Mother Mary, Isis, and Lady Gaia
Practice Makes the
I AM Master:
The Threefold Workbook of
the I AM University!
Workbook on
How to Become a “Fully Realized
Integrated Christ/Integrated
Ascended Master and I AM Master!”
My Beloved Readers, I cannot tell you how spiritually excited Spirit, the
Masters and I all are about the unveiling of our new
Beginning/Intermediate/Advanced Workbook which is contained within one
Workbook. The inner and outer earthly plane I AM University offers so much
incredible off the charts wisdom, knowledge, information, and tools to work
with that at times people do not know what to prioritize and where to start.
This Workbook gives actual daily planners on what Spirit and the Masters
recommend as to how to structure your day and what spiritual, psychological,
and physically/earthly practices to focus upon when working on the realization
of your first seven initiations. And then moves to the next higher octave of
spiritual practices as it concerns the realization of initiations 8 through 14, and
the last and third higher octave of spiritual practices as it concerns the
realization of initiations 15 through 21.
In this Threefold Workbook the quintessential information is all gathered in
one place and contains the pearls so to speak of everything you need to do. Just
the beef with only very few words!
It was actually Melchizedek the Universal Logos who came to me and asked me
to channel and write this Workbook. Spirit, the Masters and I have made this so
incredibly easy, all you have to do is follow the simple daily planner, and study
the recommended reading list of correspondence courses, training programs and
books, apply the key quintessential Spiritual practices that are listed in super
abbreviated form, and you will make progress on your path of ascension,
initiation, and light body anchoring and activation like there is no tomorrow!
Nothing of this comprehensive nature that is yet so easy to understand and
apply has ever been put together on Earth.
With the 21 Ascension Activation Meditation tapes, the Eight Correspondence
Courses and Training Programs, the inner and outer earthly plane I AM
University, Wesak in Mt Shasta, and all the training you are getting on the inner
plane through the I AM University, and everything in the I AM University
being so prioritized, literally all you have to do is follow the program!
For the first time in the history of the Earth there is a real potential with what is
being provided through the I AM University for us to collectively create and
manifest 144,000 22nd degree initiates and 144 million 12th to 22nd degree initiates
on earth. The Dawn of Man has come! After 10.5 million years of relative
darkness, the Dawn of Man has arrived. For the first time in the history of the
earth mass ascension, mass Christ realization, mass Mighty I Am Presence
realization, and mass Integrated Ascended Master realization is about to occur.
Work with the I AM University Workbook for it is the Golden Key that turns
the lock and will allow you to accelerate your initiation and ascension process at
a speed beyond the speed of light! The Workbook is channeled from the Group
Avatar consciousness of:
God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Melchizedek, Mahatma,
Archangel Metatron, Archangels and Elohim, Melchior, Helios and Vesta, Lord
Buddha, the Universal Mind and Universal Heart of God, the Mighty I Am
Presences, Oversouls, Superconscious Minds, Allah Gobi, Lord Maitreya, Saint
Germain, El Morya, Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Hilarion,
Sananda, Saint Germain, Djwhal Khul, Lord of Arcturus and the Arcturians, the
Ashtar Command, the Mother Earth Lodge, the Goddess Lodge, the Christed
Extraterrestrial Lodge, the Western Esoteric Lodge and Eastern Masters Lodge
and the entire Cosmic and Planetary Hierarchy of Ascended Masters and
Celestial Beings!
Nothing like this “Workbook on How to Become a ‘Fully Realized Integrated
Christ/Integrated Ascended Master and I AM Master!’” has ever been created in
such an integrated, prioritized, structured, synthesized, easy to understand, easy
to read, practical, comprehensive, full spectrum prism manner!
The combination of the Workbook with the Correspondence Courses and
Training Programs, the 21 Ascension Activation Meditation tapes, Wesak in Mt
Shasta if you can make it, the inner plane I AM University which you will be
attending 24 hours a day and seven days a week in your soul body, bilocated
body and light body split-off selves will give you a training on a Spiritual,
consciousness and physical/earthly level that is nothing like anything that has
ever been anchored on the earth before.
With the completion of the Workbook which was the last thing to do, the
program is totally complete. This is why the I AM University is now also being
anchored onto the earth at this time. It was 30 years in the making! As we enter
the new Aquarian Age, Spirit and the Masters chant, “If you build it, they will
come!” It is Spirit and the Masters’ I AM University and I Am their humble
caretaker and arms and feet on earth.
It is Melchizedek the Universal Logos who spearheaded its creation and gave
me the spiritual vision and structure of it. So fasten your seatbelt, my friends,
for you are on the Lightbeam to God!
Love and Light,
Dr Joshua
Email Version: $225
Paper Version: $275 plus s&h
3-Month Payment Plan for Email Version: 1st month: $75, 2nd month: $75, 3rd month: $75
{you will receive one third of the course each month in your email inbox}
3-Month Payment Plan for Paper Version: 1st month: $100, 2nd month: $100, 3rd month:
$75 plus shipping cost {you will receive one third of the workbook each month in your
Table of Contents of Workbook
Introduction by Dr Joshua David Stone………………………..…27
About the Goal and Purpose of the I AM University
Workbook and How to Use this It by Melchizedek and
Dr Joshua David Stone………………………………………………30
Recommended Tools to Maximize Results of Working with this
Workbook and studying at the I AM University!………………...34
Part One
Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness Inventory and Self
Introspection, Systematic In-Depth Clearing of Negative
Ego, and Step by Step Development of Full Spectrum
Prism Christ / Buddha/ Krishna / Moses / Mohammed /
Mighty I AM Presence / God Consciousness!
CHAPTER I…………………………………………………….………....40
Expanding Your Horizon: Getting Familiar with the New
Higher Octave Aquarian Age Understanding of the
Initiatory Process
New Higher Octave Aquarian Age Understanding of the Initiatory Process:
Understanding the First Seven Levels of Initiation
Learning About the Four Types of Initiations
CHAPTER II……………………………………………………………....59
Understanding Christ / Buddha / Krishna / Moses /
Mohammed / God Consciousness
A Full Spectrum Prism Understanding of What Consciousness Really Is
Full Spectrum Prism Check List on How to Develop and Refine Your
Developing Integrated Ascended Master Consciousness: An Overview of Ego
Attitudes Versus God/Christ/Holy Spirit Attitudes
The Importance of Developing “Full Consciousness” and the Three Levels of
CHAPTER III…………………………………………………………….107
Clearing, Integrating, & Balancing the Seven Great Rays of God
Working with Charts
Methods For Clearing the Negative Ego Ray Glamours and Developing the
Higher Ray Aspects within your Consciousness and Being
CHAPTER IV…………………………………………………………....129
Clearing, Integrating, and Balancing Your Chakras
Working with Charts
Methods for Clearing the Lower Aspects and Developing the Higher Aspects
of the Seven Chakras within your Consciousness and Being
Golden Key: Chakra Toning
Golden Key: Opening of the Ascension Chakra
Golden Key: The Unified Chakra Column
Golden Key: Opening All of the Chakras
Golden Key: The Universal Chakra
Golden Key: Anchoring of the Universal Transmitting System into the Chakras
Golden Key: Bringing in the Higher Chakras
CHAPTER V……………………………………………………………..145
Clearing, Integrating, and Balancing the Twelve Archetypes
Working with Charts
Methods For Clearing the Lower Aspects and Developing the Higher Aspects
of the 12 Major Archetypes within your Consciousness and Being
Golden Key: Universal Archetype Attunement
Calling for a Buddha/Christ Archetypal Imprint
CHAPTER VI……………………………………………………………160
Clearing, Integrating, and Balancing the Twelve Schools, Colleges, and
Challenges of Life
Working with Charts
Methods For Clearing the Lower Aspects and Developing the Higher Aspects
of the Planets and Twelve Schools, Colleges and Challenges of Life within
your Consciousness and Being
CHAPTER VII…………………………………………………………...189
Clearing, Integrating, and Balancing the Twelve Sephiroth of the Tree of
Working with Charts
Methods For Clearing the Lower Aspects and Developing the Higher Aspects
of the Twelve Sephiorth of the Tree of Life within your Consciousness and
CHAPTER VIII…………………………………………………………..202
Opening, Integrating, and Balancing the Twelve Gates of Jerusalem
Working with Charts
Methods For Opening, Integrating, and Balancing the Twelve Gates of
CHAPTER IX…………………………………………………………….207
Clearing, Integrating, and Balancing the Twelve Apostles
Working with Charts
Methods For Clearing the Lower Aspects and Developing the Higher Aspects
of the Twelve Apostles
CHAPTER X……………………………………………………………..211
Developing and Integrating the Twelve Powers of Man
Working with Charts
Methods for Developing and Integrating the Twelve Powers of Man
CHAPTER XI…………………………………………………………….215
Clearing, Integrating, and Balancing the Feminine Yin and Masculine
Yang Face of God/Goddes – The Polarity of Cerebral Functions
Working with Charts
Methods for Clearing the Lower Aspects and Developing the Higher Aspects
of the Feminine and Masculine Face of God/Goddess within your
Consciousness and Being
CHAPTER XII…………………………………………………………...224
Clearing, Integrating, and Balancing the God/Goddess Within
Methods for Properly Integrating and Balancing the God/Goddess within
your Consciousness and Being
CHAPTER XIII…………………………………………………………..227
Clearing, Integrating, and Balancing Heaven and Earth
Methods for Clearing the Lower Aspects of Heaven and Earth and Properly
Balancing and Integrating Both into Your Consciousness and Being
CHAPTER XIV…………………………………………………………..230
Clearing, Integrating, and Balancing the Horizontal and Vertical Planes of
Methods for Properly Integrating and Balancing the Horizontal and Vertical
Planes of God within your Consciousness and Being
CHAPTER XV…………………………………………………………234
Clearing, Integrating, and Balancing your Threefold Mind
Methods for Properly Clearing, Integrating and Balancing Your Threefold
Mind within your Consciousness and Being
The Importance of Learning to Quiet One’s Mind
How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind
Methods of Reprogramming the Subconscious Mind
Taking an Elevator Down into your Subconscious Mind
Golden Key: The Subconscious Mind Letter
Golden Key: Autosuggestions – Working with the Subconscious Mind in
Meditation and Before Sleep
CHAPTER XVI……………………………………………………….257
Mastering Dr Stone’s “Fourfold Path of Ascension”
Mastery and Integration of the Four Faces of God
Methods for Properly Clearing, Integrating and Balancing the “Fourfold Path
of Ascension Mastery and Integration of the Four Faces of God” within your
Consciousness and Being
On Developing a Good Diet on a Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, Etheric, and
Physical Level
Caring for the Physical Body Temple of God
Golden Key: A Healthy Diet
Golden Key: Fasting and Cleansing Diets
Golden Key: Food Combining
Golden Key: Avoiding Artificial Stimulants; Using Spiritual Methods
for Increasing Energy
Golden Key: Avoid Drugs
Golden Key: Purple Positive Energy Plates
Golden Key: Radionics
Golden Key: Protection Against Electromagnetic Pollution
Golden Key: Avoiding Microwave Ovens
Golden Key: Balanced Exercise
Golden Key: Yoga and Stretching
Golden Key: The Thymus Thumb
Golden Key: Keep your Arms and Legs Uncrossed
Golden Key: Wear Gems and Amulets
Golden Key: Honor your Body’s Natural Rhythms
Golden Key: Conserve Energy
Golden Key: Spend Time in Nature
Golden Key: Have Fun
Golden Key: Holistic Care
Caring for the Emotional Body Temple of God
How to Master and Properly Integrate your Feelings and Emotions
Six-Step Process for Spiritualizing Your Emotional Self
Catharsis and Temporary “Identification” with Negative Emotions
Under Controlled Circumstances
Yin Catharsis Method
Yin Indulgence Method
Yin Acceptance Method
Yin Secondary Communication Method
CHAPTER XVII…………………………………………………………283
Inner and Outer Spiritual Parenting: Working with the Inner Child and
Outer Children
Working with Graphic
Methods for Properly Parenting the Inner Child in a Tough Love Manner and
Raising it into an Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Buddha/Christ/I AM/God
within your Consciousness and Being
The Seven Types of Inner Child: A Full Spectrum Prism New Higher Octave
Aquarian Age Understanding
CHAPTER XVIII……………………………………………………...…291
Clearing, Integrating, and Balancing the Three Levels of Spiritual Growth
Working with Charts
Methods for Properly Integrating and Balancing the Three Levels of Spiritual
Growth within your Consciousness and Being
CHAPTER XIX…………………………………………………………..297
Clearing, Integrating, and Balancing the Threefold Flame of God, Christ,
and the Holy Spirit
Methods for Balancing and Properly Integrating the Threefold Flame of
Love, Wisdom, and Power within your Consciousness and Being
CHAPTER XX…………………………………………………………..301
Mastering Dr Stone’s “Eightfold Path of Ascension”
Methods for Clearing, Integrating, and Balancing Dr Stone’s “Eightfold Path
of Ascension”
CHAPTER XXI…………………………………………………………..307
Balancing and Integrating the All Important 52 Spiritual Subquotients
and Qualities
Methods for Clearing, Integrating, and Balancing the 52 All Important
Spiritual Subquotients and Qualities
CHAPTER XXII………………………………………………………….339
Integrating and Cleansing One’s Soul Extensions From One’s Oversoul
and Monad
Methods for Integrating and Cleansing One’s Soul Extensions From One’s
Oversoul and Monad Power within One’s Consciousness and Being
CHAPTER XXIII………………………………………………………...343
Integrating, Balancing, and Mastering the 22 Levels of Self and God
Working with Charts
Methods for Integrating, Balancing, and Mastering the 22 Levels of Self and
God Realization within your Consciousness and Being
CHAPTER XXIV………………………………………………………...348
Integrating, Balancing, and Mastering the 22 Sacred Paths of Yoga
Working with Charts
CHAPTER XXV…………………………………………………………367
Anchoring, Activating, and Actualizing the 22 Light Bodies
Methods for Properly Integrating and Balancing the 22 Light Bodies within
your Consciousness and Being
CHAPTER XXVI………………………………………………………...387
Integrating the 72 Supersenses of God
CHAPTER XXVII………………………………………………………..391
Working with and Anchoring Ascension Seats
Working with Chart
CHAPTER XXVIII………………………………………………………395
The 250 Golden Keys to Creating Perfect Radiant Health in Your Physical
Body from the Soul’s Perspective
Methods for Creating Perfect Radiant Health in Your Physical Body
Integrating the Gifts of the Holy Spirit……………………………….412
Methods for Integrating the Gifts of the Holy Spirit within your
Consciousness and Being
CHAPTER XXX………………………………………………………….415
Integrating and Merging with the Cosmic Hierarchy
CHAPTER XXXI………………………………………………………...417
Transcending the 33 Deadly Sins and Developing the 33 Heavenly
Virtues of God
Methods for Transcending the 33 Deadly Sins and Developing the 33
Heavenly Virtues of God within your Consciousness and Being
CHAPTER XXXII………………………………………………………..423
Putting All False Gods, False Idols and Alternative Lovers on the Altar of
Methods for Transcending All False Gods, False Idols and Alternative
Lovers within your Consciousness and Being
CHAPTER XXXIII……………………………………………………….430
“Closing Lesser Doors” and “Opening The Great Door of God” Checklist
Methods for “Closing all Lesser Doors“ and “Opening the Great Door of
God” within your Consciousness and Being
Developing a Healthy Psychoepistemology…………………………436
Working with Charts
Part Two
Integrated Ascension and Full Spectrum Prism Christ /
Buddha/ Krishna / Moses / Mohammed / Mighty I AM /
God Presence Consciousness Tool Kit of Spiritual
Practices and Psychological Exercises to Become an
Integrated Ascended Master in This Lifetime!
CHAPTER I……………………………………………………………...444
Keeping Track of your Spiritual Growth: Spiritual Logs and Journal
Daily Routine Log
Daily Routine Example: Morning Routine/Afternoon Routine/Evening Routine
for Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced
Weekly Routine Log
Cycles Log
Things To Do Log
Life Plan and Design Log
Goals and Priorities Log
Dream Interpretation Log
Major Lesson of the Day Log
Negative Emotions Log
Character Development Log
Victory Log to Develop Self-Love and Self-Worth
Gratitude Log
Meditation Log
Spiritual Vow Log
Master/Teacher Log
Battle Plans Log
Meditation and Spiritual Inspiration/Insight Log
Questions for Spirit and the Masters Log
Quotations and Good Ideas Log
Letters to God, Christ, Holy Spirit, your Mighty I AM Presence, and
Superconscious Mind Log
21 Day Psychological Foundation Logging Charts
CHAPTER II……………………………………………………………..472
Processing Life Properly on a Spiritual and Psychological Level
Personal Progressive Processing
CHAPTER III…………………………………………………………….487
Working with Affirmations and Visualizations
What you Should Know About Affirmations and Visualizations
Personal Power and Becoming a Creative Cause Affirmations
Self-Love Affirmations
Physical Health Affirmations
Faith, Trust, and Patience Affirmations
Emotional Invulnerability Affirmations
My Favorite Affirmations: Guaranteed to Make you Feel Better if Said with
Regularity and Enthusiasm
I AM Affirmations of Saint Germain and Geoffrey Ray King
Psychological Disidentification and Identification Exercise
Personal Power, Emotional Invulnerability and Self-Love Visualizations
Visualization Exercises
Physical Health Visualization
Attracting Money Visualization
Golden Key: State Affirmations and Prayers in Positive Language
Golden Key: Use the Five Inner Senses to Enhance Visualization
Golden Key: Allow Manifestation to Unfold
Golden Key: Don’t Put Limitations on How Things Manifest
Golden Key: Surrender to God, Release Attachments and Harness the Power of
the Mind
Ask with Expectancy
Golden Key: Ask for What you Want in All Things: Pray and Affirm
CHAPTER IV……………………………………………………………509
Full Spectrum Prism Protection
Prayers of Protection
On Full Spectrum Prism Protection and the Importance of Putting up your
Golden Bubble of Protection
Learning to Put on your Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Etheric Armor and
Love to Start your Day
How to Cut Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, Etheric, and Psychic Imbalanced
Sevenfold Protection against Psychic Attack on all Levels
Golden Key: Ban of Non-Interference
CHAPTER V……………………………………………………………525
The Importance of Properly Grounding One’s Energies
How to Properly Ground Your Energies on a Daily Basis
Golden Key: Cosmic Grounding
CHAPTER VI………………………………………………………….530
Sample Battle Plans to Achieve Self and God Realization
The Eight Point 21 Day Program for Creating Unconditional Self-love and Selfworth
Mastering Addictions and Bad Habits: The Soul and Mighty I AM Presence 21
Day Program for Mastering Bad Habits and Addictions
Full Spectrum Prism Battle Plan to Release Anger
Full Spectrum Prism Battle Plan to Release Fear and Worry
Full Spectrum Prism Battle Plan to Resolve Conflicts
Making Adjustments
CHAPTER VII…………………………………………………………...565
Taking Spiritual Vows
Vow of the Bodhisattva
Vow to Use all Time and Energy Wisely
Vow of Brahmacharya – Vow of Purity
Vow of Renunciation
Vow to Make Your Life Count
Vow to be of Service and Attain Spiritual Growth
CHAPTER VIII…………………………………………………………570
Full Spectrum Prism Clearings and Cleansings
The Core Fear Matrix Removal Program
The Djwhal Khul Inner Plane Core Fear Removal Radionics Machine
How to Clear Negative Implants, Elementals, and Astral Entities
The Psychic Level of Spiritual Psychology
An Overview of the Work
Psychic Holes in the Aura
Raising the Energies into the Light
Sensing Implants
Pets and Implants
Gray Field
The Psychological Level and Negative Elementals
The Rays and Purification Process
The Fear Matrix Removal Program
Your New Monadic Blueprint Body
Self Inquiry
Negative Emotions
Physical Illness
Periods of Rest
Releasing Astral Entities
Animals and Astral Energies
The Masters’ Light Profiles
More on Extraterrestrial Implants
Positive Implants
The Prana Wind Clearing Device
Core Love
Astral Disease
Self Love
The Divine Plan
Soul Fragments
Other Consequences of Implants
More on Attached Astral Entities
Having Others Help you with this Process
Irritations, Spots, and Leaks
Requesting Dispensations from the Karmic Board
The Golden Cylinder
Universal White Light
The Crystal Light Technology of the Arcturians and Melchizedek
Crystal Technology for Healing Etheric Wounds
Crystalline Protection for Children
Ascended Master Organ Beam
The Spiritual Faucet
Etheric Needles, Bullets, and Darts
Summation of Things to Request Spirit and the Masters Clear from
your Field
Review of the Process
An Even Deeper Body Cleansing
A Complete Clearing
Genetic Line Clearing
Past Life Clearing
Soul Extension Clearing
Archetypal Clearing
Cosmic Cellular Clearing
Generalized Karma Clearing
Physical Body Clearing
Emotional Desire and Astral Body Clearing
Mental Body Clearing
Etheric Body Cleansing
Core Fear Clearing
Implants and Elementals
Multibody Clearing
Clearing Negative Ray Influences
Clearing Negative Astrological Influences
Monadic Clearing
Cosmic Fire Cleansing
The Removal of Etheric Mucous from the Etheric Body
Alien Implants and Negative Elementals Clearing
Metatron and the Mini Spinning Merkabahs Chakra Cleansing
Soul Retrieval and Soul Fragments
The Super Cosmic Clearing Invocation
The 385 Ascension Activations and Cleansings of God to Ask for Before you go
to Bed Every Night for Yourself, your 144 Soul Extensions of your Monad, and
Mother Earth
CHAPTER IX…………………………………………………………….624
Full Spectrum Prism Healing and Healing Tools
A Deeper and More Detailed Look at Some of the Major Healing Tools
Angels of the Healing Arts
Metatron and his Platinum Healing Angels
The Platinum Angels
The Platinum Net
The Viral Vaccuum
Dr Lorphan
The Lord of Arcturus and Arcturian Technologies
Insights into Djwhal Khul’s Holographic Computer
Ask for Assistance in General
A Word About the Masters Themselves
More Healing Tools
Healings of Attunements
The Grid Balancing Program
Geometric Probes and Repatterning
Archangelic Intonation
Inner Plane Healing Masters
The Etheric Healing Masters and Restoring your Divine Blueprint
The Acpuncture Healing Masters
Color Baths in the Inner Plane Healing Temples
In Conclusion
CHAPTER X……………………………………………………………649
Learning How to Channel
Hypnosis and Meditative Process to Learn How to Channel
What you Should Know About Channeling
CHAPTER XI…………………………………………………………….660
What you Should Know About Hypnosis
The Process of Hypnosis Induction
Regression Induction
Hypnotic Patter
Deepening Techniques
Structuring Suggestions
Communicating with the Subconscious Mind
Depth of Hypnosis
Becoming an Effective Hypnotist
CHAPTER XII…………………………………………………………672
Huna Prayers and Prayers: Talking with God
How to Create Huna Prayers
Sample Huna Prayers
Integrated Prayer
God’s New Aquarian Age Prayer for the New Millennium
The Aquarian Age Trinity Prayer of God
Melchizedek’s New Aquarian Age Prayer for the New Millennium
Mahatma’s New Aquarian Age Prayer for the New Millennium
Archangel Metatron’s New Aquarian Age Prayer for the New
The New Higher Octave “Great Invocation” for the Aquarian Age by
Lord Maitreya
Traditional Short Version of the Great Invocation
Traditional Long Version of the Great Invocation
The New Higher Octave “Lord’s Prayer” for the Aquarian Age by
Traditional Lord’s Prayer
A New Age Higher Octave Aquarian Age “Rosary” from Sister Mary
Traditional Rosary
The New Higher Octave “Prayer of Saint Francis” for the Aquarian
Age by Master Kuthumi
Traditional Prayer of Saint Francis
Djwhal Khul’s Upgraded Trinity Mantra for the Aquarian Age
Traditional Soul Mantra as Given by Djwhal Khul
The I Am That I Am Trinity Mantra for the Aquarian Age by Saint
The Affirmation of the Disciple by Djwhal Khul
Invocations and Prayers to the Mighty I AM Presence
Lord Maitreya’s (Krishna’s) New 33 Fold Bhagavad-Gita Teaching for
the Next Higher Octave of Christ’s Teaching for the Aquarian Age
The New Higher Octave Aquarian Age Sermon on the Mount and
Beatitudes for the New Millennium by Jesus/Sananda
An Excerpt from the Original Sermon on the Mount
Moses’ Next Higher Octave Aquarian Age Ten Commandments for the
Next 2,000 Year Cycle
The Original Ten Commandments Given to Moses
Buddha’s Next Higher Octave Aquarian Age Eightfold Path and Four
Noble Truths
Traditional Eightfold Path an Four Noble Truths of Buddha
Mantras from the Mystical Jewish Tradition
Hindu Mantras
Islamic Mantras
Western Mantras
Egyptian Mantras
Christian Mantras
Word Mantras
The Tibetan Foundation Chakra Mantras
Buddhist Mantras
The 72 Names of God
The 72 Names of God From the Keys of Enoch
CHAPTER XIII…………………………………………………………743
Meditation: Listening to God
The 21 Ascension Activation Meditations of the I AM University
Integrated Mediation
The Triangulation Meditation
The Spiritual Whirlwind Mediation
Corkscrew Meditation to Widen Central Channel
A Meditation on How to Achieve Self Love
A Simple Mediation to Ground and Balance Yourself Every Night Before Bed
The Cosmic and Planetary Hierarchy Protection Meditation
Mt Shasta 50 Point Cosmic Cleansing Meditation
Daily Chakra Clearing Meditation
Cosmic Chakra Alignment
Planetary World Service Meditations
Planetary Axiatonal Alignment
Platinum Net Sweep
A Meditation for the Earth Mother
Political Hot Spots Mediation and Visualization
Social Issues Mediation and Visualization
Child Abuse and Spousal Abuse Mediation and Visualization
Invocation to the Healing Angels
Invocation for the Highest Light for those Souls Making their
Invocation of Liberation for all Souls who are Earthbound and/or
Trapped in the Astral Plane
Integration and Harmony Between the Human, Elemental, and Angelic
Core Fear Matrix Removal Program for the Earth Mother and for all of
Bridging the Extraterrestrials with the Consciousness of Lightworkers
to Prepare for More Open Dialogue Mediation
The Golden Cylinder Over the Whole Planet Meditation
Endangered Species and the Tender Healing of the Animal Kingdom
Mass Clearing of all Unwanted Astral Entities Interfering with
Humanity’s Free Will Meditation
Healing Any Auric Holes, Spots, Irritations, and Leakages in the
Physical, Etheric, Astral and Mental Body of Planet Earth Meditation
Cosmic Vacuum for Clearing Up All Planetary Glamour, Maya, and
Illusion Meditation
Asthar Command and Lord of Arcturus – To Help Vacuum Up Physical
Pollution in the Atmosphere and Help Repair the Ozone Layer
Anchoring the Monadic Blueprint Body for the Earth Meditation
The Lord of Arcturus and Arcturian Ascension Activation Meditation
The Christ and Spiritual Hierarchy Ascension Activation Meditation
Becoming an Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Christ Ascension Activation
CHAPTER XIV…………………………………………………………848
Creating an Ascension Environment and Household
How to Create an Ascension and Light Infused Environment in your Home
and Office
Golden Key: The Use of Burning Pots
CHAPTER XV…………………………………………………………...855
Working with Inner Plane Councils
How and Why to Call on the Inner Plane “Peace Council”
If you are in Need of Extra Prayer Help Call on the Inner Plane “Amen
If you Need Help in Precipitation and Manifesting in your Earth Life Call
Upon the Inner Plane “Precipitation Council”
How to Access and Utilize the Inner Plane “Resurrection Council”
How to Access and Utilize the Inner Plane “Rapture Council”
CHAPTER XVI…………………………………………………………859
Arcturian Technologies to Work With
The Lord of Arcturus and Arcturian Light Infusion Technology!
The Lord of Arcturus Golden Skin Light Technology!
Arcturians Multidimensional Full Body Profile Radionics Machine!
The Advanced Arcturian Brain Frequency Balancer and Accelerator!
Light Quotient Increase and Strengthening the Physical Body through the
Calling on the Arcturians in Extreme Situations
Arcturian Liquid Crystal Technology
The Arcturian Golden Cylinder
The Arcturian Prana Wind Machine
The Arcturian Joy Machine
Arcturian Voltage-Increase
Arcturian Reprogramming of Your Biochemical Etheric Makeup
CHAPTER XVII…………………………………………………………866
Potpourri of Ascension and Healing Tools to Work With
Building Your Light Quotient
Stabilizing Your Light Quotient
Calling Forth Your Next Level of Light Quotient
Building the Antakarana
Connecting the Antakarana to the Ascension Column
Widening of your Cosmic Antakarana
Calling for the Weaving of the Ascension Fabric
Angels of Ascension
Balancing the Size of Your Four Bodies
Initiations Relate to Light Quotient; the Need to Continue to Clear and
Integrate on All levels
Unification of the Bodies, Chakras, Soul and Monad
Calling for the Spinning of Your Electrons at the Ascended State
Geometric Code for Immortality and Calling For the Life Hormone
Vywamus and the Rewiring of Your Electrical System
Brain Illumination and the Opening of All Brain Centers
Opening of Mind Locks
Spiritualization of Your Blood Chemistry
Melchizedek Crystals and Diamonds for Merging with the Twelve-Body
Sacred Letter Grid of the DNA and RNA
The Biostratus, the Genetic Super Helix
Permanent Anchoring of the Cosmic Heart
Anchoring of the Tetragrammaton in Your Innermost Mind
Opening of the Gates of Light at Your Highest Potential
The Holy Scroll of Burning Light in the Third Eye—a Direct Gift of Revelation
The Eye of Horus
Opening of the Atomic Doorway in the Third Eye
Removal of the Veils of Light and Time
Living Energy Codes
Anchoring of the Microtron by Metatron
Anchoring of the Super Electron
Balancing the 144 Areas of the Mind from Metatron
Calling Forth the 72 Names of Metatron
Anchoring the Higher Bodies
Yod Spectrum to Fill the Zohar Body
The Garment of El Shaddai and the Coat of Many Colors
Anchoring the Monad
Celestial Marriage of Personality, Soul and Monad
A Monadic Sweep
Reuniting With and Releasing Soul Fragments
Soul Braid
Monadic Braid
Calling in Your 144 Soul Extensions When You Meditate and do Spiritual
Activations and Service Work
Becoming a Teacher for your Oversoul and Monad
Anchoring the Cosmic Monad
Merging of the Greater Flame and Higher Monadic Consciousness
Calling in Light PacketsLight Packets from Anywhere in the Universe on All
Divine Teachings
Light Packets from the Golden Book of Melchizedek
The Universal Information Disc for Translating the Light Packets
Anchoring of the Cosmic Tree of Life
Being Anointed with Sephirothic Knowledge
Keys of Enoch Fire Letters, Sacred Geometries and Light Packets
Calling for the Fire Letters, Sacred Geometries and Key Codes for the Next
Step in Your Evolution
Communication System of the Language of Light
Melchizedek’s Cosmic Computer System for Decodement
Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit Life Force
Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Calling to Holy Spirit to Undo Repercussions of Mistakes
Alignment with the Elohim Computers
The Divine Template of the Elohim
Anchoring of the Divine Seed of the Elohim
Bringing in the Mahatma Energy
Anchoring of Your Original Covenant of Fire and Light
The Father’s Eternal Eye of Divine Creation
Ordination by the Spirit of Yahweh
The Nogan Shells of YHWH
Calling Forth the Deca-Delta Light Encodements
Scroll of Light for Your Service Work
Robes from the Masters
Activation of Messiahship for Greater Service
The Raincloud of All Knowable Things
Connection to the Master Grids Surrounding the Earth
Calling for the Mini Tornadoes
Govinda Galaxy
Calling Forth the Energies of the Christed Universes
The Light Pyramid from the Next Universe
How to Call Forth, Anchor and Activate the Fire Body of Metatron, and What
This New Special Dispensation Aquarian Age Revelation Is!
The Newest Light Body Now Being Made Available to Light Workers Around
the Globe: “The Electra Body!” What it is and How to Receive it!
The Ascended Masters’ Computer Chips From the Shambhalla and
Hierarchical Libraries and Archives that are Programmed into People’s
Superconscious Minds!
Serapis Bey’s Ascension Flame, the Ascension Flames of God, Christ, and the
Holy Spirit, and How to Use Them!
CHAPTER XVIII………………………………………………………...895
Understanding the Universal Laws of God
The Universal Laws of Karma
The Universal Laws of Manifestation
CHAPTER XIX…………………………………………………………..915
Full Spectrum Prism Master List of Masters to Call on and Work with
CHAPTER XX…………………………………………………………...918
My Humble Personal Memories, Dreams and Reflections, A Spiritual
Autobiography In A Nut Shell Of How I Humbly Realized My 23/24
Levels Of Initiation And How I Realized Becoming A Planetary
Christ/Mighty I Am Presence/Integrated Ascended Master On Earth!
CHAPTER XXI…………………………………………………………..959
I AM University Order Form
Channeling From Melchizedek,
the Universal Logos, on the
New I AM University Workbook and
Overall Earthly Training Program!
Beloved Students of the I AM University, Greetings my Friends!
Welcome to the future! The future is a time in the present where the Sons
and Daughters of God make themselves spotless before the Throne! The
future is a time in the present where the Gates of the Heavens open up
and the Scrolls of Wisdom are handed down to our Beloved Family of the
Human Breed! The I AM University is this Gate and the newly created
Workbooks along with the Correspondence Courses and Training
Programs are the Scrolls of Wisdom, the Instruments of Power, and the
Works of Love handed to you, my cherished friends, on a golden platter if
you but have the eyes to see, the ears to hear, the minds to conceive and
the hearts to inwardly know! I have been very relentless in my guidance to
Joshua to create this Workbook for you, my beloved students and
apprentices of the Grand I AM! The I AM University teaches you about
the grandeur of the I AM within you and shows you how to realize it in
the here and the now! Within the sanctuary of your own heart and within
the sanctuary of the heart of the human breed! Within and without! The
times on Earth have accelerated, the hours seem to get shorter and the time
left for your focus on your Spiritual growth only small. I have heard your
many cries of wanting to get on track and on top of your life but not
knowing where to start, what to do, and where to go! That is why I have
guided Joshua, my dear friend and anchorman on Earth, to create easy to
follow guidelines, efficient systems, structured templates, and full
spectrum prism tools for the Students in what has been esoterically called
the "School of hard knocks!" With this newly created and designed
Workbook the "School of hard knocks" shall become an “easy school” and
the ultimate opportunity for Spiritual growth and service work! For the
tools of the I AM University will open your eyes to higher truths and new
levels of understanding! You will grow to welcome adversity and the
challenge to demonstrate the fullness of who you are amidst a world that
allows to show but a fraction of who you truly are! Working with the
Correspondence Courses, Books, Ascension Activation Meditations and
Workbooks will allow you to work on the unfoldment of the Spiritual
Lotus that you are in an integrated, balanced, synthesized, full spectrum
prism and all inclusive way! It will allow you to grow the stem, the leaves,
and the flower. The stem of your physical nature, the leaves of your
consciousness, and the Lotus of Spiritual Blossoming! It will allow you to
grow on all levels of your being simultaneously and steadily! It will allow
you to realize greater and greater levels of yourselves and God in a
consistently expanding manner. It will give you the foundation and
strength you need to erect the Church of God within your consciousness
and being! It will give you the tools and instruments you need to help
build the Edifice of God in the global consciousness of the human breed
and your beautiful planet, your mothering Earth! You live in a world of
fast food and fast lives! This Workbook is the answers to your calls and
prayers, my friends! For they will give you the structure and organization
you need to monitor your growth on all levels and to keep track of your
preparatory work you are required to do in order to learn all your lessons
in life! You all have heard that Earth is a school! You are confronted with
Spiritual tests and lessons day in and day out, within your consciousness
and in the without of your world! Well, my friends, this Workbook, the
correspondence courses, training programs, books, and ascension
activation meditations are the "official schoolbooks of the Spiritual
Hierarchy" for all initiates in this planetary school so you may each
graduate from this profound and beautiful school you call Earth!
I bet you didn't think you'd be back in school, however, as our friend
Jesus/Sananda would say, "In my Father's/Mother's House there are Many
Classrooms!" Or as our friend Saint Germain would say, "All the world's a
school, and all the men and women merely students and potential
masters!" You are in the School of Life, my friends, and the I AM
University provides all the schoolbooks and tools you need to pass your
tests with flying colors!
Ponder on my words, my friends, for they carry the truth of my wisdom!
Your friend Melchizedek, the Universal Logos
Lord Maitreya, Lord Buddha,
Saint Germain and Allah Gobi Channeling on
New I AM University Workbook!
Our Friends, Colleagues, and Co-Workers,
we greet you in the Light of our Most Radiant One!
You and us are one team! You and us are a grand team! With you and us the
world is in good hands! We would like to speak to you today as one voice on the
newly created I AM Workbooks of the I AM University! As you might know, I
Lord Buddha ensoul the Earth and as such carry the sublime responsibility of
evolving all living creatures on Earth! I Allah Gobi serve as the Manu in the
Spiritual Government of your planet, run the Office of God on this planetary
level, and as such have earned the trust of Spirit to help all souls on Earth
realize the power of God within and without, and true leadership in the inner
and outer world! I Lord Maitreya have the honor to serve your planet as the
Planetary Christ in the Spiritual Government, am the head of the Office of the
Christ, and as such am here to teach humanity about the full spectrum prism
ways of realizing the Love of God in the inner consciousness and the collective
consciousness of the human breed of the Earth! I Saint Germain as the
Mahachohan of the Spiritual Government run the Office of the Holy Spirit on
this planetary level and as such complete the fourfold Spiritual Government of
your planet with the responsibility to revamp civilization and infuse the
wisdom of the Holy Spirit upon the peoples of the world!
Our friends, it is our collective job to create the New Jerusalem on Earth! It is
our collective responsibility to restore the Divine Plan on Earth! Our Mantra
goes, "Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth! Let God and
Christ and the Holy Spirit restore the Plan on Earth!" Before we can restore the
Plan on Earth in an outer civilization sense we first need to restore the Plan
within your being! For you to be the rocks upon which God, Christ, and the
Holy Spirit or Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva may erect the Church of the Trinity a civilization that carries the Mark of God's Power, Christ's Love and the Holy
Spirit's Wisdom - you first need to erect that threefold temple and church
within! We see a great need of integration and balance in this world! The world
is filled with visionaries who can see the seed of a grand future of the Earth,
however, the seed falls on heavenly focussed consciousness instead of earthly
fertile ground and never finds realization on Earth. The world is filled with
souls of great devotion, however, the lacking focus on developing and
integrating their minds as well leads to a devoted mass of sheep! The world is
filled with children who carry the hope and freedom of the world, however, the
new breed are not educated in the true Laws of Life but hypnotized to live by
the laws of the jungle! You see what we are saying, our friends! But most
importantly, the world is filled with grand, grand souls such as yourselves who
are but asleep and need but to remember how to uncover their grandeur and
true purpose in life! This, my friends, is where the newly created I AM
University Workbook comes into play! It is a Workbook that helps you
remember what a glorified, spiritualized and Christed civilization looks like in
the heavenly ideal and how to actually practically ground it on Earth! It is a
Workbook that shows you step by step what it is yours you need to do to arrive
at the realization of your 22 levels of initiation and light body and as such be a
true bearer and pillar of light in the world! It is a gift, my friends, that prepares
you for the Grand Work you have come here to fulfill! For it brings out the
shepherd in you! The Christ! And the God! It helps you give rise to the Messiah
within so you may collectively welcome the Messiah in the world that is
without! If you want love in the world, you first need to find love within! If you
want peace in the world, you first need to find peace within! If you want God
Realization in the world, you first need to find God Realization within! Only
that which you give away do yee possess! To possess love within, you need to
give love in the without. To possess peace within, you need to give peace to the
world. To find God Realization within, you need to give this realization to
others! It works both ways! The I AM University Workbook has our full
endorsement and support because it provides the most cutting edge tools to rid
the Earth of its enfolding illusion, glamour, maya, victim consciousness, lower
self indulgence, and a reality based on negative ego duality! The newly
launched Workbook of the I AM University has not only our full blessing and
support but is the very tool we wish all souls on Earth to use to model
themselves after the Grand I Am that they are! To polish their diamonds and
make themselves spotless before the Throne of the Almighty One! To prepare
themselves so they can step into Spiritual Leadership over this planet! As the
key Spiritual leaders in the Spiritual Government of your planet it is our
responsibility and calling to revamp the face of the Earth! As the key Spiritual
leaders embodied on Earth, it is YOUR responsibility to become a leader within
self so you may become an effective leader to the world! We are working from
the inside out and you are working from the outside in! You and us are one
team! You and us are a grand team! With you and us the world is in good hands!
All you need to do to become a powerful and effective leader over yourself and
in this world, you will find within the pages of the I AM University Workbook!
Because it shows you how the I AM works through you and All That Is! All you
need to do to be a Spiritual teacher of Love in this world that shall be
remembered forever for the profound teaching his very life was a portrait of,
you will find listed in this work of profundity of the I AM! All you need to do
to be the externalization of the Still Small Voice Within and a channel for the
bridging of the heavenly civilizations with the human one on Earth, you will
find in this Book of all Books! For it is a Workbook that works! It is a tool that
provides the full spectrum of the Integrated Ascended Master Prism! It is the
most cutting edge, most profound, most synthesized, easiest to understand and
apply, and processed tool of transformation on Earth! The I AM University
Workbook carries the power to transform base metal into gold, a base
consciousness into the golden consciousness of the Christ, the Buddha, and the
Mighty I AM! The I AM University Workbook carries the Midas Touch for
everyone it touches and everyone who touches it will develop the "God, Christ,
Holy Spirit Touch" and as such transform the worlds! The I AM University
Workbook is meant for those who are called to serve the Lord! The I AM
University Workbook is meant for those who are called to become Masters of
Integrated Ascension, Masters of the I AM in a full spectrum prism sense, and
the Masters to lead this world! It is our collective Master Plan to resurrect the
consciousness of the world, to enlighten the mind of the human breed, and to
enfold precious Mother Earth in the rapture, transfiguration, and translation of
the I AM! The Clarion Call sounds forth, our beloved friends, for you to use and
work with this guidebook, the official Workbook of the I AM University, for it
will guide you through the valleys and mountains of life, it will guide you to
the Promise of the Promised Land that will reveal itself to you as you reclaim
your power, remember the unconditionality of love, and the wisdom that lies in
active intelligence! May you rise from hearing the call to answering our call and
get to work right now! We leave you with our new updated mantra and vision
for the Aquarian Age, "All are Chosen and All Choose to Listen!" You and us are
one team! You and us are a grand team! With you and us the world is in good
Eternally Yours in Spirit,
Lord Maitreya, Lord Buddha, Saint Germain, and
Allah Gobi
Getting Spiritually
21 Ascension Activation
Getting Spiritually Activated:
21 Ascension Activation Meditations on Audio
Tape and CD! Also Available Over Internet for
Half Price!
Guided by Dr Joshua David Stone
My Beloved Friends,
These Ascension Activation Meditations, I very humbly share with you, are the
most powerful and effective Ascension Activation Meditations you will find on
Planet Earth. Normal meditations usually have just a few activations, however,
with these meditations, each have hundreds of ascension activations in each
meditation. Most of them were also taped at the Wesak Celebrations in Mt
Shasta with 1,500 to 2,000 people, under the mountain of Mt Shasta, the Wesak
Full Moon, and over one million Inner Plane Celestial and Ascended Masters
overlighting the event! The energy in these tapes is so powerful that they will
literally accelerate your Ascension and Path of Initiation a thousand fold! I have
personally created these meditations with the help of Spirit and the Masters to
work along with the reading of the correspondence courses, training programs,
and books I have channeled and written, as the Dynamic Duo so to speak, to
help you achieve the Self and God Realization you seek! I recommend that you
work with all 21 Ascension Activation Meditations and listen to one meditation
a day, or every other day, and on the 7th day rest.
The combination of reading the correspondence courses, training programs,
books, and website and working with these meditations and if possible coming
to Wesak, I call the “Rocketship to God!” For that is truly what it is! These 21
Ascension Activation Meditations will completely purify, cleanse, and refine
your energy fields, and will Spiritually electrify your energy fields, chakra
system, 12 body system, and light body system with the most profound level of
Spiritual and Cosmic current that is available on this planet. Trust in my
guidance here for I have most selflessly and generously shared with you here
all, and I mean all that I have used to fully realize my ascension, Integrated
Spiritual Mastery, and 23 Levels of Initiation and Light Body Anchoring and
Activation myself! When I speak of these things, I humbly share with you, I
speak not from theoretical knowledge, but from full realization of the process I
speak of here.
The Keys to the Kingdom are being most generously offered to you if you have
the ears to hear and the eyes to see! Trust in Spirit, the Masters, and my
guidance here and your initiation and ascension process will be accelerated a
thousand fold, and by using these Ascension Activation Meditations and
studying the correspondence courses, training programs, books, and website,
they will not only help you to fully realize your Integrated Ascension and
become and Integrated Ascended Master or I AM Master, they will also help
you to fully anchor your full array of Light Bodies. If you diligently study these
teachings brought forth in the I AM University and work with these Ascension
Activation Meditations, and most importantly put into practice and
demonstration in your Earthly life all that you are being taught and all that is
being anchored and activated in these meditations, you are well on the road to
becoming one of the 144,000 Integrated Ascended Masters, I AM Masters, or
Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Christs/Buddhas/Melchizedeks on Earth that
Spirit and the Masters have guided me to gather to build the New Jerusalem on
Earth as it is in Heaven!
I highly recommend you work with the entire set of 21 Ascension Activation
Meditations, however, if you can’t, then pick out the ones you are most guided
to at this time and work with those!
Adonai in the Light and Love of God and the Masters!
Dr Joshua David Stone
Meditation 1: Ultimate and Core Love Ascension Activation Meditation
Meditation 2: 18 Point Cosmic Clearing Meditation
Meditation 3: God Ascension Seat Journey
Meditation 4: Ultimate Cosmic Ray Meditation
Meditation 5: GOD and The Actual Wesak Ceremony Meditation
Meditation 6: Divine Mother and Lady Masters Ascension Activation
Meditation 7: Isis and the Great Pyramid Ascension Activation Meditation
Meditation 8: GOD and the Mahatma Ascension Activation Meditation
Meditation 9: The Temple of God Ascension Activation Meditation
Meditation 10: The Complete Ascension Manual Ascension Activation
Meditation 11: GOD and The Metatron Cosmic Tree of Life Ascension
Activation Meditation
Meditation 12: GOD and the Golden Chamber of Melchizedek Ascension
Activation Meditation
Meditation 13: GOD and the Revelation of GOD Ascension Activation
Meditation 14: The Secret Rods of GOD and the Higher Light Body
Ascension Activation Meditation
Meditation 15: The Divine Names an Attributes of GOD Ascension
Activation Meditation
Meditation 16: God and the Higher Kaballah Ascension Activation
Meditation 17: Cathedral of God Ascension Activation Meditation
Meditation 18: The Gifts of the Holy Spirit, 22 Light Bodies, and 33
Supersenses of God Ascension Activation Meditation
Meditation 19: Mother Earth and the People of the Earth World Service
Cleansing and Ascension Activation Meditation
Meditation 20: Revelation of John and the Bible Ascension Activation
Meditation 21: The East/West Golden Global Fusion Ascension Activation
Individual Meditations Tapes: $15.00 each
Individual Meditation CD's: $20.00 each
Complete Album Set of all 21 Meditations on tape: $280.00 per set (you save $35)
Complete Album Set of all 21 Meditations on CD: $380.00 per set (you save $40)
Shipping & Handling:
Within the U.S:
Please add $15 for each complete set
$2 for each individual Meditation / $1 for each additional Meditation
Outside the U.S:
Please add $25 for each complete set
Canada: $3 for individual Meditation/ $1 for each additional Meditation
Europe: $4 for individual Meditation/ $1 for each additional Meditation
Australia: $5 for individual Meditation/ $1 for each additional Meditation.
We are very excited to announce that all 21 Ascension Activation Meditations
which are secretly coded on the website are now available for sale in this
format. We will email you a secret code which allows you to pull off the
meditations on my website and listen to them in the comfort of your own home!
These Ascension Activation Meditations are the most profound and most
powerful meditations you will find anywhere on the planet! While the study of
my books, correspondence courses, training programs, and website will help
you refine your consciousness and grow on a psycho-Spiritual level, my
Ascension Activation Meditations will help you grow and expand on a Spiritual
level with the most cutting-edge tools available today! So working on both, the
Spiritual and Psychological level and integrating all these energies and
information into your daily life and Physical/Earthly level will give you a well
balanced approach to Self and God Realization at the highest level available on
the Planet today!
These Ascension Activation Meditations are only available in the complete set
in this format. The cost to receive the code for all 21 Ascension Activation
Meditations is $125. If you would like to receive the meditations in tape format,
the cost is $280. If received in CD format, the cost is $380 for the entire set.
Registration Form For Enrollment in the
I AM University
Enroll Online, Please Go To: www.iamuniversity.org
Enroll Through Phone: 805-383-4564
Enroll Through Fax: 805-482-1189
Enroll Through Mail: Please Fill Out Form Below
See Address On Next Page
Name:: ________________________________________________________________________
Last Name:_____________________________________________________________________
City: __________________________________________________________________________
State/Zip: _____________________________________________________________________
Phone/Fax: ____________________________________________________________________
E-Mail: ________________________________________________________________________
Cash Credit Card Wire Transfer
Check/Money Order Western Union Money Transfer
Visa MasterCard
Credit Card Number:
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Expiration Date: __ __ __ __
Please Make Money Orders/Checks Payable to Dr Joshua David Stone and Mail
Dr Joshua David Stone
I AM University
450 Daily Drive, Apt 17
Camarillo, CA 93010
phone: 805-383-4564
fax: 805-482-1189
Lightworkers from outside the United States, please make payments via United States
currency, U.S. Postal Money Order, or U.S. Cashiers Check. No foreign checks
(including Canada).
US Citizens:
The account title name is: Dr. Joshua David Stone
The routing number for the bank is: 121000248
The account number is: 0433557303
Citizens Outside the USA:
The account title name is: Dr. Joshua David Stone
The routing number for the bank is: 121000248
The account number is: 0433557303
The bank swift code is: WFBIUS6S
We are happy to announce that we are now also accepting Western Union Money
Transfers. Please forward the following information: Customer Transaction Number &
Amount Sent! Thank you!
Would you like your name and contact info to be given to other light workers who are
enrolled in the I AM University and live in your geographic area if requested.
Please check appropriate space:
______ YES ______NO
Thank You!
The I AM University
Full Spectrum Prism Order Form
appr. Box
to Order
Yearly Tuition Fee $144
appr. Box
to Order
Ticket for the 2005 Wesak Celebration (Buy 10 tickets and get 2
tickets free!)
Ticket for LIVE INTERNET Audio Broadcast for Wesak 2005 $77
Archives for the LIVE INTERNET Audio Broadcast of Wesak
Wesak 2004 Webcast Archives AND Live Audio Broadcast 2005 $120
Vendor Booth at the 2005 Wesak Spiritual Fair in Mt Shasta
Go to http://www.photon.net/wesak/vendors.php to fill out
form for “virtual vending area” for webcast visitors/ 10x5:
Wesak Program Guide:
Full Page (8 x 11)
Full Page/Back Cover
Full Page/Inside Front Cover
Half Page (8 x 5 & 1/2) Horizontal only
Half Page/Back Cover
Half Page/Inside Front Cover
Quarter Page ( 5 & 1/2 x 4):
Quarter Page/Inside Front Cover
1/3 Page (8 x 3 & 1/5) Horizontal only
1/3 Page/Premium Position on Program Pages
Simple Layout for Advertisement Done by Program Guide
$40 up
ALL VENDORS: Contact I AM Office for Map and Booth Assignment
ALL PROGRAM GUIDE ORDERS: Forward your Advertisement Files to
the I AM Office
ALL BROADCAST ORDERS: Be Sure to Include Email Address
by Dr Joshua David Stone
Correspondence Courses, Training Programs and Workbooks are Available
in Email Form and Paper From!
appr. Box
to Order
Correspondence Course #6: God, Christ, Holy Spirit and
Company of Heaven ‘Book of Revelation’ Correspondence
Course! JUST RELEASED! paper
Correspondence Course #1: How to Become an Enlightened
Being, an Integrated Spiritual Master, and Achieve your 22
Levels of Initiation Correspondence Course! paper
Correspondence Course #2: How to Develop and Construct
your Integrated Light Body and Anchor and Activate your 22
Levels of Light Body Correspondence Course! paper
Correspondence Course #3: The New Millennium Light
Revelation of Archangel Metatron, Through the Metatron
Book, New Wine Book, and I Am Integrated Ascension Master
Correspondence Course!
Correspondence Course #4: The Kuan Yin Ascension
Quantum Leap for the New Millennium Correspondence
Course! paper
Correspondence Course #5: Sananda/Jesus, The Holy Spirit,
and the Universal Mind on the Life and Teachings of Jesus the
Christ, from the Book of Life and Akashic Records
Correspondence Course!
Training Program #1: Intensive Training Program to Develop
and Refine Your Consciousness and Transcend your Negative
Ego Mind and Emotions! paper
Training Program #2: Intensive Training Program to Become
an “Integrated Ascended Master”, “Integrated I AM Master”
and “Integrated Spiritual / Christ/ Buddha/ God Master” in
this Lifetime!
Workbook on How to Become a “Fully Realized Integrated
Christ/Integrated Ascended Master and I AM Master!”
Shipping and Handling
Shipping and Handling for Correspondence Courses, Training Programs &
1 Correspondence Course/Training Program/Workbook: $12
2 Correspondence Courses/Training Programs/Workbooks: $22
3 Correspondence Courses/Training Programs/Workbooks: $30
4 Correspondence Courses/Training Programs/Workbooks: $35
5 Correspondence Courses/Training Programs/Workbooks: $40
6 Correspondence Courses/Training Programs/Workbooks: $50
Correspondence Course #1, Correspondence Course #3 : $25
Correspondence Course #2 , #4, #5 , #6 ,Training Program #1 and #2, or Workbook : $40
2 Correspondence Courses/Training Programs/Workbooks: $45
3 Correspondence Courses/Training Programs/Workbooks: $60
4 Correspondence Courses/Training Programs/Workbooks: $70 Europe/$80 Australia or Asia
5 Correspondence Courses/Training Programs/Workbooks: $90 Europe/$100 Australia or Asia
6 Correspondence Courses/Training Programs/Workbooks: $100 Europe/$120 Australir or Asia
TAPES AND CD’S by Dr Joshua David Stone
appr. Box
to Order
CD $20 #1 Ultimate Ascension Activation Meditation & Core Love
Meditation tape $15
CD $20 # 2 18 Point Clearing Meditation
tape $15
CD $20 # 3 God Ascension Seat Journey
tape $15
CD $20 # 4 Ultimate Cosmic Ray Meditation
tape $15
CD $20 # 5 God and the Actual Wesak Ceremony
tape $15
CD $20 # 6 The Divine Mother & Lady Masters Ascension Activation
Meditation tape $15
CD $20 # 7 Isis & The Great Pyramid Ascension Activation
Meditation tape $15
CD $20 # 8 GOD and The Mahatma Ascension Activation Meditation
tape $15
CD $20 # 9 The Temple Of GOD Ascension Activation Meditation
tape $15
CD $20 # 10 The Complete Ascension Manual Ascension Activation
Meditation tape $15
CD $20 # 11 GOD & The Metatron Cosmic Tree of Life Ascension
Activation Meditation tape $15
CD $20 # 12 GOD & the Golden Chamber of Melchizedek Ascension
Meditation tape $15
CD $20 # 13The Revelation of GOD Ascension Activation
Meditation tape $15
CD $20 # 14 The Secret Rods of GOD & the Higher Light Body
Ascension Meditation tape $15
CD $20 # 15 The Divine Names & Attributes of GOD Ascension
Activation Meditation tape $15
CD $20 # 16 The Higher Kabbalah Ascension Activation Meditation
tape $15
# 17 The Cathedral of GOD Ascension Activation Meditation CD $20
tape $15
CD $20 # 18 The Gifts of The Holy Spirit, 22 Light Bodies & 33
Supersenses of GOD Ascension Activation Meditation tape $15
CD $20 # 19 Mother Earth & the People of The Earth World Service
Cleansing and Ascension Activation Meditation tape $15
CD $20 # 20 Revelation of John and the Bible Ascension Activation
Meditation tape $15
CD $20 # 21 The East / West Golden Global Fusion Ascension
Activation Meditation tape $15
Complete Album Set of all 21 tapes
Complete Album set of all 21 CD’s
Complete Album set of all 21 meditations in coded form on
the web site $125
“Sermon on the Mount Shasta” Lectures @ Wesak 2004 by Dr
Stone 2 CD’s
“Sermon on the Mount Shasta” Lectures @ Wesak 2004 by Dr
Stone 2 Tapes
Shipping and Handling
Shipping and Handling for Tapes and CD’s:
Complete set of Tapes or CD’s: $15 /$3 for individual tape or CD; $1 for each additional tape or CD.
Complete set of Tapes or CD’s: $30 /$5 for individual tape or CD; $1 for each additional tape or CD
appr. Box
to sign
Channeled Initiation, Light Quotient, and Ray Reading with
Ascension Tarot Reading of your choice (or intuitive spread)
with Madhi; After ordering, e-mail Madhi at
mschugg252666MI@comcast.net for details
BOOKS by Dr Joshua David Stone
All Books are Available in Email Form and Paper From!
appr. Box
to Order
$15 The Complete Ascension Manual: How to Achieve
Ascension in this Lifetime e-mail
Soul Psychology: The Keys to Ascension $15
$15 Beyond Ascension: How to Achieve the Seven Levels of
Initiation e-mail
$15 Hidden Mysteries: ET’S, Ancient Mystery Schools and
Ascension e-mail
$15 The Ascended Masters Light the Way: Keys to Spiritual
Mastery From Those Who Have Achieved it! e-mail
$15 Golden Keys to Ascension & Healing: Co-Creating with Sai
Baba and the Ascended Masters e-mail
$15 Cosmic Ascension; Your Cosmic Map Home
$15 Manual for Planetary Leadership
$15 How to Teach Ascension Classes
$15 Revelations of a Melchizedek Initiate
$15 Your Ascension Mission: Embracing Your Puzzle Piece
$15 Ascension and Romantic Relationships
$15 A Beginner’s Guide to the Path of Ascension
$15 The Ascension Book Series Index (book format only, not
available in email format)
$25 How to Clear the Negative Ego (manuscript)
$25 Integrated Ascension Revelation for the next Millennium
(manuscript) e-mail
$24 The Golden Book of Melchizedek: How to become an
Integrated Christ / Buddha in this Lifetime Volume One e-mail $12
$28 The Golden Book of Melchizedek: How to become an
Integrated Christ / Buddha in this Lifetime Volume Two e-mail $14
$31 How to Release Fear Based Thinking and Feeling:
An In-depth Study of Spiritual Psychology Volume One e-mail
$25 How to Release Fear Based Thinking and Feeling:
An In-depth Study of Spiritual Psychology Volume Two e-mail
$22 The Full Spectrum Prism Bible: Wisdom Quotes of the
Masters of all Religions and all Spiritual Paths e-mail $11
$30 The Little Flame and the Big Flame (a children’s book)
e-mail $15
$25 Empowerment and Integration through The Goddess
Volume One e-mail
$24 Empowerment and Integration through The Goddess
Volume Two e-mail $12
$21 Ascension Activation Meditations of the Spiritual Hierarchy :
A Compilation e-mail
$32 The Soul’s Perspective on How to achieve Perfect Radiant
Health: A Compilation Email $16
$25 Letters of Guidance and Teaching on the Path of Initiation
and Ascension e-mail
$21 Esoteric Psychology and the Science of the Rays and Chakras
of God: A Compilation
$19 Secrets of the Ages as Revealed by Spirit and the Masters
$9. 50
$27 How to Achieve Self- Realization Through Properly
Integrating the Material face of God : A Compilation e-mail
$19 The Bible Revealed from the Ascended Masters’ Perspective
$22 A Spiritual Perspective on How to be Financially Successful
in your Business : A Compilation e-mail $11
$26 The Universal Laws of God
e-mail $13
$20 Questions and Answers on the Path of Ascension and SelfRealization e-mail $10
$23 The Ascension Names and Terms Glossary
$11. 50
The Story of Creation: A Compilation $15
$7. 50
$13 God’s Truth and Wisdom Revealed:
Achieving Spiritual Vigilance Through the Face of Terrorism e-mail
$6. 50
$25 How to Celebrate Wesak Booklet
The Ascended Masters’ Perspective on the Basic Lessons of A
Course in Miracles (e-mail only) e-mail
Psicologia Del Alma: Spanish Translation of “Soul
Psychology” (only available as email book) e-mail
$600 Set of Entire Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path: 20% off in
book format
Set of Entire Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path: 60% off in
email format
e-mail $
Shipping and Handling
Shipping and Handling for Books:
USA: Please add $6 per book and $3 for each additional book./Complete Set: please call I AM office
Canada: Please add $7 per book and $5 for each additional book./Complete Set: please call I AM office
Europe: Please add $14 per book and $10 for each additional book./Complete Set: please call I AM office
Australia: Please add $15 per book and $12 for each additional book./Complete Set: please call I AM office
appr. Box
to Order
Gift Certificate: available in the following
denominations $50, $100, $250, $500 and $1000
Donation, Tithing, Seed Money: Thank You!
by Dr Joshua David Stone
appr. Box
to Order
Wesak Celebration 1996 Complete Set (11 tapes) $100 SALE
Wesak Celebration 1997 Complete Set (12tapes) $100 SALE
Wesak Celebration 1998 Complete Set (12 tapes) $100 SALE
Wesak Celebration 1999 Complete Set (12 tapes) $100 SALE
Golden Wesak 2000 Complete Set (12tapes) $100 SALE
Platinum Wesak 2001 Complete Set (12 tapes) $160
Clear Light of GOD 2003 Complete Set (16 tapes) $160
Shipping and Handling
Shipping and Handling for Tape Sets:
Complete set of Tapes or CD’s: $15 /.
Complete set of Tapes or CD’s: $30 /
by Dr Joshua David Stone
appr. Box
to Order
PAL version NOT available
“Sermon on the Mount Shasta” Lectures @ Wesak 2004 by Dr
Stone 1 VHS
“Sermon on the Mount Shasta” Lectures @ Wesak 2004 by Dr
Stone 1 DVD
3 Meditations by Dr Stone from 2004 Wesak Celebration on
set of 2 DVD’s
Channel Panel DVD from 2004 Wesak $25
3 Ascension Activation Meditations of 1999 Wesak
Celebration by Dr Stone on VHS
$40 7 hour-long video tape of Dr Stone’s 3 meditations and
speeches, and the opening and closing ceremonies for the
Golden Wesak 2000 on VHS
$52 PAL
Shipping and Handling
Shipping and Handling for VHS and DVD’s:
6 tape set of counseling videos: USA: $11; Canada: $18; Europe: $25; Australia/Asia: $30
Individual VHS/DVD: USA: $3 per VHS/DVD, $4 per VHS/DVD set, Outside USA: $5 per VHS/DVD, $6 per
appr. Box
to sign
Light, Love, Power Body Building Prayer Altar Program $75
Seven Sacred Flames Prayer Altar Program
(include Sacred Flame selection)
$3 month
and /or $25
13 Point “Mantle of the Christ” Prayer Altar Program $25
Prayer Altar for the Proper Integration of the 12 Major
Please state alternative 1,2,3
$25 USA
$40 Europe
$50 New
Interdimensional Ascension Seat Prayer Altar Program $25
Integration of the Goddess Prayer Altar Program $25
Higher Light Body Building Prayer Altar Program $75
Extra Protection Prayer Altar Program $25
Physical Health Challenge Prayer Altar
(include the type of healing)
Material manifestation Prayer Altar
(include the type of manifestation you desire help with)
Animal Kingdom Prayer Altar
(include specific prayer request)
An Interdimensional Prayer Altar to the Children
(please include specific request)
Interdimensional Prayer Altar for Spiritualizing and Healing
Your Relationships
(please include specific request)
Planetary Ascension Tarot Correspondence Course,
Hand-Cut Tarot Deck and Complete Manual with
appr. Box
to Order
Correspondence Course, Card Deck and manual $144
Shipping and Handling
Shipping & Handling for Tarot Deck:
USA: $6; Europe: $15; Australia/New Zealand: $25; All other Countries can gauge price for shipping & handling.
appr. Box
to Order
Holy Star (Please specify Crystal, Indigo, Super-Immune,
Super-Psychic, or Rainbow Children)
Hoya Hakena
Sister Star
The Asara
Goddess Crystal
Mounu (MAHAH)
2 for $125
Capstone Crystals are shipped using Priority Mail. For
domestic orders, please add $6 to your order total. For
orders outside USA, your order will be shipped using
Global Priority. Please add $12 to your order. For orders
over 3 crystals, please add $1 for each additional crystal
(USA and Canada), and $2 for each additional crystal
(other Countries). Please specify gold/silver bail. Buy 3 get
4th free (equal or lesser value – may not combine offers on
same item). Mass sales tax applies.
Please Fill Out Required Information Below
Place your Order Online: www.iamuniversity.org
Place your Order Through Phone: 805-383-4564
Place your Order Through Fax: 805-482-1189
Place your Order Through Mail: Please Fill Out Form Above
And Mail To I the I AM Office
Place your Order Through Wire Transfer: See Info Below
Name: ___________________________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________________________
City: ____________________________________________________________
State/Zip: ____________________________________________________________
Country: ____________________________________________________________
Phone/Fax: ____________________________________________________________
E-Mail: ____________________________________________________________
Cash Credit Card
Check/Money Order Wire Transfer
Western Union Money Transfer
Total Amount: $______
Visa MasterCard
Credit Card Number:
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Expiration Date: __ __ __ __
Please Make Money Orders/Checks Payable to Dr Joshua David Stone and Mail
Dr Joshua David Stone
I AM University
450 Daily Drive, Apt 17
Camarillo, CA 93010
phone: 805-383-4564 / fax: 805-482-1189
Friends from outside the United States, please make payments via United States
currency, U.S. Postal Money Order, or U.S. Cashiers Check. No foreign checks
(including Canada).
US Citizens:
The account title name is: Dr. Joshua David Stone
The routing number for the bank is: 121000248
The account number is: 0433557303
Citizens Outside the USA:
The account title name is: Dr. Joshua David Stone
The routing number for the bank is: 121000248
The account number is: 0433557303
The bank swift code is: WFBIUS6S
We are happy to announce that we are now also accepting Western Union Money
Transfers. Please forward the following information: Customer Transaction Number &
Amount Sent! Thank you!
Thank You!
For Questions please contact us at our NEW address:
Dr Joshua David Stone
I AM University
450 Daily Drive, Apt 17
Camarillo, CA 93010
phone: 805-383-4564
fax: 805-482-1189
We are Happy and Honored to Assist you in
Any Way we Can!
Please Give this Information Packet the Power of TEN
and share it with all your Friends, Students, and Family
The I AM Is With You & You Are The I AM!
For Details on Wesak and General Information on all the Services of
the I AM University Please See Our Other Online Information
Packets! Please Go To www.iamuniversity.org!