1. UNIT STRUCTURE 22 21 20 A5 3 d1 4 A4 A 1 2 d2 5 6 7 A d3 A d11 d4 d5 8 A-A h 9 A3 A1 b d6 l 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 d7 d12 d9 d10 18 100 Fig 1. Gear box 687320558 1/12 A2 d8 Gear box is made out of driving shaft 5, driven shaft 14 and intermediate – 20. Motion from driving shaft to driven shaft is submitted directly when claw coupling is connected with claw hub 19. When claw coupling is connected with gear 12, motion from driving shaft 5 to driven is submitted by gears 4 – 22 and 20 – 12. The gear 5 is pressed on the shaft, 22 is connected with shaft by prismatic key, and gear 12 is connected with driven shaft through claw coupling 11 and straight splines. Selected radial ball bearings: 1 – No. 200, 6 – No. 205, and the rest No. 204. Dimension A= 0,5 – 2 mm closes the dimension chain A and guarantees that the shaft 20 doesn‘t touch cover 2. Bearing 6 is fixed in axial dirction by excentric ring GOST 13942, and bearing 16 by end cover GOST 11641 (see Fig. 2 , a and b). ¨ 47 ¨ 23,1 0 1,2 -0.12 a) Fig 2. Standard parts: a –excentric fixing ring; b – end cover b) 2. BASIC DIMENSIONS Basic dimensions are selected according to the sizes pointed out in the assignment and the dimensions in Fig. 1. The dimensions must be matched to preferred numbers raw. Dimensions of bearings, keys and other standard parts are taken from appropriate literature [2] and [3]. Data of basic dimensions are put in the table 1. Basic dimensions, mm Dimension Numeric value marking A1 150 A2 14 A3 145 A4 1 A5 20 A 2-1,5 d1 10 d2 30 d3 16 d4 18 d5 8 d6 6*16*20 d7 d8 687320558 20 28 Table 1 Preferred numbers raw Ra40 Ra20 Extra dimension Ra5 Ra10 Ra10 Ra5 Ra40 Ra5 Ra20 Ra10 - Ra10 Ra20 2/12 Note Measured in drawing Bearing No. 204 width Measured in drawing Measured in drawing Measured in drawing Submitted in assignment Bearing No. 200 inner diameter Bearing No. 200 outer diameter Measured in drawing Straight splains teeth number, inner and outer diameters. Submitted in assignment Measured in drawing Measured in drawing Table 1, continued Dimension marking d9 d10 d11 d12 b h l Numeric value Preferred numbers raw Note 47 16 20 20 6 6 20 Ra5 Ra10 Ra10 Ra40 Ra40 Ra10 Bearing No. 204 outer diameter Measured in drawing Measured in drawing Bearing No. 204 inner diameter Prismatic key height Prismatic key width Submitted in assignment 3. PLAIN CYLINDRIC CONNECTIONS CALCULATION 3.1. Connection of housing 7 and cover 18. Diameter d9 Fit is to be selected with clearance, as cover sometimes is taken off and alignment doesn‘t have high requirements. According literature [3] the recommended tolerance zone for cover diameter d9 is h9 – h11. The tolerance zone h10 is selected. Hole could be of the same accuracy, but because of mounted bearing the tolerance zone H7 is selected.Hole and shaft tolerance zone scheme is shown in Fig.3. Fit parameters: + mm +25 Basic dimension d9=47 mm; shaft limit deviations: es=0, ei= - 100 m; maximum shaft limit of dimen- H7 0 Dmax 0 sion: dmax dmax=d9+es=47+0=47,000 mm; minimum shaft limit of dimension: dmin=d9+ei=47+(-0,100)= =46,900 mm; Dmin h10 hole limit deviations: ES=+0,025m, EI= 0; maximum hole limit of dimen- - mm -100 dmin sion: Dmax=d9+ES=47+0,025 = = 47,025 mm; the least hole limit of dimension: Dmin=d9+EI=47+0=47,000 mm; Fig 3. Tolerance zones scheme of fit 47 H7/h10 maximum clearance Smax=ES – ei=0,025 – (– 0,100) = 0,125 mm; minimum clearance Smin=EI – es=0 – 0 = 0,000 mm; 3.2.. Connection of gear 22 and shaft 20. Diameter d11 We choose the fit H7/js6. The fit centers gear on shaft well. To submit the torsion moment the prismatic key is used. Basic fit parameters: 687320558 3/12 Basic dimension d11=20 mm; Shaft limit deviations: es=6,5 m ei= - 6,5 m; Maximum limit of shaft dimension dmax=d11+es=20+0,0065=20,0065 mm; Minimum limit of shaft dimension: dmin=d11+ei=20+(-0,0065)= =19,9935 mm; + mm +21 H7 +6,5 0 0 Dmax js6 dmax Dmin dmin Smax Nmax -6,5 - mm Fig. 4. Tolerance zones scheme of fit 20 H7/js6 Hole limit deviations: ES=+0,021 m, EI= 0; Maximum limit of hole dimension: Dmax=d11+ES=20+0,021 = = 20,021 mm; Minimum limit of hole dimension: Dmin=d9+EI=20+0 =20,000 mm. Maximum clearence Smax=ES – ei=0,021 – (– 0,0065) =0.0275 mm; Maximum interference Nmax= es – EI =0,0065 – 0 = 0,0065 mm. Probability calculation of clearence and interference: mean shaft: dm=(dmax+dmin)/2=(20,0065+19,9935)/2=20,000 mm; mean hole: Dm=(Dmax+Dmin)/2=(20,021+20)/2=20,0105 mm; mean clearence: Sm=Dm-dm=20,0105-20=0,0105 mm=10,5 m; shaft tolerance: Td=es – ei=6,5 – (–6,5) = 13 m; hole tolerance: TD=ES – EI=21 – 0 = 21 m; fit tolerance: Ts=TD+Td=21+13=34 m; standard deviation of the fit: m Smax=27,5 Sm=10,5 m Nmax= -6,5 m -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 = TD 2 Td 2 / 6 212 132 / 6 24,7 / 6 4,12 m; 3=3*4,12=12,4m; 6=6*4,12=24,8m; Sm + 3=10,5 + 12,4= =22,9 m; Sm - 3=10,5 – 12,4= = –1,9 m; In fig. 5 filled area shows interference probability. The rest area shows clearance probability. Clearance probability P(S) = =0,5 + F(Sm/)= =0,5 + F(10,5/4,12)= =0,5 + F(2,55)= =0,5 + 0,4946=0,9946. Clearance Ávarþos Tarpai Interference s 5 pav. Diagram of clearance and interference of fit 20H7/js6 687320558 4/12 We accept P(S) =0,99 or 99% as clearance probability. Then the interference is P(N) =0,01 or 1%. 3.3. Connection of gear 12 and hub 13. Diameter d8 Hub is pressed into gear. Basic fit parameters: Submited torsion moment – Ms=200Nm; Basic connection diameter – d8=28 mm; Connection length – l= 25 mm (Fig.1); Inner diameter of hub – d1pr= 20 mm (Fig 1 ); Diameter of gear hob – d2pr=40 mm (Fig 1 ); Mechanic properties of gear – E=2,1E11 Pa, e=85E7 Pa, =0,3; Mechanic properties of hub – E=0,9E11 Pa, e=20E7 Pa, =0,33; Roughness parameter of hub – Ra=0,8 m; Roughness parameter of gear – Ra=1 m; Factor of friction when pressing – f=0.15. We use the computer programm „Matavima“. After calculation according to the connection data we get necessary minimal interference Nmin=9,26x10-5 m, interference Nmax=8,21x10 m that the pressed hub can withstand. As the necessary condition Nmax>Nmin is not satisfied, we change the connection parameters. We enchance hub enlarging outer diameter d8=32 and reducing torsion moment to Ms=100 Nm. We enlarge gear hob diameter to d2pr=45 mm. New calculation results: Nmax= 9,41x10-5 m=94,1 m , Nmin=3,90x10-5m=39,0 m. From fit tables we select interference fit that matches requirements Nmax>=Nmaxlent and Nmin<=Nminlent. The fit H8/x8 with Nmin=41 m ir Nmax=119m. matches these requirements. 687320558 Dmax Dmin d8 Nmin dmin dmax Nmax Basic fit parameters: Basic dimension d8=32 mm; Shaft limit deviations: es=+119 m, ei= +80 m; Maximum limit of shaft dimension: dmax=d8+es=32+0,119=32,119 mm; Minimum limit of shaft dimension: dmin=d8+ei=32+0,080= =32,080 mm; + mm 119 Hole limit deviations: ES=+0,039m, EI= 0; x8 Maximum limit of hole dimension: Dmax=d8+ES=32+0,039 = 32,039 mm; 80 Minimum limit of hole dimension: Dmin=d8+EI=32+0 =32,000 mm; Minimum interference: 39 Nmin=ei – ES=0,080 – 0,039 =0.041mm= =41 m; H7 Maximum interference: 0 0 Nmax= es – EI =0,119 – 0 = 0,119 mm= =119 m. - mm Tolerance zones scheme of fit 32 H8/x8 is shown in Fig. 6. Fig. 6. Tolerance zones scheme of fit 32 H8/x8 5/12 3.4. Calculation of cylindrical fixed limit gauges We calculate the gauges dimensions of fit 32H8/x8. The schemes of the gauges tolerance zones for shaft and hole are given in Fig. 7. The schemes are given in literature [4]. The shape of schemes belongs on the basic dimension, grade of tolerance and purpose (for shaft or hole). d-K-GO Hp Ring gauges d-K-NOGO K-NOGO Hp D-NOGO d-K-Wear Hp z1 D-GO H1 H1 Dmin K-GO NOGO Gab gauges Wear limit Y1 Shaft tolerance zone dmax Dmax GO x8 dmin z H8 Y H d-GO GO Hole tolerance zone H d-NOGO NOGO Plug gauges K-Wear Wear limit 7 pav. Gauges tolerance zones schemes of fit 32 H8/x8 Gauges tolerances and deviations are found in literature [4]: plug gauges z=6 m, y=5m, H=4m; gab gauges z1=6 m, y1=5m, H1=7; ring gauges Hp=2,5m. Roughness of gauges work surfaces: plugs and gabs Ra=0,08 m and control rings - 0,04 m [7]. The grade IT3 of gauges work surfaces form is taken from standard GOST 24853. Flatness tolerance is lygi 1,2 m and cylindric tolerance is 2 m [ 5]. From the subsection 3.3: basic dimension maximum limit of size of shaft minimum limit of size of shaft maximum limit of size of hole minimum limit of size of hole d8= 32 mm; dmax= 32,119 mm; dmin=32,080 mm; Dmax=32,039 mm; Dmin=32,000 mm. Gauges limit and production dimensions are calculated in table 2. 687320558 6/12 Table 2 Gauges limit and production dimensions Name of gauge GO Plugs NOGO GO Gabs NOGO 687320558 New gauges dimensions, mm Maximum limit of size Minimum limit of size Dmin+z+H/2= Dmin+z-H/2= =32,000+0,006+0,004/2= =32,000+0,006-0,004/2= =32,008 mm =32,004 mm Dmax+H/2=32,039+0,004/2= Dmax-H/2=32,039-0,004/2= =32,041 mm =32,037 mm dmax-z1+H1/2= dmax-z1-H1/2= =32,119-0,006+0,007/2= =32,119-0,006-0,007/2= =32,1165 mm =32,1095 mm dmin+H1/2= dmin-H1/2= =32,080+0,007/2= =32,080-0,007/2= =32,0835 mm =32,0765 mm 7/12 In drawing 32,008-0,004 GO gauge wear limit Dmin-y= =32,000-0,005= =32,995 mm 32,041-0,004 32,1095+0,007 32,0765+0,007 dmax+y1= =32,119+0,005= =32,124 mm 4. SELECTION OF UNIVERSAL MEASURING MEANS We select the universal measuring means for the fit. We use literature [4]. In table 6.7 the measuring error is =10 m. The dial micrometer MP and dial gab CP is used as measuring means for the shafts. We choose the dial micrometer MP50, the scale interval of which is 2 m, measurement limits are 25 – 50 mm, permissible error is 3 m, measurement force is 6 1 N. To measure the hole we select the dial internal gauge 109, which measurement limit is 18 – 50, scale interval is 2 m, maximum measurement depth is 150 mm, measurement error is 3,5 m, measurement force is 4,5 N. 5. THE FITS OF BALL BEARINGS We select the fits of the first ball bearing. It is said in assignment that overloading of the bearings is up to 150%, normal impacts and vibration. As the shaft turns, we press the inner bearing ring and assemble the outer bearing ring leaving a small clearance. We choose the fit 10 L0/m6 for the inner bearing ring, and 30 H7/l0 for the outer one. Deviations of bearings diameters [4]: inner diameter of inner ring: ES=0, EI= –0,008 mm, outer diameter of outer ring: es=0, ei= – 0,008 mm. Upper deviation of shaft 10m6 is es= + 0,015 mm, lower deviation - ei = + 0,006 mm. Upper deviation of hole 30H7 is ES= + 0,015 mm, lower – EI = 0. Schemes of bearings fits tolerance zones are given in Fig.8. limit + mm + mm 0 L0 ¨ 30 Shaft tolerance Zone -8 - mm Inner ring of bearing toleranc lzone - mm 0 -8 Outer ring of bearing tolerance zone Hole of base tolerance zone l0 +6 0 Nmin=6 Smin=0 0 m6 Smax=23 H7 Nmax=23 +15 ¨ 10 +15 Fig.8. Tolerance zones of bearing rings Structure of bearing unit is shown in Fig.9, and parts joined to bearing No.200 – in Fig. 10 and 11. 687320558 8/12 Form and location tolerances of surfaces joined to bearings: cylindric tolerance of shaft cylindric surface– 0,003 mm, tolerance of complete axial runout of the shaft plane to which the bearing is attached is 0,006 mm, cylindrical tolerance of the hole to which the bearing is mounted is 0,0045 mm, ¨ 10L0/m6 ¨ 30H7/l0 Fig.9. Structure of bearing unit perpendicularity tolerance of the hole end plane is 0,009 mm. Roughness of surfaces connected to bearings: for cylindrical surfaces of the shaft and hole – Ra1,25, for end surfaces of the shaft and hole – Ra2,5. 0,009 A A ¨ 30H7 0,006 A Ra1,25 0,003 Ra2,5 0,003 A ¨ 10 m6 Ra2,5 ¨ 9,5 3 0,0045 A 1,6x45° Ra1,25 11 R0,6max Fig. 10 Hole to which the bearing is mounted Fig. 11 Shaft to which the bearing is mounted 6. FITS OF PRISMATIC KEY CONNECTION Gear 22 and shaft 20 are connected by the prismatic key (see Fig. 1). According to the shaft diameter 18 mm the prismatic key 6x6x16 GOST 23360 is chosen [4]. We choose the normal prismatic key connection. Schemes of connection tolerance zones are shown in Fig. 12. Hight tolerance of key is 6h11( - 0,075). Length tolerance of key is 16h14(-0,43). Tolerance of the cut length in shaft is 16H15(+0,7).Dimension of the cut depth in shaft is t1=3,5(+0,1). Dimension of the cut depth in gear is t1=2,8(+0,1). Numerical values of deviations are taken from [4]. + mm 0 Tolerance zone of cut width in Išdrožos krumpliaratyje pločio gear tolerancijos laukas Išdrožos velene pločio Tolerance zone of cut +15 tolerancijos laukas width in shaft 0 Js9 N9 -15 h9 - mm 6 -30 Tolerance of key Pleištozone pločio width tolerancijos laukas Fig. 12. Tolerances zones for width of key connection 687320558 9/12 According to [6] 234 p. simetric tolerance of key cut is Ts = 2*Tp = 2*0,03 = 0,06 mm and parallelism tolerance of simetric plane according to the shaft axis is Tlyg = 0,5 Tp = 0,5*0,03 = 0,015 mm. 7. CALCULATION OF DIMENSIONS CHAIN Skaičiuojame matmenų grandinę A, parodytą 1 pav. Matmenų grandinės schemoje (žr. 15 pav.) We calculate the dimensions chain A, shown in Fig. 1 and in scheme of dimensions chain (see Fig.13). A3 A4 A2" A5 A A1 Fig. 13. Scheme of dimensions chain In chain width of bearing 16 – 0,12 is marked by the letter A“. We will calculate the chain by program MGML are given in table 3. Data for the chain calculation lentelė Basic dimension, Factor of impact mm A2“ =16 -1 A1=150 -1 A3=145 1 A4=1 1 A5=20 1 A= 2 Table 3 Upper 0 Deviations, mm Lower -0,12 Fundamental pz js js js 0 -1,5 In the table 3 the factor of impact for reducing members is -1 and for increasing members is 1. In the fundamental column the letters „pz“ mean that deviations of this member will be corrected in the case the calculated number of tolerance units doesn‘t coincide with standard tolerance units number for any grade of tolerance. Date and calculation results are given in Fig. 14. 687320558 10/12 a} b) Fig. 14. a – initial data; b – calculation results. We check if the sum of chain members tolerances equals the tolerance of closing member. 4 1 i 1 i 1 TA TA" (670+400+100+210)+120 = 1380 + 120 = 1500 m. The tolerance of closing member also equals to 1500 . 8. DATA FOR SHAFT DRAWING 1. The length of span measurement across several teeth of geared part of the shaft. Span measurement across several is measured between the opposite profiles of teeth. The formulas for calculation are taken from [3]. The gear module m=2,5 mm, teeth number z=30. 7-C GOST 1643 – 81 is chosen as precision of the gear. The length of span measurement across several teeth. W=m*W‘, W‘=10,753 mm – The length of span measurement across several teeth, when m=1 mm and z=30 [3. 429 p.]. W=2,5*10,753=26,88 mm. Four teeth are involved in measurement. 687320558 11/12 2. Find the precision of span measurement across several teeth. The lower deviation of span measurement across several teeth is Ews= -100 mm [3. 464 p. 37 table]. The tolerance of cinematic deviation is Fr=36 m , when gear is at the 7th precision grade and pitch diameter d= 75 mm. The tolerance of span measurement across several teeth T=70 m [3. 466p.. 40 table]. -0,100 The length of span measurement across several teeth is 26,88 -0,170. LITERATURE 1. 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