ANNUAL CYCLE OF BUSINESS One of the recommendations in the Committees Review Report to Council in July 2006 was: R11. that at the beginning of session all the major committees should agree an annual business cycle showing what business will be considered at each meeting and how the business links to university strategy and also where the major risks to the University might be Different committees have taken varying approached to the drafting of such a paper. Links are provided in the table below – press CTRL and click on the link to go to the first page of each document. Alternatively, the documents are available on the Admin S:\COMMON drive in the Papers folder. Council paper 06/668 Council Senate paper 06/593 Senate Research Committee paper 06/111 Research Strategy and Resources paper 06/128 Strategy Academic Standards and Quality Committee paper 06/666 ASQC Graduate Development Committee GDC Committee Secretaries’ Toolkit paper 06/714 08/04/2020 Annual Cycle of Business against Council's Statement of Primary Responsibilities 06/668 Primary Responsibility Business/Activity Lead/Delegated Authority Timing/Frequency 1. Approval of mission and strategic vision, plans and KPIs. 1. Contribute to and approve Strategic Plan and financial forecasts. 1. S&RC and Finance Group June/July 2007. 2. Approval of academic developments. 2. Senate. 2. Delegate authority to ViceChancellor for management of University. Annual address to Council on University achievements and ambitions Vice-Chancellor. October 2006. 3. Establish and monitor systems 1. of control and accountability. Internal audit programme for next Session 1& 2 Audit Committee (and Joint Internal Audit) 1. June/July 2006 2&3 2006 2. Audit Committee and JIAU Annual Reports 2005/06 3. Risk management Annual Report Finance Group/S&RC December 4. Monitor and evaluate the Review Key Performance Indicators performance and effectiveness (KPIs). of the institution. S&RC February 2007. 5. Monitor and evaluate the performance of the governing body itself. 1. 2007/08. 1. Undertake review of effectiveness. 1. Council and Working Group on Governance. 2. Committees Review 2. Council and Senate 2. July 2007 6. Conduct business in accordance with best practice in corporate governance. Statement of Corporate Governance in annual accounts. 2 Treasurer, S&RC and Audit Committee. December 2006. Annual Cycle of Business against Council's Statement of Primary Responsibilities 7. Safeguard the good name and values of the University. 8. Appointment of ViceChancellor and performance monitoring. 06/668 Vice-Chancellor and University Board. On-going. 1. Establishment of Appointing Committee as set out in Ordinance 5 1. Council/Senate N/A 2. V-C's appraisal by Chair. 2. Vice-Chancellor/Chair of Council September 2007. 9. Appointment of a Secretary Appointment made by Council and separation of responsibilities by means of two job descriptions. Council/Vice-Chancellor Completed 2004. 10. Be employing authority for all staff. 1. Approve Human Resource Strategy, Health and Safety Policy, Equality and Diversity issues. 2. Salaries for senior staff 3. Pension provision for staff 4. Approve Chair appointments 1. S&RC, Human Resources Committee, Health Safety and Environment Committee, Equality and Diversity Committee On-going 11. Be principal financial and business authority, approving annual budget and be responsible for University's assets, property and estate. 12. Be legal authority and ensure university meets its 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Approve University accounts Receive financial reports Monitor Estate Development Risk Management Annual Report. Value for Money Annual Report Financial Regulations Allocations of resources Appoint panel of legal advisors with 3 2. Remuneration Committee 3. CU Pension Fund Trustees 4. Senate Finance Group, S&RC, Audit and Estate Strategy Group July 2007. 1, 4, 5 December 2006 2 + 3 every meeting 6. July meeting 7. March/April meeting Vice-Chancellor, Secretary to Council and On-going. Annual Cycle of Business against Council's Statement of Primary Responsibilities obligations. 13. Make provision for general welfare of students. 14. Act as trustee for property, legacy, endowment bequest or gift. Council member present. other Administrative Directors 1. Monitor student services 2. Receive reports from Student President. 3. Tuition Fees 1. Pro Vice-Chancellor for Staff and Students 2. Student President. 3. Finance Group/S&RC 4. Finance Group 4. Residences Fees 1. Allocation and monitoring of student prizes and awards Treasury Management Report 2. 06/668 1. Report to S&RC 2. Every Meeting of Council 3. March/April 4. Nov/Dec meeting 1. Senate and Pro Vice-Chancellor for Staff and Students 2. Treasurer/Finance Group 15. Ensure constitution is followed and that appropriate advice is obtained. Secretary to Council. 4 Annual report 06/593 SENATE: CYCLE OF BUSINESS, SESSION 2006-07 The following matters are scheduled to come before Senate in Session 2006-07: Presentation by Vice-Chancellor on the state of the University [1st meeting of Session] Welsh Language Scheme Annual Report [November] Honorary Fellows [April-June] RAE - approval of Cardiff's submission intentions. HEFCE will be surveying Cardiff University’s intentions during the Spring of 2007 Institutional Review Strategic Plan – annual review and report against progress for University Strategic Plan and supporting Strategies [Research, L&T, Innovation and Engagement] Review of teaching allocation methodology Committee Review – follow-up of consideration of remit and membership of subcommittees of Senate. The following routine items will be presented to Senate at most meetings: Report of action taken by Chair of Academic Policy Committee Chair’s action Minutes from sub-committees, Council and S&RC Vacancies on committees (as required) Staff matters Research Grants and Statistics 1X 06/111 ANNUAL CYCLE OF BUSINESS – RESEARCH COMMITTEE SESSION 2006/07 1. Background 1.1 A recommendation from the current review of committees is that Committees receive at their first meeting of each session a paper setting out the annual cycle of business and how it fits with the delivery of University strategy. 1.2 Appendix 1 shows the priority business for Research Committee in Session 2006/07, in line with the Research Strategy. The table also shows lead responsibilities for the support and delivery of actions, including where work will be undertaken by subgroups of Research Committee. Outline timescales for the actions are also provided. 1.3 The review of committees also recommends that Chairs/secretaries examine during Session 2006/07 the terms of reference and membership of the Committee. This review will inform the future development of the annual cycle of business. The development of the Research Strategy and pilot of the Lean-approach will also inform future iterations of the business cycle. 1.4 The Research Committee is invited to consider the cycle of business for Session 2006/07 as at Appendix 1. K Hoose 051006 6 06/111 RESEARCH COMMITTEE –CYCLE OF BUSINESS FOR SESSION 2006/07 Business 1. Lead Responsibilities Timescale PLANN/RACDV Research Committee to consider December 2006 for further development throughout the year. Research Performance Indicators Group Session 2006/07 Research Performance Indicators Group, with PLANN/RACDV October 2006 Approve research income targets for 2006/07 Research income targets for 2007/08: review methodology and targets Research Performance Indicators Group, with PLANN/RACDV By May 2007 Review PGR student targets and methodology (with Graduate Development Committee) Research Performance Indicators Group, with PLANN/REGIS By May 2007 Receive reports of research awards and grants awarded RACDV Receive report on success against previous Session’s research income targets RACDV Research Strategy Review the Research Strategy, pilot Lean-thinking, and develop action plans. 2. Development of Performance Indicators In line with development of Research Strategy and Critical Success Factors, determine key performance indicators. 3. First meeting of each session External Context Consider external context for research (e.g. local, national and international policy matters; funding issues) 4. At each meeting of Research Committee, plus annual report on total income for previous Session PLANN/RACDV As issues arise, but standing item on agendas Research Assessment Exercise Manage Cardiff’s submission to the 2007/08 Research Assessment Exercise: Project management/data and software issues; Deadline for submission 30 November 2007 RAE Operations Group 7 Monthly meetings 06/111 5. 6. Strategic approach and advice to schools and institution RAE Sub-Group Oversight of work of RAE Sub-Group RAE Steering Group Research Web Profiles project INSRV Update reports to each meeting of Research Committee Sponsor Research Committee seminar on a theme regarding the achievement and promotion of excellence in research PLANN Annually in September Disseminate good practice on building quality research Secretary Following consideration at October 2006 meeting Receive and endorse the methodology for distribution to schools of the Research Allocations for the next session PLANN May meeting (following publication of HEFCW Recurrent Grant) Consider use of external initiative funding in support of research, e.g. HEFCW monies, SRIF etc Chair and representatives as appropriate, with PLANN/RACDV, to advise As required Determine use of Research Initiative Funds for 2006/07: Research Initiative Sub-Group of Research Committee Review November 2006 for report to Research Committee December 2006. Travel Grant Scheme, Visiting Fellows Scheme RAE Steering Group/RAE Steering Group As cases for strategic support are identified in preparation of RAE submissions up to November 2007. RAE Initiative monies Chair/Secretary As cases arise; reported to Research Committee as Chair’s action Monthly meetings (with update reports to each meeting of Research Committee) As required Promotion of Excellence and Research Quality Research Infrastructure and Funding Receive update reports from the Portal Services Implementation Group (PSIG) for Research, as part of Modern Working Environment (MWE) project INSRV via Chair Update report to each meeting 8 06/111 7. 8. 9. Support for Interdisciplinary Research Establish Research Topic Groups, as required, in line with priority areas, and receive notes therefrom RACDV; Chair/Secretary of Topic Groups to provide notes As required; in line with Research Topic Group meetings. Notes will be made available to members for inspection. Sponsorship and support of interdisciplinary events RACDV Three events held annually Oversee establishment of Interdisciplinary Research Centres (IRCs), including consideration of business cases PLANN/RACDV (with other support directorates as required); Chair of Research Committee and Dean of Interdisciplinary Studies As required. Cases dealt with by correspondence as required, and outcomes reported to Research Committee Consider issues relating to the training and development of early stage researchers Early Stage Researchers Group; Research and Graduate Schools ESRG reports to each meeting of Research Committee; RGS reports made available to members for inspection Report to, and receive from, Graduate Development Committee any issues of note Secretary Following each meeting. GDC reports will be made available to members for inspection. Oversee development and sustainability of a Universitywide awareness of ethical issues University Research Ethics Committee (UREC) Minutes of meetings made available to members for inspection; annual report to Research Committee May 2007 Oversee scientific review and risk assessment for joint Trust/University projects in line with the Research Governance Framework. Joint Trust /University Peer and Risk Review Committee (JTUPeRR) Minutes of meetings made available to members for inspection Enhancement of Research Culture Research Governance and Management 9 ANNUAL CYCLE OF BUSINESS FOR STRATEGY AND RESOURCES COMMITTEE FOR 2006/07 1. Background and Remit 1.1 The Strategy and Resources Committee is governed by Ordinance 10H which sets out its composition, powers and lines of reporting and has been delegated authority by the Council. As such, the Committee is expected to submit reports to the Council on decisions it takes on their behalf. The Strategy and Resources Committee has a broad remit and Ordinance 10H has been structured to give clarity to its duties and responsibilities by grouping them according to the nature of business. 2. Position within the University’s Committee Framework 2.1 The committee structure for Cardiff University provides a clear delineation of how committees relate to each other and how reporting lines are intended to operate. Within the approved committee framework, the Strategy and Resources Committee has a sub-structure of sub-committees and groups. 3. Responsibilities 3.1 The table attached at Appendix 1 to this paper illustrates the responsibilities of Strategy and Resources Committee. It shows the duties and reporting lines, the business the Committee can expect to receive and when, and the lead responsibilities in terms of both directorates/divisions and other Committees and Sub-Groups. 3.2 Strategy and Resources Committee holds a responsibility for strategic planning across the University which includes ensuring the integration of institutional strategies and the effectiveness of strategic planning processes, having regard to the external context in which the University operates. This also includes the monitoring of progress against objectives. It holds a responsibility for resource allocation including approval of the University’s annual budget and authorisation of the allocation of external initiative monies. It also has responsibilities in respect of financial management, estates management, human resources management (including equality and diversity issues), information management and management controls, in terms of compliance with legislation affecting the management and operation of the Universities activities. Strategy and Resources Committee has a wide remit and thus could be said to be deliberative, decision-making, advisory and monitoring in terms of its outputs. 4. Issues for Consideration 4.1 The Annual Business Cycle has served to highlight some issues which might merit consideration by the Committee. These issues range from items which perhaps should come through the Committee and items which perhaps no longer need to. The list below illustrates the items in question: 3.1.1 – Strategic Planning. The Committee receives a wide range of strategic planning documents and University strategies. However, it has not received the full Information Strategy, only an Annual Report. Perhaps, given the importance attached to IT developments, the Committee should formally receive the University’s Information Strategy. This also raises the question of the University’s Learning Environment Strategy and the involvement that the Committee should have with this given that resources will need to be allocated to deliver the Strategy. 3.1.4 – School Strategic Planning Processes. The remit of the Committee states that it should ‘receive recommendations on the processes and guidelines for School strategic plans for approval’. However, in the last couple of years this has been done through 2 the University Board (which also acts as the Standing Panel for Strategy and Resources Committee) and this approach has worked effectively. 3.2.2 – Annual budgets for Support Directorates. The remit of the Committee states that it should ‘receive and consider budgets of support directorates’. This has not formally come through the Committee and perhaps is something that could be delegated to the Finance Group and reported back through the Finance Group Report to the Committee. 3.2.5 – Allocation to the Students’ Union. The Committee should receive and consider the recommended allocation to the Students’ Union but, again, this has not formally come through the Committee. Perhaps, again this is something that could be formally delegated to the Finance Group. 3.2.7 – Authorise the allocation of external initiative monies. The Committee should note that the mechanism by which this is usually done is through the Standing Panel of Strategy and Resources Committee. 3.5.2 – Emeritus Professors. The remit of the Committee states that it should ‘forward the names of any Emeritus Professors to Senate and the Council’. It is worth questioning whether it is actually necessary for the Committee to do this and whether this responsibility could formally be delegated to the Human Resources Committee. 3.8.1 – The Project Management Framework. It is worth considering whether the Committee should be receiving reports of the projects within the University which are being carried out under the Project Management Framework or on the proposed review of the Project Management Framework. 3.8.2 – Annual Report from the Directors’ Meeting. The Committee is meant to receive an annual report from the Directors’ Meeting but as this hasn’t happened as yet it seems sensible to consider whether it is actually necessary. 4.2 In the interests of improving the efficiency of the Committee, and given the wide range of business received, now might be a good time to consider how best to handle matters most effectively. This paper is meant to open the debate and any considerations and suggestions could form the basis of a review of the Committee’s terms of reference and remit as recommended by the Committees Review. 5. Recommendations 5.1 Strategy and Resources Committee is asked to: Note the activities in the Annual Cycle of Business attached at Appendix 1 to this paper; Consider the issues noted above and how the Committee could work more effectively; Note that, this session, consideration will be given to whether the Committee’s terms of reference and remit are still fit for purpose. Nichola Amor Planning Division 02/11/06 3 06/128 Appendix 1 ANNUAL CYCLE OF BUSINESS FOR STRATEGY AND RESOURCES COMMITTEE FOR 2006/07 3.1 .1 Strategic Planning Duties/Reporting Lines Business Timing Lead Responsibilities Consider proposals for the institutional Strategic Plan, having considered the views expressed by University Board, and ensure integration of institutional strategies, for recommendation to Council. Receive: Strategic Plan and financial forecasts, June 2007 Planning Division/ Finance Division plus a report on progress against objectives to be received annually; November 2006 Planning Division/Research and Commercial Development Division Innovation and Engagement Strategy; November 2006 (Innovation and Engagement Board) Estates Strategy Review June 2007 Estates Division (Estates Strategy Group) .2 Oversee use of the HEFCW Third Mission Fund. Welsh Language Provision Action Plan; June 2007 Registry (Welsh Medium SubCommittee) Race Equality Policy and Action Plan. June 2007 Corporate Compliance Unit (Equality and Diversity Committee) Innovation and Engagement Board established as a sub-committee of Strategy and Resources Committee which receives the minutes of the Group and its sub-panels, and any November 2006 Planning Division 3 (Innovation and Engagement Board) 06/111 Duties/Reporting Lines Business Timing Lead Responsibilities Minutes of the Health Policy group and other issues received as and when necessary. Health Policy Group substantive strategic issues arising therefrom. .3 Ensure the University’s “All Wales” role, and shaping of/response to health policy developments are given appropriate consideration. Health Policy Group established as a sub-committee of Strategy and Resources Committee. Strategy and Resources Committee receives the minutes of the Group, and any substantive strategic issues arising therefrom. .4 Ensure the processes for the school strategic planning process are effective and efficient. Receive recommendations on the processes and guidelines for school strategic plans for approval. .5 Consider, at least on an annual basis, the current external context in which the University operates at international, national, regional and local level in order to assess how that context affects its strategic plans. Report thereon to Senate and the Council. Consider External Context paper. November 2006 Planning Division Duties/Reporting Lines Business Timing Lead Responsibilities Approve, on an annual basis, the allocation of the University’s annual budget, including monies to the Academic Policy Committee for distribution to Schools. Receive and consider a paper on Estimated Allocations. June 2007 Planning Division / Finance Division (Finance Group) 3.2 .1 Planning Division Resource Allocation 4 06/111 .2 Consider and approve the annual budgets for the support directorates. Receive and consider budgets of support directorates. Finance Division (Finance Group) .3 Approve the funds to be made available to the Information Services Directorate, subject to receipt of a satisfactory annual operational plan for the expenditure of funding. Receive and consider operational plan from Information Services Directorate and planned expenditure. Information Services Directorate/ Finance Division (Finance Group) .4 Approve in-year allocations and subsequent revisions thereafter within the overall budget (excluding funds allocated to the Academic Policy Committee and the Information Services Directorate). Receive and consider paper on Final Allocations, Consider the allocation given by the University to the Students’ Union. Receive and consider recommended allocation to the Students’ Union. Receive the Students’ Union annual accounts and budget. Receive Students’ Union accounts and budget. November 2006 .6 Satisfy itself that value for money is being sought and achieved for the use of all funds. Receive an annual report on Value for Money. November 2006 .7 Authorise the allocation of external initiative monies. Approve the internal allocation of monies from various HEFCW funding schemes, such as: .5 February 2007 Planning Division/ Finance Division (Finance Group) and ad-hoc reports on allocations of As and when additional funding, e.g. from the necessary Unspecified Fund, Vice-Chancellor’s Fund. Finance Division (Finance Group) Science Research Investment Fund; Widening Access Premium and Widening Access Fund; 5 Finance Division (Finance Group) Planning Division November 2006 Planning Division (Innovation and Engagement Board) 06/111 3.3 .1 .2 Capital Infrastructure monies for Learning and Teaching & IT, and any Supplementary rounds of funding; As and when received from HEFCW Planning Division/ Third Mission Fund; November 2006 Research and Commercial Directorate/ Planning Division (Innovation and Engagement Board) Welsh Medium Provision funding. As and when received from HEFCW Registry (Welsh Medium SubCommittee) Reconfiguration & Collaboration Fund As and when received from HEFCW Planning Division Strategic Development Fund As and when received from HEFCW Planning Division Duties/Reporting Lines Business Timing Lead Responsibilities Receive advice on financial management matters. The Finance Group provides specific advice on the financial matters at 2.9 of Ordinance 10H. A report from Finance Group is received at every meeting. Finance Division Receive and consider Judgement November 2006 Finance Division Financial Management Recommend to the Audit Committee and the Council that the relevant criteria by 6 (Finance Group) 06/111 which financial statements have been prepared satisfy the Council's responsibilities. paper. (Finance Group) Receive financial accounts. Receive annual financial accounts. November 2006 Finance Division (Finance Group) .3 Recommend to the Academic Policy Committee an annual schedule of tuition fees. Receive annual schedule of tuition fees. February 2007 Finance Division (Finance Group) .4 Receive, via the Campus Services Group, for approval residential fees, other charges relating to residential accommodation/facilities, and other fees/charges for services overseen by the Campus Services Group. Approve: Residences and Catering budget and residential fees; June 2007 Campus Services Group Aberdare Hall budget and residential fees; June 2007 Campus Services Group any issues related to charges for sport and exercise facilities. 3.4 .1 Campus Services Group Estate Management Duties/Reporting Lines Business Timing Lead Responsibilities Responsibilities for the estate of the University in its widest sense. Receive the minutes of the meetings of the Estates Strategy Group and the project groups established to oversee major schemes for building development and refurbishment, and any matters arising therefrom. As and when available Estates Division (Estate Project Groups) 7 06/111 Responsibilities for the estate of the University in its widest sense. (continued) Receive, for note, reports on planning applications and tenders awarded for building works. As and when necessary Receive reports on planned new building developments/ refurbishment/ maintenance, and space allocation. Estates Division (Estates Strategy Group) Consider any proposals for changes to the space allocation guideline formula. 3.5 .1 .2 Estates Division (Estates Strategy Group) Estates Division/ Planning Division (Estates Strategy Group) Human Resource Management Duties/Reporting Lines Business Timing Lead Responsibilities Receive advice on the operation and implementation of the HR Strategy and personnel procedures and policies, for recommendation to Council. Receive the minutes of the Human Resource Committee and any substantive strategic items of business for consideration and recommendation thereon to the Council. Minutes of the Human Resources Committee meetings will be received at the November, February and June meetings Human Resources Directorate Emeritus Professors. Forward the names of any Emeritus Professors to Senate and the Council. As and when necessary Human Resources Committee/ Secretary of Strategy and Resources Committee (Human Resources Committee) 8 (Human Resources Committee) 06/111 3.6 Equality and Diversity Issues Duties/Reporting Lines Business Timing Lead Responsibilities Receive advice on equality and diversity issues which impact on students and staff, for recommendation to Council. Receive the minutes of the Equality and Diversity Committee, and any substantive strategic items of business for consideration and recommendation thereon to the Council. Minutes of the Equality and Diversity Committee meetings will be received at the November, February and June meetings. Equality and Diversity Manager Duties/Reporting Lines Business Timing Lead Responsibilities .1 Ensure the implementation and operation of the University’s Information Strategy. Receive an annual report from the Director of the Information Services Directorate on information technology, information services and information resources and investment. Strategy and Resources Committee may ask to receive update reports on major IT/IS projects. February 2007 Information Services Directorate .2 Consider other strategic issues related to information management. The Committee is likely to receive items of business including issues arising from the Freedom of Information Act Publication Scheme and a strategy for Management Information Systems and resourcing thereof. .1 3.7 (Equality and Diversity Committee) Information Management 9 Information Services Directorate/ Corporate Services Directorate 06/111 3.8 .1 .2 Management Controls Duties/Reporting Lines Business Satisfy itself that mechanisms are in place to ensure compliance with legislation affecting the management and operation of the University’s activities. Receive advice and reports on: Monitor the structure, operation and expenditure of the support services. Timing Lead Responsibilities Data protection; Information Services Directorate/Corporate Compliance Unit Project Management Framework; Planning Division/ other support directorates as appropriate Risk management and contingency planning. Finance Division/ Corporate Compliance Unit Strategy and Resources Committee to consider how this might be done most efficiently and effectively, particularly with regard to those services with large operational budgets. Strategic Development Directorate/ Finance Division Receipt of an annual report from the Directors’ Meeting. VCO 10 06/666 DRAFT ASQC ACTION PLAN: 2006 – 2008 (to be confirmed following consultation with ASQC Members) Activity/Theme Developing and delivering quality assurance processes (key priorities/performance indicators for the development and delivery of institutional quality assurance procedures. See also the area of activity below on maximising the use of evidence sources.) 2006-07 performance indicators Progress/plans against performance indicators To agree with all Schools a schedule for engaging with QPR Round 2 during the period 2006 – 2008. Proposals for the scheduling of the second round of Quality Progress Review and Periodic Review were approved by ASQC last session. An update on the scheduling of future events is provided under Agendum 9.1. To commence QPR Round 2 activity. QPR Round 2 has recently commenced, with EARTH being the first School to engage with the process. To complete QPR Round 1 activity at Heath Park Schools. MEDIC undertook QPR Round 1 in November 2006 and the outcomes will be reported to the next meeting of ASQC. All Heath Park Schools will then have completed QPR Round 1. To agree the format of the next round of Periodic Review and Revalidation processes, to be delivered during the period 2008 – 2011. Proposals will be presented for consideration by ASQC during Session 2006-07. To complete Periodic Review and Revalidation Round 1 activity at Heath Park Schools. PGMDE completed Periodic Review and Revalidation last Session. DENTL and SOHCS (Pre-Registration Programmes) have recently completed Periodic Review and the outcomes of these Revalidation events will be presented to the next meeting of ASQC. SONMS are currently engaged in Periodic Review and have requested an extension to the Review period (vide Agendum 9.3). MEDIC are scheduled to undertake Periodic Review during Session 2007 – 2008, as are SOHCS in respect of their Post-Registration programmes. To continue to deliver and develop the APRE process (including the consideration of issues arising from APRE Sub-Committee to consider the operation of the APRE process and to make recommendations for 11 2007-08 performance indicators 06/666 Developing the Cardiff University awards Framework (key priorities/performance indicators to ensure that the Cardiff University Awards Framework is sufficiently robust and flexible to respond to external and internal developments) the reports of external examiners). any amendments/enhancements to the process. To develop a consolidated approach to annual reporting to ASQC on the assessment process, to facilitate the work of ASQC in identifying institutional themes and areas requiring attention. Proposals to be presented to ASQC in February 2007, addressing the areas discussed at the last meeting (vide ASQC Minute 191.2). REGIS has established an internal group (The TAP Group) to consider assessment-related matters in an integrated and holistic manner, and this Group is developing the approach to be presented to ASQC. To respond to external developments related to credit and awards frameworks, such as CQFW and ECTS, and to the ongoing revision of the QAA Code of Practice. Regulations Sub-Committee to consider relating to ECTS during Session 2006-07. To respond to the ongoing work of the Burgess Review Group on the future of the UK Honours Degree. The Second Consultation from the Burgess Group has recommended a model for recording student achievement in HE based on a pass/fail approach with an enhanced Diploma Supplement/Transcript. Following discussion at the October meeting of ASQC, Cardiff has responded to the Consultation. To continue to roll-out CU Awards across provision as appropriate. Confirmation required from relevant statutory/regulatory bodies of necessary constitutional changes and completion of recognition procedures. Overseas authorities need to be kept fully informed of changes. To consider further Regulatory changes and clarifications arising from Degree Awarding Powers (the Regulations ‘Shopping List’) – to ensure that the Regulatory framework is clear, consistent and A number of changes have been agreed during last Session and this Session. Further changes will be presented to ASQC during this Session, following initial consideration by the Regulations SubCommittee. issues QAA are progressively reviewing all Sections of the Code of Practice and Cardiff will continue to contribute to the consultation with the sector on revision and, subsequently, to ensure its internal processes meet the Precepts contained in the revised Sections of the Code. 12 06/666 accessible to students, staff and other stakeholders. Implementation of the Assessment Strategy To continue to support schools in implementing procedures related to recent regulatory changes. (priority actions to support reliability of assessment) To support the University’s policies and procedures related to unfair practice. Maximising the use of evidence sources A programme of support to consolidate and help schools embed the actions arising from the implementation of the Assessment Strategy is currently being developed. To help provide continuity and ongoing support for schools, funding has been agreed to keep the Change Champion (Assessment) in post for one day a week throughout 2007. A well attended and well-received programme of seminars and events was held during October and November, including workshops on plagiarism and unfair practice. To consider further regulatory and procedural changes to enhance reliability in assessment. Under Agendum 7.3, ASQC is invited to recommend to APC and Senate the approval of Guidance for Schools on reliability and consistency of marking and feedback. To review, and if appropriate, revise procedures for reasonable adjustments in assessment. Policy in this area is being reviewed in light of schools’ experience of implementing the current arrangements. To identify an institutional approach to the collective analysis of the outcomes from all student-based evidence sources (eg NSS, Project ‘Q’, School-based questionnaires, feedback from the new Students’ Academic Council), to enable the University to address the main themes arising in a concerted fashion. Proposals to be presented to ASQC during Session 2006-07. To continue to develop and integrate the use made of the outputs from the key quality and REGIS officers to undertake initial work on the use made of outputs from these processes and the scope for enhanced integration of the consideration of these 13 06/666 standards processes of APRE external examiners’ reports QPR (Rounds 1 and 2) Periodic Review Reports of PAP events reports of PSB accreditation events outputs. This work will then link directly to the above approach to be agreed in respect of the outcomes from student-based evidence sources. QPR Round 2 will be an additional source of evidence of practice within Schools in relation to these areas. to enable the University to address the permeating themes of Equality and Diversity, Student Involvement, Learning Environment and Learner Support in an integrated fashion. To propose specific actions relating to the evidence gathered on the experience of students in the following areas: Developing the institutional ‘Bologna’ agenda (actions to enable the University and its Schools to better engage with the key issues arising from the ‘Bologna’ ensuring equality of experience for Jointly Taught students; students studying away from the Institution To implement ASQC’s agreed approach to the development of the ‘Bologna’ agenda (this also links to the implementation of the University’s new framework for collaborative provision – see Analysis is currently being undertaken of a range of evidence sources pertinent to the experience of jointly taught students; this issue will be considered again with reference to the revised draft of Section 9 of the QAA Code of Practice, when this is available. QAA have indicated that a draft will shortly be available for consultation with the sector. The publication date is planned for the end of April 2007. An officers group comprising members from REGIS, PLANN, INTER and RACDV met on 23 October 2006 to discuss sources of information on the Bologna process, the issues arising from the process and the best way to involve Academic Schools in the discussions surrounding the Bologna issues. 14 06/666 process) below). The group agreed to construct a single source document containing links to the various information sources and to give thought to the best way of involving Academic Schools in future discussions. Future approach to portfolio management To review and enhance the institutional Programme Approval Procedure (PAP) Proposals to be presented to ASQC during Session 2006-07. To implement relevant aspects of the University’s new frameworks for the approval and delivery of Collaborative and Flexible/Distributed Learning provision (this also links to the implementation of ASQC’s agreed approach to the ‘Bologna agenda’ – see above). Establishment of Collaborative Provision Sub-Group of ASQC with immediate effect. To consider the purpose, remit, evidence sources of and outputs from ASQC, LTC & GDC The Group established to undertake this review is scheduled to meet on 23 January 2007, following which recommendations will be presented to ASQC, GDC and LTC during this Session. University Committee Review – review of the purpose, remit and membership of ASQC, GDC and LTC Incorporation of the Collaborative and F/D-L frameworks within the University’s Programme Approval and Maintenance Handbooks. REGIS officers have been in discussion with Martineau Johnson Solicitors to produce a suite of template documents for institutional agreements to be used for collaborative provision. These discussions are ongoing. 15 06/666 REGULAR ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION BY ASQC In addition to the above developmental actions, ASQC will continue to receive, as appropriate: minutes/reports from its Sub-Committees; reports of the appointment of external examiners and any issues relating thereto; reports of the outcomes of PAP events; proposals for changes to existing degree programmes, as and when these arise; reports of the outcomes of PSB accreditation events; information relating to the volume, nature and scope of the University’s key quality assurance processes; information from external bodies (eg HEFCW, QAA) in respect of national quality and standards developments; reports on the way in which the University exercises its delegated authority under the City & Guilds Senior Awards Scheme; summary reports from Graduate Development Committee and Learning and Teaching Committee (and will itself submit reciprocal reports to those Committees) David H Lloyd Senior Assistant Registrar 5 December, 2006 16 06/714 GRADUATE DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE DRAFT ACTION PLAN Area of activity Priority area/ performance indicators Progress against priority area/performance indicators 1. Admission and induction The monitoring of postgraduate intake numbers against targets to assess progress against institutional objective of recruiting increasing numbers of high quality postgraduate students. Report to GDC October 2006 charted progress against PGR and PGT targets set for session 2006-7. A sub-group of Research Committee is currently determining CSFs and KPIs to support the University' Research Strategy; this includes determining methodology for establishing further PG intake targets. Chair of GDC is a member. The development of a more applicant-centred institutional admissions policy. A Task and Finish Group is to be established during 2006-7 under the aegis of ASQC to progress the development of an institution-wide 'Admissions Framework', which will concentrate on selection and offer-making and their fairness, consistency and transparency. Membership of the Task and Finish Group will include Postgraduate Admission Tutors. _________________________________________________________ The updating of the guidance given to selectors, supported by seminar sessions. ______________________________________________ To be addressed through the 'Admissions Framework' (see above). The review of applicant and admission management information Standard management information reports received by October 2006 meeting of GDC. Agenda item A12 refers further. – including, specifically, the monitoring of conversion rates and 'turn-around' targets. ________________________________________________ 2. The Postgraduate Portfolio The development of a more co-ordinated approach to tiered and progressive research student induction – considering timing, content, information issues, and the needs of part-time/distant students. See Agenda item A11. The consideration of key points of principle in respect of postgraduate provision, their formats, structures, assessment, as applicable, including where that provision is new and innovative. New Professional Doctorate approved for commencement of 2006-7; exit point awards to be clarified under Agenda item A8. See Agenda item A7. 3. Quality and Standards The continued delivery and development of the Annual Review and Evaluation process (including the consideration of issues 17 06/714 Area of activity Priority area/ performance indicators Progress against priority area/performance indicators arising from the reports of external examiners) ___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ The establishment of a Code of Practice for the dissertation stage of Master's programmes, using the Code for Research Degrees as a reference points for the key issues. See Agenda item A7. _______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ A particular focus on all various aspects of provision for part-time students (- initially, PGR), to ensure equitability of experience against full-time counterparts. Specifically incorporated into Annual Review and Evaluation. Report received by GDC at its October 2006 – more detailed management information and, potentially, a survey of part-time PGR students to result, in order to further progress this matter. See also 'section on 'skills'. _______________________________________________ Establishment of clearer definitions of the entitlements of PGR students, including post-registration and post-examination stages. _______________________________________________ The implementation of the Assessment Strategy – ensuring that postgraduate programmes are fully considered; in respect of PGR, ensuring relevance to progression and final assessment and the connectivity between the two, to reinforce understanding of award criteria throughout the programme. Registry has established an internal group (the TAP Group) to consider assessmentrelated matters in an integrated and holistic manner. __________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Routine report received by GDC October 2006. The monitoring of PhD completion rates in support of the institutional objective to improve this KPI. A sub-group of Research Committee is currently determining CSFs and KPIs to support the University' Research Strategy; this includes consideration of PhD completion rates. Chair of GDC is a member. _______________________________________________ Training for teaching: the establishment of a co-ordinated approach to connect various initiatives and ensure they are centred around PCUTL as a logical touchstone for activity in this 18 06/714 Area of activity Priority area/ performance indicators Progress against priority area/performance indicators area. ________________________________________________ Development of the Student Information Management System 'Research Module'. Work is ongoing: the target date for delivery of first stage is 1 April 2006 – this will support basic administrative processes associated with examination and the monitoring of student progress. (Further development and implementation will be progressed in consultation with Schools and Graduate Schools.) __________________________________________________________ The establishment of an institutional English Language Policy for PGR students. At its October 2006 meeting, GDC recommended that the English Language Policy previously agreed for taught students be equally applied to PGR; this was approved by Senate November 2006. _______________________________________________ (a) Regulations (b) Supervision The consideration of an institutional position on collaborative PhD arrangements – e.g. 'Co-Tutelle' (under the University's collaborative awards framework, and with a view to the Bologna process). Consideration of how we monitor at institutional level the minimum experience and skills of supervisory teams to assure itself of the equitable treatment of students. ________________________________________________ This matter, raised specifically by the QAA Special Review team, was highlighted in the guidance for the latest round of Annual Review and Evaluation (but will require further action). ____________________________________________________________ Review of how support and information can best be provided to supervisors, including external supervisors. GDC received a report on supervisor training, October 2006; institution-wide supervisor training sessions arranged and part-delivered for 2006/7. Further development is to be considered by the Directors of Graduate Schools group – acting as a 'Task and Finish' group of GDC. ___________________________________________________________ Review of the implementation of formal record keeping of supervisory meetings. ________________________________________________ Consideration of how we ensure that the production of the Research Plan, including training needs analysis is being fully 19 This matter, raised specifically by the QAA Special Review team, was highlighted in the guidance for the latest round of Annual Review and Evaluation (but will require 06/714 Area of activity (c) Skills development Priority area/ performance indicators Progress against priority area/performance indicators operated across all Schools. further action). The continued development of RSSDP co-ordinated by Graduate Centre and Graduate Schools, and contextualised by ongoing work of the Early Stage Researchers Strategy Group. Routine report on RSSDP received by October 2006 meeting of GDC. This included specific reference made to skills opportunities developed to meet the perceived needs of part-time PGR students. (Take-up and evaluation are being monitored during 2006-7). This includes consideration of how the University's Training Strategy and Implementation Plan can better meet the needs of part-time and distant students. See also Agenda item A10. ________________________________________________ GDC received report on PGR Development Needs Analysis October 2006 which aimed to determine training gaps in the RSSDP; the report is being further considered by Graduate School Management Groups. ____________________________________________________________ The continued monitoring of PDP in respect of PG students. Specifically incorporated into Annual Review and Evaluation. ________________________________________________ The establishment of the Researchers in Residence programme. See Agenda item A5.1. (d) Outcomes Review of information for research degree candidates/examiners. ____________________________________________________ Review of research degree examination processes, from nomination of examiners to uses made of examiners' reports. _____________________________________________________ (e) Feedback and communications Ensuring that 'Project Q' fully meets the needs of research students and those involved in the management of research student activity See Agenda item A3 (- progress reported under Matters Arising). 20 06/714 4. Overseeing activities of Graduate Centre and Graduate Schools Acting as the parent institutional committee to oversee the continued development of the Graduate Centre and Graduate Schools (specifically, student-related matters). This includes overview of a review of Graduate School activity during 2007. 5. External environment The consideration of matters arising as a result of external imperatives as they manifest – e.g. QAA, research councils. This may be responsive or predictive. 6. Management Information – maximising the use of evidence sources Ongoing review and improvement to Management Information (qualitative and quantitative) in support of the Committee's business. At its October 2006 meeting GDC received and endorsed Management Information reports; further developments requested. See also Agenda item A12. 21X