Sárközy András tudományos munkáinak jegyzéke

Sárközy András tudományos munkáinak jegyzéke
1. A térbeli pontrács rácskockáiról, Mat. Lapok 12 (1961), 232-245.
2. Über totalprimitive Folgen, Acta Arith. 8 (1962), 21-31.
3. -, Elbert Á., Über rationale Polynome, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest. Eötvös 5 (1962),
4. -, Komlós J., Szemerédi E., Komplex számok hatványösszegeiről, Mat. Lapok 15 (1964),
5. -, Szemerédi E., A négyzetszámok sorozatáról, Mat. Lapok 16 (1965), 76-85.
6. Über reduzible Folgen, Acta Arith. 10 (1965), 399-408.
7. -, Szemerédi E., Über ein Problem von Erdős und Moser, Acta Arith. 11 (1965), 205-208.
8. Vizsgálatok az additiv számelmélet összegfogalmára vonatkozóan, kandidátusi
disszertáció, Budapest, 1966. (165 oldal)
9. -, Erdős P., Szemerédi E., On divisibility properties of sequences of integers, Studia Sci.
Math. Hungar. 1 (1966), 431-435.
10. -, Erdős P., Szemerédi E., On the solvability of the equations [ai,aj] = ar and ai, , a ,j  ar,
in sequences of positive density, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 15 (1966), 60-64.
11. -, Erdős P., Szemerédi E., On the divisibilty properties of sequences of integers, I., Acta
Arith. 11 (1966), 411-418.
12. -, Erdős P., Szemerédi E., On a theorem of Behrend, J. Australian Math. Soc. 7 (1967),
13. -, Erdős P., Szemerédi E., The solvability of certain equations in dense sequences of
integers (oroszul), Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 176 (1967), 541-544.
14. -, Erdős P., Szemerédi E., On an extremal problem concerning primitive sequences, J.
London Math. Soc. 42 (1967), 484-488.
15. -, Erdős P., Szemerédi E., On the solvability of certain equations in sequences of positive
upper logarithmic density, J. London Math. Soc. 43 (1968), 71-78.
16. -, Erdős P., Szemerédi E., On the divisibility properties of sequences of integers, II., Acta
Arith. 14 (1968), 1-12.
17. -, Erdős P., Szemerédi E., Über Folgen ganzer Zahlen, in: Abhandlungen aus Zahlentheorie und Analysis (zur Erinnerung an E. Landau), Plenum, New York, 1969; 77-86.
18. -, Erdős P., Szemerédi E., On some extremal properties of sequences of integers, Annales
Univ. Sci. Budapest. Eötvös 12 (1969), 131-135.
19. -, Erdős P., Szemerédi E., On divisibility properties of sequences of integers, Coll. Math.
Soc. J. Bolyai 2 (1970), 35-49.
20. -, Erdős P., On the divisibility properties of sequences of integers, Proc. London Math.
Soc. 21 (1970), 97-101.
21. -, Szemerédi E., Véges halmazok részhalmazainak metszeteiről, Mat. Lapok 21 (1970),
22. -, Erdős P., Ruzsa I., On the number of solutions of f(n) = a for additive functions, Acta
Arith. 24 (1973), 1-9.
23. On products of integers, Studia Sci. Math. Hungar. 9 (1974), 161-171.
24. Some remarks concerning irregularities of distribution of sequences of integers in
arithmetic progressions, I., Coll. Math. Soc. J. Bolyai 13 (1974), 287-303.
25. -, Deshouillers J.-M., Erdős P., On additive bases, Acta Arith. 30 (1976), 121-132.
26. Some metric problems in the additive number theory, I., Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest.
Eötvös 19 (1976), 107-127.
27. Some remarks concerning irregularities of distribution of sequences of integers in
arithmetic progressions, II., Studia Sci. Math. Hungar. 11 (1976), 79-103.
28. On distances near integers, I., Studia Sci. Math. Hungar. 11 (1976), 37-50.
29. On distances near integers, II., Studia Sci. Math. Hungar. 11 (1976), 105-111.
30. Some metric problems in the additive number theory, II., Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest.
Eötvös 20 (1977), 111-129.
31. Remarks on a paper of G. Halász, Periodica Math. Hungar. 8 (1977), 135-150.
32. Some remarks concerning irregularities of distribution of sequences of integers in
arithmetic progressions, IV., Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar. 30 (1977), 155-162.
33. -, Erdős P., On differences and sums of integers, II., Bull. Soc. Math. Gréce 18 (1977),
34. Some remarks concerning irregularities of distribution of sequences of integers in
arithmetic progressions, III., Periodica Math. Hungar. 9 (1978), 127-144.
35. -, Erdős P., On products of integers, II., Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 40 (1978), 243-259.
36. -, Erdős P., Some solved and unsolved problems in combinatorial number theory, Math.
Slovaca 28 (1978), 407-421.
37. On difference sets of sequences of integers, I., Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar. 31 (1978),
38. On difference sets of sequences of integers, II., Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest. Eötvös 21
(1978), 45-53.
39. On difference sets of sequences of integers, III., Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar. 31 (1978),
40. -, Erdős P., On differences and sums of integers, I., J. Number Theory 10 (1978), 430-450.
41. On multiplicative arithmetic functions satisfying a linear recursion, Studia Sci. Math.
Hungar. 13 (1978), 79-104.
42. -, Erdős P., R. R. Hall egy problémájáról, Mat. Lapok 30 (1978-82), 23-31.
43. -, Erdős P., On the prime factors of   and of consecutive integers, Utilitas Math. 16
k 
(1979), 197-215.
44. On additive representations of integers, I., Studia Sci. Math. Hungar. 14 (1979), 145-167.
45. -, Erdős P., Szemerédi E., On some extremal properties of sequences of integers, II.,
Publicationes Math. Debrecen 27 (1980), 117-125.
46. On a theorem of Erdős and Fuchs, Acta Arith. 37 (1980), 333-338.
47. -, Erdős P., On the number of prime factors of integers, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 42
(1980), 237-246.
48. Exponenciális összegek alkalmazásai a számelméletben, akadémiai doktori disszertáció,
Budapest, 1980. (238 oldal)
49. -, Erdős P., Some asymptotic formulas on generalized divisor functions, IV., Studia Sci.
Math. Hungar. 15 (1980), 467-479.
50. -, Lovász L., Simonovits M., On additive arithmetic functions satisfying a linear
recursion, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest. Eötvös 24 (1981), 205-215.
51. On additive representations of integers, II., Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar. 38 (1981),
52. On additive representations of integers, IV., Coll. Math. Soc. J. Bolyai 34 (1981),
53. On squares in arithmetic progressions, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest. Eötvös 25 (1982),
54. -, Erdős P., Some asymptotic formulas on generalized divisor functions, II., J. Number
Theory 15 (1982), 115-136.
55. -, Erdős P., Some asymptotic formulas on generalized divisor functions, III., Acta Arith.
41 (1982), 395-411.
56. On quasi-uniform distribution of sequences of integers, Studia Sci. Math. Hungar. 17
(1982), 379-391.
57. -, Erdős P., On almost divisibility properties of sequences of integers, I., Acta Math. Acad.
Sci. Hungar. 41 (1983), 309-324.
58. On additive representations of integers, III., Periodica Math. Hungar. 14 (1983), 7-30.
59. -, Erdős P., Some asymptotic formulas on generalized divisor functions, I., in: Studies in
Pure Mathematics, To the Memory of Paul Turán, eds. P. Erdős et al., Akadémiai
Kiadó, Budapest, 1983; 165-179.
60. -, Balog A., On sums of integers having small prime factors, I., Studia Sci. Math. Hungar.
19 (1984), 35-47.
61. -, Balog A., On sums of integers having small prime factors, II., Studia Sci. Math. Hungar.
19 (1984), 81-89.
62. -, Balog A., On sums of sequences of integers, I., Acta Arith. 44 (1984), 73-86.
63. -, Balog A., On sums of sequences of integers. II., Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar. 44
(1984), 169-179.
64. -, Balog A., On sums of sequences of integers, III., Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar. 44
(1984), 339-349.
65. On divisors of binomial coefficients, I., J. Number Theory 20 (1985), 70-80.
66. -, Erdős P., Pomerance C., On locally repeated values of certain arithmetic functions, I.,
J. Number Theory 21 (1985), 319-332.
67. -, Erdős P., Problems and results on additive properties of general sequences, I., Pacific J.
Math. 118 (1985), 347-357.
68. -, Erdős P., T. Sós V., Problems and results on additive properties of general sequences,
IV., in: Number Theory, Proceedings, Ootacamund, India, 1984, ed. K. Alladi, Lecture
Notes in Mathematics 1122, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 1985;
69. -, Erdős P., Problems and results on additive properties of general sequences, II., Acta
Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar. 48 (1986), 201-211.
70. -, Stewart C. L., On divisors of sums of integers, I., Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar. 48
(1986), 147-154.
71. -, Stewart C. L., On divisors of sums of integers, II., J. Reine Angew. Math. 365 (1986),
72. -, Erdős P., T. Sós V., Problems and results on additive properties of general sequences,
V., Monatshefte Math. 102 (1986), 183-197.
73. -, Erdős P., T. Sós V., Problems and results on additive properties of general sequences,
III., Studia Sci. Math. Hungar. 22 (1987), 53-63.
74. On the distribution of residues of products of integers, Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar. 49
(1987), 397-401.
75. -, Erdős P., Pomerance C., On locally repeated values of certain arithmetic functions, II.,
Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar. 49 (1987), 251-259.
76. -, Erdős P., Pomerance C., On locally repeated values of certain arithmetic functions, III.,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 101 (1987), 1-7.
77. -, Erdős P., On divisibility properties of integers of the form a+a’, Acta Math. Acad. Sci.
Hungar. 50 (1987), 117-122.
78. -, Stewart C. L., On irregularities of distribution in shifts and dilations of integer
sequences, I., Math. Annalen 276 (1987), 353-364.
79. -, Iwaniec H., On a multiplicative hybrid problem, J. Number Theory 26 (1987), 89-95.
80. -, Erdős P., Odlyzko A. M., On the residues of products of prime numbers, I., Periodica
Math. Hungar. 18 (1987), 229-239.
81. -, Erdős P., Maier H., On the distribution of the number of prime factors of sums a+b,
Transactions Amer. Math. Soc. 302 (1987), 269-280.
82. -, Pomerance C., On products of sequences of integers, Coll. Math. Soc. J. Bolyai 51
(1987), 447-463.
83. On the number of prime factors of integers of the form ai+bj, Studia Sci. Math. Hungar. 23
(1988), 161-168.
84. -, Elliott P. D. T. A., The distribution of the number of prime divisors of sums a+b, J.
Number Theory 29 (1988), 94-99.
85. -, Erdős P., Nathanson M. B., Sumsets containing infinite arithmetic progressions, J.
Number Theory 28 (1988), 159-166.
86. -, Erdős P., Kiss P., A lower bound for the counting function of Lucas pseudoprimes,
Math. Comp. 51 (1988), 315-323.
87. -, Pomerance C., Stewart C. L., On divisors of sums of integers, III., Pacific J. Math. 133
(1988), 363-379.
88. -, Stewart C. L., On divisors of sums of integers, IV., Canadian J. Math. 40 (1988),
89. -, Pomerance C., On homogeneous multiplicative hybrid problems in number theory, Acta
Arith. 49 (1988), 291-302.
90. Hybrid problems in number theory, in: Number Theory, New York 1985-1988, eds. D. V.
Chudnovsky et al., Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1383, Springer-Verlag, BerlinHeidelberg-New York, 1989; 146-169.
91. -, Stewart C. L., On exponential sums over prime numbers, J. Australian Math. Soc. 46
(1989), 423-437.
92. -, Nathanson M. B., Sumsets containing long arithmetic progressions and powers of 2,
Acta Arith. 54 (1989), 147-154.
93. -, Nathanson M. B., On the maximum density of minimal asymptotic bases, Proc. Amer.
Math. Soc. 105 (1989), 31-33.
94. -, Erdős P., Nicolas J.-L., On the number of partitions of n without a given subsum, I.,
Discrete Math. 75 (1989), 155-166.
95. Finite addition theorems, I., J. Number Theory 32 (1989), 114-130.
96. -, Erdős P., T. Sós V., On a conjecture of Roth and some related problems, I., in:
Irregularities of Partitions, eds. G. Halász and V. T. Sós, Algorithms and Combinatorics
8, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 1989; 47-59.
97. -, Erdős P., On a conjecture of Roth and some related problems, II., in: Number Theory,
Proceedings of the First Conference of the Canadian Number Theory Association (held
at the Banff Center, Banff, Alberta, April 17-27, 1988), ed. R. A. Mollin, Walter de
Gruyter, Berlin-New York, 1990; 125-138.
98. -, Erdős P., Nicolas J.-L., On the number of partitions of n without a given subsum, II., in:
Analytic Number Theory, Proceedings of a Conference in Honor of P. T. Bateman,
eds. B. C. Berndt et al., Birkhäuser, Boston-Basel-Berlin, 1990; 205-234.
99. -, Erdős P., On a problem of Straus, in: Disorder in Physical Systems (a Volume in
Honour of John M. Hammersley), eds. G. R. Grimmett and D. J. A. Welsh, Clarendon
Press, Oxford, 1990; 55-66.
100. -, Erdős P., Nicolas J.-L., Sommes de sous-ensembles, Séminaire de Théorie des
Nombres, Bordeaux 3 (1991), 55-72.
101. A note on the arithmetic form of the large sieve, Studia Sci. Math. Hungar. 27 (1992),
102. -, Erdős P., Arithmetic progressions in subset sums, Discrete Math. 102 (1992), 249-264.
103. -, Ruzsa I. Z., On a multiplicative property of sequences of integers, Acta Math. Acad.
Sci. Hungar. 60 (1992), 299-308.
104. Finite addition theorems, III., Publ. Math. d’Orsay 92-01 (1992), 105-122.
105. On sums a+b and numbers of the form ab+1 with many prime factors, Grazer Math.
Berichte 318 (1992), 141-154.
106. -, Erdős P., Nicolas J.-L., On the number of pairs of partitions of n without common
subsums, Colloquium Math. 63 (1992), 61-83.
107. -, Erdős P., On sets of coprime integers in intervals, Hardy-Ramanujan J. 16 (1993),
108. -, Erdős P., Some solved and unsolved problems in combinatorial number theory, II.,
Colloqium Math. 65 (1993), 201-211.
109. -, Erdős P., Pomerance C., Stewart C. L., On elements of sumsets with many prime
factors, J. Number Theory 44 (1993), 93-104.
110. -, Erdős P., Stewart C. L., On prime factors of subset sums, J. London Math. Soc. 49
(1994), 209-218.
111. -, Stewart C. L., On the average value for the the number of divisors of sums a+b,
Illinois J. Math. 38 (1994), 1-18.
112. -, Szemerédi E., On a problem in additive number theory, Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar.
64 (1994), 237-245.
113. -, Erdős P., T. Sós V., On sum sets of Sidon sets, I., J. Number Theory 47 (1994),
114. Finite addition theorems, II., J. Number Theory 48 (1994), 197-218.
115. -, Erdős P., On isolated, respectively consecutive large values of arithmetic functions,
Acta Arith. 66 (1994), 269-295.
116. -, Stewart C. L., On divisors of sums of integers, V., Pacific J. Math. 166 (1994),
117. -, Erdős P., T. Sós V., On additive properties of general sequences, Discrete Math. 136
(1994), 75-99.
118. -, Nicolas J.-L., On the parity of partition functions, Illinois J. Math. 39 (1995), 586-597.
119. -, Erdős P., T. Sós V., On sum sets of Sidon sets, II., Israel J. Math. 90 (1995), 221-233.
120. On the average value for the number of divisors of numbers of form ab+1, Acta Math.
Acad. Sci. Hungar. 66 (1995), 223-245.
121. -, Erdős P., T. Sós V., On product representations of powers, I., Europ. J. Combinatorics
16 (1995), 567-588.
122. -, Pomerance C., Combinatorial number theory, in: Handbook of Combinatorics, eds.
R. L. Graham et al., Elsevier Science B. V., Amsterdam, 1995; 967-1018.
123. -, Nathanson M. B., Metric theorems on minimal bases and maximal nonbases, Studia
Sci. Math. Hungar. 32 (1996), 1-20.
124. -, Mauduit C., On the arithmetic structure of sets characterized by sum of digit
properties, J. Number Theory 61 (1996), 25-38.
125. -, Győry K., Stewart C. L., On the number of prime factors of integers of form ab+1,
Acta Arith. 74 (1996), 365-385.
126. -, T. Sós V., On additive representation functions, in: The Mathematics of Paul Erdős.
vol. I., eds. R. L. Graham et al., Algorithms and Combinatorics 13, Springer-Verlag,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 1997; 129-150.
127. On divisibility properties of sequences of integers, in: The Mathematics of Paul Erdős,
vol. I., eds. R. L. Graham et al., Algorithms and Combinatorics 13, Springer-Verlag,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 1997; 241-250.
128. -, Rivat J., A sequences analog of the Piatetski-Shapiro problem, Acta Math. Acad. Sci.
Hungar. 74 (1997), 245-260.
129. -, Mauduit C., On the arithmetic structure of the integers whose sum of digits is fixed,
Acta Arith. 81 (1997), 145-173.
130. -, Burris S., Fine spectra and limit laws, I., First-order laws, Can. J. Math. 49 (1997),
131. -, Győry K., On prime factors of integers of the form (ab+1)(bc+1)(ca+1), Acta Arith.
79 (1997), 163-171.
132. -, Erdős P., Pomerance C., On locally repeated values of certain arithmetic functions,
IV., Ramanujan J. 1 (1997), 227-241.
133. -, Nicolas J.-L., On two partition problems, Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar. 77 (1997),
134. Paul Erdős (1913-1996), Acta Arith. 81 (1997), 301-317.
135. -, Mauduit C., On finite pseudorandom binary sequences, I. Measure of pseudorandomness, the Legendre symbol, Acta Arith. 82 (1997), 365-377.
136. -, Ádám A., Győry K., The life and mathematics of Paul Erdős (1913-1996),
Mathematica Japonica 46 (1997), 517-526.
137. -, Elliott P. D. T. A., The distribution of the number of prime divisors of numbers of form
ab+1, in: Analytic and Probabilistic Methods in Number Theory, eds. Laurinčikas et
al., New Trends in Probability and Statistics 4, VSP BV, Utrecht, 1997; 313-321.
138. -, Erdős P., Mauduit C., On the arithmetic properties of integers with missing digits. I:
Distribution in residue classes, J. Number Theory 70 (1998), 99-120.
139. -, Nicolas J.-L., Ruzsa I. Z., On the parity of additive representation functions, J.
Number Theory 73 (1998), 292-317.
140. -, Erdős P., Nicolas J.-L., On large values of the divisor function, Ramanujan J. 2
(1998), 225-245.
141. -, Mauduit C., On finite pseudorandom binary sequences, II. (The Champernowne,
Rudin-Shapiro and Thue-Morse sequences. A further construction.), J. Number
Theory 73 (1998), 256-276.
142. -, Cassaigne J., Ferenczi S., Mauduit C., Rivat J., On finite pseudorandom binary
sequences, III. (The Liouville function, I), Acta Arith. 87 (1999), 367-390.
143. Hibrid problémák a számelméletben, akadémiai székfoglaló (levelező tagként). Székfoglalók 1995-1998, I. kötet, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, Budapest, 1999. (15
144. -, Erdős P., Mauduit C., On the arithmetic properties of integers with missing digits II:
Prime factors, Discrete Math. 200 (1999), 149-164.
145. -, Erdős P., Lev V., Rauzy G., Sándor C., Greedy algorithm, arithmetic progressions,
subset sums and divisibility, Discrete Math. 200 (1999), 119-135.
146. -, Beck J., Stewart C. L., On irregularities of distribution in shifts and dilations of
integer sequences, II, in: Number Theory in Progress, Proceedings of the International
Conference on Number Theory organized by the Stefan Banach International
Mathematical Center in Honor of the 60th Birthday of Andrzej Schinzel, Zakopane,
Poland, June 30-July 9, 1997, eds. K. Győry et al., Walter de Gruyter, Berlin – New
York, 1999; 633-638.
147. -, Rivat J., Stewart C. L., Congruence properties of the  -function on sumsets, Illinois
J. Math. 43 (1999), 1-18.
148. On finite addition theorems, Astérisque 258 (1999), 109-127.
149. -, Hegyvári N., On Hilbert cubes in certain sets, Ramanujan J. 3 (1999), 303-314.
150. -, Ahlswede R., Khachatrian L. H., On the quotient sequence of sequences of integers,
Acta Arith. 91 (1999), 117-132.
151. -, Ahlswede R., Khachatrian L. H., On the counting function of primitive sets of integers,
J. Number Theory 79 (1999), 330-344.
152. -, Mauduit C., On finite pseudorandom binary sequences, V. On (n) and (n2)
sequences, Monatshefte Math. 129 (2000), 197-216.
153. -, Stewart C. L., On prime factors of integers of the form ab+1, Publicationes Math.
Debrecen 56 (2000), 559-573.
154. -, Nicolas J.-L., On the asymptotic behaviour of general partition functions, Ramanujan
J. 4 (2000), 29-39.
155. -, Ahlswede R., Khachatrian L. H., On prefix-free and suffix-free sequences of integers,
in: Numbers, Information and Complexity, eds. I. Althöfer et al., Kluwer Academic
Publishers, Boston, 2000; 1-16.
156. -, Nicolas J.-L., On partitions without small parts, J. Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux
12 (2000), 227-254.
157. -, Cassaigne J., Ferenczi S., Mauduit C., Rivat J., On finite pseudorandom binary
sequences, IV: The Liouville function, II, Acta Arith. 95 (2000), 343-359.
158. -, Mauduit C., On finite pseudorandom binary sequences, VI, (On (nk) sequences),
Monatsh. Math. 130 (2000), 281-298.
159. -, Konyagin S., Mauduit C., On the number of prime factors of integers characterized by
digit properties, Periodica Math. Hungar. 40 (2000), 37-52.
160. -, Ahlswede R., L. Khachatrian, On primitive sets of squarefree integers, Periodica Math.
Hungar. 42 (2001), 99-115.
161. Unsolved problems in number theory, Periodica Math. Hungar. 42 (2001), 17-35.
162. A finite pseudorandom binary sequence, Studia Sci. Math. Hungar. 38 (2001), 377-384.
163. -, Cassaigne J., Mauduit C., On finite pseudorandom binary sequences VII: The
measures of pseudorandomness, Acta Arith. 103 (2002), 97-118.
164. -, Mauduit C., On finite pseudorandom sequences of k symbols, Indag. Mathem. 13
(2002), 89-101.
165. -, Nicolas J.-L., On the parity of generalized partition functions, in: Number Theory for
the Millenium III, eds. M. A. Bennett et al., A K Peters, Natick, 2002; 55-72.
166. -, Mauduit C., Rivat J., On the pseudo-random properties of nc, Illinois J. Math. 46
(2002), 185-197.
167. -, Gyarmati K., Stewart C. L., On shifted products which are powers, Mathematika 49
(2002), 227-230.
168. -, Daboussi H., On pseudorandom properties of multiplicative functions, Acta Math.
Hungar. 98 (2003), 273-300.
169. -, Gyarmati K., Stewart C. L., On sums which are powers, Acta Math. Hungar. 99
(2003), 1-24.
170. -, Daboussi H., On the correlation of the truncated Liouville function, Acta Arith. 108
(2003), 61-76.
171. -, Ahlswede R., Khachatrian L. H., Mauduit C., A complexity measure for families of
binary sequences, Periodica Math. Hungar. 46 (2003), 107-118.
172. -, Mauduit C., On the measures of pseudorandomness of binary sequences, Discrete
Math. 271 (2003), 195-207.
173. A localized Erdős-Fuchs theorem, in: Bonner Mathematische Schriften, Nr. 360,
Proceedings of the Session in analytic number theory and Diophantine equations
(Bonn, January-June 2002), eds. D. R. Heath-Brown and B. Z. Moroz, Bonn, 2003
174. -, Nicolas J.-L., On the asymptotic behaviour of general partition functions, II,
Ramanujan J. 7 (2003), 279-298.
175. -, Goubin L., Mauduit C., Construction of large families of pseudorandom binary
sequences, J. Number Theory 106 (2004), 56-69.
176. -, Mauduit C., Rivat J., Construction of pseudorandom binary sequences using additive
characters, Monatshefte Math. 141 (2004), 197-208.
177. -, Hubert P., On p-pseudorandom binary sequences, Periodica Math. Hungar. 49 (2004),
178. -, Dartyge C., Arithmetic properties of summands of partitions, Ramanujan J. 8 (2004),
179. -, Ahlswede R., Khachatrian L., On the density of primitive sets, J. Number Theory 109
(2004), 319-361.
180. -, Fouvry E., Michel P., Rivat J., On the pseudorandomness of the signs of Kloosterman
sums, J. Australian Math. Soc. 77 (2004), 425-436.
181. -, Mosaki E., Nicolas J.-L., Partitions sans petites parts, J. Théorie Nombres Bordeaux
16 (2004), 607-638.
182. Jean-Louis Nicolas and the partitions, Ramanujan J. 9 (2005), 7-17.
183. -, Mauduit C., Pomerance C., On the distribution in residue classes of integers with a
fixed sum of digits, Ramanujan J. 9 (2005), 45-62.
184. -, Mauduit C., Construction of pseudorandom binary sequences by using the
multiplicative inverse, Acta Math. Hungar. 108 (2005), 239-252.
185. On sums and products of residues modulo p, Acta Arith. 118 (2005), 403-409.
186. -, Yong-Gao Chen, T. Sós V., Min Tang, On the monotonicity properties of additive
representation functions, Bull. Australian Math. Soc. 72 (2005), 129-138.
187. -, Dartyge C., Szalay M., On the distribution of the summands of partitions in residue
classes, Acta Math. Hungar. 109 (2005), 215-237.
188. -, Sárközy G. N., On the size of partial block designs with large blocks, Discrete Math.
305 (2005), 264-275.
189. -, Rivat J., Modular constructions of pseudorandom binary sequences with composite
moduli, Periodica Math. Hungar. 51 (2005), 75-107.
190. -, Gyarmati K., Pethő A., On linear recursion and pseudorandomness, Acta Arith. 118
(2005), 359-374.
191. -, Dartyge C., Arithmetic properties of summands of partitions, II, Ramanujan J. 10
(2005), 383-394.
192. -, Dartyge C., Szalay M., On the distribution of the summands of unequal partitions in
residue classes, Acta Math. Hungar. 110 (2006), 323-335.
193. On the number of additive representations of integers, in: More Sets, Graphs and
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194. -, Dartyge C., Szalay M., On the number of prime factors of summands of partitions,
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195. -, Hubert P., Mauduit C., On pseudorandom binary lattices, Acta Arith. 125 (2006),
196. -, Ahlswede R., Mauduit C., Large families of pseudorandom sequences of k symbols
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197. -, Ahlswede R., Mauduit C., Large families of pseudorandom sequences of k symbols
and their complexity, II, General Theory of Information Transfer and Combinatorics,
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198. -, Rivat J., On pseudo-random binary sequences and their applications, General Theory
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199. -, Stewart C. L., On pseudorandomness in families of sequences derived from the
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201. -, Louboutin S., Rivat J., On a problem of D. H. Lehmer, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 135
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202. -, Mauduit C., Niederreiter H., On pseudorandom [0,1) and binary sequences,
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203. -, Mauduit C., On large families of pseudorandom binary lattices, Unif. Distr. Theory 2
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204. On finite pseudorandom binary sequences and their applications in cryptography,
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205. -, Nicolas J.-L., On summands of general partitions, Func. Approx. Comm. Math. 37
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206. -, Dartyge C., Large families of pseudorandom subsets formed by power residues,
Unif. Distrib. Theory 2 (2007), 73-88.
207. -, Mauduit C., Construction of pseudorandom binary lattices by using the multiplicative
inverse, Monatshefte Math. 153 (2008), 217-231.
208. -, Gyarmati K., Equations in finite fields with restricted solution sets, I. (Character
sums.), Acta Math. Hungar. 118 (2008), 129-148.
209. -, Niederreiter H., Rivat J., Pseudorandom sequences of binary vectors, Acta Arith. 133
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210. -, Ahlswede R., Cassaigne J., On the correlation of binary sequences, Applied Discrete
Math. 156 (2008), 1478-1487.
211. On products and shifted products of residues modulo p, Integers 8 (2008), A9, 8 old.
212. -, Gyarmati K., Equations in finite fields with restricted solution sets, II. (Algebraic
equations), Acta Math. Hungar. 119 (2008), 259-280.
213. -, Gyarmati K., Mauduit C., Pseudorandom binary sequences and lattices, Acta Arith.
214. -, Stewart C. L., Irregularities of sequences relative to long arithmetic progressions, in:
Analytic Number Theory. Essays in Honour of Klaus Roth, eds. W. W. L. Chen et al,
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215. -, Dartyge C., Mosaki E., On large families of subsets of the set of the integers not
exceeding N, Ramanujan J. 18 (2009), 209-229.
216. -, Winterhof A., Measures of pseudorandomness for binary sequences constructed
using finite fields, Discrete Math. 309 (2009), 1327-1333.
217. -, Gyarmati K., Stewart C. L., On Legendre symbol lattices, Unif. Distr. Theory 4 (2009),
218. -, Dartyge C., On pseudorandom subsets of Zn , Monatshefte Math. 157 (2009), 13-35.
219. -, Gyarmati K., Mauduit C., Construction of pseudorandom binary lattices, Unif. Distr.
Theory 4 (2009), 59-80.
220. -, Chan T. H, Győri E., On a problem of Erdős, European J. Comb. 31 (2010), 260-269.
221. -, Rivat J., A Turán-Kubilius type inequality on sum sets, Acta Arith. 142 (2010),
222. -, Dartyge C., Szalay M., On the pseudo-randomness of subsets related to primitive
roots, Combinatorica 30 (2010), 139-162.
223. -, Gyarmati K., Hubert P., Pseudorandom binary functions on almost uniform trees,
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224. -, Gyarmati K., Mauduit C., Measures of pseudorandomness of finite binary lattices, I.
(The measures Qk , normality.), Acta Arith. 144 (2010), 295-313.
225. -, Gyarmati K., Mauduit C., Measures of pseudorandomness of finite binary lattices, III.
(Qk , correlation, normality, minimal values.), Unif. Distrib. Theory 5 (2010), 183-207.
226. -, Gyarmati K., Mauduit C., Measures of pseudorandomness of finite binary lattices, II.
(The symmetry measures.), Ramanujan J. 25 (2011), 155-178.
227, -, Lev V. F., An Erdős-Fuchs type theorem for finite groups, Integers 11A (2011), Art.
15, 7p.
228. -, Gyarmati K., Mauduit C., Measures of pseudorandomness of families of binary
lattices, I. (Definitions, a construction using quadratic characters.), Publ. Math.
Debrecen 79(3-4) (2011), 445-460.
229. -, Rivat J., A Turán-Kubilus type inequality on shifted products, Publ. Math. Debrecen
79(3-4) (2011), 637-662.
230. -, Csikvári P., Gyarmati K., Density and Ramsey type results on algebraic equations
with restricted solution sets, Combinatorica 32(4) (2012), 425-449.
231. -, Gyarmati K., Mauduit C., Measures of pseudorandomness of families of binary
lattices, II. (A further construction.), Publ. Math. Debrecen 80 (2012), 481-504.
232. On additive decompositions the set of quadratic residues modulo p, Acta Arith. 155
(2012), 41-51.
233. -, Gyarmati K., Hubert P., Pseudorandom binary functions on rooted plane trees, J.
Combin. Number Theory 4(1) (2012), 1-19.
234. -, Gyarmati K., Stewart C. L., On Legendre symbol lattices, II, Unif. Distr. Theory 8(1)
(2013), 47-65.
235. -, Dartyge C., On additive decompositions of the set of the primitive roots modulo p,
Monatshefte Math. 169(3-4) (2013), 317-328.
236. -, Mauduit C., Family complexity and VC-dimension, in: Ahlswede Festschrift, eds. H.
Aydinian et al., LNCS 7777, Springer, Berlin, 2013; 346-363.
237. -, Gyarmati K., Konyagin S., On the reducibility of large sets of residues modulo p,
J. Number Theory 133(7) (2013), 2374-2397.
238. On additive representation functions of finite sets, I (Variation), Periodica Math. Hungar.
66(2) (2013), 201-210.
Sajtó alatt
239. -, Gyarmati K., Mauduit C., On linear complexity of binary lattices, Ramanujan J.
240. -, Dartyge C., The sum of digits function in finite fields, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.
241. -, Dartyge C., Mauduit C., Values of polynomials and generators with „missing
digits” in finite fields, Acta Arith.
242. -, Gyarmati K., Mauduit C., On linear complexity of binary lattices, II, Ramanujan J.
243. On divisibility properties of sequences of integers (with Appendix), in: The Mathematics
of Paul Erdős, 2nd extended edition, Springer.
244. -, T. Sós V., On additive representation functions (with Appendix), in: The Mathematics
of Paul Erdős, 2nd extended edition, Springer.
245. On multiplicative decompositions of the set of the shifted quadratic residues modulo p,
in: Number Theory, Analysis and Combinatorics, W. De Gruyter.
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