Question 1 of 20 5.0 Points The width of a rectangle is 9 inches less

Question 1 of 20 5.0 Points The width of a rectangle is 9 inches less than 2 times the
length. If x represents the length, write an algebraic expression in terms of x that
represents the area of the rectangle. Simplify the expression. A. 9x2 – 2x B. 9x2 + 2x C.
2x2 – 9x D. 2x2 + 9x
Question 2 of 20 5.0 Points Add: 3p2 – 5p – 4 and 9p2 + 10p – 2 A. 12p2 + 15p – 6 B.
12p2 + 5p – 2 C. 12p2 + 5p – 6 D. 12p2 + 15p – 2
Question 3 of 20 5.0 Points Is the algebraic expression a polynomial? If so, give its
degree. 9x3 + 6x6 + 8 A. Yes; degree = 9 B. Yes; degree = 8 C. Yes; degree = 6 D. This
algebraic expression is not a polynomial.
Question 4 of 20 5.0 Points Perform the indicated operations and simplify. 5x – 4x[8 –
3(x – 2)] A. 6x2 – 3x B. 12x2 – 51x C. 12x2 + 5x + 6 D. 12x2 + 5x – 6
Question 5 of 20 5.0 Points Multiply and simplify. (3x – 1)(2x + 5) A. 6x2 – 13x – 5 B.
6x2 – 17x – 5 C. 6x2 + 13x – 5 D. 6x2 + 17x – 5
Question 6 of 20 5.0 Points Multiply and simplify: (5x – 3y)2 A. 25x2 – 30xy + 9y2 B.
25x2 – 9y2 C. 25x2 – 30xy – 9y2 D. 25x2 + 9y2
Question 7 of 20 5.0 Points Multiply and simplify: (3x2 – 2x – 1)(x2 + x + 5) A. 3x4 +
2x3 + 12x2 – 11x – 5 B. 3x4 + x3 + 12x2 – 10x – 5 C. 3x4 + x3 + 12x2 – 11x – 5 D. 3x4
+ x3 + 14x2 – 11x – 5
Question 8 of 20 5.0 Points Subtract 4x2 – 5x from the sum of 9x2 – 2 and 6x – 1. A. –
5x2 – x + 1 B. –5x2 + 11x – 1 C. 5x2 + x – 3 D. 5x2 + 11x – 3
Question 9 of 20 5.0 Points Factor completely relative to the integers. x2 – 8x + x – 8 A.
(x + 8)(x – 1) B. (x – 8)(x – 1) C. (x + 1)(x + 8) D. (x – 8)(x + 1)
Question 10 of 20 5.0 Points Factor completely relative to the integers. 25x2 – 5x – 2 A.
(5x – 2)(5x + 1) B. (5x + 2)(5x – 1) C. (25x – 2)(x + 1) D. (5x + 1)(5x – 2)
Question 11 of 20 5.0 Points Factor completely relative to the integers. 49a2b – b3 A. (7a
+ b2)(7a – b) B. b(7a – b)2 C. b(7a + b)(7a – b) D. Prime, doesn't factor
Question 12 of 20 5.0 Points Factor completely relative to the integers. 8a3 + 27 A. (2a –
3)(4a2 + 9) B. (2a – 3)(4a2 + 6a + 9) C. (2a + 3)(4a2 – 6a + 9) D. (2a – 3)(4a2 – 6a + 9)
Question 13 of 20 5.0 Points Reduce to lowest terms. A. -x - 8 B. x – 8 C. x + 8 D. -x + 8
Question 14 of 20 5.0 Points Subtract and reduce to the lowest terms: 2/4 - 1/6 A. 1/3 B.
1/2 C. 4/12 D. 2/6
Question 15 of 20 5.0 Points Perform the indicated operations and reduce to lowest terms.
A. a3/12 B. b2/12a3 C. b2/12 D. 4b2/3
Question 16 of 20 5.0 Points Divide and reduce to lowest terms. A. (x + 5)(x + 3) B. (x +
5)(x – 3) C. (x - 5)(x - 3) D. (x - 5)(x + 3)
Question 17 of 20 5.0 Points Factor completely relative to the integers. x2 + 36 A. (x +
6)(x – 6) B. (x + 1)(x + 36) C. (x + 6)2 D. Prime
Question 18 of 20 5.0 Points Reduce to lowest terms: 18/54 A. 9/27 B. 1/4 C. 1/3 D. 2/3
Question 19 of 20 5.0 Points Factor completely relative to the integers: 16x2 + 40x + 25
A. (4x + 5)2 B. (4x – 5)(4x + 5) C. (16x + 5)(x + 5) D. (4x + 1 )(4x + 25)
Question 20 of 20 5.0 Points Factor out, relative to the integers, all factors common to all
terms. 49x4 – 70x3 + 21x2 A. 7x2(7x2 – 70x + 21) B. 7x2(7x2 – 10x + 3) C. 49x2(x2 –
10x + 3) D. 49x(x3 – 70x2 + 21x)