SCIENTIFIC NOTATION on a CALCULATOR Keying in scientific notation on your calculator is done differently than keying in normal exponents. Following are the keystrokes for the most commonly used calculators. Your calculator has a button for using scientific notation. The button is labeled either "EE" or "Exp". Find that button on your calculator now. When you press that button, it is the same as telling your calculator "times 10 to the …" EXAMPLE WITH A POSITIVE POWER OF TEN If you wanted to put this number into your calculator: 3. 7 10 8 you would press the keys: Casio or Sharp calculator press: 3 . 7 Exp Texas Instruments calculator press: 3 . Your calculator displays this number as 3. 7 8 . 7 EE 8 . 08 Your calculator does not display the number as 3. 7 10 8 You must recognize that when your calculator displays it means 3. 7 10 8 When you write the number on your paper, write 3. 7 10 8 TI-30XIIS calculator press: 3 . 7 2nd EE 8 = 08 Your calculator displays 3 . 7 x 10 . When you write the number adjust the sizes 3. 7 10 8 . EXAMPLE WIITH A NEGATIVE POWER OF TEN If you wanted to put this number into your calculator: 3. 7 10 6 To make the exponent negative, you would need to use the button on your calculator that changes signs between + and - . The button is labeled +/- or + -. Casio or Sharp calculator press: 3 . Texas Instruments calculator press: 3 D:\687313631.doc 7 Exp +/. 6 . 7 Exp + - 6 . Your calculator displays this number as 3. 7 06 . When you write the number on your paper, write 3. 7 10 6 . TI-30XIIS calculator press: 3 . 7 2nd EE ( -) 8 08 3 . 7 x Your calculator displays 10 . When you write the number adjust the sizes 3. 7 10 8 . FOR EXTRA PRACTICE 1. On your calculator calculate: 4 10 12 5.1 10 11 Casio or Sharp calculator press: 4 EXP 12 + Texas Instruments calculator press: Notice that you do not type in " 4 5 EE 12 + . 5 1 . EXP 11. 1 10 " Most calculators display the answer as: 4. 51 12 On your paper you would write: 4 . 51 10 12 2. Calculate on your calculator: 0 . 6389 4. 6 10 5 Most calculators display the answer as 0.000029389 If your answer must be in scientific notation, what do you write? 3. Calculate on your calculator: 350 4 . 6 10 5 6.1 10 7 Most calculators display the answer as 9. 821 15 What do you write? 1. Calculate on your calculator: 3 . 384 10 5 7 . 2 10 9 Most calculators display the answer as 4 . 7 What do you write? Answers: 2 . 989 10 5 2. D:\687313631.doc 3. 9 .821 10 15 15 4. 4 . 7 10 15 EE 11.