Segmentation via Graph Theory




Graph Theory

Final project by

Yaniv Goldyan


Segmentation via Graph Theory


There are many systems in which we could use segmentation of the main objects from an image, like traffic or security surveillance systems. In order to achieve such efficient sophisticated systems we need a good basic system. In this project I tried to explore the weight function of graph theoretic approach to segmentation and to implement a simple and efficient program that segment a colored image to its global main objects using the graph theoretic approach.

Approach and Method

To maintain good results I chose the graph theoretic approach to segmentation which seemed to be an advanced and promising approach.

Graph representation

First we need to represent the original image as an undirected weighted graph G =

(V,E). the nodes of the graph will be the pixels of the image and between each pair of nodes i , j we need to decide on a weight to the edge between them w(i,j) = ?. this is an important question because we will decide how to disjoint a group of nodes according to the weights of the edges between them.

This weight of each edge is the core of the ahead computation. We want to assign big weight on edges between nodes that shouldn't be in the same segmented group.

So we need to choose a weight that points on the similarity between the two nodes.

Subjectively we are grouping parts of image to different objects according to prior knowledge about those objects. This kind of segmentation acquires huge databases on each kind of possible object and is likely unpractical.

Instead I used the objective approach which relies on the image low level properties. But what low level properties we can use when our image is an array of numbers ?

These values of each pixel implies on their intensity, so a good criterion for an edge weight will be the intensity differences, because we want to disjoint nodes with meaningful intensity difference. Than we give each node a value and define that the weight of an edge between two nodes is the difference between their values.

But is that all? Can we now just group together the nodes with similar intensity and get a good segmentation? Well not exactly. If two nodes got the same intensity they are not necessarily belong to the same segment object, because they could

belong to different objects that got parts with the same intensity. There for we need that the weight of edge between tow nodes should be affected also by the length between the nodes.

But still we got another image low level property that we are not taking advantage of - c o l o r -. While intensity distinguishes different brightness, it's ability to distinguish between different colors is limited.

In order to measure differences between colors I used the indexed image representation which represent a color image I as a pair of <X,colormap>. where each entry in the colormap is a different color. And the colors arranged in the map in the colormap in ascending order:

And the X is a two dimensional matrix that represent the image and each entry in that matrix is an appropriate entry number in the color map. By this representation we can measure the difference between the colors of two pixels easily by subtract between their values in the X matrix.

Although it may seem to be that we can now ignore the intensity measure it will be a mistake. And that because the vast of the colors and the optimal length of the clormap is huge in order to include for each existing color a certain entry in the colormap.

Thus this representation can cause different colors to be mapped into the same entry in the colormap. So to overcome this problem we will compute the value of each pixel by adding to his intensity value the color value multiplied by some 'colorfull' parameter. Which means that if an image got many entries occupied in the colormap than the colormap value will affect more on the assign value to the node.

Another aspect we can use to evaluate similarity is texture. But in order to find difference in texture one need to search for any texture pattern from some texture

'bank' by comparing each slice of image to each texture or find a repeat pattern by comparing slices of image.

Well such search will harm dramatically the efficient of the implementation and will not worth the trouble. Instead we can use convolution of 5x5 pixel matrix (with

1/25 values) on the image and hope to obtain by that similar values in pixels that surrounded by the similar pixels which implies that they got a similar texture.

This action will heart the contours of the pixels and the preciseness of the previous criterions thus we just add to each pixel-value the new convoluted value multiplied by some small constant.

Segmentation by Graph Cuts

Basic idea for break the graph into segments will be:

• Delete edges that cross between segments

• Easiest to break edges that have low weight

– similar pixels should be in the same segments

– dissimilar pixels should be in different segments before trying to use cuts for segmentation lets first define cut.

Edges cut:

• set of edges whose removal makes a graph disconnected

• weight of a cut:

It is very tempted to use here minimum cut in order to decide how to pick the edges to delete. finding minimum cut is a well studied problem, and there exist an efficient algorithms to solve it but minimum cut is not always the best cut...

so instead of cuts we will use normalized cuts.

Normalized Cut

• a cut penalizes large segments

• fix by normalizing for size of segments

• where Volume(A) = sum of weights of all edges that touch A. well that’s very nice indeed but unfortunately finding minimum Ncut is

NP-hard so we need to generalize the problem somehow in order to get a good estimation for the minimum Ncut. matrix representation of Ncuts:

W will represent the weight matrix : W(i , j) = Wi,j

D will represent the sum of weights from node i : now we can write normalized cut as: so this is the problem in it's matrix representation :

and the solution derived from "generalization" of the problem gives us:

which can be rewrite to :

Solution of this version of the problem corresponds to second smallest eigenvector

(y1). and now we just need to put it altogether by a grouping algorithm.

Recursive Ncut grouping algorithm

1. Given an image, set up a weighted graph G=(V, E) and set the weight on the edge connection two nodes to be a measure of the similarity between the two nodes.

2. Compute W,D

3. Solve for the eigenvectors of


4. Use the eigenvector of the second smaller eigenvalue to bipartition the graph.

5. Decide if the current partition should be subdivided

and recursively repartition the segmented parts if necessary.

Where in step 5 Decide if the current partition should be subdivided by checking the stability of the cut by making sure the founded Ncut is below the prespecified threshold value.

All the steps were implemented in matlab (6.5 version) and a matlab gui performing all the above is the final result.


"one picture is worth more than a thousand words". so here are some results pictures.

a simple objects first:

now a more realistic object: black and white images:

face images:

an object that is similar to the background:

more complex images:

image of a moving object:


As you can see the program is far from being perfect. nevertheless It evolves good results with concerning to simple objects that their background is whether uniform or not. We can regard this success to the good weight assigning of the associate graph and to the Ncut algorithm which chooses to divide only non-similar regions that are significant enough.

The application is also very convenient, simple and friendly to the user. That due to the matlab gui which wraps the program and enables the simplicity.

With concerning to efficiency the program run-time on a 2.5 GHz is up to 1.3 minutes depending on the image resolution. Though the commutation time of solving (D-W)y = גDy takes O(n^3) I performed preprocessing on the original image that resize the original resolution down to a certain threshold. This comes off course on the account of the accuracy of the image processing. This is a very meaningful factor that could be improved in the future by simplify the computation of (D-W)y = גDy (with Lanczos method for example).

Using the indexed representation to distinguish between colors is efficient only on nodes of very different colors this can be regarded to the matlab default color map

which its size is 132. it might be that adding more kinds of colors to the map, meaning using bigger map could improve the results. another possible improvement is finding a more efficient computation to achieve texture similarity that could improve the results by improving the similarity measures (the weight function).

All in all the program produce satisfying results consider the limitation of time and certainly could be a good starting point for anyone who is interesting in segmentation and its implementation.


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J. Shi and J. Malik, "Normalized Cuts and Image Segmentation," Int. Conf.

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M. Fiedler, "A property of eigenvectors of nonnegative symmetric matrices and its application to graph theory", Czech. Math. J. 25, pp.619--637, 1975.

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