CA Higher Education Sustainability Conference 2014 CA Higher Education Sustainability Conference Hosted by San Diego State University Call for Proposals Form Please note that abstracts will only be accepted through our online abstract submittal process unless you receive prior approval for extraordinary circumstances that prohibit you from using our online submittal system. The intent of this form is to allow you to draft your responses in advance of online submittal. Please also note that the word limits are meant as upper bounds only. If you can describe your project more concisely, we encourage you to do so. 1. Enter the full title of your submission. Brief titles are preferred. (15 word limit, required) 2. Please provide a brief overview of your presentation. This description may be used on the conference website if your proposal is accepted for a presentation. (150 word limit, required) 3. Please describe the opportunity or issue that inspired the project and the methodology or strategy for addressing the issue. (450 word limit, required) 4. Please describe the key stakeholders who were involved in the implementation of your project. Specific names are not necessary. We are instead interested in the partnerships that you developed to implement the project. (250 word limit, required) 5. If applicable, please describe the quantitative and/or qualitative results of your project. If you have completed a cost/benefit analysis, please also include that here. (450 word limit, optional) 6. Please describe what the current status of your project/research. Has the project been completed? If not, at what date do you expect it to be completed? (150 word limit, required) 7. Please list the universities or other institutions with which the speakers/presenters are affiliated. You will later be asked to list departments. Please only list institutions here. (required) 8. Please list all of your speakers/presenters. Please only include people who plan to attend the conference if this proposal is accepted. Please do not include authors that will not be present. The order of speakers will not matter at this point in time. (required) 9. Please supply the following additional information about each speaker/presenter (required): a. Degrees or certifications to follow the name (e.g. PhD, MS, LEED AP, CEM, PE, BSME, FAIA, etc.); CA Higher Education Sustainability Conference b. c. d. e. Job Title; Department; Email; Phone 10. Please provide a brief biography of each speaker. This may be published on the conference website if your proposal is accepted. (required) 11. Please describe the contribution of each speaker/presenter to the research/project being discussed. (required) 12. Please describe your intended audience for this presentation. For each component of your audience, describe what you hope they will learn from the presentation and what actions you hope to inspire them to take. (250 word limit, required) 13. Please describe the level of background knowledge audience members should have to attend your presentation. You may only select one option, please choose the best fit. (required) Beginner Intermediate Advanced 14. Have you presented on this project/research before at CHESC (or are aware of a colleague who presented on the same work)? (required) a. Yes. b. No. c. I don’t know. 15. If you answered yes to the previous question,, in what year? What has changed since you last presented it? (250 word limit, optional) 16. Please choose two to three topic areas that will be addressed in a substantial way during your proposed presentation. Please do not select topics which will be indirectly addressed or only briefly touched on. Proposers suggesting topics under institutionalizing sustainability (only) may submit to only that category, but are encouraged to consider submitting in multiple categories. Submitters that wish to present during the student convergence (a post conference workshop on June 19th) should choose only that option. Submitters who only wish to present a poster and not give a verbal talk should choose only that option. Submitters who wish to present a poster and verbal talk should select poster and 1-2 other relevant topic areas. a. Climate Action Planning b. Curriculum CA Higher Education Sustainability Conference c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. Energy Food Systems Green Building New Construction Green Building Operations, Maintenance, and Renovations Healthcare (Operations of Medical Centers and Student Health Facilities) Health and Wellness Institutionalizing Sustainability Local Track (Case Studies from the San Diego region and Imperial Valley) Procurement and Business Services Research Social Equity Student Affairs and Auxiliaries Transportation Waste Reduction and Recycling Water and Landscaping Student Convergence Poster Show 17. Please choose your preferred means of presentation. (required) a. Poster b. Oral c. Either d. Both 18. Please note how long of a timeslot you are requesting. Please note that the majority of the available timeslots are 15-20min. and requests for longer timeslots are less frequently accepted. (required) a. 15-20min plus Q and A (one campus); b. 30-40 min plus Q and A (at least two campuses must be included as speakers); c. 75min including Q and A (at least three campuses must be included as speakers); d. 75min Interactive Session (no restrictions on number of campuses - a single campus may apply - however there must be an interactive activity); e. Poster Only – No verbal presentation. 19. If you are proposing an interactive session, please describe what interactive activities you plan to include in your presentation. (250 word limit, optional) 20. Would you prefer to speak during the main conference or the student convergence (a postconference event targeted towards students only)? (required) a. No, I do not want this proposal to be submitted to the student convergence; CA Higher Education Sustainability Conference b. I would prefer to present during the main conference, but if not accepted for the main conference would be open to speaking at the convergence; c. I would prefer to speak at the student convergence rather than in the main conference 21. All presentation rooms at the conference will be equipped with a PC laptop, projector, projection screen, and microphones as needed. Please indicate if you anticipate needing any of these additional AV requirements. (required) a. A MAC Computer (rather than a PC – PC Computers are already provided); b. Ability to Play Sound from a Laptop; c. Ability to Play Videos; d. Internet Connection (Wireless); e. Ability to play Keynote; f. Ability to play a Prezi; g. Ability to Web-conference; h. White-Board; i. Flip Charts; j. Wireless Slide Advancer; k. Markers; l. Index Cards; m. Scissors; n. Pens/Pencils 22. Are any of your speakers particularly soft-spoken? This helps us determine microphone needs.(required) a. Yes b. No 23. Do you have any audio-visual, space or equipment needs other than what you have already stated? For interactive sessions, if you have preferences on room set-up, it would be good to list those here as well. For non-interactive sessions, the rooms will be either in lecture style or classroom set-up. (250 word limit, optional) 24. Please confirm whether this submission has been approved by all proposed speakers/presenters. (required) a. Yes b. No 25. Do you agree to allow us to post biographies of your speakers and the brief overview of your talk to our conference website? (required) a. Yes b. No CA Higher Education Sustainability Conference 26. Do you give CHESC and SDSU permission to post a PDF of your presentation and related handouts that you provide to us to the CHESC website? (required) a. Yes b. No 27. Do you give permission for photographs to be taken in your session? Photos will be used in future promotion of the conference, on the CHESC website, and by SDSU. (required) a. Yes b. No 28. Do the speaker(s)/presenter(s) have any commercial interests or associations that might pose a conflict of interest regarding this submission? (required) a. Yes b. No 29. If you answered yes to the previous question, please give details. (150 word limit, optional) 30. Please confirm that all of the speakers/presenters that you will list in this proposal are aware that all speakers/presenters are expected to register and pay to attend the conference. Even if a speaker/presenter will only attend the session that they will be speaking in, they will still be expected to register and pay. There will be a discount on speaker's registration (usually about a $50.00 discount). Scholarships may be applied for. If you are aware of the fees and plan to apply for a scholarship (but aren’t sure whether you will be granted the scholarship), please select “yes” in response to this question. Please note that a “no” answer will disqualify your proposal. (required) a. Yes b. No 31. Please confirm that you are aware that you are submitting this abstract to an online system and given the growth in internet crime, there is a risk, as with most websites, that any data that you submit here could be compromised. Password protection has been implemented throughout the site; however please note that this site does not have advanced security protocols in place. Please contact Katie Maynard, Event Manager, 805-448-5111 if you have concerns about this. (required) a. Confirm 32. Correspondence will be automatically sent to the submitter. If you would like to provide an alternate contact for possible use as a backup, please enter their email address/s here CA Higher Education Sustainability Conference 33. If you have any additional comments for reviewers, please include those here. (450 word limit, optional)