General Education SLO Development -Assessment Schedule and Draft 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2009 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May Learning Assessment Committee finalizes draft GE SLOs and process/timeline for GE SLO final development/approval/assessment. Draft GE development process/timeline presented to Faculty Senate for approval and recommendation to College Council. Appointment of work group leads for each GE category. IE Dean and SLO Coordinator facilitate work group refinement/finalization of GE SLOs. Learning Assessment Committee drafts philosophy and standards for implementing GE assessment. Final approval of GE SLOs and assessment philosophy and standards by Faculty Senate and recommendation to College Council. IE Dean and SLO Coordinator facilitate assessment training for GE assessment teams organized for each GE category. Program Review template revised to include GE assessment reporting. Curriculum development and approval process revised to include SLO review for GE course approval. GE assessment workgroups draft pilot assessment plans and submit them for review to Learning Assessment Committee, CIO, College Council, IEC, and Dean of IE. Rubrics, assessment tools, courses, sections, etc. identified or developed. Senate approves GE revisions of Program Review and GE Curriculum Approval. Senate drafts revised BPAP 4025 “Philosophy and Criteria for Associate Degree and General Education.” GE assessment workgroups revise and submit final pilot assessment plans to CIO, IEC, Dean of IE. College Council recommends revised BP 4025. Workgroups preparation and planning meetings. IE Dean and SLO Coordinator facilitate refinement of rubrics, tools, procedures for dialogue and reporting. Board approved revised BP 4025. Organizational GE assessment workshops for participating faculty. Review of tools, assessment standards, SLOs, data collection requirements, dialogue and review schedule, reporting. Implementation of GE SLO Assessment plans (embedded course-level assessments). GE assessment forums and informal progress reports. Implementation of revised curriculum approval process for GE courses. Implementation of GE SLO Assessment plan (embedded course-level assessments). GE assessment forums and formal progress reports. Implementation of GE SLO Assessment plan (embedded course-level assessments). GE assessment forums and informal progress reports. Program Review training for assessment reporting with revised template. Implementation of GE SLO Assessment plan: Final reporting of data by GE assessment teams. Research Office compiles data and creates final report. GE Assessment teams review data. Dialogue and development of plans for improvement. Plans submitted to Senate, College Council, Institutional Research Committee, CIO, CEO, SLO Coordinator, and Dean of IE for review. IEC reviews/evaluates assessment process and drafts sustainable practice plan for ongoing GE SLO assessment and improvement. Implementation of GE SLO improvement plans. ACCJC Progress Report! 1 General Education Student Learning Outcomes: Knowledge, skills, and values attained by the student who has completed the Associate Degree General Education Program at Victor Valley College. Criteria for General Education Learning Outcomes: 1. Describe Associate degree-level knowledge and skills. 2. Follow standard SLO Form: action verb, learning content, critical thinking. 3. Framed in general terms appropriate across a cluster of related disciplines. 4. Stated in terms that are measurable, using course embedded methods of assessment. 5. Incorporate ACCJC Standard II “Comprehensive Outcomes for General Education.” 6. Incorporate Title 5 General Education requirements for the A.A., A.S degrees. 7. Conform to CSU Breadth and IGETC standards for the corresponding area(s). 8. Provide clear guidance for writers of GE course curriculum proposals. 9. Provide clear guidance to the Curriculum Committee for review and approval of courses for General Education. GE SLO Categories: 1. Natural Science: ACCJC, Title 5, CSU, IGETC 2. Social and Behavioral Sciences: ACCJC, Title 5, CSU, IGETC 3. Humanities: ACCJC, Title 5, CSU, IGETC 4. English Composition: ACCJC, Title 5, CSU, IGETC 5. Communication and Analytical Thinking: [ACCJC], Title 5, [CSU, IGETC] 6. Mathematics: ACCJC, Title 5, CSU, IGETC 7. Computer Literacy: ACCJC 8. Information Competency: ACCJC [9. Ethics and Citizenship: ACCJC] 2 Draft GE SLOs: Students who complete the General Education program at Victor Valley College have attained the knowledge and skills listed below. I. Natural Sciences: Students who complete the Category I: Natural Science GE requirement for the Associate degree will have achieved each of the following outcomes. 1. Define and discuss the basic principles, concepts, and theories of the natural sciences. 2. Explain and apply the methods scientists use to explore natural phenomena, including observation, hypothesis, measurement, experimentation, evaluation of evidence, and quantitative analysis. 3. Critically evaluate the limitations and social impact of scientific study. II. Social and Behavioral Sciences: Students who complete the Category II: Social and Behavioral Sciences GE requirement for the Associate degree will have achieved each of the following outcomes. 1. Discuss and apply contemporary theoretical concepts and methods to social institutions and human behavior. 2. Critically analyze individual or social behavior in a variety of contexts, including contemporary, historical, Western, non-Western, and minority. 3. Define and apply principles of effective citizenship, including civility, respect for diversity, and exercise of social responsibilities. III. Humanities: Students who complete the Category III Humanities GE requirement for the Associate degree at Victor Valley College will have achieved each of the following outcomes. 1. Develop and refine appreciation for human cultural and artistic creativity through analyzing and interpreting works of major philosophical, historical, literary, artistic, and/or cultural importance. 2. Identify and critically analyze conceptions of human meaning and forms of self-expression and self-understanding from different periods of time, cultures, and social and ethnic groups. 3. Exercise sound and independent judgment regarding values, including the application of ethical principles and the analysis of values in proposed solutions to social problems. IV. English Composition: Students who complete the Category IVa: English Composition GE requirement for the Associate degree will have achieved each of the following outcomes. 1. Write a variety of essays and revise these compositions for clarity, organization, and mechanical and grammatical correctness. 2. Summarize, synthesize, and paraphrase various types of source materials. 3. Define, access, and evaluate research information from a variety of sources and using a variety of tools. 4. Prepare documented research papers using diverse resource material and MLA documentation. 3 V. Communication and Analytical Thinking: Students who complete the Category IVb: Communication & Analytical Thinking requirement for the Associate degree will have achieved three of the following outcomes. 1. Create and deliver oral presentations that are suitable to the topic, purpose, and audience. 2. Communicate with civility and attention to diversity using a wide range of media and in a variety of settings. 3. Actively listen with literal and critical comprehension of ideas and information transmitted in oral language. 4. Recognize, analyze, and evaluate arguments, including the identification of common logical errors or fallacies of language and thought. 5. Reason soundly using elementary inductive and deductive processes. 6. Distinguish fact from judgment, belief from knowledge, and assumption from conclusion. VI. Mathematics: Students who complete the Category V: Mathematics GE requirement for the Associate degree will have achieved each of the following outcomes. 1. Communicate mathematical information formally, using appropriate notation and terminology, and informally by using everyday language to express ideas. 2. Effectively organize, present, interpret and summarize quantitative information using symbolic, numerical and graphical methods. 3. Solve problems by evaluating the available information and type of problem, choosing an appropriate technique, applying the technique, and verifying whether or not the result is reasonable. 4. Use mathematical concepts and methods to understand, analyze, and explain issues in quantitative terms. VII. Computer Literacy: Students who earn the Associate degree will have achieved each of the following outcomes, as demonstrated by successful completion of a computer literacy competency exam or course that includes the outcomes below in the approved course outline of record. 1. Perform basic computer functions including opening software applications, working with windows, and managing files and folders. 2. Create and edit reports using a word processor and spreadsheet program. 3. Utilize the Internet to search for information using a browser and for communication using email. 4 VIII. Information Competency: Students who earn the Associate degree will have achieved each of the following outcomes, as demonstrated by successful completion of a computer literacy competency exam or course that includes the outcomes below in the approved course outline of record. 1. Determine the nature and extent of information needed and identify a variety of types of formats of potential sources of information. 2. Utilize research tools and/or the Internet to effectively locate and retrieve information resources. 3. Analyze and evaluate information for credibility, relevance, authority, currency, and point of view or bias. 4. Organize and clearly communicate information in order to accomplish a specific purpose. 5. Utilize information effectively and in accordance with legal and academic standards. 5