Graduation Policy - Worldview Centre for Intercultural Studies

Graduation Policy
Authorised by:
Academic Council
Effective Date:
Date Authorised: 4.12.12
Last Amendment Date:
Review Date Due:
December 2017
Associated Legislation:
Associated Documents:
External Australian Qualifications Framework July 2011
Implementation and
Academic Dean
Superseded Documents:
Revision History:
This policy covers matters relating to student graduation.
This policy applies to all students who are enrolled in a course of study at Worldview Centre
for Intercultural Studies.
AQF: Australian Qualifications Framework
Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS): a document which
provides information on the student’s qualification, the institution at which the qualification
was obtained (in this case, Worldview) and the Australian higher education system. The
document aims to give potential employers and other institutions a greater understanding of
the graduate’s achievements.
Graduand: a student who has completed the requirements for their award and been deemed
eligible to graduate.
Graduate: a graduand who has had their award conferred on them by Worldview.
Graduation in absentia: when an award is conferred on a student without their presence at
a graduation ceremony.
IELTS: International English Language Testing System. An English proficiency test which
assesses speaking, listening, writing and reading skill levels.
Reference: a statement issued by Worldview describing the graduate’s character.
Testamur: the official certificate issued by Worldview which confirms that a qualification has
been awarded to an individual.
Transcript of Studies: a record of all modules or subjects completed by the student which
lead towards a qualification issued by Worldview.
4.1 Eligibility
A student is eligible to graduate from the award in which they are enrolled if:
 all course requirements have been met;
 no financial debt is owed to Worldview;
 there is no current suspension, exclusion or expulsion penalty on their record;
 they have not already graduated from that award
Note: The non-AQF award course Bridging English may be retaken by students who wish to
improve their IELTS score.
4.2 Graduating with a Lesser Award (early exit)
If a student does not complete their enrolled course for any reason they may apply to
graduate with a lesser nested award, where the program rules allow.
4.3 Applying to Graduate
4.3.1 All undergraduate and postgraduate students must apply to graduate at least six
weeks before the completion of their course of study, including those who wish to exit
their course early and graduate with a lesser award.
4.3.2 Failure to lodge a form for an early exit will result in the graduand not receiving their
award and transcript at the next graduation ceremony.
4.3.3 Students who have not applied to graduate within six months of completing the
award requirements will normally graduate automatically in absentia at the next
graduation ceremony.
4.3.4 A student who has fees or charges still owing may participate in the graduation
ceremony and their name will appear on the list of graduands however their transcript,
testamur and AHEGS will be withheld until the debt is discharged.
4.4 Deferring Graduation
Students eligible to graduate may elect to defer their graduation by notifying the Registrar in
writing. The maximum period of deferral is until the graduation ceremony the following year.
4.5 In Absentia Graduation
4.5.1 Students eligible to graduate may choose to graduate in absentia. Their name will
appear on the list of graduands and their testamur, transcript, AHEGS and reference will
be sent to them as per their instructions (see Graduation Application Form).
4.5.2 Students who elect to graduate in absentia may participate in a future graduation
ceremony as a ‘walk through’ candidate. As a ‘walk through’, the student’s name will be
read out during the ceremony but will not appear on the list of graduands. The student
will be presented with an empty envelope (since the award will have been sent to them
after the earlier ceremony).
4.5.3 The award may be conferred early (before the date of graduation) if approved by
the Academic Council.
4.6 Approval for Graduation
4.6.1 The Registrar and the Academic Dean are responsible to ensure that the student
has completed all course requirements. The Academic Dean recommends to the
Academic Council all those eligible for admission to the degree or conferral of the
diploma. The Academic Council approves such candidates.
4.6.2 In the case of non-AQF awards, the Academic Dean reviews the transcripts and
approves conferral of the awards. The Dean reports such approvals to the Academic
Council for endorsement.
4.7 Surrender of Lesser Award
Graduates of a lesser award who continue on to complete the higher award will have their
lesser award revoked. The testamur of the lesser award must be surrendered by the student
before graduation. Where the testamur has been lost or stolen the student must sign a
declaration to the fact. If the testamur is recovered at a later date it must be surrendered to
4.8 Transcripts, Graduation Statements and Testamurs
Students will receive the following documents at their graduation ceremony:
a transcript of studies
reference and
(where applicable) an Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS)
AHEGS are issued to graduates of all AQF awards.
4.9 Academic Regalia
At Worldview, the colours used in hoods and stoles for Cross-cultural Ministry or Intercultural
Studies are gold and mauve:
The Academic Regalia for Worldview awards are as follows:
Bridging English
Introduction to Cross-cultural Ministry
Diploma of Cross-cultural Ministry
gown, stole
Bachelor of Cross-cultural Ministry
gown, hood, cap
Associate Degree in Cross-cultural Ministry
gown, hood, cap
Graduate Certificate in Cross-cultural Ministry
gown, stole, cap
(plus the hood of the undergraduate degree if available)
Graduate Diploma of Cross-cultural Ministry
gown, stole, cap
(plus the hood of the undergraduate degree if available)
4.10 Replacement Documents
4.10.1 Testamur – where a testamur has been lost, stolen or damaged a graduate may
request a replacement by writing to the Registrar. The damaged certificate must be
surrendered to Worldview before a replacement can be issued. In the case of loss or
theft, a statutory declaration attesting to the fact must accompany the request. If the
testamur is recovered at a later date it must be surrendered to Worldview.
If a graduate has had a name change and wants this reflected on their testamur they may
request a replacement. Evidence of the change of name must be provided and the
original testamur returned to Worldview.
A replacement testamur will be issued in the current style and be signed by the Registrar.
It will include the statement:
Replacement issued ..(date) the Registrar …(signed)…
In the case of testamurs issued prior to 1999, the replacement will also include a
statement under the Worldview logo as follows:
Formerly known as WEC Missionary Training College
4.10.2 Transcripts and AHEGS – a graduate may request additional copies of their
transcript or AHEGS by writing to the Registrar. These will be signed by the Registrar and
issued with the Common Seal. Where possible, the additional copies will be issued in the
same format as the original.
Name (please print):
Do you plan to complete your course and graduate this
a. Do you plan to withdraw from your course early and
apply for a lesser award?
b. If “YES”, name of award you are currently enrolled in.
c. Name of award you are applying to graduate with.
If you answered “YES” in question 1 or 2, please write your name the way you want it to
appear on your award:
If you answered “NO” in question 1 or 2, please state your intentions. You have the option to
defer your graduation to the following ceremony. You may also participate in a later
graduation ceremony as a ‘walk through’. (Please speak with the Registrar if you want to
discuss options).
If you do not plan to be at your graduation ceremony please provide a postal address for
your award and transcript:
Please return to the Registrar, Denise George in person or email to
Insert name
and address
I, ………………………………………………………………………………...
of ………………………………………………………………………………………..
Do solemnly and sincerely declare that:
Insert name
of award
1. The testamur for the award of ……………………………………………………
which I received from Worldview Centre for Intercultural Studies (formerly
known as WEC Missionary Training College) has:
not been received by me
been lost or stolen
been destroyed
2. If the original testamur is located at a later time, I agree to return it to
Worldview Centre for Intercultural Studies.
I acknowledge that this declaration is true and correct, and I make it with the understanding
and belief that a person who makes a false declaration is liable to the penalties of perjury.
Declared at ……………………………………………………………………………………………...
Signature of person making this declaration (to be signed in front of an authorised witness)
Signature of Authorised Witness…………………………………………………………………………………
Position of Authorised Witness…………………………………………………………………………………..
A list of people who can be witnesses is set out in Schedule 2 to the Statutory Declaration Regulations
1993. (See overleaf)
Part 1 - Members of Certain Professions
Chiropractor, Dentist, Legal practitioner, Medical practitioner, Nurse, Patent attorney, Pharmacist, Physiotherapist,
Psychologist, Veterinary surgeon
Part 2 - Other Persons
Agent of the Australian Postal Corporation who is in charge of an office supplying postal services to the public
Australian Consular Officer, or Australian Diplomatic Officer, (within the meaning of the Consular Fees Act 1955)
Bank officer with 5 or more continuous years of service
Building society officer with 5 or more years of continuous service
Chief executive officer of a Commonwealth court
Civil marriage celebrant
Clerk of a court
Commissioner for Affidavits
Commissioner for Declarations
Credit union officer with 5 or more years of continuous service
Fellow of the National Tax Accountants’ Association
Finance company officer with 5 or more years of continuous service
Holder of a statutory office not specified in another item in this Part
Judge of a court
Justice of the Peace
Master of a court
Member of the Association of Taxation and Management Accountants
Member of the Australian Defence Force who is:
(a) an officer; or
(b) a non-commissioned officer with the meaning of the Defence Force Discipline Act 1982 with 5 or more years
continuous service; or
(c) warrant officer within the meaning of that Act
Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia, the Australian Society of Certified Practising Accountants or
the National Institute of Accountants
Member of the Institute of Corporate managers, Secretaries and Administrators
Member of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, other than at the grade of student
Member of:
(a) the Parliament of the Commonwealth; or
(b) the Parliament of a State; or
(c) a Territory legislature; or
(d) a local government authority of a State or Territory
Minister of religion registered under Division 1 of Part IV of the Marriage Act 1961
Notary public
Permanent employee of:
(a) the Commonwealth or of a Commonwealth authority; or
(b) a State or Territory or of a State or Territory authority; or
(c) a local government authority;
with 5 or more years of continuous service who is not specified in another item in this Part
Permanent employee of the Australian Postal Corporation with 5 or more years of continuous service who is employed in an
office supplying postal services to the public
Person before whom a statutory declaration may be made under the law of the State or Territory in which the declaration is
Police Officer
Registrar, or Deputy Registrar, of a court
Senior Executive Service officer of the Commonwealth, or of a State or Territory, or of a Commonwealth, State or Territory
Sheriff’s officer
Teacher [includes a lecturer, tutor or qualified principal] employed on a full-time basis at a school or tertiary education