San Francisco Unified School District High School Graduation Requirements The purpose of this document is to define the term “on-track” for San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) High School Students in regards to High School graduation. The SFUSD Board of Education’s graduation policy (Plan A) is aligned with the University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU) admission requirements. The UC and CSU admission requirements are also referred to as the A-G requirements. By fulfilling the Plan A graduation requirements each student, starting with the Class of 2014, will have taken the minimum courses required by UC/CSU for admission. A course grade of “C” or higher is required for UC/CSU eligibility. In order to graduate and receive a high school diploma, students must pass the SFUSD graduation requirements with a grade of “D” or better and pass the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE). The district has also adopted two additional graduation plans that will not meet UC/CSU eligibility, as an option for foreign born students ages 15 and older with no accessible academic records (Plan E), and for foster youth students transferring in grades 11 or 12 (Plan F). Table 1 identifies the number of credits per subject area that are required for High School Graduation (Plan A). The A-G courses in the shaded area will meet the UC/CSU course requirements and the non-A-G courses are not shaded. Table 1 Course Subject Social Studies English Mathematics Science (one biological & one physical science) World Language (LOTE) * Visual or Performing Art (VAPA) G Electives Electives Physical Education Health College & Career Requirement Total Total Credits Required for Graduation 30 (3 years) 40 (4 years) 30 (3 years) 20 (2 years) 20 (2 years) 10 (1 year) 10 (1 year) 40 (4 years) 20 (2 years) 5 (1 semester) 5 (1 semester) Passing the English and Math California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) 230 *See school counselor or administrator to inquire about alternative ways to satisfy the World Language Requirement. On Track for High School Graduation (Plan A): Pass all required courses with a D or better with a total of 230 credits Students should earn the following credits per year to advance to the next grade level to be on track to graduate in 4 years o Advance to 10th grade - 50 credits o Advance to 11th grade - 110 credits o Advance to 12th grade - 170 credits Students should minimally complete the course subjects below by the end of each school year to be on track. Grade End 9th End 10th End 11th End 12th Credits 50 110 170 230 Social Studies English Math Science 10 20 30 40 10 20 20 30 10 10 20 10 20 30 WL 10 20 VAP A PE 10 College/ Career Health Elective s 5 5 50 10 20 20 20 Off-Track for High School Graduation (Plan A) A student is determined off track for graduation by not meeting the above criteria for high school graduation. This table identifies how to determine off-track status, based on credit counts only. Specific academic courses must be passed to graduate; this chart only indicates number, not type of credits. The list indicates credit counts at the end of the school year. This chart is intended to be used to help identify credit recovery options or alternative means of study for the students. PLAN A Off-track Moderately off track Extremely off track END OF YEAR 1 40-49 21-39 END OF YEAR 2 80-109 50 -79 END OF YEAR 3 140-169 110-139 END OF YEAR 4 190-229 169-189 0-20 credits 0-49 credits 0-109 credits 0-169 Minimum eligibility for UC/CSU admission: Students must pass all SFUSD graduation requirements AND must pass all courses within the A-G course sequence with a grade of “C” or better, for a total of 230 credits. Students must complete 15 A-G courses by end of 12th grade. To be on track for eligibility to UC/CSU, students should complete a minimum of 11 A-G courses by the end of the 11th grade school year. In addition to the minimal requirements to be eligible for UC/CSU, it is highly encouraged that ALL recommended coursework be complete with a grade of “C” or better. See Table #2. CSU minimal requirements to be considered for admission: Minimum A-G grade point average is 2.0 Must take SAT or ACT exam UC minimal requirements to be considered for admission: Minimum A-G grade point average is 3.0 Must take SAT or ACT exam In order to be a competitive applicant, students should review the additional recommended coursework. * Please note that each educational institution may also have specific requirements for eligibility for admission. Completion of the minimum requirements does not guarantee acceptance to UC/CSU. Below is a chart to compare the SFUSD Graduation requirements, UC, and CSU course requirements and course recommendations Table #2 Subject Area CSU/UC A-G subject Area SFUSD Course Requirements CSU/UC course requirements CSU/UC course recommendations Social Studies A 30 credits (3 yrs) 20 credits 20 credits English B 40 credits (4 yrs) 40 credits 40 credits Math C 30 credits (3 yrs) 30 credits 40 credits Laboratory Science World Language (LOTE) Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) Physical Education (PE) College and Career (CC) D 20 credits (2 yrs) 20 credits 30 credits E 20 credits (2 yrs) 20 credits 30 credits F 10 credits (1 yr) 10 credits 10 credits 20 credits (2 yrs) 0 0 5 credits (1 sem) 0 0 5 credits (1 sem) 0 0 50 credits (5 yrs) 10 credits 150 (15 courses) 10 credits 180 (18 courses) Health Electives Total Credits G 230 Below is one example of a HS course sequence for a student to meet HS graduation requirements 9th Grade Courses 10th Grade Courses 11th Grade Courses 9th English (B) 10th English (B) American Lit (B) 12th Grade Courses English/European Lit (B) Algebra (C) Geometry (C) Advanced Algebra (C) Other A-G (C-Math) PE PE VAPA (F) Other G Elective College Career/Health Modern World (A) U.S. History (A) American Dem. (A)/Econ. Other A-G (D Science) Biology (D) Physics/Chemistry (D) Other A-G (D Science) Other A-G (ELOTE) Other A-G ( ELOTE) Other A-G (E-LOTE) Other A-G (E-LOTE)