eTable 2. Articles excluded from the analyses of case-control studies to establish clinical validity, with reasons for exclusion Aksoy M, Tek I, Karabulut H, Berker B, Soylemez F: The role of thrombofilia related to Factor V Leiden and Factor II G20210A mutations in recurrent abortions. J Pak Med Assoc, 55:104-108, 2005. Reason: The high rate of consanguinity (29%) in cases and controls (6%) in this Turkish population could bias the observed carrier rates. Ayadurai T, Muniandy S, Omar SZ. Thrombophilia investigation in Malaysian women with recurrent pregnancy loss. J Obstet Gynaecol Res 2009;35:1061-1068. Reason: The only women tested for F5 were APC resistance positive; cannot compute ORs as zero variants observed in the control groups. Balasch J, Reverter JC, Fabregues F, et al. First-trimester repeated abortion is not associated with activated protein C resistance. Hum Reprod 1997;12:1094-1097. Reason: The only women tested for F5 were APC resistance positive. Behjati R, Modarressi MH, Jeddi-Tehrani M, et al. Thrombophilic mutations in Iranian patients with infertility and recurrent spontaneous abortion. Ann Hematol 2006;85:268-271. Reason: Cannot compute ORs; zero variants observed in the F5 control group. Biswas A, Choudhry P, Mittal A, et al. Recurrent abortions in Asian Indians: no role of factor V Leiden Hong Kong/Cambridge mutation and MTHFR polymorphism. Clin Appl Thromb Hemost 2008;14:102-104. Reason: Cannot compute an OR; zero variants observed in the F5 control group. Brenner B, Mandel H, Lanir N, et al. Activated protein C resistance can be associated with recurrent pregnancy loss. Br J Haematol 1997;97:551-554. Reason: The only women tested for F5 were APC resistance positive. Coulam CB, Jeyendran RS, Fishel LA, Roussev R. Multiple thrombophilic gene mutations rather than specific gene mutations are risk factors for recurrent miscarriage. Am J Reprod Immunol 2006;55:360-368. Reason: Cannot compute an OR for F5 or F2; zero variants observed in the RPL and control groups. Dizon-Townson DS, Kinney S, Branch DW, Ward K. The factor V Leiden mutation is not a common cause of recurrent miscarriage. J Reprod Immunol 1997;34:217-223. Reasons: Cannot compute an OR for F5 as zero variants observed in the RPL and control groups. Gonen R, Lavi N, Attias D, Schliamser L, Borochowitz Z, Toubi E, Ohel G: Absence of association of inherited thrombophilia with unexplained third-trimester intrauterine fetal death. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 192:742-746, 2005. Reason: Cannot compute an OR for F2 as zero variants were observed in the RPL group; the high rate of consanguinity in the Arab population (about 50% of cases) could bias the observed carrier rates. Goodman CS, Coulam CB, Jeyendran RS, Acosta VA, Roussev R: Which thrombophilic gene mutations are risk factors for recurrent pregnancy loss? Am J Reprod Immunol, 56:230236, 2006. Reason: No control population (compared to published data); suspected data overlap with another article. Hashimoto K, Shizusawa Y, Shimoya K, et al. The Factor V Leiden mutation in Japanese couples with recurrent spontaneous abortion. Hum Reprod 1999;13:1872-1874. Reason: Asian populations are known to have an absent or low F5 allele frequency; as expected, no variants were identified in cases or controls. Jivraj S, Rai R, Underwood J, Regan L: Genetic thrombophilic mutations among couples with recurrent miscarriage. Hum Reprod, 21:1161-1165, 2006. Reason: Frequency of heterozygotes not provided for the case-control subset with RPL of unexplained etiology. Kobashi G, Kato EH, Morikawa M, Shimada S, Ohta K, Fujimoto S, Minakami H, Yamada H. MTHFR C677T Polymorphism and Factor V Leiden Mutation Are Not Associated with Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion of Unexplained Etiology in Japanese Women. Sem Thromb Hemost 2005;31;266-271. Reason: Asian populations are known to have a low F5 allele frequency; as expected, no F5 variants were identified in cases or controls. Mitic G, Kovac M, Povazan L, Magic Z, Djordjevic V, Salatic I, Mitic I, Novakov-Mikic A. Inherited Thrombophilia is Associated with Pregnancy Losses That Occur After 12th Gestational Week in Serbian Population. Clin App Thromb/Hem 2010;16:435-439. Reason: The only women tested for F5 were APC resistance positive. F2 data used. Mtiraoui N, Borgi L, Hizem S, Nsiri B, Finan RR, Gris JC, Almawi WY, Mahjoub T: Prevalence of antiphospholipid antibodies, factor V G1691A (Leiden) and prothrombin G20210A mutations in early and late recurrent pregnancy loss. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2005;119:164-170. Reason: Appears to represent a subset of data from Mahjoub et al., 2005. Mukhopadhyay R, Saraswathy KN, Ghost PK. MTHFR C677T and Factor V Leiden in Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: A Study Among an Endogamous Group in North India. Gen Testing Molec Biomarkers 2009;13:861-865. Reason: Cannot compute an OR for F5; zero variants observed in the control group of Rajputs from northern India. Rothbart H, Ohel G, Younis J, Lanir N, Brenner B. High Prevalence of Activated Protein C Resistance Due to Factor V Leiden Mutation in Cases of Intrauterine Fetal Death. J Mat Fet Med 1999;8:228-230. Reason: The only women tested for F5 were APC resistance positive. Sarig G, Younis JS, Hoffman R, Lanir N, Blumenfeld Z, Brenner B. Thrombophilia is common in women with idiopathic pregnancy loss and is associated with late pregnancy wastage. Fertil Steril 2002;77:342-347. Reason: The only women tested for F5 were APC resistance positive. Tal J, Schliamser LM, Leibovitz Z, Ohel G, Attias D. A possible role for activated protein C resistance in patients with first and second trimester pregnancy failure. Hum Reprod 1999;14:1624-1627. Reason: The only women tested for F5 were APC resistance positive. Vora S, Shetty S, Ghosh K. Thrombophilic dimension of recurrent fetal loss in Indian patients. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis 2008;19:581-584. Reason: Cannot compute an OR for F2; zero variants observed in the RPL and control groups. Weiner Z, Beck-Fruchter R, Weiss A, Hujirat Y, Shalev E, Shalev SA: Thrombophilia and stillbirth: possible connection by intrauterine growth restriction. Bjog, 111:780-783, 2004. Reason: Cannot compute an OR for F2 as zero variants observed in the RPL group in this Israeli study. F5 data not consistent with Hardy-Weinberg proportions (P = .04). Wolf CE, Haubelt H, Pauer HU, et al. Recurrent pregnancy loss and its relation to FV Leiden, FII G20210A and polymorphisms of plasminogen activator and plasminogen activator inhibitor. Pathophysiol Haemost Thromb 2003;33:134-137. Reason: Overlap with Pauer et al., 2003; cannot compute a F2 OR as zero variants observed in the RPL group. Yenicesu GI, Cetin M, Ozdemir O, Cetin A, Ozen F, Yenicesu C, Yildiz C, Kocak N. A prospective case-control study analyzes 12 thrombophilic gene mutations in Turkish couples with recurrent pregnancy loss. Am J Reprod Immunol 2010;63:126-136. Reason: Could not derive raw data for F5, and no F2 variants observed in the control group. Younis JS, Ohel G, Brenner B, et al. The effect of thrombophylaxis on pregnancy outcome in patients with recurrent pregnancy loss associated with factor V Leiden mutation. Bjog 2000;107:415-419. Reason: The only women tested for F5 were APC resistance positive. Yusoff NM, Abdullah WZ, Ghazali S, Othman MS, Baba AA, Abdullah N, Isa MN, Chong CL. The absence of factor V Leiden mutation in Malays with recurrent spontaneous abortions. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol 2002;42:164-166. Reason: Cannot compute a F5 OR; no variants observed in case or control groups. eTable 3. Articles excluded from the analyses of cohort studies to establish clinical validity, with reasons for exclusion Bare SN, Poka R, Balogh I, Ajzner E: Factor V Leiden as a risk factor for miscarriage and reduced fertility. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 40:186-190, 2000. Reasons: Cohort of women infertile for 1 year who completed a questionnaire and were tested for F5; insufficient description of pregnancy history; high allele frequency (0.111) suggests bias; miscarriage and infertility outcomes could not be separated. Biron-Andreani C, Bauters A, Le Cam-Duchez V, Delahousse B, Lequerric A, Dutrillaux F, et al. Factor V Leiden Homozygous Genotype and Pregnancy Outcomes. Obstet. Gynecol 2009;114:1249-1253). Reason: Genotype frequencies not consistent with HardyWeinberg; likely biased ascertainment in a referral center and specifically focused on late fetal loss. Carp H, Dolitzky M, Tur-Kaspa I, Inbal A. Hereditary hemophilias are not associated with a decreased live birth rate in women with recurrent miscarriage. Fertil Steril 2002;78:58-62. Reasons: Small study in a tertiary referral unit (i.e., potential bias toward high risk); not all patients tested for F5 / F2 with no reason provided. Meinardi JR, Middeldorp S, de Kam PJ, Koopman MM, van Pampus EC, Hamulyak K, Prins MH, Buller HR, van der Meer J: Increased risk for fetal loss in carriers of the factor V Leiden mutation. Ann Intern Med, 130:736-739, 1999. Reason: Cohort study apparently based on the same European study group as the Coppens 2009 paper (EPCOT), which has a larger N and provides information through 3 pregnancies. Preston FE, Rosendaal FR, Walker ID, Briet E, Berntorp E, Conard J, Fontcuberta J, Makris M, Mariani G, Noteboom W, Pabinger I, Legnani C, Scharrer I, Schulman S, van der Meer FJ: Increased fetal loss in women with heritable thrombophilia. Lancet, 348:913-916, 1996. Reason: Like Meinardi, a cohort study apparently based on the same European study group as the Coppens 2009 paper (EPCOT), which has a larger N and provides information through 3 pregnancies; subset of data also published as Vossen et al., 2004. Rodger MA, Betancourt MT, Clark P, Lindqvist PG, Dizon-Townson D, Said J, Seligsohn U, Carrier M, Salomon O, Greer IA. The Association of Factor V Leiden and Prothrombin Gene Mutation and Placenta-Mediated Pregnancy Complications: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies. PLoS Med 2010; 7;1-11. Reason: The Rodger 2007 cohort data sets presented in Table 1 and Figures 2 and 3 in this article are referenced to an abstract; no other source of published data could be identified. Sarig G, Younis JS, Hoffman R, Lanir N, Blumenfeld Z, Brenner B: Thrombophilia is common in women with idiopathic pregnancy loss and is associated with late pregnancy wastage. Fertil Steril, 77:342-347, 2002. Reason: Prospective observational study includes 4 cases with previous VTE; has mixed ethnicity (about half Jewish and half Arab, matched); number of pregnancies/losses unclear. Sedano-Balbas S, Lyons M, Cleary B, Murray M, Gaffney G, Maher M. APCR, factor V gene known and novel SNPs and adverse pregnancy outcomes in an Irish cohort of pregnant women. BMC Preg Childbirth 2010;10:11-18. Reason: APCR pre-testing. Simchen MJ, Ofir K, Moran O, Kedem A, Sivan E, Schiff E. Thrombophilic risk factors for placental stillbirth. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2010;153:160-164. Reason: Small prospective cohort focused on differentiating placental and non-placental stillbirth outcomes. Tormene D, Simioni P, Prandoni P, Luni S, Innella B, Sabbion P, Girolami A: The risk of fetal loss in family members of probands with factor V Leiden mutation. Thromb Haemost, 82:1237-1239, 1999. Reason: Retrospective cohort (may also be EPCOT) study in women who had been pregnant at least once (pregnancy history not provided) and had a family member(s) with F5/VTE. Insufficient information provided for occurrence or recurrence analysis in single pregnancies. Vossen CY, Preston FE, Conard J, Fontcuberta J, Makris M, van der Meer FJ, Pabinger I, Palareti G, Scharrer I, Souto JC, Svensson P, Walker ID, Rosendaal FR: Hereditary thrombophilia and fetal loss: a prospective follow-up study. J Thromb Haemost, 2:592596, 2004. Reason: European cohort study of 191 women enrolled in EPCOT (131 with thrombophilia; 21 F5) who had a pregnancy outcome during prospective follow-up. Insufficient information. eFigure 1. Forest plots of the association of F5 genotype and pregnancy loss, stratified by study design. The 33 case-control studies are in alphabetical order, and have a summary OR of 2.02. The 12 cohort studies that follow are in order of publication, most recent first. Four studies in women with a history of ≥ 2 previous losses report a higher recurrence of fetal loss in those with F5 genotypes than in non-carriers (OR 1.93). Eight studies in unselected cohorts of women report a higher occurrence of fetal loss in those with F5 genotypes (OR = 2.03). The overall OR is 2.01 for all studies. F5 Forest Plots by Study Design Group by Study design Study name Statistics for each study Odds ratio and 95% CI Odds Lower Upper ratio limit limit p-Value Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control RPL Cohort RPL Cohort RPL Cohort RPL Cohort RPL Cohort Unselected Cohort Unselected Cohort Unselected Cohort Unselected Cohort Unselected Cohort Unselected Cohort Unselected Cohort Unselected Cohort Unselected Cohort Overall Agorastos Altinitas Brenner Carp Fatini Foka Glueck Grandone Hefler Hohlagschwandtner Hopmeier Ivanov Jaslow Krause Kutteh Many Metz Mougiou Murphy Onderoglu Pasquier Pauer Pihusch Rai Raziel Reznikoff-Etievant Ridker Sotiriadis Sottilotta Souza Subrt Toth Wramsby 3.429 1.134 3.986 0.592 3.849 5.538 3.233 4.394 1.124 2.798 2.146 1.998 0.988 3.963 1.091 2.081 1.745 0.975 2.079 5.391 1.164 1.693 0.915 0.821 3.800 2.412 2.277 1.755 3.000 2.333 6.479 1.138 7.225 2.019 Lund RPL Cohort 1.951 Jivraj RPL Cohort 1.436 Coppens RPL Cohort 0.500 Rai RPL Cohort 3.759 1.932 Said Cohort 8.846 Clark Cohort 0.373 Karakantza Cohort 2.147 Coppens Cohort 1.649 Lindqvish Cohort 1.481 Dizon-Townson Cohort 1.079 Lissalde-Lavigne Cohort 3.212 Murphy Cohort 5.269 2.027 2.006 0.336 0.469 1.810 0.154 0.747 1.759 1.467 1.314 0.435 0.900 0.601 0.812 0.542 1.644 0.094 0.401 0.423 0.346 0.453 2.236 0.604 0.683 0.354 0.435 0.715 1.169 0.979 0.408 0.914 0.271 1.878 0.502 1.534 1.597 0.967 0.635 0.026 1.291 1.207 1.599 0.051 0.672 1.100 0.809 0.522 2.392 1.407 1.295 1.659 34.950 2.745 8.780 2.279 19.845 17.439 7.128 14.698 2.906 8.695 7.669 4.917 1.801 9.556 12.679 10.810 7.198 2.742 9.542 12.997 2.241 4.196 2.367 1.549 20.194 4.978 5.298 7.550 9.845 20.086 22.349 2.581 34.044 2.553 3.936 3.250 9.457 10.946 3.093 48.933 2.702 6.861 2.472 2.709 2.229 4.314 19.730 3.174 2.426 0.298 0.780 0.001 0.446 0.107 0.003 0.004 0.016 0.809 0.075 0.240 0.132 0.968 0.002 0.945 0.383 0.441 0.961 0.347 0.000 0.651 0.256 0.855 0.542 0.117 0.017 0.056 0.450 0.070 0.440 0.003 0.756 0.012 0.000 0.062 0.385 0.644 0.015 0.006 0.012 0.329 0.197 0.016 0.203 0.837 0.000 0.014 0.002 0.000 0.01 Meta Analysis 0.1 1 10 100 eFigure 2. Forest plot of the association of F5 genotype and recurrent pregnancy loss. The 33 case-control studies are in order of publication, from 1997 to 2010. F5 Forest Plot by Year of Publication Study name Subgroup within study Statistics for each study Odds ratio and 95% CI Odds Lower Upper ratio limit limit Z-Value p-Value Grandone Metz Ridker Brenner Kutteh Souza Fatini Foka Murphy Wramsby Pihusch Rai Raziel Reznikoff-Etievant Agorastos Carp Many Hohlagschwandtner Pauer Hefler Krause Onderoglu Sottilotta Altinitas Sotiriadis Glueck Hopmeier Mougiou Pasquier Subrt Toth Ivanov Jaslow 1997.000 1997.000 1998.000 1999.000 1999.000 1999.000 2000.000 2000.000 2000.000 2000.000 2001.000 2001.000 2001.000 2001.000 2002.000 2002.000 2002.000 2003.000 2003.000 2004.000 2005.000 2006.000 2006.000 2007.000 2007.000 2008.000 2008.000 2008.000 2008.000 2008.000 2008.000 2009.000 2010.000 4.394 1.745 2.277 3.986 1.091 2.333 3.849 5.538 2.079 7.225 0.915 0.821 3.800 2.412 3.429 0.592 2.081 2.798 1.693 1.124 3.963 5.391 3.000 1.134 1.755 3.233 2.146 0.975 1.164 6.479 1.138 1.998 0.988 2.019 1.314 0.423 0.979 1.810 0.094 0.271 0.747 1.759 0.453 1.534 0.354 0.435 0.715 1.169 0.336 0.154 0.401 0.900 0.683 0.435 1.644 2.236 0.914 0.469 0.408 1.467 0.601 0.346 0.604 1.878 0.502 0.812 0.542 1.597 14.698 7.198 5.298 8.780 12.679 20.086 19.845 17.439 9.542 34.044 2.367 1.549 20.194 4.978 34.950 2.279 10.810 8.695 4.196 2.906 9.556 12.997 9.845 2.745 7.550 7.128 7.669 2.742 2.241 22.349 2.581 4.917 1.801 2.553 2.403 0.770 1.910 3.432 0.070 0.771 1.611 2.925 0.941 2.501 -0.183 -0.610 1.566 2.383 1.040 -0.762 0.872 1.779 1.137 0.242 3.067 3.753 1.812 0.279 0.756 2.910 1.176 -0.048 0.453 2.958 0.310 1.506 -0.040 5.868 RPL Controls 0.016 7 / 43 5 / 118 0.441 6 / 100 3 / 85 0.056 9 / 113 16 / 437 0.001 24 / 76 11 / 106 0.945 1 / 23 2 / 50 0.440 1 / 28 6 / 384 0.107 6 / 59 2 / 70 0.003 15 / 80 4 / 100 0.347 2 / 41 13 / 540 0.012 11 / 62 2 / 69 0.855 8 / 101 11 / 128 0.542 74 / 1111 12 / 150 0.117 6 / 36 2 / 40 0.017 27 / 260 11 / 240 0.298 1 / 8 4 / 100 0.446 4 / 108 5 / 82 0.383 3 / 40 3 / 80 0.075 15 / 145 4 / 101 0.256 12 / 101 9 / 122 0.809 10 / 94 9 / 94 0.002 24 / 133 7 / 133 0.000 29 / 102 7 / 102 0.070 5 / 55 7 / 217 0.780 9 / 114 13 / 185 0.450 5 / 99 3 / 102 0.004 9 / 44 47 / 638 0.240 8 / 49 4 / 48 0.961 8 / 212 7 / 181 0.651 15 / 311 25 / 599 0.003 18 / 206 3 / 206 0.756 13 / 151 12 / 157 0.132 20 / 153 7 / 100 0.968 21 / 311 25 / 366 0.000 426 / 4569301 / 6130 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 eFigure 3. Forest plots of the association of F2 genotype and pregnancy loss, stratified by study design. The 29 case-control studies are in alphabetical order, and have a summary OR of 2.07. The 5 cohort studies that follow are in order of publication, most recent first. Only one study was found in women with a history of ≥ 2 previous losses. Four studies in unselected cohorts of women report a higher occurrence of fetal loss in those with F2 genotypes (OR = 1.77). The overall OR is 2.05 for all studies. F2 Forest Plots by Study Design Group by Study design Study name Statistics for each study Odds ratio and 95%CI Odds Lower Upper ratio limit limit Z-Value p-Value Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control Case-Control RPL Cohort RPL Cohort Unselected Cohort Unselected Cohort Unselected Cohort Unselected Cohort Unselected Cohort Overall Agorastos 7.000 Altinitas 1.083 Brenner 2.186 Carp 0.748 Fatini 1.190 Foka 4.699 Hefler 1.810 Hohlagschwandtner 2.891 Ivanov 6.619 Jaslow 2.132 Krause 2.047 Kupferminc 3.356 Kutteh 2.227 Many 5.571 Mitic 4.042 Mougiou 0.975 Onderoglu 2.020 Pasquier 1.293 Pauer 0.741 Pickering 0.929 Pihusch 6.546 Raziel 2.294 Reznikoff-Etievant 2.774 Soririadis 2.633 Sottilotta 3.517 Souza 3.519 Subrt 0.901 Toth 1.595 Wramsby 1.119 2.068 Lund 3.289 3.289 Said 8.305 Silver 0.964 Karakantza 1.119 Lissalde-Lavigne 2.410 1.772 2.049 0.563 0.178 0.595 0.209 0.073 0.948 0.512 0.601 1.947 0.640 0.501 0.606 0.133 1.030 1.125 0.346 0.180 0.574 0.121 0.164 0.753 0.199 1.151 0.499 1.032 0.380 0.092 0.554 0.217 1.585 0.594 0.594 0.948 0.486 0.243 1.757 0.870 1.602 86.996 6.584 8.030 2.673 19.441 23.282 6.403 13.906 22.510 7.099 8.363 18.573 37.258 30.122 14.522 2.742 22.633 2.914 4.525 5.258 56.949 26.429 6.683 13.902 11.986 32.585 8.824 4.595 5.757 2.698 18.199 18.199 72.724 1.913 5.151 3.307 3.608 2.622 1.513 0.087 1.178 -0.447 0.122 1.895 0.921 1.324 3.027 1.233 0.998 1.387 0.557 1.995 2.141 -0.048 0.570 0.621 -0.325 -0.083 1.702 0.666 2.274 1.140 2.010 1.108 -0.089 0.865 0.134 5.353 1.364 1.364 1.912 -0.105 0.144 5.454 1.576 5.705 0.130 0.931 0.239 0.655 0.903 0.058 0.357 0.185 0.002 0.218 0.318 0.166 0.577 0.046 0.032 0.961 0.568 0.535 0.745 0.934 0.089 0.505 0.023 0.254 0.044 0.268 0.929 0.387 0.893 0.000 0.173 0.173 0.056 0.916 0.885 0.000 0.115 0.000 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 eFigure 4. Forest plot of the association of F2 genotype and recurrent pregnancy loss. The 29 case-control studies are in order of publication, from 1999 to 2010. F2 Forest Plot by Year of Publication Study name Statistics for each study Odds ratio Brenner Kutteh Souza Fatini Foka Kupferminc Wramsby Pickering Pihusch Raziel Reznikoff-Etievant Agorastos Carp Many Hohlagschwandtner Pauer Hefler Krause Onderoglu Sottilotta Altinitas Soririadis Mougiou Pasquier Subrt Toth Ivanov Jaslow Mitic 2.186 2.227 3.519 1.190 4.699 3.356 1.119 0.929 6.546 2.294 2.774 7.000 0.748 5.571 2.891 0.741 1.810 2.047 2.020 3.517 1.083 2.633 0.975 1.293 0.901 1.595 6.619 2.132 4.042 2.068 Lower limit Upper limit 0.595 0.133 0.380 0.073 0.948 0.606 0.217 0.164 0.753 0.199 1.151 0.563 0.209 1.030 0.601 0.121 0.512 0.501 0.180 1.032 0.178 0.499 0.346 0.574 0.092 0.554 1.947 0.640 1.125 1.585 8.030 37.258 32.585 19.441 23.282 18.573 5.757 5.258 56.949 26.429 6.683 86.996 2.673 30.122 13.906 4.525 6.403 8.363 22.633 11.986 6.584 13.902 2.742 2.914 8.824 4.595 22.510 7.099 14.522 2.698 F2 / Total Z-Value p-Value 1.178 0.557 1.108 0.122 1.895 1.387 0.134 -0.083 1.702 0.666 2.274 1.513 -0.447 1.995 1.324 -0.325 0.921 0.998 0.570 2.010 0.087 1.140 -0.048 0.621 -0.089 0.865 3.027 1.233 2.141 5.353 RPL Odds ratio and 95% CI Controls 0.239 6 / 76 4 / 106 0.577 1 / 23 1 / 50 0.268 1 / 28 4 / 384 0.903 1 / 59 1 / 70 0.058 7 / 80 2 / 100 0.166 2 / 20 5 / 156 0.893 3 / 62 3 / 69 0.934 4 / 103 2 / 48 0.089 5 / 102 1 / 128 0.505 2 / 36 1 / 40 0.023 20 / 260 7 / 240 0.130 1/8 2 / 100 0.655 5 / 108 5 / 82 0.046 5 / 40 2 / 80 0.185 8 / 145 2 / 101 0.745 2 / 101 3 / 113 0.357 7 / 94 4 / 94 0.318 6 / 133 3 / 133 0.568 2 / 102 1 / 102 0.044 5 / 55 6 / 217 0.931 2 / 114 3 / 185 0.254 5 / 99 2 / 101 0.961 8 / 212 7 / 181 0.535 10 / 311 15 / 599 0.929 3 / 206 1 / 62 0.387 9 / 151 6 / 157 0.002 26 / 153 3 / 100 0.218 5 / 143 6 / 359 0.032 13 / 147 3 / 128 0.000 174 / 3171 105 / 4285 0.01 0.1 1 10 100