English Department Special Topics Courses & Substitution Options: Fall 2009 (Each requires a Substitution/Waiver form. Prerequisites for 300-level courses vary. A complete list can be found at the end of this handout.) CRN Course Title Instructor Day(s)/Time 971 LITR 394 Literature and Landscape Roger Hecht M 5:30-8:00 978 WLIT 394 Comparative Indigenous Literatures Susan Bernardin MWF 12:0012:50 Substitution Period Course: 1800-present American Lit or 300-level elective. (No form needed if 300-level.) Multicultural (or 300-level elective. No form needed) Noteworthy English (& other) Departmental Course Offerings and Their Categories (some of which may require a Substitution/Waiver form) CRN Course 932 COMP 315 970 LITR/WMST 285 880 ALIT 216 881 ALIT 240 939 ELIT 246 ELIT 243 938 Title Instructor Day(s)/Time Category G. Crane MWF 12 Period Course: Ancient to Medieval or 300-level elective S. Bernardin MWF 1 Multicultural G. Hovis MWF 2 Period Course: 1800-Present R. Hecht W 5:30-8:00 Victorian Literature B. Tredennick TTh 12 18th-century English Literature J. Sadow TTh 2:00-3:15 Early Literary Criticism Autobiography, Gender and Culture Modern American Fiction The American Renaissance Period Course: 1800-Present Period Course: 1800-Present or Pre-20thCentury ELIT Period Course: Renaissance to 1800 or Pre-20thCentury ELIT 943 ELIT 275 Jane Austen B. Tredennick TTh 2 Period course:1800present or Major Author 525 FREN 319* French Literature of the 19th c. L. Tsan TTh2 Multicultural 946 LING 320 History of the English Language R. McPhail TTh 2 Additional Period Course or 300-level elective 970 LITR/WMST 285 Autobiography, Gender and Culture S. Bernardin MWF 1 Multicultural 559 SPAN 341* Cervantes G. Fages MWF 10 Multicultural Multicultural or 975 WLIT 215 World Novels M. Ferrara MWF 1 1800-present period course Period Course: 1800-Present Writing and 977 WLIT 380 R. Lee W 5:00-7:30 or Violence 300-level elective * These instructors will teach these foreign-language courses in English and allow reading in translation for non-FL majors who take these courses. English Dept. 300-level courses for fall 2009: LITR 394: Literature and Landscape (Hecht) M 5:30-8:00 Prerequisites—LITR 150 or LITR 100; COMP 200; or by permission of instructor. WLIT 394: Comparative Indigenous Literatures (Bernardin) MWF 12-12:50 Prerequisites—LITR 150 or LITR 100; COMP 200; 6 s.h. of ALIT, ELIT, LING, LITR, WLIT; or by permission of instructor. LING 320: History of the English Language (McPhail) TTh 2-3:15 Prerequisites—JrS and 3 s.h. LING or 6 s.h. ALIT or ELIT. COMP 310: Screenwriting Workshop (Payne) M 6:00-8:30 Prerequisites—COMP 150 with a grade of “B” or better. COMP 315: Early Literary Criticism (Crane) MWF 12-12:50 Prerequisites—LITR 150 or LITR 100; COMP 200; 6 s.h. of ALIT, ELIT, LING, LITR, WLIT; or by permission of instructor. WLIT 380: Writing and Violence (Lee) W 5:00-7:30 Prerequisites—LITR 150 or LITR 100; COMP 200; 6 s.h. of ALIT, ELIT, LING, LITR, WLIT; or by permission of instructor.