Finding Course Information Tips for Host Universities Each

Finding Course
Tips for Host Universities
Each university is different,
however there are some
generalizations that can be made
based on the educational system of
each country. Below you will find
tips for finding course
information based on the education
Important Information
• There are three places on a
host university web site that you
could find course information:
1) the course
2) the department web site, and
3) that university’s international
office’s web site.
The international office web site
often contains useful information
about suggested credit load,
appropriate course levels for US
students, and how to find which
term courses are offered.
The program sponsor web site often
links to the course handbook or
international office page at the
host institution. The program
sponsor’s web site will be
important to review in case there
are limitations such as taking
courses in certain colleges or
across colleges.
• If you are requesting a
syllabus and not receiving the
appropriate materials, it may be
that the host institution is not
recognizing the term syllabus.
When asking for course information
you may want to outline what you
√ course description and
√ text(s) used/required
readings or, if not
available, the recommended
reading list
√ number of credits, hours or
percentage of full time load
that this course represents
√ prerequisites or overall
degree program to illustrate
where the course fits with
other courses
• If you continue having
difficulty, check with the program
sponsor or the Learning Abroad
Center for assistance. In some
instances they can contact on-site
staff to locate course
Academic Planning for
Australian Universities
Terminology (Australian = US)
Course = program of study or
degree program
Subjects or Units = course or
• The semester in Australia is
flip flopped from ours. Our fall
is their spring and vice versa.
• Generally, the 1000 level
courses equal sophomore/2nd year in
Academic Planning for English,
Welsh, and Irish Universities
Academic Planning for Scottish
Terminology (UK = US)
Course = program of study or
degree program
Module = class or course
Prospectus = catalog or handbook
Faculty = a department
Terminology (Scottish = US)
Course = program of study or
degree program
Module = class or course
Prospectus = catalog or handbook
Faculty = a department
• Generally, you will look at
second year UK courses (or
modules) to match US junior year
and upper division liberal ed
courses. The second year also
works well for mid-level major
coursework. The100 level is fine
for liberal ed courses but are not
upper division.
• It may be hard to take courses
across colleges. When looking for
courses you may need to limit the
search to one college. The program
sponsor will indicate this. It is
not true for the Learning Abroad
Center University Study in the UK
programs; Lancaster, UEA, Queen
• Some UK universities are on a
trimester system. Pay attention to
the term the course is offered.
• Some courses may be year-long
and so may not be an option for
you unless you are an academic
year or fall student.
The US model was based on the
Scottish model of education so
there are many similarities. It is
a four-year degree program and
Scottish students do two years of
general studies before choosing a
specialized subject. Course levels
should match more readily to a
student’s level in the US.
Academic Planning for New
Zealand Universities
Terminology (New Zealand = US)
Course = program of study, major,
or degree program
Papers and subjects = courses or
• The semester in New Zealand is
flip flopped from ours. Our fall
is their spring and vice versa.
• Generally, the 200 or 2000 level
courses equal junior year in US
and are upper division.
• Different levels (or years) of
study often have different credit
value assigned.
Academic Planning for Spanish
Facultad = department
Licenciaturas = bachelor degrees
• Courses are likely to be found
within departments or degrees and
possibly under Plan de Estudios or
Programa de Asignaturas.
• Look for courses in the primer
ciclo, first, second or third year
courses. These will meet the US
level best.
• Upper ciclo courses that are
Cursos Optativos will match well
You will not be able to find
course syllabi for almost any
Spanish university, however you
may be able to find course
listings and descriptions on-line.
Be aware that courses are
difficult to confirm prior to
arrival on-site as Spanish
students generally follow a preset track and don’t have to do
course election. They also
generally only study one or two
subjects and so have more
background than US students.
Academic Planning for Asian
For some universities you will not
be able to find course syllabi online, however some course
descriptions may be available
through the host university’s web
site. Work through the program
sponsor to access course
Academic Planning for South
African Universities
Course syllabi are difficult to
get for these institutions.
Students may want to be flexible
with the majority of courses they
want to take abroad. However, if
there are one or two courses that
are needed for major/minor
requirements then work with the
program sponsor to gather the
necessary information. You will
want to identify the courses from
the host institutions web site
prior to contacting the program
Academic Planning for Latin
American Universities
For many universities you will not
be able to find course syllabi online however some course
descriptions may be available.
Students may want to be flexible
with the majority of courses they
want to take abroad. Work through
the program sponsor to access one
or two needed course descriptions.
Academic Planning for African
You will not be able to find
course syllabi on-line however
some course descriptions may be
available. Students may want to be
flexible with the majority of
courses they want to take abroad.
Work through the program sponsor
to try to access one or two needed
course descriptions.
Academic Planning for French
You will not be able to find
course syllabi for almost any
French university. Work through
the program sponsor to access
course descriptions and further
Academic Planning for German
You can find course listings online for many universities. Work
through the program sponsor to
access course descriptions and
possibly syllabi.
This information, as well as more
details about the academic
planning process, is available on
the Learning Abroad Center web
Learning Abroad Center
230 Heller Hall, 271 19th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55455
612.626.9000 • 888.700.UOFM • 612.626.8009(fax) • •
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