GEO Committee on Project Estimates (COPE) Guidance Note – Preparation of Project Estimate and Pre-tender Estimate for Works Contracts 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 This Guidance Note provides guidance on the preparation of Project Estimate and Pre-tender Estimate for works contracts, including GI/Laboratory Testing contracts, for submission to GEO Committee on Project Estimates (COPE) in accordance with GEO Circular No. 18 “GEO Committee on Project Estimates”. As stipulated in the GEO Circular, COPE has been delegated the responsibility for vetting all estimates for which tenders will be submitted to the Central Tender Board or, as appropriate, CED Tender Committee. Notwithstanding the current provision of the simplified tendering arrangement for Works Contracts under $50 million as promulgated in CED Technical Circular No. 2/2002 - “Simplified Tendering Arrangement for Works Contracts under $50 million”, all Pre-tender Estimates for works contract exceeding $30 million shall be submitted to COPE for vetting. 1.2 The Project Estimate is the estimated project cost used for LPM Block Vote Paper submissions. It will become the Approved Project Estimate (APE) when the project is implemented. The Pre-tender Estimate refers to the estimated cost of the works for which the tender has been prepared and is prepared shortly before tendering. The accuracy of Pre-tender Estimate is measured by how much it differs from the awarded contract sum. For a schedule-of-rates contract, the “Total Value for Tender Assessment” in the Schedule of Contract Percentages contained in the Appendix to Form of Tender is used to examine the accuracy of the Pre-tender Estimate. 1.3 Guidelines for preparing Project Estimates are given in WBTC No. 22/93 - “Estimating Using Risk Analysis” and Chapter 4 of Section 5 of the Project Administration Handbook. 2. SUBMISSION OF PROJECT ESTIMATES AND PRE-TENDER ESTIMATES 2.1 To ensure efficient and effective vetting by COPE, the information contained in the submission of Project Estimate and Pre-tender Estimate should be sufficient to substantiate each and every element of the -2- Estimates. A COPE submission should include the following sections and information : a) General Information on the Contract This section should contain relevant information including: b) Contract number and title Anticipated contract commencement date and construction period Type of contract (i.e. remeasurement or schedule-of-rates) Scope of Contract This section should contain the following information: c) Description of the scope of the works General layout plan of A3 size to indicate the locations of features List of features with feature reference and location For Pre-tender Estimate submission, any change in the scope of works and other significant changes if there has been a submission on Project Estimate to COPE previously Any special considerations/qualifications which could affect the rates, for example, works in outlying islands, stringent requirements on environmental aspects due to proximity of site to sensitive receivers, restricted road closures, etc. Relevant Information Used for Preparing the Base Estimate This section should give all the information used to produce the Base Estimate (see Section 4 below) such as: Relevant details of the referenced past contracts including their contract number, title, works category, tender sum, final contract sum (if available), commencement date, duration and scope of works, etc. The referenced contracts should be recent and similar in nature and type to the proposed contract. Past contracts tendered more than three years ago are not acceptable. -3- d) Any deviations from the General Conditions of Contract, General Specification for Civil Engineering Works and Standard Method of Measurement which affects significantly the rates, or from those in the referenced past contracts Cash Flow Analysis This section should provide the following information on cash flow for the remeasurement contract where a definite works programme can be prepared: e) An analysis of the anticipated cash flow at both constant price level and MOD prices (the inflation factors used to derive the inflation adjustment must be identical to the latest figures announced by the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau) works programme upon which the cash flow analysis has been based Estimating using Risk Analysis calculation This section should show how the allowed contingency sum for the contract is worked out by adopting WBTC No. 22/93 “Estimating Using Risk Analysis”. The ERA calculation should follow the example in Annex C of WBTC No. 22/93 with different categories and levels of risk allowance for different items (see Section 5 below). In preparing the Project Estimate, risk assessment should be conducted for both remeasurement contracts and schedule-of-rates contracts to derive the contingency for the contract and the project. 3. POINTS TO NOTE IN PREPARATION OF PROJECT ESTIMATE 3.1 The format and information to be included should be similar for both Project Estimate submissions and Pre-tender Estimate submissions. However, the requirements pertaining to a Project Estimate submission for a remeasurement contract can be relaxed as follows: a) A priced Bill of Quantities is not always required. If the design of slope works is not yet finalized and hence the final quantities are not available, the use of a “unit cost per slope surface area” approach is acceptable. The costs of works are derived by multiplying the surface area of the slopes to be upgraded with the unit cost for slope upgrading works derived from previous -4- remeasurement contracts with similar scope. However, the adopted unit rates for estimation should be prudent and justifiable. Similar approach can be taken for the GI/Laboratory Testing contracts for LPM. b) Alternatively, if a Bill of Quantities is available, a combined submission of the Project Estimate and Pre-tender Estimate is acceptable. (A combined submission is generally suitable for a schedule-of-rates contract.) 3.2 A copy of the draft LPM Block Vote Paper should be attached to the COPE submission for information. 4. POINTS TO NOTE IN PREPARING PRE-TENDER ESTIMATE 4.1 Remeasurement Contracts 4.1.1 A summary by Sections of the priced Bill of Quantities (excluding the Sections for Site Safety, Daywork, Provisional Sum for Contract Price Fluctuation and Contingency Sum), which is the build up of the Base Estimate, should be presented. The Pre-tender Estimate is the Base Estimate plus Site Safety, Daywork, Provisional Sum for Contract Price Fluctuation, allowance for special site constraints where appropriate, and Average Risk Allowance which is the Contingency Sum for the contract, if applicable (see Section 5 below). The Project Estimate is the sum of the Pre-tender Estimate and any other costs which should be included in the APE. A breakdown of the RSS costs should be provided in the COPE submission. 4.1.2 A certain percentage (2% to 5%) of the Pre-tender Estimate for Project Risk to cater for pricing accuracy should also be included in the Project Estimate where appropriate. 4.1.3 The sum of the allowed Project Risk should be spread over the items of preliminaries, site establishment, clearance, earthworks and drainage, geotechnical and landscaping works in the draft Block Vote Paper for funding purposes. 4.1.4 The preparation of the Pre-tender Estimate should concentrate on cost significant items that contribute to most of the contract value. The term “cost significant items” has the meaning as “major items”, which is defined in WB’s User Manual for Contract Rate Database System as those items for which the value is greater than or equal to the mean value of all the measured items of the contract. The mean value shall be calculated by dividing the total measured bill value (excluding prime cost -5- sums, provisional sums, contingency sums and adjustment items which for this purpose are not considered as measured items) by the total number of measured items. 4.1.5 To present the cost significant items, a tabulation of the build up of the aggregate estimated quantities of the individual bill items for all the features, the adopted rates together with the amounts should be prepared. The cost significant items should then be identified and highlighted in the table. By means of a separate table, the rate adopted for each of the cost significant items should be substantiated with justifications or by build up if similar items cannot be found from recent and similar contracts (see Section 4.1.6 below). 4.1.6 Reference should be made to the basic rates (also known as “basic unit rates”) given in the latest booklet of “Basic Rates for Cost Estimates for LPM Remeasurement Contracts” prepared by the Contract Administration Section in Works Division for preparation of cost estimates for LPM contracts. A comparison should also be made with the latest awarded remeasurement contracts with similar nature of works to examine the market trend before adopting the rates. If appropriate basic rates are not available in the Basic Rates booklet, the basic rates should be derived from similar rates based on similar and recently awarded remeasurement contracts. The basic rates so derived should be adjusted to the price level at the anticipated tendering date. 4.1.7 For projects handled by consultants, if the contract rates or related information are released to consultants, project engineers should refer to the guidelines given in WBTC No. 3/2002 - “Releasing Contract Rates or Related Information to Consultants for the Purpose of Cost Estimation or Cost Analysis”. 4.1.8 The effect of the quantity of works on the rates of works should be considered. 4.1.9 Based on experience from previous remeasurement contracts for LPM works, the average % of cost estimates for Preliminaries and Site Safety is approximately 10% and 2% of the Base Estimate respectively. Preliminaries here refer to the overall preliminaries which include the preliminary costs for the individual features. 4.2 Schedule-of-Rates (Term) Contracts 4.2.1 Obtain the basic rates from the latest booklet of “Schedule of Rates for Landslip Preventive Measures Term Contracts” prepared by the Contract Administration Section in Works Division for preparation of cost estimates. If appropriate basic rates are not available from the Schedule -6- of Rates booklet, the basic rates should be derived from similar rates based on similar and recently awarded schedule-of-rates contracts but adjusted to the price level of the Schedule of Rates booklet for LPM contracts. 4.2.2 In building up the Base Estimate, consideration should be given to adjusting the basic rates to cater for the effect of slope locations, accessibility, vertical distance of works, works in outlying islands, etc. 4.2.3 A summary of the Base Estimate build up for the contract through breakdown of the estimated costs for Preliminaries/Site Establishment/Clearance, and Geotechnical/Landscape Works for each feature based on the estimated quantities should be provided for LPM works contracts. 4.2.4 The Base Estimate should then be globally adjusted by a certain % to reflect the current market trend as appropriate. This adjustment should be substantiated by the tender % of recently awarded schedule-of-rates contracts to be detailed in the submission. COPE would review the need to adjust the Pre-tender Estimate based on the latest tender returns and any adjustment (%) subsequently decided will be recorded as the pre-tender estimate of the Total Value for Tender Assessment. 4.2.5 The Pre-tender Estimate is the Base Estimate plus Site Safety, Daywork, but excluding Provisional Sum for Contract Price Fluctuation and Average Risk Allowance which is the Contingency Sum for the contract. The Project Estimate is the sum of the Pre-tender Estimate, the Provisional Sum for Contract Price Fluctuation, Average Risk Allowance and any other costs (e.g. RSS costs including consultant’s on-cost, associated works to be entrusted to other departments, etc.) which should be included in the APE. A breakdown of the RSS costs should be provided in the COPE submission. 4.2.6 A Summary of the Weighting Factors to be adopted in the “Schedule of Contract Percentages” for the tender should be provided together with justifications. 4.2.7 Sections 4.1.2 and 4.1.3 above are also relevant. 5. POINTS TO NOTE IN PREPARING “ESTIMATING USING RISK ANALYSIS” 5.1 Refer to WBTC No. 22/93 for the details of using risk analysis approach to identify project or contract related risk for the purpose of preparing the project estimate. The Base Estimate refers to the risk free estimate -7- which includes all items required for the completion of the works. As the works contract is developed towards the tender stage, the object is to resolve as much of the uncertainty as possible. Major risks including, for example, change in government departments’ requirements, changes in landscape requirements, permission to use land transport on outlying islands, etc. should be cleared as far as possible before tender. 5.2 Project engineers should note the definitions of the common terms used in ERA analysis given in para. 3.0 of Appendix A to WBTC No. 22/93. Non-risk related preliminaries items should be excluded from the analysis. 5.3 Based on past experience, “Average Risk Allowance” not exceeding 10% of Base Estimate is generally reasonable. 5.4 Risk allowance for extension to contract period/prolongation should take the following approach in consideration: a) estimate the likely extension of time due to the effect of inclement weather, variations, etc. b) apply all time-dependent items in accordance with the estimated extension of time and calculate the additional expenses, and c) for projects which require the employment of RSS, additional expenses due to the estimated extension of time should be assessed. 6. APPROVAL OF PROJECT ESTIMATE AND PRE-TENDER ESTIMATE 6.1 Normally, submission for a Schedule-of-Rates contract or a GI/Laboratory Testing contract will be circulated by the COPE Secretary to the members for comment and subsequently referred back to the project team for any required follow-up action. In the case of a submission made in respect of a Remeasurement contract, the Secretary will arrange a meeting for the members to discuss the details with the project team and the consultant as appropriate. 6.2 Approval given by COPE will be recorded as the estimated sums (in MOD) accepted as being the Project Estimate and/or Pre-tender Estimate, and additionally as the accepted pre-tender estimate of the Total Value for Tender Assessment (%) accepted in the case of a Schedule-of-Rates contract. -8- 7. STATISTICS OF KEY INFORMATION 7.1 The COPE Secretary will compile on a regular basis the statistics of Pre-tender Estimates and tender prices (sum or %) of awarded contracts. The tendered sum for Third Party Insurance and for the Preliminaries (expressed as a percentage of the tendered sum of works) of the lowest three tenders should be provided by the Project Engineer to the COPE Secretary within 1 week of the award of the tender. (P L Yip) Secretary, GEO COPE September 2002