LEADERSHIP EVALUATION PROCESS PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT OF DEPARTMENT HEADS Adaptable For Other Senior Administrators –Deans, Associate Deans, Registrars, Others GUIDELINES I. Overview of Annual Assessment of Department Heads In addition to continuous performance feedback, annual performance evaluations are conducted of Department Heads to assess the leadership progress individuals have made in reaching goals of departments and in furthering institutional objectives. These reviews are comprehensive in that they assess progress in the department’s education, research, patient care, and service programs as well as the conduct of administrative responsibilities such as planning, budgeting, resource allocation, and faculty/physician and staff recruitment and development. In all of these areas, quality, effectiveness, efficiency, and innovation are important considerations. The Dean of the School of _______ is responsible for overseeing the annual review of Department Heads. The specific process to be followed is outlined below. The findings and recommendations in the reviews are used in a variety of ways by the Dean and the administrative officers of the University and affiliated healthcare facilities. The evaluations are particularly important for planning and goal setting, since they identify strengths, weaknesses, and potential opportunities for professional enhancement. Additionally, decisions regarding Department Head rewards, [compensation], remediations, goals, expectations, and reappointment will be influenced by the assessments. II. Initiation of the Review The Dean of the School of _______________ will initiate the annual performance review process for Department Heads near the end of every academic year by providing performance assessment forms to each Department Head, the heads of affiliated clinics and hospitals (for Heads of Clinical Departments), associate deans, and, when deemed appropriate, faculty/physician leaders and other administrators in the Health Sciences Center or University requesting that forms be completed and returned according to established timelines. In addition to the self-assessment form, each Department Head is requested to include the following information: An assessment of his/her personal achievements, accomplishments, and other activities for the current academic year, especially as these relate to the goals, objectives, and priorities established previously; An assessment of the department’s achievements, accomplishments, and other activities for the current academic year, especially as these relate to the goals, objectives, and priorities established previously; A synopsis of his/her personal goals, objectives, and priorities for the next academic year; and III. A synopsis of department’s goals, objectives, and priorities for the next academic year. The Review Process The review process allows participation of key constituencies across Health Sciences, the clinical affiliates when appropriate, and other administrators who work with the Department Heads. Also, performance assessments are obtained from the Associate Deans of the School and other faculty/physician and university leadership and administrators. The Dean will meet with the heads of the clinical affiliates (for clinical Department Heads) and possibly others (for basic science Department Heads) to discuss aspects of the written performance assessments and the department’s leadership and progress in meeting its mission and goals. In consultation with others, the Dean will prepare a composite performance evaluation to be discussed by the Dean with his/her supervisor (usually the head of Health Sciences). After feedback from the Dean’s supervisor, the Dean will meet with and communicate the performance assessment with each Department Head and will work with the Head to create expectations, goals, and possibly remediations for the coming year. IV. Major Performance Criteria Performance is based upon six critical areas. For each of these performance dimensions, quality, effectiveness, efficiency, and innovation are important considerations. These areas, not listed in order of importance, include: A. B. C. D. E. F. General Administrative & Leadership Skills; Professional & Staff Development & Management; Financial Management; Academic Leadership; Clinical/Hospital Leadership; and Citizenship/service. A. General Administrative & Leadership Skills As the leading academic officer for his/her department, the Department Head is responsible for providing leadership, vision, and management in accomplishing the missions and goals in education, research, patient care, and service. The Department Head is responsible and accountable for the appointment and supervision of a capable and effective administrative staff who are experts in fiscal, research, clinical, and personnel administration and who exercise sound business practices. The Department Head must promote and demonstrate values and attributes that foster morale, productivity, and creativity, including trustworthiness, respect for others, honesty, fairness, and integrity. The Department Head is responsible for holding regular and periodic meetings with the administrative staff, faculty/physicians, and subspecialty Chiefs (if any). Also, the Department Head is responsible for reasonably delegating administrative duties to faculty/physicians and staff and for overseeing the results. The Department Head is responsible for ensuring that the administrative activities of the department/section are in accord with University, School, and affiliated clinical facility policies and procedures. B. Professional & Staff Development & Management The Department Head is responsible for fostering a collegial environment that supports the successful recruitment, retention, and development of outstanding faculty and staff, in accordance with the School’s research, teaching, and clinical Strategic Plans. The Department Head is responsible for nominating faculty for appointment and promotion, for ensuring that School, University, and affiliated clinical facility policies are followed in the process, and for demonstrating a commitment to diversity in the appointment of faculty and staff. The Department Head is responsible for implementing faculty development programs, including career mentoring. The Department Head is responsible for implementing and maintaining an equitable compensation program for faculty and staff, in accordance with government, School, University, and clinical facility policies, that recognizes merit and motivates high quality performance. The Department Head will oversee faculty and staff activities and initiatives and will provide strategic advice and recommendations to the Dean and others on recruitment in keeping with departmental size and direction. The Department Head has the authority and is responsible for assigning clinical, administrative, educational, service, and research roles to the faculty. The Department Head is responsible and accountable for department productivity and academic performance, and as Department Head, for section management of clinical service. In all aspects of faculty/physician and staff management, the Department Head will be reasonably accessible to individuals; will be an effective problem solver; and will foster excellent communication, cooperation, and teamwork at all levels. Most important, the Department Head will be the role model for excellence, integrity, respect, and stewardship for the department/section. C. Financial Management The Department Head is responsible for managing the financial resources of the department; ensuring that the budget and other funds are effectively, productively, equitably, and efficiently utilized; and reporting fiscal matters to the Dean, heads of the clinical facilities, faculty/physicians, and other administrators, as appropriate. Successful financial stewardship includes appropriate resource allocation to support priorities of the department; the success of the department in attracting, retaining, and leveraging sponsored research and grant dollars; success in clinical activities, patient access, and accounts receivable; compliance with School, University, and clinical affiliate fiscal policies; and the management of the department’s capital assets considering both current assets and plans for replacement/renewal. In assessing success in financial management, consideration is given to fiscal stewardship of resources of the School and clinical facilities. D. Academic Leadership The Department Head is responsible, with the department faculty, for supporting, facilitating, and carrying out the educational programs of the School, encompassing the curricula for medical student, resident, and fellow training; graduate student and postdoctoral training; allied health student training; and/or continuing medical education. The Department Head is responsible for implementing the School’s Strategic Plan for Teaching at the departmental level. The educational programs must satisfy and exceed accreditation standards, and the Department Head is responsible for all reporting and other actions required by accrediting bodies. The Department Head will conduct departmental and program reviews; will appropriately assign faculty to carry out the educational programs and will evaluate their performance; will evaluate and respond to performance of students and graduates in licensing or other external examinations that indicate the department‘s success in meeting goals and professional standards and requirements; will foster productive and cooperative education efforts with other departments; and will ensure the department’s programs are appropriately integrated into the overall curriculum. The Department Head will oversee the recruitment and appointment of postdoctoral fellows, residents, and clinical fellows, as appropriate, and will maintain appropriate size of the training programs. In all these areas, the Department Head will foster an environment that emphasizes and supports the importance of the educational mission of the School. The Department Head is responsible for encouraging, facilitating, and supporting the scholarly efforts of the faculty, and for assisting faculty in solving problems that may interfere with productivity. The Department Head is responsible for developing with the faculty and the Dean the research directions of the department. The Department Head is responsible for the success of the department’s research program, which is demonstrated by the level and progress in extramural funding from federal and other sources and reflected by publications and the department’s national reputation. The Department Head will advise and make strategic research recommendations to the Dean. The Department Head will oversee the allocation of space and facilities within the department to ensure research productivity and will foster interdepartmental and multidisciplinary research, both clinical and basic, locally and internationally. The Department Head is responsible for ensuring that faculty and staff comply with federal, state/province, University, School, and clinical affiliate policies that regulate the conduct of research. E. Clinical/Hospital Leadership As the clinical role model and leader of the department (and its section in the hospital in some cases), the Department Head is responsible at the department level for ensuring that the School’s and clinical facility’s missions and goals are accomplished, both through programs within the department and through collaborative efforts with other departments, the clinical affiliate, and other units and external partners. The Department Head is responsible for ensuring excellent and appropriate patient care at all clinical/hospital sites; and for cooperatively and effectively coordinating clinical activities and programs with other departments/sections, Hospital administration, and Clinic administration. The Department Head is responsible for compliance of the department faculty and staff with federal, state, University, School, Clinic, and Hospital policies that regulate patient care and medical billing. The Department Head will monitor and evaluate faculty/physicians and staff for high quality performance. The Department Head will provide recommendations and advice to the Dean and heads of clinical affiliates for advances in clinical practice and management and will work closely with them on strategic planning and project development. The Department Head is responsible for ensuring the appointment of effective Division Chiefs and Service Chiefs (if the department has subspecialty groups), with approval from the Dean, and for supervising their activities. The Department Head will be physically present at all department/section clinical sites on a periodic and regular basis to provide leadership and accessibility to faculty. Citizenship The Department Head should be a role model for the department for demonstrating a deepseated dedication and loyalty to the department, School, clinical affiliates, Health Sciences Center, and University. This will be reflected in personal participation in the governance and committees of the department, School, clinical affiliates, Health Sciences Center, University, and local, regional, and national professional organizations. The Department Head is responsible for creating an environment that encourages and supports the efforts of faculty/physicians in similar activities, and will recognize contributions through rewards, compensation when possible, and promotion considerations. The Department Head will advance and embody concern for individuals, as well as for the institution; ethical principles of conduct and performance of duty; values and attitudes that promote faculty and staff well-being and professional effectiveness; and respect for individuals and the institution. It is essential that the Department Head communicate effectively with faculty, physicians, administrators, principal investigators, and staff, encouraging an open exchange of ideas and ensuring that all groups are appropriately informed about issues that have an impact on the department and School. The Department Head should give his/her highest priority, in both words and actions, to system-wide success over department success. The Department Head should ensure that there are effective communication channels and mechanisms for keeping residents, fellows, students, and staff appropriately informed. The Department Head should foster a collegial environment that promotes scholarship, encourages creativity, and advances interdisciplinary approaches in education, research, patient care, and service. Thus, the Department Head should encourage collegiality between departments as well as within the School, with clinical affiliates, and the Health Sciences Center. The Department Head should strive to create a scholarly environment that stimulates positive interactions between faculty/physicians and students. Also, the Department Head must ensure appropriate faculty participation in the governance of the department.