Requirements Definition Report
Cover Page
Current Version No.
Status Date
Status Due Date
ISTS-II Initiative
EA Domain
Project Sponsor
03 August 2006
03 August 2006
09 August 2006
09 August 2006
: Knowledge Management (KM)
: Application Development (ADD)
: CoP/Workgroups – DMC CoP
: Requirements Definition Report (RDR)
: Human Resources Division (BPHR)
Project Sponsor
Sally Pedersen (DMC CoP Lead)
Primary Responsibility
Sally Pedersen
Tilak Sen
RDR Reviewed and Approved by the DMC-CoP Lead
Name and Designation Signature
Reference Responsibility
Yoshie Shibata
Barbara Davis
Date Signed
Barbara Davis (Technical Lead)
Contributors to the RDR
Name & Designation
Steve Lapwood, Project Lead,
CoP/Workgroups Project
Andrew McFarlane, Technical
Designer/Business Process Analyst,
KWorks Limited
Nature of Input
Investment Review
Architecture Review
OIST Management Review
Contact Information
Publication Date: 03 August 2006 Version 1.31 Page: 1 of 22
Requirements Definition Report
Cover Page
Publication Date: 03 August 2006 Version 1.31 Page: 2 of 22
Requirements Definition Report
Table of Contents
17. OTHER POSSIBLE SOLUTION OPTIONS ............................................................. 19
22. MATTERS REQUIRING FURTHER RESEARCH ................................................... 21
Publication Date: 03 August 2006 Version 1.31 Page: 3 of 22
ISTS-II: CoP-DMC Discussion Forums
Requirements Definition Report
Detailed Requirements
The purpose of this Requirements Definition Report is to document the key business requirements for the CoP-DMC discussion forums so that the sponsoring business unit can sign them off.
The Consultant and author of this report, acknowledges the contribution of the people that have made the analysis of requirements possible. These include:
Sally Pedersen
Yoshie Shibata
Mary Lili Gutierrez
Barbara Davis and Rodel Babao (OIST)
Steve Lapwood, BA Consultant (OIST)
This is the CoP on DMC (CoP-DMC) of the Budget, Personnel, and
Management Systems Department (BPMS ). It follows the successful piloting of CoP-MfDR, the first Communities of Practice (CoP) project to be delivered under the Knowledge Management (KM) Initiative of the
Information Systems and Technology Strategy 2004-2009 (ISTS II). CoP-
DMC will be delivered using the IBM Lotus Quickplace running on the
IBM Lotus Domino platform.
The primary goal of this QuickPlace is to enhance the relationship with the
DMC’s so that their government officials get a better understanding of
More than Thirty Five countries are represented in the orientation program this year and each year ADB conducts an orientation program for members of this CoP. Typically this involves a member from each country attending, so each year about 35 (or more) members are added to the alumni which currently consists of 353 members.
Once the Orientation program ends and the attendees go back to their respective countries, communication between and among them tends to cease and it is this communication and collaboration that ADB is seeking to encourage. This will be achieved by providing forums that will encourage collaboration and conversation between alumni members about various topics.
This document describes the business requirements for these forums and for other aspects of the collaboration website for the CoP-DMC.
To provide a simple and usable web site where discussion forums can be facilitated which provide all
CoP-DMC community members with the ability to contribute ideas and feedback about selected topics.
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ISTS-II: CoP-DMC Discussion Forums
Requirements Definition Report
Detailed Requirements
The following is a glossary of terms used in this document.
Abbreviation /
Acronym / Term
One of the three main Areas. These are:
Orientation Program
Alumni’s Corner
Development Issues
Categories of Forum topics available in an Area
An actual discussion within a Category
An area within QuickPlace where security can be applied. A room contains pages and folders and can contain other inner rooms. Each room has a security page that defines who can enter the room and what they can do once inside
Pages are the basic building blocks of a place. A page can contain a combination of text, pictures, and attachments
A folder is a collection of pages. For example, suppose your place is a mail-order toy store that sells six different types of bicycles, each of which is described on a separate page. To consolidate the information on the bicycles, you could store the pages in a folder called Bicycles.
A member of the QuickPlace, the individual/group selected by the
CoP Administrator and can access the CoP areas, with access rights as Reader, Author, Editor or Manager.
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ISTS-II: CoP-DMC Discussion Forums
Requirements Definition Report
Detailed Requirements
6.1. Forum Types
6.2. Starting a Forum
6.3. Facilitating a Forum
6.4. Participating in a
6.5. Closing a Forum
Three Areas are required, each of which will contain one forum type
(Facilitated). These will be:
Orientation program.
Facilitated discussion forum
1 Facilitator per forum
Accessible by all alumni members and selected ADB members
Alumni’s Corner
Facilitated discussion forum
1 Facilitator 1 per forum
Accessible only by all Alumni members
Development Issues
Facilitated discussion forum
1 Facilitator per forum
Accessible by all members
Any member can start a Forum.
Having initiated a forum, the facilitator will be required to ensure that there is active and regular participation in the forum.
The Facilitator is responsible for keeping the forum participants engaged and inspired to contribute to discussions.
The ability to participate in a forum will depend on the access a member has to the room where the forum is located.
Initially the notified members (members of the relevant group) will be the first to participate, but
All Room members can participate as soon as they become aware of the new forum.
CoP Members can respond to forums or any level of response relating to a main forum topic.
Once a forum is deemed to be coming to a conclusion the Facilitator will opt to create a Conclusion for that forum. This is a purely manual process.
A copy of the Conclusion will be copied to the Conclusions folder
(there will be one of these for each Area) as soon as its ‘parent’ forum
1 These cannot be ADB members but are appointed by ADB
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ISTS-II: CoP-DMC Discussion Forums
Requirements Definition Report
Detailed Requirements has been closed.
The Facilitator may elect to notify the community (or the relevant forum members) that a particular discussion is due to conclude and may request final contributions by a specified date or some other criteria.
Archiving / Re-opening a Forum
“Closed” forums will be archived n 2 working days after the
Conclusion has been posted and the Forum Status marked as “Closed”.
There are two parts to this;
Individual forums are archived into the relevant ‘forum’ folder in the Archive Area
The whole Category is ‘archived’ when all of its forums have been archived.
A “Closed” forum may be moved from the Archive area and reopened.
Only Area Facilitators will have access to the Archive areas, but there will be a list of conclusion summaries available in the Conclusions section for all members to see. A suggestion is to have a manually maintained Index on the Area page that lists all of the Archived forums. This would be managed by the Facilitator.
2 The number of days (n) before the archive is to be made is to be agreed as a business rule.
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ISTS-II: CoP-DMC Discussion Forums
Requirements Definition Report
Detailed Requirements
There is no requirement for the creation of Documents in this QuickPlace.
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ISTS-II: CoP-DMC Discussion Forums
Requirements Definition Report
Detailed Requirements
8.1. Calendar Type: Event
8.2. Calendar Type: Event
This will be a high (programme) level view of events that are planned for the future. It will show broad timeframes for major events or activities planned for the CoP (e.g. events for the next 6 months that do not have specific dates confirmed yet) and locked down dates. It will be based on a
MS word document that ADB is responsible for maintaining and will be purely manual with no automation.
There are no requirements for a Calendar.
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ISTS-II: CoP-DMC Discussion Forums
Requirements Definition Report
Detailed Requirements
9.1. Membership Types
9.2. Groups
Internal ADB members
External DMC members
Only authenticated members will be able to access the collaboration website.
Members can be organized into a number of Groups to support the various roles for the site.
The following Groups will be required (see also 14.2 Areas in the
Quickplace, Access and Roles ):
QP Administrators
Orientation Facilitator
Role / Responsibility
Business administrator of the QuickPlace
Alumni’s Corner
Development Issues
Pre-2006 Orientation
Alumni yyyy Orientation (e.g.
2006 Orientation)
Facilitates discussion forums for the Orientation
Program area
Facilitates discussion forums for the Alumni’s
Corner area
Facilitates discussion forums for the
Development Issues area
All DMC members that attended the Orientation
Program before 2006
All of the DMC members that attended an orientation program for a given year, from 2006 onwards
ADB-Members All selected ADB members
ADB Orientation Members Selected sub-set of ADB Members, who will have access to the Orientation area
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ISTS-II: CoP-DMC Discussion Forums
Requirements Definition Report
Detailed Requirements
10.1. Member
10.2. Wh at’s New
10.3. Reporting
The ability to notify selected groups or members of new forum. In particular the option of being able to target notifications to members of a forum.
The ability to find out about new pages (e.g. forums) or new members in the
Quickplace. This can be a daily or weekly view.
Basic statistics on activity showing:
1) most accessed document (in the last week)
2) most accessed discussion thread (for the last week)
More comprehensive data is available from a reporting database. This would be provided in the form of an XML file that a QP Administrator would manually import into a 3 rd party reporting tool (e.g. MS Excel) in order to query the data and gain more information on the QuickPlace usage.
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ISTS-II: CoP-DMC Discussion Forums
Requirements Definition Report
Detailed Requirements
There are no requirements for Meetings.
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ISTS-II: CoP-DMC Discussion Forums
Requirements Definition Report
Detailed Requirements
12.1. Information
12.2. Branding /
Orientation Program – Room
Documentation – Ordered list folder
Discussion Forum
– Discussion folder
Forum Conclusions
– Ordered List Folder
Alumni’s Corner – Room
Discussion Forum –
Forum Conclusions
Discussion folder
– Ordered List Folder
Development Issues – Room
Discussion Forum – Discussion Folder
Forum Conclusions – Ordered List Folder
Events Programme – Word Document
Quick Guide – Inner room
Administrator’s Guide – Inner room
Facilitator’s Guide – Inner room
Forum Member’s Guide – Inner room
Orientation Program Archive – Inner Room
Alumni’s Corner Archive – Inner Room
Development Issues Archive – Inner Room
At this stage it is envisaged that each of the three Areas may have a selection of Categories from the following list:
ADB: historical perspective
Development, experience, challenges, and outlook for the Asia-
Pacific Region
ADB's vision and mission
Promoting regional cooperation and integration
Promoting quality, knowledge, and innovations for sustainable development
Role and responsibilities of the regional departments as focal points for country operations
Role and functions of resident missions
The logistical framework (logframe) as a planning and monitoring tool
Regional cooperation strategy plans and country strategy plans
The role and responsibilities of the Central Operations Services
Office (COSO)
No special requirements, but the site Title must refer to DMC
Community of Practice \ Collaboration Website
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ISTS-II: CoP-DMC Discussion Forums
Requirements Definition Report
Detailed Requirements
12.3. Single Sign On The ability for internal ADB users to sign on and authenticate once only (at the network level) so that the user does not have to enter user name and password every time they enter a QuickPlace:
User logs on to network via their (Windows) client
The user’s ID and password (credentials) are held and passed through to other applications (e.g. Quickplace) or application layers (e.g.
Domino) so user does not have to re-enter this information.
User exits Quickplace and decides to re-enter later. Again they do not need to enter credentials.
User jumps to another Quickplace. Again they do not need to enter credentials.
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ISTS-II: CoP-DMC Discussion Forums
Requirements Definition Report
Detailed Requirements
13.1. Quickplace
13.2. (Area) Facilitator
13.3. (Forum) Member
13.4. Content
Administration of the Quickplace, relating to:
maintenance of the site structures (rooms, configuration etc).
coordinate with the DMC Community on the creation / removal of members from the Quickplace;
creation / maintain groups and group members in accordance with the roles of the site.
add / remove members, and change their level of access (reader, author, manager) via the use of groups.
Maintains the Events Programme page of upcoming events.
Provision of First Level Support
field support issues and resolve or escalate to the appropriate level 2
/ 3 personnel.
Manages the Forums within their Area
Creates new Forum areas for the Area
Creates new discussion forum
Notifies the area members
Ensures that discussions remain active and lively
Concludes and closes a discussion forum.
Archives discussion forums after they have been concluded.
Re-opens a discussion forum if required.
Closes a forum when no further forums are active or planned.
Forum Participation
Any approved DMC and ADB member can be a registered member of the
CoP-DMC collaboration community. This provides access to the rooms within the CoP-DMC Quickplace. Members must:
follow the terms and conditions of use provided by ADB.
request access to the Quickplace via the CoP-DMC e-mail address
(to be confirmed).
Once set up as members they can:
receive training about the CoP collaboration website;
access the Quickplace and the Orientation program area within it;
respond to facilitated discussion forums;
view the details of other members.
Manages Navigational/informational Content
Navigation pages
Informational or process related pages
Refreshes user guide / training materials
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ISTS-II: CoP-DMC Discussion Forums
Requirements Definition Report
Detailed Requirements
14.1. Security Users must be authenticated against the relevant directory:
internal ADB users must be members of the ADB directory external users must be members of the relevant ‘external’ directory
external users must be created as members of the QuickPlace by the
QuickPlace administrator
Certified authentication is required:
users must access the CoP/Workgroup via a secure protocol (SSL)
14.2. Areas in the Quickplace, Access and Roles
Welcome Pages
QP Administrator -
Orientation Program Orientation
Alumni’s Corner
Discussion Forums
QP Administrator
Alumni’s Corner
Access Level
All Alumni and
ADB Orientation
All members
All members
All Members - Development Issues
Discussion Forums
Issues Facilitator
Events Programme
QP Administrator
Orientation Program
Alumni’s Corner
Forum Archive
Development Issues
Forum Archive
Alumni’s Corner
Issues Facilitator
- All members
User Guides\
Administration Guide QP Administrator -
Facilitator’s Guide QP Administrator -
All members
All members
No Access
All members
All members
All members
3 QP Administrators will be able to access this forum
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ISTS-II: CoP-DMC Discussion Forums
Requirements Definition Report
Detailed Requirements
Content Coordinator’s
Member’s Guide
QP Administrator -
QP Administrator -
14.3. Chat and
All members
All members
Not required in the initial release for the CoP-DMC.
14.4. User Guides Members will be able to link to an area that provides information on:
how to administer the website,
how to facilitate and archive discussion forums
how to participate in forums and
who to contact for more help .
14.5. “Terms and conditions”
A page that explains the terms and conditions for using the forums.
Members need to agree that they have read and agree with the T’s and C’s.
Integration with the relevant Domino Directories. 14.6. Interfaces
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ISTS-II: CoP-DMC Discussion Forums
Requirements Definition Report
Detailed Requirements
14.7. Volume Estimates
At this stage it is difficult for BPHR-L&D to forecast the expected usage of the QuickPlace.
There is an indication that the membership will include all alumni and current participants and selected ADB members plus an additional 20 members for next year.
BPHR-L&D do not expect all current DMC participants and alumni to sign up for the forum.
In terms of usage, there is an estimate of 2 postings per day (the Average page size is 0.05 Mb).
The QuickPlace Base Size is about 10Mb (verify with Andrew if this value needs to be adjusted based on the change made in the 2 nd sentence above).
14.8. Migration Needs None
14.9. Supporting
External and internal users need to connect to the Quickplace server using a common domain name and URL.
External users will authenticate with the custom external Domino directory OR with QuickPlace (if they do not have Domino user accounts). Internal users will authenticate with the internal Domino LDAP directory.
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ISTS-II: CoP-DMC Discussion Forums
Requirements Definition Report
Detailed Requirements
Enhanced relationship with the DMC’s so that member government officials gain a better understanding of ADB by DMC
Increased learning and collaboration between members to do more business with ADB.
Reduction in communication and travel costs by providing a central, accessible web site for collaboration
ADB seen as trying to promote collaboration between DMC members
A reduction in the time needed by members to find information
Orientation members able to easily access Orientation material before
See the Solution Model for Detailed Benefits emanating from the proposed solution for each Requirement.
No communication between previous Orientation Program attendees
Duplication of effort due to members not having access to information from a central and up to information source
Lack of awareness of what is involved in the Orientation program
Continued lack of easy access to all previous Alumni members
DMCs and ADB are expected to respond to the global agenda for development effectiveness
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ISTS-II: CoP-DMC Discussion Forums
Requirements Definition Report
Detailed Requirements
Increase in support by BPHR-L&D for CoP members
Increase in support by OIST for BPHR-L&D
Increase in network usage on the ADB internal and external network
Building of the business base of ADB
Greater support and understanding of ADB by DMCs
Increase opportunity for DMCs to do more business with ADB
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ISTS-II: CoP-DMC Discussion Forums
Requirements Definition Report
Detailed Requirements
21.1. In Scope (areas covered by OIST)
21.2. Out of Scope
(areas covered by other business units / organizations)
Design and configuration of one Quickplace containing the functions and structure described in sections 5. through 13.
The Quickplace to be accessed by members of the DMC Community of
A further training session to train the personnel responsible for delivering training to Facilitators.
Second level technical assistance for creating new members and resolving technical issues.
Managing access of members within the Quickplace (to be done by
First level support for members (to be managed by BPHR-L&D).
Facilitation and monitoring of the Quickplace members and content.
Local technical support for members external to ADB (to be covered by the member’s own technical support).
Timely availability of “Content Coordinator – Website Administrator”.
Adequate and effective training for Facilitator/s and above Content coordinator – website administrator/s
Content population of pre-orientation materials, site information and setting up of memberships
Intuitive, easy to follow and understand CoP site information organization for subject audience.
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ISTS-II: CoP-DMC Discussion Forums
Requirements Definition Report
Detailed Requirements
The approach has been defined as: (with milestones in bold fonts) :
OIST to work with BPHR-L&D to define the Quickplace structure
OIST and BPHR-L&D perform reviews to obtain feedback from interest groups.
BPHR-L&D to agree to the Quickplace structure and configuration.
OIST to produce the DMC-RDR (this document).
BPHR-L&D and OIST to sign off the RDR .
OIST to create test instance of the Quickplace.
OIST to produce user and training documentation (outlines to be demonstrable for CoP presentation).
BPHR-L&D and OIST to demonstrate the Quickplace to CoP (to be confirmed).
OIST to create production instance of the Quickplace
OIST to complete configuration of the Quickplace.
BPHR-L&D to organize training room and PCs for “dry run” (to be confirmed).
BPHR-L&D and OIST to provide “Dry Run” of training (to be confirmed).
BPHR-L&D to organize training room and PCs (to be confirmed).
BPHR-L&D and OIST to provide training for facilitators and administrator (to be confirmed).
Accept this document as a correct statement of the requirements for the discussion forums of the CoP DMC web site.
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