COURSE OUTLINE AEE 464 APPLICATIONS OF FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS IN AEROSPACE STRUCTURES, FALL 2014 OBJECTIVE This course is intended to introduce the concept of finite element analysis to the fourth year graduating students. It is designed as an application oriented course mixing theory and practice in appropriate proportions that will enable the students to use the method effectively in structural design and analysis. SUMMARY OF COURSE CONTENT In the theory part, the underlying principles of finite element analysis is demonstrated through the use of one dimensional bar elements. Program segments that perform critical operations in finite element analysis are introduced. The general methodology of the application of finite element analysis for higher order systems in structural mechanics is introduced with specific easy-to-understand modelling examples using one dimensional elements. The application side introduces a powerful solid modelling and finite element modelling tool MSC Patran/Nastran. Specific structural modelling and finite element analysis examples are given from applications pertaining to aerospace structures. The techniques demonstrated with MSC Patran/Nastran can also be practiced with other commercially available finite element programs. INSTRUCTOR: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Altan Kayran Room: 203, Tel: 4274, E-Mail: TEXTBOOK AND REFERENCE BOOKS: In the theoretical part, which will cover approximately 2/3 of the course, we will follow the main textbook which will be available in the bookstore. Besides your textbook you can also use the reference books indicated below and/or any textbook on finite element analysis in the library as a guide throughout the theory part. In the application part there will be class hours specifically designed to introduce you the solid modelling and finite element modelling tool that we will use, together with some application examples of aerospace structures. Supplementary documents on MSC Partan/Nastran will be distributed which will enable students to self-study. Textbook: 'Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis,' by Robert D. Cook, David S. Malkus, Michael E. Plesha Third edition Publisher: John Wiley and Sons ISBN: 0-471-84788-7 Call Number: TA646 C66 1989 Reference Books and Materials: 'Finite Element Modeling for Stress Analysis,' by Robert D. Cook, ISBN:0-471-10774-3, Call Number: TA347 F5 C665 'An Introduction to the Finite Element Method,' by J.N. Reddy, ISBN: 0-07-051355-4, Call Number: TA347 F5 R4 ‘MSC.Nastran Primer for Linear Analysis, 2nd Edition, by Harry G. Schaeffer, ISBN: 158524-011-7, Call Number: TA647 S27 2001 MSC Patran Course Notes and Tutorials MSC Patran On line documentation 'Structural Dynamics; An Introduction to Computer Methods,' by Roy R. Craig, Jr., Call Number: TA654 C72 COURSE MATERIAL Class Hours 1- INTRODUCTION 4 hrs Finite Element Method Element Characteristic Matrix Element Assembly and solutions for unknowns 2- ONE DIMENSIONAL ELEMENTS AND 15 hrs COMPUTATIONAL PROCEDURES Introduction Bar Element and Direct Determination of Structure Stiffness Matrix Properties of stiffness matrix ---------------------------------------------------- 3 hrs Element stiffness equation Bar elements of arbitrary orientation------------------------------------------ (2 hrs) Assembly of elements Mechanical and Thermal Loads--------------------------------------------- (4 hrs) Node numbering and Application of Boundary conditions-------------------------------------------- (3 hrs) Solution of equations Stress computation Summary example----------------------------------------------------------------- (3 hrs) 3- RAYLEIGH-RITZ METHOD AND INTERPOLATION 9 hrs Introduction Principle of stationary potential energy Problems having many DOF Potential energy of an elastic body Classical form of Rayleigh Ritz Method------------------------------------ (4 hrs) Piecewise polynomial field Finite element form of the Rayleigh-Ritz method General derivation of element stiffness matrix (3 hrs) Interpolation and Shape functions ------------------------------------------ (2 hrs) 4- FINITE ELEMENT PROGRAMS AND THEIR APPLICATION IN AEROSPACE ENGINEERING Distribution of course notes, introduction of Patran GUI, distribution of Nastran/Patran installation CD for home study Introduction to MSC Patran/Nastran Element Types, Application Examples from Aerospace Engineering Introduction to MSC Patran Geometric Modelling General Introduction to MSC Nastran FEM and Applications Applications on the use of Solid Elements Applications on the Use of 2D Elements Applications on the Use of 1D Elements Applications on the Use of Combination of 1D and 2D Elements 28 hrs GRADING 1 Midterm Examination 20% Homeworks 12% HW1: 1.5% HW2: 3.0% HW3: 3.5% HW4: 2.5% HW5: 1.5% Project #1 20% Code generation for one dimensional truss (or frame) structure Structural analysis of a specific example by the use of the code generated Project #2 23% Structural modelling and analysis of the problem assigned in Project #1 in MSC Patran/Nastran A specific structural design and analysis project to be performed in MSC Patran/Nastran Final examination OVERALL 25% 100% NOTES * Detailed explanation and requirements for the projects will be given at the time of a project assignment * Project #1 will be prepared individually. * Project #2 will be prepared as a group. The groups will be organized before the tutorial hours. Project #2 will be submitted after the last date of finals, two days before the submittal of the final grades * Application section is 2 hours per week. Therefore, every other two weeks there will be an in-class tutorial for geometric modelling/finite element modelling, analysis and postprocessing. Detailed Tentative Schedule: Introduction Introduction to Patran and Nastran Distribution of course notes, introduction of Patran GUI, distribution of Nastran/Patran installation CD for home study Introduction Section 2: Direct determination of stiffness matrix Assign HW1 Geometric modeling in Patran Curve, surface, solid creation, editing, transforming geometirc entities Section 2: Properties of stiffness matrices-up to element stiffness eqn. Geometric modeling in Patran Curve, surface, solid creation, editing, transforming geometric entities continued Coordinate frames, Assignment of 1st tutorial on geometric modeling Section 2: Element stiffness equation (end of Part 1) Introduction to meshing Meshing of parametric and parasolis solids, topological congruency Workshop 1 (start in class, students are expected to finish this tutorial by next week) Section 2: Assembly of elements (up to concentrated load example Introduction to meshing – 1 hour Meshing of surfaces; isomesh vs. paver mesh, topological congruency Assembly of elements (continue up to end Assign HW2 Meshing of surfaces continued; Associating points, curves to surfaces etc., Workshop 2 (start in class, students are expected to finish this tutorial by next week) Section 2: Node numbering and application of displacement boundary conditions Load and boundary condition application, materials, element properties, result postprocessing – review and explanation of grouping, Workshop 15 (start in class, students are expected to finish this tutorial by next week) Section 2: Node numbering and application of displacement boundary conditions Gauss elimination solution of equations (up to end of finding of support Reactions) Assign HW3 FEM modeling of 1D elements bars and beams Introduction of CBAR and CBEAM elements Section 2: Solution of equations continued, discussion Assign HW4 FEM modeling of 1D elements bars and beams-continued FEM Modeling of stiffeners: introduction of modeling of stiffeners from Patran library offsets etc.– 1 hour Section 3: Principle of stationary potential energy, Classical form of Rayleigh Ritz Method Assign Project 1 FEM Modeling of stiffeners: arbitrary shape stiffeners, multi point constraint elements Section 3: Principle of stationary potential energy, Classical form of Rayleigh Ritz Methodcontinued FEM Modeling of stiffeners: arbitrary shape stiffeners, multi point constraint elements– continued Section 3: General derivation of element stiffness matrix, FE form of Rayleigh Ritz Method Self study, tutorial, completing missing parts Section 3: General derivation of element stiffness matrix, FE form of Rayleigh Ritz Method- continued Assign HW5 Section 3: Interpolation and shape functions- 2 hours FEM application: discussion, items which are not touched upon during the semester will be introduced. One item is the application of fields. Results post processing will be elaborated. A selected workshop will be assigned as in-class tutorial. General review, Assign Project 2