A CONTROL ANALYSIS OF DISPLACEMENT IN FLUID-SOIL-BALLOON INTERACTION PROBLEM Shoichiro Kato and Mutsuto Kawahara ABSTRACT This paper presents a control analysis of displacement for a building with friction piles. The building constructed on the poor subsoil sometimes comes to be under a differential settlement condition, i.e., the building tends to be inclined at that time. To control the vertical displacement, the control device of multi-balloons is introduced on the friction piles, and the water is injected or removed from the balloons. Coupling through the water, the soil and the balloon, the interaction problem is numerically solved. The control analysis of vertical displacement in case of a balloon is performed. One of the optimal control theory, so-called as the Sakawa-Shindo method, is applied in the control analysis. Using this method, the control flux of the water injected or removed from the balloon is determined so that the position at the top of the balloon comes to be close to the objective position. KEYWORDS Control Analysis, Interaction Problem, Balloons, Vertical Displacement, Sakawa-Shindo method 1 INTRODUCTION A building with friction piles on poor subsoil often comes to be under the differential settlement, and inclines at that time. To keep the building horizontal, multi-balloons of control device are introduced on the friction piles. Then water is injected into or removed from the balloons to control the vertical displacement of the building. The two-dimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes equation is introduced for the water flow analysis. The ALE(Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian) method[1,2] and the FS(Fractional Step) method[3,4] are applied for the numerical formulation. Coupling though the water, soil, balloon and pile, a finite element analysis is performed. A control analysis of vertical displacement is also carried out for the interaction problem. One of the optimal control theory, which is the so-called Sakawa-Shindo method[5], is applied for the optimal control analysis. Control flux of the water fluid, which is injected into or removed from the balloon, is determined so that position at the top of the balloon comes to be very close to objective position, i.e., the performance function converges to a constant value. MATHEMATICAL MODELS Water flow analysis Introducing the Cartesian coordinate system, the two dimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes equation is used and the ALE method is applied for the water flow analysis. The flux of water fluid is introduced into the equation of continuity so that the water is injected into or removed from the balloon. Discretizing by conventional Galerkin method in space, the velocity and pressure are linearly-interpolated in an arbitrary triangular finite element. The FS method is applied for temporal descretization, and the one-step explicit scheme is used in time. Soil deformation analysis The soil outside a balloon is assumed to be two-dimensional linear elastic body. Assuming the isotropy of material, the displacement and virtual displacement inside of an arbitrary triangular finite element are linearly-interpolated. Balloon and pile deformation analyses The balloon and the pile attached on the balloon are assumed to be linear elastic truss and rigid-frame components. The axial, shearing, and bending deformation are considered, although the bending deformation is only considered in addition to the shearing deformation. The axial deformation analysis is for the balloon and pile, though the shearing and bending deformation analysis is for the pile only. Also the finite element formulation is performed for the balloon and pile deformation analysis. Superposing the finite element equation to that of the soil deformation, 2 the balloon, pile and soil deformation analyses are carried out at the same time. The inertia is neglected in the equations governing soil, balloon, and pile. Because the phenomena of differential settlement and its control are relatively slow. INTERACTION PROBLEM The coupling procedure between the water and soil is introduced in this section. It should be noted that the soil has already included the balloon and pile, i.e., it comes to be the water-soil interaction problem. The following continuity condition of the traction is imposed on the interactive boundary. t w ti (1) s i where sti and wti represent the traction of the soil in the outer domain, and water in the inner domain. The continuity condition of displacement should be also imposed on the interactive boundary. To do this, the displacement must be defined at the boundary of the water flow. Using the displacement at n+1 and n time steps, the fluid velocity at n+1 time step is approximated in the following form. u n 1 i in1 in (2) t where ηi denotes the displacement of the boundary points. Defining ηi at n+1 time step as the representative displacement of the water flow boundary, then the following continuity condition of the displacement is imposed on the interactive boundary. vi in1 (3) where vi denotes the displacement of soil at the boundary. Thus the coupling is performed, and the interaction problem between the water and soil is calculated in the following procedure. CONTROL ANALYSIS OF VERTICAL DISPLACEMENT State equations and performance function State equation of water flow analysis is expressed in the following form. Mx1 Ax1 Bx2 Cf1 G1t (4) Kx2 Dx1 Eq (5) x(t 0 ) x0 (6) x T {x1T x2T }, x1T {u T wT }, x2T p T . 3 State equation of soil deformation analysis, which includes balloon and pile deformation analyses, is also expressed in the following form. Hy If 2 G2t (7) The vectors of u, w, p and q represent the velocity components, the pressure and the flux of water fluid, respectively. The vectors of f1 , f2 and t denote the external forces and the traction on the interactive boundary. The vector y represents the displacements. Hence the performance function, which is also called as cost function, is defined as: J 1 tf * T y y S y y * q T Rq dt t 2 0 (8) where y* denotes objective vector of displacement, and S, R are weighting matrices. Introducing the constraint conditions of eq.(4), eq.(5), and eq.(7) into eq.(8), the extended performance function is defined as: 1 tf * T y y S y y * q T Rq dt t 2 0 tf p1T Mx1 Ax1 Bx2 Cf1 G1t dt Jc t0 p2T Kx2 Dx1 Eq dt tf t0 p3T Hy If 2 G2t dt tf (9) t0 where p1, p2, p3 represent the Lagrange multipliers. In the optimal control problem, the necessary condition for stationary condition is that first variation of the extended performance function Jc is equal to zero as follow. J c 0. (10) Minimization by the Sakawa-Shindo method The Sakawa-Shindo method is applied for the minimization of the performance function. Hence the modified performance function K(i) is defined as: K (i ) J (i ) c T 1 t f (i 1) (i ) q q W (i ) q (i 1) q (i ) dt 2 t0 (11) where (i) is iteration counts. The matrix W(i) represents the weighting matrix, and it is renewed during the iteration. To minimize performance function with respect to the control flux q, the following equation is obtained, and the flux is renewed by eq.(13). K (i ) 0. q (i ) (12) 4 q ( i 1) tf t0 {(W ( i ) R )q ( i ) E T p2( i ) }dt tf t0 (13) W ( i ) dt NUMERICAL EXAMPLE In figure 1, the domain in the center circle is for the water flow analysis, and the other part is for the soil deformation analysis. The lateral displacement is set to be zero on the boundary A-B and C-D, and the vertical displacement is set to be zero on B-D. The boundary A-C is assumed as ground surface, i.e., the vertical displacement is free. The pressure at the top of the balloon is set to be a constant value. The velocity components and pressure are set to be zero at initial time. The objective value of displacement at the top of balloon is set to be 0.2[m] up to the z direction. The control flux, which is a constant value in time, is imposed around the top of balloon. The numerical results are shown in figure 2 and figure 3. 12.0[m] C B D 12.0[m] A Z X Figure 1: Finite element mesh 5 O bjective C alculated 500.0 1.5 300.0 1.4 [m] 400.0 200.0 100.0 1.3 1.2 1.1 0.0 1.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Tim e step Iteration count Figure 2: Performance function Figure 3: Z coordinate at the top of balloon CONCLUSIONS A control analysis of vertical displacement is performed in case of only a balloon with water injected into. The position at the top of balloon is raised up to the objective vertical level(1.4m) by the fluid force, and the convergence of performance function and control flux is confirmed for the control analysis. The performance function converges to a constant value which must mainly be the square sum of residual of water fluid flux injected into. In this case the control flux assumed to be constant in time, but it should be changed for actual problem. The near future subjects will be the analyses in cases of a balloon with water removed from, multi-balloons system, and the control flux changed in time. References [1] Hirt,C.W., Amsden,A.A. and Cook,J.L.(1972).An arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian computing method for all flow speeds. J. Comp. Phys. 14.227-253 [2] A.Maruoka, A.Anju and M.Kawahara. (1994).An Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian Finite Element Method for Fluid-Structure Interaction Problem. 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