Dr. William Huizingh and Mr. John Mumford Scholarship

The School’s most prestigious scholarship is the Huizingh - Mumford Scholarship. John Mumford, alumnus of the School of
Accountancy, has given this endowment to recognize and honor the outstanding teaching of Dr. William Huizingh, Professor Emeritus of
Accountancy, and to attract outstanding students to the ASU Accountancy degree programs.
This is a one to five year academic scholarship, renewable on an annual basis (see “Terms and Conditions” for criteria). Recipients are
awarded $3,000 per academic year during undergraduate study and $5,000 during graduate work. The ASU Student Financial Assistance
Office (www.asu.edu/fastt) disburses funds at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters.
Who May Apply
All applicants must demonstrate financial need as evidenced by filing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Information regarding filing the FAFSA can be found at www.fafsa.ed.gov/ . You are not required to complete your financial aid file,
but you must provide us with a copy of your Student Aid Report (SAR), and the Academic Budget Form.
Applicants must be Arizona residents and graduates of an Arizona High School at the time of the application.
Incoming Freshmen must exhibit strong high school credentials AND be admitted to the W. P. Carey School of Business in “PreAccountancy”.
Transfer Students must have a 3.25 cumulative GPA with a minimum of 12 transfer credits, AND must be admitted to the W. P. Carey
School of Business in the “Pre-Business” or “Pre-Accountancy” designation or the Accountancy major. “Pre-Business” designates must
have intentions of majoring in Accountancy.
Continuing ASU Students must have a 3.25 cumulative GPA through the fall semester of the current academic year AND be admitted to
the “Accountancy” undergraduate major, or a School of Accountancy master’s degree program.
Terms and Conditions
Each scholar must be enrolled at Arizona State University-Tempe Campus as a full-time student (at least 12 credit hours for
undergraduates and 9 credit hours for graduates) in Fall 2013 and Spring 2014.
Each scholar must maintain good standing as a full-time student at Arizona State University. Suspension, academic probation, or
dismissal will result in the scholarship being automatically revoked.
No portion of the scholarship shall be paid for summer school attendance or study abroad programs.
Students must be eligible to apply for federal aid to qualify for the scholarship.
Each scholarship is renewable on an annual basis if the recipient has satisfactorily met the following criteria:
(1) maintained a 3.25 cumulative GPA or higher by the end of each semester of the academic year;
(2) completed at least 24 credit hours during the academic year; AND
(3) completed courses that support the Accountancy major OR are a part of a School of Accountancy master’s degree
(4) completed a 2013-14 application.
Application Procedures
An applicant will submit a complete application packet by March 1, 2013. Complete applications must be received by the deadline.
Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.
A complete application packet includes the following:
 Completed Huizingh - Mumford Application;
 Personal Statement – Briefly describe why you have chosen to major in Accountancy or pursue a Master’s
degree in the School. Limited to one, double-spaced typed page;
 Unofficial Transcript(s) – high school transcripts (if applicable) or college transcripts (if applicable);
 2013-2014 Student Aid Report (SAR) - document summarizing all information on the FAFSA.
A committee composed of ASU faculty and staff will review applications and select recipients. Scholarship recipients
will be notified of selection by mid-June.
Scholarship Application
Application Procedure
An applicant will submit a complete application packet by March 1, 2013. Complete applications must be received by the deadline.
Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.
A complete application packet includes:
 Completed Huizingh - Mumford Application;
 Personal Statement – Briefly describe why you have chosen to major in Accountancy or pursue a Master’s
degree in the School. Limited to one, double-spaced typed page;
 Unofficial Transcript(s) – high school transcripts (if applicable) or college transcripts (if applicable);
 2013-2014 Student Aid Report (SAR) - yellow document summarizing all information on the FAFSA.
Please type or clearly print all information
Personal Information
Last, First, Middle
Major/Graduate Degree: United States Citizen?
AZ Resident?
Gender (optional)
Local Address: (include apartment number if applicable)
City, State, Zip:
Local Phone: (include area code)
Email Address:
Academic Information (high school and college freshmen only) (attach transcript(s) – unofficial ok)
High School:
Cumulative High School GPA (4.0 = A):
SAT/ACT composite score:
(Transfer and ALL continuing ASU applicants only)
Undergraduate Institution:
Undergraduate Major:
Cumulative Undergraduate GPA (4.0 = A):
2010-2011 Grade Level:
High School:
City and State:
Class Rank:
Graduation Date:
(e.g. 18/200)
City and State:
Expected Graduation Date:
City and State:
Complete the following budget for the 2013-2014 academic year. Figures should reflect expected expenses and
income for the nine-month academic year. You are required to submit a copy of your 2013-14 Student Aid Report
(SAR). Please see Application Procedures section for required information.
Tuition and fees
Room & Board
Personal Expenses
Personal Savings
Other Scholarships
Earnings from Work
Parental/Family Support
Total Expenses/Outflows
Total Income/Inflows
Total Expenses/Outflows
Minus Total Income/Inflows
= Unmet Financial Need
If necessary, please describe any unusual personal expenses or income situations that make it difficult for you and
your family to contribute to the cost of your education. (Use a separate sheet of paper.)
 I give my permission for the release of academic, financial, and/or other necessary information requested by the scholarship selection
committee. Furthermore, if a scholarship award is made to me, my consent is hereby given for the release of academic, financial, or other
necessary information requested by the committee.
 I certify that the information throughout this application is accurate, and that any misrepresentation of facts or details could result in
ineligibility for any scholarships or awards.
 I understand all documents become property of the School of Accountancy.
 I hereby agree upon the acceptance of any W. P. Carey School of Business scholarship or award to the terms specified in the scholarship
criteria. However, should my status change whereby I no longer meet the criteria, I understand that the scholarship will be revoked.
 Failure to submit a complete application may result in my ineligibility to receive the Huizingh - Mumford Scholarship.
Submit Application Packet
By Mail:
Huizingh - Mumford Scholarship Committee
Attn: Program Manager
School of Accountancy
Arizona State University – Tempe Campus
PO Box 873606
Tempe, AZ 85287-3606
In Person:
Huizingh - Mumford Scholarship Committee
Attn: Program Manager
School of Accountancy
Arizona State University – Tempe Campus
BA 223 Q
Because of a large number of expected applications, we may not be able to notify unsuccessful applicants.