COLLEGE OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCE Equality and Diversity Committee Minutes of the meeting of Thursday, 17 April 2008 held in Room G1, 55 George Square Present Mrs Janet Rennie (Co Convener Convener for this meeting CHSS Deputy College Registrar Professor April McMahon (Co Convener) Dr Elaine Kelly Dr Alexandra Smith Dr Alison Lenton Head of School of Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences School of Arts, Culture & Environment School of Literatures, Languages & Cultures School of Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences School of Social & Political Studies School Administrators’ Representative Contract Research Staff Representative University Equality & Diversity Manager CHSS Human Resources Office of Lifelong Learning Ms Susan Hunter Ms Jenny Ansett Ms Kathryn Hunter Mr Ian Bettison Ms Lyn Adams Dr Caroline Bamford Apologies Ms Marnie Roadburg Dr Elizabeth Koepping Ms Deborah Ritchie Dr Glenys Davies Mr Colin Campbell Disability Office School of Divinity School of Health School of History, Classics & Archaeology School Secretaries’ Representative In attendance Chaplain Di Williams Mr Ronnie Millar Mrs Joan Kemp Chaplaincy - attending for presentation Deputy Director, Student Counselling Service - attending for presentation Secretary Formal Business - Open Business 1. Welcome The Co-Convener welcomed Ms Kathryn Hunter, newly appointed Contract Research Staff representative, Chaplain Di Williams and Mr Ronnie Millar, Deputy Director of the Student Counselling Service to the meeting. 2. Cultural and Faith Diversity Policies A presentation was given by the Chaplain on the challenging and diverse culture and faith issues faced by the University. She advised the Committee that the role of Chaplaincy was the University provision of pastoral and spiritual support for students and staff of all faiths and none. The Chaplaincy team and staff offered support to both students and staff through places for meeting, reflection, one-to-one support, welcome and hospitality. The Chaplain encouraged the Committee to identify some of the issues regarding religion and belief which could arise within the University. A number of points were raised. These included: Faith difficulties for Saturday exams (The Chaplain reported the University’s arrangements for handling these for Orthodox Jews) Scheduling of exams for those students fasting during the day Stem cell ethical implications Professional placements: issues regarding values and interaction between gender and / or race Teaching, e.g. evolutionary psychology The Chaplain reported that there was successful interaction between student faith societies. This could be seen, for example, from the Holocaust Memorial Day which had embraced all faiths and had been very well attended. The Chaplain also advised the Committee that an opportunity had arisen for the Chaplaincy to work with the Edinburgh Interfaith Association to help promote religious harmony, diversity and equal opportunities locally and globally. Further information about the Association’s aims and policies could be found on its website at: The Convener thanked the Chaplain for her presentation which had been both thought-provoking and informative. 3. Support of distressed students and colleagues The Deputy Director of the Student Counselling Service spoke to the Committee about the work and services offered by the Student Counselling Service. The Service offered support to distressed students. In the main, the support offered was on a short term basis of up to six sessions but it could also provide longer term help to students with chronic mental health problems. The Service sought to provide initial assessment appointments within one week of contact by students. Student Counsellors had noted that increasing numbers of students had approached the Service for support. The Deputy Director advised the Committee that that there had been an increase this session of 12% on the number of students contacting the Service for support from the previous session. The Counselling Service had also recognised increasing stress suffered by Directors of Studies and Student Support Officers when presented by distressed students, especially those with mental health issues. Commissioned by the Disability Office, the Service had carried out two training workshops on the role of “The Caring Director of Studies”. Both had been well attended with approximately 25 Directors of Studies and Student Support Officers attending in each case. The Counselling Service also offered consultations to staff to advise and support those with distressed students. The Co-Convener agreed to contact the Disability Office to request that further training workshops be arranged in advance of the forthcoming session. The Deputy Director advised the Committee that a guide for University staff entitled ‘Helping Distressed Students’ had been produced by the Disability Office. Staff who had received a copy of the booklet had found it very helpful. Further copies were available from the Secretary to the CHSS Equality and Diversity Committee. The Co-Convener asked School Representatives to advise the Secretary should they require extra copies. The Committee was advised by the Chaplain that the Chaplaincy could also offer support to distressed students and staff. The Convener thanked the Deputy Director for his presentation which had been motivating and informative. 4. Minutes of the meeting of 23 January 2008 The Committee accepted the minutes as a correct record of the meeting. 5. Matters arising Item 5: The Committee was advised that the Mental Health sub group of the Disability Office was not a new group but had been established for a number of years. Its Convener was not able to attend this meeting of the E&D Committee but would be invited to attend its first meeting in session 2008/2009. Impact Assessment Project Board: The Committee noted that a Universitywide project board had not yet been established. 6. Convener’s Business The Convener advised the Committee that three papers concerning Equality and Diversity were to be discussed at the next meeting of CMG: Proposal for a new approach to Dignity and Respect. If the proposal was approved by CMG, work would begin to develop a new Policy based on principles of a “business-centred approach”. Paper on the Promotion of Women in the University, and Paper on the Gender Equality Scheme The Co-Convener also confirmed that the issues identified by the Committee for referral for the annual College Plan had been included. 7. Staff Appraisal The Co-Convener advised the Committee that information had been received from College HR which indicated that in the last 12 months 48 members of staff in the College had attended training sessions for Appraisers whilst 22 had attended sessions on appraisee training. The Co-Convener encouraged School Representatives to promote the training sessions in their Schools. The Co-Convener reminded the Committee that School Representatives had been asked to provide to the Committee brief written reports on their progress in extending the use of appraisal in their Schools. It was hoped that these reports would help to disseminate best practice. The Committee noted that these reports were also required by the Vice-Principal for Equality and Diversity and were to be discussed at Staff Committee. The Co-Convener advised the Committee that not all reports had yet been received. The Committee also noted that appraisal should be a positive experience that could lead to development opportunities or highlight other hidden issues which could then be resolved. The Committee observed that at its previous meeting some School Representatives had advised that their Schools were unhappy with the current version of the Appraisal form. The Co-Convener advised the Committee that Schools had been asked to forward to the Co-Convener examples of the changes they had made to forms. To date, information received from both School Administrators and School Representatives indicated that no changes had been made to the forms at School level: the Co-Convener asked for confirmation that this was correct. 8. Report of the University Equality and Diversity Manager The Committee noted the points raised in the report of the University Equality and Diversity Manager which is attached to this minute as Appendix 1. 9. Report from the University Equality and Diversity Committee (Paper 07/06) The Committee noted the report. 10. Any other business The Committee agreed to invite the Director of the Disability Office to give a short talk at a future meeting of the Committee on the work of the Disability Office. 11. Date of meetings in Session 2008/2009 11.00am - 1.00pm on 15 October 2008, 19 February 2009 and 14 May 2009. Appendix 1 Update for HSS E&D Committee: Report from E&D Manager 17/04/08 Training rolled out for all co-ordinators. Feedback mostly positive. Further development planned. Initial E&D issue meetings with all E&D Co-ordinators. 4 School Meetings with HoS. E&D Co-ordinators and VP of E&D. - Very positive and well received. Focus on potential areas for development. Look at use of local monitoring. Engage with Colleagues and collect feedback, cascade best practice. Career Planning. Leadership Foundation Diversity Diagnostic Survey ready to launch following feedback and pilots. Increase in issues relating to bullying and harassment, between staff and students. Difficult situation relating to cyber-bullying. New Approach to Dignity & Respect supported by Staff Committee. Ongoing development and promotion of Contact Officers. Paper on Promotion of Women at Edinburgh for Staff Committee. Development of Impact Assessment. Development of and consultation over Gender Equality Scheme. New website development.