SDSU COLLEGE OF PHARMACY 2012 INCOMING P1 STUDENT SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION INSTRUCTION SHEET The College of Pharmacy has scholarships available to students who have just been accepted into the professional program. The number and dollar amounts vary from year to year. While most of the scholarships are designated for Jackrabbit Guarantee-eligible students, at times there are some for non-JG students. Scholarship recipients are selected after spring grades are in and are usually notified in July or early August by mail or email. The scholarships will be presented at a program tentatively scheduled for Saturday, September 29th. Scholarship recipients are expected to attend the program. The scholarship money is typically split between the fall and spring semesters. In order to receive a scholarship from the College, students must complete this application. For students who will be Jackrabbit Guarantee-eligible for 2012 – 2013, you MUST fill out the attached application even though you have already filled out the online application. If you will be receiving other SDSU scholarships for next year, you SHOULD fill out the attached application. It does not often happen, but based on scholarship criteria, the College may award you a scholarship. The criteria are varied for scholarships selected by the College of Pharmacy, thus we have a “one size fits all” application. Application information is used only for the selection of scholarships and awards. DO NOT attach a resume or additional materials. Please follow the directions closely. Please TYPE in the requested information. Be sure to hit the "INSERT" key before you enter information on the lines or use underline to maintain any necessary underlines. Unneeded underlines can be removed. Keep the application to two pages or less by deleting any material between the two sets of asterisks not pertaining to you. If you have questions about this application, contact: Dr. Dan Hansen, Scholarship Co-Chair SDSU College of Pharmacy, SAV 133 Dr. Mike Lemon, Scholarship Co-Chair SDSU College of Pharmacy This application is to be completed and signed and returned by (or postmarked by) May 11th, 2012, by 5:00 PM CDT to: Ms. Sarah Vaa, Secretary SDSU College of Pharmacy SAV 133/Box 2202 C Brookings, SD 57007-0099 When mailing your application, please also send an email to so that she can track it (on the subject line put “scholarship application”). Since the application must be signed, you cannot return it via email. Late applications will not be accepted. Thank you. Incoming P1 Scholarship Application.doc March 2011 SDSU COLLEGE OF PHARMACY SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION INCOMING P1 STUDENTS 2012 Name ____________________________ _________________________ ______________ ____________________ Last First Middle (Maiden) Colleague ID# _____________________Race_________________Gender _________Date of Birth______________ Permanent (Home) Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ POB/Street Address City County State Zip Summer Mailing Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ POB/Street Address City County State Zip Phone (include Area Code): _____ _____ ______ E-mail address ______________________________________ * * * (To keep the application to two pages, please delete material that does not pertain to you. Thank you.) Activities: (Please check the ones in which you are/were involved and list requested information for each.) _____ Academy of Student Pharmacists. Dates:_____________________ Offices (include dates):______________________________________________________________________________ Committees (include dates): __________________________________________________________________________ _____ American Academy of Pharmaceutical Scientists. Dates:_____________________ Offices (include dates):______________________________________________________________________________ Committees (include dates):__________________________________________________________________________ _____Kappa Epsilon. Dates: _________________________ Offices (include dates):______________________________________________________________________________ Committees (include dates):__________________________________________________________________________ ____ American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP). Dates:_____________________ ____ South Dakota Society of Health-System Pharmacists (SDSHP). Dates: _____________________ ____ National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA). Dates: _____________________ ____ Pride of the Dakotas. Dates: _____________________ ____ ROTC. Branch and dates: _____________________ ____High School – If you graduated from a high school in South Dakota, please list the name of the high school and the community in which it was located: ____________________________________________________________________ Incoming P1 Scholarship Application.doc March 2011 ____Other Activities: List organizations you have belonged to, offices held, committee assignments, and dates of all; community activities and dates; and, non-scholarship awards and honors you have received and dates. DO NOT include high school activities. If at another college, please include the institution’s name. Career Objectives: Based on what you know about the profession of pharmacy at this point, check one of the following areas of pharmacy as the one in which you think you are most likely to practice pharmacy and write a brief statement telling of your career objectives. If you think you need more than one, do not exceed two. A “1” indicates your higher interest at this point, #2 is your second choice. Community ____ Hospital _____ Clinical _____ Academia ____ Industry ____ Unsure ____ Other (Specify) ____ Financial Need: Occasionally scholarships and awards criteria cite financial need as one of several criteria. Fill in the area below with regard to your current sources of educational financing by approximating the percentage covered by the sources listed and give your best estimate for your sources of financing for the 2011 – 2012 academic year: 2011 – 2012: ____% Scholarships/Grants ____% Loans ____% Work ____% Savings ____% Family ____% Other 2012 – 2013: ____% Scholarships/Grants ____% Loans ____% Work ____% Savings ____% Family ____% Other If you wish to add a statement indicating financial need, please do so within the space provided below. Be specific. Jackrabbit Guarantee ‘11-‘12: Will you be eligible? _____Yes ____No # of Semesters _____ I attest that the information provided here is true. I also hereby authorize the SDSU Pharmacy Scholarship Committee to obtain applicable educational information from the SDSU Registrar’s Office to complete my scholarship application. I also allow the College of Pharmacy to provide my name, year in the program, home town, and information on organizational activities to the scholarship’s donor(s) should I receive a scholarship. _________________________________________________________ __________________________ Signature Date Incoming P1 Scholarship Application.doc March 2011