College of Micronesia-FSM P. 0. Box 159 Kolonia Pohnpei FM 96941 *Course Outline* Course Title Department and Number *College Algebra* *Division of Natural Science and Mathematics MS 100* *Course Description:* Students will be able to graph and solve equations, functions, and inequalities including those with complex roots; analyze functions, find inverse functions, and perform compositions of functions; sketch and analyze graphs of polynomials and mathematical models of variation; analyze rational functions and determine asymptotes; recognize graphs of conic expressions. *Course Prepared by:* Dana Lee Ling Hours per Week No. of Week Total Hours Credits Lecture 3 x 16 x 48/16 = 3 Laboratory Workshop Study Total Semester Credits: = 3 Semester Purpose of Course Degree Requirement: ____X____ Degree Elective: ______ Certificate: ______ Remedial: ______ Other: ______ *Prerequisite Course:*A grade of "C" or better in MS 098, by placement, or permission of instructor. *Date approved by Committee:*__________ *Date approved by President:*__________ 1. Course Objectives or Learning Outcomes 1. Program student learning outcomes *Students will be able to:* * define mathematical concepts, calculate quantities, estimate solutions, solve problems, represent and interpret mathematical information graphically, and communicate mathematical thoughts and ideas. 2. Course student learning outcomes *Students will be able to:* 1. Graph and solve linear and quadratic equations and inequalities including those with complex roots. 2. Evaluate and analyze functions and their graphs including combinations and compositions of functions. 3. Sketch and analyze graphs of polynomial functions and mathematical models of variation. 4. Determine the domains of rational functions, find asymtotes, and sketch the graphs of rational functions. 3. Specific student learning outcomes *Students will be able to:* 1. Graph and solve linear and quadratic equations and inequalities including those with complex roots. 1. Sketch the graph of an equation 2. Solve linear, quadratic, polynomial, and radical equations. 3. Perform operations with complex numbers. 4. Solve linear, quadratic, polynomial, and radical inequalities. 2. Evaluate and analyze functions and their graphs including combinations and compositions of functions. 1. Find and use slopes of lines to write and graph linear equations in two variables. 2. Evaluate functions and find their domains. 3. Analyze the graphs of functions. 4. Find arithmetic combinations and compositions of functions. 5. Identify inverse functions graphically and find inverse functions algebraically. 3. Sketch and analyze graphs of polynomial functions, and make predictions with mathematical models of variation. 1. Sketch and analyze graphs of polynomial functions 2. Use long division to divide polynomials 3. Write mathematical models for direct, inverse, and joint variation. 4. Determine the domains of rational functions, find asymptotes, and sketch the graphs of rational functions. 1. Find the domains of rational functions. 2. Find the horizontal and vertical asymptotes for graphs of rational functions. 3. Recognize graphs of circles, ellipses, parabolas, and hyperbolas. 2. Course content 1. Linear and quadratic equations 1. Graphing 2. Linear, quadratic, polynomial, and radical equations and their solutions. 3. Operations with complex numbers. 4. Linear, quadratic, polynomial, and radical inequalities and their solutions. 2. Functions 1. Linear equations, slope, intercept. 2. Functions and their domains. 3. Graphs of functions. 4. Arithmetic combinations and compositions of functions. 5. Inverse functions. 3. Polynomial equations including degree three and higher. 1. Graphs of polynomial functions and the analysis of functions from graphs 2. Polynomial long division 3. Mathematical models for direct, inverse, and joint variation. 4. Domains of rational functions, asymtotes, and graphs of rational functions. 1. Domains of rational functions. 2. Horizontal and vertical asymptotes for graphs of rational functions. 3. Graphs of circles, ellipses, parabolas, and hyperbolas. 3. Textbook: Algebra and Trigonometry, Sixth edition, ©2004, 0618317821. Larson & Hostetler [or direct successor edition], Houghton Mifflin <>. 0618317821_lg (4K) <> 4. Required course materials: Scientific calculator. 5. Reference materials: As per instructor needs. 6. Instructional costs: Standard instructional materials such as markers, erasers, paper. 7. Methods of Instruction: The course will be taught by lecture, class discussion. Sections that can access or meet in a computer laboratory are recommended to utilize LiveMath™ <> and spreadsheet <> software to assist students in visualizing equations through graphing tools. Quizzes, tests, and a final examination will provide measurement of achievement of course objectives. Grading as per the policy in the current college catalog. 8. Evaluation: None. No credit-by-examination. 9. Attendance policy: As per the current college catalog. 10. Academic honesty policy: As per the current college catalog.