MONDAY STRATEGY Math ASSESSMENT STRATEGY Advanced Math ASSESSMENT 4/30/12 Begin Chapter 11: Integers 11-1 Exploring Integers and 11-2 Comparing and Ordering Integers Standard: Use order of operations and properties to simplify numerical expressions involving integers, fractions and decimals. Explain the meaning and effect of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing integers. Objective: I can use integers, opposites, and absolute values to represent real world situations. I can compare and order integers. WKS 11-1 & 11-2 Begin Chapter 10: Graphing in the Coordinate Plane 10-1 Graphing Points in Four Quadrants Standard: Represent linear equations by plotting points in the coordinate plane. Objective: I can name and graph points on a coordinate plane. Vocabulary: coordinate plane, x-axis, y-axis, ordered pair, quadrant, origin, x-coordinate, y-coordinate WKS 10-1 TUESDAY STRATEGY Math ASSESSMENT STRATEGY Advanced Math ASSESSMENT 5/1/12 Collect and Review Homework 11-3 Adding Integers Standard: Use order of operations and properties to simplify numerical expressions involving integers, fractions and decimals. Explain the meaning and effect of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing integers. Objective: I can add integers. WKS 11-3 Collect and Review Homework Return homework graded 10-2 Graphing Linear Equations Standard: Justify that two forms of an algebraic expression are equivalent, and recognize when an expression is simplified. Objective: I can find solutions of linear equations and graph linear equations. Reteaching WKS 10-2 WEDENESDAY STRATEGY Math 5/2/12 Collect and Review Homework Return homework graded 11-4 Subtracting Integers Standard: Use order of operations and properties to simplify numerical expressions involving integers, fractions and decimals. Explain the meaning and effect of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing integers. Objective: I can subtract integers. ASSESSMENT STRATEGY Advanced Math ASSESSMENT WKS 11-4 Collect and Review Homework Return homework graded 10-2 Graphing Linear Equations Standard: Justify that two forms of an algebraic expression are equivalent, and recognize when an expression is simplified. Objective: I can find solutions of linear equations and graph linear equations. WKS 10-2 THURSDAY STRATEGY Math ASSESSMENT 5/3/12 Collect and Review Homework Return homework graded 11-5 Multiplying Integers & 11-6 Dividing Integers Standard: Use order of operations and properties to simplify numerical expressions involving integers, fractions and decimals. Explain the meaning and effect of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing integers. Objective: I can multiply and divide integers. Advanced Math WKS 11-5 & 11-6 Collect and Review Homework Return homework graded 10-3 Finding the Slope of a Line Standard: Represent linear equations by plotting points in the coordinate plane. Objective: I can find the slope of a line and use it to solve problems. ASSESSMENT Reteaching WKS 10-3 STRATEGY FRIDAY STRATEGY Math 5/4/12 Questions over any topics ASSESSMENT STRATEGY QUIZ: No Homework Questions over any topics Advanced Math ASSESSMENT QUIZ: No Homework