Mary Frank Yates
August – September
Fraction - Decimal Review
Chapter 1, 2
Add, Subtract, Multiply, and Divide Fractions and Decimals
Algebraic Expression
Order of Operation
Formulas from Geometry
Commutative Property
Associative Property
Distributive Property
Combining Like Terms
Solution Sets of Sentences
Real Numbers
Opposites and Absolute Value
Addition on a Number Line
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division of Real Numbers
The student will be able to
 add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals and fractions.
 evaluate algebraic expressions for given values of the variables.
 write algebraic expressions for word descriptions.
 simplify numerical expressions by using the rules for order of operation..
 simplify and evaluate expressions containing exponents.
 use perimeter, area, and volume formulas.
 use the Commutative, Associative, and Distributive Properties.
 simplify expressions by combining like terms.
 find the solution set of an open sentence.
 graph a point on a number line.
 compare real numbers
 simplify expressions involving opposites and real numbers.
 add, subtract, multiply, and divide real numbers.
Homework Assignments
Weekly Tests
Hand-In Assignments
Overhead Projector
Finish Chapter 2 and Chapter 3
Mixed Operations
Like Terms: Real Number Coefficients
Removing Parentheses: Negative Factors
Solving Equations by Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying. or Dividing
Using Two Properties of Equality
Equations with Variables on Both Sides
Equations with Parentheses
Problem Solving Using Formulas
The student will be able to
 simplify numerical expressions.
 evaluate algebraic expressions.
 simplify expressions by combining like terms.
 evaluate expressions after combining like terms.
 simplify and evaluate expressions containing negative factor
 solve equations using the Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division Properties of
 solve equations using two properties of equality.
 solve equations with variables on both sides.
 solve equations that contain parentheses.
 solve problems using formulas.
Homework Assignments
Weekly Tests
Hand-In Assignments
Overhead Projector
Chapter 4
Translating English to Algebra
Problem Solving: Two or More Numbers
Problem Solving: Consecutive Integer Problems
Problem Solving: Perimeter and Angle Measure
Equations with Fractions
Equations with Decimals
Percent Problems
Problem Solving Using Percent
The student will be able to
 
solve equations by using two properties of equality.
 
solve equations with variables on both sides.
solve equations that contain parentheses.
solve problems that involve formulas.
represent two or more numbers in terms of one variable, given the relationship between the
solve problems involving two or more numbers.
solve problems involving consecutive integers.
solve problems about perimeter.
solve problems about angle measure.
solve equations that contain fractions.
solve problems that contain decimals.
solve problems that contain percent.
solve problems about sales tax, profit, discount, and commission.
Homework Assignments
Weekly Tests
Hand-In Assignments
Overhead Projector
First Half of Chapter 5
Review for Midterm Exam
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division Properties of Inequality
Conjunction and Disjunctions
Combining Inequalities
Problem Solving Using Inequalities
The student will be able to
 solve and graph the solution set of an inequality using the Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication,
and Division Properties
of Inequality.
 determine whether a conjunction or a disjunction is true or false.
 graph solution sets of conjunctions and disjunctions of inequalities.
 solve problems using inequalities.
Homework Assignments
Weekly Tests
Hand-In Assignments
Midterm Exam
Overhead Projector
Finish Chapter 5 and Chapter 6
Equations with Absolute Value
Inequalities with Absolute Value
Multiplying Monomials
Powers of Monomials
Dividing Monomials
Negative Exponents
Scientific Notation
Simplifying Polynomials
The student will be able to
 solve equations using absolute value.
 graph solution sets of inequalities using absolute value.
 multiply monomials.
 simplify a power to a power and a power of a product.
 divide monomials.
 simplify expressions with integral exponents.
 evaluate monomials with integral exponents.
 convert ordinary notation to scientific notation and vice versa.
 classify polynomials according to the number of terms.
 simplify polynomials and state the degree.
 write a polynomial in descending and ascending order.
 add and subtract polynomials and write them in descending order.
 multiply a polynomial by a monomial.
 multiply two binomials
 multiply a trinomial by a binomial.
 square a binomial.
 find products of the form (a + b) (a – b)
Homework Assignments
Weekly Tests
Hand-In Assignments
Overhead Projector
Finish Chapter 6 and Half of Chapter 7
Addition and Subtraction of Polynomials
Multiplying a Polynomial by a Monomial
Multiplying Binomials
Special Products
Introduction to Factoring
Greatest Common Monomial Factor
Factoring Trinomials
The student will be able to
 add and subtract polynomials.
 write the indicated sum of polynomials in descending order.
 multiply a polynomial by a monomial.
 multiply two binomials.
 multiply a trinomial by a binomial.
 square a binomial.
 find products in the form (a + b) (a – b).
 find the greatest common factor of two or more monomials.
 factor out the greatest monomial factor from a polynomial.
 factor trinomials in the form x 2 + bx + c.
Homework Assignments
Weekly Tests
Hand-In Assignments
Overhead Projector
Finish Chapter 7
+ bx + c
Two Special Cases of Factoring
Factoring Trinomials of the form ax 2
Combined Types of Factoring
Solving Quadratic Equations By Factoring
Standard Form of a Quadratic Equation
Problem Solving: Using Quadratic Equations
The student will be able to
 factor trinomials of the form ax 2 + bx + c
 factor the difference of two squares.
 factor a perfect square trinomial.
 factor polynomials completely.
 factor polynomials by grouping terms.
 solve quadratic equations by factoring.
 solve cubic equations by factoring.
 write quadratic equations in standard form.
 solve word problems involving quadratic equations.
Homework Assignments
Weekly Tests
Hand-In Assignments
Overhead Projector
Chapter 8 (as much as can be completed)
Review for Final Exam
Simplifying Rational Expressions
Simplifying Rational Expressions: Convenient Form
Multiplying Rational Expressions
Dividing Rational Expressions
Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions: Like Denominators
Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions: Unlike Denominators
Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions: Polynomial Denominators
Dividing Polynomials
Complex Rational Expressions
The student will be able to
find values for which the rational expression is undefined.
simplify rational expressions.
evaluate rational expressions.
simplifying rational expressions by writing the polynomial in convenient form.
multiply and divide rational expression.
add and subtract rational expressions with like denominators.
add and subtract rational expressions with unlike denominators.
add and subtract rational expressions with polynomial denominators.
divide polynomials by a monomial.
divide polynomials using long division.
simplify complex rational expressions.
Homework Assignments
Weekly Tests
Hand-In Assignments
Final Exam
Overhead Projector