Прикладне програмне забезпечення
UDC 004.75
Ivan Georgiev
Institute for Parallel Processing Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Acad. G. Bonchev Bl. 25A 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria,
Johannes Kraus
Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics Austrian Academy of Sciences
Altenbergerstrasse 69 A-4040 Linz, Austria,
Svetozar Margenov
Institute for Parallel Processing Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Acad. G. Bonchev Bl. 25A 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria,
In this paper a multiplicative two-level preconditioning algorithm for second order elliptic boundary value problems is
considered, where the discretization is done using Rannacher-Turek non-conforming rotated bilinear finite elements on
quadrilaterals. An important point to make is that in this case the finite element spaces corresponding to two successive levels of
mesh refinement are not nested in general. To handle this, a proper two-level basis is required to enable us to fit the general
framework for the construction of two-level preconditioners originally introduced for conforming finite elements. The proposed
variant of hierarchical two-level splitting is first defined in a rather general setting. Then, the involved parameters are studied and
optimized. The major contribution of the paper is the derived uniform estimates of the constant in the strengthened CBS
inequality which allow the efficient multilevel extension of the related two-level preconditioners.
In this paper we consider the elliptic boundary value problem
Lu    a(x)u (x)  =
u =
(a(x)u (x))  n =
f ( x)
in ,
0 on D ,
0 on N ,
R 2 f (x) is a given function in L2 () , the coefficient matrix a(x) is
symmetric positive definite and uniformly bounded in  , n is the outward unit vector normal to the boundary
 =  , and Γ = Γ D  Γ N . We assume that the elements of the diffusion coefficient matrix a(x) are a piece-wise
where  is a convex polygonal domain in,
 . The weak formulation of the above problem reads as follows: given f  L2 () find
u  V  H D1 () = {v  H 1 () : v = 0 on D } , satisfying
smooth functions on
A(u, v) = ( f , v) v  H1D (Ω where
A(u, v) =  a(x)u(x)  v(x)dx.
We assume that the domain  is discretized by the partition
Τ h which is obtained by a proper refinement of a given
coarser partition Τ H . We assume also that TH is aligned with the discontinuities of the coefficient a(x) so that over
each element E  TH the coefficients a(x) of are smooth functions. The variational problem (2) is then discretized
using the finite element method, i.e., the continuous space V is replaced by a finite dimensional subspace Vh . Then
the finite element formulation is: find u h  Vh , satisfying
Ah (u h , vh ) = ( f , vh ) vh  Vh
Ah (u h , vh ) =
  a(e)u
 vh dx.
Here a (e) is a piece-wise constant symmetric positive definite matrix, defined by the integral averaged values
© K. Georgiev, E. Donev, 2006
ISSN 1727-4907. Проблеми програмування. 2006. №2-3. Спеціальний випуск
Прикладне програмне забезпечення
of a(x) over each element from the coarser triangulation
Th . We note that in this way strong coefficient jumps across
Th are allowed. The resulting discrete problem to be solved is
then a linear system of equations A h u h = f h , with A and f h being the corresponding global stiffness matrix and
global right hand side, and h being the discretization (meshsize) parameter for the underlying partition Th of Ω .
the boundaries between adjacent finite elements from
The two-level setting. We are concerned with the construction of a two-level preconditioner M for
such that the spectral condition number
Ah ,
κ (M A h ) of the preconditioned matrix M A h is uniformly bounded with
respect to the meshsize parameter h , and the possible coefficient jumps. The classical theory for constructing optimal
order two-level preconditioners was first developed in [2, 3], see also [1]. The general framework requires to define two
nested finite element spaces VH  Vh , that correspond to two consecutive (regular) mesh refinements. The well
studied case of conforming linear finite elements is the starting point in the theory of two-level and multi-level methods.
Let Th and TH be two successive mesh refinements of the domain  , which correspond to VH and Vh . Let
{φ (k)
H , k = 1,2, , N H } and {φ h , k = 1,2,, N h } be the standard finite element nodal basis functions. We split
the meshpoints N h from Th into two groups: the first group contains the nodes N H from TH and the second one
consists of the rest, where the latter are the newly added node-points N h \ H from Th \ TH . Next we define the so-called
hierarchical basis functions
~ (k) , k = 1,2,, N } = {φ
~ (l) on T }  {φ
~ (m) on T \ T }.
Let then A h be the corresponding hierarchical stiffness matrix. Under the splitting (4) both matrices
admit in a natural way a two-by-two block structure
A12 
A h =  11
A 21 A 22 
N h \ H
 NH
As is well-known, there exists a transformation matrix
A h =  ~ 11
A 21
J= 1
J 21
N h \H
 NH
A 12 
AH 
A h and A h
, which relates the nodal point vectors for the
I 2 
standard and the hierarchical basis functions as follows,
v  v1
v1 
 v1  ~
v  ~   J  , ~ 1
v 2 
 v 2  v 2  J 21 v1  v 2
Remark 1.1 Clearly, the hierarchical stiffness matrix A h is more dense than A h and therefore its action on a vector
is computationally more expensive. The transformation matrix J , however, enables us in practical implementations to
work with A h , since A h = JA h J .
Two-level preconditioners and the strengthened Cauchy-Bunyakowski-Schwarz (CBS) inequality.
Consider a general matrix A , which is assumed to be symmetric positive definite and partitioned as in (5). The quality
of this partitioning is characterized by the corresponding CBS inequality constant:
 =
v1T A12 v 2
v T2 A 22 v 2
v1R n1 n 2 , v 2R n 2 v1 A11 v1
 
n1 = N h and n2 = N H . Let us assume also that
A11  C11  (1   1 )A11 and A 22  C22  (1   2 )A 22 .
The inequalities (7) are in a positive semidefinite sense where
matrices for some positive constants
C11 and C 22 are symmetric and positive definite
 i , i = 1,2 . The multiplicative preconditioner is then of the form
Прикладне програмне забезпечення
0   I1
M F =  11
A 21 C 22   0
 (M F1 A) 
A12 
I2 
1  0.5  1   2  ( 1   2 ) 2  4 1 2 2 .
= A11 and C 22 = A 22 , then estimate (9) reduces to  (M F1A)  1/(1   2 ) . Detailed proof of (9) is
found, for instance, in [1]. In the hierarchical bases context V1 and V2 are subspaces of the finite element space Vh
spanned, respectively, by the basis functions at the new nodes N h \ H and by the basis functions at the old nodes N H .
When C11
For the strengthened CBS inequality constant, there holds that
 = cos(V1 ,V2 ) 
uV1, vV2
Ah (u, v)
Ah (u, u ) Ah (v, v)
Ah (,) is the bilinear form which appears in the variational formulation of the original problem. When
V1  V2 = {0} , the constant  is strictly less than one. As shown in [2], it can be estimated locally over each finite
element (macro-element) E  TH , which means that  = max  E , where
AE (u, v)
, v  const.
uV1(E), vV2 ( E ) AE (u, u ) AE (v, v)
The spaces Vk (E ) above contain the functions from Vk restricted to E and AE (u, v) corresponds to Ah (u, v)
restricted over the element E of TH (see also [5]). Using the local estimates, it is possible to obtain uniform estimates
for  . In the case of linear conforming finite elements, it is known that  does not depend on h and on any
discontinuities of the coefficients of the bilinear form Ah (,) , as long as they do not occur within any element of the
coarse triangulation used. The h -independence means that if we have a hierarchy of refinements of the domain which
preserve the properties of the initial triangulation (refinement by congruent triangles, for example), then  is
independent of the level of the refinement as well. For certain implementations, it is shown that  is independent of
anisotropy. Hence, as long as the rate of convergence is bounded by some function of  , it is independent of various
E =
problem and discretization parameters, such as the ones mentioned above.
We stress here, that the above technique is originally developed and straightforwardly applicable for
conforming finite elements and nested finite element spaces, i.e., when VH  Vh .
1 Rannacher-Turek finite elements
Nonconforming finite elements based on rotated multilinear shape functions were introduced by Rannacher
and Turek [6] as a class of simple elements for the Stokes problem. More generally, the recent activities in the
development of efficient solution methods for non-conforming finite element systems are inspired by their attractive
properties as a stable discretization tool for illconditioned problems.
[1,1]2 is used as a reference element ê to define the isoparametric rotated bilinear element
e  Th . Let  e : eˆ  e be the corresponding bilinear one-to-one transformation, and let the nodal basis functions be
The unit square
determined by the relation
Fig. 1. Rotated bilinear finite element.
Прикладне програмне забезпечення
{φ i }i4=1 = {φ̂ i  ψ 1}i4=1 ,
{φ̂ i }  span{1, x, y, x 2  y 2 }.
For the variant MP (mid point), {φ̂ i }i =1 are found by the point-wise interpolation condition
φ̂ i (bj ) =  ij ,
bj , j = 1,4 are the midpoints of the edges of the quadrilateral ê . Then,
φ̂1 ( x, y ) = (1  2 x  ( x 2  y 2 )),
φ̂ 2 ( x, y ) = (1  2 x  ( x 2  y 2 )),
φ̂ 3 ( x, y ) =
(1  2 y  ( x 2  y 2 )),
φ̂ 4 ( x, y ) =
(1  2 y  ( x 2  y 2 )).
The variant MV (mid value) corresponds to integral midvalue interpolation conditions. Let eˆ =
j =1
eˆj . Then
{φ̂ i }i4=1 are determined by the equality
| eˆj | 1
φ̂ i d eˆj =  ij ,
which leads to
φ̂1 ( x, y ) = (2  4 x  3( x 2  y 2 )),
φ̂ 2 ( x, y ) = (2  4 x  3( x 2  y 2 )),
φ̂ 3 ( x, y ) = (2  4 y  3( x 2  y 2 )),
φ̂ 4 ( x, y ) = (2  4 y  3( x 2  y 2 )).
2 Hierarchical two-level splitting by differences and aggregates (DA)
Let us consider two consecutive discretizations TH and Th . Figure 2 illustrates a macro-element obtained
after one regular mesh-refinement step. We see that in this case VH and Vh are not nested.
The DA splitting is easily described for one macro-element. If
the macro-element, then we define
φ1 ,, φ12 are the standard nodal basis functions for
V (E)
= span {φ1 , , φ12 }=V1 ( E )  V2 ( E ),
V1 ( E )
= span {φ1 ,φ 2 ,φ 3 ,φ 4 , φ 5  φ 6 ,φ 9  φ10 ,φ 7  φ 8 ,φ11  φ12 }
 
V2 ( E ) = span {φ 5  φ 6 
φ 7  φ8
j =1,4
Using the related transformation matrix
 φ ,
  φ }.
φ j ,φ 9  10 
j =1,4
j =1,4
φ j ,φ11  φ12
j =1,4
JE ,
(a) One macro-element
(b) One element
Figure 2: Uniform refinement on a general mesh.
Прикладне програмне забезпечення
 2
JE = 
 11
 21
 31
 41
1 1
1 1
1 1
1  1
12 13 14 1 1
 22  23  24
 32  33  34
 42  43  44
the vector of the macro-element basis functions φ E ={φ i }i =1 is transformed to a new hierarchical basis
~ }12 = J  .
~E ={φ
i i =1
J E transforms the macro-element stiffness matrix into a hierarchical form
A E,11
A E =J E A E J E =  ~
A E,21
A E,12 
~ 
A E,22 
~  V (E)
φ i  V2 ( E )
Vh with the standard nodal finite element
~ ={~ (i ) }N h and the corresponding splitting
we can similarly construct the new hierarchical basis 
i =1
Following the local definitions, for the whole finite element space
(i ) N h
h i =1
φ={φ }
Vh =V1  V2 .
The transformation
J such that ~ = J , can be used for transformation of the stiffness matrix A h to
hierarchical form A h = JA h J , which allows preconditioning by the two-level preconditioners based on the splitting
(13). Now, we are in a position to analyze the constant  =cos(V1 ,V2 ) for the splitting (13). Again, as in the previous
section, we would like to perform this analysis locally, by considering the corresponding problems on macro-elements.
For this purpose we need to have satisfied the condition
ker ( AE ,22 ) = ker ( Ae ) , which is equivalent to
 = 1 , j {1,2,3,4} .
i =1 ij
There are obviously various DA splittings satisfying the condition (i ) . When the two-level algorithm is recursively
generalized to the multilevel case, it is useful if
AE ,22 is proportional to Ae .
Such a property holds in a very general setting for the DA splitting of the Crouzeix-Raviart finite element space, see [4].
Unfortunately, it seems to be rather complicated to find a parameter matrix [ ij ] , which satisfies the condition (ii ) in
the general case of Rannacher-Turek finite elements.
3. Uniform estimates of the CBS constant
We study in this section the isotropic model problem where all elements e  TH are squares, and the uniform
refinement is as shown in Figure 3. Both variants MP and MV of rotated bilinear finite elements, are considered.
Due to the symmetry of the problem, the down-left block of the transformation matrix J E can be simplified to
the form
c a a
b a a
a b c
a c b 
Прикладне програмне забезпечення
2a  b  c = 1. Let us write the condition (ii ) in the form AE ,22 = pAe . Then,
(ii ) is reduced to a system of two nonlinear equations for, say, (b, c) , with a parameter p . It appears, that the system
for (b, c) has a solution if p  [ p0 , ) . In such a case, we can optimize the parameter p , so that the related CBS
The condition (i ) is equivalent to
constant is minimal.
Variant MP:
(a) One macro-element
(b) One element
Figure 3: Uniform refinement on a square mesh.
Lemma 4.1 There exists a two-level splitting satisfying the condition (ii ) , if and only if, p 
(b, c) are invariant with respect to the local CBS constant  E2 = 1 
 MP
. Then, the solutions for
, and for the related optimal splitting
Although the statements of Lemma 4.1. look very simply, the midterm derivations are rather technical, which is
just illustrated by the following expressions of one of the similarly looking solutions for (b, c) :
b =
 24786  76160 p  2658  ( p )  7280 p  ( p )   3 ( p ) 
70( 729  2240 p ) 
6 
 ( p)
where  ( p ) = 1329  3640 p  140 63  32 p  420 p .
Variant MV: The same approach is applied to get the estimates below.
Lemma 4.2 There exists a two-level splitting satisfying the condition (ii ) , if and only if, p 
(b, c) are invariant with respect to the local CBS constant  E2 = 1 
. Then, the solutions for
, and for the related optimal splitting
 MV
 .
This work has been performed during the Special Radon Semester on Computational Mechanics, held at
RICAM, Linz, Oct. 3rd - Dec. 16th 2005. The authors gratefully acknowledge the support by the Austrian Academy of
Sciences. The research of the third author was also partially supported by the NATO Scientific Program Grant CRG
Прикладне програмне забезпечення
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