Rev’d 2/09 Hunterdon Central Regional High School Project Graduation By-Laws Article I Name The name of the organization shall be the “Hunterdon Central Regional High School Project Graduation Committee.” Article II Purpose The primary purpose of the Committee shall be to aid and assist the Board of Education and the school administration in the planning, promotion, and implementation of a graduation celebration for the current and future graduating classes of Hunterdon Central Regional High School. The intention of this celebration is to promote a safe environment, free of drugs and alcohol. Article III Membership Membership on the Committee shall consist of parents/guardians of HCRHS students regardless of grade level, as well as the Project Graduation Coordinator and the Vice Principal of the class. To be considered an active member, a parent must have attended at least one general or committee meeting. Article IV Organization/Leadership A. Officers – The Committee shall elect annually a parent/guardian of a senior class student for the following positions: President or co-presidents Vice President Corresponding Secretary Recording Secretary Treasurer B. C. Nomination of Officers 1. Officers shall be nominated at the January meeting for the following school year. The organizational meeting will be scheduled and conducted by the Project Graduation Coordinator. 2. All members of the Committee that are parents/guardians of current junior students are eligible to run for the positions in Article IV, Section A. 3. All nominees must accept the nomination in order to be on the ballot. Acceptance may be in person at the time of the nomination, or in written form if the nominee is not present to accept the nomination. Election of Officers 1. Officers will be elected at the February meeting by a majority vote of attending Committee members. Committee members that have attended at least one meeting prior to the election may vote via email if they are unable to attend. 1 Rev’d 2/09 2. Article V All elected officers will formally take control in May following their election. During the period between their election and taking office, those elected officials are expected to work in conjunction with the sitting officers to ensure a smooth transition. Duties of Elected Officers A. President (co-presidents will delegate duties if applicable) 1. Report directly to Project Graduation Coordinator; 2. Plan and preside over all general Committee meetings, including email notification to all Committee members at least 24 hours prior to general meetings; 3. Oversee creation of all sub-committees including appointment of chairpersons, and monitor work being done by all sub-committees; 4. Service as an ex-officio member of all sub-committees; 5. See that all decisions of the Committee are acted upon; 6. Train replacement president and provide such with all necessary forms. B. Vice President 1. Assume the duties of the President in the latter’s absence; 2. Keep accurate records of organization membership including maintaining attendance records for general meeting; 3. Secure all necessary licenses, permits for fund raising, and permission for HCRHS facility use; 4. Train replacement vice president and provide such with all necessary forms. C. Corresponding Secretary 1. Handle and report all correspondence except solicitation letters prepared by the Business Donations Chair; 2. Coordinate all committee mailings, including providing all stuffed, addressed and sealed envelopes to Project Graduation Coordinator; 3. Assume the duties of the Recording Secretary in the latter’s absence. 4. Write all “Thank You” notes to all Project Graduation donators; 5. Train replacement Corresponding Secretary and provide such with all necessary forms. 6. Maintain contact with local media, including but not limited to the Hunterdon County Democrat, Star Ledger, HCTV, HC Radio, The Lamp, and Listserv, to assist with advertising for all fund raising activities. D. Recording Secretary 1. Keep an accurate record of all general Committee meetings; 2. Email copy of general Committee meeting minutes to Project Graduation Coordinator, Website Coordinator and Vice Principal no more than 2 weeks after meeting date; 3. Report minutes of previous general meetings at the beginning of each meeting; 2 Rev’d 2/09 4. E. Article VI Take attendance at all general meetings and email to Vice President no more than 2 weeks after meeting date; 5. Assume the duties of the Corresponding Secretary in the latter’s absence; 6. Train replacement Recording Secretary and provide such with all necessary forms. Treasurer 1. Deposit all monies and proceeds of fund raising with the school business office within 3 business days of receiving monies; 2. Submit check/payment requests to the Project Graduation Coordinator with required paperwork for all expenses relating to fund raising, mailing expenses, and gift purchases. Checks/payments for bus transportation and graduation night facilities will be completed by Project Graduation Coordinator and copies of paperwork will be provided to the treasurer. 3. Submit all required fund raising requests and summaries to Project Graduation Coordinator; 4. Maintain accurate and detailed financial records of the above transactions; 5. Present a financial report at each meeting; 6. Maintain regular contact and update debts and expenditures with all sub-committees; 7. Obtain all financial records for each sub-committee; 8. Train replacement treasurer and provide such with all necessary forms. Appointed Positions All appointed positions will be approved by the Executive Committee. In the case that more than one person volunteers for a position, and if those candidates chose not to co-chair the position, the EC will conduct brief interviews and select a candidate. New appointed positions can be created at the suggestion of the Project Graduation Coordinator or Executive Committee and must be approved by the Executive Committee. A. Website Coordinator 1. Work in conjunction with Project Graduation Coordinator to update and monitor Project Graduation Committee site; 2. Upload all Committee and sub-committee documents to Project Graduation Committee site. 3. Maintain regular contact with HCRHS Public Communication Officer to ensure that the general Project Graduation information site is updated and accurate. 3 Rev’d 2/09 4. B. C. D. E. F. Create and maintain member email addresses and provide the lists to the Project Graduation Coordinator, the Executive Committee and all sub-committee chairs. Business Donation Chair 1. Prepare all correspondence for solicitation of funds for general contributions; 2. Maintain records of all contributors, including those that donate to fund raisers, to ensure that the same companies or individuals are not solicited more than once; 3. Provide Correspondence Secretary with contact information and nature of contribution of all companies/individuals that donate; 4. Organize and maintain records of rest of committee (if necessary); 5. Assist in the training of next Business Donation Chair. Municipal Alliance Chair 1. Facilitate the collection of all attendance records from general and sub-committee meetings for the purposes of completing the required Municipal Alliance forms; 2. Complete all required forms for the Municipal Alliance; 3. Organize and maintain records of rest of committee (if necessary); 4. Assist in the training of next Municipal Alliance Chair. Gifts Chair 1. Research and recommend gifts for graduating class and ensure that gifts are comparable to costs of gifts of previous class; 2. Facilitate the ordering, receiving and distribution of gifts once approved by the Committee; 3. Organize and maintain records of rest of committee (if necessary); 4. Assist in the training of next Gifts Chair. Fund Raising Activity Chair 1. Organize a sub-committee to help organize and run the event, and maintain records of the rest of the committee; 2. Locate and secure a location for the event; 3. Solicit contributors for all necessary materials to carry out the event; 4. Plan and run the event; 5. Facilitate the sale of tickets; 6. Maintain all required contact with Executive Committee, Website Coordinator, Business Donations Chair and Municipal Alliance Chair; 7. Handle all issues/concerns that arise with the planning and carrying out of the event; 8. Maintain volunteer hours worked by all committee members. 9. Assist in the training of next Fund Raising Chair. Cash Raffle Chair 1. Assist Vice President with ascertaining all required licenses/permits; 2. Order and distribute raffle tickets; 4 Rev’d 2/09 3. 4. 5. 6. Oversee collection of tickets and payments; Maintain accurate records of all ticket sales and prizes; Maintain all required contact with Executive Committee, Website Coordinator, Business Donations Chair and Municipal Alliance Chair; Assist in the training of next Cash Raffle Chair. Article VII Committees A. Executive Committee The Executive Committee (EC) shall be comprised of the five elected officers, the Project Graduation Coordinator, and the Vice Principal of the class. The Executive Committee will facilitate the process of conflict resolution, provide advice and consent on all appointed positions, and render decisions in the absence of the full committee. B. Sub-Committees The President and/or Project Graduation Coordinator may create and appoint (with EC confirmation) chairpersons and members to subcommittees formed to facilitate the committee’s work. These committees will have specific goals and objectives and may be deactivated upon completion of their set goals and objectives. Subcommittees will submit minutes and financial reports to the recording secretary, treasurer, Project Graduation Coordinator, and Municipal Alliance Chair within a week of the committee’s meeting(s). Article VIII Order of Business The Project Graduation Committee shall follow Robert’s Rules of Order at all general meetings. Meetings shall consist of: 1. Reading of previous meeting’s minutes (If previous meeting minutes have been posted to website and emailed to all active members at least 48 hours prior to the meeting, the reading may be waived if moved and seconded AND if there are no objections); 2. Reports by all EC officers and active committees; 3. Attendance; 4. Old Business; 5. New Business; 6. Adjournment. Robert’s Rules of Order to be followed: 1. Reading and approval of minutes; 2. Reports of Officers, Boards, and Standing Committees; 3. Reports of Special Committees; 4. Special Orders; 5. Unfinished Business; 6. New Business 5 Rev’d 2/09 Article IX Voting Power All committee members in attendance with the exception of the Project Graduation Coordinator and the Vice Principal are eligible to vote on committee matters discussed at a given meeting. The Project Graduation Coordinator will only cast a vote to break a tie. All members have equal voting power. No proxies are permitted. Committee members may vote via absentee ballot on any issue discussed prior to the meeting at which the vote takes place. Article X Expenditure of Funds A. All funds shall be deposited in the school activity fund designated Project Graduation. B. All deposited funds will be used for the purposes of funding the current year’s Project Graduation. C. Expenditures shall include, and be limited to expenses incurred in operational costs, fund raising and graduation night expenses only. D. Upon payment of all bills, any surplus shall remain in the school Activities Fund designated Project Graduation for use by future graduating classes. E. Expenditures shall not exceed $120.00 (was $100.00) per enrolled student in the graduating class. Article XI Amendment of By-Laws Any proposal to alter or amend the By-laws must be submitted in writing at a regular meeting. The proposed change(s) must be read made available electronically at least one week prior to the general meeting at which the change(s) will be voted upon and must be read aloud at the meeting prior to the vote. Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the recognized guide on all questions not specifically provided for in these by-laws. Under the aegis of the Principal and/or Vice Principal, the Project Graduation Coordinator will be empowered to reconcile differences and settle disputes that cannot be resolved via the Executive Committee. Article XII Project Graduation Coordinator A. Position Title: Project Graduation Coordinator B. Qualifications: Applicant must hold a valid New Jersey Teaching/Sub Certificate. 6 Rev’d 2/09 C. Reports to: Supervisor of Student Activities Principal D. Description of Functions To facilitate the successful completion of Project Graduation in compliance with all Hunterdon Central Regional High School Project Graduation By-Laws. Specific Tasks 1. Set up a calendar for general meetings; 2. Set up and coordinate fund raising calendar with advice of EC and sub-committee; 3. Secure monies for payouts; 4. Secure, read and sign all contracts necessary for the successful completion of Project Graduation activities; 5. Secure fund raisers; 6. Secure facilities for general meetings and assist with securing facilities for sub-committee meetings and fund raisers; 7. Liaison to the communications facilities at HCRHS; 8. Involved with setting budgets for the party; 9. Hold elections for the organizations officers selection; 10. Secure law enforcement and medical personnel for functions; 11. Maintain records of Project Graduation; 12. Provide emotional stability to the chairpersons; 13. Chaperone/supervise the Project Graduation evening and secure additional chaperones; 14. Mediate concerns/problem solve; 15. Supervise activities; 16. Facilitate meetings when appropriate; 17. Maintain the integrity and meaning of Project Graduation by ensuring that the students remain the priority; 18. Oversee the logistical phoning for the evening; 19. Attend training provided by Vice-Principals. 20. Organize and facilitate student sign up and bus seating for graduation night festivities. 7 Rev’d 2/09 Article XIII Certification of By-Laws The undersigned hereby certify that the above By-Laws of this organization are the true By-Laws of the organization herein described, named and set out as adopted at a regular meeting of this organization held in the Township of Raritan, County of Hunterdon, State of New Jersey on: Date: ____________________________________ Project Graduation Coordinator: ____________________________________ President: ____________________________________ Vice President: ____________________________________ Supervisor of Activities ____________________________________ 8