Admissions to Secondary Schools in Lancashire On-Line Admission Application Form Introduction The majority of children who are admitted to Lancashire Secondary schools in Year 7 in September each year will transfer from a Year 6 Primary School placement. Parents / guardians will have the opportunity to express 3 secondary school preferences in priority order for each child and will receive an offer for a single secondary school place (please note co-ordinated admissions). Any requests for children to transfer early to secondary schools must be sent with supporting evidence to the relevant Area Pupil Access team by the end of the December preceding the requested transfer. Only in the most exceptional circumstances (where the application is strongly supported by both headteachers) will early transfer requests be considered. Any decision to allow an early transfer is without prejudice to the published admission policy (ies) and does not therefore automatically guarantee a place at a first preference school. Children’s Services Authority (CSA) The Children’s Services Authority (CSA) was formerly known as the Local Education Authority (LEA). The CSA co-ordinates secondary admissions within Lancashire and with neighbouring authorities and is the admission authority for all community and voluntary controlled schools. Admission Authorities Admission authorities are responsible for determining admission policies and applying admission criteria (deciding which children will be offered places at a particular school). For community and voluntary controlled schools the Children’s Services Authority (CSA) is the admission authority. For voluntary aided (church) schools and foundation schools the School Governors are the admission authority. Admission Policies The admission policies for all secondary schools in Lancashire are included in the Secondary School Admissions in Lancashire (Information for Parents) booklet which is issued to parents during September each year for secondary school admissions the following September. 1 The booklet is on the Lancashire county Council Secondary School Admissions website Summaries of the admission policies for voluntary aided (church) and foundation schools are in the inserts to the booklet which are also on our website. You are advised to obtain full versions from individual voluntary aided and foundation schools in order to ensure that you are clear about their admission arrangements. This will also help you to assess your priority for a school place within each school’s admission criteria. Co-ordinated Admissions Government regulations require that Children’s Services Authorities coordinate secondary schools admissions both within their area and with neighbouring authorities. The main requirements of a co-ordinated secondary scheme are that: You must complete the common secondary school application form to be registered within the admission process (a hard copy of the form is included at the back of the insert to the secondary schools admission booklet). The on-line application is the electronic version of the common application form. You are invited to express 3 secondary school preferences in priority order. (and encouraged to use all 3 prefences). It is advised that you ensure that there is sufficient space in your e-mail box to accept an e-mailed receipt of your on-line application. You will receive only a single secondary school offer. You are advised to ensure that there is sufficient space in your e-mail box to accept a school offer by e-mail (at the beginning of March each year). There is a national set day for the issuing of all offers for secondary school places. This will be 01 March 2007. All offers will be issued by the Children’s Services Authority (including any offers from reserve (waiting) lists up to the the end of August preceding school admissions. (please see offer of places). Applying On Line In order to apply on line you must have internet access and an e-mail address. You will be asked to register a user name and password which you should remember and not make available to third parties. 2 If you are applying for more than one child (eg twins or triplets) you will register only once but must complete an on line application for each child. You will be permitted to amend school preferences up to the closing date but after the closing date changes are not generally permitted (see closing date / late applications). If you do make changes the on line application which will be used for your child will be the last version received (the latest dated version). All on line applications and any amendments will be acknowledged by e-mail. You will be able to print a hard copy of your completed on-line application. (and will be prompted to do so when you submit an on-line application). It is recommended that you do make a copy. If your e-mail address changes between the submission of your on-line application and the offer date for secondary school places you must confirm the new e-mail address with the Children’s Services Authority (CSA). Common Admission Application Form a) General All parents / guardians resident in Lancashire must complete Lancashire’s common secondary school admission application form (even if their preferences include secondary schools situated in neighbouring authorities). This means completing either an on-line application or a hard copy of the common application form from the booklet. This is an essential requirement for your child / children to be included within the secondary school admission process. Please also note that voluntary aided (church) and foundation secondary schools will require you to complete their supplementary application form which is available from individual schools. b) Address Details You must use the address at which your child / children normally reside (s). Please give your full address (house name, house number, road / street, town, and postcode). This is essential in order for the on line system to be able to verify individual addresses. The relevant address is that which the child / children live at and addresses of friends and relatives must not be used. It is not permitted to use addresses of other properties which you own, rent or lease at which the child / children do not live. Temporary addresses may not necessarily be accepted for school 3 admission purposes. If you are intending to move house during the admission process or have queries about shared parenting arrangements you are advised to contact the Area Pupil Access Team. (please see contacts). Address changes prior to, during and immediately after the admission process are checked. Please note that school places can be (and have been) withdrawn where they were originally offered due to misleading or false information. In exceptional circumstances school places can be withdrawn after a child has commenced at a school.(see withdrawal of places). c) Council Tax Details In some areas of Lancashire the admission arrangements for secondary schools include a geographical priority area. In a few cases, where families live close to the boundaries of a geographical priority area, the exact location of the home address in relation to a school’s priority area is not always easy to determine. Confirmation of Council Tax details does therefore facilitate the application of the published admission arrangements in these circumstances. d) Alternative Address Details If you do provide the details of an alternative address it is helpful for an explanation of the circumstances to be given. You can do this under Part 3, Section 8 of the common application form – additional information. (please note address details). e) Siblings For community and voluntary controlled schools siblings include brothers, sisters, stepchildren, half brothers, half sisters, adopted and foster children who are living with the same family at the same address. You are advised to check the sibling category for individual voluntary aided and foundation schools as there may be variations in the application of this criteria. f) School Preferences You are invited to express 3 secondary school preferences in priority order. It is strongly advised that you use all 3 preferences and that you identify 3 different secondary schools. If you repeat the name of a school within your preferences this will not be accepted on the on line application form and an error message will appear. Your preferences may include community, voluntary controlled, voluntary aided (church) and foundation schools within or outside of Lancashire. 4 Independent Secondary Schools must not be included on your on line application. You must include the full name of the school (s) (and are advised to state the town / village where it is situated to avoid confusion).This is because many schools share the same or similar names (eg St Mary’s) and it is important that your precise preferences can be easily identified. The on-line system does incorporate a drop down box and school search facility. You must exercise great care when selecting your school preferences to ensure that the school (s) which you actually prefer are being placed on the application. g) Changing Secondary School Preferences You are entitled to change your secondary school preferences up to the stipulated closing date for common application forms. The closing date is given on the application form and throughout the secondary schools admission booklet. After the closing date it is not generally permitted for secondary school preferences to be changed. If you feel that there are exceptional reasons for a change to your preferences you should contact the Area Pupil Access Team to discuss matters. (please note contacts). It is not enough that you have simply changed your mind and evidence of a substantial change in your circumstances or substantial new information will be required. Individual admission authorities will then decide whether requested changes to an application after the closing date can be accepted. h) Additional Information (from parents) Part 3, Section 8 of the common admission application form allows the provision of additional information. If you feel that there are exceptional medical, social or welfare reasons which require that your application is given greater priority you must state these clearly on your application. In these circumstances you are encouraged to provide any additional evidence which you feel will support your application (eg letters from doctors or health visitors). This can be sent directly to the Area Pupil Access Team and will be dealt with confidentially. (please note Special Educational Needs - SEN). i) Children in Public Care (Looked After Children) 5 It is important that you indicate whether or not your child / children is / are in public care (Looked After Children - LAC). Please note Part 3, Section 9 of the common admission application form. You must confirm which Children’s Services Authority has responsibility for any child in public care. Children who are in public care will be prioritised for admission to the parent / guardian’s preferred school. j) Ethnicity The ethnicity fields included on the form are for statistical purposes only and are not relevant to admission arrangements. These are formatted in accordance with Department for Education and Skills (DfES) data collection requirements. k) Special Educational Needs (SEN) The Primary School Headteacher who initially receives your application form is asked to indicate whether or not the child has a final statement for Special Educational Needs. If you are applying on line it would be helpful if you could also either tick the yes / no boxes in section 9 on page 2 of the application form. This will be verified upon receipt of your application. Copies of all applications for children with statements for special educational needs are sent to the Area SEN Team for their professional advice. l) Closing Date (Late Applications) The closing date for all applications (on-line and hard copy) to be received is confirmed at the bottom of page 1 of the common admission application form and is emphasised throughout the Secondary School Admission booklet. You must ensure that your application is submitted by the stipulated closing date. (this applies to both on-line and written application forms). Late applications may not necessarily dealt with along with those received on time. They may be put to one side and only processed after all those received by the closing date have been put through the relevant admissions procedures. The ability of admission authorities to meet your school preferences may therefore be reduced if your application is received late. Individual admission authorities will decide whether or not late applications can be accepted and you may be required to provide evidence of any reason(s) for your application being late. m) Accuracy of Information 6 The common admission application form includes a statement at the bottom of page 2 allowing you to confirm that the information which you have provided is correct. The Children’s Services Authority (CSA) is encouraged by the Local Government Ombudsman to investigate all allegations of misleading or false information. School places which have been offered on the basis of inaccurate information may be withdrawn. (please note address details). Please ensure therefore that the information which you provide is accurate as this will allow the correct admission criteria to be applied to your application. n) Late Applications The on line application process will cease after the closing date and late on line applications will not be possible. Late written applications may not be processed along with those received by the stipulated closing date (please note closing date). o) Offers of School Places All offers for secondary school places will be issued by the Children’s Services Authority on the same date. For on-line applications confirmation of school offers may be available slightly earlier than for hard copy applications. This will include offers for places at voluntary aided (church) and foundation schools where the School Governors are the admission authority. You will receive only a single secondary school offer. If the offer is not for your first preference secondary school (or not for any of your preference secondary schools) you will be given options to have your child / children placed on reserve (waiting) list and / or to appeal to an independent appeal panel. (please note appeals). If you are not happy with the offer which you receive please remember that the situation can change between initial offers and the September school start date. Some school places which have been offered are not accepted by families who move out of the area or those who accept alternative offers in the independent sector. Also the appeals programme does create movement within the admission process. p) Withdrawal of School Places The Children’s Services Authority (CSA) will investigate all allegations of misleading or false information. School places may be withdrawn where they have been offered on the basis of inaccurate information. This will be upsetting for any families involved and alternative school offers may consequently be for non-preference schools which are some distance from 7 home (as other local schools may already be full). You are therefore encouraged to ensure that all information given on your common admission application form is accurate. Please note that address changes prior to and during the admission process are also investigated. Further details of how the CSA may investigate individual cases are given in the Secondary Schools Admission Booklet (Section 2, Paragraph H). (please note address details and accuracy of information). Supplementary Application Forms All Lancashire residents applying for secondary school places must complete Lancashire’s on-line form or a hard copy of the common secondary admission application form, even if the preference school (s) is / are outside of Lancashire. In addition voluntary aided (church) and foundation schools will require that you complete a supplementary form which is relevant to that particular school’s admission policy. If you are applying for a voluntary aided or foundation secondary school you must also obtain a copy of the school’s own supplementary form. You are advised to contact individual schools direct about supplementary forms and about their individual deadlines for the return of these. It is strongly advised that you contact voluntary aided (church) schools prior to the closing date for the common admission application form. Test Results for Selective Schools Selective foundation secondary schools in Lancashire must be included on your common application form if they are amongst your secondary school preferences. These are Lancaster Royal Grammar, Lancaster Girls’ Grammar, Clitheroe Royal Grammar and Bacup and Rawtenstall Grammar schools. The results of selection tests for admission to these schools cannot be made known to parents prior to offers for school places being made. You are strongly advised to obtain details of the school’s admission policies and to discuss selective test requirements directly with the school (s) which you are considering. Appeals If you are not happy with the secondary school offer made you are entitled to appeal for places at any other schools to an independent admission appeal panel. 8 The decisions of independent admission appeal panels are legally binding on all parties. You can appeal for each school only once per child per school year. Reappeals are only considered where there is evidence of substantial new information or a change in circumstances since the original appeal hearing. If you receive an initial offer which is not for your first preference secondary school you should automatically receive a form which allows you to confirm your intentions with regard to reserve (waiting) lists and appeals. You are able to contact Area Pupil Access Teams for advice at any time. (please note contacts). Contacts for Advice and Information. The Children’s Services Authority website contains copies of the Secondary Schools Admission booklet and area inserts:http://lccweb/home/index.asp (click on “A-Z of Services” and then click on “letter search”. Then click on “A for admissions” or “S for school admissions” to see copy booklets). In addition you are welcome to contact Area Pupil Access Teams :North (Lancaster, Wyre and Fylde areas) Education Office (North) White Cross Centre Quarry Road Lancaster LA1 3SQ (telephone: 01524 581163 or 581112) South (Preston, South Ribble, West Lancashire and Chorley) Education Office (South) East Cliff Preston PR1 3JT (telephone: 01772 531813 or 531819) East (Ribble Valley, Hyndburn, Burnley, Pendle and Rossendale) Education Office (East) The Globe St James’ Square Accrington 9 BB5 0RE (telephone : 01254 220708, 220718, 220707,220710 or 220709) Lancashire Parent Partnership (LPP) In addition the Lancashire Parent Partnership (LPP) can offer independent confidential advice and information about any special educational needs issue. If you are applying for a school place for a child with special educational needs you can contact LPP (Monday to Friday from 9-00 am to 5-00 pm on:0845 6014284 Advisory Centre for Education (ACE) The Advisory Centre for Education also offer free advice for parents and carers in relation to school admission appeals. If you do not initially receive an Offer for a school place which is acceptable you are able to contact ACE (Monday to Friday from 2-00 pm to 5-00 pm) on:0808 800 5793 10