Standard data model for chemical analytical results 1 1. Table of contents 1. Table of contents ......................................................................................................... 2 2. Scope of the data model .............................................................................................. 2 3. Standard data model for chemical contaminants and residues ................................... 3 Examples for returning result values ................................................................................ 13 Examples for returning product packaging ....................................................................... 14 Standard Terminology ...................................................................................................... 16 3.1. Languages (LANG catalogue) .......................................................................... 16 3.2. Countries (COUNTRY catalogue) .................................................................... 17 3.3. Fishing areas (FAREA catalogue) .................................................................... 23 3.4. NUTS Codes (NUTS Catalogue) ...................................................................... 25 3.5. Production Method (PRODMD catalogue) ...................................................... 64 3.6. Sampling strategy (SAMPSTR catalogue) ....................................................... 66 3.7. Sampling method (SAMPMD catalogue) ......................................................... 67 3.8. Sampling point (SMPNT catalogue) ................................................................. 67 3.9. Sample part (SMPRT catalogue) ...................................................................... 69 3.10. Source type (SRCTYP catalogue) ................................................................ 74 3.11. Sample preparation method (SAMPRP catalogue)....................................... 74 3.12. Analytical method (ANLYMD catalogue) ................................................... 75 3.13. Method accreditation status (MDSTAT catalogue) ...................................... 77 3.14. Unit of measurement (UNIT catalogue) ....................................................... 78 3.15. Expression of the results (EXRES catalogue) .............................................. 82 3.16. Qualitative result value (POSNEG catalogue) .............................................. 82 3.17. Result Type (VALTYP catalogue) ............................................................... 82 3.18. Result evaluation (RESEVAL catalogue) ..................................................... 83 3.19. Action taken (ACTION catalogue) ............................................................... 84 3.20. Classification systems (CLSYS catalogue) .................................................. 84 3.21. YesNo Catalogue (YESNO catalogue) ......................................................... 85 3.22. Parameter catalogue (PARAMCLS) ............................................................. 86 3.23. Matrix catalogue ........................................................................................... 87 2. Scope of the data model The scope of the data model is to describe the samples and the analytical data for chemical contaminants and residues in food included in monitoring control programs (The data model is designed to include the key fields for this dataset e.g. sample description, analytical methods and the analytical results). This is a generalised data model so that it may be applied other data transmissions measuring active substances in food or feed. 2 The data model has not been designed to report data on zoonotic agents or similar biological entities. Existing data models to report biological data have been taken into account and the controlled vocabulary for chemical contaminants and pesticide residues has been defined to be compatible with this data. The data model does not support aggregated data but only the results from the measurement of analyte concentrations in food and feed samples (sample level data). 3. Standard data model for chemical contaminants and residues The data structure to transmit monitoring data is composed by a collection of data elements which can be either numeric or alphanumeric. Controlled terminology has been defined where possible. The use of standard terminology ensures compatibility between transmissions from different data providers and enables the generation of reproducible statistics in reports and risk assessment analysis. The standard terminology is essential for handling large volumes of data since manual data cleaning is not possible under these circumstances Element Name sample Type Entity sampleCode xs:string (20) language xs:string (2) use LANG catalogue sampleCountry xs:string (2) use COUNT RY catalogue Description The sample entity represents the data related to a single food sample and analyte measurement. Alphanumeric code of the analysed sample. It should be unique for the sender and allow the idenfication of the record should an update be needed in a future data transmission. It will be used by EFSA when additional clarifications may be required for a sample. Language used to fill in the free text fields (Use ISO-639-1). All free text fields should be completed in the same language. It is recommended to complete the free text fields in English. Country in which the food was sampled. (Use ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 country code). Mandatory Yes Yes default EN Yes 3 sampleArea Xs:string( 5) use NUTS catalog originCountry xs:string (2) use COUNT RY catalogue originArea Xs:string (5) use NUTS catalogue originFishingArea xs:string (5) use FAREA catalogue xs:string (1000)Thi s variable will contain the XML descriptio n of the food xs:string (5) use CLSYS catalogue EFSAProductClas sificationCode productClassificati onSystem Area code where the sample was picked. Use the Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics (NUTS) code as described in NUTS catalog. This coding system is valid only for EU. The country in which the food was produced (Use ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 country code). Where origin country is uncertain use: “EU” – Import outside source country, inside European Economic Area “XE” – Import outside European Economic Area “XC” – Import from outside the source country “XX” – Unknown Area code of origin for the food. Use the Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics (NUTS) code as described in NUTS catalog This coding system is valid only for EU. FAO Fishing areas. No No No No The product under analysis described No according to the EFSA classification system. This element will be implemented when the new food classification system using base terms and facets has been adopted. Indicate the product1 classification Yes system used for this transmission. For example: For pesticide residues productClassificationSystem = “D005A” to indicate the food 1 In the context of the data model, the term product does not refer only to the industrially produced products but more in general to all the matrices that can be analysed. 4 productClassificati onCode productClassificati onText productText productProduction Method productPackingMe dium Xs:string (20) use MATRIX catalogue classfication system used is the one described in Annex 1 of the regulation 178/2006 This element should contain the Yes Food_Subgroup_Code from the MATRIX catalogue according to the product classification system specified in “productClassificationSystem”. For example: If productClassificationSystem = “D005A” and the product is apples then the productClassificationCode = “P0130010A” Where no appropriate food descriptor can be identified return “XXXXXXA” equal to not in list. In this case element productText must be completed Xs:string Element should contain the No (250) use Food_Subgroups_Desc from the MATRIX MATRIX catalogue. The value Catalogue should match the code used in “productClassificationCode”. Completion of this element is not mandatory but allows validation of the productClassificationCode selection xs:string Free text element to describe the No (250) product sampled. xs:string Code to describe the farming method No (5) use used to produce the product sampled. PRODM D catalogue xs:string The medium in which the product is No (250) no packed for preservation and handling coding or the medium surrounding available homemade foods. The packing medium may provide a controlled environment for the food. It may also serve to improve palatability and 5 consumer appeal.2. See paragraph “Example on product packaging” for further explanations. productContactMat erial xs:string( 250) no coding available Material in direct contact with the food or with the packing medium if a packing medium exists. See paragraph “Example on product packaging” for further explanations. productContainer xs:string( 250) no coding available The container or wrapping where the No product was stored or sold. “Example on product packaging” for further explanations. productTreatment xs:string (250) no coding available No productPreservatio nMethod productManufactur er productIngredients productComment productionYear Used to characterise a food product based on the treatment or processes applied to the product or any indexed ingredient. The processes include adding, substituting or removing components or modifying the food or component, e.g., fermentation,. For pesticides monitoring the word “Processed” should be reported to discriminate between processed and unprocessed products2. Xs:string The methods contributing to the (250) no prevention or retardation of coding microbial, enzymatic or oxidative available spoilage and thus to the extension of shelf life2. Xs:string Company manufacturer of the (250) product. Xs:string( List product ingredients. Use to 250) provide further information on composite products. xs:string Additional information on the (250) product. In particular home preparation details if available. Xs:decim Production year No No No No No No 2 Anders Møller and Jayne Ireland: LanguaL 2008. The LanguaL Thesaurus. EuroFIR Technical Report D1.8.21b s.pdf 6 productionMonth productionDay expiryYear expiryMonth expiryDay samplingYear al (4,0) Xs:decim al(2,0) Xs:decim al (2,0) Xs:decim al (4,0) Xs:decim al(2,0) Xs:decim al (2,0) xs:decima l (4, 0) samplingMonth xs:decima l (2, 0) samplingDay xs:decima l (2, 0) analysisYear xs:decima l (4, 0) analysisMonth xs:decima l (2, 0) analysisDay xs:decima l (2, 0) samplingStrategy xs:string (5) use SAMPST R catalogue samplingMethod xs:string (5) use Production month No Production day No Best before year or use by year or other indication of the expiry year. Best before month or use by month or other indication of expiry month. Best before day or use by day or other indication of the expiry day. Year of sampling. If the measure is the result of a sampling over a period of time, this field should contain the year when the first sample was collected. Month of sampling. If the measure is the result of a sampling over a period of time, this field should contain the month when the first sample was collected. Day of sampling. If the measure is the result of a sampling over a period of time, this field should contain the day when the first sample was collected. Year of analysis. Representing the year the analysis result was completed. Month of analysis. Representing the month the analysis result was completed. Day of analysis. Representing the day the analysis result was completed. Sampling strategy. Report the code for the sampling strategy used as described in the catalogue SAMPSTR. No Sampling method. Yes No No Yes No No Yes No No Yes 7 numberOfSamples samplingPoint analysedSampleP artCode analysedSampleP artText sourceType Laboratory laboratoryAccredit ation laboratoryCountry laboratoryArea SAMPM D catalogue Xs:intege r xs:string (5) use SAMPNT catalogue xs:string (5) use SAMPRT catalogue xs:string (250) xs:string (5) use SRCTYP catalogue xs:string (100) xs:string (1) use YESNO catalogue xs:string (2) use COUNT RY catalogue Xs:string (5) use NUTS Number of food samples analysed, No only if composite samples were used. Individual samples should always be reported separately. Cumulative data derived from statistical calculations on individual samples cannot be transmitted using this transmission format. The default value for this field is “1”. Indicate the point in the food chain No where the sample was taken. Indicate the part of product analysed. No Where the part is not included in the reference list the field sample part text should be used. Complete this field to provide a No complete description of the part of the product analysed. Complete this field if a suitable item cannot be found in catalogue SAMPRP. Indicate the study or programme for Yes which the samples have been collected. Laboratory code or name. No Provide the laboratory accreditation Yes status. For pesticide residues this is equivalent to the value returned in Table G – accreditation achieved (column 3). Laboratory country (Use ISO 3166- No 1-alpha-2 country code). Laboratory area code reported with No the NUTS system. 8 localOrganisation catalogue Xs:string (100) localOrganisationC Xs:string (2) use ountry COUNT RY catalogue localOrganisationA Xs:string (5) use rea NUTS catalogue Xs:string analysisCode (20) EFSAParameterCl assificationCode parameterClassific ationSystem This variable will contain the XML descriptio n of the parameter xs:string (5) use CLSYS catalogue Local or regional organisation No (Competent authority or company affiliate) responsible for collecting the data. Country of the local or regional No organisation (Use ISO 3166-1-alpha2 country code). Local organisation area code reported No with the NUTS system. Alphanumeric code to be used when No more than one analysis is performed on the same sample: i.e. two distinct analysis codes can be reported when the same sample (identical sampleCode) is analysed for different analytes e.g. for arsenic the value of total arsenic or inorganic arsenic can be reported for the same sample or for multiple residue methods. If only one analysis has been performed for each sample this field can be left blank. In order to assess multiple residues in food it is important that the combination of sampleCode and analysisCode will clearly identify all residues measured in an individual sample. Not currently implemented. Allows No for the implementation of a more flexible parameter description system Code of the parameter classification Yes used to report results. For pesticide residues parameterClassificationSystem = “D057A” to indicate Residue 9 parameterClassific ationCode Xs:string (20) use PARAM CLS catalogue definition”3 Substance_Code from the Yes PARAMCLS catalogue according to the parameterClassificationSystem. For example: If parameterClassificationSystem = “D057A” and the parameter is Acephate then the parameterClassificationCode = “RF0012-001-PPP” Where no appropriate parameter descriptor can be identified return “RF-XXXX-XXX-XXX” equal to not in list. In this case the element parameterText must be completed parameterClassific ationText Xs:string (250) parameterText Xs:string (250) samplePreparation MethodCode xs:string (5) use SAMPRP catalogue samplePreparation xs:string Element should contain the Substance Desc from the PARAMCLS catalogue. The value should match the code used in parameterClassificationCode. Completion of this element is not mandatory but allows validation of the parameterClassificationCode selection. Group, family, residue definition or substance detected (free text). Where possible use the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) name. CAS number can be included for clarity Indicate the code of the preparation method used. If the method used is not provided use the code for "Other" and report the text in the field samplePreparationMethodText. Indicate which preparation method No No No No 3 For reporting of pesticide residues to allow comparison with MRL the parameter classification system “Residue definition” should be used. For national programmes the “Pesticide residues” classification can be used if an appropriate EU residue definition does not exist. For dimethoate and omethoate three sample entities should be returned if the data management system allows 1) summed results according to the residue definition using the parameterCode = “RF-0139-001-PPP” 2) results for dimethoate using the parameterCode = “RF-0139-003-PPP” ” 3) results for omethoate using the parameterCode = “RF-0139002-PPP” 10 MethodText (250) analyticalMethodC ode xs:string (5) use ANLYM D catalogue xs:string (250) analyticalMethodT ext methodAccreditati onStatus resultUnit resultLOD resultLOQ xs:string (1) use MDSTA T catalogue xs:string (5) use UNIT catalogue Xs:decim al (20, 10) xs:decima l (20, 10) has been used as free text, particularly if the preparation method is not included in the catalogue SAMPRP. Indicate the code of the analytical No method used. If the method used for analysis is not reported, use the code for “Other” and report the text in the field analyticalMethodText. Indicate which analytical method has No been used as free text, in particular if the analytical method is not included in the catalogue ANYLMD. For residue monitoring use either “Single” or “Multiple” to indicate whether a single or multiple residue method has been used. If an approved/published analytical method has been provide the identifier e.g. “EPA1613” Indicate with ‘A’ (Method officially No accredited), ‘V’ (Method validated internally by the laboratory), ‘U’ (Unknown), ‘N’ (None, mainly for methods under development). Indicate the unit of measurement for No the values reported in resultLOD, resutlLOQ, resultValue, resultLegalLimit and resultValueRecovery. This should be consistent for all elements. This field is by default not mandatory, but it becomes mandatory if at least one of the following fields are provided: resultLOD, resultLOQ, resultVALUE or resultLegalLimit. Indicate the limit of detection; ensure No units are consistent with resultUnit. Indicate the limit of quantification; No ensure units are consistent with resultUnit. For pesticide residues this is equivalent to reporting limit. 11 resultValue xs:decima This field should contain the l (20, 10) concentration of substance reported in the unit specified in resultUnit. Unless specified in legislation the concentration should be reported as whole weight. In case the concentration cannot be determined (below the LOD) resultType should be populated and “resultValue” should be left blank. Where possible resultValue should be quantified when the value is between “LOD” and "LOQ". (see examples for returning result values in the following section) the recovery value resultValueRecove Xs:decim Indicate al (20,10) associated with the concentration ry measurement expressed as a percentage. resultValueUncerta xs:decima Indicate the uncertainty value l (20, 10) associated with the measurement as a nty percentage. Xs:decim Indicate the conversion factor for the conversionFactor al(20,10) type of relative measurement used. For example if the result is expressed as fat weight, the conversionFactor must contain the percentage fat in the sample. Provide the code to describe the how expressionOfResul xs:string (5) the result has been expressed: Whole t use weight, fat weight, dry weight EXRES (catalogue EXRES). catalogue This field should be completed only resultQualitativeVa xs:string (3) if the result value is qualitative e.g. lue use Postive / Negative in this case the POSNEG elements resultUnit, resultLOD, catalogue resultLOQ, resultValue and resultUncertainty do not need to be completed. Xs:string Indicate the result type: resultType (3) “VAL” is to be used if resultValue use contains the concentration. “LOQ” is VALTYP to be used when the result is below catalogue the LOQ as reported in resultLOQ. No No No No Yes No Yes 12 resultLegalLimit resultEvaluation actionTakenCode “LOD” is to be used when the result is below the LOD as reported in resultLOD in this case resultValue should be left blank. “QUA” is to be used when the result is qualiative and resultQualitativeValue should be completed. (see examples for returning result values in the following section) xs:decima Report the legal limit for the analyte No l (20,10) in the product sampled e.g. ML for contaminants or MRL residues. The units of measurement should be consistent with resultUnit. xs:string This field should be completed to No (5) use indicate if the result exceeds a legal RESEVA limit or to indicate if the laboratory L considers the result invalid. catalogue xs:string Use appropriate code from catalogue No (5) use ACTION to describe any follow-up ACTION actions taken as a result of the catalogue exceedence of a legal limit. actionTakenText xs:string (250) actionInvestigation Finding sampleComment xs:string (250) xs:string (250) Provide descripton of actions taken No as a result of the exceedence of a legal limit. Describe possible reasons for non No compliant result. Additional comments on this No analytical sample. Examples for returning result values Example 1: result above LOQ resultUnit = “G061A” (mg/kg) resultLOQ = 0.01 resultValue = 0.026 expressionOfResult = “B001A” (whole weight) resultType = “VAL” resultLegalLimit = 0.05 resultEvaluation= “J002” (Compliant result) 13 Example 2: result below LOD resultUnit = “G061A” (mg/kg) resultLOD = 0.005 resultLOQ = 0.01 resultValue = expressionOfResult = “B001A” (whole weight) resultType = “LOD” resultLegalLimit = 0.05 resultEvaluation= “J002” (Compliant result) Example3: result measured as fat weight resultUnit = “G080A” (pg/g) resultLOD = 0.05 resultValue =0.13 conversionFactor=4.3 resultValueRecovery=88 resultValueUncertainty=26 (percent) expressionOfResult = “B003A” (fat weight) resultType = “VAL” Example 4: result above legal limit resultUnit = “G061A” (mg/kg) resultLOQ = 0.01 resultValue = 0.1 expressionOfResult = “B001A” (whole weight) resultType = “VAL” resultLegalLimit = 0.05 resultEvaluation= “J003” (Non Compliant result) actionTakenCode=”W” actionTakenText=”warning given” actionInvestigationFinding=” spray drift from application to other crops” Example 4: result is qualitative resultQualitativeValue=”POS” resultType = “QUA” Examples for returning product packaging The data model offers three different fields to describe the product packaging: productPackingMedium productContactMaterial productContainer In many cases the contact material and the container may coincide. In this case the same information should be repeated in the two fields. 14 Below some example are reported on how to fill out these fields: Example 1: Cheese in brine packed in paper container coated with plastic productPackingMedium = “Brine” productContactMaterial = “Plastic” productContainer = “Paper board container” Example 2: Mineral water in glass productPackingMedium = “None” productContactMaterial = “Glass” productContainer = “Glass bottle” 15 Standard Terminology 3.1. Languages (LANG catalogue) Each data sample should specify the language in which the text information is provided. To support automatic translation system, electronic dictionaries and thesauri all the text fields of each sample should be transmitted in the same language. Only the EU official languages are supported for data transmissions. The language must be coded using the two letters ISO-369-1 standard. An extract is reported in the table below. Language codes should be reported lower case according to the ISO specification. Code ro bg da de el en es fi fr is it la nl no pt st sv cs et ga lv lt hu mt pl sk sl xx Description Romanian Bulgarian Danish German Greek English Spanish Finnish French Icelandic Italian Latin Dutch Norwegian Portuguese Standard Swedish Czech Estonian Irish Latvian Lithuanian Hungarian Maltese Polish Slovakian Slovene Unknown 16 3.2. Countries (COUNTRY catalogue) Countries should be encoded using the standard ISO-3166-1-alpha-2 coding system. An extract is reported below. Code AD Description Andorra AE United Arab Emirates AF Afghanistan AG Antigua And Barbuda AI Anguilla AL Albania AM Armenia AN Netherlands Antilles AO Angola AQ Antarctica AR Argentina AS American Samoa AT Austria AU Australia AW Aruba AX Aland Islands AZ Azerbaijan BA Bosnia And Herzegowina BB Barbados BD Bangladesh BE Belgium BF Burkina Faso BG Bulgaria BH Bahrain BI Burundi BJ Benin BM Bermuda BN Brunei Darussalam BO Bolivia BR Brazil BS Bahamas BT Bhutan BV Bouvetisland BW Botswana BY Belarus BZ Belize 17 CA Canada CC Cocos (Keeling) Islands CD Congo, The Democratic republi of the CF Central African Republic CG Congo CH Switzerland CI Cote D'Ivoire CK Cook Islands CL Chile CM Cameroon CN China CO Colombia CR Costa Rica CU Cuba CV Capeverde CX Christmas Island CY Cyprus CZ Czech Republic DE Germany DJ Djibouti DK Denmark DM Dominica DO Dominican Republic DZ Algeria EC Ecuador EE Estonia EG Egypt EH Western Sahara ER Eritrea ES Spain ET Ethiopia EU European Union FI Finland FJ Fiji FK Falkland Islands FM Micronesia FO Faroe Islands FR France GA Gabon GB United Kingdom GD Grenada GE Georgia GF French Guiana 18 GH Ghana GI Gibraltar GL Greenland GM Gambia GN Guinea GP Guadeloupe GQ Equatorial Guinea GR Greece GS South Georgia GT Guatemala GU Guam GW Guinea-Bissau GY Guyana HK Hongkong HM Heard And Mcdonald Islands HN Honduras HR Croatia HT Haiti HU Hungary ID Indonesia IE Ireland IL Israel IN India IO British Indian Ocean Territory IQ Iraq IR Iran IS Iceland IT Italy JM Jamaica JO Jordan JP Japan KE Kenya KG Kyrgyzstan KH Cambodia KI Kiribati KM Comoros KN Saint Kitts And Nevis KP Korea (North) KR Korea (South) KW Kuwait KY Cayman Islands KZ Kazakhstan LA Laos 19 LB Lebanon LC Saint Lucia LI Liechtenstein LK Sri Lanka LR Liberia LS Lesotho LT Lithuania LU Luxembourg LV Latvia LY Libya MA Morocco MC Monaco MD Moldova ME Montenegro MG Madagascar MH Marshall Islands MK Macedonia ML Mali MM Myanmar MN Mongolia MO Macau MP Northern Mariana Islands MQ Martinique MR Mauritania MS Montserrat MT Malta MU Mauritius MV Maldives MW Malawi MX Mexico MY Malaysia MZ Mozambique NA Namibia NC New Caledonia NE Niger NF Norfolk Island NG Nigeria NI Nicaragua NL Netherlands NO Norway NP Nepal NR Nauru NU Niue 20 NZ New Zealand OM Oman PA Panama PE Peru PF French Polynesia PG Papua New Guinea PH Philippines PK Pakistan PL Poland PM St. Pierre And Miquelon PN Pitcairn PR Puerto Rico PS Palestinian territory, occupied PT Portugal PW Palau PY Paraguay QA Qatar RE Reunion RO Romania RS Serbia RU Russia RW Rwanda SA Saudi Arabia SB Solomon Islands SC Seychelles SD Sudan SE Sweden SG Singapore SH St. Helena SI Slovenia SJ Svalbard And Janmayen SK Slovakia SL Sierra Leone SM San Marino SN Senegal SO Somalia SR Suriname ST Saotome And Principe SV El Salvador SY Syria SZ Swaziland TC Turks And Caicos TD Chad 21 TF French Southern Territories TG Togo TH Thailand TJ Tajikistan TK Tokelau TL Timor-Leste TM Turkmenistan TN Tunisia TO Tonga TR Turkey TT Trinidad And Tobago TV Tuvalu TW Taiwan TZ Tanzania UA Ukraine UG Uganda UM United States Minoroutlying Islands US United States UY Uruguay UZ Uzbekistan VA Vatican VC Saint Vincent And The Grenadines VE Venezuela VG Virgin Islands (British) VI Virgin Islands (U.S.) VN Vietnam VU Vanuatu WF Wallis And Futuna Islands WS Samoa XX Unknown YE Yemen YT Mayotte ZA South Africa ZM Zambia ZW Zimbabwe XE Non EU XC Not from source country XX Unknown The codes EU refer to the European Economic Area, XE outside the European economic area and XX Unknown country. These codes are not ISO but have been added to support reporting cases that can potentially be present in the data provider database. The codes 22 “UK” and “EL” are also accepted for data transmission as alternative to “GB” and “GR” respectively. 3.3. Fishing areas (FAREA catalogue) Fishing areas is coded using the FAO fishing area coding system. The table below is taken from BVL and it is part of deliverable of DATEX-2007-02 grant agreement. More information on the FAO fishing areas can be found here Code Description M001A Inland waters – Africa M002A Inland waters - North America M003A Inland waters - South America M004A Inland waters - Asia M005A Inland waters - Europe M006A Inland waters - Oceania M007A Inland waters - Former USSR area M008A Inland waters - Antarctica M018A Arctic Sea M021A Northwest Atlantic M027A Northeast Atlantic M031A Western Central Atlantic M034A Eastern Central Atlantic M037A Mediterranean and Black Sea M041A Southwest Atlantic M047A Southeast Atlantic M048A Atlantic, Antarctic M051A Western Indian Ocean M057A Eastern Indian Ocean M058A Indian Ocean, Antarctic and Southern 23 M061A Northwest Pacific M067A Northeast Pacific M071A Western Central Pacific M077A Eastern Central Pacific M081A Southwest Pacific M087A Southeast Pacific M088A Pacific, Antarctic 24 3.4. NUTS Codes (NUTS Catalogue) The Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics, (NUTS) from the Frech acronym nomenclature d'unités territoriales statistiques, is a coding standard for referencing the administrative divisions of countries in the EU for statistical purposes. The standard was developed by the European Union ( NUTS code AT AT1 AT11 AT111 AT112 AT113 AT12 AT121 AT122 AT123 AT124 AT125 AT126 AT127 AT13 AT130 AT2 AT21 AT211 AT212 AT213 AT22 AT221 AT222 AT223 AT224 AT225 AT226 AT3 AT31 AT311 AT312 AT313 AT314 AT315 AT32 NUTS description Österreich Ostösterreich Burgenland (A) Mittelburgenland Nordburgenland Südburgenland Niederösterreich Mostviertel-Eisenwurzen Niederösterreich-Süd Sankt Pölten Waldviertel Weinviertel Wiener Umland/Nordteil Wiener Umland/Südteil Wien Wien Südösterreich Kärnten Klagenfurt-Villach Oberkärnten Unterkärnten Steiermark Graz Liezen Östliche Obersteiermark Oststeiermark West- Und Südsteiermark Westliche Obersteiermark Westösterreich Oberösterreich Innviertel Linz-Wels Mühlviertel Steyr-Kirchdorf Traunviertel Salzburg Country Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich 25 AT321 AT322 AT323 AT33 AT331 AT332 AT333 AT334 AT335 AT34 AT341 AT342 ATZ Lungau Pinzgau-Pongau Salzburg Und Umgebung Tirol Außerfern Innsbruck Osttirol Tiroler Oberland Tiroler Unterland Vorarlberg Bludenz-Bregenzer Wald Rheintal-Bodenseegebiet Extra-Regio Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich ATZZ ATZZZ BE Extra-Regio Extra-Regio Belgique-België Région De Bruxelles-Capitale / Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest Région De Bruxelles-Capitale / Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest Arr. De Bruxelles-Capitale / Arr. Van BrusselHoofdstad Vlaams Gewest Prov. Antwerpen Arr. Antwerpen Arr. Mechelen Arr. Turnhout Prov. Limburg (B) Arr. Hasselt Arr. Maaseik Arr. Tongeren Prov. Oost-Vlaanderen Arr. Aalst Arr. Dendermonde Arr. Eeklo Arr. Gent Arr. Oudenaarde Arr. Sint-Niklaas Prov. Vlaams-Brabant Arr. Halle-Vilvoorde Arr. Leuven Prov. West-Vlaanderen Österreich Österreich Belgique-België BE1 BE10 BE100 BE2 BE21 BE211 BE212 BE213 BE22 BE221 BE222 BE223 BE23 BE231 BE232 BE233 BE234 BE235 BE236 BE24 BE241 BE242 BE25 Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België 26 BE251 BE252 BE253 BE254 BE255 BE256 BE257 BE258 BE3 BE31 BE310 BE32 BE321 BE322 BE323 BE324 BE325 BE326 BE327 BE33 BE331 BE332 BE334 BE335 BE336 BE34 BE341 BE342 BE343 BE344 BE345 BE35 BE351 BE352 BE353 BEZ BEZZ BEZZZ BG BG3 BG31 BG311 BG312 BG313 BG314 Arr. Brugge Arr. Diksmuide Arr. Ieper Arr. Kortrijk Arr. Oostende Arr. Roeselare Arr. Tielt Arr. Veurne Région Wallonne Prov. Brabant Wallon Arr. Nivelles Prov. Hainaut Arr. Ath Arr. Charleroi Arr. Mons Arr. Mouscron Arr. Soignies Arr. Thuin Arr. Tournai Prov. Liège Arr. Huy Arr. Liège Arr. Waremme Arr. Verviers - Communes Francophones Bezirk Verviers - Deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft Prov. Luxembourg (B) Arr. Arlon Arr. Bastogne Arr. Marche-En-Famenne Arr. Neufchâteau Arr. Virton Prov. Namur Arr. Dinant Arr. Namur Arr. Philippeville Extra-Regio Extra-Regio Extra-Regio Bulgaria Severna I Iztochna Bulgaria Severozapaden Vidin Montana Vratsa Pleven Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Belgique-België Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria 27 BG315 BG32 BG321 BG322 BG323 BG324 BG325 BG33 BG331 BG332 BG333 BG334 BG34 BG341 BG342 BG343 BG344 BG4 BG41 BG411 BG412 BG413 BG414 BG415 BG42 BG421 BG422 BG423 BG424 BG425 BGZ BGZZ BGZZZ CY CY0 CY00 CY000 CYZ CYZZ CYZZZ CZ CZ0 CZ01 CZ010 CZ02 CZ020 Lovech Severen Tsentralen Veliko Tarnovo Gabrovo Ruse Razgrad Silistra Severoiztochen Varna Dobrich Shumen Targovishte Yugoiztochen Burgas Sliven Yambol Stara Zagora Yugozapadna I Yuzhna Tsentralna Bulgaria Yugozapaden Sofia (Stolitsa) Sofia Blagoevgrad Pernik Kyustendil Yuzhen Tsentralen Plovdiv Haskovo Pazardzhik Smolyan Kardzhali Extra-Regio Extra-Regio Extra-Regio Kypros / Kibris Kypros / Kibris Kypros / Kibris Kypros / Kibris Extra-Regio Extra-Regio Extra-Regio Ceska Republika Ceska Republika Praha Hlavni Mesto Praha Stredni Cechy Stredocesky Kraj Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Kypros / Kibris Kypros / Kibris Kypros / Kibris Kypros / Kibris Kypros / Kibris Kypros / Kibris Kypros / Kibris Ceska Republika Ceska Republika Ceska Republika Ceska Republika Ceska Republika Ceska Republika 28 CZ03 CZ031 CZ032 CZ04 CZ041 CZ042 CZ05 CZ051 CZ052 CZ053 CZ06 CZ063 CZ064 CZ07 CZ071 CZ072 CZ08 CZ080 CZZ CZZZ CZZZZ DE DE1 DE11 DE111 DE112 DE113 DE114 DE115 DE116 DE117 DE118 DE119 DE11A DE11B DE11C DE11D DE12 DE121 DE122 DE123 DE124 DE125 DE126 DE127 DE128 Jihozapad Jihocesky Kraj Plzensky Kraj Severozapad Karlovarsky Kraj Ustecky Kraj Severovychod Liberecky Kraj Kralovehradecky Kraj Pardubicky Kraj Jihovychod Vysocina Jihomoravsky Kraj Stredni Morava Olomoucky Kraj Zlinsky Kraj Moravskoslezsko Moravskoslezsky Kraj Extra-Regio Extra-Regio Extra-Regio Deutschland Baden-Württemberg Stuttgart Stuttgart, Stadtkreis Böblingen Esslingen Göppingen Ludwigsburg Rems-Murr-Kreis Heilbronn, Stadtkreis Heilbronn, Landkreis Hohenlohekreis Schwäbisch Hall Main-Tauber-Kreis Heidenheim Ostalbkreis Karlsruhe Baden-Baden, Stadtkreis Karlsruhe, Stadtkreis Karlsruhe, Landkreis Rastatt Heidelberg, Stadtkreis Mannheim, Stadtkreis Neckar-Odenwald-Kreis Rhein-Neckar-Kreis Ceska Republika Ceska Republika Ceska Republika Ceska Republika Ceska Republika Ceska Republika Ceska Republika Ceska Republika Ceska Republika Ceska Republika Ceska Republika Ceska Republika Ceska Republika Ceska Republika Ceska Republika Ceska Republika Ceska Republika Ceska Republika Ceska Republika Ceska Republika Ceska Republika Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland 29 DE129 DE12A DE12B DE12C DE13 DE131 DE132 DE133 DE134 DE135 DE136 DE137 DE138 DE139 DE13A DE14 DE141 DE142 DE143 DE144 DE145 DE146 DE147 DE148 DE149 DE2 DE21 DE211 DE212 DE213 DE214 DE215 DE216 DE217 DE218 DE219 DE21A DE21B DE21C DE21D DE21E DE21F DE21G DE21H DE21I DE21J Pforzheim, Stadtkreis Calw Enzkreis Freudenstadt Freiburg Freiburg Im Breisgau, Stadtkreis Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald Emmendingen Ortenaukreis Rottweil Schwarzwald-Baar-Kreis Tuttlingen Konstanz Lörrach Waldshut Tübingen Reutlingen Tübingen, Landkreis Zollernalbkreis Ulm, Stadtkreis Alb-Donau-Kreis Biberach Bodenseekreis Ravensburg Sigmaringen Bayern Oberbayern Ingolstadt, Kreisfreie Stadt München, Kreisfreie Stadt Rosenheim, Kreisfreie Stadt Altötting Berchtesgadener Land Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen Dachau Ebersberg Eichstätt Erding Freising Fürstenfeldbruck Garmisch-Partenkirchen Landsberg A. Lech Miesbach Mühldorf A. Inn München, Landkreis Neuburg-Schrobenhausen Pfaffenhofen A. D. Ilm Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland 30 DE21K DE21L DE21M DE21N DE22 DE221 DE222 DE223 DE224 DE225 DE226 DE227 DE228 DE229 DE22A DE22B DE22C DE23 DE231 DE232 DE233 DE234 DE235 DE236 DE237 DE238 DE239 DE23A DE24 DE241 DE242 DE243 DE244 DE245 DE246 DE247 DE248 DE249 DE24A DE24B DE24C DE24D DE25 DE251 DE252 DE253 Rosenheim, Landkreis Starnberg Traunstein Weilheim-Schongau Niederbayern Landshut, Kreisfreie Stadt Passau, Kreisfreie Stadt Straubing, Kreisfreie Stadt Deggendorf Freyung-Grafenau Kelheim Landshut, Landkreis Passau, Landkreis Regen Rottal-Inn Straubing-Bogen Dingolfing-Landau Oberpfalz Amberg, Kreisfreie Stadt Regensburg, Kreisfreie Stadt Weiden I. D. Opf, Kreisfreie Stadt Amberg-Sulzbach Cham Neumarkt I. D. Opf. Neustadt A. D. Waldnaab Regensburg, Landkreis Schwandorf Tirschenreuth Oberfranken Bamberg, Kreisfreie Stadt Bayreuth, Kreisfreie Stadt Coburg, Kreisfreie Stadt Hof, Kreisfreie Stadt Bamberg, Landkreis Bayreuth, Landkreis Coburg, Landkreis Forchheim Hof, Landkreis Kronach Kulmbach Lichtenfels Wunsiedel I. Fichtelgebirge Mittelfranken Ansbach, Kreisfreie Stadt Erlangen, Kreisfreie Stadt Fürth, Kreisfreie Stadt Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland 31 DE254 DE255 DE256 DE257 DE258 DE259 DE25A DE25B DE25C DE26 DE261 DE262 DE263 DE264 DE265 DE266 DE267 DE268 DE269 DE26A DE26B DE26C DE27 DE271 DE272 DE273 DE274 DE275 DE276 DE277 DE278 DE279 DE27A DE27B DE27C DE27D DE27E DE3 DE30 DE300 DE4 DE41 DE411 DE412 DE413 DE414 Nürnberg, Kreisfreie Stadt Schwabach, Kreisfreie Stadt Ansbach, Landkreis Erlangen-Höchstadt Fürth, Landkreis Nürnberger Land Neustadt A. D. Aisch-Bad Windsheim Roth Weißenburg-Gunzenhausen Unterfranken Aschaffenburg, Kreisfreie Stadt Schweinfurt, Kreisfreie Stadt Würzburg, Kreisfreie Stadt Aschaffenburg, Landkreis Bad Kissingen Rhön-Grabfeld Haßberge Kitzingen Miltenberg Main-Spessart Schweinfurt, Landkreis Würzburg, Landkreis Schwaben Augsburg, Kreisfreie Stadt Kaufbeuren, Kreisfreie Stadt Kempten (Allgäu), Kreisfreie Stadt Memmingen, Kreisfreie Stadt Aichach-Friedberg Augsburg, Landkreis Dillingen A.D. Donau Günzburg Neu-Ulm Lindau (Bodensee) Ostallgäu Unterallgäu Donau-Ries Oberallgäu Berlin Berlin Berlin Brandenburg Brandenburg - Nordost Frankfurt (Oder), Kreisfreie Stadt Barnim Märkisch-Oderland Oberhavel Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland 32 DE415 DE416 DE417 DE418 DE42 DE421 DE422 DE423 DE424 DE425 DE426 DE427 DE428 DE429 DE42A DE5 DE50 DE501 DE502 DE6 DE60 DE600 DE7 DE71 DE711 DE712 DE713 DE714 DE715 DE716 DE717 DE718 DE719 DE71A DE71B DE71C DE71D DE71E DE72 DE721 DE722 DE723 DE724 DE725 DE73 DE731 Oder-Spree Ostprignitz-Ruppin Prignitz Uckermark Brandenburg - Südwest Brandenburg An Der Havel, Kreisfreie Stadt Cottbus, Kreisfreie Stadt Potsdam, Kreisfreie Stadt Dahme-Spreewald Elbe-Elster Havelland Oberspreewald-Lausitz Potsdam-Mittelmark Spree-Neiße Teltow-Fläming Bremen Bremen Bremen, Kreisfreie Stadt Bremerhaven, Kreisfreie Stadt Hamburg Hamburg Hamburg Hessen Darmstadt Darmstadt, Kreisfreie Stadt Frankfurt Am Main, Kreisfreie Stadt Offenbach Am Main, Kreisfreie Stadt Wiesbaden, Kreisfreie Stadt Bergstraße Darmstadt-Dieburg Groß-Gerau Hochtaunuskreis Main-Kinzig-Kreis Main-Taunus-Kreis Odenwaldkreis Offenbach, Landkreis Rheingau-Taunus-Kreis Wetteraukreis Gießen Gießen, Landkreis Lahn-Dill-Kreis Limburg-Weilburg Marburg-Biedenkopf Vogelsbergkreis Kassel Kassel, Kreisfreie Stadt Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland 33 DE732 DE733 DE734 DE735 DE736 DE737 DE8 DE80 DE801 DE802 DE803 DE804 DE805 DE806 DE807 DE808 DE809 DE80A DE80B DE80C DE80D DE80E DE80F DE80G DE80H DE80I DE9 DE91 DE911 DE912 DE913 DE914 DE915 DE916 DE917 DE918 DE919 DE91A DE91B DE92 DE922 DE923 DE925 DE926 DE927 DE928 Fulda Hersfeld-Rotenburg Kassel, Landkreis Schwalm-Eder-Kreis Waldeck-Frankenberg Werra-Meißner-Kreis Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Greifswald, Kreisfreie Stadt Neubrandenburg, Kreisfreie Stadt Rostock, Kreisfreie Stadt Schwerin, Kreisfreie Stadt Stralsund, Kreisfreie Stadt Wismar, Kreisfreie Stadt Bad Doberan Demmin Güstrow Ludwigslust Mecklenburg-Strelitz Müritz Nordvorpommern Nordwestmecklenburg Ostvorpommern Parchim Rügen Uecker-Randow Niedersachsen Braunschweig Braunschweig, Kreisfreie Stadt Salzgitter, Kreisfreie Stadt Wolfsburg, Kreisfreie Stadt Gifhorn Göttingen Goslar Helmstedt Northeim Osterode Am Harz Peine Wolfenbüttel Hannover Diepholz Hameln-Pyrmont Hildesheim Holzminden Nienburg (Weser) Schaumburg Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland 34 DE929 DE93 DE931 DE932 DE933 DE934 DE935 DE936 DE937 DE938 DE939 DE93A DE93B DE94 DE941 DE942 DE943 DE944 DE945 DE946 DE947 DE948 DE949 DE94A DE94B DE94C DE94D DE94E DE94F DE94G DE94H DEA DEA1 DEA11 DEA12 DEA13 DEA14 DEA15 DEA16 DEA17 DEA18 DEA19 DEA1A DEA1B DEA1C DEA1D Region Hannover Lüneburg Celle Cuxhaven Harburg Lüchow-Dannenberg Lüneburg, Landkreis Osterholz Rotenburg (Wümme) Soltau-Fallingbostel Stade Uelzen Verden Weser-Ems Delmenhorst, Kreisfreie Stadt Emden, Kreisfreie Stadt Oldenburg (Oldenburg), Kreisfreie Stadt Osnabrück, Kreisfreie Stadt Wilhelmshaven, Kreisfreie Stadt Ammerland Aurich Cloppenburg Emsland Friesland (D) Grafschaft Bentheim Leer Oldenburg, Landkreis Osnabrück, Landkreis Vechta Wesermarsch Wittmund Nordrhein-Westfalen Düsseldorf Düsseldorf, Kreisfreie Stadt Duisburg, Kreisfreie Stadt Essen, Kreisfreie Stadt Krefeld, Kreisfreie Stadt Mönchengladbach, Kreisfreie Stadt Mülheim An Der Ruhr,Kreisfreie Stadt Oberhausen, Kreisfreie Stadt Remscheid, Kreisfreie Stadt Solingen, Kreisfreie Stadt Wuppertal, Kreisfreie Stadt Kleve Mettmann Rhein-Kreis Neuss Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland 35 DEA1E DEA1F DEA2 DEA21 DEA22 DEA23 DEA24 DEA25 DEA26 DEA27 DEA28 DEA29 DEA2A DEA2B DEA2C DEA3 DEA31 DEA32 DEA33 DEA34 DEA35 DEA36 DEA37 DEA38 DEA4 DEA41 DEA42 DEA43 DEA44 DEA45 DEA46 DEA47 DEA5 DEA51 DEA52 DEA53 DEA54 DEA55 DEA56 DEA57 DEA58 DEA59 DEA5A DEA5B DEA5C DEB Viersen Wesel Köln Aachen, Kreisfreie Stadt Bonn, Kreisfreie Stadt Köln, Kreisfreie Stadt Leverkusen, Kreisfreie Stadt Aachen, Kreis Düren Rhein-Erft-Kreis Euskirchen Heinsberg Oberbergischer Kreis Rheinisch-Bergischer Kreis Rhein-Sieg-Kreis Münster Bottrop, Kreisfreie Stadt Gelsenkirchen, Kreisfreie Stadt Münster, Kreisfreie Stadt Borken Coesfeld Recklinghausen Steinfurt Warendorf Detmold Bielefeld, Kreisfreie Stadt Gütersloh Herford Höxter Lippe Minden-Lübbecke Paderborn Arnsberg Bochum, Kreisfreie Stadt Dortmund, Kreisfreie Stadt Hagen, Kreisfreie Stadt Hamm, Kreisfreie Stadt Herne, Kreisfreie Stadt Ennepe-Ruhr-Kreis Hochsauerlandkreis Märkischer Kreis Olpe Siegen-Wittgenstein Soest Unna Rheinland-Pfalz Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland 36 DEB1 DEB11 DEB12 DEB13 DEB14 DEB15 DEB16 DEB17 DEB18 DEB19 DEB1A DEB1B DEB2 DEB21 DEB22 DEB23 DEB24 DEB25 DEB3 DEB31 DEB32 DEB33 DEB34 DEB35 DEB36 DEB37 DEB38 DEB39 DEB3A DEB3B DEB3C DEB3D DEB3E DEB3F DEB3G DEB3H DEB3I DEB3J DEB3K DEC DEC0 DEC01 DEC02 DEC03 DEC04 DEC05 Koblenz Koblenz, Kreisfreie Stadt Ahrweiler Altenkirchen (Westerwald) Bad Kreuznach Birkenfeld Cochem-Zell Mayen-Koblenz Neuwied Rhein-Hunsrück-Kreis Rhein-Lahn-Kreis Westerwaldkreis Trier Trier, Kreisfreie Stadt Bernkastel-Wittlich Bitburg-Prüm Daun Trier-Saarburg Rheinhessen-Pfalz Frankenthal (Pfalz), Kreisfreie Stadt Kaiserslautern, Kreisfreie Stadt Landau In Der Pfalz, Kreisfreie Stadt Ludwigshafen Am Rhein, Kreisfreie Stadt Mainz, Kreisfreie Stadt Neustadt An Der Weinstraße, Kreisfreie Stadt Pirmasens, Kreisfreie Stadt Speyer, Kreisfreie Stadt Worms, Kreisfreie Stadt Zweibrücken, Kreisfreie Stadt Alzey-Worms Bad Dürkheim Donnersbergkreis Germersheim Kaiserslautern, Landkreis Kusel Südliche Weinstraße Rhein-Pfalz-Kreis Mainz-Bingen Südwestpfalz Saarland Saarland Stadtverband Saarbrücken Merzig-Wadern Neunkirchen Saarlouis Saarpfalz-Kreis Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland 37 DEC06 DED DED1 DED11 DED12 DED13 DED14 DED15 DED16 DED17 DED18 DED19 DED1A DED1B DED1C DED2 DED21 DED22 DED23 DED24 DED25 DED26 DED27 DED28 DED29 DED2A DED2B DED3 DED31 DED32 DED33 DED34 DED35 DED36 DEE DEE0 DEE01 DEE02 DEE03 DEE04 DEE05 DEE06 DEE07 DEE08 DEE09 DEE0A St. Wendel Sachsen Chemnitz Chemnitz, Kreisfreie Stadt Plauen, Kreisfreie Stadt Zwickau, Kreisfreie Stadt Annaberg Chemnitzer Land Freiberg Vogtlandkreis Mittlerer Erzgebirgskreis Mittweida Stollberg Aue-Schwarzenberg Zwickauer Land Dresden Dresden, Kreisfreie Stadt Görlitz, Kreisfreie Stadt Hoyerswerda, Kreisfreie Stadt Bautzen Meißen Niederschlesischer Oberlausitzkreis Riesa-Großenhain Löbau-Zittau Sächsische Schweiz Weißeritzkreis Kamenz Leipzig Leipzig, Kreisfreie Stadt Delitzsch Döbeln Leipziger Land Muldentalkreis Torgau-Oschatz Sachsen-Anhalt Sachsen-Anhalt Dessau-Roßlau, Kreisfreie Stadt Halle (Saale), Kreisfreie Stadt Magdeburg, Kreisfreie Stadt Altmarkkreis Salzwedel Anhalt-Bitterfeld Jerichower Land Börde Burgenland (D) Harz Mansfeld-Südharz Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland 38 DEE0B DEE0C DEE0D DEE0E DEF DEF0 DEF01 DEF02 DEF03 DEF04 DEF05 DEF06 DEF07 DEF08 DEF09 DEF0A DEF0B DEF0C DEF0D DEF0E DEF0F DEG DEG0 DEG01 DEG02 DEG03 DEG04 DEG05 DEG06 DEG07 DEG09 DEG0A DEG0B DEG0C DEG0D DEG0E DEG0F DEG0G DEG0H DEG0I DEG0J DEG0K DEG0L DEG0M DEG0N DEG0P Saalekreis Salzland Stendal Wittenberg Schleswig-Holstein Schleswig-Holstein Flensburg, Kreisfreie Stadt Kiel, Kreisfreie Stadt Lübeck, Kreisfreie Stadt Neumünster, Kreisfreie Stadt Dithmarschen Herzogtum Lauenburg Nordfriesland Ostholstein Pinneberg Plön Rendsburg-Eckernförde Schleswig-Flensburg Segeberg Steinburg Stormarn Thüringen Thüringen Erfurt, Kreisfreie Stadt Gera, Kreisfreie Stadt Jena, Kreisfreie Stadt Suhl, Kreisfreie Stadt Weimar, Kreisfreie Stadt Eichsfeld Nordhausen Unstrut-Hainich-Kreis Kyffhäuserkreis Schmalkalden-Meiningen Gotha Sömmerda Hildburghausen Ilm-Kreis Weimarer Land Sonneberg Saalfeld-Rudolstadt Saale-Holzland-Kreis Saale-Orla-Kreis Greiz Altenburger Land Eisenach, Kreisfreie Stadt Wartburgkreis Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland 39 DEZ DEZZ DEZZZ DK DK0 DK01 DK011 DK012 DK013 DK014 DK02 DK021 DK022 DK03 DK031 DK032 DK04 DK041 DK042 DK05 DK050 DKZ DKZZ DKZZZ EE EE0 EE00 EE001 EE004 EE006 EE007 EE008 EEZ EEZZ EEZZZ ES ES1 ES11 ES111 ES112 ES113 ES114 ES12 ES120 ES13 ES130 Extra-Regio Extra-Regio Extra-Regio Danmark Danmark Hovedstaden Byen København Københavns Omegn Nordsjælland Bornholm Sjælland Østsjælland Vest- Og Sydsjælland Syddanmark Fyn Sydjylland Midtjylland Vestjylland Østjylland Nordjylland Nordjylland Extra-Regio Extra-Regio Extra-Regio Eesti Eesti Eesti Põhja-Eesti Lääne-Eesti Kesk-Eesti Kirde-Eesti Lõuna-Eesti Extra-Regio Extra-Regio Extra-Regio España Noroeste Galicia A Coruña Lugo Ourense Pontevedra Principado De Asturias Asturias Cantabria Cantabria Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Danmark Danmark Danmark Danmark Danmark Danmark Danmark Danmark Danmark Danmark Danmark Danmark Danmark Danmark Danmark Danmark Danmark Danmark Danmark Danmark Danmark Eesti Eesti Eesti Eesti Eesti Eesti Eesti Eesti Eesti Eesti Eesti España España España España España España España España España España España 40 ES2 ES21 ES211 ES212 ES213 ES22 ES220 ES23 ES230 ES24 ES241 ES242 ES243 ES3 ES30 ES300 ES4 ES41 ES411 ES412 ES413 ES414 ES415 ES416 ES417 ES418 ES419 ES42 ES421 ES422 ES423 ES424 ES425 ES43 ES431 ES432 ES5 ES51 ES511 ES512 ES513 ES514 ES52 ES521 ES522 ES523 Noreste País Vasco Álava Guipúzcoa Vizcaya Comunidad Foral De Navarra Navarra La Rioja La Rioja Aragón Huesca Teruel Zaragoza Comunidad De Madrid Comunidad De Madrid Madrid Centro (E) Castilla Y León Ávila Burgos León Palencia Salamanca Segovia Soria Valladolid Zamora Castilla-La Mancha Albacete Ciudad Real Cuenca Guadalajara Toledo Extremadura Badajoz Cáceres Este Cataluña Barcelona Girona Lleida Tarragona Comunidad Valenciana Alicante / Alacant Castellón / Castelló Valencia / València España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España 41 ES53 ES531 ES532 ES533 ES6 ES61 ES611 ES612 ES613 ES614 ES615 ES616 ES617 ES618 ES62 ES620 ES63 ES630 ES64 ES640 ES7 ES70 ES703 ES704 ES705 ES706 ES707 ES708 ES709 ESZ ESZZ ESZZZ FI FI1 FI13 FI131 FI132 FI133 FI134 FI18 FI181 FI182 FI183 FI184 FI185 FI186 Illes Balears Eivissa Y Formentera Mallorca Menorca Sur Andalucía Almería Cádiz Córdoba Granada Huelva Jaén Málaga Sevilla Región De Murcia Murcia Ciudad Autónoma De Ceuta Ceuta Ciudad Autónoma De Melilla Melilla Canarias Canarias El Hierro Fuerteventura Gran Canaria La Gomera La Palma Lanzarote Tenerife Extra-Regio Extra-Regio Extra-Regio Suomi / Finland Manner-Suomi Itä-Suomi Etelä-Savo Pohjois-Savo Pohjois-Karjala Kainuu Etelä-Suomi Uusimaa Itä-Uusimaa Varsinais-Suomi Kanta-Häme Päijät-Häme Kymenlaakso España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España España Suomi / Finland Suomi / Finland Suomi / Finland Suomi / Finland Suomi / Finland Suomi / Finland Suomi / Finland Suomi / Finland Suomi / Finland Suomi / Finland Suomi / Finland Suomi / Finland Suomi / Finland Suomi / Finland 42 FI187 FI19 FI193 FI194 FI195 FI196 FI197 FI1A FI1A1 FI1A2 FI1A3 FI2 FI20 FI200 FIZ FIZZ FIZZZ FR FR1 FR10 FR101 FR102 FR103 FR104 FR105 FR106 FR107 FR108 FR2 FR21 FR211 FR212 FR213 FR214 FR22 FR221 FR222 FR223 FR23 FR231 FR232 FR24 FR241 FR242 FR243 FR244 Etelä-Karjala Länsi-Suomi Keski-Suomi Etelä-Pohjanmaa Pohjanmaa Satakunta Pirkanmaa Pohjois-Suomi Keski-Pohjanmaa Pohjois-Pohjanmaa Lappi Åland Åland Åland Extra-Regio Extra-Regio Extra-Regio France Île De France Île De France Paris Seine-Et-Marne Yvelines Essonne Hauts-De-Seine Seine-Saint-Denis Val-De-Marne Val-d'Oise Bassin Parisien Champagne-Ardenne Ardennes Aube Marne Haute-Marne Picardie Aisne Oise Somme Haute-Normandie Eure Seine-Maritime Centre Cher Eure-Et-Loir Indre Indre-Et-Loire Suomi / Finland Suomi / Finland Suomi / Finland Suomi / Finland Suomi / Finland Suomi / Finland Suomi / Finland Suomi / Finland Suomi / Finland Suomi / Finland Suomi / Finland Suomi / Finland Suomi / Finland Suomi / Finland Suomi / Finland Suomi / Finland Suomi / Finland France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France 43 FR245 FR246 FR25 FR251 FR252 FR253 FR26 FR261 FR262 FR263 FR264 FR3 FR30 FR301 FR302 FR4 FR41 FR411 FR412 FR413 FR414 FR42 FR421 FR422 FR43 FR431 FR432 FR433 FR434 FR5 FR51 FR511 FR512 FR513 FR514 FR515 FR52 FR521 FR522 FR523 FR524 FR53 FR531 FR532 FR533 FR534 Loir-Et-Cher Loiret Basse-Normandie Calvados Manche Orne Bourgogne Côte-D'Or Nièvre Saône-Et-Loire Yonne Nord - Pas-De-Calais Nord - Pas-De-Calais Nord Pas-De-Calais Est Lorraine Meurthe-Et-Moselle Meuse Moselle Vosges Alsace Bas-Rhin Haut-Rhin Franche-Comté Doubs Jura Haute-Saône Territoire De Belfort Ouest Pays De La Loire Loire-Atlantique Maine-Et-Loire Mayenne Sarthe Vendée Bretagne Côtes-D'Armor Finistère Ille-Et-Vilaine Morbihan Poitou-Charentes Charente Charente-Maritime Deux-Sèvres Vienne France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France 44 FR6 FR61 FR611 FR612 FR613 FR614 FR615 FR62 FR621 FR622 FR623 FR624 FR625 FR626 FR627 FR628 FR63 FR631 FR632 FR633 FR7 FR71 FR711 FR712 FR713 FR714 FR715 FR716 FR717 FR718 FR72 FR721 FR722 FR723 FR724 FR8 FR81 FR811 FR812 FR813 FR814 FR815 FR82 FR821 FR822 FR823 Sud-Ouest Aquitaine Dordogne Gironde Landes Lot-Et-Garonne Pyrénées-Atlantiques Midi-Pyrénées Ariège Aveyron Haute-Garonne Gers Lot Hautes-Pyrénées Tarn Tarn-Et-Garonne Limousin Corrèze Creuse Haute-Vienne Centre-Est Rhône-Alpes Ain Ardèche Drôme Isère Loire Rhône Savoie Haute-Savoie Auvergne Allier Cantal Haute-Loire Puy-De-Dôme Méditerranée Languedoc-Roussillon Aude Gard Hérault Lozère Pyrénées-Orientales Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Alpes-De-Haute-Provence Hautes-Alpes Alpes-Maritimes France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France 45 FR824 FR825 FR826 FR83 FR831 FR832 FR9 FR91 FR910 FR92 FR920 FR93 FR930 FR94 FR940 FRZ FRZZ FRZZZ GR GR1 GR11 GR111 GR112 GR113 GR114 GR115 GR12 GR121 GR122 GR123 GR124 GR125 GR126 GR127 GR13 GR131 GR132 GR133 GR134 GR14 GR141 GR142 GR143 GR144 GR2 GR21 Bouches-Du-Rhône Var Vaucluse Corse Corse-Du-Sud Haute-Corse Départements d'Outre-Mer Guadeloupe Guadeloupe Martinique Martinique Guyane Guyane Réunion Réunion Extra-Regio Extra-Regio Extra-Regio Ellada Voreia Ellada Anatoliki Makedonia, Thraki Evros Xanthi Rodopi Drama Kavala Kentriki Makedonia Imathia Thessaloniki Kilkis Pella Pieria Serres Chalkidiki Dytiki Makedonia Grevena Kastoria Kozani Florina Thessalia Karditsa Larisa Magnisia Trikala Kentriki Ellada Ipeiros France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada 46 GR211 GR212 GR213 GR214 GR22 GR221 GR222 GR223 GR224 GR23 GR231 GR232 GR233 GR24 GR241 GR242 GR243 GR244 GR245 GR25 GR251 GR252 GR253 GR254 GR255 GR3 GR30 GR300 GR4 GR41 GR411 GR412 GR413 GR42 GR421 GR422 GR43 GR431 GR432 GR433 GR434 GRZ GRZZ GRZZZ HU HU1 Arta Thesprotia Ioannina Preveza Ionia Nisia Zakynthos Kerkyra Kefallinia Lefkada Dytiki Ellada Aitoloakarnania Achaia Ileia Sterea Ellada Voiotia Evvoia Evrytania Fthiotida Fokida Peloponnisos Argolida Arkadia Korinthia Lakonia Messinia Attiki Attiki Attiki Nisia Aigaiou, Kriti Voreio Aigaio Lesvos Samos Chios Notio Aigaio Dodekanisos Kyklades Kriti Irakleio Lasithi Rethymni Chania Extra-Regio Extra-Regio Extra-Regio Magyarorszag Kozep-Magyarorszag Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Ellada Magyarorszag Magyarorszag 47 HU10 HU101 HU102 HU2 HU21 HU211 HU212 HU213 HU22 HU221 HU222 HU223 HU23 HU231 HU232 HU233 HU3 HU31 HU311 HU312 HU313 HU32 HU321 HU322 HU323 HU33 HU331 HU332 HU333 HUZ HUZZ HUZZZ IE IE0 IE01 IE011 IE012 IE013 IE02 IE021 IE022 IE023 IE024 IE025 IEZ IEZZ Kozep-Magyarorszag Budapest Pest Dunantul Kozep-Dunantul Fejer Komarom-Esztergom Veszprem Nyugat-Dunantul Gyor-Moson-Sopron Vas Zala Del-Dunantul Baranya Somogy Tolna Alfold Es Eszak Eszak-Magyarorszag Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen Heves Nograd Eszak-Alfold Hajdu-Bihar Jasz-Nagykun-Szolnok Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg Del-Alfold Bacs-Kiskun Bekes Csongrad Extra-Regio Extra-Regio Extra-Regio Ireland Ireland Border, Midland And Western Border Midland West Southern And Eastern Dublin Mid-East Mid-West South-East (Irl) South-West (Irl) Extra-Regio Extra-Regio Magyarorszag Magyarorszag Magyarorszag Magyarorszag Magyarorszag Magyarorszag Magyarorszag Magyarorszag Magyarorszag Magyarorszag Magyarorszag Magyarorszag Magyarorszag Magyarorszag Magyarorszag Magyarorszag Magyarorszag Magyarorszag Magyarorszag Magyarorszag Magyarorszag Magyarorszag Magyarorszag Magyarorszag Magyarorszag Magyarorszag Magyarorszag Magyarorszag Magyarorszag Magyarorszag Magyarorszag Magyarorszag Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland 48 IEZZZ IT ITC ITC1 ITC11 ITC12 ITC13 ITC14 ITC15 ITC16 ITC17 ITC18 ITC2 ITC20 ITC3 ITC31 ITC32 ITC33 ITC34 ITC4 ITC41 ITC42 ITC43 ITC44 ITC45 ITC46 ITC47 ITC48 ITC49 ITC4A ITC4B ITD ITD1 ITD10 ITD2 ITD20 ITD3 ITD31 ITD32 ITD33 ITD34 ITD35 ITD36 ITD37 ITD4 ITD41 Extra-Regio Italia Nord-Ovest Piemonte Torino Vercelli Biella Verbano-Cusio-Ossola Novara Cuneo Asti Alessandria Valle D'Aosta/Vallée D'Aoste Valle D'Aosta/Vallée D'Aoste Liguria Imperia Savona Genova La Spezia Lombardia Varese Como Lecco Sondrio Milano Bergamo Brescia Pavia Lodi Cremona Mantova Nord-Est Provincia Autonoma Bolzano/Bozen Bolzano-Bozen Provincia Autonoma Trento Trento Veneto Verona Vicenza Belluno Treviso Venezia Padova Rovigo Friuli-Venezia Giulia Pordenone Ireland Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia 49 ITD42 ITD43 ITD44 ITD5 ITD51 ITD52 ITD53 ITD54 ITD55 ITD56 ITD57 ITD58 ITD59 ITE ITE1 ITE11 ITE12 ITE13 ITE14 ITE15 ITE16 ITE17 ITE18 ITE19 ITE1A ITE2 ITE21 ITE22 ITE3 ITE31 ITE32 ITE33 ITE34 ITE4 ITE41 ITE42 ITE43 ITE44 ITE45 ITF ITF1 ITF11 ITF12 ITF13 ITF14 ITF2 Udine Gorizia Trieste Emilia-Romagna Piacenza Parma Reggio Nell'Emilia Modena Bologna Ferrara Ravenna Forlì-Cesena Rimini Centro (I) Toscana Massa-Carrara Lucca Pistoia Firenze Prato Livorno Pisa Arezzo Siena Grosseto Umbria Perugia Terni Marche Pesaro E Urbino Ancona Macerata Ascoli Piceno Lazio Viterbo Rieti Roma Latina Frosinone Sud Abruzzo L'Aquila Teramo Pescara Chieti Molise Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia 50 ITF21 ITF22 ITF3 ITF31 ITF32 ITF33 ITF34 ITF35 ITF4 ITF41 ITF42 ITF43 ITF44 ITF45 ITF5 ITF51 ITF52 ITF6 ITF61 ITF62 ITF63 ITF64 ITF65 ITG ITG1 ITG11 ITG12 ITG13 ITG14 ITG15 ITG16 ITG17 ITG18 ITG19 ITG2 ITG25 ITG26 ITG27 ITG28 ITG29 ITG2A ITG2B ITG2C ITZ ITZZ ITZZZ Isernia Campobasso Campania Caserta Benevento Napoli Avellino Salerno Puglia Foggia Bari Taranto Brindisi Lecce Basilicata Potenza Matera Calabria Cosenza Crotone Catanzaro Vibo Valentia Reggio Di Calabria Isole Sicilia Trapani Palermo Messina Agrigento Caltanissetta Enna Catania Ragusa Siracusa Sardegna Sassari Nuoro Cagliari Oristano Olbia-Tempio Ogliastra Medio Campidano Carbonia-Iglesias Extra-Regio Extra-Regio Extra-Regio Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia 51 LT LT0 LT00 LT001 LT002 LT003 LT004 LT005 LT006 LT007 LT008 LT009 LT00A LTZ LTZZ LTZZZ Lietuva Lietuva Lietuva Alytaus Apskritis Kauno Apskritis Klaipedos Apskritis Marijampoles Apskritis Panevezio Apskritis Siauliu Apskritis Taurages Apskritis Telsiu Apskritis Utenos Apskritis Vilniaus Apskritis Extra-Regio Extra-Regio Extra-Regio LU Luxembourg (Grand-Duché) LU0 Luxembourg (Grand-Duché) LU00 Luxembourg (Grand-Duché) LU000 Luxembourg (Grand-Duché) LUZ Extra-Regio LUZZ Extra-Regio LUZZZ LV LV0 LV00 LV003 LV005 LV006 LV007 LV008 LV009 LVZ LVZZ LVZZZ MT MT0 MT00 MT001 MT002 MTZ Extra-Regio Latvija Latvija Latvija Kurzeme Latgale Riga Pieriga Vidzeme Zemgale Extra-Regio Extra-Regio Extra-Regio Malta Malta Malta Malta Gozo And Comino/Ghawdex U Kemmuna Extra-Regio Lietuva Lietuva Lietuva Lietuva Lietuva Lietuva Lietuva Lietuva Lietuva Lietuva Lietuva Lietuva Lietuva Lietuva Lietuva Lietuva Luxembourg (GrandDuché) Luxembourg (GrandDuché) Luxembourg (GrandDuché) Luxembourg (GrandDuché) Luxembourg (GrandDuché) Luxembourg (GrandDuché) Luxembourg (GrandDuché) Latvija Latvija Latvija Latvija Latvija Latvija Latvija Latvija Latvija Latvija Latvija Latvija Malta Malta Malta Malta Malta Malta 52 MTZZ MTZZZ NL NL1 NL11 NL111 NL112 NL113 NL12 NL121 NL122 NL123 NL13 NL131 NL132 NL133 NL2 NL21 NL211 NL212 NL213 NL22 NL221 NL224 NL225 NL226 NL23 NL230 NL3 NL31 NL310 NL32 NL321 NL322 NL323 NL324 NL325 NL326 NL327 NL33 NL331 NL332 NL333 NL334 NL335 NL336 Extra-Regio Extra-Regio Nederland Noord-Nederland Groningen Oost-Groningen Delfzijl En Omgeving Overig Groningen Friesland (Nl) Noord-Friesland Zuidwest-Friesland Zuidoost-Friesland Drenthe Noord-Drenthe Zuidoost-Drenthe Zuidwest-Drenthe Oost-Nederland Overijssel Noord-Overijssel Zuidwest-Overijssel Twente Gelderland Veluwe Zuidwest-Gelderland Achterhoek Arnhem/Nijmegen Flevoland Flevoland West-Nederland Utrecht Utrecht Noord-Holland Kop Van Noord-Holland Alkmaar En Omgeving Ijmond Agglomeratie Haarlem Zaanstreek Groot-Amsterdam Het Gooi En Vechtstreek Zuid-Holland Agglomeratie Leiden En Bollenstreek Agglomeratie 'S-Gravenhage Delft En Westland Oost-Zuid-Holland Groot-Rijnmond Zuidoost-Zuid-Holland Malta Malta Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland 53 NL34 NL341 NL342 NL4 NL41 NL411 NL412 NL413 NL414 NL42 NL421 NL422 NL423 NLZ NLZZ NLZZZ PL PL1 PL11 PL113 PL114 PL115 PL116 PL117 PL12 PL121 PL122 PL127 PL128 PL129 PL12A PL2 PL21 PL213 PL214 PL215 PL216 PL217 PL22 PL224 PL225 PL227 PL228 PL229 PL22A PL22B Zeeland Zeeuwsch-Vlaanderen Overig Zeeland Zuid-Nederland Noord-Brabant West-Noord-Brabant Midden-Noord-Brabant Noordoost-Noord-Brabant Zuidoost-Noord-Brabant Limburg (Nl) Noord-Limburg Midden-Limburg Zuid-Limburg Extra-Regio Extra-Regio Extra-Regio Polska Region Centralny Lodzkie Miasto Lodz Lodzki Piotrkowski Sieradzki Skierniewicki Mazowieckie Ciechanowsko-Plocki Ostrolecko-Siedlecki Miasto Warszawa Radomski Warszawski-Wschodni Warszawski-Zachodni Region Poludniowy Malopolskie Miasto Krakow Krakowski Nowosadecki Oswiecimski Tarnowski Slaskie Czestochowski Bielski Rybnicki Bytomski Gliwicki Katowicki Sosnowiecki Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Nederland Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska 54 PL22C PL3 PL31 PL311 PL312 PL314 PL315 PL32 PL323 PL324 PL325 PL326 PL33 PL331 PL332 PL34 PL343 PL344 PL345 PL4 PL41 PL411 PL414 PL415 PL416 PL417 PL418 PL42 PL422 PL423 PL424 PL425 PL43 PL431 PL432 PL5 PL51 PL514 PL515 PL516 PL517 PL518 PL52 PL521 PL522 PL6 Tyski Region Wschodni Lubelskie Bialski Chelmsko-Zamojski Lubelski Pulawski Podkarpackie Krosnienski Przemyski Rzeszowski Tarnobrzeski Swietokrzyskie Kielecki Sandomiersko-Jedrzejowski Podlaskie Bialostocki Lomzynski Suwalski Region Polnocno-Zachodni Wielkopolskie Pilski Koninski Miasto Poznan Kaliski Leszczynski Poznanski Zachodniopomorskie Koszalinski Stargardzki Miasto Szczecin Szczecinski Lubuskie Gorzowski Zielonogorski Region Poludniowo-Zachodni Dolnoslaskie Miasto Wroclaw Jeleniogorski Legnicko-Glogowski Walbrzyski Wroclawski Opolskie Nyski Opolski Region Polnocny Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska 55 PL61 PL613 PL614 PL615 PL62 PL621 PL622 PL623 PL63 PL631 PL633 PL634 PL635 PLZ PLZZ PLZZZ PT PT1 PT11 PT111 PT112 PT113 PT114 PT115 PT116 PT117 PT118 PT15 PT150 PT16 PT161 PT162 PT163 PT164 PT165 PT166 PT167 PT168 PT169 PT16A PT16B PT16C PT17 PT171 PT172 PT18 Kujawsko-Pomorskie Bydgosko-Torunski Grudziadzki Wloclawski Warminsko-Mazurskie Elblaski Olsztynski Elcki Pomorskie Slupski Trojmiejski Gdanski Starogardzki Extra-Regio Extra-Regio Extra-Regio Portugal Continente Norte Minho-Lima Cávado Ave Grande Porto Tâmega Entre Douro E Vouga Douro Alto Trás-Os-Montes Algarve Algarve Centro (P) Baixo Vouga Baixo Mondego Pinhal Litoral Pinhal Interior Norte Dâo-Lafôes Pinhal Interior Sul Serra Da Estrela Beira Interior Norte Beira Interior Sul Cova Da Beira Oeste Médio Tejo Lisboa Grande Lisboa Península De Setúbal Alentejo Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Polska Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal 56 PT181 PT182 PT183 PT184 PT185 PT2 PT20 PT200 PT3 PT30 PT300 PTZ PTZZ PTZZZ RO RO1 RO11 RO111 RO112 RO113 RO114 RO115 RO116 RO12 RO121 RO122 RO123 RO124 RO125 RO126 RO2 RO21 RO211 RO212 RO213 RO214 RO215 RO216 RO22 RO221 RO222 RO223 RO224 RO225 RO226 RO3 Alentejo Litoral Alto Alentejo Alentejo Central Baixo Alentejo Lezíria Do Tejo Região Autónoma Dos Açores Região Autónoma Dos Açores Região Autónoma Dos Açores Região Autónoma Da Madeira Região Autónoma Da Madeira Região Autónoma Da Madeira Extra-Regio Extra-Regio Extra-Regio Romania Macroregiunea Unu Nord-Vest Bihor Bistrita-Nasaud Cluj Maramures Satu Mare Salaj Centru Alba Brasov Covasna Harghita Mures Sibiu Macroregiunea Doi Nord-Est Bacau Botosani Iasi Neamt Suceava Vaslui Sud-Est Braila Buzau Constanta Galati Tulcea Vrancea Macroregiunea Trei Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania 57 RO31 RO311 RO312 RO313 RO314 RO315 RO316 RO317 RO32 RO321 RO322 RO4 RO41 RO411 RO412 RO413 RO414 RO415 RO42 RO421 RO422 RO423 RO424 ROZ ROZZ ROZZZ SE SE1 SE11 SE110 SE12 SE121 SE122 SE123 SE124 SE125 SE2 SE21 SE211 SE212 SE213 SE214 SE22 SE221 SE224 SE23 Sud - Muntenia Arges Calarasi Dambovita Giurgiu Ialomita Prahova Teleorman Bucuresti - Ilfov Bucuresti Ilfov Macroregiunea Patru Sud-Vest Oltenia Dolj Gorj Mehedinti Olt Valcea Vest Arad Caras-Severin Hunedoara Timis Extra-Regio Extra-Regio Extra-Regio Sverige Östra Sverige Stockholm Stockholms Län Östra Mellansverige Uppsala Län Södermanlands Län Östergötlands Län Örebro Län Västmanlands Län Södra Sverige Småland Med Öarna Jönköpings Län Kronobergs Län Kalmar Län Gotlands Län Sydsverige Blekinge Län Skåne Län Västsverige Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Sverige Sverige Sverige Sverige Sverige Sverige Sverige Sverige Sverige Sverige Sverige Sverige Sverige Sverige Sverige Sverige Sverige Sverige Sverige Sverige 58 SE231 SE232 SE3 SE31 SE311 SE312 SE313 SE32 SE321 SE322 SE33 SE331 SE332 SEZ SEZZ SEZZZ SI SI0 SI01 SI011 SI012 SI013 SI014 SI015 SI016 SI017 SI018 SI02 SI021 SI022 SI023 SI024 SIZ SIZZ SIZZZ SK SK0 SK01 SK010 SK02 SK021 SK022 SK023 SK03 SK031 SK032 Hallands Län Västra Götalands Län Norra Sverige Norra Mellansverige Värmlands Län Dalarnas Län Gävleborgs Län Mellersta Norrland Västernorrlands Län Jämtlands Län Övre Norrland Västerbottens Län Norrbottens Län Extra-Regio Extra-Regio Extra-Regio Slovenija Slovenija Vzhodna Slovenija Pomurska Podravska Koroska Savinjska Zasavska Spodnjeposavska Jugovzhodna Slovenija Notranjsko-Kraska Zahodna Slovenija Osrednjeslovenska Gorenjska Goriska Obalno-Kraska Extra-Regio Extra-Regio Extra-Regio Slovenska Republika Slovenska Republika Bratislavsky Kraj Bratislavsky Kraj Zapadne Slovensko Trnavsky Kraj Trenciansky Kraj Nitriansky Kraj Stredne Slovensko Zilinsky Kraj Banskobystricky Kraj Sverige Sverige Sverige Sverige Sverige Sverige Sverige Sverige Sverige Sverige Sverige Sverige Sverige Sverige Sverige Sverige Slovenija Slovenija Slovenija Slovenija Slovenija Slovenija Slovenija Slovenija Slovenija Slovenija Slovenija Slovenija Slovenija Slovenija Slovenija Slovenija Slovenija Slovenija Slovenija Slovenska Republika Slovenska Republika Slovenska Republika Slovenska Republika Slovenska Republika Slovenska Republika Slovenska Republika Slovenska Republika Slovenska Republika Slovenska Republika Slovenska Republika 59 SK04 SK041 SK042 SKZ SKZZ SKZZZ UK UKC UKC1 UKC11 UKC12 UKC13 UKC14 UKC2 UKC21 UKC22 UKC23 UKD UKD1 UKD11 UKD12 UKD2 UKD21 UKD22 UKD3 UKD31 UKD32 UKD4 UKD41 UKD42 UKD43 UKD5 UKD51 UKD52 UKD53 UKD54 UKE UKE1 UKE11 UKE12 UKE13 UKE2 UKE21 UKE22 UKE3 UKE31 Vychodne Slovensko Presovsky Kraj Kosicky Kraj Extra-Regio Extra-Regio Extra-Regio United Kingdom North East (England) Tees Valley And Durham Hartlepool And Stockton-On-Tees South Teesside Darlington Durham Cc Northumberland And Tyne And Wear Northumberland Tyneside Sunderland North West (England) Cumbria West Cumbria East Cumbria Cheshire Halton And Warrington Cheshire Cc Greater Manchester Greater Manchester South Greater Manchester North Lancashire Blackburn With Darwen Blackpool Lancashire Cc Merseyside East Merseyside Liverpool Sefton Wirral Yorkshire And The Humber East Yorkshire And Northern Lincolnshire Kingston Upon Hull, City Of East Riding Of Yorkshire North And North East Lincolnshire North Yorkshire York North Yorkshire Cc South Yorkshire Barnsley, Doncaster And Rotherham Slovenska Republika Slovenska Republika Slovenska Republika Slovenska Republika Slovenska Republika Slovenska Republika United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom 60 UKE32 UKE4 UKE41 UKE42 UKE43 UKF UKF1 UKF11 UKF12 UKF13 UKF14 UKF15 UKF16 UKF2 UKF21 UKF22 UKF23 UKF3 UKF30 UKG UKG1 UKG11 UKG12 UKG13 UKG2 UKG21 UKG22 UKG23 UKG24 UKG3 UKG31 UKG32 UKG33 UKG34 UKG35 UKH UKH1 UKH11 UKH12 UKH13 UKH14 UKH2 UKH21 UKH22 UKH23 Sheffield West Yorkshire Bradford Leeds Calderdale, Kirklees And Wakefield East Midlands (England) Derbyshire And Nottinghamshire Derby East Derbyshire South And West Derbyshire Nottingham North Nottinghamshire South Nottinghamshire Leicestershire, Rutland And Northamptonshire Leicester Leicestershire Cc And Rutland Northamptonshire Lincolnshire Lincolnshire West Midlands (England) Herefordshire, Worcestershire And Warwickshire Herefordshire, County Of Worcestershire Warwickshire Shropshire And Staffordshire Telford And Wrekin Shropshire Cc Stoke-On-Trent Staffordshire Cc West Midlands Birmingham Solihull Coventry Dudley And Sandwell Walsall And Wolverhampton East Of England East Anglia Peterborough Cambridgeshire Cc Norfolk Suffolk Bedfordshire And Hertfordshire Luton Bedfordshire Cc Hertfordshire United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom 61 UKH3 UKH31 UKH32 UKH33 UKI UKI1 UKI11 UKI12 UKI2 UKI21 UKI22 UKI23 UKJ UKJ1 UKJ11 UKJ12 UKJ13 UKJ14 UKJ2 UKJ21 UKJ22 UKJ23 UKJ24 UKJ3 UKJ31 UKJ32 UKJ33 UKJ34 UKJ4 UKJ41 UKJ42 UKK UKK1 UKK11 UKK12 UKK13 UKK14 UKK15 UKK2 UKK21 UKK22 UKK23 UKK3 UKK30 Essex Southend-On-Sea Thurrock Essex Cc London Inner London Inner London - West Inner London - East Outer London Outer London - East And North East Outer London - South Outer London - West And North West South East (England) Berkshire, Buckinghamshire And Oxfordshire Berkshire Milton Keynes Buckinghamshire Cc Oxfordshire Surrey, East And West Sussex Brighton And Hove East Sussex Cc Surrey West Sussex Hampshire And Isle Of Wight Portsmouth Southampton Hampshire Cc Isle Of Wight Kent Medway Kent Cc South West (England) Gloucestershire, Wiltshire And Bristol/Bath Area Bristol, City Of Bath And North East Somerset, North Somerset And South Gloucestershire Gloucestershire Swindon Wiltshire Cc Dorset And Somerset Bournemouth And Poole Dorset Cc Somerset Cornwall And Isles Of Scilly Cornwall And Isles Of Scilly United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom 62 UKK4 UKK41 UKK42 UKK43 UKL UKL1 UKL11 UKL12 UKL13 UKL14 UKL15 UKL16 UKL17 UKL18 UKL2 UKL21 UKL22 UKL23 UKL24 UKM UKM2 UKM21 UKM22 UKM23 UKM24 UKM25 UKM26 UKM27 UKM28 UKM3 UKM31 UKM32 UKM33 UKM34 UKM35 UKM36 UKM37 UKM38 UKM5 UKM50 UKM6 UKM61 UKM62 UKM63 Devon Plymouth Torbay Devon Cc Wales West Wales And The Valleys Isle Of Anglesey Gwynedd Conwy And Denbighshire South West Wales Central Valleys Gwent Valleys Bridgend And Neath Port Talbot Swansea East Wales Monmouthshire And Newport Cardiff And Vale Of Glamorgan Flintshire And Wrexham Powys Scotland Eastern Scotland Angus And Dundee City Clackmannanshire And Fife East Lothian And Midlothian Scottish Borders Edinburgh, City Of Falkirk Perth & Kinross And Stirling West Lothian South Western Scotland East Dunbartonshire, West Dunbartonshire And Helensburgh & Lomond Dumfries & Galloway East Ayrshire And North Ayrshire Mainland Glasgow City Inverclyde, East Renfrewshire And Renfrewshire North Lanarkshire South Ayrshire South Lanarkshire North Eastern Scotland Aberdeen City And Aberdeenshire Highlands And Islands Caithness & Sutherland And Ross & Cromarty Inverness & Nairn And Moray, Badenoch & Strathspey Lochaber, Skye & Lochalsh, Arran & Cumbrae United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom 63 And Argyll & Bute UKM64 UKM65 UKM66 UKN UKN0 UKN01 UKN02 UKN03 UKN04 UKN05 UKZ UKZZ UKZZZ Eilean Siar (Western Isles) Orkney Islands Shetland Islands Northern Ireland Northern Ireland Belfast Outer Belfast East Of Northern Ireland North Of Northern Ireland West And South Of Northern Ireland Extra-Regio Extra-Regio Extra-Regio United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom 3.5. Production Method (PRODMD catalogue) The table below contains a list of codes to describe the farming method used to produce the food or feed sampled. This coding list is a combination of the coding list provided by Belgium and LANGUAL. For pesticides monitoring the codes PD07A and PD09A should be used to indicate if the item sampled was produced by organic production. Code Z0211 Description Under glass / protected growing condition Z0208 Outdoor / Open-air growing condition PD07A Organic production PD09A Non-organic production Z0153 Wild or gathered Z0154 Domestic or cultivated Definition Cultivation of plants, especially of out-ofseason plants, in climate-controlled or protective structures Cultivation of plants without the use of climate-controlled or protective structures A method of production which places the highest emphasis on environmental protection and, with regard to livestock production, animal welfare considerations. It avoids or largely reduces the use of synthetic chemical inputs such as fertilisers, pesticides, additives and medicinal products. ( Products produced without use of organic production methods Animal or plant products harvested from their natural environment Animals produced in captivity (applies to game and fish), plants produced by 64 cultivation PD04A Battery production PD05A Free range production PD08A Industrial production PD06A Traditional production Z0214 Genetically modified PD12A Integrated Pest Management Z0215 Production method unknown Z0216 Other production method Production of animals in cages (applies to poultry) Animals have continuous daytime access to open air enclosures covered with vegetation Production of animals in confinement with high stocking density Production of food using traditional / artesanal methods Production using a species with a genetic modifcation A production method that uses effective and environmentally sensitive approach to pest management that relies on a combination of common-sense practices. Considers life cycles of pests and their interaction with the environment. Requires the management of pest damage by the most economical means, and with the least possible hazard to people, property, and the environment 65 3.6. Sampling strategy (SAMPSTR catalogue) “The ‘sampling strategy’ can be defined as the approach used to select the units of the target population4 subject to controls: businesses, animals, foodstuffs, etc. It is worth noting that the comparability and interpretation of the results relies on the sampling strategy but as well. on other parameters like the analysis methods, analysis matrices, preparation of samples, methods of calculation of the results, etc”. (Eurostat 20084). Selective (Targeted): strategy based on the selection of a random sample from a subpopulation that is the object of the control activity. The subpopulation is determined on a risk basis or not. Suspect: Selection of an individual product or establishment in order to confirm or reject a suspicion of non-conformity. Convenient: Used in exploratory research where the researcher is interested in getting an inexpensive approximation of the truth. The sample is selected because they are convenient. Census: When the totality of a population or subpopulation is controlled Objective (Random): strategy based on the selection of a random sample7 from the population that is the object of the control activity. Code S001A S002A S003A S004A S005A S006A S007A Description Selective (Targeted) Suspect Convenient Census Objective (Random) Other Unknown ESTAT/F5/ES/104 Rev 4 – Part 1- Typology of sampling strategy version of February 2008. 4 66 3.7. Sampling method (SAMPMD catalogue) The sampling method defines the way the samples have been analysed. The data structure support mainly individual sample transmissions where each sample provides a single analytical result. Pooled samples, where multiple samples may be analysed together to provide a single result, are also allowed. Cumulative samples instead should not be reported, in this case results are grouped together after they have been analysed and statistics such as the mean, the mediam or a range of values are provided. For pesticide residues the value “N009A” should be used to indicate the method is as described in Directive 2002/63/EC. Code N001A N002A N003A N004A N005A N006A N007A N008A N009A N010A Description Individual/single Pooled/batch Animal Flock Holding Herd Slaughter batch Unknown According to Dir. 2002/63/EC According to 97/747/EC For foodstuffs and feedingstuffs the terms “single” and “batch” must be used. For animals the sampling unit is “animal”, “flock”, “holding”, “herd” and “slaughter batch”. 3.8. Sampling point (SMPNT catalogue) The table below contains the list of sampling point where the sample has been taken. Code E100A E101A E110A E120A E121A E130A E131A E132A Description Primary production Farm Growing crops Rearing of animals Breeding Support activities to agriculture Support activities for crop production Artificial Insemination station 67 E150A E151A E152A E160A E170A E180A E112A E300A E301A E310A E311A E312A E313A E314A E315A E319A E320A E321A E329A E350A E351A E352A E353A E354A E400A E500A E510A E520A E530A E600A E610A E700A E710A E800A E810A E820A E830A E840A E900A E910A E920A E930A E950A E950A E940A E010A E011A E012A E210A E220A Fishery activities Fishing and fish processing Aquaculture Hatchery Game handling estabilishment Hunting Bee hives Manufacturing Processing plant Meat processing Slaughterhouse Cutting plant Meat mincing Meat preparing Mechanical separation of meat Other meat processing activities Fish processing Fish freezing Fish processing activities, other than freezing Manufacture of prepared animal feeds Manufacture of compound feedingstuffs Manufacture of feed additives and pre-mixtures Manufacture of prepared petfoods Feed mill Water collection, treatment and supply Distribution, wholesale and retail sale Wholesale Retail sale Import activities Packing centre Re-wrapping Storage Cold storage Transport Road transport Rail transport Water transport Air transport Catering Restaurant, Cafe, Pub, Bar, Hotel Mobile retailer, market/street vendor Take-away or fast-food outlet Canteen or workplace catering Temporary mass catering (fairs, festivals) Camp, picnic Border Inspection Post Veterinary facility Zoo Hospital or medical care facility Residential institution (nursing home, prison, boarding school) 68 E240A E230A E099A E098A School, kindergarten Household Other Unknown 3.9. Sample part (SMPRT catalogue) The table below contains the list of parts of the sample, which has been analysed. The list of parts of the sample has been taken from LANGUAL Code Description C0001 C0005 C0100 C0101 C0102 C0103 C0105 C0106 C0108 C0109 C0110 C0111 C0112 C0113 C0114 C0116 C0117 C0119 C0120 C0122 C0123 C0124 C0125 C0127 C0128 C0129 C0132 C0133 C0134 C0135 C0136 C0137 C0138 C0139 C0140 PART OF PLANT OR ANIMAL NOT KNOWN PART OF PLANT OR ANIMAL NOT APPLICABLE ROOT, TUBER OR BULB, WITH PART OF TOP STEM OR STALK (WITHOUT LEAVES) GERMINATED OR SPROUTED SEED MEAT PART WHOLE ANIMAL, WITH SKIN, FEATHERS OR SCALES, EVISCERATED ORGAN MEAT, DIGESTIVE SYSTEM SUGAR THYMUS OR PANCREAS PEEL, CORE OR SEED SKIN OR BRAN (PERICARP) POD WITH SEEDS REMOVED MILK OR MILK COMPONENT SEED, SKIN UNDETERMINED, GERM REMOVED C. PART OF PLANT OR ANIMAL POD AND FULL-SIZE SEED, MIXTURE SEED, SKIN PRESENT, GERM REMOVED WHOLE ANIMAL, SKINNED, DEFEATHERED OR SCALED, EVISCERATED NONMEAT PART OF ANIMAL CREAM OR CREAM COMPONENT GIZZARD SKELETAL MEAT PART, WITHOUT BONE OR SHELL ANIMAL BODY OR BODY PART WHOLE EGG IN SHELL ORGAN MEAT, CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM SEED, SKIN REMOVED, GERM PRESENT SEED, SKIN PRESENT, GERM PRESENT SEED, SKIN REMOVED SEED, SKIN PRESENT SEED, SKIN UNDETERMINED, GERM PRESENT FRUIT, PEEL PRESENT FRUIT, PEEL REMOVED FRUIT, PEEL PRESENT, CORE, PIT OR SEED REMOVED FRUIT, PEEL PRESENT, CORE, PIT OR SEED PRESENT 69 C0142 C0144 C0145 C0147 C0148 C0149 C0150 C0151 C0152 C0153 C0154 C0155 C0156 C0157 C0158 C0159 C0160 C0161 C0162 C0163 C0164 C0165 C0167 C0168 C0169 C0170 C0171 C0173 C0174 C0175 C0176 C0177 C0178 C0179 C0179 C0180 C0181 C0182 C0183 C0185 C0186 C0187 C0188 C0189 C0190 C0191 C0192 C0193 C0194 C0195 GERM AND BRAN PLANT ABOVE SURFACE, EXCLUDING FRUIT AND SEED ORGAN MEAT, UROGENITAL SYSTEM WHOLE ANIMAL, SKINNED, DEFEATHERED OR SCALED, NOT EVISCERATED ROOT, STEM, LEAF OR FLOWER BONE MARROW WHOLE PLANT OR MOST PARTS USED HEAD (PLANT) CARBOHYDRATE POLYSACCHARIDE LIGHT WHIPPING CREAM SEED BROWN SUGAR WHITE SUGAR POD OR SEED MULTICOMPONENT EXTRACT, CONCENTRATE OR ISOLATE LIGHT CREAM HEAVY CREAM HEART (PLANT) FRUIT, PEEL UNDETERMINED, CORE, PIT OR SEED PRESENT PART OF ANIMAL FRUIT OR SEED FRUIT BONE OR SHELL POD CONTAINING SMALL, IMMATURE SEED BROTH OR STOCK INVERT SUGAR WHOLE ANIMAL OR MOST PARTS USED PART OF PLANT SKELETAL MEAT PART LIVER GLUTEN SEED PART, OTHER BUTTER BUTTER CASEIN HUSK GERM SPROUT BLOOD SPEAR OR SHOOT LUNG HONEY TONGUE FAT OR OIL SPLEEN TRIPE SKIN, ANIMAL EGG CREAM 70 C0196 C0198 C0199 C0200 C0201 C0202 C0203 C0204 C0206 C0207 C0208 C0209 C0210 C0211 C0212 C0213 C0214 C0215 C0216 C0218 C0219 C0220 C0221 C0222 C0223 C0224 C0225 C0226 C0227 C0228 C0229 C0230 C0234 C0235 C0236 C0237 C0238 C0239 C0240 C0241 C0242 C0243 C0244 C0245 C0246 C0247 C0249 C0253 C0254 C0255 KIDNEY PECTIN BRAIN LEAF HEART (ANIMAL) OVARY, ROE STARCH PANCREAS MALTOSE MOLASSES SEED, SKIN REMOVED, GERM REMOVED (ENDOSPERM) LACTOSE SUCROSE STOMACH INTESTINE FRUIT, PEEL UNDETERMINED, CORE, PIT OR SEED REMOVED NUT MILK EGG YOLK BUTTERMILK ORGAN MEAT GELATIN CELLULOSE FEATHER DEXTROSE FRUCTOSE RUMINANT STOMACH WHOLE EGG WITHOUT SHELL OLIGOSACCHARIDE SEED IN SHELL OR HULL EXTRACT, CONCENTRATE OR ISOLATE OF PLANT OR ANIMAL FRUIT, PEEL REMOVED, CORE, PIT OR SEED REMOVED FRUIT, PEEL REMOVED, CORE, PIT OR SEED PRESENT TESTIS, MILT OR SOFT ROE MILK PROTEIN EXTRACT, CONCENTRATE OR ISOLATE FLORET OR FLOWER ROOT, TUBER OR BULB ROOT, TUBER OR BULB, WITH PEEL ROOT, TUBER OR BULB, WITHOUT PEEL EGG WHITE, ALBUMEN SEED ON COB, WITH OR WITHOUT HUSK SKELETAL MEAT PART, WITH BONE OR SHELL WHEY CURD INK, AQUATIC ANIMAL PART OF ALGAE OR FUNGUS SHELL (SEED) FAT, TRIM GALACTOSE ORGAN MEAT, OTHER SYSTEMS 71 C0256 C0258 C0260 C0261 C0262 C0264 C0265 C0266 C0267 C0268 C0269 C0270 C0271 C0272 C0273 C0274 C0275 C0276 C0277 C0278 C0279 C0280 C0281 C0282 C0283 C0284 C0285 C0286 C0287 C0288 C0289 C0290 C0291 C0292 C0293 C0294 C0295 C0296 C0297 C0298 C0299 C0300 C0301 C0302 C0303 C0304 C0305 C0306 C0307 EYE CAP, BUTTON ESSENTIAL OIL, OLEORESIN OR OTHER FLAVORING SUBSTANCE ROOT, TUBER OR BULB, PEEL ONLY POD CONTAINING FULL-SIZE SEEDS BARK SKELETAL MEAT PART, WITH BONE, WITH SKIN SKELETAL MEAT PART, WITH BONE, WITHOUT SKIN SKELETAL MEAT PART, WITHOUT BONE, WITH SKIN SKELETAL MEAT PART, WITHOUT BONE, WITHOUT SKIN SKELETAL MEAT PART, WITHOUT BONE AND SKIN, WITH SEPARABLE FAT SKELETAL MEAT PART, WITHOUT BONE AND SKIN, WITHOUT SEPARABLE FAT SUGAR SYRUP OR SYRUP SOLIDS HIGH FRUCTOSE SYRUP THYMUS WHOLE EGG WHOLE ANIMAL, WITH SKIN, FEATHERS OR SCALES, NOT EVISCERATED CALYX STIGMA EGG SHELL POLLEN CARBOHYDRATE OR RELATED COMPOUND SORBITOL MALTODEXTRIN FIN AIR BLADDER SKELETAL MEAT PART, WITH BONE, WITHOUT SKIN, WITH SEPARABLE FAT SKELETAL MEAT PART, WITH BONE, WITHOUT SKIN, WITHOUT SEPARABLE FAT ARIL BRAN BUD BULB CORM COTYLEDON FRUIT, CORE ONLY FRUIT, PEEL ONLY FRUIT, SEED ONLY FRUITING BODY GERM OIL GUM HYPOCOTYL JUICE LIVER OIL PEEL OIL PETAL PETIOLE RHIZOME ROOT SEED OIL 72 C0308 C0309 C0310 TUBER WOOD STAMEN 73 3.10. Source type (SRCTYP catalogue) The table below contains the list of source type allowed for transmission. The source type describes the type of monitoring program for which the sample has been collected and analysed. The list of source type is based on a list developed by BVL (Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety - Germany) in the context of the DATEX-2008-02 Art. 36 grant, extended to support Zoonoses reporting requirements. For pesticides monitoring use either K005A, K009A or K018A to indicate whether samples form part of the EU residue control programme, the National residue control programme or both. Code K002A Description National control or eradication programme (no Community co-financing) – official sampling National control or eradication programme (no Community co-financing) – sampling by industry K003A National monitoring programme K004A National surveillance programme K005A National residue control programme K006A EU co-financed control or eradication programme - official sampling K007A EU co-financed control or eradication programme - sampling by industry K008A EU coordinated food monitoring programme K009A EU residue control programme K010A Diet study K011A Industry surveillance programme K012A Industry monitoring programme K013A Survey K014A Other/ Combination of several data sources K015A National monitoring survey K016A National surveillance survey K017A Clinical investigations K018A National and EU residue control programme K001A 3.11. Sample preparation method (SAMPRP catalogue) The table below contains a list of sample preparation methods. 74 The list of sample preparation methods has been developed by BVL (Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety - Germany) in the contest of the DATEX-2008-02 Art. 36 grant. Code L001A L002A L003A L004A L005A L006A L007A L008A Description Acid digestion Acid digestion and heating up Dry ashing Pressure digestion Microwave digestion In-house method Unknown Other 3.12. Analytical method (ANLYMD catalogue) The table below contains a list of analytical methods. Code Description Acronym F001A Atomic Absorption Spectrometry AAS F002A Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry FAAS F003A Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry GRAAF F006A Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy ICPOES F005A Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscopy ICPMS F098A Unknown UNKNOWN F009A Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscope ICPAES F010A Hydride generation - Atomic Absorption Spectrometry High Performance Liquid Chromatography Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscopy HG-AAS Other Hydride generation (Cold trapping or cryogenic trapping) Gas Chromatography Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Hydride generation (Cold trapping or cryogenic trapping) Gas Chromatography Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry OTHER F011A F099A F012A F013A HPLC-ICPMS HG-(CT)GC-AAS HG-(CT)GC-AFS 75 F014A High Performance Liquid Chromatography Decomposition Hydride Generation Atomic Absorption Spectrometry HPLCDecompositionHG-AAS HPLCDecompositionHG-AFS HPLC-HGICPMS F018A High Performance Liquid Chromatography Decomposition Hydride Generation Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry High Performance Liquid Chromatography Hydride Generation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscopy High Performance Liquid Chromatography Electrospray (ionisation) Mass Spectroscopy F019A Capillary Electrophoresis Mass Spectrometry CE-MS F020A AFS F022A Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry High Performance Liquid Chromatography Hydride Generation Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry High Performance Liquid Chromatography Electrospray (ionisation) Atomic Absorption Spectrometry F023A Gas chromatography ion trap detection GC-ITD F024A Liquid Chromography Tandem Mass Spectrometry LC-MS/MS F016A Gas chromatography electron capture detector GC-ECD F025A Gas chromatography Mass Spectrometry GC-MS F026A Gas chromatography pulsed flame photometric detector GD-PFPD F027A Liquid chromatography diode array detection LC-DAD F028A Gas chromatography High Resolution Mass Spectrometry High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Fluorescent Detection GC-HRMS Gas chromatography flame ionization detector Gas chromatography with nitrogen/phosphorus sensitive detection GC-FID High Performance Liquid Chromatography with UV Detection High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Electrochemical detection HPLC-UV F015A F017A F021A F029A F030A F031A F032A F033A HPLC-ESMS HPLC-HG-AFS HPLC-HG-AAS HPLC-FL GC-PND HPLC-ED 76 3.13. Method accreditation status (MDSTAT catalogue) The table below contains a list of accreditation possibilities for the method used for the analysis. Code Description A Accredited V Validated internally N None – Mainly methods under development U Unknown 77 3.14. Unit of measurement (UNIT catalogue) The table below contains a list of measure units available for reporting chemical analytical results. The list of measure units has been developed by BVL (Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety - Germany) in the contest of the DATEX-2008-02 Art. 36 grant. For pesticides monitoring use the code G061A as result should be reported as mg/kg. The units from G021A to G029A are inserted to this list only for compatibility reasons with future data collection and should not be used in the chemical occurrence and pesticide residue data model. Code Description Symbol G001A Becquerel (derived)/kilogram Bq/kg G002A Becquerel (derived)/litre Bq/L G003A Becquerel (derived)/day and person Bq/day and person G004A Dimensionless dimensionless G005A Unit G006A Formazine attenuation units FAU G007A Formazine nepphelometric units FNU G008A Degree ° G009A Degree brix °Brix G010A German hardness °dH G011A Plato scale G012A Degree saccharose G013A Gram/100 gram g/100 g G014A Gram/100 millilitre g/100 mL G015A Gram/kilogram g/kg G016A Gram/litre g/L G017A Gram/millilitre g/mL G018A Gram/pack g/pack G019A Gram/sample g/sample G020A Gray Gy G021A Per 10 gram per 10 g G022A Per 100 gram per 100 g G023A Per 100 millilitre per 100 mL G024A Per 20 millilitre per 20 mL G025A Per 25 gram per 25 g G026A Per 250 millilitre per 250 mL G027A Per 50 millilitre per 50 mL G028A Per 1 gram per 1 g G029A Per kilogram per kg 78 G030A Per portion G031A Per sample G032A Per square centimetre per cm² G033A Kilogram/25 gram kg/25 g G034A Kilogram/sample kg/sample G035A Kilojoule/100 gram kJ/100 g G036A Colony forming unit/ CFU G037A Colony forming unit/100 millilitre CFU/100 mL G038A Colony forming unit/25 gram CFU/25g G039A Colony forming unit/25 millilitre CFU/25 mL G040A Colony forming unit/250 millilitre CFU/250 mL G041A Colony forming unit/50 millilitre CFU/50 mL G042A Colony forming unit/gram CFU/g G043A Colony forming unit/millilitre CFU/mL G044A Colony forming unit/square centimetre CFU/cm² G045A Microgram/0,01 gram µg/0,01 g G046A Microgram/100 gram µg/100 g G047A Microgram/100 millilitre µg/100 mL G048A Microgram/25 gram µg/25 g G049A Microgram/gram µg/g G050A Microgram/kilogram µg/kg G051A Microgram/litre µg/L G052A Microgram/millilitre µg/mL G053A Microgram/square decimetre µg/dm² G054A Microgram/square centimetre/week µg/cm²/Woche G055A Microgram/piece µg/piece G056A Microsiemens/centimetre µS/cm G057A Milligram/100 gram mg/100 g G058A Milligram/100 Millilitre mg/100 mL G059A Milligram/container mg/container G060A Milligram/gram mg/g G061A Milligram/kilogram mg/kg G062A Milligram/litre mg/L G063A Milligram/Milligram mg/mg G064A Milligram/square decimetre mg/dm² G065A Milligram/piece mg/piece G066A Milligram-equivalent/kilogram mval/kg G067A Millilitre/10 gram mL/10 g G068A Millilitre/100 gram mL/100 g G069A Millilitre/100 millilitre mL/100 mL G070A Millimole/kilogram mmol/kg G071A Millimole/litre mmol/L G072A Millisiemens/metre mS/m 79 G073A Millisiemens/centimetre mS/cm G074A Minute min G075A Most probable number/gram MPN/g G076A Nanogram/gram ng/g G077A Nanogram/kilogram ng/kg G078A Nanogram/litre ng/L G079A Nanogram/millilitre ng/mL G080A Picogram/gram pg/g G081A Picogram/kilogram pg/kg G082A Plaque forming units PFU G083A Per mille ‰ G084A Percent/100 gram %/100 g G085A Percent/25 gram %/25 g G086A Percent/inertia %/mas G087A Percent/sample %/sample G088A Percent/volume %/vol G089A Square millimetre mm² G090A Square centimetre G091A Qualitative detection/0,1 gram G092A Qualitative detection/10 gram G093A Qualitative detection/100 gram G094A Qualitative detection/25 gram cm² Qualitative detection/0,1 g Qualitative detection/10 g Qualitative detection/100 g Qualitative detection/ 25 g G095A Qualitative detection/gram G096A Qualitative detection/100 sample Qualitative detection/g Qualitative detection/Probe G097A Second s G098A Piece/quantity/kilogram Piece/quantityl/kg G099A Hour h G100A Tonne t G101A Coulomb C G102A Fill G103A Container G104A Hectolitre hL G105A International unit IU G106A Kilojoule kJ G107A Kilocalorie kcal G108A Cubic metre m³ G109A Meal G110A Inertia G111A Metre m G112A Microlitre µL 80 G113A Microsiemens µS G114A Gram-equivalent gEq G115A Millimole mmol G116A Millinewton mN G117A Milliosmole mOsmol G118A Millisiemens mS G119A Mole mol G120A Nanogram ng G121A Nanolitre nL G122A Newton N G123A Pack G124A Pascal Pa G125A Picogram pg G126A Picolitre pL G127A Portion G128A Point G129A Square decimetre dm² G130A Square metre m² G131A Square centimetre/week cm²/week G132A Siemens S G133A Piece G134A Day G135A Day and person G136A Volume Vol G137A Centilitre cL D 81 3.15. Expression of the results (EXRES catalogue) The table below reports the possible values for the expression of the results. Code B001A B002A B003A Description Whole weight Dry weight Fat weight 3.16. Qualitative result value (POSNEG catalogue) The table below reports the possible values for qualitative results Code POS NEG Description Positive Negative 3.17. Result Type (VALTYP catalogue) The following list allows to specify value below the limit of detection, values below the limit of quantification, numerical values and quantitative results. Code Description LOD Non Detected Value (<LOD) LOQ Non Quantified Value (<LOQ) VAL QUA Numerical Value Qualitative Value 82 3.18. Result evaluation (RESEVAL catalogue) The list below allows the laboratory to provide an evaluation of the measured result for an analyte. This is derived from the list provided by BVL. For residue monitoring the code J002 should be used to indicate compliant results and J003 used to indicate a result which exceeds the MRL. Code J001A J002A J003A J029A J030A J031A J032A Description Not approved/ forbidden substance ≤ maximum permissible quantities (Compliant result) > maximum permissible quantities (Non compliant result) Result not evaluated False positive Compliant due to measurement uncertainty Invalid result – failure of internal quality control standards 83 3.19. Action taken (ACTION catalogue) List of possible actions taken as a consequence of an exceedence of the maximum residue limit (MRL). Warning: official warning issued to the holders of the products inspected or sampled Administrative consequences: legal or administrative consequences e.g. prosecution, the levying of penalties or fines Rapid Alert Notfication: a rapid alert has been notified to the RASFF system Code W A R O N WA WR AR RO WO AO WAR WAO ARO WRO WARO Description Warnings Administrative consequences Rapid Alert Notification Other No action Warnings and Administrative consequences Warnings and Rapid Alert Notification Administrative consequences and Rapid Alert Notification Rapid Alert Notification and Other Warnings and Other Administrative consequences and Other Warnings, Administrative consequences and Rapid Alert Notification Warnings, Administrative consequences and Other Administrative consequences, Rapid Alert Notification and Other Warnings, Rapid Alert Notification and Other Warnings, Administrative consequences, Rapid Alert Notification and Other 3.20. Classification systems (CLSYS catalogue) List of classification systems used in the standard data model. Code Type D001A Description FOODEX- Food classification system for exposure assessment D005A Regulation 178/2006 Annex A Matrix D007A Zoonoses Matrix D051A Aromatic hydrocarbons Parameter D052A Chemical elements Parameter Matrix 84 D053A Contaminants Parameter D054A Mycotoxins Parameter D055A Organic enviromental contaminants Parameter D056A Pesticide residues Parameter D057A Residue definition Parameter D058A Polymers Parameter D059A Veterinary medicinal products Parameter D060A D099A Zoonotic agents Custom Parameter Parameter 3.21. YesNo Catalogue (YESNO catalogue) The following catalogue provides codes for yes (Y), no (N) and unknown (U) values. Code Y N U Description Yes No Unknown 85 3.22. Parameter catalogue (PARAMCLS) The table below includes the parameters (substances or biological organism) from the following terminology: Aromatic hydrocarbons Chemical elements Contaminants Mycotoxins Organic environmental contaminants Pesticide residues Residue definition Polymers Veterinary medicinal products Zoonotic agents The standard terminology is reported in appendix 1. 86 3.23. Matrix catalogue The matrix catalogue includes a list of codes from the following catalogues: FOODEX: Food Classification system for exposure assessment Regulation No 178/2006 Appendix I for pesticide residues Level 1 and Level 2 of the data collection on zoonotic agents Some of the classifications reported above are complex multilevel classification which had to be summarised only to two levels to fit the proposed standard. For this reason it is important to notice that the following simplifications have been applied: The list of matrices for the Zoonoses data collection is available in four levels which add incrementaly details to the base level (Level 1). For simplification only two initial two levels have been used. The product class list contains the first level of the Zoonoses matrices while the product contains the first level concatenated to the second level. Codes, which are not available in the original dictionary, have been added to support structured reported. The codes of the standard terminologies have been modified adding a prefix to distinguish the different terminologies. Suffixes (e.g. ‘X’, ‘A’ or ‘.’) have been also included to avoid the auto increment function for Microsoft Excel users, which can lead to mistakes in the pre-processing of the files. This standard terminology is reported in appendix 2. 87